![The Weather window showing the current temperature and conditions, the high and low temperatures for the day, the hourly forecast, several days of the 10-day forecast, and a precipitation map.](https://help.apple.com/assets/671BDE97015B3AFAC603792B/671BDE9A015B3AFAC6037931/en_US/0e31dfa5f7dc669a1a9dec3481bff757.png)
Keep track of weather conditions
You can see hourly and 10-day forecasts, or view current conditions—including air quality, wind speed, UV index, and more.
![A detailed wind map centered on Cupertino, California.](https://help.apple.com/assets/671BDE97015B3AFAC603792B/671BDE9A015B3AFAC6037931/en_US/5f1bc177b021de6814fd8bedcd9ceb0f.png)
Explore the interactive map
Learn about precipitation, wind, air quality, and temperature conditions around you through interactive weather maps.
![A notification showing an alert from the National Weather service about a severe thunderstorm.](https://help.apple.com/assets/671BDE97015B3AFAC603792B/671BDE9A015B3AFAC6037931/en_US/cd4069b856377cfed885b539be52a108.png)
Get notified, stay safe
Get notified when precipitation is on its way, and receive alerts about severe weather.
To explore the Weather User Guide, click Table of Contents at the top of the page, or enter a word or phrase in the search field.