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One of the greatest games I've ever played. Thanks, it broke my heart :)

i totally regret buying this game on steam and not on itch instead

this is literally on my top inspirations for my final paper game project 

I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vibe reminds me of the Mother, Undertale, Omori feel but its far more chill and doesn't have any dry moments. I loved learning all the landmarks of the city and getting that sense of familiarity. The dungeon scenes were so eerie I loved it! HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend giving this game a shot. 

D: doesn't work with the newest version of mac

I adore this game. The art is beautiful and the music is wonderful and my GENDER is SUSAN SARANDON. This game was ahead of its time in 2016 and it's still ahead of its time in 2023. I hope y'all see this and feel proud of the art you've created <3

Played this on the mac. Really cute game. Would have totally fallen in love with it if it wasn't so glitchy. I was never able to finish the game because of glitches. It can be a little bit motion sickness inducing but fine if you don't play for many hours at a time. Soundtrack is amazing.

(1 edit) (+1)

Why is the manual not included in the game download? Or at least hosted here, rather than on a third party site that could vanish at any time.

Might also want to warn for forced First Person Perspective, unless there's an undisclosed key to fix this? I have issues with motion sickness, which is why i chose to try this game out from its third-person screenshots.


why no linux version?


i bought this as part of a bundle a couple years ago, but i downloaded the mac file just now and its not working. it says it needs to be updated to work


The Mac version works on 32-bit capable OSes only, so anything newer than 10.14 won't run it. If you clicked the button in the dialog that Apple gives when that happens it would have told you this.

Can we have I Linux Port of this game?

A very interesting game. I made a sort of review here (in italian).

I also have a question: I'd like to continue the game after it ends. But if I try to click on "continue" in the main screen, I revert to a previous save, before the end. Is there a way to continue the game after the "end" of the story?

Hi, I absolutely love this game to bits. I'm wondering if you would consider a 64 bit version so I can continue replaying/playing the game?? love love love this game!!!!!! 


Hi, I'm in the same boat. I went hunting and found this helpful information on steam (I thing I will try making a separate volume that I can switch over to!):

There are several options that will allow you to keep playing your 32-bit Mac apps. The good news is we have Steam Play, which means that when you purchased your game on Steam you get a copy of this game on each OS that game supports. You will still be able to play these games on macOS 10.14 Mojave and earlier, Windows and in many cases Linux as well.

Options to keep 32-bit Mac games playable on a Mac computer:

  • Consider not upgrading to macOS 10.15 or above. By staying on macOS 10.14 Mojave or older you will ensure that your 32-bit apps are still playable on your Mac computer.
  • After upgrading to macOS 10.15 Catalina, consider installing macOS 10.14 Mojave on a separate APFS volume on your computer along with Steam. This will allow you to flip over to macOS 10.14 on restart of your computer where you can continue to play all of your 32-bit Mac games. More information here.
  • Use Boot Camp on Mac to launch your games in Windows on your Mac computer. More information about Boot Camp can be found here.

The festival music is ridiculously catchy, this is a great game!


Please tell me there's plans to make a 64 bit version, I desperately want to play this on my Mac!

Hi, i'm pasting here the same reply that I put to the comment above. I hope it helps:) (I love this game so much!!)

Hii, I'm in the same boat. I went hunting and found this helpful information on steam (I thing I will try making a separate volume that I can switch over to!):

There are several options that will allow you to keep playing your 32-bit Mac apps. The good news is we have Steam Play, which means that when you purchased your game on Steam you get a copy of this game on each OS that game supports. You will still be able to play these games on macOS 10.14 Mojave and earlier, Windows and in many cases Linux as well.

Options to keep 32-bit Mac games playable on a Mac computer:

  • Consider not upgrading to macOS 10.15 or above. By staying on macOS 10.14 Mojave or older you will ensure that your 32-bit apps are still playable on your Mac computer.
  • After upgrading to macOS 10.15 Catalina, consider installing macOS 10.14 Mojave on a separate APFS volume on your computer along with Steam. This will allow you to flip over to macOS 10.14 on restart of your computer where you can continue to play all of your 32-bit Mac games. More information here.
  • Use Boot Camp on Mac to launch your games in Windows on your Mac computer. More information about Boot Camp can be found here.

One of the few gaming experiences that I think back to from time to time and thats probably because everytime I play it I feel like shit. I really beefed things up in my save and often find myself going to sleep hungry but I guess that's just life. The ingame diary is really more comforting than I care to admit.


absolutely adore this game, but I can't play it at the moment since it doesn't run on m1 macs, was wondering if anyone would have a fix for that?


The devs will have to create a 64bit version, I suspect. I came here to ask the same thing :( 

I couldn't play the game for very long due to sound issues.
I couldn't turn the music all the way off and it would only play on one side of my headphones instead of both resulting in me getting nauseus.


This is one of my absolute favorite games of all time. I've played through twice in a row and it's just given me something special in terms of creative experiences.

The portrayals of religion and gender and social conduct are fascinating. The subtle worldbuilding is fantastic. The oppressive economy is immersive. The passive puzzle-solving necessary to survive on a daily basis is fresh. The visual style is so warm and vivid and fun. And I still get the festival music stuck in my head.

>My excited Steam review from earlier this year<


this. I think this is my favorite game of all time.

Thank you, i love this thing so much

I'm really liking this game, but I've gotten stuck and I can't tell if it's because of a bug or if I'm just being stupid. I can't find the third tablet piece in the sewerdungeon; I've figured out that I need to go into the green sewer water, but no matter where I look I just can't see the piece anywhere. I feel like it should be more obvious/shouldn’t be super hidden, especially because the perspective change throws you off enough already. Am I missing something or is this a bug?


Hi! I was curious if there is a plan to update the game to run on new version of Mac?


this game is awesome! ive played it on my windows computer and recently downloaded it on my mac so that i could play it there. its saying that the game "needs to be updated" to run on my mac however- if you have any ideas of how i could fix this to play again id appreciate help!


I bought this in a bundle but never received a steam key for it. The only thing I have access to downloading is the patch and the bonus content?

The patch seems to be a reference to a patched full version. If you download it it'll play. Just tried it myself. 

Thanks for the tip!!

sweet game to play in short bursts so your brain doesn't fry from overexposure or repetition. music owns too. appreciate the shoutout from Ali Yaga


hey is this game ever gonna be updated? it's really neat 

amazing game


This game is so charming and easy to spend vast amounts of time playing. Three quality of gameplay updates I would love to see:
1. Allow for us to see the name of an item in the inventory without having to 'open' it.

2. Have a quick key that turns on a similar arrow to the quest guidance to go home. 

3. A map of some sort. 


In my opinion these would defeat the purpose of the intentionally annoying UI


Worth noting that this isn't Mac-Compatible past 10.14, because it's a 32-bit executable. Can't launch on Catalina or above.


PLEASE READ IF YOUR ARE BUYING THE GAME (game breaking if you don't know before hand)

I LOVED this game so so much. But my save file got corrupted because i didn't pick up the tablet you get from collecting the religious fetishes because I didnt see it. The next day it disappeared from my game. I highly recommend the game, but if you do buy it make sure you have that tablet piece before you sleep so you don't have to completely start over hours of gameplay.


Absolutely unique experience. Not always fun, but plays really well with a podcast in the background.


Is there a way I can purchase the bonus content separately?  I had gotten this game in the bundle but I'd still like to pay for the bonus stuff like the wallpapers and such.  


this is the game that most excited me in the bundle! however, i was very disappointed to find that it hasn't been updated in 4 years, rendering it completely incompatible with catalina, and the developers haven't responded to a single comment since the game's publishing, both here and on steam. like, even users who paid full price for this outside of the bundle. might as well remove the mac download link and the mac symbol from the bundle page if it doesn't work and you don't intend to fix it.


I really love this game, and I've been playing it for days, but I've experienced a major glitch twice that's driving me nuts. I'll get a piece of tablet, hold onto it for a few days, deposit it in my home, and then it disappears from my home inventory. The characters I collect the pieces from still act like they've been collected (although the blue arrows that appear when I'm near them still appear), so I can't simply redo a task. I reset my game once already, and now it has happened a second time just after I finished the third task. This is a great game I've had so much fun playing, but I'm not sure if I want to redo everything for a third time. 


Been playing this for the past two days and I'm in love with it. Definitely part of my top 5 favorite games I've ever played, it feels so unique and oddly immersive. Also the music is great.


2nd game I tried from the bundle for racial justice and equality,

It scratches this specific spot for me where I just wanna wander in a town with a day and night cycle with quests i dont have to complete asap.

Kinda bugged me that some designs like the sound and visuals doesn't give a clear feedback to the player when interacted.

It's rough and charming, I'm pretty lost but I suppose that's a part of it. I'll try playing it with the guide this time.


Please update it for the latest macbook!


seconded! I'm keen to play this game but I am unable to for the same reason

(1 edit) (+1)

This is honestly really cool. I surely will get back to playing soon

EDIT: and now that i found the map in the manual, I will definitely go back! 

A game hasn't touched me like this for a very long time

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