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This is such a good orpheus and eurydice take???? I've written quite a few orpheus and eurydice based poems (but I'd feel bad about advertising lol) and this VERY much captured a lot of the feelings I've never quite been able to convey. good job, i applaud you through my tears (my cat also applauds you)

I teared up twice: Once while playing and again while editing the video. Loved it ~ ♥

Omg....this game had me in TEARS! The part when its a loop it got me SO WORRIED!! I looked back and my cat...trusted me....! This game grew my love for all my three cats more then ANYTHING!!! Thank you so much for this I truely loved it with all my heart~!

such a sad game. I liked it. 

Wow, that game was really hard to play (in a good way!) Great work!

This was such a beautiful game that it makes me scared to get a pet lolz 100/10

It's so simple but 100 000% speaks to everyone who has had a beloved pet. My Abyssinian cross crossed the rainbow bridge 3 years ago from some unknown illness. I'm still not over having to have said goodbye... 

This hit hard.

Oh, this absolutely destroyed me. I knew it would, but I had to try it. I absolutely loved this - tears and all.

The way you've written not only grief, but the genuine love between all of us and our pets is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing this.

Finally worked up the nerve to play this and gosh this hits so hard. I haven't had pets of my own for years and this still hits so hard, for anyone who's ever experienced that pain, that grief...

I have to give special mention to the point in the steps where the ending changes, that hit me even harder in hindsight... Like, as you say, there's only one way it ends.

It's just up to us to decide when it's time.

Sending all the love!

Thank you so much for playing and commenting! I really appreciate it, and yeah, there's unfortunately only one way it'll really end.... TwT

Sending much love, and hugs if you need them!


Really cute game! I have a cat and this game almost made me cry, i loved every little step. The game is simple but really well made, keep up the amazing work!


Thank you for playing and commenting, I really appreciate it! <3 (and say hi for your cat for me! ^^)


Going in blind! Coming back later to report on how messed up i am later :3



but not ":(" sad

but ":(" ouchies


sorry for the ouchies! >_<

but thanks for playing and commenting!

I'm almost embarrassed at how hard I cried haha. Oh wow, I like, need some water. Wow. I knew it would make me cry and I am STILL Shocked at how gut wrenching and real this is. You captured the pain and authenticity of being responsible for your beloved pets life. Their comfort and safety and well being, above your own. The horrible mental gymnastics of "when is the time". They stay with us for enough time to change you on a molecular level, but never long enough. Never long enough. 

Amazing writing, amazing art, amazing music. thanks for sharing this. I'm assuming you've lost a pet and I'm sorry for that loss. I lost my cat a few years ago, 3 years as of last week. And while I cried a lot leading up to her passing I haven't cried much since. It felt too much. This was a fantastic moment of catharsis. Think I'll go to bed now haha. Have some tea.

(Also! idk if this was intentional but it reminded me of that tumblr poll from a little while ago, the orpheus tumblr poll, "I trust that she is there". If intentional, great reference. If not, go check it out! It's a cool medium of poetry, a tumblr poll haha)

Thank you so much for sharing and commenting, and I'm very sorry to hear about your cat too. Sending you lots of love <3

(I looked up and saw the poll!! It's definitely a really cool way to present the story too, never thought I'd see a poll used as a medium for poetry, but it was excellent! Thanks for bringing it to my attention!)

I enjoyed every ''step'' of this game

oh my gosh hahaha! That's a very good one, and I'm and I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it every step of the way xD

Amazing game. I've never really understood why some people relate to/are moved by the story of Orpheus and Eurydice to such an extraordinary and personal degree, until now.

Thank you, I'm glad to hear that you could resonate with the game. Sending lots of love <3

Great game, I really enjoyed this reinterpretation of the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice! But this ending made me very sad. I almost cried.

Sorry for the feels, but thank you so much for playing and commenting <3

It's crazy how, with such limited resources and game length, you were able to invoke strong emotions in the player. Kudos, and I'm looking forward to the other things you'll create! :)


Thanks a lot for playing and commenting! I'll keep doing my best ^^

This game is beautiful, and makes me feel incredibly sad. As someone who has owned a lot of cats throughout their childhood (I think, including my current ones, I'm up to 9 now), this hits hard. I hate that we can't bring her home, though I understand why, and I appreciate the powerful message you told. The music and bell jingles and purring really also bring this game home for me, as well as your beautiful artwork. They way you draw is so soft and cosy and loose, and fits the melancholy theme very well.

I loved this game, thanks for making me cry <3.

Thank you so much for olaying and commenting, and sorry to hear about your cats. Still, I hope thsy the time you spend with all of them were joyful and full of love <3

adorable and emotional!
i was a big fan of having a purring sound in the song, as with the rattle. combining sound effects with the music/theme of the game, ah thats so cool.

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the idea of adding the purr and bell sounds ^^


kitty!!! :3c

amazing game. i love this. bless your heart.

Thanks for playing and commenting <3


Is this based on the tale of Orpheus and Eurydice?

Yes it is! ^^


I tried the game, but i feel like 

The fact that we can't actually walk beyhond and have the cat irl is very frustrating. Not because i don't understand the message, but because i'd like to see for myself if - whatever the thing that gave me this opportunity is - would take into account the pain the cat is in, or if the cat would be fine as if they were never hurt to begin with.

I felt like my choice didn't really matter, since eitherway, i would have looked back. I'd like to have had even just a nod to this, maybe having the cat come back, and then immediately collapse. Or let the cat be okay, or hell, even have the cat suffer through the same pain she went through before. It'd be cruel, and that'd be the point of why you'd want to look back.

I also struggled to empathize with the idea of "what would she think?" because i personally see animals in a more cynical light. i tend to not anthropomorphise them as much in everyday settings. So for me, a human, (or an anthropomorphic cat) would have worked better with the whole "do they really want this?"

Like, if my cat was purring, i'd assume they'd be happy to see me. And if they were getting further, i'd assume it'd be either a test from -whatever the thing that gave me this opportunity is- or just her being a cat and having brain space for 1 thought at a time (aka, either walking, or looking around)


from a technical standpoint, i really liked the music, it's very soothing. And the SFX choice was also really good!

The visual aesthetic is pleasant, and cozy. And i think that, for people that empathized more with the choice of looking back than i did, it only adds to the feeling of helplessness. There's no sound nor visual of the protagonist. We only read their words, and through them, we think more about how the cat would feel.



Thank you so much for playing and commenting, as well as for sharing your insight! I learnt a lot from reading it, and I understand the pain points you mentioned above. 

Truly, thanks for sharing your thoughts on the game!


i have nothing amazing to say. just that its 3am and this game made me cry. 

Thanks for playing and commenting ^^


I had a female cat when I was younger and she was my closest friend. She had orange and white fur and her name was Sasha. She passed away when I was 9 years old and getting over her was the headrest thing to ever do. I am now 12 and decided to play this game because it looks cute, I chose to trust the cat and at the end when I realized I had to look back I started to sob. Watching the cat fade away and the sounds of the purs leaving made me so sad. For such a short game this is so good despite how upsetting it is having to leave the cat no matter what decision you chose. The grey/purple colors really helps set the mood for the game along with the music. No matter how short the game was it portrayed its message very well.

I'm very sorry to hear about your cat, but I hope that the days you spent with her were wonderful and full of joy. It's always difficult to lose a companion, but I hope you'll allow yourself time and space to process the grief.

Sending lots of love your way, and thank you so much for playing <3



I was choosing to trust her the whole time, but when i realized how much pain she was in being alive, I just had to look back😭

Thank you so much for playing and commenting. Sometimes we do just have to look back </3

Beautiful game. I'm always down for some feels and this certainly delivered. Thank you for making it! <3

Thank you for playing and commenting as well!! <3


This brought a tear to my eye. A flawless take on Orpheus and Eurydice, and also just a perfectly executed story about grief and acceptance.

The art is adorable, particularly the cover art (the cat is so cute)! The animation used here was subtle but very well done - it almost looked 3 dimensional in terms of the execution, and really made you feel as if you were going up the stairs. The background is beautifully rendered, with the gradual gradient and fade out at the top of the stairs. The backing track, with its slight humming in the background, was absolutely perfect for the game - reminiscent of a cat's purr. The framing of the choices is simple but also perfect - at each point you can choose to either continue on, or look back. The choice comes frequently, driving home the difficulty of the choice at every step.


I can't gush enough about how perfect the usage of Orpheus and Eurydice is here. Here, you take the role of Orpheus, while Eurydice is your cat, who is terminally ill. Orpheus' "journey out of the underworld" is used as a metaphor for the MC prolonging their cat's life. His refusal to look back is his refusal to accept their death and let them go. As Orpheus ascends the stairs, the cat's purring becomes more and more sparse, until they stop altogether - showing how, even if they're not dead, the cat is in pain, and perhaps letting go would be a greater kindness than holding on. The usage of Eurydice for the cat is such a perfect metaphor, as, like Eurydice, the cat cannot talk - and so Orpheus never knows what they really want. Does the cat want Orpheus to look back or continue on? 

The choices are heartwrenching. At each point, Orpheus can look back, or continue to "trust."  "I trust that she still wants to be with me." "I trust that she still wants to be here." Without knowing what the cat wants, Orpheus has no choice but to continue on. The gradual fadeout of the BGM - as the cat slowly stops purring - is such a visceral and tragic effect. 

As you reach the top of the stairs, instead of entering light, you plunge into darkness. After that, if you refuse to look back, you enter a neverending loop of pleading and begging - as you plead and beg for more time, when there isn't any left. It's a poignant, excellent portrayal of the denial stage of grief. In the end, if you want to escape, you're forced to look back - to acknowledge your cat is dying, and to finally let them go.

If you choose to look back too soon or if you choose to go to the very end, there is regret and sadness either way. If you look back too soon, you wonder if you could have done more, and if you choose to go to the very end, you regret all of the pain that you caused your cat. There's no right answer. 

I love the detail on the settings menu, where there are multiple stairs. Orpheus is on one set of stairs, while the cat is on the other. They're going in different directions now - inescapably separated by life and death, as Orpheus continues moving forward.  

I can't say enough how perfectly executed and framed this story was. Fantastic work.


Thank you so much for playing and commenting, and thank you for sharing a breakdown of your experience, as well as interpretations of the game, I really, really appreciate it, and I find it incredibly insightful.

I hope that the experience could express the difficult choices one may have to make while taking care of anyone, humans or pets, at their end-of-life stage. There are so many choices to make, and I believe that there is no right answer, especially when the other party cannot communicate what they want. Many times, we can only guess and do what we think will be best.

Also I'm glad that you noticed that the cat and Orpheus are on different stairs. There is a moment of intersection between them, but it is now time for them to part ways.I believe this was the first time someone pointed that out, it makes me happy that you noticed ^^

Once again, thank you so much for playing and sharing your thoughts on the game. I'm incredibly thankful! ^^


This is such a touching reimagining of Orpheus and Eurydice with evocative writing and lovely art!

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! <3


We had to send my cat over the rainbow bridge only a few weeks ago (just got his ashes back two days prior to me finding this game) and. wow. Wow, the purring and the bell jingling reminds me so much of him

His name was Ollie, he had FIV so he was already not in the best condition, even for a rescue, but he adored playing and snuggling up to me. He'd cry to be let into my room every night and demanded to be spooned. Wouldn't settle down unless my hand was holding his head and my chest was against his back

It would have been his 6th birthday this August, and it was so hard to let him go after he started deteriorating, but the writing in this game gave me a form of closure that I haven't realised i needed. I felt selfish not wanting to make the decision to stop the pain for him, but it's only because I loved him. And in the end, loving him is the reason I had to let him go, huh

I'm gonna stop my rambling there, and just say how genuinely thankful I am for you making such a lovely game like this. Even though I'm sitting here right now fighting off tears, but in a good way. Thank you.


I've lost several cats in my life. our record was our last two who lived to 18. Be kind to yourself. Tears are healing. the love they had for you never fades. My sincere condolences.

Thank you. Almost forgot I wrote this and the tears immediately started coming back. Not usually an easily sensitive guy but I guess it's just one of those days today. Condolences to your cats too, I remember my old childhood furry buddy lived until he was around 19, he's still just as fresh in my mind. Cats have so much love to give and it hurts when we have to let them go

I'm very sorry to hear about both of your cats, I hope that the time you spent with them were filled with joy.

I'm sending you both lots of love, and hugs if you need them. It's never easy losing a companion, give yourself time to grieve and process if you need to, and take care of yourselves. 

Much love,

thank you, much love to you both as well 

(1 edit) (+2)

my cat passed away 4.5 months ago, i thought i was over it but this made me cry a river.


grief is often cyclical. I'm sorry for your loss. Let yourself feel and remember the good memories

thank you 🥲


you're welcome 


Thank you so much for playing and commenting, and I'm very sorry to hear about your cat. Spookysoulgeek is right, grief is often cyclical, and I hope you'll be able to take your time to grieve when you need to. 

Sending lots of love your way <3

i thank you instead! this was a lovely game 


This makes me wanna spend more time with my cat, i don't wanna look back and regret every time i ignored her TT

Please do! I hope you get to spend many happy days with your cat with no regrets! <3 (and tell them hello for me, please! ^^)

I don't even have a cat but this game makes me so freaking sad. It's adorable and the one sprite of the kitty is so cute.

I'm glad you enjoyed(?) it ^^ Thank you so much for playing and commenting!

man i knew this game would make me sad without even clicking on it just reading the name yet i still played it and im crying right now good game just sad

Thanks for giving it a spin, even while knowing what's to come <3 

Much love <3


I don't know why, but I was hoping for a good ending so much :((  

I'm sorry T_T I hope you're okay though, sending lots of love <3


my pet of almost seven years just passed from a tumor, it felt like she was talking to me again

I'm so sorry to hear about your pet, but I hope the moments you got to spend with her were full of joy <3 

Thanks a lot for playing and commenting ^^

This is so nice and lovely, but I'm so sad right now.. Thank you!

Thank you for playing and commenting! sending you much love <3

How to induce crying in 2 minutes.

Crying any% speedrun? (Thanks for playing and commenting!)

Thanks for the game! Interesting thoughts...

Thanks for playing too! ^^


this genuinely took like five minutes to play (im usually used to weeks upon weeks of gameplay) but i cried harder than i ever have from a video game before. op i am screaming your praises from the rooftops (my tumblr) this is so gorgeous i will never recover

Thank you for playing and commenting! I'm glad you enjoyed(?) it!! <3

I don't have the words to describe the despair you've inflicted upon me

sdkljklfkljjkks oh noooooooo T_T sorry for the feels and thanks for playing and commenting!

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