Ferry Hidayat
I am an Indonesian Philosophy researcher, a History of Indonesian Philosophy researcher, a Perennialist Sacred Anthropology enthusiast, a Southeast Asian Philosophy research forerunner, an ELT consultant, an Islamization of English Textbooks research forerunner, a universalist approacher of sciences, based in Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia.
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Papers by Ferry Hidayat
occasion of 10th EuroSEAS conference Berlin, 10-13 September 2019
mass media and new media, education, literature, and popular culture
but also occurs in philosophy. An abundance of Latino philosophers,
African-American philosophers, and Native American philosophers are
excluded from the American philosophy canon. To discover whether
racism happens in the field of American philosophy, the writer surveys
15 American philosophy books written between the 1940s and the
2020s by various American writers, the whites and the non-whites. The
writer carries out an ‗index-study‘: scanning philosopher names in the
index of each book, identifying and scrutinizing the names, listing and
categorizing them into race categories, counting them, comparing the
number of non-white philosophers and white philosophers mentioned in
each book, putting them in a table, and interpreting why there is a
disparity between the number of non-white and white philosophers
included in the books. The survey result shows that racism happens in
American philosophy; the writers of the 15 American philosophy books
exclude an abundance of non-white philosophers. There is a critical
need to write a new, post-national American philosophy book that does
justice to non-white philosophers in the near future so that racism
occasion of 10th EuroSEAS conference Berlin, 10-13 September 2019
mass media and new media, education, literature, and popular culture
but also occurs in philosophy. An abundance of Latino philosophers,
African-American philosophers, and Native American philosophers are
excluded from the American philosophy canon. To discover whether
racism happens in the field of American philosophy, the writer surveys
15 American philosophy books written between the 1940s and the
2020s by various American writers, the whites and the non-whites. The
writer carries out an ‗index-study‘: scanning philosopher names in the
index of each book, identifying and scrutinizing the names, listing and
categorizing them into race categories, counting them, comparing the
number of non-white philosophers and white philosophers mentioned in
each book, putting them in a table, and interpreting why there is a
disparity between the number of non-white and white philosophers
included in the books. The survey result shows that racism happens in
American philosophy; the writers of the 15 American philosophy books
exclude an abundance of non-white philosophers. There is a critical
need to write a new, post-national American philosophy book that does
justice to non-white philosophers in the near future so that racism
santri di pesantren karena memiliki banyak manfaat, seperti kemampuan
mengatasi tantangan sosial, tantangan ilmiah dan tantangan praktis secara
efektif, kemampuan menjadi pemecah masalah dan pengambil keputusan yang
mandiri, kemampuan untuk berkembang secara logis, menilai konteks,
menemukan solusi, dan kemampuan membuat penilaian melalui pemantauan diri
dan refleksi. Salah satu cara untuk menanamkan HOTS pada santri pesantren
adalah dengan memasukkan soal-soal kategori HOTS dalam ujian sumatif setiap
semester. Meski demikian, beberapa pesantren terindikasi gagal
menerapkannya. Penelitian ini ingin meneliti apakah penyertaan soal HOTS
dalam ujian berhasil dilaksanakan di Pondok Modern Tazakka ataukah tidak.
Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif fenomenologi dan metode
pengumpulan data berupa tabulasi 132 lembar tes pada 44 mata pelajaran yang
diujikan pada siswa KMI Kelas 6 dan wawancara kepada 62 guru pada 8 mata
pelajaran, ditemukan bahwa 8 mata pelajaran yang diujikan tidak mengandung
pertanyaan HOTS sama sekali (19%), 6 mata pelajaran yang diuji mengalami
penurunan jumlah soal HOTS (14%), 19 mata pelajaran yang diuji mengalami
peningkatan jumlah soal HOTS yang drastis (45%), dan 9 mata pelajaran yang
diuji memiliki jumlah pertanyaan HOTS yang konstan. Hasil penelitian ini juga
menunjukkan bahwa HOTS dapat dijamin untuk dimasukkan dalam semua soal
ujian asalkan pengawas (supervisor) semakin berperan aktif dalam memberikan
pelatihan intensif kepada guru junior dan menjamin bahwa semua soal ujian pada
setiap mata pelajaran adalah soal ujian HOTS.