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Introduction to Dart

February 22, 2014

Introduction to Dart

Introductory Tech Talk on Dart. Presented at the GDG Aachen Dart Flight School.

Based on the slides by Seth Ladd:


February 22, 2014

More Decks by mauimauer

Other Decks in Programming


  1. #flydart #gdgac Who am I? Sebastian Mauer GDG Aachen Co-Lead

    CS Student Software Engineer I don’t work for Google …yet aka
  2. #flydart #gdgac require.js Backbone Backbone Marionette jQuery Modernizr moment.js dest

    templates PhantomJS Jasmine Docs Docs Docs Docs Docs Docs Docs Docs Docs
  3. #flydart #gdgac Simple syntax, ceremony free class Hug { num

    strength; Hug(this.strength); ! Hug operator +(Hug other) { return new Hug(strength + other.strength); } Operator overriding
  4. #flydart #gdgac Simple syntax, ceremony free class Hug { num

    strength; Hug(this.strength); ! Hug operator +(Hug other) { return new Hug(strength + other.strength); } ! void patBack({int hands: 1}) { // ... } Named, optional params w/ default value
  5. #flydart #gdgac Simple syntax, ceremony free … Hug operator +(Hug

    other) { return new Hug(strength + other.strength); } ! void patBack({int hands: 1}) { // ... } ! String toString() => "Embraceometer reads $strength"; One-line Function
  6. #flydart #gdgac Simple syntax, ceremony free … Hug operator +(Hug

    other) { return new Hug(strength + other.strength); } ! void patBack({int hands: 1}) { // ... } ! String toString() => "Embraceometer reads $strength"; String interpolation
  7. #flydart #gdgac Clean semantics and behavior • Only true is

    truthy • There is no undefined, only null • No type coercion with ==, + Examples
  8. #flydart #gdgac Clean semantics and behavior "hello".missing / / ??

    Class 'String' has no instance getter 'missing'
 NoSuchMethodError : method not found: ‚missing'
 Receiver: "hello"
 Arguments: [] LOGICAL!
  9. #flydart #gdgac Clean semantics and behavior 'hello' > 1 /

    / ?? Class 'String' has no instance method '>'. LOGICAL!
  10. #flydart #gdgac Clean semantics and behavior var foo = 'top-level';

    ! main() { if (true) { var foo = 'inside'; } ! print(foo); / / ?? What will this print? } LOGICAL! Variable scope? NO HOISTING! top-level
  11. #flydart #gdgac Clean semantics and behavior class AwesomeButton { !

    AwesomeButton(button) { button.onClick.listen((Event e) => this.atomicDinosaurRock()); } ! atomicDinosaurRock() { /* ... */ } } LOGICAL! Scope of „this“? LEXICAL THIS!
  12. #flydart #gdgac Scalable Structure Functions Classes Libraries Packages Mixins Interfaces

    library games; ! import 'dart:math'; import 'players.dart'; ! class Darts { / / ... } ! class Bowling { / / ... } ! Player findOpponent(int skillLevel) { / / ... }
  13. #flydart #gdgac Too many Buttons var button = new ButtonElement();

    button.id = 'fancy'; button.text = 'Click Point'; button.classes.add('important'); button.onClick.listen((e) => addTopHat()); ! parentElement.children.add(button);
  14. #flydart #gdgac Method cascades var button = new ButtonElement() ..id

    = 'fancy' ..text = 'Click Point' ..classes.add('important') ..onClick.listen((e) => addTopHat()); ! parentElement.children.add(button);
  15. #flydart #gdgac One of these things is not like the

    other Object Persistable Hug Hug is not a is-a Persistable Don’t pollute your inheritance tree!
  16. #flydart #gdgac Mixins abstract class Persistable { save() { ...

    } load() { ... } toJson(); } ! class Hug extends Object with Persistable { Map toJson() => {'strength':10}; } ! main() { var embrace = new Hug(); embrace.save(); } Extend object & no constructors? You can be a mixin! Apply the Mixin Use Methods from the Mixin
  17. #flydart #gdgac Dart. Right now. • dart2js compiles Dart to

    JavaScript • at least until the DartVM is
 available within all platforms