Kid606 and friends' record label. Check here for all our new tracks! If you want to hear tracks from our back catalogue please let us now and then maybe we can upload them... keywords: Tigerbass, Shockout, Violent Turd, Luke's Anger, Knifehandchop, the Bug, dj /rupture, DAT Politics, Nathan Michel, Drop The Lime, Quintron and Miss Pussycat, Maymind, Black Dice, Gold Chains, White Williams, Numbers, Phon.o, Sickboy, Dwayne Sodahberk, Indian Jewelry, Cex, Blectum From Blechdom, Lesser, Eats Tapes, Genders, Electric Company, Original Hamster, Soft Pink Truth, Clipd Beaks, End, Crunc Tesla, Boy From Brazil, dDamage, Stars As Eyes, GD Luxxe, and many more.
Tigerbeat6’s tracks
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