Monday, November 29, 2010

Dear Customers and followers

As we have announced in the article posted at Oct. 10th, our company SOS-Nebula closes its business and we have already removed all of our product off our main store and branches.
This is the last posting.

SOS-Nebula was established in Summer of 2007.
Our owner Eri Carfagno raised her company to merchandise network with more than 40 branches in all around SL.

I, EllyErie Eddenbaum started SL in 2009 and joined SOS-Nebula in the begining of 2010.
I learned many things not only about SL but also business and advertising.
I wanted to repay to my employer and help her so I made proposal of starting English blog for advertisement.

I wonder if this blog has worked well with my poor English but it is a meaningful activity for me. I would like to thank our owner Eri, my assistant blogger miu and other staff who helped me.
I would also like to thank all of our customers, readers and followers of this blog.
I will be glad so much if you talked to me when you see my avi in world.


EllyErie Eddenbaum
SOS-Nebula Chief Blogger

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Closing Free Gift - WH mini dress

WH mini dress - Closing Free Gift

Hair: mauloa hair** Roza rosybrown

Please check our main store and get all of free gifts!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Closing Free Gift

Tops pants set

Fur vest : noju  (shop closed)
Hair : **Mauloa hair**Roza   40L$(SOS-Nebula)

**+Mauloa OR one-p**

Inner : ::Line::  
Hair : booN
 Shose : Cross Strap High-heel (10 colors change) 250L$  (SOS-Nebuka)

Please check our main store and get all of other gifts!

Monday, November 22, 2010

More Gifts!!

Hi, all!
We have set up more gifts at our main store.
Most of them are gestures and animations. Some gadgets have been also added.

Please come and check!

Available at;
SOS-Nebula : TSUKIJI, TSUKIJI (135, 55, 22) 

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tiered blouse+rose skirt / black

Hi, all!
Today we would like to offer a set of a blouse and a prim skirt recently released.
Yes, SOS-nebula ARE closing but we dare to introduce our product until the last day!
                    Please do not stop checking XD

Product Name: Tiered blouse+rose skirt / black
Creator: Sherry Otsuka
Price: 100L$

Here is a set of  cute short black tops and flowery patterned skirt with black laces.

It will be nice when you wear colorful leggings or socks to change the impression.

Of course it will be cute when you wear tops and bottoms each.

Espetially a simple black blouse will be useful for various combinations!

Available at;
SOS-Nebula : TSUKIJI, TSUKIJI (135, 55, 22) 

Friday, November 19, 2010

Azure Lady's Shape 12

Hi, all!

Today we would like to offer a set of female shape recently released.

Product Name: AZURE Lady's Shape 12
Creator: Azure Ling
Price: L$80

Here is a shape of a slender woman with cool almond eyes and softly smiling mouth.

It has moderate breasts and small hips with long, thin legs which are the features of shapes by Azure.
Let us compare some skins on it.

From left to right;
Eternity (skin which I usually wear)

It seems to be well-balanced shape and the price is so reasonable!!

left: eStyle right: vive9

Available at;
SOS-Nebula : TSUKIJI, TSUKIJI (135, 55, 22) 

Thursday, November 18, 2010


TMFW Hunt  #14  *Sofia Collection* : Lace Outfit-Latte/Rose
TMFW Hunt  #22  *JD* : Roses Brown Set Necklace & Brecelet

Headband : DIMH #71 FluiD Furniture

SOS Nebula products; 
Hair : **Mauloa hair** Ena  80
L$ **Mauloa hair**Dian  40L$

SOS-Nebula Main store: