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Ka Wikipedia
(Waxaa laga soo toosiyay Bortuqaal)
República Portuguesa  (Af-Boortaqiis)
Heesta qaranka: "A Portuguesa"
Location of Burtuqaal (dark green) – in Europe (green & dark grey) – in the European Union (green)
Location of Burtuqaal (dark green)

– in Europe (green & dark grey)
– in the European Union (green)

Location of Burtuqaal (dark green)

– in Europe (green & dark grey)
– in the European Union (green)

Magaalo madax
Waa Magaalada ugu balaaran
Luqadaha rasmiga ah Af-Bortuqiis
Luqadaha laga aqoonsanyahay aduunka Mirandese[a]
Qaybaha qoomiyedaha (2011)
Dadka Boortaqiis
Xukunka Unitary semi-presidential constitutional republic[1]
 -  President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa
 -  Assembly President Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues
 -  Prime Minister António Costa
Sharci dejinta Assembly of the Republic
 -  Foundation 868 
 -  Re-founding 1095 
 -  Sovereignty 24 June 1128 
 -  Kingdom 26 July 1139 
 -  Recognition 5 October 1143 
 -  Papal recognition 23 May 1179 
 -  Restoration 1 December 1640 
 -  Republic 5 October 1910 
 -  Democratization 25 April 1974 
 -  Present Constitution 25 April 1976[b] 
 -  EEC accession 1 January 1986 
 -  Guud ahaan 92,212 km2 [2](109th)
35,603 sq mi 
 -  Biyo (%) 0.5
Tirada dadka
 -  2017 qiyaasta 10,291,027[3] (83rd)
 -  2011 Tirakoob 10,562,178[4]
 -  Mugga Dadka 115/km2 (97th)
298/sq mi
Wax soo saar (PPP) 2018 qiyaastii
 -  Guud ahaan $328.252 billion[5]
 -  Qof qof $31,965[5]
Wax soo saar (Iskaga magacaaban) 2018 estimate
 -  Guud ahaan $248.891 billion[5]
 -  Calaa qof $24,237[5]
Qaybsiga (2016)positive decrease 33.5[6] (medium)
Kobaca (2015)Management:favri limited liability company Location:muqdisho somali 0.843[7] (very high / 41st)
Lacagta Euro[c] () (EUR)
Waqtiga WET (UTC)
 -  Xagaa (DST) WEST (UTC+1)
Note: Mainland Portugal and Madeira use WET/WEST, the Azores use AZOT/AZOST
Taariikhda dd/mm/yyyy (CE)
Wadista Baabuurta right
Thiinada telka +351
Furaha Internetka .pt
a. ^ Mirandese, spoken in some villages of the municipality of Miranda do Douro, was officially recognized in 1999 (Lei n.° 7/99 de 29 de Janeiro),[8] awarding it an official right-of-use.[9] Portuguese Sign Language is also recognized.
b. ^ Portuguese Constitution adopted in 1976 with several subsequent minor revisions, between 1982 and 2005.
c. ^ Before 2002, the escudo.

W:pt:Portugal Coordinates: 38°42′N 9°11′W / 38.700°N 9.183°W / 38.700; -9.183

Burtuqaal ama burtuqiis (af carabi: البرتغال) (afburtuqiis: Portugal), rasmi ahaan loo yaqaan jamhuuriyada burtuqaal, wadan ku yaala koonfur galbeed yurub kuna dhex yaal jasiirada loo yaqaan aybeeriya ama andalus, waa wadank yurub ugu fog xaga galbeedka, galbeed iyo koofur waxaa ka xiga bad weynta atlaantiga, woqooyiga iyo bariga waxaa ka xiga spain sida khooriyada Azor iyo Madera ee bad weynta ku dhexyaal ay uga tirsanyihiin burtuqaal, caasimadiisu waa Lissabon ama lisgboona, luuqada rasmiga ha burtuqiis, dadka waa burtuqiis, tira koobka dadka 2009 kii 10,355,824 qof, xilli gooreedka : +1 furaha taleefanka : +351, internetka : .pt

Waddnamha degaan Bortugaal

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[wax ka badal | wax ka badal xogta]

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[wax ka badal | wax ka badal xogta]
  1. Constitution of Portugal, Preamble: "The Constituent Assembly affirms the Portuguese people's decision to defendnational independence, guarantee fundamental citizens' rights, establish the basic principles of democracy, ensure the primacy of a democratic state based on the rule of law and open up a path towards a socialist society, with respect for the will of the Portuguese people and with a view to the construction of a country that is freer, more just and more fraternal."
  2. Template:Pt icon Público. "Portugal tem 92.212 quilómetros quadrados, por enquanto..." Archived Oktoobar 5, 2012 // Wayback Machine. Retrieved 2 July 2012. Archived 5 Oktoobar 2012 at the Wayback Machine
  3. Ine.pt https://www.ine.pt/xportal/xmain?xpid=INE&xpgid=ine_destaques&DESTAQUESdest_boui=315156710&DESTAQUESmodo=2. Soo qaatay 15 June 2018.  Maqan ama ebar |title= (caawin)
  4. [1]
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 . International Monetary Fund http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2018/01/weodata/weorept.aspx?sy=2016&ey=2023&scsm=1&ssd=1&sort=country&ds=.&br=1&pr1.x=50&pr1.y=2&c=182&s=NGDPD%2CPPPGDP%2CNGDPDPC%2CPPPPC&grp=0&a=. Soo qaatay 18 April 2018.  Maqan ama ebar |title= (caawin)
  6. "Nuqul Archive". PORDATA. Waxaa laga kaydiyay the original 24 Bisha Shanaad 2020. Soo qaatay 8 December 2017.  Barameter aan la aqoon |ciwaan= ignored (caawin); Hubi qiimaynta taariikhda: |archive-date= (caawin)
  7. . United Nations Development Programme. 2016 http://hdr.undp.org/en/composite/HDI. Soo qaatay 25 March 2017.  Maqan ama ebar |title= (caawin)
  8. Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa https://web.archive.org/web/20020318130143/http://mirandes.no.sapo.pt/LMPSlei.html. Waxaa laga kaydiyay the original 18 March 2002. Soo qaatay 2 December 2015.  Maqan ama ebar |title= (caawin)
  9. The Euromosaic study, Mirandese in Portugal, europa.eu – European Commission website. Retrieved January 2007. Link updated December 2015