Britney Spears
Šoddâm juovlâmáánu 2. peeivi 1981 (ahe 42)
Šoddâmsaje McComb, Mississippi, Ovtâstum staatah
Aalmugjeessânvuotâ ovtâstumstaatâlâš
Aktiivlâžžân 1992–
Genreh pop, dancepop, elektro-pop
Skiärrufinnodâh Jive, RCA
Pelikyeimi Jason Allen Alexander
Kevin Federline
Párnááh 2

Britney Jean Spears (š. juovlâmáánu 2. peeivi 1981, McComb, Mississippi, Ovtâstum staatah) lii ovtâstumstaatâlâš musikkár, tánssájeijee já čaittâleijee.

Eellim já karrieer


Britney Jean Spears šoodâi ive 1981 McCombist, Mississippist, mutâ pajasšoodâi Kentwoodist, Louisianast. Sun algâttij tánssám já lávlum kyevti-ihásâžžân, já käävci-ihásâžžân sun halijdij čaittâleijen Disney televisio-ohjelmân The All New Mickey Mouse Club, mutâ sun lâi toos liijkás nuorâ. Ohjelm pyevtitteijee kuittâg iävtuttij sunjin, ete sun usâččij aageent New Yorkist. Tast ovdâskulij Spears lâi-uv New Yorkist ain keessiv já juuđij Professional Performing Arts School. Sun finniiškuođij máinusroolâid, já lâi mieldi meid teatterproduktiost.[1] 11-ihásâžžân Britney peesâi viijmâg The All New Mickey Mouse Clubin, mast sun lâi ohtâ Mousketeer oovtâst Justin TimberlakeinChristina Aguilerain.[2]

Ohjelm nuuvâi ive 1995, já Spears maacâi pááikán. Sun kuittâg halijdij juátkid karrieeris já raahtij 15-ihásâžžân demo, mast sun finnij sopâmuš Jive Recordsáin. Suu vuosmuš single …Baby One More Time almostui ive 1998, já čuávuváá ive sust almostui siämmáánommâsâš album.[1]



Filmografia (epitievâslâš)

  • Longshot (2001)
  • Crossroads (2002)
  • Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002)
  • Pauly Shore Is Dead (2003)
  • Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)
  • Corporate Animals (2019)


Britney Spears Curious-hajâčääci (2004)
Nommâ Sloogan Ihe Käldee
Curious "Do you dare?" Čohčâmáánu 2004
Fantasy "Everybody has one." Čohčâmáánu 2005
Curious: In Control "Are you?" Cuáŋuimáánu 2006
Midnight Fantasy "Magic begins at midnight." Juovlâmáánu 2006
Believe "The greatest freedom is to believe in yourself." Čohčâmáánu 2007
Curious Heart "Live yours to the fullest." Uđđâivemáánu 2008
Hidden Fantasy "What do you have to hide?" Uđđâivemáánu 2009
Circus Fantasy "Where nothing is what it seems..." Čohčâmáánu 2009
Radiance "Choose your own destiny." Čohčâmáánu 2010
Cosmic Radiance "Be the brightest star in the universe." Porgemáánu 2011
Fantasy Twist "Choose your fantasy." Roovvâdmáánu 2012
Island Fantasy "What's your island fantasy?" Cuáŋuimáánu 2013
Fantasy: Anniversary Edition "10 Hugs & 10 Kisses - xoxo Britney"

"To my sweet scented fans for the decade of love - xoxo Britney"

"You are my inspiration - xoxo Britney"

Roovvâdmáánu 2013
Fantasy: The Nice Remix "Everybody has one. Naughty or Nice" Kuovâmáánu 2014
Fantasy: The Naughty Remix
Fantasy: Stage Edition "Your favorite Fantasy fragrance + limited edition bottle - xoxo Britney" Syeinimáánu 2014
Rocker Femme Fantasy "Unlock your Rock N' Roll side." Skammâmáánu 2014
Fantasy Renner Edition Vyesimáánu 2015
Fantasy Intimate Edition "Everybody has an Intimate Fantasy." Kesimáánu 2015
Maui Fantasy "Aloha from Hawaii – xoxo Britney" Kuovâmáánu 2016
Private Show "It's your Private Show" Syeinimáánu 2016
Fantasy in Bloom "Capture a moment of pure enchantment when the world is full of possibilities and everything seems new." Uđđâivemáánu 2017
VIP Private Show "It's your #VIPSHOW" Porgemáánu 2017
Sunset Fantasy "Experience summer in a bottle." Uđđâivemáánu 2018
Prerogative "A fragrance for all." Syeinimáánu 2018
Fantasy: Pride Edition Porgemáánu 2018
Rainbow Fantasy "What color is your fantasy?" Uđđâivemáánu 2019
Prerogative Rave "The new uninhibited fragrance for all." Porgemáánu 2019
Glitter Fantasy "Dare to shine." Kuovâmáánu 2020
Prerogative Ego "Play it your way and break the rules. Choose your side, then change your mind. Follow your instinct. What's your Prerogative?" Kiđđâ 2020
Festive Fantasy "Live to celebrate life! Enjoy the simple pleasures of every new day, as they encapsulate you into opulent color, dreams and delight. Jubilance and vibrancy will be your addictive signature." Juovlâmáánu 2020
Fantasy Intense "Elicit sweet temptation and leave an unforgettable and lasting impression." Njuhčâmáánu 2021
Electric Fantasy Čohčâmáánu 2021
Fantasy Sheer Čohčâmáánu 2021
Blissful Fantasy Uđđâivemáánu 2022




  1. 1,0 1,1 Britney Spears | Biography, Songs, Albums, Documentary, & Facts | Britannica Čujottum 20.4.2022. (eŋgâlâskielân)
  2. Britney Spears - Biography IMDb. Čujottum 20.4.2022.