

Wholesale Building Materials

We are the regional leader in the building materials market. We also lead in the field of sustainable products. #danucem

About us

At Danucem, we are more than just a manufacturer of building materials. We are the foundation of progress, shaping vibrant communities and modern lifestyles. Without us, roads, bridges and skyscrapers would not stand tall. However, it is not only about buildings but also about connecting people, improving life and supporting the growth of every community. We're paving the way for more sustainable commutes, safer homes and better infrastructure that empowers society.

Wholesale Building Materials
Company size
1,001-5,000 employees
Privately Held
sustainability, building materials, cement, concrete, aggregates, waste management, prefabricates, and white cement


Employees at Danucem


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    Danucem hosted an important visit last week. CRH Europe President Peter Buckley and Regional Director South East Europe Guillaume Cavalier visited our cement plant in Rohožník, the ecorec plant for the production of alternative fuels in Pezinok, and also the workplace in Bratislava. They met a number of key colleagues who take care of the running of the business and heard the topics that currently drive our company. The position of Danucem as a leader in sustainable construction solutions in the region was confirmed by Peter in his closing speech. Thank you for the visit! #sustainability #solutions #danucem #danucemslovakia #crh

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    ❓ Have you ever wondered how to produce and transport concrete prefabricates for a bridge that are 36 meters long and 1.6 meters high? That's the point! You don't have to think about it 🤔 Our experts from Ferrobeton company will produce and deliver similar prefabricated products for you according to your requirements ✔ Ferrobeton Slovakia celebrated a big milestone this week 🌟 Company finished installing the beams on the construction of the bridge near the municipality of Minovce. With this, the company delivered its largest product yet, which was 36 meters long and 1.6 meters high. It was also a test from the point of view of logistics, but for our colleagues from Ferrobeton, every challenge is an opportunity 💪

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    🌟 And here we are! Starting today, you can vote for Cecile Morenas as a candidate for the CFO of the Year award 🌟 It will take you two minutes, but it can mean a lot to Cecile and her entire Danucem team 🙏 See the profile of our CFO Cecile and vote for her at www.cforoka.sk ☑ Keep your fingers crossed! 🤞

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    ⁉ KTO SÚ FINALISTI OCENENIA CFO roka 2023? Spoznajte príbehy 7️⃣ finalistov a hlasujte za najlepšieho od 4. septembra 2024. Jednou zo siedmich finalistov je 💎Cecile Morenas💎CFO spoločnosti Danucem Slovensko ➡ Je súčasťou vedenia spoločnosti. Do jej kompetencie spadajú operácie v piatich krajinách – na Slovensku, v Rakúsku, Maďarsku, Nemecku a Švajčiarsku – a spravuje sedem obchodných segmentov v oblasti stavebných materiálov.   ➡ Cecile Morenas vyniká v správe interných aj externých finančných zdrojov. Vedie proces kapitálových investícií a úzko spolupracuje s manažérmi závodov na zabezpečení financovania rôznych projektov, najmä tých, ktoré sú zamerané na znižovanie emisií uhlíka. Nedávno jej tím zabezpečil 18 miliónov eur z fondov EÚ, čo potvrdzuje jej schopnosť získať významnú finančnú podporu. ➡ Pod jej vedením sa uskutočnil aj ambiciózny program fúzií a akvizícií, počas ktorého bolo za posledné štyri roky dokončených deväť transakcií v hodnote 30 miliónov eur, čo významne prispelo k rastu spoločnosti Danucem. 👍 Držíme palce v hlasovani verejnosti o #cforoka 2023🍀

    Finalista CFO roka 2023 Cecile Morenas » CFO ROKA

    Finalista CFO roka 2023 Cecile Morenas » CFO ROKA


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    We are pleased to announce that we recently became members of the Slovak Green Building Council, an ambassador of sustainable constructions in Slovakia. 🌱 🏢 Since our focus in Danucem is on building a more sustainable foundation for future generations, it is important for us to surround ourselves with professionals in the industry who share the same vision. Together with the SKGBC, we are eager to contribute to Slovakia's green building movement and share valuable insights with other experts. #Sustainability #GreenBuilding #ConstructionInnovation #SKGBC #SustainableConstruction #Slovakia

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    💥 As we have already informed you, our CFO Cecile Morenas is one of the finalists of the Slovak CFO 2023 Award 🏆 Before you support her with your vote from 4th of September, watch a video about her at www.cforoka.sk 📺 How do you like it ❓ Let us know in the comments below 👇

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    🛎️MÁME PROFILY FINALISTOV ocenenia pre najlepšieho finančného riaditeľa/ riaditeľku  – CFO roka 2023.   CFO Club pripravil profily 7️⃣ skvelých finalistov 16. ročníka ocenenia #cforoka2023.  💎Andrej Bátovský, CFO z GEVORKYAN a.s., 💎Eve Bourdeau, CFO z Orange Slovensko, 💎Darina Kmetova, CFO z VÚB banka, 💎Martin Komzik, CFO v Pelicantravel.com, 💎Pavel Lakatos , CFO v Siemens Slovensko 💎Štefan Maťovka, ACCA, CFO at GymBeam a 💎Cecile Morenas, Finance director v Danucem Slovensko. Finalisti prešli náročným procesom výberu poroty a teraz budú bojovať v hlasovaní verejnosti o získanie prestížneho ocenenia CFO roka 2023. Kompletné profily a videovizitky nájdete na www.cforoka.sk. 🗓️ 4.-25. septembra- Hlasovanie verejnosti 🗳️ 🗓️ 3. októbra- vyhlásenie mena víťazky či víťaza na slávnostnom Galavečere CFO roka 2023 Ďakujeme za podporu partnerom ocenenia- Komerční banka Slovakia, EY, BDO Slovak Republic, Deloitte, KPMG in Slovakia, PwC Slovakia a SAF - Slovenská asociácia finančníkov, Markiza - Slovakia, Webmagazin a FinReport a Česká mincovna

    Máme profily finalistov ocenenia pre najlepšieho finančného riaditeľa CFO roka 2023 | TVNOVINY.sk

    Máme profily finalistov ocenenia pre najlepšieho finančného riaditeľa CFO roka 2023 | TVNOVINY.sk


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    Driving towards sustainable future We at TransPlus and Danucem are very excited about the testing of the fully electric Mercedes Benz eActros 300 truck. As transportation is a significant contributer to CO2 emissions, this initiative marks a crucial step in our commitment to sustainability. 🌍 The eActros 300 has a comfortable range of up to 300 kilometres and the ability to recharge from 20% to 80% in just 75 minutes. Integrating electric vehicles like the eActros 300 into our fleet is part of our broader strategy to minimize our carbon footprint. This project underscores our dedication to reducing CO2 emissions and promoting sustainable practices within the industry. As we gather insights from this project, we plan to expand our use of electric vehicles and continue leading the way in green transport. Stay tuned for more updates as we drive towards a better future. 🚘 🍃 #danucemslovakia #sustainability #decarbonization #transportation #transplus

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    We support the principles of the circular economy in practice ♻ Together with ecorec, we opened a new recycling line for construction waste in Bratislava. We will use the alternative material created here for the production of our building materials. Thanks to this step, we are also meeting our decarbonization goals 💚 Together for future generations 🍀 #sustainableleader #decarbonization #circulareconomy

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    🎉 We opened a new ecorec plant for recycling construction waste in Bratislava, which is an example of the symbiosis of two industries 🎉 The cooperation between Danucem, a leader in the world of building materials, and its subsidiary ecorec, focused on waste management, brings a new construction waste recycling line to Podunajské Biskupice in Bratislava. It was opened by Klaus Födinger, Vladimir Jorik and Juraj Ciz 👷♂️ There is no better example of a circular economy than the recycling of construction waste. Recycled alternative material is created from suitable waste from a demolished building (such as concrete, bricks, tiles or cladding), which replaces natural stone such as limestone in the production of cement. High-quality concrete will be made from cement, which will include recycled alternative material, and a new building will be built from it. This is how we get to the beginning of the material flow circle. After its demolition, the construction waste will be recycled again ♻ At Danucem and ecorec we think about the future 💚 #danucem #ecorec #sustainableleader #sustainability #wastemanagement #circulareconomy

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    To have fun together for as long as possible, we met on the longest day of the year in the Demänová resort and started a busy teambuilding and summer party. 🌞 To experience something new together again and to strengthen the team spirit, Danucem TeamUp: Summer Funfinity this year replaced our traditional winter Christmas party in Slovakia. The 260 colleagues from Danucem Slovak and Austrian operations, who enjoyed sports tournaments, fun activities and danced to Cuban rhythms 💃 🕺 until the early morning hours know, that it really was an endless amount of fun. The fact that we all had a great time is obvious in the video below. 👀 The words of our Managing Director Klaus Födinger from the opening speech definitely came true: „In Danucem, we can work hard together, but we also certainly know how to have a lot of fun together.“   #danucemslovakia #danucemaustria #teambuilding #summerparty #teamspirit #danucemfamily

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    🌿 An environmental day with an amazing atmosphere! 🌿 Danucem colleagues joined the Environmental day in Hrhov, organized by Microregion Domica. We provided garbage bags, gloves and refreshments for everyone involved in the efforts to preserve the beautiful nature in the Slovak Karst. Our colleagues from the cement plant Turňa nad Bodvou did not spare any effort and made an important contribution. At the end of the event, we enjoyed a delicious goulash as a reward for our efforts! We are glad that we could be part of such an inspiring event and contribute to a better tomorrow for all of us. 🌍💚 #danucemslovensko #environmentalday #slovakkarst #mikroregiondomica #volunteering

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    We would like to share with you the news that our CFO Cecile Morenas is one of the 7 finalists of the prestigious Slovak award: the Best CFO 2023. The nominations were based mainly on the CFOs' impact on company performance, but also on their contribution to innovation, talent development or sustainable business. We warmly congratulate and are proud to have Cecile Morenas as part of Danucem.   However, the nomination is not the end of the ride and we will soon inform you about the public voting opportunity where you too can give your vote to Cecile and her work. #danucemslovakia #cfo #bestcfo2023 https://lnkd.in/erAqn_df

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    🥳CFO roka 2023 má 7 finalistov! Zo všetkých nominácii odbornej komisie a verejnosti prešlo náročným procesom výberu na získanie prestížneho ocenenia pre najlepšieho finančného riaditeľa za rok 2023 🏆 sedem finalistov a finalistiek. V abecednom poradí: ✅Andrej Bátovský z GEVORKYAN a.s.Eve Bourdeau z Orange Slovensko ✅Darina Kmetova z VÚB bankaMartin Komzik z Pelicantravel.comPavel Lakatos zo SiemensŠtefan Maťovka, ACCA z GymBeamCecile Morenas z Danucem Slovensko Nominovaných hodnotila odborná komisia, zložená zo zástupcov CFO Club Slovensko, BDO Slovak Republic, Deloitte, KPMG in Slovakia, PwC Slovakia a SAF - Slovenská asociácia finančníkov a tohtoročného hodnotiteľa EY. Pri nomináciách bol rozhodujúci najmä vplyv CFO na dosiahnuté výsledky spoločností, ale aj ich prínos k inováciám, rozvoju talentov, či k udržateľnému podnikaniu. 📌Teraz bude prebiehať príprava profilov finalistov a postupne Vám všetkých príbehy predstavíme. Hlasovanie verejnosti je naplánované od 4.-25.9.2024 a slávnostné predstavenie finalistov a  vyhlásenie víťaza sa uskutoční na Galavečere CFO roka 2023 vo štvrtok 3.10.2024 o 18.00 h. 💛Generálnym partnerom súťaže CFO roka je Komerční banka Slovakia 💛

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