Albany Medical College


Technician Position Available:

We are recruiting a research technician to join our highly interactive and collaborative lab. This individual will work on research projects related to the lab’s cancer research with a primary focus on the rare vascular sarcoma epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (EHE), but will also help with projects focused on melanoma, thyroid cancer, and breast cancer.Interested applicants should send the a short description of career goals and CV or resume to [email protected]

GRANT awarded! The Lamar Lab was awarded a 3-yr $450,000 grant from the EHE Foundation for a project aimed at identifying FDA-approved drugs that can be repurposed to treat EHE.

GRANT awarded! The Lamar Lab is part of a collaborative team awarded a 2-Year, $491,000 grant from the DOD Rare Cancer Research Program. This work uses the GEMM model of EHE to study molecular mechanisms of EHE.

Telluride YAP/TAZ-TEAD workshop Ryan Kanai and John Lamar both presented work at the annual TSRC workshop focused on targeting YAP/TAZ-TEAD in EHE and other cancers.

Paper Accepted! Excited to share new of our collaborative paper with the Rubin Lab published in Clinical Cancer Research Link:…. This work reveals a role for CTGF-MAPK signaling in TAZ-CAMTA-mediated tumorigenesis. 

Ryan Kanai and John Lamar both presented at the EHE360 conference on January 28th-29th, 2022. The conference was organized by the EHE foundation.

GRANT awarded! 

The EHE Foundation will fund our new project focused on a novel regulator of the TAZ-CAMTA1 fusion protein that drives EHE! Congrats to Ryan Kanai who had the idea for the project, generated the preliminary data and helped write the proposal.  See Tweet

John Lamar and Guy Weinberg hosted the 4th annual TSRC workshop focused on targeting YAP/TAZ & TEAD, in cancer and EHE. The views in Colorado were almost as great as the science!

See Tweet

The Telluride Daily Planet published an article about John Lamar and Guy Weinberg highlighting their annual workshop focused on YAP/TAZ-TEADs and cancer. This workshop has helped promote research on Epitheliod Hemangioendothelioma. See

Excited about this publication with our collaborators in the Rubin Lab:  "WWTR1(TAZ)-CAMTA1 gene fusion is sufficient to dysregulate YAP/TAZ signaling and drive epithelioid hemangioendothelioma tumorigenesis" which was published in Genes Dev.

The Lamar Lab received a $200,000 grant from The Cleveland Clinic Epitheliod Hemangioendothelioma Research Collaborative Program and the Margie & Robert E. Petersen Foundation.