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Module:Political party/R

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[change source]

The political parties contained in this module are split into alphabetised lists based on the first character of the name (for example, "Labour Party (UK)" would be under /L). The /1 subpage is for any party that does not start with the western letters A-Z (including numbers and accented characters).

Within each data submodule are two local groups: local alternate and local full. The alternate group is for alternate names of a party. The following is an example of alternate names for the Labour Party (UK):

local alternate = {
	["Labour and Co-operative"] = "Labour Party (UK)",
	["Labour Co-operative"] = "Labour Party (UK)",

The first entry in square brackets is the alternate name, and the second entry only in quotes is the name found in the full group, seen below. Note that the alternate name of a party should be stored in its corresponding letter-based subpage; "Alabama Democratic Party" is listed in /A even though it is an alternate name for "Democratic Party (US)" (which is stored in /D).

Table values

[change source]
local full = {
	["Labour Party (UK)"] = {abbrev = "Lab", color = "#E4003B", shortname = "Labour",},

There are three values stored for each party:

  • The abbreviation (abbrev).
  • The color of the party (color), which can either be a hex triplet or a basic color name.
  • A shorter name for the party (shortname).

If a name value is not stored for a party, the module will attempt to return the other "short" name variant before returning the input. Thus, if abbrev is stored but shortname is not, regardless of which value is asked for it will return the abbrev value.

Color values

[change source]
Political party namecolorabbrevshortnameIs color valid?Contrast normal textContrast unvisited linkContrast visited link
RESIST (electoral list)#00A94FAAFailedAA
RETE Movement#275956RETEFailedFailedFailed
RISE (Ireland)#ED161FRISEAAFailedFailed
RISE – Scotland's Left Alliance#f15723RISEAAFailedAA
Radical Cause#1E90FFLCRAAFailedAA
Radical Change#FB656FAAAFailedAA
Radical Civic Union#E10019UCRFailedFailedFailed
Radical Democracy (Chile)#00E2C8AAAAAAAA
Radical Democratic Party (Bulgaria)#1C4482FailedFailedFailed
Radical Democratic Party (Spain)#DD6284RadicalAAFailedAA
Radical Doctrinaire PartylightseagreenAAAFailedAA
Radical League#FFFF00AAAAAAAAA
Radical Left (Luxembourg)#800080FailedFailedFailed
Radical Left FrontindianredMERAAAFailedFailed
Radical Left Party (Chile)yellowAAAAAAAAA
Radical Liberal Party (Luxembourg)#F4EE00AAAAAAAA
Radical Liberal Party (Paraguay)#808080Radical LiberalAAFailedFailed
Radical Movement#E0B0FFMRAAAAAAAA
Radical Party (Belgium)#800080RadicalFailedFailedFailed
Radical Party (France)#E0B0FFPRVAAAAAAAA
Radical Party (Italy)orangePRRadical PartyAAAFailedAAA
Radical Party (Luxembourg)#F3C400AAAAAAAA
Radical Party of Chile#CD5C5CRadicalAAFailedFailed
Radical Party of Chile (2018)#CD5C5CRadicalAAFailedFailed
Radical Party of Oleh Liashko#D64541RPOLAAFailedFailed
Radical Party of Republika SrpskaDarkblueRS RSFailedFailedFailed
Radical Party of the Left#F0C200PRGAAAAAAAA
Radical Peasant Party#33452DCSRFailedFailedFailed
Radical People's Party (Finland)RedAAFailedFailed
Radical People's Party (Norway)#59A421Radical People'sAAFailedAA
Radical Republican Party#A871A8PRRAAFailedFailed
Radical Socialist Catalan Left#AF2A88FailedFailedFailed
Radical Socialist Party (Luxembourg)#F3C400AAAAAAAA
Radical Socialist Republican Party#9A0DBCPRRSFailedFailedFailed
Radical Union (Cuba)#FA8072AAAFailedAA
Radicals (UK)#FF3333RadicalAAFailedFailed
Rafi (political party)#1935D0RafiFailedFailedFailed
Rafidain List#5f21a9FailedFailedFailed
Rah-e-Haq Party#A9A9A9RHPAAAFailedAA
Rahanweyn Resistance Army#DC143CRRAFailedFailedFailed
Raijor Dal#EC2125RDAAFailedFailed
Rainbow (Greece)#E2725BRainbowAAFailedAA
Rainbow (Iceland)#CC0000RainbowFailedFailedFailed
Rainbow (Netherlands)#76EE00RainbowAAAAAAAA
Rainbow Group (1984–1989)#ADFF2FRBWAAAAAAAA
Rainbow Group (1989–1994)#ADFF2FRBWAAAAAAAA
Rainbow Party (Zambia)#E3001BFailedFailedFailed
Rainham & Wennington Independent Residents Group#ddddddAAAAAAAA
Rajasthan Vikas Party#FF3366RJVPAAFailedFailed
Rajyadhikara Party#DDDAAAAAAAA
Rak Thailand Party#0000FFFailedFailedFailed
Rakhine Nationalities Development Party#EB1D27RNDPAAFailedFailed
Ralliement citoyen pour la patrie#7FFFD4AAAAAAAA
Rally & Issues#FF0000AAFailedFailed
Rally Responsibility SuccessredAAFailedFailed
Rally for Caledonia#1270C2RPCFailedFailedFailed
Rally for Congolese DemocracygreenFailedFailedFailed
Rally for Culture and Democracy#264989RCDFailedFailedFailed
Rally for Democracy and Progress (Namibia)#166B37RDPFailedFailedFailed
Rally for Democracy and Progress (Niger)#FBD127RDP-Jama'aAAAAAAAA
Rally for Democracy and Social Progress#00B100AAAFailedAA
Rally for Democracy and Unity#4D92F1RDUAAFailedAA
Rally for France#003399RPFFailedFailedFailed
Rally for Hope for Algeria#8C71FATAJAAFailedFailed
Rally for Mali#FCD116RPMAAAAAAAA
Rally for an Alternative of Harmonious and Integrated Development#A31124FailedFailedFailed
Rally for the Independence of France#003399FailedFailedFailed
Rally for the Monegasque Family#AB7141AAFailedFailed
Rally for the Republic#0066CCRPRFailedFailedFailed
Rally for the Republic – Republican Party of Czechoslovakia#3E3E3ESPR–RSČFailedFailedFailed
Rally of Congolese Ecologists – The GreensgreenFailedFailedFailed
Rally of Democratic Forces#000000RFDFailedFailedFailed
Rally of Houphouëtists for Democracy and Peace#FF7900RHDPAAAFailedAA
Rally of Progressive National Democrats#008000RPNDFailedFailedFailed
Rally of Republican Lefts#FFBF00AAAAAAAA
Rally of the Ecologists of BurkinagreenFailedFailedFailed
Rally of the Ecologists of SenegalgreenFailedFailedFailed
Rally of the French People#0000C8RPFFailedFailedFailed
Rally of the Guinean People#FEF200RPGAAAAAAAAA
Rally of the Republicans#FF9933RDRAAAFailedAAA
Rally of the Togolese People#037338RPTFailedFailedFailed
Rashtra Bhakt Dal#F75808RBDAAFailedAA
Rashtravadi Bahujan Hitay Party#81F7F3RBHPAAAAAAAA
Rashtravadi Janata Party#cdfecdRJPAAAAAAAAA
Rashtrawadi Labour Party#BCA9F5RALPAAAFailedAAA
Rashtrawadi SenablueRWSFailedFailedFailed
Rashtriya Aadiwasi Bahujan Party#cc0066RABPFailedFailedFailed
Rashtriya Aikta Manch Party#81F781RAMAAAAAAAA
Rashtriya Ali Sena#0F6433RASFailedFailedFailed
Rashtriya Bahujan Congress Party#afeeeeRBCPAAAAAAAA
Rashtriya Bahujan Hitay Party#ffb5daRBHPAAAAAAAA
Rashtriya Hith Congress#5FB404RHCAAAFailedAA
Rashtriya Janadhikar Suraksha Party#ffdaccRJSPAAAAAAAA
Rashtriya Janasachetan PartyorangeRJPAAAFailedAAA
Rashtriya Janata Dal#008000RJDFailedFailedFailed
Rashtriya Janmorcha#CA7EE4AAAFailedAA
Rashtriya Kamgar Party#1E76D5RKAPAAFailedFailed
Rashtriya Kranti Party#B47011RTKPAAFailedFailed
Rashtriya Krantikari Janata Party#a8e4bcRKJPAAAAAAAA
Rashtriya Krantikari Samajwadi Party#8A0886RKSPFailedFailedFailed
Rashtriya Lok Dal#006400RLDFailedFailedFailed
Rashtriya Lok Janshakti Party#0093DDRLJPAAFailedAA
Rashtriya Lok Samata Party#999966RLSPAAAFailedAA
Rashtriya Lok Samta Party#999966RLSPAAAFailedAA
Rashtriya Loktantrik Party#DBE934RLPAAAAAAAA
Rashtriya Manav Samman Party#BDDC9DRMSPAAAAAAAA
Rashtriya Matrabhoomi Party#CA8610RMPAAFailedAA
Rashtriya Mazdoor Ekta Party#5E610BRMEPFailedFailedFailed
Rashtriya Muslim Mujhahid Party#1F9E1DRMMPAAFailedAA
Rashtriya Parivartan Dal#66FFCCRPDAAAAAAAA
Rashtriya Raksha Dal#F79F81RRDAAAFailedAAA
Rashtriya Samaj PakshayellowRSPSAAAAAAAAA
Rashtriya Samajwadi Party (United)#A9F5F2RSP(U)AAAAAAAA
Rashtriya Samanta Dal#D0FA58RSMDAAAAAAAAA
Rashtriya Samata Party (Secular)BrownRSP(S)FailedFailedFailed
Rashtriya Sawarn Shakti Party#647E81RSSHPAAFailedFailed
Rashtriya Secular Majlis PartyGreenFailedFailedFailed
Rashtriya Swabhimaan Party#F5D0A9RSBPAAAAAAAA
Rashtriya Swabhiman Party#2c2c8aRSBPFailedFailedFailed
Rashtriya Ulama Council#ACFA58RUCAAAAAAAA
Rashtriya Unnatisheel Dal#26B062RUDAAAFailedAA
Rashtriya Vikas Party#D0A9F5RVPAAAFailedAAA
Rassemblement Wallonie FranceblueFailedFailedFailed
Rastriya JanamorchafirebrickFailedFailedFailed
Rastriya Janamukti PartyDodgerBlueJanamuktiAAFailedAA
Rastriya Janata Dal Nepal#E6DBCFRJD NepalAAAAAAAA
Rastriya Janata Party Nepal#FFb300RJPNAAAAAAAA
Rastriya Janshakti PartykhakiJanashaktiAAAAAAAA
Rastriya Prajatantra PartygoldRPPAAAAAAAA
Rastriya Prajatantra Party (Chand)yellowRPP (Chand)AAAAAAAAA
Rastriya Prajatantra Party (Samyukta)#4682B4AAFailedFailed
Rastriya Prajatantra Party NepalorangeRPP-NepalAAAFailedAAA
Rastriya Swatantra Party#0095DARSPRSPAAFailedAA
Ratepayers Association#ddddddRatepayersAAAAAAAA
Ratepayers and Residents Associations#ddddddRatepayers & ResidentsAAAAAAAA
Ratepayers' and Citizens' Association#ddddddRatepayers & CitizensAAAAAAAA
Ratz (political party)#C80004RatzFailedFailedFailed
Raving Loony Green Giant PartygreenRaving Loony Green GiantFailedFailedFailed
Rayalaseema Parirakshana SamithiredAAFailedFailed
Rayyithunge Muthagaddim Party#CC0000FailedFailedFailed
Raza Unida Party#CC853FRaza UnidaAAFailedAA
Re-open NominationsBlackRONFailedFailedFailed
Readjuster Party#0EBFE9ReadjusterAAAFailedAAA
Real Alternative Party#FECD0BPARAAAAAAAA
Real Democracy#FF0000AAFailedFailed
Real Democracy Movement#BFFF00Real DemocracyAAAAAAAAA
Real NZ#72bfe8AAAFailedAAA
Real Politics Union#031B45UPRFailedFailedFailed
Realists (political party)#013888FailedFailedFailed
Reality PartyGreyRealityAAFailedFailed
Realizing Goals#0B76C0FailedFailedFailed
Reason Party (Australia)#4BB8B3AAAFailedAA
Rebel Almería#981403FailedFailedFailed
Rebirth Party (Northern Cyprus)#00CCFFYDPAAAAAAAA
Reborn Armenia#1E4277FailedFailedFailed
Reclaim Party#C03F31ReclaimFailedFailedFailed
Reconciliation and Liberation BlocblackFailedFailedFailed
Reconstitution Party#00FFFFAAAAAAAA
Recreate Greece#F19914DXAAAFailedAAA
Recuperar Badajoz#6A1E5EFailedFailedFailed
Recuperemos El Ejido#01781EFailedFailedFailed
Red Current#CE1000FailedFailedFailed
Red Dot United#DC6698RDUAAFailedAA
Red Electoral Alliance#d4001aRedFailedFailedFailed
Red Flag PartyredAAFailedFailed
Red Front (UK)RedRed FrontAAFailedFailed
Red Party (Dominican Republic)#FF0000AAFailedFailed
Red Party (Norway)#E52437RedAAFailedFailed
Red-Green Alliance#E6801AAAAFailedAA
Red-Greens (Sweden)#F0002DRed-GreensAAFailedFailed
Redondela Electors' Group#9A2428FailedFailedFailed
Redondela Pode#3C0C40FailedFailedFailed
Red–Green Alliance (Denmark)#D0004DRed–GreenFailedFailedFailed
Referendum Party#bf475cReferendumFailedFailedFailed
Reform Club of Hong Kong#D04627ReformAAFailedFailed
Reform Front PartyDodgerBlueAAFailedAA
Reform Group (Finland)#E6E600ReformAAAAAAAA
Reform Jersey#01547CFailedFailedFailed
Reform PH - People's Party#800000RPFailedFailedFailed
Reform Party (19th-century Wisconsin)#3333FFReformFailedFailedFailed
Reform Party (Iceland)#FF7D14ReformAAAFailedAA
Reform Party (Latvia)#10A5DFReformAAAFailedAA
Reform Party (Mauritania)#715331El IslahFailedFailedFailed
Reform Party (Minnesota)#6A287EReformFailedFailedFailed
Reform Party (Mississippi)#6A287EReformFailedFailedFailed
Reform Party (New York State)#6A287EReformFailedFailedFailed
Reform Party (New Zealand)#00BB00ReformAAAFailedAA
Reform Party (Philippines)#0000CDReformFailedFailedFailed
Reform Party (Singapore)#FFC000RPAAAAAAAA
Reform Party (Southern Rhodesia)#99FF99ReformAAAAAAAA
Reform Party (US)#6A287EReformFailedFailedFailed
Reform Party of Canada#3CB371AAAFailedAA
Reform Progressive Party#0000FFPPRFailedFailedFailed
Reform Star Party#BCDA00AAAAAAAA
Reform UK#12B6CFAAAFailedAA
Reform and Development Misruna Party#C7A317AAAFailedAA
Reform and Development Party (Morocco)#8CB803AAAFailedAA
Reformatory Political Federation#7FD3E9RPFAAAAAAAA
Reformed Congress of Lesotho#067a3eRCLFailedFailedFailed
Reformed Democratic Party#F0E68CAAAAAAAA
Reformed Political Alliance#f7af20AAAAAAAA
Reformed Political League#6CBFD9GPVAAAFailedAAA
Reformed Political Party#EA5B0BSGPAAFailedAA
Reformed Political Party – Reformatory Political Federation – Reformed Political League#00a7ebSGP/RPF/GPVAAAFailedAA
Reformers (Hungarian political party)#D19E33AAAFailedAA
Reformist Bloc#2A3A79RBFailedFailedFailed
Reformist Canarian Centre#FDBB4AAAAAAAAA
Reformist Movement#0047ABMRFailedFailedFailed
Reformist Party (Dominican Republic)#ff0000AAFailedFailed
Reformist Party (Portugal)#FB607FAAAFailedAA
Reformist Party (Serbia)#FF6600RSAAAFailedAA
Reformist Party (Spain)#FF9900PRAAAFailedAAA
Reformist Party ORA#29106BFailedFailedFailed
Reformists of Vojvodina#E46713RVAAFailedAA
Reforms and FreedomredAAFailedFailed
Reforms and Order Party#2581CCPRPAAFailedFailed
Regenerator Party#0054A5FailedFailedFailed
Regional Citizens' Coalition#CE1244FailedFailedFailed
Regional Integration Movement#ADEEF7MIRAAAAAAAA
Regional Murcianist Party#FAE800AAAAAAAA
Regional Unity Party#0066FFFailedFailedFailed
Regionalism (politics)#DDDD00REGRegionalistsAAAAAAAA
Regionalist (Restoration)#B4E0CAAAAAAAAA
Regionalist Action Party of Chile#FDFA2FAAAAAAAAA
Regionalist Alicantine Party#095387FailedFailedFailed
Regionalist Call for Andalusia#08B618AAAFailedAA
Regionalist Democracy of Castile and León#5DA923AAAFailedAA
Regionalist Independent PartypurpleFailedFailedFailed
Regionalist League of Catalonia#D5AD0FLRCAAAFailedAAA
Regionalist League of the Balearic Islands#834098FailedFailedFailed
Regionalist Local Party#82CF05AAAFailedAAA
Regionalist Party for Eastern Andalusia#A6004DFailedFailedFailed
Regionalist Party of Cantabria#C2CE0CPRCAAAAAAAA
Regionalist Party of Castilla-La Mancha#DC143CFailedFailedFailed
Regionalist Party of Castilla–La Mancha#DC143CFailedFailedFailed
Regionalist Party of El Bierzo#005DA1FailedFailedFailed
Regionalist Party of Guadalajara#7310ADFailedFailedFailed
Regionalist Party of IndependentsgreenFailedFailedFailed
Regionalist Party of the Independents#00FF00RegionalistAAAAAAAA
Regionalist Party of the Leonese Country#D20062FailedFailedFailed
Regionalist Union of Castile and León#1E4D79FailedFailedFailed
Regionalist Unitary Party#882222FailedFailedFailed
Regionalist Unity#C9286BFailedFailedFailed
Regionalist Unity of Castile and León#FE0000AAFailedFailed
Reich Party for Civil Rights and Deflation#0075EBAAFailedFailed
Reich Party of the German Middle Class#CCAA7AWPAAAFailedAAA
Reigate and Banstead Residents Association#DDDDDDAAAAAAAA
Reinicia Sant Antoni#570D9EFailedFailedFailed
Reiwa Shinsengumi#ED008CReiwaAAFailedFailed
Rejoin EU#003399FailedFailedFailed
Religious Torah Front#000FailedFailedFailed
Religious Zionist Party#214785Religious ZionistFailedFailedFailed
Reload BulgariablackFailedFailedFailed
Renaissance (French political party)#00205BREFailedFailedFailed
Renaissance and Union of Europe Party#000000FailedFailedFailed
Renew EuropegoldREAAAAAAAA
Renew Party#16C0D7RenewAAAFailedAAA
Renewal (Greece)#FAFF5FAAAAAAAAA
Renewal (political party)#2B4F32FailedFailedFailed
Renewal CrusadeSkyBlueAAAAAAAA
Renewal Front#0E3C61FR-PJFailedFailedFailed
Renewal Liberal Centre#BD782DAAFailedFailed
Renewal Party of Ibiza and Formentera#354B84FailedFailedFailed
Renewal–Nationalist Brotherhood#3EA3D2AAAFailedAA
Renewed Caledonian UniongreenUC-RFailedFailedFailed
Renewed Democratic Liberty#E20A17LIDERFailedFailedFailed
Renewed United Democratic Centre#009191AAFailedFailed
Renewing Communist Ecological Left#FF4900AAFailedAA
Renmen Ayiti#0087DCAAFailedFailed
Renovating Action Party#FDF38EPARAAAAAAAAA
Renovator Labour Party#E7393DAAFailedFailed
Rent Is Too Damn High Party#703642Rent Is Too Damn HighFailedFailedFailed
Repeal Association#DDFFDDIrish RepealAAAAAAAAA
Repons Peyizan#009A17AAFailedFailed
Republic (Faroe Islands)#BED630RepublicAAAAAAAA
Republic (Latvia)#075895FailedFailedFailed
Republic (Slovakia)#e30512REPUBLICFailedFailedFailed
Republic (Transnistria)#990000RepublicFailedFailedFailed
Republic of Fiji Military Forces#C3B091RFMFAAAFailedAAA
Republican (Ireland)#66BB66AAAFailedAA
Republican (Ireland, 1923)#008800RepRepublicanAAFailedFailed
Republican Action (Spain)#FF7028ARAAAFailedAA
Republican Alternative (Spain)#75246CFailedFailedFailed
Republican Alternative Party (Azerbaijan)#EF3340AAFailedFailed
Republican Bicentennial Vanguard#BE4736FailedFailedFailed
Republican BlocBR
Republican Candidacy#6C3E89FailedFailedFailed
Republican Catalan Action#E2A554AAAFailedAAA
Republican Clubs#EE0000AAFailedFailed
Republican Coalition (Spain, 1901)#7A1B6ACRFailedFailedFailed
Republican Coalition (Spain, 1914)#864891FailedFailedFailed
Republican Constitutional Union#A352A3UCRFailedFailedFailed
Republican Democratic Movement#808080AAFailedFailed
Republican Equality Front#B9E16FFERAAAAAAAA
Republican Fascist Party#000000FailedFailedFailed
Republican Federation#005ACAFailedFailedFailed
Republican Federation (Spain)#804AB5FailedFailedFailed
Republican Force#0070B8FailedFailedFailed
Republican Front (Catalonia)#EB2071AAFailedFailed
Republican Fusion#711A5BRepublicanFailedFailedFailed
Republican Group of Coslada#82177FFailedFailedFailed
Republican Labour Party#85de59RepLabRepublican LabourAAAAAAAA
Republican Left (Spain)#E25822IRAAFailedFailed
Republican Left (Spain, 1977)#B5047BFailedFailedFailed
Republican Left of Catalonia#FFB232ERCAAAAAAAA
Republican Liberal Party (Panama)pinkPLRAAAAAAAA
Republican Liberal Party (Portugal)#FFD700AAAAAAAA
Republican Moderate Party (Alaska)#DD4444Republican ModerateAAFailedFailed
Republican Movement (Mauritius)redAAFailedFailed
Republican Movement (Switzerland)#61380BRepublicanFailedFailedFailed
Republican Nation Party#6F4E37CMPFailedFailedFailed
Republican Nationalist Centre#CC9933AAAFailedAA
Republican Nationalist Federal Union#993366FailedFailedFailed
Republican Nationalist Party of Ourense#4040C0FailedFailedFailed
Republican Network for Unity#004400Republican NetworkFailedFailedFailed
Republican Party (Belarus)#811F20RepublicanFailedFailedFailed
Republican Party (Bolivia)#3CB371AAAFailedAA
Republican Party (Bosnia and Herzegovina)LightblueAAAAAAAA
Republican Party (Brazil)#009F3CAAFailedAA
Republican Party (Cambodia)#0000FFRepublicanFailedFailedFailed
Republican Party (Chile)#22446DFailedFailedFailed
Republican Party (China)#FFC500RepublicanAAAAAAAA
Republican Party (Costa Rica)#0018A8RepublicanFailedFailedFailed
Republican Party (East Timor)#24A236AAFailedAA
Republican Party (France)#00CCCCAAAFailedAAA
Republican Party (Liberia)#FF0000RepublicanAAFailedFailed
Republican Party (Maldives)#DC0A0AFailedFailedFailed
Republican Party (Namibia)#FFF100RPAAAAAAAAA
Republican Party (Pakistan)#6495EDRepublican PartyAAAFailedAA
Republican Party (Panama)#FFA500AAAFailedAAA
Republican Party (Philippines)#191970RepublicanFailedFailedFailed
Republican Party (Serbia)#c2121dFailedFailedFailed
Republican Party (Spain)#D69652AAAFailedAA
Republican Party (Tunisia)#CF171FFailedFailedFailed
Republican Party (US)#E81B23RepublicanAAFailedFailed
Republican Party for Democracy and Renewal#981c24PRDSFailedFailedFailed
Republican Party for Independence and Development#FF8000PRIDAAAFailedAA
Republican Party of AfghanistanskyblueAAAAAAAA
Republican Party of Agricultural and Smallholder People#008000FailedFailedFailed
Republican Party of Albania#20267APRFailedFailedFailed
Republican Party of Armenia#D2691ERepublicanAAFailedFailed
Republican Party of Dahomey#F38C22AAAFailedAA
Republican Party of Farmers and Peasants#008000RSZMLFailedFailedFailed
Republican Party of Havana#CD5C5CRepublicanAAFailedFailed
Republican Party of India#000066RPIFailedFailedFailed
Republican Party of India (Athawale)#000080RPI(A)FailedFailedFailed
Republican Party of India (Gavai)#6633EERPI(G)FailedFailedFailed
Republican Party of India (Khobragade)darkblueRPI(K)FailedFailedFailed
Republican Party of India Ektavadi#BFFF00RPIEAAAAAAAAA
Republican Party of Labour and Justice#DE7673RPTSAAFailedAA
Republican Party of Liberty#0000CDFailedFailedFailed
Republican Party of Paraná#768000PR ParanáAAFailedFailed
Republican Party of Russia#FE4801RPRAAFailedAA
Republican Party of the Social Order#F68F22PROSAAAFailedAA
Republican People's Party#ED1C24CHPAAFailedFailed
Republican People's Party (Egypt)#B7800BAAFailedAA
Republican Peronism#007FFFAAFailedFailed
Republican Progressive Democratic Front#EE2C21FDPRAAFailedFailed
Republican Proposal#ffd700PROAAAAAAAA
Republican Reliance Party#FF4500CGPAAFailedAA
Republican Sinn Féin#008800RSFRepublican Sinn FéinAAFailedFailed
Republican Social Movement#313439FailedFailedFailed
Republican Socialist Unity Party#FF0000AAFailedFailed
Republican Turkish Party#008000CTPFailedFailedFailed
Republican Union (France)#C0504DFailedFailedFailed
Republican Union (Portugal)#A52A2APURRepublican UnionFailedFailedFailed
Republican Union (Puerto Rico) Republican Union
Republican Union (Spain, 1934)#672F6CFailedFailedFailed
Republican Union Party#ADD8E6AAAAAAAA
Republican Union Party (Colombia)#FBCEB1AAAAAAAA
Republican Union Party (Ecuador)#D0FF14PURAAAAAAAAA
Republican Union Party (Spain)#931585PURFailedFailedFailed
Republican Unity Party#D0FF14AAAAAAAAA
Republican Villagers Nation Party#DF7401CKMPAAFailedAA
Republican and Socialist Left#D53150FailedFailedFailed
Republican and Socialist Left (2018)#D23150FailedFailedFailed
Republican, Ecologist and Social Alliance#4169E1ARESFailedFailedFailed
Republican-Socialist Party#DE3163PRSAAFailedFailed
Republicans (Brazil)#0070C5RepublicanosFailedFailedFailed
Republicans for Bulgaria#2B4A99RzBFailedFailedFailed
Republican–Socialist Conjunction#C11956CRSFailedFailedFailed
Res Publica Party#04427CRes PublicaFailedFailedFailed
Residents Action Movement#467CFARAMAAFailedFailed
Residents Association#d3d3d3ResidentsAAAAAAAA
Residents Association of LondontealResidentsFailedFailedFailed
Residents Associations of Epsom and EwellpinkResidents AssociationAAAAAAAA
Residents for Guildford and Villages#CA1F7BR4GVFailedFailedFailed
Residents for Uttlesford#00a88fR4UAAFailedAA
Residents' Association of Barnet#669966Residents' AssociationAAFailedAA
Residents' Association of LondongrayAAFailedFailed
Residents' association#666666RAFailedFailedFailed
Resistance Front of Islamic Iran#23aba1RFIIAAAFailedAA
Resistance Party (France)#0072BBFailedFailedFailed
Resistance of Guinea-Bissau-Bafatá Movement#0A86F8AAFailedFailed
Respect (Haiti)#0000FFRespectFailedFailedFailed
Respect Party#46801cRespectFailedFailedFailed
Responsibility – Social Democratic Alliance of Political Parties#ADD8E6AAAAAAAA
Responsible Future (Iceland)#322757FailedFailedFailed
Responsible Government Association#FF7F00AAAFailedAA
Respublika (political party)#20959ERespublikaAAFailedFailed
Respublika–Ata Zhurt#FFCF06AAAAAAAA
Restart Coalition#e00f20RestartFailedFailedFailed
Restore Scotland#006EB6FailedFailedFailed
Restore and Build Kenya#0000ffFailedFailedFailed
Restore the Family for Children's SakeGoldenrodAAAFailedAAA
Resurgence PartyBlueFailedFailedFailed
Retirees Party for the Future#59A35AAAFailedAA
Reunification Democratic Party#EF4122RDPReunification DemocraticAAFailedFailed
Reunification Movement for Change#F16A26RMCAAFailedAA
Reus Independent Coordinator#A71F21FailedFailedFailed
Revival (Bulgarian political party)#C09F62RevivalAAAFailedAA
Revival (Ukraine)#90BEDCRevivalAAAFailedAAA
Revival PartyCrimsonFailedFailedFailed
Revolution for Prosperity#411144RFPFailedFailedFailed
Revolutionary Action Party#4682b4PARAAFailedFailed
Revolutionary Agrarian Movement of the Bolivian Peasantry#D29D7DMARCAAAFailedAA
Revolutionary Anticapitalist Left#B41E17FailedFailedFailed
Revolutionary Civic Union#6B8E23UCRAAFailedFailed
Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang#1b65afRCCKFailedFailedFailed
Revolutionary Communist League (France)#C41E3ALCRFailedFailedFailed
Revolutionary Communist League (Spain)#DF0101FailedFailedFailed
Revolutionary Communist Movement of GreeceredEKKEAAFailedFailed
Revolutionary Communist Party (Argentina)#E00000PCRRevolutionary Communist PartyFailedFailedFailed
Revolutionary Communist Party (UK, 1978)#880000Revolutionary CommunistFailedFailedFailed
Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist)redAAFailedFailed
Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist–Leninist)#660000RCP (GB) (ML)FailedFailedFailed
Revolutionary Communist Party of IndiaRedRCPIAAFailedFailed
Revolutionary Communist Party, USA#C80815FailedFailedFailed
Revolutionary Democratic Coalition#FF0000AAFailedFailed
Revolutionary Democratic Party of India#F78181RDP(I)AAAFailedAA
Revolutionary Febrerista Party#01a755PRFAAFailedAA
Revolutionary Goans Party#E3C773RGPAAAAAAAA
Revolutionary Left Front#0500BEFailedFailedFailed
Revolutionary Left Front (Bolivia)redAAFailedFailed
Revolutionary Left Movement (Bolivia)#FF8000AAAFailedAA
Revolutionary Left Movement (Venezuela)redAAFailedFailed
Revolutionary Left PartydarkredFailedFailedFailed
Revolutionary Liberation Movement Tupaq Katari#A57DADAAFailedAA
Revolutionary Marxist Party of IndiaredRMPIAAFailedFailed
Revolutionary Middle ClassBlackFailedFailedFailed
Revolutionary Nationalist Movement#F19CBBAAAFailedAAA
Revolutionary Organization#ee1c25ROAAFailedFailed
Revolutionary Party (Guatemala)#964B00FailedFailedFailed
Revolutionary Party of Democratic Unification#FAAFBEPRUDAAAAAAAA
Revolutionary Party of the Nationalist Left#D62222FailedFailedFailed
Revolutionary Social Democratic Party#200040FailedFailedFailed
Revolutionary Socialist Party (Bolshevik)#FF0000RSP(B)AAFailedFailed
Revolutionary Socialist Party (India)#FF4A4ARSPAAFailedAA
Revolutionary Socialist Party (Leninist)#FF0000RSP(L)AAFailedFailed
Revolutionary Socialist Party (Luxembourg)#960018FailedFailedFailed
Revolutionary Socialist Party (Netherlands)#990000FailedFailedFailed
Revolutionary Socialist Party (Peru)RedAAFailedFailed
Revolutionary Socialist Party of Kerala (Bolshevik)redAAFailedFailed
Revolutionary Socialists (Egypt)#FFD700AAAAAAAA
Revolutionary Union (Peru)blackFailedFailedFailed
Revolutionary United Front#FFD700AAAAAAAA
Revolutionary Workers Party (Chile)#BE0411FailedFailedFailed
Revolutionary Workers Party (US)#aa0000Revolutionary WorkersFailedFailedFailed
Revolutionary Workers Party of Bangladesh#E38B9FBRWPAAAFailedAA
Revolutionary Workers' Party (Bolivia)#8B0000FailedFailedFailed
Revolutionary Workers' Party (Russia)#DE0403FailedFailedFailed
Revolutionary Workers' Party (Spain)#B22222FailedFailedFailed
Revolutionary Workers' Party (Uruguay)#fff44fPORAAAAAAAAA
Rex Patrick Team#16b7cdAAAFailedAA
Rezistans ek Alternativ#FFFFFFAAAAAAAAA
Rhinoceros Party#D8BFD8RhinocerosAAAAAAAA
Rhodesia Labour Party#DC241fLabourFailedFailedFailed
Rhodesia Party#FF7F00AAAFailedAA
Rhodesian Action Party#ffd700RAPAAAAAAAA
Rhodesian Front#C247C2RFAAFailedFailed
Rhodesian PartyOrangeAAAFailedAAA
Rhuddlan Debt Protest Campaign#FFFFFFAAAAAAAAA
Right Alliance (Belarus)#959492AAFailedAA
Right Bloc#8DB600PBAAAFailedAA
Right Cause#F0BD48AAAAAAAA
Right Person Electorate Coalition#6D3290RPECFailedFailedFailed
Right Romania Alliance#318CE7ARDAAFailedAA
Right Sector#110C17FailedFailedFailed
Right Socialist Party of Japan#2AAAE6Right SocialistAAAFailedAA
Right Wing of the Republic#BE282DFailedFailedFailed
Right to Change#EE4035RTOCAAFailedFailed
Right to Life Party (New York)#F4C2C2Right to LifeAAAAAAAA
Right-Green People's Party#008000FailedFailedFailed
Right-wing independent#0000FFFailedFailedFailed
Righteous Party#901380FailedFailedFailed
Rightist Opposition#7C1F3CRight OppositionFailedFailedFailed
Rights and Equality Party#000000HEPARFailedFailedFailed
Rights and Freedoms Party#E6E600HAK-PARAAAAAAAA
Rights and Freedoms Party (Turkey)#FFDB4DAAAAAAAA
Rights and Justice Party#996633HAPFailedFailedFailed
Rights and Liberties Party#FFFF00AAAAAAAAA
Rights of Citizens Association#FFC0CBAAAAAAAA
Rikken Doshikai#DA7B8BAAAFailedAA
Rikken Kaishintō#cd5c5cAAFailedFailed
Rikken Kakushintō#00AE9DAAAFailedAA
Rikken Kokumintō#A090E0AAAFailedAA
Rikken Minseitō#6EA4CAAAAFailedAA
Rikken Seiyūkai#B0D3A8AAAAAAAA
Rikken Yōseikai#B0313FFailedFailedFailed
Rio Republican Party#00AFEFPR FluminenseAAAFailedAA
Riojan Party#00AA42PR+AAFailedAA
Rionegrin Provincial Party#EB3721AAFailedFailed
Rise Party#2E127DFailedFailedFailed
Rising Sun Party#FFB040RISAAAAAAAA
Ritō (government supporters)#009933AAFailedFailed
Rivas Puede#812868FailedFailedFailed
Rivers State Peoples Democratic Party#FF0000PDPAAFailedFailed
Robbie the Pict (Independent)#FFFFFFAAAAAAAAA
Rochford District Residents#930000Rochford ResidentFailedFailedFailed
Rock 'n' Roll Loony Party#c71585Rock 'n' Roll LoonyFailedFailedFailed
Rockingham Whigs#F0DC82AAAAAAAA
Rodina (political party)#E61B23RodinaAAFailedFailed
Rodney First#009999AAFailedAA
Rodrigues Movement#21FF21AAAAAAAA
Rodrigues People's Organisation#8B664BOPRFailedFailedFailed
Roma Civic InitiativebrownROIFailedFailedFailed
Roma Party#016830RPFailedFailedFailed
Roma Union of Serbia#A3C5EAURSAAAAAAAA
Roman Catholic Party of the Netherlands#0033BBFailedFailedFailed
Roman Catholic People's Party#7F7F99AAFailedFailed
Roman Catholic State Party#003319FailedFailedFailed
Romanian Communist Party#CC0000PCRFailedFailedFailed
Romanian Democratic Convention#004A92CDRFailedFailedFailed
Romanian National Party#5087B2PNRAAFailedFailed
Romanian National Unity Party#1BB0E8PUNRAAAFailedAA
Romanian Nationhood Party#F7D117NRAAAAAAAA
Romanian People's Party#FFFF00VNSAAAAAAAAA
Romanian Popular Party#FFFF00PPRAAAAAAAAA
Romanian Social Democratic Party (1927–1948)#D40000PSDFailedFailedFailed
Romanian Social Democratic Party (1990–2001)pinkPSDR (Social)AAAAAAAA
Romanian Social Party#ff0000AAFailedFailed
Romanian Socialist Democratic Party#ED2128PSDR (Socialist)AAFailedFailed
Romanian Socialist Party (1992–2015)#CC0000PSRFailedFailedFailed
Romanian Socialist Party (present-day)#E30615FailedFailedFailed
Romanian ethnic minority parties#000000Minority partiesFailedFailedFailed
Romantic Mutual Support Party#FFC0CBAAAAAAAA
Ronda Green Space#52886EAAFailedFailed
Ronda Sí Se Puede#63376AFailedFailedFailed
Rondeños por Ronda#7F7F7FAAFailedFailed
Roos Party#FFD700RoosAAAAAAAA
Roots Party of Kenya#EC3237AAFailedFailed
Roque Aguayro#D93224FailedFailedFailed
Roque de Gando#FFF200AAAAAAAAA
Rose in the FistgoldAAAAAAAA
Round Table—Free Georgia#BA2B27Round TableFailedFailedFailed
Roundtable (Hong Kong)#509ccdRoundtableAAFailedAA
Ruiz-Mateos Group#28365DRuiz-MateosFailedFailedFailed
Runnymede Independent Residents Group#264404FailedFailedFailed
Rural Development PartyRDP
Rural Development Party (Vanuatu)#000000RDPRural DevelopmentFailedFailedFailed
Rural Independents Group#CCFFCCAAAAAAAAA
Rural Nationalist Bloc#048043FailedFailedFailed
Rural Party#808000AAFailedFailed
Rural Party (Iceland)purpleFailedFailedFailed
Rurality Movement#0049A1LMRFailedFailedFailed
Russellite UnionistorangeAAAFailedAAA
Russia of the Future#44B4E3AAAFailedAA
Russian All-People's Union#FF9C00ROSAAAFailedAAA
Russian Communist Workers Party#D50000FailedFailedFailed
Russian Communist Workers' Party of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union#A9231BFailedFailedFailed
Russian Democratic Reform Movement#E9E26ERDDRAAAAAAAA
Russian Ecological Party "The Greens"#00953BThe GreensAAFailedFailed
Russian Labour Front#34499ARTFFailedFailedFailed
Russian National PartyblueRNPFailedFailedFailed
Russian Party#3CB371AAAFailedAA
Russian Party (Serbia)#0D3B66FailedFailedFailed
Russian Party in Estonia#2b677fFailedFailedFailed
Russian Party of Freedom and Justice#AC0907RPSSFailedFailedFailed
Russian Party of Life#D82828RPLFailedFailedFailed
Russian Party of Pensioners for Social Justice#C52030RPPSJFailedFailedFailed
Russian Party of Social Democracy#D51F76FailedFailedFailed
Russian People's Democratic Union#D00032FailedFailedFailed
Russian Social Democratic Labour Party#D40000RSDLPFailedFailedFailed
Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (Mensheviks)#ED1B34MensheviksAAFailedFailed
Russian Socialist Movement#D62B24FailedFailedFailed
Russian Socialist Party#020266FailedFailedFailed
Russian Unity#054C9FFailedFailedFailed
Rwandan Patriotic Front#0087DCRPFAAFailedFailed
Rwandan Socialist Party#FFC0CBAAAAAAAA
Ryokufūkai (1947–1960)#9ACBABRyokufūkaiAAAAAAAA
Résoatao Party#154FE6FailedFailedFailed

-- Constant data used by [[Module:Political party]]

local alternate = {
	["Radical and Radical-Socialist Party"] = "Radical Party (France)",
	["Radical Democracy Party (Chile)"] = "Radical Democracy (Chile)",
	["Radical List"] = "Liberal League (Luxembourg)",
	["Radical Party (Italy, 1877)"] = "Italian Radical Party",
	["Radical Party (UK)"] = "Radicals (UK)",
	["Radical Party (Ukraine)"] = "Radical Party of Oleh Liashko",
	["Radical Party (Chile)"] = "Radical Party of Chile",
	["Radical Party of Oleh Lyashko"] = "Radical Party of Oleh Liashko",
	["Rainbow Group (1984-1989)"] = "Rainbow Group (1984–1989)",
	["Rainbow Group"] = "Greens–European Free Alliance",
	["Rally Wallonia France"] = "Rassemblement Wallonie France",
	["Rassemblement bleu Marine"] = "National Rally",
	["Rastakhiz Party"] = "Resurgence Party",
	["Ratepayers Associations"] = "Ratepayers Association",
	["Razem"] = "Left Together",
	["Readjuster Party (United States)"] = "Readjuster Party",
	["Red-Green Alliance (Denmark)"] = "Red–Green Alliance (Denmark)",
	["Referendum Party (UK)"] = "Referendum Party",
	["Reform and Development Party (Egypt)"] = "Reform and Development Misruna Party",
	["Reform Party (Iceland, 2016)"] = "Reform Party (Iceland)",
	["Reform Party (United States)"] = "Reform Party (US)",
	["Reform Party of New York State"] = "Reform Party (New York State)",
	["Reform Party of the United States of America"] = "Reform Party (US)",
	["Reform Party"] = "Reform Party (Southern Rhodesia)",
	["Reform"] = "Estonian Reform Party",
	["Reformed Political Party - Reformatory Political Federation - Reformed Political League"] = "Reformed Political Party – Reformatory Political Federation – Reformed Political League",
	["Regionalist"] = "Regionalism (politics)",
	["Regionalist Aragonese Party"] = "Aragonese Party",
	["Régions et Peuples Solidaires"] = "Regionalism (politics)",
	["Renaissance Party"] = "Ennahda Movement",
	["Renew Britain"] = "Renew Party",
	["Renewal (Transnistria)"] = "Obnovlenie",
	["Renua Ireland"] = "Renua",
	["REPUBLIC (Slovakia)"] = "Republic (Slovakia)",
	["Republic Arise"] = "Debout la République",
	["Republic Party"] = "Party of the Republic",
	["Republican Coalition (Spain, 1891)"] = "Republican Fusion",
	["Republican Coalition (Spain, 1996)"] = "Alliance for the Republic (Spain)",
	["Republican Left of Catalonia-Sovereigntists"] = "Republican Left of Catalonia",
	["Republican Left of Catalonia–Catalonia Yes"] = "Republican Left of Catalonia",
	["Republican Left of Catalonia–Sovereigntists"] = "Republican Left of Catalonia",
	["Republican Left of the Valencian Country"] = "Republican Left of Catalonia",
	["Republican Moderate Party of Alaska"] = "Republican Moderate Party (Alaska)",
	["Republican Party (Chile, 2019)"] = "Republican Party (Chile)",
	["Republican Party (Faroe Islands)"] = "Republic (Faroe Islands)",
	["Republican Party (Poland)"] = "The Republicans (Poland)",
	["Republican Party (United States)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (Alabama)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (Alaska)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (Arizona)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (Arkansas)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (California)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (Colorado)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (Connecticut)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (Delaware)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (Georgia, US)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (Guam)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (Hawaii)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (Idaho)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (Illinois)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (Iowa)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (Maryland)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (Massachusetts)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (Michigan)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (Minnesota)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (Missouri)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (Nevada)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (New Mexico)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (New York)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (North Dakota)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (Northern Mariana Islands)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (Pennsylvania)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (Rhode Island)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (Utah)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (Vermont)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (Virginia)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (Washington State)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (Washington)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party (West Virginia)"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party of Alaska"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party of Arkansas"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party of Florida"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party of Georgia"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party of India (A)"] = "Republican Party of India (Athawale)",
	["Republican Party of India (Athvale)"] = "Republican Party of India (Athawale)",
	["Republican Party of Iowa"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party of Kentucky"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party of Louisiana"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party of Minnesota"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party of New Mexico"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party of Russia – People's Freedom Party"] = "People's Freedom Party",
	["Republican Party of São Paulo"] = "Paulista Republican Party",
	["Republican Party of Texas"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party of Virginia"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican Party of Wisconsin"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Republican People's Party (Turkey)"] = "Republican People's Party",
	["Republican Pole"] = "Citizen and Republican Movement",
	["Republican Popular Unity"] = "Communist Party of Spain (Marxist–Leninist) (historical)",
	["Republican Statehood Party"] = "Partido Estadista Republicano",
	["Republican Union (Spain, 1886)"] = "Republican Fusion",
	["Republican Union (Spain, 1893)"] = "Republican Fusion",
	["Republican, Radical and Radical-Socialist Party (historical)"] = "Radical Party (France)",
	["Republican, Radical and Radical-Socialist Party"] = "Radical Party (France)",
	["Reconquête (political party)"] = "Reconquête",
	["Respect - The Unity Coalition"] = "Respect Party",
	["Respect – The Unity Coalition"] = "Respect Party",
	["RESPECT The Unity Coalition"] = "Respect Party",
	["Respublika Party of Kyrgyzstan"] = "Respublika (political party)",
	["Restoration Political Party - New Wind"] = "Ishin Seito Shimpu",
	["Reunited National Party"] = "Herenigde Nasionale Party",
	["Revolution Continues"] = "The Revolution Continues Alliance",
	["Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang"] = "Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang",
	["Revolutionary Communist Party (Furedi)"] = "Revolutionary Communist Party (UK, 1978)",
	["Revolutionary Front for an Independent East Timor"] = "Fretilin",
	["Revolutionary Nationalist Movement-Alliance"] = "Revolutionary Nationalist Movement",
	["Revolutionary Nationalist Movement–Alliance"] = "Revolutionary Nationalist Movement",
	["Revolutionary Communist League (Luxembourg)"] = "Revolutionary Socialist Party (Luxembourg)",
	["Revolutionary Workers Party (United States)"] = "Revolutionary Workers Party (US)",
	["Rhode Island Democratic Party"] = "Democratic Party (US)",
	["Rhode Island Republican Party"] = "Republican Party (US)",
	["Right Cause (political party)"] = "Right Cause",
	["Right to Life Party (US)"] = "Right to Life Party (New York)",
	["Rightist Party"] = "Moderate Party",
	["Rightist Socialist Party of Japan"] = "Right Socialist Party of Japan",
	["Rikken Seiyukai"] = "Rikken Seiyūkai",
	["Rikken Minseito"] = "Rikken Minseitō",
	["Ring of Independents"] = "Alliance of Independents",
	["Riojan Party (1990–2012)"] = "Riojan Party",
	["RISE - Scotland's Left Alliance"] = "RISE – Scotland's Left Alliance",
	["Rivers State People's Democratic Party"] = "Rivers State Peoples Democratic Party",
	["Rodina"] = "Rodina (political party)",
	["Romandy Citizens' Movement"] = "Geneva Citizens' Movement",
	["Romanian National Party (Moldova)"] = "New Historical Option",
	["RSP Against Racism and Fascism"] = "Revolutionary Socialist Party (Luxembourg)",
	["Rule of Law (Armenia)"] = "Orinats Yerkir",
	["Runnymede Residents Association"] = "Runnymede Independent Residents Group",

local full = {
	["Radical Cause"] = {abbrev = "LCR", color = "#1E90FF", shortname = "",},
	["Radical Change"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FB656F", shortname = "",},
	["Radical Civic Union"] = {abbrev = "UCR", color = "#E10019", shortname = "",},
	["Radical Democracy (Chile)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00E2C8", shortname = "",},
	["Radical Democratic Party (Bulgaria)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1C4482", shortname = "",},
	["Radical Democratic Party (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DD6284", shortname = "Radical",},
	["Radical Doctrinaire Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "lightseagreen", shortname = "",},
	["Radical League"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},
	["Radical Left (Luxembourg)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#800080", shortname = "",},
	["Radical Left Front"] = {abbrev = "MERA", color = "indianred", shortname = "",},
	["Radical Left Party (Chile)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "yellow", shortname = "",},
	["Radical Liberal Party (Luxembourg)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F4EE00", shortname = "",},
	["Radical Liberal Party (Paraguay)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#808080", shortname = "Radical Liberal",},
	["Radical Movement"] = {abbrev = "MR", color = "#E0B0FF", shortname = "",},
	["Radical Party of Chile"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CD5C5C", shortname = "Radical",},
	["Radical Party of Chile (2018)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CD5C5C", shortname = "Radical",},
	["Radical Party (Belgium)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#800080", shortname = "Radical",},
	["Radical Party (France)"] = {abbrev = "PRV", color = "#E0B0FF", shortname = "",},
	["Radical Party (Italy)"] = {abbrev = "PR", color = "orange", shortname = "Radical Party",},
	["Radical Party (Luxembourg)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F3C400", shortname = "",},
	["Radical Party of Oleh Liashko"] = {abbrev = "RPOL", color = "#D64541", shortname = "",},
	["Radical Party of Republika Srpska"] = {abbrev = "", color = "Darkblue", shortname = "RS RS",},
	["Radical Party of the Left"] = {abbrev = "PRG", color = "#F0C200", shortname = "",},
	["Radical Peasant Party"] = {abbrev = "CSR", color = "#33452D", shortname = "",},
	["Radical People's Party (Finland)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "Red", shortname = "",},
	["Radical People's Party (Norway)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#59A421", shortname = "Radical People's",},
	["Radical Republican Party"] = {abbrev = "PRR", color = "#A871A8", shortname = "",},
	["Radical Socialist Catalan Left"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#AF2A88", shortname = "",},
	["Radical Socialist Party (Luxembourg)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F3C400", shortname = "",},
	["Radical Socialist Republican Party"] = {abbrev = "PRRS", color = "#9A0DBC", shortname = "",},
	["Radical Union (Cuba)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FA8072", shortname = "",},
	["Radicals (UK)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF3333", shortname = "Radical",},
	["Rafi (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1935D0", shortname = "Rafi",},
	["Rafidain List"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#5f21a9", shortname = "",},
	["Rah-e-Haq Party"] = {abbrev = "RHP", color = "#A9A9A9", shortname = "",},
	["Rahanweyn Resistance Army"] = {abbrev = "RRA", color = "#DC143C", shortname = "",},
	["Raijor Dal"] = {abbrev = "RD", color = "#EC2125", shortname = "",},
	["Rainbow (Greece)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E2725B", shortname = "Rainbow",},
	["Rainbow (Iceland)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CC0000", shortname = "Rainbow",},
	["Rainbow (Netherlands)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#76EE00", shortname = "Rainbow",},
	["Rainbow Group (1984–1989)"] = {abbrev = "RBW", color = "#ADFF2F", shortname = "",},
	["Rainbow Group (1989–1994)"] = {abbrev = "RBW", color = "#ADFF2F", shortname = "",},
	["Rainbow Party (Zambia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E3001B", shortname = "",},
	["Rainham & Wennington Independent Residents Group"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#dddddd", shortname = "",},
	["RAIZ"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2d3e4e", shortname = "",},
	["Rajasthan Vikas Party"] = {abbrev = "RJVP", color = "#FF3366", shortname = "",},
	["Rajyadhikara Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DDD", shortname = "",},
	["Rak Thailand Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0000FF", shortname = "",},
	["Rakhine Nationalities Development Party"] = {abbrev = "RNDP", color = "#EB1D27", shortname = "",},
	["Ralliement citoyen pour la patrie"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#7FFFD4", shortname = "",},
	["Rally & Issues"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
	["Rally for an Alternative of Harmonious and Integrated Development"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A31124", shortname = "",},
	["Rally for Caledonia"] = {abbrev = "RPC", color = "#1270C2", shortname = "",},
	["Rally for Congolese Democracy"] = {abbrev = "", color = "green", shortname = "",},
	["Rally for Culture and Democracy"] = {abbrev = "RCD", color = "#264989", shortname = "",},
	["Rally for Democracy and Progress (Namibia)"] = {abbrev = "RDP", color = "#166B37", shortname = "",},
	["Rally for Democracy and Progress (Niger)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FBD127", shortname = "RDP-Jama'a",},
	["Rally for Democracy and Social Progress"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00B100", shortname = "",},
	["Rally for Democracy and Unity"] = {abbrev = "RDU", color = "#4D92F1", shortname = "",},
	["Rally for France"] = {abbrev = "RPF", color = "#003399", shortname = "",},
	["Rally for Hope for Algeria"] = {abbrev = "TAJ", color = "#8C71FA", shortname = "",},
	["Rally for Mali"] = {abbrev = "RPM", color = "#FCD116", shortname = "",},
	["Rally for the Independence of France"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#003399", shortname = "",},
	["Rally for the Monegasque Family"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#AB7141", shortname = "",},
	["Rally for the Republic – Republican Party of Czechoslovakia"] = {abbrev = "SPR–RSČ", color = "#3E3E3E", shortname = "",},
	["Rally for the Republic"] = {abbrev = "RPR", color = "#0066CC", shortname = "",},
	["Rally of Congolese Ecologists – The Greens"] = {abbrev = "", color = "green", shortname = "",},
	["Rally of Democratic Forces"] = {abbrev = "RFD", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
	["Rally of Houphouëtists for Democracy and Peace"] = {abbrev = "RHDP", color = "#FF7900", shortname = "",},
	["Rally of Progressive National Democrats"] = {abbrev = "RPND", color = "#008000", shortname = "",},
	["Rally of Republican Lefts"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFBF00", shortname = "",},
	["Rally of the Ecologists of Burkina"] = {abbrev = "", color = "green", shortname = "",},
	["Rally of the Ecologists of Senegal"] = {abbrev = "", color = "green", shortname = "",},
	["Rally of the French People"] = {abbrev = "RPF", color = "#0000C8", shortname = "",},
	["Rally of the Guinean People"] = {abbrev = "RPG", color = "#FEF200", shortname = "",},
	["Rally of the Republicans"] = {abbrev = "RDR", color = "#FF9933", shortname = "",},
	["Rally of the Togolese People"] = {abbrev = "RPT", color = "#037338", shortname = "",},
	["Rally Responsibility Success"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
	["Ramgavar"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2554C7", shortname = "Ramgavar",},
	["RAŚ"] = {abbrev = "", color = "yellow", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtra Bhakt Dal"] = {abbrev = "RBD", color = "#F75808", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtravadi Bahujan Hitay Party"] = {abbrev = "RBHP", color = "#81F7F3", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtravadi Janata Party"] = {abbrev = "RJP", color = "#cdfecd", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtrawadi Labour Party"] = {abbrev = "RALP", color = "#BCA9F5", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtrawadi Sena"] = {abbrev = "RWS", color = "blue", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Aadiwasi Bahujan Party"] = {abbrev = "RABP", color = "#cc0066", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Aikta Manch Party"] = {abbrev = "RAM", color = "#81F781", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Ali Sena"] = {abbrev = "RAS", color = "#0F6433", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Bahujan Congress Party"] = {abbrev = "RBCP", color = "#afeeee", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Bahujan Hitay Party"] = {abbrev = "RBHP", color = "#ffb5da", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Hith Congress"] = {abbrev = "RHC", color = "#5FB404", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Janadhikar Suraksha Party"] = {abbrev = "RJSP", color = "#ffdacc", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Janasachetan Party"] = {abbrev = "RJP", color = "orange", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Janata Dal"] = {abbrev = "RJD", color = "#008000", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Janmorcha"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CA7EE4", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Kamgar Party"] = {abbrev = "RKAP", color = "#1E76D5", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Kranti Party"] = {abbrev = "RTKP", color = "#B47011", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Krantikari Janata Party"] = {abbrev = "RKJP", color = "#a8e4bc", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Krantikari Samajwadi Party"] = {abbrev = "RKSP", color = "#8A0886", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Lok Dal"] = {abbrev = "RLD", color = "#006400", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Lok Janshakti Party"] = {abbrev = "RLJP", color = "#0093DD", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Lok Samata Party"] = {abbrev = "RLSP", color = "#999966", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Lok Samta Party"] = {abbrev = "RLSP", color = "#999966", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Loktantrik Party"] = {abbrev = "RLP", color = "#DBE934", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Manav Samman Party"] = {abbrev = "RMSP", color = "#BDDC9D", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Matrabhoomi Party"] = {abbrev = "RMP", color = "#CA8610", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Mazdoor Ekta Party"] = {abbrev = "RMEP", color = "#5E610B", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Muslim Mujhahid Party"] = {abbrev = "RMMP", color = "#1F9E1D", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Parivartan Dal"] = {abbrev = "RPD", color = "#66FFCC", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Raksha Dal"] = {abbrev = "RRD", color = "#F79F81", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Samaj Paksha"] = {abbrev = "RSPS", color = "yellow", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Samajwadi Party (United)"] = {abbrev = "RSP(U)", color = "#A9F5F2", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Samanta Dal"] = {abbrev = "RSMD", color = "#D0FA58", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Samata Party (Secular)"] = {abbrev = "RSP(S)", color = "Brown", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Sawarn Shakti Party"] = {abbrev = "RSSHP", color = "#647E81", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Secular Majlis Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "Green", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Swabhimaan Party"] = {abbrev = "RSBP", color = "#F5D0A9", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Swabhiman Party"] = {abbrev = "RSBP", color = "#2c2c8a", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Ulama Council"] = {abbrev = "RUC", color = "#ACFA58", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Unnatisheel Dal"] = {abbrev = "RUD", color = "#26B062", shortname = "",},
	["Rashtriya Vikas Party"] = {abbrev = "RVP", color = "#D0A9F5", shortname = "",},
	["Rassemblement Wallonie France"] = {abbrev = "", color = "blue", shortname = "",},
	["Rastriya Janamorcha"] = {abbrev = "", color = "firebrick", shortname = "",},
	["Rastriya Janamukti Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "DodgerBlue", shortname = "Janamukti",},
	["Rastriya Janata Dal Nepal"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E6DBCF", shortname = "RJD Nepal",},
	["Rastriya Janata Party Nepal"] = {abbrev = "RJPN", color = "#FFb300", shortname = "",},
	["Rastriya Janshakti Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "khaki", shortname = "Janashakti",},
	["Rastriya Prajatantra Party (Chand)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "yellow", shortname = "RPP (Chand)",},
	["Rastriya Prajatantra Party (Samyukta)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#4682B4", shortname = "",},
	["Rastriya Prajatantra Party Nepal"] = {abbrev = "", color = "orange", shortname = "RPP-Nepal",},
	["Rastriya Prajatantra Party"] = {abbrev = "RPP", color = "gold", shortname = "",},
	["Rastriya Swatantra Party"] = {abbrev = "RSP", color = "#0095DA", shortname = "RSP",},
	["Ratana"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A52A2A", shortname = "",},
	["Ratepayers and Residents Associations"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#dddddd", shortname = "Ratepayers & Residents",},
	["Ratepayers Association"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#dddddd", shortname = "Ratepayers",},
	["Ratepayers' and Citizens' Association"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#dddddd", shortname = "Ratepayers & Citizens",},
	["Ratz (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C80004", shortname = "Ratz",},
	["Raving Loony Green Giant Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "green", shortname = "Raving Loony Green Giant",},
	["Rayalaseema Parirakshana Samithi"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
	["Rayyithunge Muthagaddim Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CC0000", shortname = "",},
	["Raza Unida Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CC853F", shortname = "Raza Unida",},
	["Re-open Nominations"] = {abbrev = "RON", color = "Black", shortname = "",},
	["Readjuster Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0EBFE9", shortname = "Readjuster",},
	["Reagrupament"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#841039", shortname = "",},
	["Real Alternative Party"] = {abbrev = "PAR", color = "#FECD0B", shortname = "",},
	["Real Democracy Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#BFFF00", shortname = "Real Democracy",},
	["Real Democracy"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
	["Real NZ"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#72bfe8", shortname = "",},
	["Real Politics Union"] = {abbrev = "UPR", color = "#031B45", shortname = "",},
	["Realists (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#013888", shortname = "",},
	["Reality Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "Grey", shortname = "Reality",},
	["Realizing Goals"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0B76C0", shortname = "",},
	["Reason Party (Australia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#4BB8B3", shortname = "",},
	["Rebel Almería"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#981403", shortname = "",},
	["Rebirth Party (Northern Cyprus)"] = {abbrev = "YDP", color = "#00CCFF", shortname = "",},
	["Reborn Armenia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1E4277", shortname = "",},
	["Reclaim Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C03F31", shortname = "Reclaim",},
	["Reconciliation and Liberation Bloc"] = {abbrev = "", color = "black", shortname = "",},
	["Reconquête"] = {abbrev = "REC", color = "#170066", shortname = "",},
	["Reconstitution Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00FFFF", shortname = "",},
	["Recrear"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#35649C", shortname = "",},
	["Recreate Greece"] = {abbrev = "DX", color = "#F19914", shortname = "",},
	["Recuperar Badajoz"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6A1E5E", shortname = "",},
	["Recuperemos El Ejido"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#01781E", shortname = "",},
	["Red Current"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CE1000", shortname = "",},
	["Red Dot United"] = {abbrev = "RDU", color = "#DC6698", shortname = "",},
	["Red Electoral Alliance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#d4001a", shortname = "Red",},
	["Red Flag Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
	["Red Front (UK)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "Red", shortname = "Red Front",},
	["Red Party (Dominican Republic)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
	["Red Party (Norway)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E52437", shortname = "Red",},
	["Red-Green Alliance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E6801A", shortname = "",},
	["Red-Greens (Sweden)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F0002D", shortname = "Red-Greens",},
	["Red–Green Alliance (Denmark)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D0004D", shortname = "Red–Green",},
	["Redondela Electors' Group"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#9A2428", shortname = "",},
	["Redondela Pode"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3C0C40", shortname = "",},
	["Referendum Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#bf475c", shortname = "Referendum",},
	["Reform and Development Misruna Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C7A317", shortname = "",},
	["Reform and Development Party (Morocco)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#8CB803", shortname = "",},
	["Reform Club of Hong Kong"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D04627", shortname = "Reform",},
	["Reform Front Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "DodgerBlue", shortname = "",},
	["Reform Group (Finland)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E6E600", shortname = "Reform",},
	["Reform Jersey"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#01547C", shortname = "",},
	["Reform Party (19th-century Wisconsin)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3333FF", shortname = "Reform",},
	["Reform Party (Iceland)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF7D14", shortname = "Reform",},
	["Reform Party (Latvia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#10A5DF", shortname = "Reform",},
	["Reform Party (Mauritania)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#715331", shortname = "El Islah",},
	["Reform Party (Minnesota)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6A287E", shortname = "Reform",},
	["Reform Party (Mississippi)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6A287E", shortname = "Reform",},
	["Reform Party (New York State)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6A287E", shortname = "Reform",},
	["Reform Party (New Zealand)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00BB00", shortname = "Reform",},
	["Reform Party (Philippines)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0000CD", shortname = "Reform",},
	["Reform Party (Singapore)"] = {abbrev = "RP", color = "#FFC000", shortname = "",},
	["Reform Party (Southern Rhodesia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#99FF99", shortname = "Reform",},
	["Reform Party (US)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6A287E", shortname = "Reform",},
	["Reform Party of Canada"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3CB371", shortname = "",},
	["Reform PH - People's Party"] = {abbrev = "RP", color = "#800000", shortname = "",},
	["Reform Progressive Party"] = {abbrev = "PPR", color = "#0000FF", shortname = "",},
	["Reform Star Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#BCDA00", shortname = "",},
	["Reform UK"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#12B6CF", shortname = "",},
	["Reformatory Political Federation"] = {abbrev = "RPF", color = "#7FD3E9", shortname = "",},
	["Reformed Congress of Lesotho"] = {abbrev = "RCL", color = "#067a3e", shortname = "",},
	["Reformed Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F0E68C", shortname = "",},
	["Reformed Political Alliance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#f7af20", shortname = "",},
	["Reformed Political League"] = {abbrev = "GPV", color = "#6CBFD9", shortname = "",},
	["Reformed Political Party – Reformatory Political Federation – Reformed Political League"] = {abbrev = "SGP/RPF/GPV", color = "#00a7eb", shortname = "",},
	["Reformed Political Party"] = {abbrev = "SGP", color = "#EA5B0B", shortname = "",},
	["Reformers (Hungarian political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D19E33", shortname = "",},
	["Reformist Bloc"] = {abbrev = "RB", color = "#2A3A79", shortname = "",},
	["Reformist Canarian Centre"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FDBB4A", shortname = "",},
	["Reformist Movement"] = {abbrev = "MR", color = "#0047AB", shortname = "",},
	["Reformist Party (Dominican Republic)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ff0000", shortname = "",},
	["Reformist Party (Portugal)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FB607F", shortname = "",},
	["Reformist Party (Serbia)"] = {abbrev = "RS", color = "#FF6600", shortname = "",},
	["Reformist Party (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "PR", color = "#FF9900", shortname = "",},
	["Reformist Party ORA"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#29106B", shortname = "",},
	["Reformists of Vojvodina"] = {abbrev = "RV", color = "#E46713", shortname = "",},
	["Reforms and Freedom"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
	["Reforms and Order Party"] = {abbrev = "PRP", color = "#2581CC", shortname = "",},
	["Regenerator Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0054A5", shortname = "",},
	["Regional Citizens' Coalition"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CE1244", shortname = "",},
	["Regional Murcianist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FAE800", shortname = "",},
	["Regional Integration Movement"] = {abbrev = "MIR", color = "#ADEEF7", shortname = "",},
	["Regional Unity Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0066FF", shortname = "",},
	["Regionalism (politics)"] = {abbrev = "REG", color = "#DDDD00", shortname = "Regionalists",},
	["Regionalist (Restoration)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B4E0CA", shortname = "",},
	["Regionalist Action Party of Chile"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FDFA2F", shortname = "",},
	["Regionalist Alicantine Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#095387", shortname = "",},
	["Regionalist Call for Andalusia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#08B618", shortname = "",},
	["Regionalist Democracy of Castile and León"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#5DA923", shortname = "",},
	["Regionalist Independent Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "purple", shortname = "",},
	["Regionalist League of Catalonia"] = {abbrev = "LRC", color = "#D5AD0F", shortname = "",},
	["Regionalist League of the Balearic Islands"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#834098", shortname = "",},
	["Regionalist Local Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#82CF05", shortname = "",},
	["Regionalist Party for Eastern Andalusia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A6004D", shortname = "",},
	["Regionalist Party of Cantabria"] = {abbrev = "PRC", color = "#C2CE0C", shortname = "",},
	["Regionalist Party of Castilla-La Mancha"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DC143C", shortname = "",},
	["Regionalist Party of Castilla–La Mancha"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DC143C", shortname = "",},
	["Regionalist Party of El Bierzo"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#005DA1", shortname = "",},
	["Regionalist Party of Guadalajara"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#7310AD", shortname = "",},
	["Regionalist Party of Independents"] = {abbrev = "", color = "green", shortname = "",},
	["Regionalist Party of the Independents"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00FF00", shortname = "Regionalist",},
	["Regionalist Party of the Leonese Country"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D20062", shortname = "",},
	["Regionalist Union of Castile and León"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1E4D79", shortname = "",},
	["Regionalist Unitary Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#882222", shortname = "",},
	["Regionalist Unity of Castile and León"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FE0000", shortname = "",},
	["Regionalist Unity"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C9286B", shortname = "",},
	["Reich Party for Civil Rights and Deflation"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0075EB", shortname = "",},
	["Reich Party of the German Middle Class"] = {abbrev = "WP", color = "#CCAA7A", shortname = "",},
	["Reigate and Banstead Residents Association"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DDDDDD", shortname = "",},
	["Reinicia Sant Antoni"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#570D9E", shortname = "",},
	["Reiwa Shinsengumi"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ED008C", shortname = "Reiwa",},
	["Rejoin EU"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#003399", shortname = "",},
	["Religious Torah Front"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000", shortname = "",},
	["Religious Zionist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#214785", shortname = "Religious Zionist",},
	["Reload Bulgaria"] = {abbrev = "", color = "black", shortname = "",},
	["Renaissance (French political party)"] = {abbrev = "RE", color = "#00205B", shortname = "",},
	["Renaissance and Union of Europe Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
	["RENAMO"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#113077", shortname = "",},
	["Renew Europe"] = {abbrev = "RE", color = "gold", shortname = "",},
	["Renew Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#16C0D7", shortname = "Renew",},
	["Renewal (Greece)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FAFF5F", shortname = "",},
	["Renewal (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2B4F32", shortname = "",},
	["Renewal Crusade"] = {abbrev = "", color = "SkyBlue", shortname = "",},
	["Renewal Front"] = {abbrev = "FR-PJ", color = "#0E3C61", shortname = "",},
	["Renewal Liberal Centre"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#BD782D", shortname = "",},
	["Renewal Party of Ibiza and Formentera"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#354B84", shortname = "",},
	["Renewal–Nationalist Brotherhood"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3EA3D2", shortname = "",},
	["Renewed Caledonian Union"] = {abbrev = "UC-R", color = "green", shortname = "",},
	["Renewed Democratic Liberty"] = {abbrev = "LIDER", color = "#E20A17", shortname = "",},
	["Renewed United Democratic Centre"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#009191", shortname = "",},
	["Renewing Communist Ecological Left"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF4900", shortname = "",},
	["Renmen Ayiti"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0087DC", shortname = "",},
	["Renovating Action Party"] = {abbrev = "PAR", color = "#FDF38E", shortname = "",},
	["Renovator Labour Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E7393D", shortname = "",},
	["Rent Is Too Damn High Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#703642", shortname = "Rent Is Too Damn High",},
	["Renua"] = {abbrev = "Ren", color = "#FFA500", shortname = "Renua",},
	["Repeal Association"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DDFFDD", shortname = "Irish Repeal",},
	["Repons Peyizan"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#009A17", shortname = "",},
	["Republic (Faroe Islands)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#BED630", shortname = "Republic",},
	["Republic (Latvia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#075895", shortname = "",},
	["Republic (Slovakia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#e30512", shortname = "REPUBLIC",},
	["Republic (Transnistria)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#990000", shortname = "Republic",},
	["Republic of Fiji Military Forces"] = {abbrev = "RFMF", color = "#C3B091", shortname = "",},
	["Republican (Ireland, 1923)"] = {abbrev = "Rep", color = "#008800", shortname = "Republican",},
	["Republican (Ireland)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#66BB66", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Action (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "AR", color = "#FF7028", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Alternative (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#75246C", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Alternative Party (Azerbaijan)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EF3340", shortname = "",},
	["Republican and Socialist Left (2018)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D23150", shortname = "",},
	["Republican and Socialist Left"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D53150", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Bicentennial Vanguard"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#BE4736", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Bloc"] = {abbrev = "BR", color = "", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Candidacy"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6C3E89", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Catalan Action"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E2A554", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Clubs"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EE0000", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Coalition (Spain, 1901)"] = {abbrev = "CR", color = "#7A1B6A", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Coalition (Spain, 1914)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#864891", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Constitutional Union"] = {abbrev = "UCR", color = "#A352A3", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Democratic Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#808080", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Equality Front"] = {abbrev = "FER", color = "#B9E16F", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Fascist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Federation (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#804AB5", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Federation"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#005ACA", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Force"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0070B8", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Front (Catalonia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EB2071", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Fusion"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#711A5B", shortname = "Republican",},
	["Republican Group of Coslada"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#82177F", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Labour Party"] = {abbrev = "RepLab", color = "#85de59", shortname = "Republican Labour",},
	["Republican Left (Spain, 1977)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B5047B", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Left (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "IR", color = "#E25822", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Left of Catalonia"] = {abbrev = "ERC", color = "#FFB232", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Liberal Party (Panama)"] = {abbrev = "PLR", color = "pink", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Liberal Party (Portugal)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFD700", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Moderate Party (Alaska)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DD4444", shortname = "Republican Moderate",},
	["Republican Movement (Mauritius)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Movement (Switzerland)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#61380B", shortname = "Republican",},
	["Republican Nation Party"] = {abbrev = "CMP", color = "#6F4E37", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Nationalist Centre"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CC9933", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Nationalist Federal Union"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#993366", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Nationalist Party of Ourense"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#4040C0", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Network for Unity"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#004400", shortname = "Republican Network",},
	["Republican Party (Belarus)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#811F20", shortname = "Republican",},
	["Republican Party (Bolivia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3CB371", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Party (Bosnia and Herzegovina)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "Lightblue", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Party (Brazil)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#009F3C", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Party (Cambodia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0000FF", shortname = "Republican",},
	["Republican Party (Chile)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#22446D", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Party (China)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFC500", shortname = "Republican",},
	["Republican Party (Costa Rica)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0018A8", shortname = "Republican",},
	["Republican Party (East Timor)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#24A236", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Party (France)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00CCCC", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Party (Liberia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "Republican",},
	["Republican Party (Maldives)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DC0A0A", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Party (Namibia)"] = {abbrev = "RP", color = "#FFF100", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Party (Pakistan)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6495ED", shortname = "Republican Party",},
	["Republican Party (Panama)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFA500", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Party (Philippines)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#191970", shortname = "Republican",},
	["Republican Party (Serbia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#c2121d", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Party (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D69652", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Party (Tunisia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CF171F", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Party (US)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E81B23", shortname = "Republican",},
	["Republican Party for Democracy and Renewal"] = {abbrev = "PRDS", color = "#981c24", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Party for Independence and Development"] = {abbrev = "PRID", color = "#FF8000", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Party of Afghanistan"] = {abbrev = "", color = "skyblue", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Party of Agricultural and Smallholder People"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#008000", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Party of Albania"] = {abbrev = "PR", color = "#20267A", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Party of Armenia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D2691E", shortname = "Republican",},
	["Republican Party of Dahomey"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F38C22", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Party of Farmers and Peasants"] = {abbrev = "RSZML", color = "#008000", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Party of Havana"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CD5C5C", shortname = "Republican",},
	["Republican Party of India (Athawale)"] = {abbrev = "RPI(A)", color = "#000080", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Party of India (Gavai)"] = {abbrev = "RPI(G)", color = "#6633EE", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Party of India (Khobragade)"] = {abbrev = "RPI(K)", color = "darkblue", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Party of India Ektavadi"] = {abbrev = "RPIE", color = "#BFFF00", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Party of India"] = {abbrev = "RPI", color = "#000066", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Party of Labour and Justice"] = {abbrev = "RPTS", color = "#DE7673", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Party of Liberty"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0000CD", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Party of Paraná"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#768000", shortname = "PR Paraná",},
	["Republican Party of Russia"] = {abbrev = "RPR", color = "#FE4801", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Party of the Social Order"] = {abbrev = "PROS", color = "#F68F22", shortname = "",},
	["Republican People's Party (Egypt)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B7800B", shortname = "",},
	["Republican People's Party"] = {abbrev = "CHP", color = "#ED1C24", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Peronism"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#007FFF", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Progressive Democratic Front"] = {abbrev = "FDPR", color = "#EE2C21", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Proposal"] = {abbrev = "PRO", color = "#ffd700", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Reliance Party"] = {abbrev = "CGP", color = "#FF4500", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Sinn Féin"] = {abbrev = "RSF", color = "#008800", shortname = "Republican Sinn Féin",},
	["Republican Social Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#313439", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Socialist Unity Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Turkish Party"] = {abbrev = "CTP", color = "#008000", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Union (France)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C0504D", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Union (Portugal)"] = {abbrev = "PUR", color = "#A52A2A", shortname = "Republican Union",},
	["Republican Union (Puerto Rico)"] = {abbrev = "", color = " ", shortname = "Republican Union",},
	["Republican Union (Spain, 1934)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#672F6C", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Union Party (Colombia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FBCEB1", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Union Party (Ecuador)"] = {abbrev = "PUR", color = "#D0FF14", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Union Party (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "PUR", color = "#931585", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Union Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ADD8E6", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Unity Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D0FF14", shortname = "",},
	["Republican Villagers Nation Party"] = {abbrev = "CKMP", color = "#DF7401", shortname = "",},
	["Republican-Socialist Party"] = {abbrev = "PRS", color = "#DE3163", shortname = "",},
	["Republican–Socialist Conjunction"] = {abbrev = "CRS", color = "#C11956", shortname = "",},
	["Republican, Ecologist and Social Alliance"] = {abbrev = "ARES", color = "#4169E1", shortname = "",},
	["Republican/Hold"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFF1EE", shortname = "",},
	["Republicans (Brazil)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0070C5", shortname = "Republicanos",},
	["Republicans for Bulgaria"] = {abbrev = "RzB", color = "#2B4A99", shortname = "",},
	["Republicans"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#AB0EA7", shortname = "",},
	["Res Publica Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#04427C", shortname = "Res Publica",},
	["Residents Action Movement"] = {abbrev = "RAM", color = "#467CFA", shortname = "",},
	["Residents Association of London"] = {abbrev = "", color = "teal", shortname = "Residents",},
	["Residents Association"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#d3d3d3", shortname = "Residents",},
	["Residents Associations of Epsom and Ewell"] = {abbrev = "", color = "pink", shortname = "Residents Association",},
	["Residents for Guildford and Villages"] = {abbrev = "R4GV", color = "#CA1F7B", shortname = "",},
	["Residents for Uttlesford"] = {abbrev = "R4U", color = "#00a88f", shortname = "",},
	["Residents' Association of Barnet"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#669966", shortname = "Residents' Association",},
	["Residents' Association of London"] = {abbrev = "", color = "gray", shortname = "",},
	["Residents' association"] = {abbrev = "RA", color = "#666666", shortname = "",},
	["RESIST (electoral list)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00A94F", shortname = "",},
	["Resistance Front of Islamic Iran"] = {abbrev = "RFII", color = "#23aba1", shortname = "",},
	["Resistance of Guinea-Bissau-Bafatá Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0A86F8", shortname = "",},
	["Resistance Party (France)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0072BB", shortname = "",},
	["Résistons!"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#034EA1", shortname = "",},
	["Resni.ca"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#67359A", shortname = "",},
	["Résoatao Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#154FE6", shortname = "",},
	["Respect (Haiti)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0000FF", shortname = "Respect",},
	["Respect Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#46801c", shortname = "Respect",},
	["Respeto"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#8E1919", shortname = "",},
	["Responsibility – Social Democratic Alliance of Political Parties"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ADD8E6", shortname = "",},
	["Responsible Future (Iceland)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#322757", shortname = "",},
	["Responsible Government Association"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF7F00", shortname = "",},
	["Respublika (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#20959E", shortname = "Respublika",},
	["Respublika–Ata Zhurt"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFCF06", shortname = "",},
	["Restart Coalition"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#e00f20", shortname = "Restart",},
	["Restore and Build Kenya"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0000ff", shortname = "",},
	["Restore Scotland"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#006EB6", shortname = "",},
	["Restore the Family for Children's Sake"] = {abbrev = "", color = "Goldenrod", shortname = "",},
	["Resurgence Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "Blue", shortname = "",},
	["RETE Movement"] = {abbrev = "RETE", color = "#275956", shortname = "",},
	["Retirees Party for the Future"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#59A35A", shortname = "",},
	["Reunification Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "RDP", color = "#EF4122", shortname = "Reunification Democratic",},
	["Reunification Movement for Change"] = {abbrev = "RMC", color = "#F16A26", shortname = "",},
	["Reus Independent Coordinator"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A71F21", shortname = "",},
	["Revival (Bulgarian political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C09F62", shortname = "Revival",},
	["Revival (Ukraine)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#90BEDC", shortname = "Revival",},
	["Revival Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "Crimson", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Action Party"] = {abbrev = "PAR", color = "#4682b4", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Anticapitalist Left"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B41E17", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Civic Union"] = {abbrev = "UCR", color = "#6B8E23", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Agrarian Movement of the Bolivian Peasantry"] = {abbrev = "MARC", color = "#D29D7D", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang"] = {abbrev = "RCCK", color = "#1b65af", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Communist League (France)"] = {abbrev = "LCR", color = "#C41E3A", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Communist League (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DF0101", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Communist Movement of Greece"] = {abbrev = "EKKE", color = "red", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Communist Party (Argentina)"] = {abbrev = "PCR", color = "#E00000", shortname = "Revolutionary Communist Party",},
	["Revolutionary Communist Party (UK, 1978)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#880000", shortname = "Revolutionary Communist",},
	["Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist–Leninist)"] = {abbrev = "RCP (GB) (ML)", color = "#660000", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Communist Party of India"] = {abbrev = "RCPI", color = "Red", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Communist Party, USA"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C80815", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Democratic Coalition"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Democratic Party of India"] = {abbrev = "RDP(I)", color = "#F78181", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Febrerista Party"] = {abbrev = "PRF", color = "#01a755", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Goans Party"] = {abbrev = "RGP", color = "#E3C773", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Left Front (Bolivia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Left Front"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0500BE", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Left Movement (Bolivia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF8000", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Left Movement (Venezuela)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Left Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "darkred", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Liberation Movement Tupaq Katari"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A57DAD", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Marxist Party of India"] = {abbrev = "RMPI", color = "red", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Middle Class"] = {abbrev = "", color = "Black", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Nationalist Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F19CBB", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Organization"] = {abbrev = "RO", color = "#ee1c25", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Party (Guatemala)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#964B00", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Party of Democratic Unification"] = {abbrev = "PRUD", color = "#FAAFBE", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Party of the Nationalist Left"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D62222", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Social Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#200040", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Socialist Party (Bolshevik)"] = {abbrev = "RSP(B)", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Socialist Party (India)"] = {abbrev = "RSP", color = "#FF4A4A", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Socialist Party (Leninist)"] = {abbrev = "RSP(L)", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Socialist Party (Luxembourg)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#960018", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Socialist Party (Netherlands)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#990000", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Socialist Party (Peru)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "Red", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Socialist Party of Kerala (Bolshevik)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Socialists (Egypt)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFD700", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Union (Peru)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "black", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary United Front"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFD700", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Workers Party (Chile)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#BE0411", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Workers Party (US)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#aa0000", shortname = "Revolutionary Workers",},
	["Revolutionary Workers Party of Bangladesh"] = {abbrev = "BRWP", color = "#E38B9F", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Workers' Party (Bolivia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#8B0000", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Workers' Party (Russia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DE0403", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Workers' Party (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B22222", shortname = "",},
	["Revolutionary Workers' Party (Uruguay)"] = {abbrev = "POR", color = "#fff44f", shortname = "",},
	["Revolution for Prosperity"] = {abbrev = "RFP", color = "#411144", shortname = "",},
	["Rewmi"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E68F3F", shortname = "",},
	["Rex Patrick Team"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#16b7cd", shortname = "",},
	["Rezistans ek Alternativ"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFFFF", shortname = "",},
	["Rhinoceros Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D8BFD8", shortname = "Rhinoceros",},
	["Rhodesia Labour Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DC241f", shortname = "Labour",},
	["Rhodesia Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF7F00", shortname = "",},
	["Rhodesian Action Party"] = {abbrev = "RAP", color = "#ffd700", shortname = "",},
	["Rhodesian Front"] = {abbrev = "RF", color = "#C247C2", shortname = "",},
	["Rhodesian Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "Orange", shortname = "",},
	["Rhuddlan Debt Protest Campaign"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFFFF", shortname = "",},
	["Right Alliance (Belarus)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#959492", shortname = "",},
	["Right Bloc"] = {abbrev = "PB", color = "#8DB600", shortname = "",},
	["Right Cause"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F0BD48", shortname = "",},
	["Right-Green People's Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#008000", shortname = "",},
	["Right Person Electorate Coalition"] = {abbrev = "RPEC", color = "#6D3290", shortname = "",},
	["Right Romania Alliance"] = {abbrev = "ARD", color = "#318CE7", shortname = "",},
	["Right Sector"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#110C17", shortname = "",},
	["Right to Change"] = {abbrev = "RTOC", color = "#EE4035", shortname = "",},
	["Right to Life Party (New York)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F4C2C2", shortname = "Right to Life",},
	["Right Wing of the Republic"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#BE282D", shortname = "",},
	["Right-wing independent"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0000FF", shortname = "",},
	["Righteous Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#901380", shortname = "",},
	["Rightist Opposition"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#7C1F3C", shortname = "Right Opposition",},
	["Right Socialist Party of Japan"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2AAAE6", shortname = "Right Socialist",},
	["Rights and Equality Party"] = {abbrev = "HEPAR", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
	["Rights and Freedoms Party (Turkey)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFDB4D", shortname = "",},
	["Rights and Freedoms Party"] = {abbrev = "HAK-PAR", color = "#E6E600", shortname = "",},
	["Rights and Justice Party"] = {abbrev = "HAP", color = "#996633", shortname = "",},
	["Rights and Liberties Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},
	["Rights of Citizens Association"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFC0CB", shortname = "",},
	["Rights Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DDDDDD", shortname = "",},
	["Rikken Doshikai"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DA7B8B", shortname = "",},
	["Rikken Kaishintō"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#cd5c5c", shortname = "",},
	["Rikken Kakushintō"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00AE9D", shortname = "",},
	["Rikken Kokumintō"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A090E0", shortname = "",},
	["Rikken Minseitō"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6EA4CA", shortname = "",},
	["Rikken Seiyūkai"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B0D3A8", shortname = "",},
	["Rikken Yōseikai"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B0313F", shortname = "",},
	["Rio Republican Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00AFEF", shortname = "PR Fluminense",},
	["Rinnovu"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#500F0B", shortname = "Rinnovu",},
	["Riojan Party"] = {abbrev = "PR+", color = "#00AA42", shortname = "",},
	["Rionegrin Provincial Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EB3721", shortname = "",},
	["RISE – Scotland's Left Alliance"] = {abbrev = "RISE", color = "#f15723", shortname = "",},
	["RISE (Ireland)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ED161F", shortname = "RISE",},
	["Rise Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2E127D", shortname = "",},
	["Rising Sun Party"] = {abbrev = "RIS", color = "#FFB040", shortname = "",},
	["Ritō (government supporters)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#009933", shortname = "",},
	["Rivas Puede"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#812868", shortname = "",},
	["Rivers State Peoples Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "PDP", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
	["Robbie the Pict (Independent)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFFFF", shortname = "",},
	["Rochford District Residents"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#930000", shortname = "Rochford Resident",},
	["Rock 'n' Roll Loony Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#c71585", shortname = "Rock 'n' Roll Loony",},
	["Rockingham Whigs"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F0DC82", shortname = "",},
	["Rodina (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E61B23", shortname = "Rodina",},
	["Rodney First"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#009999", shortname = "",},
	["Rodrigues Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#21FF21", shortname = "",},
	["Rodrigues People's Organisation"] = {abbrev = "OPR", color = "#8B664B", shortname = "",},
	["Roma Civic Initiative"] = {abbrev = "ROI", color = "brown", shortname = "",},
	["Roma Party"] = {abbrev = "RP", color = "#016830", shortname = "",},
	["Roma Union of Serbia"] = {abbrev = "URS", color = "#A3C5EA", shortname = "",},
	["Roman Catholic Party of the Netherlands"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0033BB", shortname = "",},
	["Roman Catholic People's Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#7F7F99", shortname = "",},
	["Roman Catholic State Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#003319", shortname = "",},
	["Romanian Communist Party"] = {abbrev = "PCR", color = "#CC0000", shortname = "",},
	["Romanian Democratic Convention"] = {abbrev = "CDR", color = "#004A92", shortname = "",},
	["Romanian ethnic minority parties"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "Minority parties",},
	["Romanian National Party"] = {abbrev = "PNR", color = "#5087B2", shortname = "",},
	["Romanian National Unity Party"] = {abbrev = "PUNR", color = "#1BB0E8", shortname = "",},
	["Romanian Nationhood Party"] = {abbrev = "NR", color = "#F7D117", shortname = "",},
	["Romanian People's Party"] = {abbrev = "VNS", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},
	["Romanian Popular Party"] = {abbrev = "PPR", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},
	["Romanian Social Democratic Party (1927–1948)"] = {abbrev = "PSD", color = "#D40000", shortname = "",},
	["Romanian Social Democratic Party (1990–2001)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "pink", shortname = "PSDR (Social)",},
	["Romanian Social Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ff0000", shortname = "",},
	["Romanian Socialist Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ED2128", shortname = "PSDR (Socialist)",},
	["Romanian Socialist Party (1992–2015)"] = {abbrev = "PSR", color = "#CC0000", shortname = "",},
	["Romanian Socialist Party (present-day)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E30615", shortname = "",},
	["Romantic Mutual Support Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFC0CB", shortname = "",},
	["Ronda Green Space"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#52886E", shortname = "",},
	["Ronda Sí Se Puede"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#63376A", shortname = "",},
	["Rondeños por Ronda"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#7F7F7F", shortname = "",},
	["Roos Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFD700", shortname = "Roos",},
	["Roots Party of Kenya"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EC3237", shortname = "",},
	["Roque Aguayro"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D93224", shortname = "",},
	["Roque de Gando"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFF200", shortname = "",},
	["Rose in the Fist"] = {abbrev = "", color = "gold", shortname = "",},
	["ROSSEM"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B7007D", shortname = "",},
	["Round Table—Free Georgia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#BA2B27", shortname = "Round Table",},
	["Roundhead"] = {abbrev = "", color = "white", shortname = "",},
	["Roundtable (Hong Kong)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#509ccd", shortname = "Roundtable",},
	["Royalist"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#66023C", shortname = "",},
	["RPR-UDF"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0066CC", shortname = "",},
	["Ruiz-Mateos Group"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#28365D", shortname = "Ruiz-Mateos",},
	["Runnymede Independent Residents Group"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#264404", shortname = "",},
	["Rural Development Party"] = {abbrev = "RDP", color = "", shortname = "",},
	["Rural Development Party (Vanuatu)"] = {abbrev = "RDP", color = "#000000", shortname = "Rural Development",},
	["Rural Independents Group"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CCFFCC", shortname = "",},
	["Rural Nationalist Bloc"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#048043", shortname = "",},
	["Rural Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#808000", shortname = "",},
	["Rural Party (Iceland)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "purple", shortname = "",},
	["Rurality Movement"] = {abbrev = "LMR", color = "#0049A1", shortname = "",},
	["Russellite Unionist"] = {abbrev = "", color = "orange", shortname = "",},
	["Russia of the Future"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#44B4E3", shortname = "",},
	["Russian All-People's Union"] = {abbrev = "ROS", color = "#FF9C00", shortname = "",},
	["Russian Communist Workers Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D50000", shortname = "",},
	["Russian Communist Workers' Party of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A9231B", shortname = "",},
	["Russian Democratic Reform Movement"] = {abbrev = "RDDR", color = "#E9E26E", shortname = "",},
	["Russian Ecological Party \"The Greens\""] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00953B", shortname = "The Greens",},
	["Russian Labour Front"] = {abbrev = "RTF", color = "#34499A", shortname = "",},
	["Russian National Party"] = {abbrev = "RNP", color = "blue", shortname = "",},
	["Russian Party (Serbia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0D3B66", shortname = "",},
	["Russian Party in Estonia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2b677f", shortname = "",},
	["Russian Party of Freedom and Justice"] = {abbrev = "RPSS", color = "#AC0907", shortname = "",},
	["Russian Party of Life"] = {abbrev = "RPL", color = "#D82828", shortname = "",},
	["Russian Party of Pensioners for Social Justice"] = {abbrev = "RPPSJ", color = "#C52030", shortname = "",},
	["Russian Party of Social Democracy"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D51F76", shortname = "",},
	["Russian Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3CB371", shortname = "",},
	["Russian People's Democratic Union"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D00032", shortname = "",},
	["Russian Social Democratic Labour Party"] = {abbrev = "RSDLP", color = "#D40000", shortname = "",},
	["Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (Mensheviks)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ED1B34", shortname = "Mensheviks",},
	["Russian Socialist Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D62B24", shortname = "",},
	["Russian Socialist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#020266", shortname = "",},
	["Russian Unity"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#054C9F", shortname = "",},
	["Rwandan Patriotic Front"] = {abbrev = "RPF", color = "#0087DC", shortname = "",},
	["Rwandan Socialist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFC0CB", shortname = "",},
	["Ryokufūkai (1947–1960)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#9ACBAB", shortname = "Ryokufūkai",},

return {
	full = full,
	alternate = alternate,