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Wiktionary වෙතින්
අමතර අවධානයට: japan, japán, සහ Japán


a satellite image showing Japan
සිංහල විකිපීඩියාව සතුව මෙයට අදාළ ලිපියක් ඇත:
විකිමීඩියා කොමන්ස් සතුව මේ ආශ්‍රිතව තවත් මාධ්‍ය පවතියි:
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වෙනත් ආකාර


First attested in English as Giapan in Richard Willes's 1577 The History of Travayle in the West and East Indies (cited in Peter C. Mancall's Travel Narratives from the Age of Discovery, pp. 156–57), translating a 19 February 1565 letter of the Portuguese Jesuit missionary Luís Fróis as "Of the Ilande of Giapan".

Borrowed from පෘතුගීසි Japão with possible influence from ඕලන්ද Japan, both from either or both:

With /j/ readings, such as Iaponia / Japonia or Japon / Iapon from කැන්ටනීස් 日本, also from Middle Chinese 日本 (sun origin).

Compare also modern මැන්ඩරීන් 日本, ජපන් 日本(にっぽ​ん) (Nippo​n) / 日本(にほ​ん) (Niho​n), කොරියානු 일본 (Ilbon) (日本), වියට්නාම Nhật Bản (日本).

The earliest form of Japan in Europe was Marco Polo's Cipangu, from some form of synonymous Sinitic 日本國日本国 (nation of Japan).


  • IPA(key): /d͡ʒəˈpæn/
  • (file)
  • Rhymes: -æn

සංඥා නාම පදය


  1. A country and archipelago in East Asia
    Synonyms: Jap., Jpn., Land of the Rising Sun, Japonia, Nihon, Nippon, Yamato, State of Japan
    • 1889 Jan., Oscar Wilde, The Decay of Lying: An Observation", The Nineteenth Century:
      Vivian: If you set a picture by Hokusai, or Hokkei, or any of the great native painters, beside a real Japanese gentleman or lady, you will see that there is not the slightest resemblance between them. The actual people who live in Japan are not unlike the general run of English people; that is to say, they are extremely commonplace, and have nothing curious or extraordinary about them. In fact the whole of Japan is a pure invention. There is no such country, there are no such people... if you desire to see a Japanese effect, you will not behave like a tourist and go to Tokio. On the contrary, you will stay at home and steep yourself in the work of certain Japanese artists, and then, when you have absorbed the spirit of their style, and caught their imaginative manner of vision, you will go some afternoon and sit in the Park or stroll down Piccadilly, and if you cannot see an absolutely Japanese effect there, you will not see it anywhere.
    • 1985 February, Steve Jobs, interview with David Sheff, Playboy:
      Japan’s very interesting. Some people think it copies things. I don’t think that anymore. I think what they do is reinvent things. They will get something that’s already been invented and study it until they thoroughly understand it. In some cases, they understand it better than the original inventor... That strategy works only when what they’re working with isn’t changing very much—the stereo industry and the automobile industry are two examples. When the target is moving quickly, they find it very difficult...
    • 2008 November 21, Graham Linehan, The IT Crowd, Season 3, Episode 1:
      Nolan: You do know Japan have expressed concern?
      Douglas: What, the whole country?
      Nolan: No, not the whole... Mr Yamamoto.
      Douglas: He's important, isn't he?
      Nolan: He's the major shareholder.

ව්‍යුත්පන්න යෙදුම්





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