Welcome to COMB.AT – a Special Research Program funded by the FWF, DFG and co-financed by the participating research institutions that aims to improve precision measurements of physical constants in optical metrology! COMB.AT is short for “Coherent Optical Metrology Beyond Electric-Dipole-Allowed Transitions”.

We bring scientists from four different academic institutions together to establish a systematic theoretical and experimental approach to study the advantages and limitations of the interaction of light (that carries topological charges) with matter. In particular, we are going to look at transitions in carbon-monosulfide (CS) molecules and the 229Th nucleus. These formally dipole-forbidden transitions have not yet been excited by lasers and are therefore an especially fascinating topic for research! Our collaborative approach at COMB.AT ensures that diverse perspectives and expertise come together to achieve remarkable advancements.

Join us in this journey towards metrological excellence. By working with light that carries orbital angular momentum we will lay the groundwork for new applications in spectroscopy and for the manipulation of molecules.

A decorative abstract picture that shows different colored lines spiraling together.

If you would like to learn more about the physics behind our research, about Special Research Programs in general, or why this topic is of such big interest to scientists, we invite you to browse in our “About” section. Keep your eyes peeled for news about upcoming events for the public as well, where we love to share our passion for physics!

Interested academics, industry partners, and other experts can find out more details about our consortium and projects under “Research Groups” or take a look at our publications, conferences, or press releases in the “Impact” section. For members of our Special Research Program, we have additional information on programs or workshops that might be of interest to you, as well as extra benefits or support from your institution, like sports activities or childcare possibilities. Find out more under “Information for SFB members”.

You are interested in joining our team of researchers in this trailblazing project? Take a look at our “Career” section, where we post any open positions in our research groups. We are looking forward to having your bright mind on our team!



Following the successful equipment transport from PTB Braunschweig to TU Wien last November, the joint work of the P4 “Ultrafast Tailored Light” and...


After many online meetings, the research groups P2 and P3 decided it was time to meet in person at the beginning of the new year to further their...

14.01.2025 17:13

Prof. Michael Tarbutt from the Imperial College London is giving a talk on “Searching for new physics with ultracold molecules”.


Prof. Pálffy-Buß’ and Prof. Schumms paper on “Photoexcitation of the 229Th nuclear clock transition using twisted light” is available now.


To make SFB goals come true, collaboration is key! That’s why the two groups, P4 “Ultrafast tailored light” and P5 “229Th nuclear spectroscopy in...


The researchers of the P2 research group have been eagerly awaiting the construction of their new laboratory, and this week things were starting to...