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IP Accelerator in United States of America

IP Accelerator services can help you research potential brand names and file trademark applications to protect your brand.
We found 15 providers
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Loza & Loza LLP
Promotional OfferSPN GuaranteeLocal ProviderEngaged in PastSponsored
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Specialities:All aspects of trademark law, including: Clearance Searches; Trademark Application & Registration; Office Action Responses; Statements of Use (for “intent to use” applications); Trademark Renewals (between 5th and 6th year after registration); Oppositions & Cancellations; Consent Agreements.
Promotional OfferSPN GuaranteeLocal ProviderEngaged in PastSponsored
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Specialities:We specialize in trademark strategy, clearance and registration; domain name advice and disputes; copyright registration and licensing; brand monitoring and enforcement; and intellectual property disputes.
Peretz Chesal Herrmann
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Specialities:The firm specializes in the registration and protection of intellectual property, including trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets and all aspects of unfair competition law.
Dunner Law PLLC
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Specialities:We specialize in counseling, protection, maintenance, enforcement and litigation for trademark, copyright, trade secret, unfair competition, false advertising, domain name, social media and online issues; also, licensing and commercial contracts.
Promotional OfferSPN GuaranteeLocal ProviderEngaged in PastSponsored
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Specialities:U.S. and foreign trademark filings, trademark office actions, trademarks searches and clearance, maintenance, trademark renewals, agreements, licenses, and contracts; trademark portfolio management; enforcement; copyright; domain name disputes; international trademark representation.
The Sladkus Law Group
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Specialities:We offer a full range of transactional and litigation legal services in the fields of trademarks, copyrights, domain names, unfair competition, trade secrets, false advertising, computer software and internet protection, licensing and brand exploitation and protection.
Hovey Williams LLP
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Specialities:Our firm regularly works with individuals and organizations of all types and sizes on clearing and registering trademarks, managing worldwide trademark portfolios, and trademark and domain name enforcement, and recordation of trademarks with U.S. Customs & Border Patrol.
McCormick, Paulding & Huber
Promotional OfferSPN GuaranteeLocal ProviderEngaged in PastSponsored
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Specialities:We specialize in obtaining Trademark and Copyright Registrations in a cost effective and client-centered manner.
Neal & McDevitt
Promotional OfferSPN GuaranteeLocal ProviderEngaged in PastSponsored
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Specialities:We specialize in all aspects of trademark, copyright and advertising law, inlcuding counseling, clearance, prosecution, licensing, enforcement and litigation, among others.
Promotional OfferSPN GuaranteeLocal ProviderEngaged in PastSponsored
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Specialities:United States trademark filings, oppositions, office actions; trademark clearance; trademark maintenance; trademark renewals; trademark agreements; trademark infringement; trademark licenses and assignments; international trademark filings; domain name disputes; trademark portfolio management; copyright filings;
Cowan, Liebowitz & Latman P.C.
Promotional OfferSPN GuaranteeLocal ProviderEngaged in PastSponsored
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Specialities:We specialize in Trademarks, Copyrights and Patents, and counsel clients in a wide-variety of industries.
Kenneth I. Gross & Associates
Promotional OfferSPN GuaranteeLocal ProviderEngaged in PastSponsored
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Specialities:We specialize in all types of trademark matters, from application through registration, as well as trademark litigation, and resolution of trademark infringement claims