Chapters reports/2013-05

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Overview of this month

Participating areas in Wiki Loves Public Art 2013.

The purpose of this section is to provide a brief overview of this report. Please use no more than 1-2 paragraphs to address the questions outlined below. You will have an opportunity to address these questions in detail elsewhere in this report.

CHANGES: Please describe how you changed your plans and budget based on the FDC allocation approved by the Board in December 2012, and your rationale for these changes. You can then use the changed plans and budget as the basis on which to report back on the last month.

  • No changes from the plan.

HIGHLIGHTS: What were 1–2 important highlights of the past month? (These may include successes, challenges, lessons learned.)

  • The competition Wiki Loves Public Art, a sister to Wiki Loves Monuments, where conducted for the first time. Over 9,000 images on more than 2,000 objects from over 200 participants of which more than 100 were new users.
  • Press accreditation at the Eurovision song contest that resulted in lots of images and videos of the artists.

WIKI-FOCUS: What Wikimedia projects was your entity focused on (e.g., Wiki Commons, French Wiktionary) this month?

  • Wikimedia Commons through Wiki Loves Public Art, and the flipped classroom portal. Swedish Wikipedia through workshops at schools.

GROWTH: How did your entity grow over the past month vs. the previous month (e.g., Number of active editors reached/involved/added, number of articles created, number of events held, number of partipants reached through workshops)?

  • Images uploaded to Commons: 850+
  • Persons reached on workshops and seminars: 103 (in 4 workshops and seminars)
  • Persons attending presentations we held: 330 (in 4 presentations)
  • New chapter members: 3

All this with Wiki Loves Public Arts excluded!

Progress toward this year's goals/objectives

This section addresses the impact of the programs / initiatives* and objectives your entity has implemented over the past month and the progress your entity is making toward meeting this year's goals. We understand that some metrics may not be applicable in this monthly report, so please add metrics here if they are applicable.

*In the last round, the FDC used the term 'initiative', but this round, we are using the term 'program.'

Community support

Community support
Volunteer during Eurovision Song Contest.
What are the objectives of this program? Please include metrics.
  • Getting more underrepresented groups of people into the projects
  • Increasing editor satisfaction
Progress against these objectives (include metrics and # of volunteers/staff involved)?
Activities conducted.
  • Through our technology pool and us helping out with accreditation, a volunteer went to the Eurovision Song Contest.
  • Launched a mini grants program (similar to the program in Wikimedia UK).
What worked and what did not?
  • That we could get accreditation and the resulting images from the Eurovision Song Contest created a very good response in the Swedish community.

Any additional details:

  • Our application to the Swedish National Board for Youth Affairs for a grant on about USD 63.000 to work on the gender gap on Wikipedia was accepted. The project, which will include a large number of edit-a-thons around the country, will start in August and end in March 2014.

Free knowledge in education

Free knowledge in education
What are the objectives of this program? Please include metrics.
  • Wikipedia is used as a teaching tool in education
  • Pupils, students and teachers contribute free knowledge
  • Teachers present the projects to be used as a resource for the pupils and students
Progress against these objectives (include metrics and # of volunteers/staff involved)?
  • Found and engaged 5 Wikipedia ambassadors.
Activities conducted.
  • Have engaged our intern in connecting Swedish Wikiversity with Moodle so we can run courses for teachers and ambassadors more interactively.
  • Have translated the Education extension to Swedish.
  • Seminar in Malmö with teachers at a school.
  • Present at an international book-fair in Stockholm.
  • Seminar for immigrants studying Swedish.
  • Developed a concept for Lund University to be utilised this autumn, similar to the Swedish Agricultural University project with a Wikipedian in Academy.
  • Meeting with our very first Wikipedia ambassador about his ideas and engagement.
  • Workshop with 60 15-year olds about Wikipedia in education.
  • Meeting with Education Broadcasting Radio.
  • Conversations with GR Education about WikiMini in Swedish.
  • Conversation with Lund University about a joint MOOC with Wikipedia incorporated.
  • Two volunteers had a workshop at the School of Hallen in Mölndal.
  • Launched a portal on Commons for flipped classroom videos in Swedish.
What worked and what did not?
  • The Flipped Classroom portal got us a bit of a setback since a lot of Swedish teachers use Iphones and Ipads and video don't play well on them. Getting video to work on them should be given priority from the Wikimedia Foundation developers side.

Any additional details:

Content liberation

Content liberation
André Costa to the right at the Amsterdam Hackathon.
What are the objectives of this program? Please include metrics.
  • Increase GLAM's general interest to freely license their material and make it available for projects.
  • Enhance the quality of the donated material.
Progress against these objectives (include metrics and # of volunteers/staff involved)?
  • André Costa participated at the Hackathon and worked on preparing the Open Database of Public Art in Sweden (ÖDOK) for WLPA 2014. Together with Maarten Dammers he also bug fixed a tool for uploading images from Europeana, named "Europeana search tool query" that has been very helpful for preparing for the upcoming edit-a-thons in June. During the Hackathon André had good opportunities to network and inform other developers about the WLPA contest.
  • In total, 17 municipalities have released data on their public art.
Activities conducted.
  • We are proofreading a brochure about why to not use CC-NC licenses which we translated from English.
  • Participated at the Wikimedia Hackathon Amsterdam 2013.
  • Export function from the database of public art to Wiki lists are completed.
  • Presentation on the Working Life Museum days about our on-going cooperation.
  • We are helping the Vasa Museum on using QR-pedia codes in their exhibitions.
  • Meeting with the Swedish National Heritage Board on future collaboration.
  • The Wiki Loves Monuments exhibition were displayed on the Nordic Museum.
  • Gave a presentation at The Association of Swedish Museums at their spring meeting about our collaboration with the Council of the Swedish Central Museums and our joint recommendations for future work.
What worked and what did not?
  • The Vasa Museum has had a hard time recruiting volunteers to do work on Commons.

Any additional details:

Reader participation

Reader participation
Participant of Wiki Loves Public Art.
What are the objectives of this program? Please include metrics.
  • Identify weaknesses in the quality of content and disseminate our findings.
  • Identify weaknesses in the user interface and work to get them solved.
  • Create a positive image of the projects.
Progress against these objectives (include metrics and # of volunteers/staff involved)?
  • Wiki Loves Public Art
    • Participants in all five countries: 225 participants (at least 129 of the participants (or 57.33%) were registered during the contest).
      • Participants from Sweden: 25. In Sweden there were a lot of people that participated in the events and visited the museums but didn't uploaded their images in time. For example¸ on the weekend May 22nd-23rd a total of 19 people visited Skokloster Castle and told the museum staff that they came as part of WLPA, however only one uploaded images during the actual contest. Hopefully they will upload their images later on outside of the contest.
    • Five different photo safaris and Wiki meet-ups were organized in Stockholm and Gothenburg as part of the contest. They had a total of circa 30 participants all in all (i.e. around 20 different persons). Around ten of them had not taken part in any event organized by WMSE prior to this.
    • External communication: Up until May 14 2013 there were 17 news reports and blog posts about Wiki Loves Public Art, but there have been more mentions since then. They will be listed on Wikimedia Commons. A couple of press releases will also be sent out in June about the end of the contest and the winner.
    • There were also four blog posts published on and six blog posts on about the event.
    • 9,250 photos of 2,155 different objects were uploaded as part of the contest; this is a result that we are very happy with as we covered more than 73 percent of all the objects listed for the contest (Sweden is here excluded as we didn't had lists this year)!
    • All infrastructure for the contest on Wikimedia Commons and the ToolServer were finalized at the end of April/beginning of May (database, lists, templates etc.). WMAT helped with creating a statistic page for the contest on
Activities conducted.
  • Wiki Loves Public Art contest.
  • One bug reported on VisualEditor that developers quickly solved.
What worked and what did not?
  • Wiki Loves Public Art
    • Some lessons learned have already been listed here. (Note that the list is still under construction).
    • The other teams will also be able to add their experiences on Commons.
    • We have also prepared a Participants' Survey that is about to get translated and delivered to all participants.
    • There were a large delay before CentralNotice was activated properly by the admins on Meta. The first two weeks it wasn't activated for users that were not logged in. As there was a substantial increase from the day CentralNotice was activated for not-logged in users this is something that potentially could have changed the amount of participants quite a lot.

Any additional details:

Free knowledge awareness

Free knowledge awareness
What are the objectives of this program? Please include metrics.
  • Make policy makers and institutions aware of the advantages of free knowledge.
Progress against these objectives (include metrics and # of volunteers/staff involved)?
  • The text to a brochure on the importance of free public information has been concluded. The brochure will be handed over to all members of the Swedish parliament.
  • Our board member Ylva Pettersson wrote a blog post on The Swedish National Agency for Education's blog on how to use Wikipedia in the classroom.
Activities conducted.
  • Released a press release (in Swedish) open database for Public Art.
  • Proofreading a brochure on the importance of free public information.
What worked and what did not?
  • Volunteers created most of the brochure, but it has taken longer time than planned.

Any additional details:

Lessons learned

Lessons from this month

A key objective of the funding is to enable the movement as a whole to understand how to achieve shared goals better and faster. An important way of doing this is to identify lessons learned from entities who receive funds, and to share these lessons across the movement. The purpose of this section is to elicit some of these insights, which will be shared throughout the movement. Please answer the following questions in 1–2 paragraphs each.

What were your major accomplishments in the past month, and how did you help to achieve movement goals?

  • Wiki Loves Public Art was a major accomplishment and gave over 9,000 images on over 2,000 objects from over 200 participants of which more than 100 new participants.

What were your major setbacks in the past month (e.g., programs that were not successful)?

  • No major setbacks in programs this month. Within GLAM we are experiencing quite good response, however the institutions usually plan for a very long time ahead so collaborations take time to setup.

What factors (organizational, environmental) enabled your success?

  • Increasing use of interns has made us a little bit more effective and have also increased quality due to more eyes on texts.

What unanticipated challenges did you encounter and how did this affect what you were able to accomplish?

  • Fundraising has been tough and is going slow. This made no impact this month but will in the future since our budget has calculated that only 50% of funds is from FDC.

What changes might you make in executing your initiatives into the next month?

  • Priorities within the exisiting programs will shift, in order to be able to execute some programs that has received low level engagement until now. All these changes are within the scope on our yearly plan.

Additional information

Provide any other relevant information that may be helpful or relevant for the FDC (e.g., links to any media coverage, blog posts, more detailed reports, more detailed financial information).

  • Our CEO Jan Ainali, while on vacation in San Francisco, visited the Wikimedia Foundation office.
  • We participated in a helping hack, where professional developers and designers help non-profit organizations, and where our website was revamped.
  • One intern finished his internship and two new started.
Sample pictures and movies from May.


Is your organization compliant with the terms outlined in the grant agreement?

As required in the grant agreement, please report any deviations from your grant proposal here. Note that, among other things, any changes must be consistent with our WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement.

Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".

  • Yes.

Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Grant funds as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".

  • Yes.


Once complete, please sign below with the usual four tildes.