Iain Rushton

Iain Rushton

Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sverige
360 följare 350 kontakter


20 years experience of building internet based software solutions.

I focus on helping cross-functional teams use collaboration to drive business value. Management for me has a large coaching element since I view process, technology and skills improvement as the primary sources of team performance improvement. I find lean thinking with agile development methodologies(i.e. scrum/kanban) are very compatible with high performing teams.

In the technology context I am passionate about automation of test, deployment and monitoring. This aligns with Lean value stream optimization of small batch deliveries. The trends towards cloud and containerized infrastructures help drive these changes.

Finally my MBA from University of Arizona, has given me familiarity with the wider business context which is valuable when working upsteam or with strategic questions.



  • Klarna-bild


    Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden

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    Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden

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    Stockholm, Sweden

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    Stockholm, Sweden

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    Stockholm, Sweden

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    Stockholm, Sweden

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  • Corporate Finance, accounting, marketing, economics, negotiation skills, lean manufacturing, entrepreneurship, valuations, venture capital finance

  • Operating systems, middleware, databases, concurrency, system design, UML, Object Orientated Software Design, Networks, UML, Java/C++

  • Computing, machine vision, machine learning, cognitive psychology, philosophy


  • Scout Leader

    S:ta Maria Scoutkår

    –nu 7 år 3 månader

    Barn och ungdom


  • Management 3.0 - Agile Leadership Attendee

    Attended 2 day workshop on using Management 3.0 for agile leadership.

    Agilt arbetssätt, vad är det?

    Introduktion – vad är egentligen agile?
    Hur förhåller sig Agile till traditionell organisering?
    Vilka varianter finns det?
    Hur kan chefer och teamledare bidra i agil utveckling?

    Teorin bakom agilt arbetssätt

    Varför fungerar Agil utveckling?
    Komplexitetsteori och systemtänkande
    En modell för…

    Attended 2 day workshop on using Management 3.0 for agile leadership.

    Agilt arbetssätt, vad är det?

    Introduktion – vad är egentligen agile?
    Hur förhåller sig Agile till traditionell organisering?
    Vilka varianter finns det?
    Hur kan chefer och teamledare bidra i agil utveckling?

    Teorin bakom agilt arbetssätt

    Varför fungerar Agil utveckling?
    Komplexitetsteori och systemtänkande
    En modell för komplexitetstänkande

    Att skapa energi och motivation

    Inre, yttre och framväxande motivation
    Förstå individerna i teamet, deras behov och hur det påverkar

    Bemyndiga teamen

    Förutsättningar för självorganisering
    Hur arbeta med mandat, delegering och förtroende
    Tekniker för distribuerad styrning

    Ramar och gränser

    Hur få team att självorganisera mot rätt mål?
    Målstrukturer och verktyg för att sätta riktning

    Att utveckla kompetens

    Hur kan chefen/ledaren bidra till kompetensutvecklingen?
    Hur kan man mäta framsteg/utveckling i ett komplext system?

    Att bygga struktur

    Vilken organisationsstruktur fungerar i en agil organisation?'
    Hur balansera generalisering och specialisering?
    Funktionell vs. tvärfunktionell

    Att leda förändring

    Att vara adaptiv är att ständigt förbättra
    Fyra aspekter på förändringsledning
    Sammanfattning och avslutning
    Tips inför framtiden

    Visa projekt

    Attended 3 day workshop to improve skillsets needed to enhance agile teams via coaching, mentoring, teaching and facilitation. Taught by Lyssa Adkins and Michael Hammon.

    Visa projekt

    Attended 2 day workshop to improve skillsets needed facilitate workshops. Taught by Lyssa Adkins and Michael Hammon.

    Visa projekt
  • Facilitering för alla – så skapar du mer engagerande och effektiva möten - Workshop Participant

    I Facilitering för alla får du lära dig om dynamiken i möten. Varför vi ofta kör fast och hur vi kan engagera alla i rummet genom att skapa en trygg miljö där deltagarna arbetar med och inte mot varandra.

    Kursen är en svensk anpassning av Sharon Bowmans framgångsrika bok och kurs, Training from the back of the room inriktad på facilitering. Det är en metod för facilitering och undervisning som sätter deltagaren i centrum. Den är också baserad på metoder för deltagande beslutsfattande.

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  • Creating Results based Teams - Christopher Avery - Workshop Participant

    In this 2-day intensive, you will learn how to understand, orient, build, and lead any team any time. Guaranteed. Agile methods say you should be collaborative. In Creating Results Based Teams — Anytime, Anywhere, with Anyone, we show you exactly how to make that happen.

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  • Spec By Example - Gojko Adzic

    Acceptance Test Automation tooling and the philosophy behind why it's important

    Visa projekt
  • JavaPosse Roundup 08 in Crested Butte, CO - open-space participant

    Open space Java and related topics conference organised by the Java Posse podcasters with Bruce Eckel

  • Thinking in Patterns for Java programmers

    Week long course in Prague. Usage of patterns in Java by Bruce Eckel http://www.mindview.net/

  • ROOTS Software Conference in Norway

    Recent object orientated trends - diverse IT topics, e.g. talk by Martin Fowler

  • Socio-Technical Modeling for Software Teams - Course Participant

    Our industry has made quite a bit of progress with regard to process and organization design, but they are still areas of active development. SAFe, LeSS, and the Spotify Model are all players in the field along with various contributions from Lean, DevOps and the CI/CD community. Most of these are solutions or frameworks, rather than attempts to represent and assess the dynamics of systems that contain both artifacts(code) and people.

    In this workshop, Michael Feathers will start with a…

    Our industry has made quite a bit of progress with regard to process and organization design, but they are still areas of active development. SAFe, LeSS, and the Spotify Model are all players in the field along with various contributions from Lean, DevOps and the CI/CD community. Most of these are solutions or frameworks, rather than attempts to represent and assess the dynamics of systems that contain both artifacts(code) and people.

    In this workshop, Michael Feathers will start with a very expansive view of Conway’s Law and use it to probe the interactions between team and code in various scenarios. We’ll explore micro service partitioning, component vs. feature teams, the role of QA and the split between front end and backend development, not with the goal of finding the “right” structure for all organizations, but rather in the spirit of being able to anticipate the consequences of various process and organizational structures, where they are contextually appropriate, and how to modify them in tandem with architecture. The goal is to develop enough awareness around the forces of software development to be able to design team structure, process and architecture for particular contexts.

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  • Öppningserbjudandet, Epostboxen

    Ett lärorikt och roligt projekt som drevs agilt. Fick känna på att skriva krav i BDD-format i specflow som kopplades till selenium för automattester.

    Övriga kreatörer

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