Distribute Aid

Distribute Aid

Ideella organisationer

Lund, Scania 354 följare

Logistic, knowledge and shipment tools for NGOs working in any humanitarian aid movement.

Om oss

Founded in 2019, Distribute Aid has grown into Europe's largest grassroots logistics organisation. We improve how aid is sourced, delivered, and distributed so as to achieve a greater collective impact in serving the needs of displaced and otherwise disadvantaged people. We have coordinated over 80 shipments of humanitarian aid and worked with 140+ small charities and organisations in 12 countries across Europe, Lebanon, and the United States of America. Our mission is to provide for basic human needs at scale by connecting communities and empowering people to uphold human dignity. Our approach is to build open-access physical and digital infrastructure that any humanitarian aid organisation can use, with an emphasis on supporting local grassroots organisations access large-scale infrastructure to carry out their mission. We run our own open-offer 4th party logistics services to support everyone in our extensive grassroots network, which includes needs assessments and aid matching services. We are a highly collaborative and transparent organisation that helps our partners grow their own efforts by sharing information, resources, and decision-making. Our impact has led to a 2.5x efficiency gain across our supply chain by increasing coordination, reducing costs, saving volunteer time, and preventing waste. Every $1 we spend on administration, projects, and logistics delivers $88 worth of aid to frontline organisations. We are a non-profit, non-political Swedish-registered charity with registration number #802521-4456.

Ideella organisationer
11–50 anställda
Lund, Scania
Ideell organisation


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  • Visa organisationssidan för Distribute Aid, grafik

    354 följare

    🌍 Making a Difference Together! 🤝 We are excited to share a heartfelt thank-you video from @aneraorg, our partners on the ground in the Middle East. Due to your constant support, we were able to support a shipment of essential hygiene kits that will significantly benefit displaced people in Lebanon! 🎥 Watch the video to witness the impact of your generosity firsthand! Thank you for being a crucial part of our mission to bring hope and assistance to those in need. Special thanks to @aneraorg for their invaluable work and trust in our services. Together, we are creating positive change worldwide! 🕊️

  • Visa organisationssidan för Distribute Aid, grafik

    354 följare

    Gaza Response In-Kind Donation Highlight!! 🕊️🚚 We are thrilled to announce our latest major in-kind donation of over 12,000 hygiene items. The items include reusable menstrual hygiene pads, personal water filters, laundry detergent sheets, and no rinse body wash. These essential goods were generously donated by @lifestraw, and were recently picked up from their warehouse in Baltimore, USA. The donations have now been transferred to Afya's warehouse in Yonkers, NY. From there, these pallets of Hygiene Kits will be air-shipped to Gaza together with medical supplies from Afya. Life Straw’s water filtration devices filter out dirt, bacteria, and parasites, allowing clean water to pass through in environments where access to clean drinking water is limited. DA extends our deep gratitude to the @Lifestraw for this invaluable contribution to communities affected by the conflict in Gaza, and to @ALAN Aid for helping secure free shipping to New York! If you have any leads on potential donations, please contact us here or at [email protected].

    • The cover slide shows the boxes of donations from LifeStraw, and carries the title of "Gaza Response In-Kind Donation".
    • The second slide shows a team member from LifeStraw wrapping the boxes into plastic, and carries the following text: "12,909 number of items donated; over 10,000 needs met".
    • The third slide shows a man loading the boxes of donations onto a truck, and carries the following text: "Items donated: reusable menstrual pads, personal water filters, laundry detergent sheets, no rinse body wash".
    • The last slide has the following text: "Join our Gaza Response and donate at: https://donorbox.org/help-distribute-aid-save-humans-in-gaza."
  • Visa organisationssidan för Distribute Aid, grafik

    354 följare

    A big thank you to our longstanding partner, Flexport, who recently wrote this article about our collaboration and humanitarian efforts. The report details the early stages of our collaboration with Flexport and highlights the effective aid shipping facilitated by our partnership. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Flexport for their unwavering support to multiple regions over the years! You can red the full article via the following link: https://lnkd.in/dhVUQMez 🤝🚚

    Distribute Aid Gets Vital Supplies Where They Are Needed Most - Fast

    Distribute Aid Gets Vital Supplies Where They Are Needed Most - Fast


  • Visa organisationssidan för Distribute Aid, grafik

    354 följare

    Join our Gulf Coast Response!! 🌊⛑️ Distribute Aid and the American Logistics Aid Network are teaming up to bring heavily needed aid to Gulf Coast areas affected by disasters–before they happen. Because supply chains and transportation usually get disrupted during and immediately after a disaster, getting supplies into affected areas becomes more difficult, right when they are needed most. That's why DA and ALAN are planning ahead, creating a network of Gulf Coast disaster response groups and pre-positioning aid in states throughout the Southeast. This proactive approach ensures that aid is readily accessible near disaster zones, enabling quick deployment by responders to the affected areas. Now it’s YOUR turn. We are looking for warehouse space across the Gulf Coast to store humanitarian aid until it’s needed. This would entail space for 10-20 pallets worth of aid, and use of the space for at least 1 year. If you have any clues, please reach out to [email protected]!

    • The post carries the title of “Be part of the response - before the next disaster” and a drawn image of a city with palm trees bending due to heavy winds.
  • Visa organisationssidan för Distribute Aid, grafik

    354 följare

    We want to invite you to a special event this week! 💻🎙️ This Thursday, June 27, at 3:00 pm EST/12:00 pm PST, our Director of Development, Taylor Fairbank will be participating in a “Blue Skies Coordination Call” to contribute commentary on the "International Compliance Do’s and Don’ts” from a perspective of a grassroots NGO. The call is organized by @alanaid, a prominent organization mobilizing for emergency response and building a stronger disaster-ready community. It will feature Dave Hartman from @flexport.org, Distribute Aid’s go-to freight forwarders who strive to make logistics a positive force for social and environmental impact. If you are interested in attending, you can register through the following link: https://lnkd.in/d_xzMBTh We hope to see you there!

    • The post is an invitation to an upcoming presentation on Thursday, June 27th at 3pm EST/ 12pm PST. The topic is "International Compliance Do's and Don'ts and it is organized by Alanaid, an emergency response organization. It will also feature a commentary from DA's Director of Development - Taylor Fairbank.
  • Visa organisationssidan för Distribute Aid, grafik

    354 följare

    World Refugee Day!! 🌍 Today, on World Refugee Day, we stand together to honor the courage and resilience of millions forced to flee their homes due to conflict, persecution, or discrimination. Sadly, according to UNHCR, that number has increased to 120 million by April this year. Despite these alarming figures, global attitudes toward refugees have not been favourable recently. Instances like the passing of the Rwanda Bill and ongoing issues of police brutality, detention, and efforts to obstruct migration routes into Europe and elsewhere highlight the significant challenges that remain in providing a safe haven for displaced individuals. Today is the day to recognise their strength, celebrate their contributions, and advocate for their rights. So, today we encourage you to make a change. Read about the latest trends in migration and the issues refugees face on a daily basis; donate to a refugee owned business; support your local charities providing vital aid to displaced people. Let's raise awareness, extend empathy, and work towards a future where every person, regardless of their background, can find safety, dignity, and hope. Together, we can build a world where compassion and solidarity prevail. 🕊️

    • The post highlights the "World Refugee Day" and shows a woman in the refugee camp.
  • Visa organisationssidan för Distribute Aid, grafik

    354 följare

    We Did It!! 🎉 Thanks to your incredible generosity and unwavering support, our Dhul Hijjah fundraising campaign has successfully reached the goal of $10,000! Your donations will ensure that essential supplies reach displaced people in Gaza that are counting on our help, bringing hope and relief in the face of hardship. We want to extend our deepest gratitude to all of you who contributed to this meaningful cause by either donating or sharing our message. The support that you have showed us this past week will make a lasting impact! Even though we have reached out initial goal, you can still help us take advantage of this great opportunity so that we can go above and beyond for @aneraorg and the displaced Palestinians in Gaza. Together, we have shown the power of community and compassion. Here's to making a difference, one act of kindness at a time. 🕊️

    • A wrap up post showing appreciation to everyone who supported our campaign and helped us raise our goal of $10,000.
  • Visa organisationssidan för Distribute Aid, grafik

    354 följare

    Send Medical Supplies and Menstrual Kits to Gaza!! 🩺🧼🩸 The ongoing conflict in Gaza has severely impacted their medical infrastructure, damaging over 100 health facilities, including 31 hospitals. Attacks have also destroyed ambulances, exacerbating the crisis. The past week alone has witnessed almost 800 people suffering injuries. This devastating combination of sabotaged medical infrastructure, limited aid import, and the increasing number of injuries has set a firm base for the constant lack of medical supplies and the spread of infectious diseases. The UN estimates that currently over 700,000 women in Gaza are experiencing menstrual cycles, but lack proper menstrual hygiene items. Such a situation can lead to infections, as well as negatively impact mental health through the feeling of indignity and shame. This often overlooked issue adds another layer of urgency to, what is now, a humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Keep supporting our campaign, and help us provide some relief to people in Gaza! Your contribution will have a direct impact on changing these insufferable conditions. Click the link in our bio to donate now! ❤️ We appreciate your support! 🕊️

    • The post reads as follows: 
"31 hospitals in Gaza are damaged. Infectious diseases are affecting 93% of Gaza's population. A widespread shortage of medical equipment and supplies. 700,000 women in Gaza lack menstrual hygiene products. 

We are sending: 
- 161,000 Medical Gloves
- 20, 493 Medical Bandages
- 1,200 Gauze Pads
- 3,219 Reusable Feminine Pads Kits
- 669 Women’s Kits that include 40,000 menstrual pads
- 1,478 Personal Care Kits."
    • The slide shows the donation tracker, emphasizing that we already reached 8% of our goal.
  • Visa organisationssidan för Distribute Aid, grafik

    354 följare

    So, where exactly will your donations go? Meet @aneraorg! Since 1986, Anera’s teams on the ground in Palestine, Lebanon, and Jordan, have been providing support to anyone affected by the ongoing conflicts in the region. They mobilize resources for immediate emergency relief, as well as sustainable long-term health, education, and economic development. Some of their projects include: - Developing agricultural cooperatives, and building farm-to-market roads; - Non-formal education, and job skills training, - Distributing medical aid, and offering psycho-social support; - Providing access to clean water; and so much more… For the past months, Distribute Aid and Anera have been working closely to alleviate the suffering of displaced people in Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, and Lebanon. While Anera has been working as our front line partner, the role of DA in this collaboration is to source aid, and make sure that the needed donations arrive safely and quickly to their destination. So help us continue offering our vital services! Any amount you donate during the next 7 days will get us one step closer to being able to send over $500,000 worth of humanitarian aid to Anera’s team in Gaza. This, in turn, will allow their team to reach people in Gaza that have been affected by the current devastating circumstances, and provide some relief! Follow the link for more details: https://lnkd.in/dnn-fwNm We appreciate your support! 🕊️

    • The slide shows the map of DA sourcing aid in USA, and then forwarding it to our front line partner, Anera, in the Middle East (Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, and Jordan).
  • Visa organisationssidan för Distribute Aid, grafik

    354 följare

    Join us in making a difference! 🌟 We have $500,000 worth of aid ready to be distributed to displaced people in Gaza! Our efforts are focused on providing crucial essentials such as medical supplies, hygiene kits, menstrual kits, new shoes & clothes, baby items & diapers to communities in need. Every contribution counts, and we have tailored our fundraiser with giving levels to showcase how your support directly impacts lives: - For just $20, you can equip a displaced family of 6 with brand new shoes, offering comfort and dignity! 👟 - A donation of $50 ensures that 25 women receive a year's supply of menstrual hygiene products, offering them essential care and support! 🩸 - In these devastating circumstances where starvation is widespread, your generous $100 donation will serve 1,000 meals!! 🍉 Your generosity will make a serious difference in the lives of those who are counting on our help! Let's come together and spread hope and support to anyone in need. Follow the link to donate now: https://lnkd.in/d56mk-am 🌍❤️ We appreciate your support! 🕊️

    • The slide shows the title of our fundraising campaign: "Send Aid to Gaza!"; the items that are being donated (shoes & clothes, baby clothing & diapers; medical supplies; hygiene kits; mentrual kits); the giving levels ($20 equips a displaced family of 6 with new shoes; $50 allows 25 women to receive a year long supply of menstrual hygiene products, $100 serves 1,000 meals); and the QR code and the link that lead to the fundraiser.

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