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Kyrgyz leid

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кыргыз тили
qırğız tili
[qɯɾˈʁɯz tiˈli]
Native taeKyrgyzstan (offeecial), Afghanistan, Xinjiang (Cheenae), Tajikistan, Roushie, Pakistan
EthnicityKyrgyz fowk
Native speakers
4.3 million (2009 census)[1]
Kyrgyz alphabets (Cyrillic script, Perso-Arabic script, umwhile Laitin, Kyrgyz Braille)
Offeecial status
Offeecial leid in


Collective Security Treaty Organisation
Leid codes
ISO 639-1ky
ISO 639-2kir
ISO 639-3kir
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Kyrgyz or Kirgiz, an aa Kirghiz, Kyrghiz, Qyrghiz (Кыргыз тили, Qırğız tili/Kyrgyz tili, Arabic: قىرعىز تىلى) is a Turkic leid an, thegither wi Russian, an offeecial leid o Kyrgyzstan. Genetically it is maist closely relatit tae Altay an mair distantly so tae Kazakh; housomeivver, modern-day leid convergence haes resultit in an increasing degree o mutual intelligibility atween Kyrgyz an Kazakh.

Kyrgyz is spak bi aboot 4 million fowk in Kyrgyzstan, Cheenae, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Pakistan an Roushie. Kyrgyz wis oreeginally scrieved in Turkic uniform alphabet,[3] gradually replaced bi a modifee'd Perso-Arabic script till the mid-20t century, when a Latin script wis briefly introduced, replaced due tae Soviet influence wi a modified form o the Cyrillic alphabet which eventually became common an haes remained so tae this day (although some Kyrgyz still uise the Arabic script). When Kyrgyzstan became independent follaein the Soviet Union's collapse in 1991, thare wis a popular idea amang some Kyrgyz fowk tae revert tae the Latin alphabet. Housomeivver, that plan haes niver been implementit.


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  1. Kyrgyz at Ethnologue (18th ed., 2015)
  2. Nordhoff, Sebastian; Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin, eds. (2013). "Kirghiz". Glottolog. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.
  3. Kyzlasov I.L. "Runiform scripts of Eurasian steppes", Eastern Literature, Moscow, 1994, pp.80 on, ISBN 5-02-017741-5, with further bibliography