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Prof. Andres Saavedra-Montes

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Andrés J. Saavedra-Montes was born in Palmira, Colombia, in 1974. He received a degree in electrical engineering in 1998, a master’s degree in generation systems of electric energy in 2002, and a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering in 2011, all from the Universidad del Valle, Colombia. He has been with the Universidad Nacional de Colombia since 2003, where he is Associate Professor. His main research interests are in renewable energy systems, distribution and power systems, electric machines, power quality, and engineering education.

Short Biography

Andrés J. Saavedra-Montes was born in Palmira, Colombia, in 1974. He received a degree in electrical engineering in 1998, a master’s degree in generation systems of electric energy in 2002, and a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering in 2011, all from the Universidad del Valle, Colombia. He has been with the Universidad Nacional de Colombia since 2003, where he is Associate Professor. His main research interests are in renewable energy systems, distribution and power systems, electric machines, power quality, and engineering education.