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Dr. Hiroyuki Kanzaki

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Short Biography

Hiroyuki Kanzaki is an associate professor at the Department of Orthodontics, School of Dental Medicine, Tsurumi University. I obtained my Ph.D. in March 2001 from Tohoku University. I graduated from Tohoku University School of Dentistry in March 1997. Apr 2001 to Aug 2006: I worked at Tohoku University School of Dentistry. Sep 2006 to Aug 2008: I worked at the University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio. Sep 2008 to Sep 2010: I worked at the Forsyth Institute. Sep 2010 to Mar 2014: I worked at Tohoku University School of Dentistry. Apr 2014 to present: working at Tsurumi University. Research interest: bone metabolism, orthodontic tooth movement, oxidative stress Membership: Japanese association for bone and mineral research, American society for bone and mineral research, international association for dental research, Japanese society for orthodontics