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Fatih Inci

Dr. Fatih Inci

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Fatih Inci is an assistant professor at Bilkent University – UNAM. Earlier, he worked as an academician and postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University School of Medicine, Harvard Medical School-Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Harvard-MIT. His research focuses on the development of microfluidics and biosensors for medical diagnostics. He has published 50+ papers, 8 book chapters (3 chapters in-press) and 3 editorials; edited 3 books (2 books in-progress). He holds 8 patents (issued/submitted) and 2 licensed-products and his work has been highlighted by NIH–NIBIB, NIJ, Science–AAAS, Nature Medicine, AIP, JAMA, Newsweek, and Popular Science.

Research Keywords & Expertise

Biomedical Engineering
Cancer Research
Global Health
Infectious Diseases

Short Biography

Fatih Inci is an assistant professor at Bilkent University – UNAM. Earlier, he worked as an academician and postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University School of Medicine, Harvard Medical School-Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Harvard-MIT. His research focuses on the development of microfluidics and biosensors for medical diagnostics. He has published 50+ papers, 8 book chapters (3 chapters in-press) and 3 editorials; edited 3 books (2 books in-progress). He holds 8 patents (issued/submitted) and 2 licensed-products and his work has been highlighted by NIH–NIBIB, NIJ, Science–AAAS, Nature Medicine, AIP, JAMA, Newsweek, and Popular Science.