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Anshu Raj

Mr. Anshu Raj

I'm a first-year Ph.D. student in the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering department at the University of Oklahoma.

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I am working as a Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) in the Computational Materials, Mechanics, and Manufacturing (CM3) Lab, supervised by Dr. Shuozhi Xu. Our lab aims to guide the design and manufacturing of high-performance structural and functional materials via multi-physics simulations from the subatomic to the macro scale and uses data-driven methods such as machine learning.

Research Keywords & Expertise

additive manufacturin...

Short Biography

I am working as a Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) in the Computational Materials, Mechanics, and Manufacturing (CM3) Lab, supervised by Dr. Shuozhi Xu. Our lab aims to guide the design and manufacturing of high-performance structural and functional materials via multi-physics simulations from the subatomic to the macro scale and uses data-driven methods such as machine learning.