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Dr. Eva Fenyvesi

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Short Biography

Éva Fenyvesi is a Senior Scientist and founding member of CycloLab Cyclodextrin R&D Laboratory Ltd., Budapest, Hungary. She graduated as a Chemist and received her PhD in Chemical Technology. She is experienced in the preparation and application of cyclodextrin polymers, in environmental applications of cyclodextrins, and in gas chromatography. She was a research fellow at the Pharmaceutical Department of Hoshi University (Tokyo, Japan). She is a member of the Hungarian Society of Carbohydrate Chemistry and the scientific advisory board of European Cyclodextrin Conferences. She is author or co-author of over 150 scientific papers, 15 chapters in monographs, around 80 conference presentations, and 15 patents. She has edited four books. The total number of citations of her papers and book chapters is over 6000, with a Hirsch index of 45 (Google Scholar).