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Dr. Mohammad Reza Movahed Shariat Panahi

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Short Biography

His medical degree and Dr. Med (PhD) were from Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Germany. He completed a specialization in interventional cardiology at Yale University Hospital, New Haven, Connecticut, in 2000. In July 2010, Dr. Movahed was promoted to Professor of Medicine, Tenure, at the University of Arizona College of Medicine in Tucson. In 2007, he joined the Southern Arizona VA Health Care System as the Medical Director of Heart Transplantation. In May 2012, he became world-renowned for his coronary bifurcation classification known as “The Movahed Classification” He is also known for his discovery of the flattening of interventricular septum as a sign of right ventricular overload, the so-called “Movahed’s sign” that can be seen during gated SPECT. He studied and recently published a reverse “Movahed Maneuver” that can be used for the improvement of stent deliverability during difficult and tortuous vein graft interventions. He also has two cardiovascular patents issued to him. One is a device for the removal of contrast from a coronary sinus during coronary angiography or intervention in order to reduce contrast exposure to kidneys for the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy. The other one is a method and device that can measure the cross-sectional lumen of a vessel using impedance sensors. He has over 250 publications. He is the President of the American Heart Association Southern Arizona Affiliate.