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Prof. Bhaskar K Somani

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Bhaskar Kumar Somani is a Professor of Urology and a Consultant Endourologist at University Hospital Southampton and the Clinical Director of ‘South Coast Lithotripter Services’. He has been a member of BAUS Academic and Endourology sub-sections and is the Wessex Clinical Research Network and Simulation Lead for Urology. He is also the founding member and President of PETRA (Progress in Endourology, Technology, and Research Association) Urogroup and i-TRUE (International Training and Research in Uro-oncology and Endourology) group, an active member of the European School of Urology (ESU) Training and Research group, and EAU section of uro-technology (ESUT) endourology group, besides being in the EAU Live surgery, undergraduate training committees, board member of ESU, and EAU guidelines panel for Urolithiasis. For his work, he was awarded the fellowship of the Royal College of Edinburgh (Fellow of Faculty of Surgical Trainers) in 2017, the honorary fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 2020, the Endourology Society ‘Arthur Smith’ Award in 2020 and the BAUS ‘Golden Telescope’ award in 2021. His research includes minimally invasive surgical techniques (MISTs) in the management of kidney stone disease and BPH, urinary tract infections, and the role of mobile phone apps and artificial intelligence (AI) in urology.

Research Keywords & Expertise

urinary tract infectio...
Benign prostate disord...


urinary tract infections

Short Biography

Bhaskar Kumar Somani is a Professor of Urology and a Consultant Endourologist at University Hospital Southampton and the Clinical Director of ‘South Coast Lithotripter Services’. He has been a member of BAUS Academic and Endourology sub-sections and is the Wessex Clinical Research Network and Simulation Lead for Urology. He is also the founding member and President of PETRA (Progress in Endourology, Technology, and Research Association) Urogroup and i-TRUE (International Training and Research in Uro-oncology and Endourology) group, an active member of the European School of Urology (ESU) Training and Research group, and EAU section of uro-technology (ESUT) endourology group, besides being in the EAU Live surgery, undergraduate training committees, board member of ESU, and EAU guidelines panel for Urolithiasis. For his work, he was awarded the fellowship of the Royal College of Edinburgh (Fellow of Faculty of Surgical Trainers) in 2017, the honorary fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 2020, the Endourology Society ‘Arthur Smith’ Award in 2020 and the BAUS ‘Golden Telescope’ award in 2021. His research includes minimally invasive surgical techniques (MISTs) in the management of kidney stone disease and BPH, urinary tract infections, and the role of mobile phone apps and artificial intelligence (AI) in urology.