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Luiz Octávio Santos

Prof. Luiz Octávio Santos

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Bachelor of Environmental Engineering, Institute of Education Agriculture and Environment—IEAA, UFAM. Member of the Research Group Interaction Biosphere and Atmosphere—GPIBA. Master's student in the Environmental Physics Graduate Program at the Federal University of Mato Grosso. He has experience in programming environments such as Python and R and the processing of climatic data through software such as Climate Data Operators (CDO), NCAR Command Language (NCL), and Google Earth Engine (GEE).

Research Keywords & Expertise

Remote Sensing
environmental physics
Earth Sciences


Remote Sensing

Short Biography

Bachelor of Environmental Engineering, Institute of Education Agriculture and Environment—IEAA, UFAM. Member of the Research Group Interaction Biosphere and Atmosphere—GPIBA. Master's student in the Environmental Physics Graduate Program at the Federal University of Mato Grosso. He has experience in programming environments such as Python and R and the processing of climatic data through software such as Climate Data Operators (CDO), NCAR Command Language (NCL), and Google Earth Engine (GEE).