Hope for a New Osteoporosis Treatment

Icon Entdeckungen Projects
Patients with age-related osteoporosis often suffer fractures that are difficult to treat. This is particularly the case for women, who are affected by the illness far more often than men. A new therapeutic approach zooms in on the human immune system. In this treatment, an established agent is used to suppress inflammation caused by old age, which in turn improves patients’ bone structures.
Older woman exercising outdoors


The environmental microbiologist Barbara Bayer wants to find out how the overfertilization of lakes and oceans influences the natural methane cycle.

Aug. 29, 2024
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What happens to the greenhouse gas methane (Barbara Bayer)

Stem cell researcher Nicole Amberg is studying the cerebellum and its developmental path in order to develop new therapies.

July 11, 2024
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Unraveling the evolution of the cerebellum (Nicole Amberg)

Physicist Roland Resel tracks down new crystal structures that enable the production of materials with special properties.

May 23, 2024
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A seeker of materials (Roland Resel)
Mar. 11, 2024
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Addressing dementia with art (Ruth Mateus-Berr)
Dec. 18, 2023
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Learning from water fleas (Markus Möst)
Aug. 11, 2023
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It all started with a sheep (Eleni Tomazou)
May 15, 2023
Icon Awards FWF Wittgenstein Awards
Pioneer in archaea research (Christa Schleper)
Feb. 17, 2023
Icon Awards FWF Wittgenstein Awards
Changing the world with computer science (Monika Henzinger)

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Person looking at the stars


Staying fit and healthy for as long as possible. To a large extent, it’s up to us how we age, says molecular biologist Corina Madreiter-Sokolowski.

June 27, 2024
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Young researcher in white blouse in front of microscope

The science communication project SOUNDS WILD seeks to convey knowledge about birds and bats, fostering awareness of the need to protect nature.

Apr. 30, 2024
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Researcher Bea Maas in front of wilderness and mountains in Africa

Oksana Havryliv is an expert on all things profane, crude or obscene. Her research deals with how and when people swear and how verbal aggression is changing in a multicultural society.

Feb. 5, 2024
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Oksana Havryliv in front of a wall with graffiti

Both biological differences and gender have bearing on a person’s health. In Austria, gender medicine research was midwifed by Alexandra Kautzky-Willer, a pioneer in her field.

Nov. 17, 2023
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Alexandra Kautzky-Willer

The media artist Stefanie Wuschitz explores how recycled materials can be used to manufacture electronic devices.

Sep. 25, 2023
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Stefanie Wuschitz

Nicolas Singewald researches what causes anxiety disorders and the development of new therapies.

July 4, 2023
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Nicolas Singewald

Persian and Jewish culture are closely connected, says Ariane Sadjed. She aims to illustrate the many faceted nature of the coexistence of Jews and Muslims.

Apr. 27, 2023
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Ariane Sadjed

Many of the contemporary-history topics that Barbara Stelzl-Marx has investigated from a retrospective perspective have resurfaced in Europe with the Ukraine war.

Dec. 16, 2022
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In Austria, eight in one hundred children and adolescents are being treated for an eating disorder.

July 11, 2022
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Kerstin S. Jobst, a specialist in Eastern European history, speaks about the impact of the Ukraine war on her research and the deep-seated mistrust between East and West.

May 12, 2022
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Interview & Opinion

FWF Schrödinger Fellow and postdoc in the laboratory of Nobel Laureate David Baker, shares his experience and explains the significance of the advances of protein design for medicine.

Oct. 14, 2024
"" Interview & Opinion
Two male researchers sit on a wooden bench in front of an institute building

Gregor Weihs, Research Director of the Cluster of Excellence, about the importance of knowledge transfer and application development and why basic research is a bit like art.

Oct. 8, 2024
"" Interview & Opinion
Portrait of a quantum physicist in the lab

Together with an international team, communications scholar Sophie Lecheler is researching the kinds of dangers and opportunities algorithm-based political campaigns pose to democracy.

Sep. 23, 2024
"" Interview & Opinion
Portrait of a young researcher with half-length dark brown hair against a dark background.

Biologist and FWF Wittgenstein Award winner Jiri Friml researches how plants recognize and adapt to changing environmental conditions.

June 20, 2024
"" Interview & Opinion
Portrait Jiří Friml

FWF START Award winner Juan P. Aguilera is developing tools to clarify which mathematical problems are solvable and which are not.

June 20, 2024
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Portrait Juan P. Aguilera

Linguist and FWF START Award winner Svitlana Antonyuk is finding out how emotional reactions affect language change.

June 20, 2024
"" Interview & Opinion
Portrait Svitlana Antonyuk

Dan Batovici explores the question of why some secondary early Christian figures attained a high status in late antique and medieval writings.

June 20, 2024
"" Interview & Opinion
Portrait Dan Batovici

Uroš Delić is investigating how interacting quantum systems behave and hopes to open the door to a whole new field of research.

June 20, 2024
"" Interview & Opinion
Portrait Uroš Delić

FWF START Award winner Esther Heid is combining chemistry and computer science to make production processes more sustainable.

June 20, 2024
"" Interview & Opinion
Portrait Esther Heid

FWF START Award winner Senka Holzer is investigating the role of stress and high blood pressure in heart failure.

June 20, 2024
"" Interview & Opinion
Portrait Senka Holzer

On the road

In the international environment of the University of Oxford, the microbiologist Isabella Tomanek is culturing and studying communities of gut bacteria to understand how they work together.

Sep. 20, 2024
"" On the Road
Young female researcher in the lab

Biotechnologist Kathrin Göritzer develops plant-based antibodies that target the virus' gateway, the mucous membranes. These could be used to prevent infections like SARS-CoV-2 in the future.

Aug. 27, 2024
"" On the Road
Young researcher in the lab with plants in the foreground

Geologist and Schrödinger Fellow Erik Wolfgring is investigating sediment cores from the Cretaceous period. He is exploring the lessons to be learnt from this for the current climate crisis.

May 16, 2024
"" On the Road
Erik Wolfgring in the lab in front of a microscope

Schrödinger Fellwo Maria Kirchmair started out from Naples on a journey through the barely explored Mediterranean world as portrayed in Italian literature and film.

Apr. 9, 2024
"" On the Road
Maria Kirchmair in Lungomare vor dem Meer

France is known for protests, but also for political states of emergency (états d'urgence) and police repression. Political scientist Katharina Fritsch is investigating the relationship between these aspects.

Jan. 9, 2024
"" On the Road
Katharina Fritsch

Lukas Anton Wein’s is conducting research in the competitive field of organic chemistry. To drive this forward the Schrödinger fellow joined the renowned Garg Lab at UCLA.

Nov. 24, 2023
"" On the Road
Lukas Wein infront of the UCLA

Why veterinarian Martim Kaps swapped his home of choice, Vienna, for the tranquil town of Hastings in Nebraska.

Sep. 28, 2023
"" On the Road
Martim Kaps

With the help of numerical simulations, mathematician and physicist Isabell Piantschitsch is exploring the structures of the sun's atmosphere.

Aug. 17, 2023
"" On the Road

Historian Dominik Gutmeyr-Schnur is breaking new ground by exploring the complexity of the Caucasus region.

June 29, 2023
"" On the Road
Historian Dominik Gutmeyr-Schnur

Archaea are among the first organisms found on the plantet. Microbiologist Isabelle Zink wants find out more about their functions in our lives.

Apr. 17, 2023
"" On the Road