Traffic state estimation on highway: A comprehensive survey
Traffic state estimation (TSE) refers to the process of the inference of traffic state variables
(ie, flow, density, speed and other equivalent variables) on road segments using partially
observed traffic data. It is a key component of traffic control and operations, because traffic
variables are measured not everywhere due to technological and financial limitations, and
their measurement is noisy. Therefore, numerous studies have proposed TSE methods
relying on various approaches, traffic flow models, and input data. In this review article, we …
(ie, flow, density, speed and other equivalent variables) on road segments using partially
observed traffic data. It is a key component of traffic control and operations, because traffic
variables are measured not everywhere due to technological and financial limitations, and
their measurement is noisy. Therefore, numerous studies have proposed TSE methods
relying on various approaches, traffic flow models, and input data. In this review article, we …
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