Greibach normal form transformation, revisited

R Koch, N Blum - STACS 97: 14th Annual Symposium on Theoretical …, 1997 - Springer
… -free grammar into Greibach normal form with only polynomial increase of its size; ie, we
don't use any algebraic concept like formal power series. Starting with a cfg G in Chomsky …

[PDF][PDF] A new normal-form theorem for context-free phrase structure grammars

SA Greibach - Journal of the ACM (JACM), 1965 -
… to proving that the second rest:fiction does not limit generative power. … normal form. DE~IN~'rmN
3.2. A psg (I, T, X, CO) is in standard n-form if all of the rules of ~p are of the forms : Z --~ …

Greibach normal form transformation revisited

N Blum, R Koch - Information and Computation, 1999 - Elsevier
Greibach normal formpower series. In [10] Urbanek has given an algorithm for the
transformation of a given context-free grammar in Chomsky normal form into Greibach normal form

Greibach normal form in algebraically complete semirings

Z Esik, H Leiβ - International Workshop on Computer Science Logic, 2002 - Springer
normal form theorems for context-free grammars. In particular, we derive the Greibach[11]
normal formpower series of his proof. Our axioms also imply that context-free grammars have …

Algebraically complete semirings and Greibach normal form

Z Ésik, H Leiß - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 2005 - Elsevier
… Our proof gives the efficient algorithm of Rosenkrantz [26], but avoids the analytic method
of power series of his proof. Our axioms also imply that context-free grammars have …

[PDF][PDF] A generalized greibach normal form for definite clause grammars

M Dymetman - COLING 1992 Volume 1: The 14th International …, 1992 -
… Generalized Greibach Normal Form (GGNF), a generalization of the classical Greibach Normat
Form (… The GGNF seems to be the first normal form result for DCGs. It provides an explicit …

Generating all permutations by context-free grammars in Greibach normal form

PRJ Asveld - Theoretical computer science, 2008 - Elsevier
… in Greibach m-form (m = 1,2) generating Ln; the argument is similar to the one in [10]. This
lower bound implies that any context-free grammar Gn in Greibach m-form … on the power set of …

[PDF][PDF] Greibach Normal Form for Weighted Context-Free Grammars

RTC Turkenburg - 2019 -
… This definition will be used in a number of the proofs which will lead us to the construction
of the Greibach normal form. In many cases the exact structure of such S-rational power series …

A Greibach normal form for context-free graph grammars

J Engelfriet - … and Programming: 19th International Colloquium Wien …, 1992 - Springer
… This generalizes Double Greibach Normal Form of context-free grammars. Moreover, it
provides a natural grammatical characterization of the context-free hypergraph languages of …

Greibach normal form for ω-algebraic systems and weighted simple ω-pushdown automata

M Droste, S Dziadek, W Kuich - Information and Computation, 2022 - Elsevier
… In our first main result, we show that (mixed) ω-algebraic systems can be transformed into
Greibach normal form. We use the Greibach normal form in our second main result to prove …