Reader and Teacher: Fourteen Books That can Inspire Teaching in Pervasive Computing (and Beyond)
AL Kun - IEEE Pervasive Computing, 2019 -
IEEE Pervasive Computing, 2019•
Pervasive Computing article, teaching pervasive computing is hard. 1 It is hard, because
advances in this field require organizing multidisciplinary teams to solve complex socio-
technical problems. As it turns out, it is not easy to teach students to contribute to, as well as
lead, such teams. In our paper, we proposed that it is time to rethink pervasive computing (or
simply ubicomp) education by focusing on three central questions:
advances in this field require organizing multidisciplinary teams to solve complex socio-
technical problems. As it turns out, it is not easy to teach students to contribute to, as well as
lead, such teams. In our paper, we proposed that it is time to rethink pervasive computing (or
simply ubicomp) education by focusing on three central questions:
Pervasive Computing article, teaching pervasive computing is hard. 1 It is hard, because advances in this field require organizing multidisciplinary teams to solve complex socio-technical problems. As it turns out, it is not easy to teach students to contribute to, as well as lead, such teams. In our paper, we proposed that it is time to rethink pervasive computing (or simply ubicomp) education by focusing on three central questions:
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