Randomized parameterized algorithms for co-path set problem

Q Feng, Q Zhou, S Li - International Workshop on Frontiers in Algorithmics, 2014 - Springer
Q Feng, Q Zhou, S Li
International Workshop on Frontiers in Algorithmics, 2014Springer
Co-path Set problem is of important applications in mapping unique DNA sequences onto
chromosomes and whole genomes. Given a graph G, the parameterized version of Co-path
Set problem is to find a subset F of edges with size at most k such that each connected
component in G [E\F] is a path. In this paper, we give a kernel of size 9 k for the problem, and
a randomized algorithm of running time O*(2.29 k) is presented for the Parameterized Co-
path Set problem.
Co-path Set problem is of important applications in mapping unique DNA sequences onto chromosomes and whole genomes. Given a graph G, the parameterized version of Co-path Set problem is to find a subset F of edges with size at most k such that each connected component in G[E\F] is a path. In this paper, we give a kernel of size 9k for the problem, and a randomized algorithm of running time O *(2.29 k ) is presented for the Parameterized Co-path Set problem.
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