Dr. Shaista Hussain

Dr. Shaista Hussain

الرياض السعودية
٢ ألف متابع أكثر من 500 زميل

نبذة عني

AI DevSecOps. ML Engineering leader, academic and innovator, leading laboratories & end…

مقالات Dr. Shaista




  • رسم بياني SAIF CHECK


    Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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    Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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    Saudi Arabia

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    Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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    Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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    Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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    Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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    Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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    Dublin, County Dublin, Ireland

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    Dublin, County Dublin, Ireland

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    Dublin, County Dublin, Ireland

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    Dublin, County Dublin, Ireland

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    Dublin, County Dublin, Ireland


  • رسم بياني FourthBrain



    الأنشطة والجمعيات:CapStone ML DevOps, End to End ML solutions

    1. Data Centric AI [The AI Product Lifecycle; Ensuring High-Quality Data; Data Version Control; Data Engineering Pipelines; Distributed Machine Learning]
    2. ML Modeling [Supervised & Unsupervised ML; Deep Learning and AI Explainability; AutoML Technologies; Model Version Control; Semi- and Self-Supervised Learning]
    3. AI Applications [Computer Vision; Natural Language Processing; Benchmark Datasets; Transformer Architecture; General Pre-Trained Transformers]
    4. MLOps [Deployment;…

    1. Data Centric AI [The AI Product Lifecycle; Ensuring High-Quality Data; Data Version Control; Data Engineering Pipelines; Distributed Machine Learning]
    2. ML Modeling [Supervised & Unsupervised ML; Deep Learning and AI Explainability; AutoML Technologies; Model Version Control; Semi- and Self-Supervised Learning]
    3. AI Applications [Computer Vision; Natural Language Processing; Benchmark Datasets; Transformer Architecture; General Pre-Trained Transformers]
    4. MLOps [Deployment; ML Application Infrastructure; ML Model Serving & Delivery; Monitoring Production ML; Automating ML Pipelines]

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    الأنشطة والجمعيات:Building blockchain currencies, trading and portfolio management

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    Intensive research methods and clinical research practice for diagnostics

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    Masters in Clinical Pathology

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    Medicine and Surgery and Obstetrics

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    Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

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    Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

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    Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland

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    Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

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التراخيص والشهادات

الخبرات التطوعية

  • رسم بياني Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

    Class Ambassador ('06) & Alumni Volunteer Ambassador

    Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

    ⁩ - الحالي 2 عام 9 شهر



  • رسم بياني BlueMind.App



    ⁩ - الحالي 3 شهر

    Economic Empowerment

  • رسم بياني Women in AI & Robotics


    Women in AI & Robotics

    ⁩ - الحالي 1 عام واحد 8 شهر

    Science and Technology

  • رسم بياني ForHumanity

    Team Saudi


    ⁩ - الحالي 8 شهر

    Science and Technology

    To examine and analyze the downside risks associated with the ubiquitous advance of AI & Automation, to engage in risk mitigation and ensure the optimal outcome… ForHumanity.

  • Member of Public Advocacy & Institutional Partnerships

    Responsible AI Licenses

    ⁩ - الحالي 1 عام واحد 8 شهر

    Science and Technology

    Responsible AI Licenses (RAIL) empower developers to restrict the use of their AI technology in order to prevent irresponsible and harmful applications. These licenses include behavioral-use clauses which grant permissions for specific use-cases and/or restrict certain use-cases. In case a license permits derivative works, RAIL Licenses also require that the use of any downstream derivatives (including use, modification, redistribution, repackaging) of the licensed artificial must abide by the…

    Responsible AI Licenses (RAIL) empower developers to restrict the use of their AI technology in order to prevent irresponsible and harmful applications. These licenses include behavioral-use clauses which grant permissions for specific use-cases and/or restrict certain use-cases. In case a license permits derivative works, RAIL Licenses also require that the use of any downstream derivatives (including use, modification, redistribution, repackaging) of the licensed artificial must abide by the behavioral-use restrictions. https://www.licenses.ai/

  • رسم بياني Ai-Enabled Bahrain for Education and Training

    Advisory Board Member

    Ai-Enabled Bahrain for Education and Training

    ⁩ - الحالي 1 عام واحد 5 شهر



  • Les dix points clés de la cybersécurité en santé

    gestions hospitalières

    Lorsqu’un patient consulte un médecin, il fait confiance à sa formation et à son expérience. De façon similaire, tout outil ou système de diagnostic (par exemple les analyseurs sanguins) n’inspirent confiance que s’ils sont certifiés et vérifiés. Les technologies de diagnostic par intelligence artificielle nécessitent ainsi une validation de leur fiabilité et sont soumises à des risques qui peuvent être évités grâce à une maintenance régulière et à une sensibilisation accrue aux signaux de…

    Lorsqu’un patient consulte un médecin, il fait confiance à sa formation et à son expérience. De façon similaire, tout outil ou système de diagnostic (par exemple les analyseurs sanguins) n’inspirent confiance que s’ils sont certifiés et vérifiés. Les technologies de diagnostic par intelligence artificielle nécessitent ainsi une validation de leur fiabilité et sont soumises à des risques qui peuvent être évités grâce à une maintenance régulière et à une sensibilisation accrue aux signaux de danger. Les attaques de cybersécurité visant les systèmes et les logiciels hospitaliers présentent un risque, tant pour l’établissement que pour les patients, pouvant entraîner des violations de la vie privée, des interruptions des soins, des dysfonctionnements opérationnels, jusqu’à la paralysie des systèmes. Prévenir les cyberattaques exige de la vigilance, une prise de décision éclairée et des tests réfléchis.

    مؤلفون آخرون
    عرض المنشور
  • Narcolepsy: A Multifaceted Disorder

    Sleep on the Bay

    Understanding narcolepsy and the many components of treatment. Community education series.

    مؤلفون آخرون
  • Automating XAI in Cancer Digital Histopathology

    Saudi Digital Pathology

    An overview of explainability AI algorithms in digital pathology for cancer diagnostics using liver and breast malignancy data (tabular and whole slide images)

    عرض المنشور
  • Sexsomnia

    Encyclopedia of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms (Second Edition) 2023, Pages 148-161

    Shaista Hussain, Julian Gojer, Colin Shapiro,
    Editor(s): Clete A. Kushida,
    Encyclopedia of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms (Second Edition),
    Academic Press,
    Pages 148-161,
    ISBN 9780323910941,
    Abstract: The NREM phase of sleep is vulnerable to treacherous confusional arousals that disrupt the delicate balance between sleep and…

    Shaista Hussain, Julian Gojer, Colin Shapiro,
    Editor(s): Clete A. Kushida,
    Encyclopedia of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms (Second Edition),
    Academic Press,
    Pages 148-161,
    ISBN 9780323910941,
    Abstract: The NREM phase of sleep is vulnerable to treacherous confusional arousals that disrupt the delicate balance between sleep and wake states, and may manifest into unintended sexual behaviors. Sexual behaviors in sleep, or sexsomnia, are associated with distinct physiological signs and symptoms and the etiologies are multifactorial. Psychological sequelae and unfavorable legal aftermaths often ensue. Management of sexsomniacs requires keen clinical attention to patients' histories for warning signs, informed and steadfast investigation, and expedited deployment of a multidisciplinary team of professionals to manage potential sexsomnia outcomes. By encouraging healthy sexual health discourse with patients, promoting a stigma-free culture and sexual education to encourage early detection, researchers and clinicians may improve the management of sexsomnia.
    Keywords: Sexsomnia; Sexual behavior in sleep (SBS); Parasomnias; NREM arousals; Forensic psychiatry; Sleep inertia; Sleep sex

    عرض المنشور
  • The Game Changer In Chronic Pain Crisis & Pain Education

    Dr. Ali Al Qahtani (Orthopain Center)

    Author: Dr. Ali Al Qahtani
    Editor: Dr. Shaista Hussain

    This groundbreaking book aims to explore the current gaps in chronic pain management and medical education and offers integrated medical solutions as comprehensive therapeutic strategies in the restitution of patient health. It explains current medical approaches and educational practices as it pertains to pain pathology. The author introduces his theory of the pathophysiology of pain at a molecular level, and…

    Author: Dr. Ali Al Qahtani
    Editor: Dr. Shaista Hussain

    This groundbreaking book aims to explore the current gaps in chronic pain management and medical education and offers integrated medical solutions as comprehensive therapeutic strategies in the restitution of patient health. It explains current medical approaches and educational practices as it pertains to pain pathology. The author introduces his theory of the pathophysiology of pain at a molecular level, and articulates how alternative medical practices including prescription of herbs, supplements and food as medicines can complement other integrative practices to augment conventional pain therapy spanning acute, chronic pain crises. The book explores the theoretical framework, structure and training schedule for the Pain Management Medical Fellowship. A series of patient case reports are included to illustrate the diverse landscape of pain that successfully responded to Dr. Ali’s therapeutic approach. This book will assist healthcare educators and policy makers towards structuring medical education; will provide insight to medical medical practitioners in holistically understanding pain and effective methods of pain resolution.

    مؤلفون آخرون
    عرض المنشور
  • Pediatric Sleep Day: Pathophysiology of Unusual Clinical Cases

    University of Toronto & Youthdale Sleep Center

    CME activity covering:
    Origins, definitions, diagnostic criteria, pathophysiology, epidemiology and therapeutic management of unusual pediatric sleep and psychiatric conditions.

    مؤلفون آخرون
    • Dr. Colin M. Shapiro
    عرض المنشور
  • Blockchain and Metaverse Definitions, Concepts and Applications in Neuropsychiatry


    The following review is an introduction to the terminology and concepts related to blockchain and metaverse platforms including AR, VR, XR-realities, NFTs, operating systems, and security protocols. Methods of overcoming risks, limitations and challenges are explored. Lastly, this review explores current and future applications of blockchain and metaverse platforms in healthcare, including a comprehensive and concise evaluation of various benefits of these advancing systems in the…

    The following review is an introduction to the terminology and concepts related to blockchain and metaverse platforms including AR, VR, XR-realities, NFTs, operating systems, and security protocols. Methods of overcoming risks, limitations and challenges are explored. Lastly, this review explores current and future applications of blockchain and metaverse platforms in healthcare, including a comprehensive and concise evaluation of various benefits of these advancing systems in the neuropsychiatric setting.

    عرض المنشور
  • Systematic Health Artificial Intelligence (SHAI) - a Pathology Based NLP Model for Improved Predictive Diagnostics in Personalised Medicine

    Elsevier SSRN

    (August 13, 2022) http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4189438

    LicenseCC BY 4.0

    عرض المنشور
  • The History and Future of CPAP.

    Springer, Cham. - CHAPTER

    Obstructive sleep apnea has a long, documented history of tormenting sleep, and this nocturnal villain met its first defeat when the first continuous positive airway pressure device was developed. Revolutionary CPAP therapy – when adhered to – aims to alleviate symptoms of fatigue and somnolence, improve quality of life and cognition, resolve snoring, and reduce accident risks as OSA is associated with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease; cognitive, psychological, metabolic, and…

    Obstructive sleep apnea has a long, documented history of tormenting sleep, and this nocturnal villain met its first defeat when the first continuous positive airway pressure device was developed. Revolutionary CPAP therapy – when adhered to – aims to alleviate symptoms of fatigue and somnolence, improve quality of life and cognition, resolve snoring, and reduce accident risks as OSA is associated with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease; cognitive, psychological, metabolic, and reproductive comorbidities; and sequelae. Advances in hardware and software technologies have opened new pathways to future therapeutics as CPAP machines are evolving.

    عرض المنشور
  • Thermoregulation and Sleep Quality: PRISMA Systematic Review

    World Sleep Congress 2022

    Research Poster

    عرض المنشور
  • Triage Clinical Digibook - A Clinical Companion

    Apple Books

    This manual was prepared with the intention of enhancing the health care volunteer’s clinical skills and practice. It is intended as a companion guide for practicing clinical history taking, understanding the concepts and responsibilities of ethical conduct, as well as an instruction for the Triage Application.

    عرض المنشور


  • Predicting Industrial C02 Emissions with Machine Learning


    In this project, the Omdena Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Chapter will develop a deep learning model that predicts CO2 emission values from open-source global emission data. The ultimate goal is to understand contributing variables and create a recommendation system for decision-makers on how to forecast CO2 emissions and reduce environmental risks. This 8-week project aims to: - Data Collection and Exploratory Data Analysis. - Preprocessing. - Feature Extraction & PCA. - Development & training of…

    In this project, the Omdena Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Chapter will develop a deep learning model that predicts CO2 emission values from open-source global emission data. The ultimate goal is to understand contributing variables and create a recommendation system for decision-makers on how to forecast CO2 emissions and reduce environmental risks. This 8-week project aims to: - Data Collection and Exploratory Data Analysis. - Preprocessing. - Feature Extraction & PCA. - Development & training of models that will be compared using evaluation metrics. - Evaluate Baseline & Experimental Models. - Publish a research presentation.

    مؤلفون آخرون
  • Cryptocurrency Prediction with AI


    The kickoff project for Omdena Bahrain aims to be a fun filled learning experience where we will employ machine learning models to predict cryptocurrency trends and explore contributing variables to crypto behaviours. APP DEPLOYMENT https://huggingface.co/spaces/elie-wanko/OmdenaBahrain-PredictingCryptocurrencyUsingAI
    Deployment https://soft-breads-arrive.loca.lt/

    عرض المشروع
  • Hepatocellular Carcinoma Histopathology Detection Using Deep Learning & XAI with App Deployment


    The Omdena Saudi Arabia Chapter aims to develop a deployed app based on Deep Learning models that will predict liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma or HCC) from whole slide histopathology images (WSI). The project's primary goal is to accurately classify digital pathology images as healthy or malignant, with an XAI (Explanability model) in a deployed web app.With a duration of 7-weeks, this project aims to achieve:- Data Collection and Exploratory Data Analysis - Preprocessing - Feature…

    The Omdena Saudi Arabia Chapter aims to develop a deployed app based on Deep Learning models that will predict liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma or HCC) from whole slide histopathology images (WSI). The project's primary goal is to accurately classify digital pathology images as healthy or malignant, with an XAI (Explanability model) in a deployed web app.With a duration of 7-weeks, this project aims to achieve:- Data Collection and Exploratory Data Analysis - Preprocessing - Feature Extraction - Model Development and Training - Evaluate Model - App development - App deployment - Research paper for publication - Project Presentation
    Deployment : https://huggingface.co/spaces/kidcoconut/spcstm_omdenasaudi_liverhccxai

    مؤلفون آخرون
    عرض المشروع
  • Predicting Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia from Peripheral Blood Smears Using Deep Learning Models



    مؤلفون آخرون
    عرض المشروع
  • Predicting Autism in Toddlers Using ML Models and XAI



    مؤلفون آخرون
    عرض المشروع
  • Breast Cancer Histopathology ML Prediction & XAI


    Whole Slide Histopathology digital images/ feature datasets to predict breast cancer & XAI models for explainability

    عرض المشروع
  • Capstone: The Language of Proteins Using Machine Learning


    Using amino acid sequences to predict protein family using ML models
    Deployment https://huggingface.co/spaces/jonathang/Protein-Family-Ensemble

    مؤلفون آخرون
    عرض المشروع

التكريمات والمكافآت

  • 1st Place: AI - Neural Interface

    MIT Hacking Medicine Hackathon

    Brain & Medical Imaging Hack: Alpha Crew: Artificial Intelligence ML SVM Algorithm with mobile EEG BCI equipped with IOT and mobile application control, cloud based - AI data analysis and registry management, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (at Princess Noura University Auditorium)

  • 1st Place: Tech Solutions in Alzheimers

    Saudi Alzheimer's Organization

    Application of Triage Project to reach patients in under served regions, using the software and mobile application for telemedicine and remote patient screening


  • English

    إجادة اللغة الأم أو إجادة لغتين إجادة تامة

  • French

    إجادة كاملة

  • Arabic

    إجادة اللغة الأم أو إجادة لغتين إجادة تامة

التوصيات المستلمة

8شخص قدموا توصية لـDr. Shaista

انضم الآن لعرض

عرض ملف Dr. Shaista الشخصي الكامل

  • مشاهدة الأشخاص المشتركين الذين تعرفهم
  • تقديم تعارف
  • تواصل مع Dr. Shaista مباشرة
انضم لعرض الملف الشخصي الكامل

أعضاء آخرون يحملون اسم ⁦⁩Dr. Shaista Hussain

اكتسب مهارات جديدة من خلال هذه المواد الدراسية