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Leveling Up SQL

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Leveling Up

with SQL
Advanced Techniques for Transforming
Data into Insights

Mark Simon
Leveling Up with SQL
Advanced Techniques
for Transforming Data into Insights

Mark Simon
Leveling Up with SQL: Advanced Techniques for Transforming Data into Insights
Mark Simon
Ivanhoe VIC, VIC, Australia

ISBN-13 (pbk): 978-1-4842-9684-4 ISBN-13 (electronic): 978-1-4842-9685-1

Copyright © 2023 by Mark Simon
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To Brian. You’re part of what I am today.
Table of Contents
About the Author��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� xiii

About the Technical Reviewer���������������������������������������������������������������������������������xv



Chapter 1: Getting Ready������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 1

About the Sample Database���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1
Setting Up������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
Database Management Software�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
Database Client����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
The Sample Database�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
What You Probably Know Already������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
Some Philosophical Concepts������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
Writing SQL���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
Basic SQL������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 10
Data Types����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11
SQL Clauses��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
Calculating Columns�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15
Joins�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17
Aggregates���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18
Working with Tables�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 20
Manipulating Data����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21
Set Operations����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21
Coming Up����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22

Table of Contents

Chapter 2: Working with Table Design�������������������������������������������������������������������� 25

Understanding Normalized Tables���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25
Columns Should Be Independent������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 27
Adding the Towns Table��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28
Adding a Foreign Key to the Town����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29
Update the Customers Table�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 30
Remove the Old Address Columns����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32
Changing the Town���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35
Adding the Country���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 36
Additional Comments������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 38
Improving Database Integrity������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 38
Fixing Issues with a Nullable Column������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 40
Other Adjustments����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 45
Adding Indexes��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 49
Adding an Index to the Books and Authors Tables����������������������������������������������������������������� 50
Creating a Unique Index�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 52
Review���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 54
Normal Form������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 54
Multiple Values���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 55
Altering Tables����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 55
Views������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 55
Indexes���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 56
The Final Product������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 56
Summary������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 57
Coming Up����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 58

Chapter 3: Table Relationships and Joins�������������������������������������������������������������� 59

An Overview of Relationships����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 60
One-to-Many Relationship���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 61
Counting One-to-Many Joins������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 64
The NOT IN Quirk������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 69
Creating a Books and Authors View��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 70

Table of Contents

One-to-One Relationships����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 72
One-to-Maybe Relationships������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 72
Multiple Values���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 76
Many-to-Many Relationships������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 77
Joining Many-to-Many Tables����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 82
Summarizing Multiple Values������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 84
Combining the Joins�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 86
Many-to-Many Relationships Happen All the Time���������������������������������������������������������������� 90
Another Many-to-Many Example������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 90
Inserting into Related Tables������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 93
Adding a Book and an Author������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 94
Adding a New Sale���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 98
Review�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 102
Types of Relationships��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 103
Joining Tables���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 103
Views����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 104
Inserting into Related Tables����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 104
Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 104
Coming Up��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 104

Chapter 4: Working with Calculated Data������������������������������������������������������������� 105

Calculation Basics��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 106
Using Aliases����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 108
Dealing with NULLs������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 113
Using Calculations in Other Clauses������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 118
More Details on Calculations���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 122
Casting�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 122
Numeric Calculations���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 127
String Calculations�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 132
Date Operations������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 139
The CASE Expression���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 151
Various Uses of CASE���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 152

Table of Contents

Coalesce Is like a Special Case of CASE������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 154

Nested CASE Expression����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 155
Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 158
Aliases��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 159
NULLs���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 159
Casting Types���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 159
Calculating with Numbers��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 159
Calculating with Strings������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 160
Calculating with Dates��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 160
The CASE Expression����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 160
Coming Up��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 161

Chapter 5: Aggregating Data�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 163

The Basic Aggregate Functions������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 163
NULL������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 166
Understanding Aggregates�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 166
Aggregating Some of the Values����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 170
Distinct Values��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 170
Aggregate Filter������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 171
Grouping by Calculated Values�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 173
Grouping with CASE Statements����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 177
Revisiting the Delivery Status���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 179
Ordering by Arbitrary Strings����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 181
Group Concatenation����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 183
Summarizing the Summary with Grouping Sets����������������������������������������������������������������������� 185
Preparing Data for Summarizing����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 186
Combining Summaries with the UNION Clause������������������������������������������������������������������� 189
Using GROUPING SETS, CUBE, and ROLLUP������������������������������������������������������������������������� 195
Histograms, Mean, Mode, and Median�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 201
Calculating the Mean����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 203
Generating a Frequency Table��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 203
Calculating the Mode����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 205

Table of Contents

Calculating the Median�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 207

The Standard Deviation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 208
Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 209
Basic Aggregate Functions�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 209
NULLs���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 210
The Aggregating Process����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 210
Aggregate Filters����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 210
GROUP BY���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 211
Mixing Subtotals������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 211
Statistics������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 212
Coming Up��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 212

Chapter 6: Using Views and Friends��������������������������������������������������������������������� 213

Working with Views������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 214
Creating a View�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 216
Using ORDER BY in MSSQL�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 219
Tips for Working with View�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 219
Table-Valued Functions������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 221
What Can You Do with a View?�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 225
Caching Data and Temporary Tables����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 227
Computed Columns������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 231
Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 233
Views����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 233
Table Valued Functions�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 233
Temporary Tables���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 234
Coming Up��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 234

Chapter 7: Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions���������������� 235

Correlated and Non-correlated Subqueries������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 239
Subqueries in the SELECT Clause��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 243
Subqueries in the WHERE Clause���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 246
Subqueries with Simple Aggregates����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 246

Table of Contents

Big Spenders����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 246

Last Orders, Please�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 249
Duplicated Customers��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 251
Subqueries in the FROM Clause������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 252
Nested Subqueries�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 255
Using WHERE EXISTS (Subquery)���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 258
WHERE EXISTS with Non-correlated Subqueries���������������������������������������������������������������� 259
WHERE EXISTS with Correlated Subqueries������������������������������������������������������������������������ 259
WHERE EXISTS vs. the IN() Expression�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 260
LATERAL JOINS (a.k.a. CROSS APPLY) and Friends������������������������������������������������������������������� 261
Adding Columns������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 263
Multiple Columns����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 265
Working with Common Table Expressions�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 267
Syntax���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 268
Using a CTE to Prepare Calculations����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 269
Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 272
Correlated and Non-correlated Subqueries������������������������������������������������������������������������� 272
The WHERE EXISTS Expression������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 273
LATERAL JOINS (a.k.a. CROSS APPLY)��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 273
Common Table Expressions������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 273
Coming Up��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 273

Chapter 8: Window Functions������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 275

Writing Window Functions�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 276
Simple Aggregate Windows������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 277
Aggregate Functions����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 279
Aggregate Window Functions and ORDER BY��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 284
The Framing Clause������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 285
Creating a Daily Sales View������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 287
A Sliding Window����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 288
Window Function Subtotals������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 290
PARTITION BY Multiple Columns������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 294

Table of Contents

Ranking Functions�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 296

Basic Ranking Functions����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 297
Ranking with PARTITION BY������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 300
Paging Results��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 302
Working with ntile��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 305
A Workaround for ntile��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 307
Working with Previous and Next Rows������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 309
Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 311
Window Clauses������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 311
Coming Up��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 312

Chapter 9: More on Common Table Expressions�������������������������������������������������� 313

CTEs As Variables���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 313
Setting Hard-Coded Constants�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 314
Deriving Constants�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 316
Using Aggregates in the CTE����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 317
Finding the Most Recent Sales per Customer��������������������������������������������������������������������� 317
Finding Customers with Duplicate Names�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 319
CTE Parameter Names�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 320
Using Multiple Common Table Expressions������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 321
Summarizing Duplicate Names with Multiple CTEs������������������������������������������������������������ 322
Recursive CTEs������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 325
Generating a Sequence������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 328
Joining a Sequence CTE to Get Missing Values������������������������������������������������������������������� 331
Daily Comparison Including Missing Days��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 333
Traversing a Hierarchy��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 336
Working with Table Literals������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 342
Using a Table Literal for Testing������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 344
Using a Table Literal for Sorting������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 348
Using a Table Literal As a Lookup���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 351
Splitting a String������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 353

Table of Contents

Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 364
Simple CTEs������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 364
Parameter Names���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 365
Multiple CTEs����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 365
Recursive CTEs�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 365
Coming Up��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 365

Chapter 10: More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables������������������� 367
Understanding Triggers������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 368
Some Trigger Basics������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 369
Preparing the Data to Be Archived�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 370
Creating the Trigger������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 372
Pros and Cons of Triggers���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 380
Pivoting Data����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 381
Pivoting the Data����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 382
Manually Pivoting Data�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 384
Using the Pivot Feature (MSSQL, Oracle)����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 389
Working with SQL Variables������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 394
Code Blocks������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 395
Updated Code to Add a Sale������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 396
Review�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 404
Triggers�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 404
Pivot Tables�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 405
SQL Variables����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 405
Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 406

Appendix A: Cultural Notes����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 407

Appendix B: DBMS Differences����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 411

Appendix C: Using SQL with Python��������������������������������������������������������������������� 421

Index��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 443

About the Author
Mark Simon has been involved in training and education
since the beginning of his career. He started as a teacher
of mathematics, but quickly pivoted into IT consultancy
and training because computers are much easier to work
with than high school students. He has worked with and
trained in several programming and coding languages and
currently focuses mainly on web development and database
languages. When not involved in work, you will generally
find him listening to or playing music, reading, or just
wandering about.

About the Technical Reviewer
Aaditya Pokkunuri is an experienced senior cloud database
engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the
information technology and services industry with 13 years
of experience.
He is skilled in performance tuning, MS SQL Database
Server Administration, SSIS, SSRS, PowerBI, and SQL
He possesses in-depth knowledge of replication,
clustering, SQL Server high availability options, and ITIL
His expertise lies in Windows administration tasks, Active Directory, and Microsoft
Azure technologies.
He also has extensive knowledge of MySQL, MariaDB, and MySQL Aurora database
He has expertise in AWS Cloud and is an AWS Solution Architect Associate and AWS
Database Specialty.
Aaditya is a strong information technology professional with a Bachelor of Technology
in Computer Science and Engineering from Sastra University, Tamil Nadu.

The sample data includes information about books and authors from Goodreads
(www.goodreads.com/), particularly from their lists of classical literature over the past
centuries. Additional author information was obtained, of course, from Wikipedia
The author makes no guarantees about whether the information was correct or even
copied correctly. Certainly, the list of books should not in any way be interpreted as an
endorsement or even an indication of personal taste. After all, it’s just sample data.

In the early 1970s, a new design for managing databases was being developed based on
the original work of E. F. Codd. The underlying model was known as the relational model
and described a way of collecting data and accessing and manipulating data using
mathematical principles.
Over the decade, the SQL language was developed, and, though it doesn’t follow the
relational model completely, it attempts to make the database accessible using a simple
The SQL language has been improved, enhanced, and further developed over the
years, and in the late 1980s, the language was developed into a standard of both ANSI
(the American National Standards Institute) and ISO (the International Organization for
Standardization, and, that’s right, it doesn’t spell ISO).
The takeaways from this very brief history are

• SQL has been around for some time.

• SQL is based on some solid mathematical principles.

• There is an official standard, even if nobody quite sticks to it.

• SQL is a developing language, and there are new features and new
techniques being added all the time.

The second half of the third point is worth stressing. Nobody quite sticks to the SQL
standards. There are many reasons for this, some good, some bad. But you’ll probably
find that the various dialects of SQL are about 80–90% compatible, and the rest we’ll fill
you in on as we go.
In this book, you’ll learn about using SQL to a level which goes beyond the basics.
Some things you’ll learn about are newer features in SQL; some are older features that
you may not have known about. We’ll look at a few non-standard features, and we’ll also
look at using features that you already know about, but in more powerful ways.
This book is not for the raw beginner—we assume you have some knowledge and
experience in SQL. If you are a raw beginner, then you will get more from my previous


book, Getting Started with SQL and Databases;1 you can then return to this book full of
confidence and enthusiasm with a good solid grounding in SQL.
If you have the knowledge and experience, the first chapter will give you a quick
overview of the sort of knowledge you should have.

The Sample Database

To work through the exercises, you’ll need the following:

• A database server and a suitable database client.

• Permissions to do anything you like on the database. If you’ve installed

the software locally, you probably have all the permissions you need,
but if you’re doing this on somebody else’s system, you need to check.

• The script which produces the sample database.

The first chapter will go into the details of getting your DBMS software and sample
database ready. It will also give you an overview of the story behind the sample database.

While you’re writing SQL to work with the data, there’s a piece of software at the other
end responding to the SQL. That software is referred to generically as a database server,
and, more specifically, as a DataBase Management System, or DBMS to its friends. We’ll
be using that term throughout the book.
The DBMSs we’ll be covering are PostgreSQL, MariaDB, MySQL, Microsoft SQL
Server, SQLite, and Oracle. We’ll assume that you’re working with reasonably current
versions of the DBMSs.
Chapter 1 will go into more details on setting up your DBMS, as well as downloading
and installing the sample database.

Source Code
All source code used in this book can be downloaded from ­github.com/apress/



Getting Ready
If you’re reading this book, you’ll already know some SQL, either through previous study
or through bitter experience, or, more likely, a little of both. In the process, there may be
a few bits that you’ve missed, or forgotten, or couldn’t see the point.
We’ll assume that you’re comfortable enough with SQL to get the basic things
done, which mostly involves fetching data from one or more tables. You may even have
manipulated some of that data or even the tables themselves.
We won’t assume that you consider yourself an expert in all of this. Have a look in
the section “What You Probably Know Already” to check the sort of experience we think
you already have. If there are some areas you’re not completely sure about, don’t panic.
Each chapter will include some of the background concepts which should take you to
the next level.
If all of this is a bit new to you, perhaps we can recommend an introductory book. It’s
called Getting Started with SQL and Databases by Mark Simon, and you can learn more
about it at https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4842-9493-2.

About the Sample Database

For the sample database, we’re going to suppose that we’re running an online bookshop:
BookWorks. In this scenario

• Customers visit the website.

• At some point, customers will have registered with their details.

• They then add one or more copies of one or more books to a

shopping cart.

• Hopefully, they then check out and pay.

• BookWorks will then procure the books and ship them to customers
at some point.

© Mark Simon 2023
M. Simon, Leveling Up with SQL, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-9685-1_1
Chapter 1 Getting Ready

To manage all of this, the database tables look something like Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1. The BookWorks Schema

In real life, there’s more to the story. For example, we haven’t included payment or
shipping methods, and we haven’t included login credentials. There’s no stock either,
although we’ll presume that the books are ordered on demand.
But there’s enough in this database for us to work with as we develop and improve
our SQL skills.

Chapter 1 Getting Ready

Setting Up
You can sit in a comfortable chair with a glass of your favorite refreshment and a box of
nice chocolates and read this book from cover to cover. However, you’ll get more from
this book if you join in on the samples.

Database Management Software

First, you’ll need access to Database Management Software (DBMS). The five and a half
DBMSs we work with in the book are

• PostgreSQL

• MariaDB/MySQL

• Microsoft SQL Server

• SQLite

• Oracle

PostgreSQL, MariaDB/MySQL, and SQLite are all free. Microsoft SQL Server and
Oracle are paid products, but have free versions.
MariaDB is a spin-off of MySQL, which is why they’re treated together. They are
almost identical in features, but you’ll find a few places where they’re not identical.

If you’re using MariaDB/MySQL, we’re going to assume that you’re running it in

ANSI mode. It’s easily done if you start the session with
SET SESSION sql_mode = 'ANSI';
You’ll probably see this message a few times throughout the book. The Appendix
will tell you why.

Chapter 1 Getting Ready

It’s possible—even likely—that you already have the DBMS installed. Just make
sure that

• It’s a fairly recent version.

Some of the features you’ll learn about aren’t available in some

older versions of some DBMSs. In particular, watch out for
MySQL: you’ll need version 8 which was released in 2018 for some
of the more sophisticated features.

• You have enough privileges to create a database and to create and

modify tables. Most of the book won’t require that, but Chapter 2
definitely will.

At the very least, you’ll need to be able to install the sample


If you can’t make changes to the database, you can still work with most of the book,
and you’ll just have to nod your head politely as you’re reading Chapter 2, in which we
make a few changes to the database. You might also have some difficulty in creating
views, which we cover in Chapter 6 and in other chapters.

Database Client
You’ll also need a database client. All the major DBMS vendors have their own free
client, and there are plenty of free and paid third-party alternatives.

The Sample Database

And, of course, you’ll need to install the sample database.
The sample database and additional code files for this book are available on GitHub
via the book’s product page, located at www.apress.com/ISBN.
You can also directly download a script by visiting
and clicking a few buttons.
You’ll need to do the following:

Chapter 1 Getting Ready

1. For your DBMS, create your sample database. If you can’t think
of a better name, bookworks is a fine name. For most DBMSs,
you can run


You’ll then need to connect to the database.

2. Using the preceding link, select the options for your DBMS.

For this sample, you should select the “Book Works” sample
(Step 2), as well as the additional Towns and Countries tables
(Step 4).

Download the file. It will come as a ZIP file, so you’ll have to

unzip it.

3. Using your database, connect to your new database, open the

downloaded script file, and run the script.

What You Probably Know Already

… or, A Crash Course in SQL
If you get a sense of déjà vu reading what follows, it’s a summary of what you would
have learned from my prior Apress book, Getting Started with SQL and Databases. You
can skip to the next chapter if you’re confident with these ideas, but it might be worth
going over, to keep them fresh.
In this section, we’ll go over the following ideas:

• Some Philosophical Concepts

• Writing SQL

• Basic SQL

• Data Types

• SQL Clauses
• Calculating Columns

• Joins

Chapter 1 Getting Ready

• Aggregates

• Working with Tables

• Manipulating Data

• Set Operations

This is a summary of what you will have encountered in the prior book. Some of
these topics will be pushed further in the following chapters.

Some Philosophical Concepts

Some people get the wrong idea of what computers do and, in particular, what’s going on
in a database. Here, we’ll look at clearing this up, as well as clarifying the terminology—
what the words mean.
A database is a collection of data. Well, obviously, but when we’re talking about
SQL, we’re talking about data which is organized and accessed in a particular way. To
begin with, the design of a database follows what is called the relational model, which
is basically a set of principles about how the data is organized. This model is all about
purity and clarity. Each item of data has exactly one place where it belongs and is stored
in its purest form. Related items of data are collected together.
Relational database purists won’t be hesitant to point out that SQL databases
don’t follow these principles to the letter or, in some cases, even to the paragraph.
Nevertheless, the relational model is the basis of how SQL databases are put together.

Data vs. Information vs. Values

Databases store data. That’s what the name implies, but it’s important to understand
that that’s not the same as information, even if we yield to the temptation to call it that.
Data is neutral. It has no meaning. Your height might be, say, 175 (cm), but the
database neither knows nor cares whether that’s good or bad. It’s just a number, and if
it’s not correct, it doesn’t care about that either.
What the database does care about, however, is whether the data entered follows
any rules predefined in the design of the database. That might include the type of data
entered or the range of possible values.

Chapter 1 Getting Ready

Information, however, is something that humans do. We assign it a meaning, and we

make judgments. Here, we decide whether the height is what we’d expect or meaningful
in some other way.
Why would that be important? Take, for example, your date of birth. Is it possible that
it might change?
The short answer is no, you can’t (as far as we know) go back and change your
date of birth. However, the actual data itself can change, such as when it was entered
incorrectly, or there’s been a change to the calendar (which doesn’t, admittedly,
happen often).
This affects how a database should be designed: you have to allow for errors, and you
have to see what reasonableness checks you might need to add to the definitions. You
can’t, for example, lock in the date of birth, just because it’s not supposed to change.
The other concept is the value. Think of the data as a question and the value as the
answer. What is your given name (data)? The answer is its value.
That’s important, because much of the design of a database is about the data, not the
actual values.
For example, a well-constructed database should only store your given name data
exactly once. However, the actual value (“Fred,” “Wilma,” etc.) might well appear with
somebody else’s data. Values can be repeated, and, if they are, we just regard that as a
coincidence. The real giveaway is that you might change the value of one person’s given
name without being obliged to do the same elsewhere.
To put it simply:

• Data is a placeholder. It should never be duplicated elsewhere.

• A value is the content of the data. It may be NULL which means that
you don’t have the value, and it may be duplicated because, well,
these things happen.

• Information is the meaning you personally put on the database, and

the database neither knows nor cares about that. We won’t be dealing
with information much here.

We may use the term “information” loosely to refer to data, but it’s really not the
same thing.

Chapter 1 Getting Ready

Database Tables
SQL databases store data in one or more tables. In turn, a table presents the data in rows
and columns. You get the picture in Figure 1-2.

Figure 1-2. A Database Table

A row is an instance of the data, such as a book in the books table or a customer in
the customers table. Columns are used for details, such as the given name of a customer
or the title of a book. Figure 1-3 gives the idea.

Figure 1-3. A Customers Table

Chapter 1 Getting Ready

Here are some of the important properties of a well-designed table:

• Data is atomic: In each row, each column stores one piece of

data only.

• Row order is not significant: You can sort them if you like, but the row
order has no real significance.

• Rows are unique: You don’t have two rows describing the same thing.

• Rows are independent: Data in one row shouldn’t affect any

other row.

• Columns are independent of each other: Changing what’s in one

column shouldn’t affect what’s in another column.

• Columns are of a single type: You can’t mix types in a single column.

• Column names are unique. Obviously.

• Column order is not significant: That’s a bit confusing, since

obviously column order may be the only clue as to which is which.
However, it doesn’t matter which order you choose.

One important consequence of this is that columns should never be used to hold
multiple values, either singly or in combination. This means

• A single column should not contain multiple values.

• Multiple columns cannot have the same role.

There are a few additional rules, but they are more fine-tuning of the basic principles.
SQL uses the term “table” in two overlapping ways:

• Data is stored in the database in a table. The data is accessed as rows

and columns; that is, the data is in a table format.

There is such a thing as a temporary table. That’s the same as a

real table earlier, except that it will self-destruct when you finish
with the session.
• Data may also be held fleetingly in a table format without actually
being stored.

You’ll get this table data as a result of a join, a common table

expression, a view, or even from another SELECT.
Chapter 1 Getting Ready

When we need to refer to the generated table data, we’ll use the term virtual table to
make the point clear.

Writing SQL
SQL is a simple language which has a few rules and a few recommendations for

• SQL is relaxed about using extra spacing. You should use as much
spacing as required to make your SQL more readable.

• Each SQL statement ends with a semicolon (;).

• The SQL language is case insensitive, as are the column names. Table
names may be case sensitive, depending on the operating system.

Microsoft SQL is relaxed about the use of semicolons, and many MSSQL
developers have got in the bad habit of forgetting about them. However, Microsoft
strongly encourages you to use them, and some SQL may not work properly if
you get too sloppy. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/
If you remember to include semicolons, you’ll stay out of trouble.

Remember, some parts of the language are flexible, but there is still a strict syntax to
be followed.

Basic SQL
The basic statement used to fetch data from a table is the SELECT table. In its simplest
form, it looks like this:

FROM ...;

Chapter 1 Getting Ready

• The SELECT statement will select one or more columns of data from
a table.

• You can select columns in any order.

• The SELECT * expression is used to select all columns.

• Columns may be calculated.

Calculated columns should be named with an alias; noncalculated columns can also
be aliased.
A comment is additional text for the human reader which is ignored by SQL:

• SQL has a standard single-line comment: -- etc

• Most DBMSs also support the non-standard block comment:

/* ... */

• Comments can be used to explain something or to act as section

headers. They can also be used to disable some code as you might
when troubleshooting or testing.

Data Types
Broadly, there are three main data types:

• Numbers

• Strings

• Dates and times

Number literals are represented bare: they do not have any form of quotes.
Numbers are compared in number line order and can be filtered using the basic
comparison operators.
String literals are written in single quotes. Some DBMSs also allow double quotes,
but double quotes are more correctly used for column names rather than values.

• In some DBMSs and databases, upper and lower case may not match.
• Trailing spaces should be ignored, but aren’t always.

Chapter 1 Getting Ready

Date literals are also in single quotes.

• The preferred date format is ISO8601 (yyyy-mm-dd), though Oracle

doesn’t like it so much.

• Most DBMSs allow alternative formats, but avoid the ??/??/yyyy

format, since it doesn’t mean the same thing everywhere.

Dates are compared in historical order.

SQL Clauses
For the most part, we use up to six clauses in a typical SELECT statement. SQL clauses are
written in a specific order. However, they are processed in a slightly different order, as in
Figure 1-4.

Figure 1-4. SQL Clause Order

The important thing to remember is that the SELECT clause is the last to be evaluated
before the ORDER BY clause. That means that only the ORDER BY clause can use values
and aliases produced in the SELECT clause.1
As we’ll see later in the book, there are additional clauses which are extensions to the
one we have here.

SQLite is the exception here. You can indeed use aliases in the other clauses.

Chapter 1 Getting Ready

Filtering Data with the WHERE Clause

A table can be filtered using the WHERE clause.
When you have a large number of rows, you can filter them using the WHERE clause.
The WHERE clause is followed by one or more assertions which evaluate either to true or
false, determining whether a particular row is to be included in the result set.
The syntax for the WHERE clause is

SELECT columns
FROM table
WHERE conditions;

The conditions are one or more assertions, expressions which evaluate to true or not
true. If an assertion is not true, it’s not necessarily false either. Typically, if the expression
involves NULL, the result will be unknown, which is also not true.

• NULL represents a missing value, so testing it is tricky.

• NULLs will always fail a comparison, such as the equality operator (=).

Testing for NULL requires the special expression IS NULL or IS NOT NULL.

Multiple Assertions
You can combine multiple assertions with the logical AND and OR operators. If you
combine them, AND takes precedence over OR.
The IN operator will match from a list. It is the equivalent of multiple OR expressions.
It can also be used with a subquery which generates a single column of values.

Wildcard Matches
Strings can be compared more loosely using wildcard patterns and the LIKE operator.

• Wildcards include special pattern characters.

• Some DBMSs allow you to use LIKE with non-string data, implicitly
converting them to strings for comparison.

• Some DBMSs supplement the standard wildcard characters with

additional patterns.

• Some DBMSs support regular expressions, which are more

sophisticated than regular wildcard pattern matching.
Chapter 1 Getting Ready

Sorting with the ORDER BY Clause

SQL tables are unordered collections of rows.

• Row order is insignificant and may be unexpected.

• You can sort the results using an ORDER BY clause.

Sorting a table is done using the ORDER BY clause:

SELECT columns
FROM table
--  WHERE ...

The ORDER BY clause is both the last to be written and the last to be evaluated.

• Sorting does not change the actual table, just the order of the results
for the present query.

• You can sort using original columns or calculated values.

• You can sort using multiple columns, which will effectively group the
rows; column order is arbitrary, but will affect how the grouping is

• By default, each sorting column is sorted in increasing (ascending)

order. Each sorting column can be qualified by the DESC clause which
will sort in decreasing (descending) order. You can also add ASC
which changes nothing as it’s the default anyway.
• Different DBMSs will have their own approach as to where to place
sorted NULLs, but they will all be grouped either at the beginning or
the end.

• Data types will affect the sort order.

• Some DBMSs will sort upper and lower case values separately.

Limiting Results
A SELECT statement can also include a limit on the number of rows. This feature has been
available unofficially for a long time, but is now an official feature.

Chapter 1 Getting Ready

The official form is something like

FROM ...

This is supported in PostgreSQL, MSSQL, and Oracle.

Many DBMSs still offer their proprietary unofficial limiting clauses. The most
common unofficial version is something like

FROM ...

This is supported in PostgreSQL (which also supports OFFSET ... FETCH), MariaDB/
MySQL, and SQLite.
MSSQL also has a simple TOP clause added to the SELECT clause.

Sorting Strings
Sorting alphabetically is, by and large, meaningless. However, there are techniques to
sort strings in a more meaningful order.

Calculating Columns
In SQL, there are three main data types: numbers, strings, and dates. Each data type has
its own methods and functions to calculate values:

• For numbers, you can do simple arithmetic and calculate with more
complex functions. There are also functions which approximate

• For dates, you can calculate an age between dates or offset a date.
You can also extract various parts of the date.

• For strings, you can concatenate them, change parts of the string, or
extract parts of the string.

• For numbers and dates, you can generate a formatted string which
gives you a possibly more friendly version.

Chapter 1 Getting Ready

Calculating with NULLs

Whenever a calculation involves a NULL, it has a catastrophic effect on the result, and the
result will normally be NULL.
In some cases, you may be able to substitute a value using coalesce() which will
replace NULL with a reasonable alternative. Of course, you will need to work out what you
mean by “reasonable.”

Every column should have a distinct name. When you calculate a value, you supply this
name as an alias using AS. You can also do this with noncalculated columns to provide a
more suitable name.
Aliases and other names should be distinct. They should also follow standard
column naming rules, such as not being the same as an SQL keyword and not having
special characters.
If, for any reason, a name or an alias needs to break the naming rules, you can always
wrap the name in double quotes ("double quotes") or whatever the DBMS supplies as
an alternative.
Some DBMSs have an alternative to double quotes, but you should prefer double
quotes if possible.

A subquery is an additional SELECT statement used as part of the main query.
A column can also include a value derived from a subquery. This is especially useful
if you want to include data from a separate related table. If the subquery involves a value
from the main table, it is said to be correlated. Such subqueries can be costly, but are
nonetheless a useful technique.

The CASE Expression

You can generate categories using CASE ... END, which tests a value against possible
matches and results in one out of a number of alternative values.

Chapter 1 Getting Ready

Casting a Value
You may be able to change the data type of a value, using cast():

• You can change within a main type to a type with more or less detail.

• You can sometimes change between major types if the value

sufficiently resembles the other type.

Sometimes, casting is performed automatically, but sometimes you need to do it

One case where you might need to cast from a string is when you need a date literal.
Since both string and date literals use single quotes, SQL might misinterpret the date for
a string.

You can save a SELECT statement into the database by creating a view. A view allows you
to save a complex statement as a virtual table, which you can use later in a simpler form.
Views are a good way of building a collection of useful statements.

Very often, you will create a query which involves data from multiple tables. Joins
effectively widen tables by attaching corresponding rows from the other tables.
The basic syntax for a join is

SELECT columns
FROM table JOIN table;

There is an older syntax using the WHERE clause, but it’s not as useful for most joins.
Although tables are joined pairwise, you can join any number of tables to get results
from any related tables.
When joining tables, it is best to distinguish the columns. This is especially important
if the tables have column names in common:

• You should fully qualify all column names.

• It is helpful to use table aliases to simplify the names. These aliases

can then be used to qualify the columns.

Chapter 1 Getting Ready

The ON Clause
The ON clause is used to describe which rows from one table are joined to which rows
from the other, by declaring which columns from each should match.
The most obvious join is from the child table’s foreign key to the parent table’s
primary key. More complex joins are possible.
You can also create ad hoc joins which match columns which are not in a fixed

Join Types
The default join type is the INNER JOIN. The INNER is presumed when no join type is

• An INNER JOIN results only in child rows for which there is a parent.
Rows with a NULL foreign key are omitted.

• An OUTER JOIN is an INNER JOIN combined with unmatched rows.

There are three types of OUTER JOIN:

• A LEFT or RIGHT join includes unmatched rows from one of the

joined tables.

• A FULL join includes unmatched rows from both tables.

• A NATURAL join matches two columns with identical names and

doesn’t require an ON clause. It is particularly useful in joining
one-­to-­one tables. Not all DBMSs support this.

There is also a CROSS JOIN, which combines every row in one table with every row
in the other. It’s not generally useful, but can be handy when you cross join with a single
row of variables.

Instead of just fetching simple data from the database tables, you can generate various
summaries using aggregate queries. Aggregate queries use one or more aggregate
functions and imply some groupings of the data.

Chapter 1 Getting Ready

Aggregate queries effectively transform the data into a secondary summary table.
With grand total aggregates, you can only select summaries. You cannot also select non-­
aggregate values.
The main aggregate functions include

• count(), which counts the number of rows or values in a column

• min() and max() which fetch the first or last of the values in sort order

For numbers, you also have

• sum(), avg(), and stdev() (or stddev()) which perform the sum,
average, and standard deviation on a column of numbers

When it comes to working with numbers, not all numbers are used in the same way,
so not all numbers should be summarized.
For strings, you also have

• string_agg(), group_concat(), or listagg(), depending on the

DBMS, which concatenates strings in a column

In all cases, aggregate functions only work with values: they all skip over NULL.
You can control which values in a column are included:

• You can use DISTINCT to count only one instance of each value.

• You can use CASE ... END to work as a filter for certain values.

Without a GROUP BY clause, or using GROUP BY (), the aggregates are grand totals:
you will get one row of summaries.
You can also use GROUP BY to generate summaries in multiple groups. Each group is
distinct. When you do, you get summaries for each group, as well as additional columns
with the group values themselves.
Aggregates are not limited to single tables:

• You can join multiple tables and aggregate the result.

• You can join an aggregate to one or more other tables.

In many cases, it makes sense to work with your aggregates in more than one step.
For that, it’s convenient to put your first step into a common table expression, which is a
virtual table which can be used with the next step.
When grouping your data, sometimes you want to filter some of the groups. This is
done with a HAVING clause, which you add after the GROUP BY clause.
Chapter 1 Getting Ready

Working with Tables

Tables are created using the CREATE TABLE statement. This statement includes

• Column names

• Data types

• Other table and column properties

A table design can be changed afterward, such as adding triggers or indexes. More
serious changes, such as adding or dropping columns, can be effected using ALTER
TABLE statements.

Data Types
There are three main types of data:

• Numbers

• Strings

• Dates

There are many variations of the preceding types which make data storage and
processing more efficient and help to validate the data values.
There are also additional types such as boolean or binary data, which you won’t see
so much in a typical database.

Constraints define what values are considered valid. Standard constraints include



• Foreign keys (REFERENCES)

You can construct your own additional constraints with the generic CHECK constraint.
Here, you add a condition similar to a WHERE clause which defines your own particular
validation rule.

Chapter 1 Getting Ready

Foreign Keys
A foreign key is a reference to another table and is also regarded as a constraint, in that it
limits values to those which match the other table.
The foreign key is defined in the child table.
A foreign key also affects any attempt to delete a row from the parent table. By
default, the parent row cannot be deleted if there are matching child rows. However, this
can be changed to either (a) setting the foreign key to NULL or (b) cascading the delete to
all of the children.

Since tables are not stored in any particular order, they can be time consuming to search.
An optional index can be added for any column you routinely search, which makes
searching much quicker.

Manipulating Data
Data manipulation statements are used to add or change data. In addition to the SELECT
statement, there are

• INSERT: Add new rows to the table

• UPDATE: Change the data in one or more rows in the table

• DELETE: Delete one or more rows of the table

Like SELECT, the UPDATE and DELETE statements can be qualified with a WHERE
clause to determine which rows will be affected.
Unlike SELECT, these have the potential to make a mess of a database, especially
since SQL doesn’t have an undo.

Set Operations
In SQL, tables are mathematical sets of rows. This means that they contain no duplicates
and are unordered. It also means that you can combine tables and virtual tables with set

Chapter 1 Getting Ready

There are three main set operations:

• UNION combines two or more tables and results in all of the rows, with
any duplicates filtered out. If you want to keep the duplicates, you use
the UNION ALL clause.

• INTERSECT returns only the rows which appear in all of the

participating tables.

• EXCEPT (a.k.a. MINUS in Oracle) returns the rows in the first table
which are not also present in the second.

When applying a set operation, there are some rules regarding the columns in each
SELECT statement:

• The columns must match in number and type.

• Only the names and aliases from first SELECT are used.

• Only the values are matched, which means that if your various
SELECTs change the column order or select different columns, they
will be matched if they are compatible.

A SELECT can include any of the standard clauses, such as WHERE and GROUP BY, but
not the ORDER BY clause. You can, however, sort the final results with an ORDER BY at
the end.
Set operations can also be used for special techniques, such as creating sample data,
comparing result sets, and combining aggregates.

Coming Up
As we said, we won’t presume that you’re an expert in all of this. As we introduce the
following chapters, we’ll also recap some of the basic principles to help you steady
your feet.
In the chapters that follow, we’ll have a good look at working with the
following ideas:
• How to improve the reliability and efficiency of the database tables
(Chapter 2)

• How the tables are related to each other and how to work with
multiple tables (Chapter 3)
Chapter 1 Getting Ready

• How to manipulate the values to get more value out of the values
(Chapter 4)

• How to summarize and analyze data (Chapter 5)

• How we can save queries and interim results (Chapter 6)

• How to mix data from multiple tables and aggregates (Chapter 7)

• How to work more complex queries by building on top of other

queries (Chapters 6, 7, and 9)

• How to add running aggregates and ranking data to our datasets

(Chapter 8)

In Chapter 2, we’ll make a few changes to the database tables and even add a few
more tables to improve its overall design. It won’t be perfect, but it will show how a
database can be further developed.


Working with Table Design

SQL databases are, or at least should be, built on some pretty strong principles. Although
these principles are sometimes relaxed in real life, the database will be more reliable and
more efficient if they’re followed as far as possible.
In this chapter, we’re going to look at parts of the existing database and how it can be
improved using some of those principles. We’ll look at

• The basic understanding of normal tables—tables which have been

constructed or reconstructed along the core principles

• Modifying tables to follow the principles more closely

• Improving the reliability and integrity of the database by adding

additional checks and constraints

• Improving the performance of the database by adding indexes to

help find data more efficiently

Of course, we won’t be able to make the table perfect: that would take a long time
and a lot of experience with the database. You mightn’t even be in a position to do this
with your database. However, we’ll be able to get a better understanding of what makes a
database work better.

Understanding Normalized Tables

One of the first things to consider is how individual tables are designed and constructed.
The goal is to be sure that each piece of data has a distinct and identifiable place and that
the data is in its simplest form.
Mathematicians have a term for anything in its purest form: they say it is normal. As
with so many mathematical terms, it probably doesn’t mean what it looks like: it doesn’t
mean that it’s common, but that it’s definitive.

© Mark Simon 2023
M. Simon, Leveling Up with SQL, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-9685-1_2
Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

Developing a database table often starts with a rough idea of the sort of data to be
stored and then goes through a process of normalization: examining the features of the
table and making changes to fit in better with the requirements of a normal table.
There are various rules and levels of normalization. In general, a normalized
database meets the following requirements:

• Data is atomic.

This means that data is broken down into its smallest

practical parts.

• Rows are unordered.

Of course, you will always see the rows in some sort of order, but
the row order is insignificant.

• Rows are unique.

There shouldn’t be any genuine duplicates. Coincidences are, of

course, another matter.

• Rows are independent.

Whatever appears in one row should have no effect on what

appears in another row within the table.

• Columns are independent of each other.

More technically, columns are dependent only on the

primary key.

• Columns are of a single type.

You can’t mix data types in a single column. Strictly, you shouldn’t
be able to mix domains, which are sets of acceptable values, but
SQL has a hard time checking that.

• Column names are unique.

• Columns are unordered.

Again, columns will appear in some sort of order—by default, in
the order in which the table is designed. However, the column
order is insignificant.

Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

One of the design problems that normalization addresses deals with multiple values.
If data is to be atomic, and columns are to be independent, how do you manage multiple
values? For example, how do you handle sales with multiple sale items or books with
multiple genres?
The solution is to put these values into a separate table, one value per row, and let
the table refer back to the first table. We will be looking at the relationships between
tables, especially in handling multiple values, in the next chapter. The basic idea will be
that an additional table will hold multiple values in multiple rows; it will then include a
foreign key, a reference to a primary key in the first table.
In this chapter, we’ll look at some of these principles and see how our database
compares against them. When we do find shortcomings, we’ll make some changes
to the tables themselves and even add a few more tables to make the database more
conformant to these ideas. We’ll also look at ways of ensuring that the data is more
reliable and, to some extent, more efficient.
We’ll begin by addressing problems with interdependent columns, which will mean
changing some tables. It will also mean adding additional tables. To make these changes
less inconvenient, we’ll look at creating views to take in the additional tables.
We’ll also look at how to work toward a more reliable database by adding additional
constraints—data rules—to check what goes into the table in the first place.
Finally, we’ll look at adding indexes to improve the performance of the database.
When it comes to the question of multiple values, we’ll see more on that in the next
chapter, which deals with how tables are related with each other.
No database is perfect, and it won’t be our aim to make this one perfect: we’ll leave a
lot of work undone. It’s also quite likely not your job anyway. However, at least we’ll get a
better understanding of what makes a good database work.

Columns Should Be Independent

One of the fundamental principles of table design is that columns should be independent
of each other. That is, changing one column shouldn’t necessarily affect another.
However, if you look at customer addresses:

    id, givenname, familyname,
    street, town, state, postcode
FROM customers;
Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

you will see that there is indeed a relationship between some of the address columns.

Id ... street town state postcode

85 z 1313 Webfoot Walk Kingston ACT 2604

355 ... 345 Stonecave Road Kingston ACT 2604
147 ... Apartment 5A, 129 West 81st Street Kingston ACT 2604
112 ... 890 Fifth Avenue Kingston ACT 2604
489 ... Apartment 42, 2630 Hegal Place Gordon ACT 2906
592 ... 0001 Cemetery Lane Rosebery NSW 1445

~ 303 rows ~

For example, if you change your address from one town to another, you will probably
also need to change the postcode and possibly the state. On top of that, people living in the
same town probably also have the same postcode; certainly, they will be in the same state.
This creates a maintenance problem:

• Changing address requires changes in three columns for a

single change.

• It is possible to make a mistake and change only some of the data;

this creates an inconsistency, making the data useless.

The correct solution would be to move this data to another table.

Adding the Towns Table

There is an SQL file called towns.sql. This will create and populate a towns table.
The table has the following structure:


    id INT PRIMARY KEY, --  auto numbered
    name VARCHAR(...),
    state VARCHAR(...),
    postcode CHAR(4),
Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

The table also includes an autonumbering id column, which is the primary key. A
primary key is a column which uniquely identifies a row. In this case, it’s an arbitrary
number. The actual details will depend on the DBMS you’re using.
Although there will be duplicated names, states, and postcodes, the combination
will be unique.
The preceding UNIQUE clause also creates an index, which will make searching the
table faster. You will learn more about indexes later.
You can run this script now to create and populate the towns table.

Depending on your DBMS, you may need to make sure that you are installing this
table into the correct database.

Adding a Foreign Key to the Town

The next step will be to add a column in the customers table to reference the town in the
towns table. This is done with an ALTER statement:

ALTER TABLE customers

ADD townid INT
    CONSTRAINT fk_customers_town REFERENCES towns(id);

Note that the townid column must match the data type of the id column in the towns
table, which, in this case, is an integer.
You’ll notice that it doesn’t actually use the term FOREIGN KEY. It’s the keyword
REFERENCES that makes it a foreign key: in this case, it references an id in the towns table.
You’ll also notice the naming of the foreign key using CONSTRAINT fk_customers_
town. Every constraint actually has a name, but you don’t have to name it yourself if
you’re prepared to allow the DBMS to make one up. If so, you can use a shorter form:

ALTER TABLE customers

ADD townid INT REFERENCES towns(id);

If you already had the column, you could have added the foreign key constraint
retroactively with

ALTER TABLE customers

ADD CONSTRAINT fk_customers_town FOREIGN KEY(townid)
    REFERENCES towns(id);
Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

By default, when you create a new column, it will be filled with NULLs. You could have
added a default value instead, but that would be pointless in this case, since everybody
lives somewhere else; in some cases, we don’t have the customer’s address at all.

Update the Customers Table

Now that you have a foreign key column, you will need to fill it with references to the
corresponding towns.
If you want to see what these foreign keys should be, you can use a subquery:

    id, givenname, familyname,
    town, state, postcode,    --  existing data
    (SELECT id FROM towns AS t WHERE    --  new data
        AND t.postcode=customers.postcode
        AND t.state=customers.state
    ) AS reference
FROM customers;

Some of these results will, of course, be NULL, as some of the customers have no
recorded address.

id givenname familyname town state postcode reference

85 Corey Ander Kingston ACT 2604 35

355 Joe Kerr Kingston ACT 2604 35
147 Aiden Abet Kingston ACT 2604 35
112 Jerry Cann Kingston ACT 2604 35
489 Justin Case Gordon ACT 2906 135
592 Paddy Wagon Rosebery NSW 1445 386

~ 303 rows ~

A subquery is a query within a query. In this case, it’s a simple way of looking up
something from another table.

Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

This subquery is a correlated subquery: it is run for every row in the main query,
using values from the main query to compare to the subquery. That’s normally an
expensive type of query, but we won’t use it very much. It will also be useful for the
next step.
You will learn more about subqueries later.
Note that we have aliased the towns table in the subquery; that’s to make the code
easier to read and write. You could also have aliased the customers table, but that won’t
work for all DBMSs in the next step.
We don’t just want to look at the reference: we want to copy the reference into the
customers table. You do that with an UPDATE statement:

UPDATE customers
SET townid=(
    SELECT id FROM towns AS t
    WHERE t.name=customers.town
        AND t.postcode=customers.postcode
        AND t.state=customers.state

The UPDATE statement is used to change values in an existing table. You can
set the value to a constant value, a calculated value, or, as in this case, a value from
another table.
Here, the same subquery is used to fetch the id that will be copied into the
townid column.
Some DBMSs allow you to alias the customers table, which would make the UPDATE
statement a little simpler.

A correlated subquery can be expensive, and it’s normally preferable to use a join
if you can. We could have used a join for the SELECT statement, but not all DBMSs
cooperate so well with UPDATE statements. Here, the subquery is intuitive and
works well, and, since you’re only running this once, not too expensive.

Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

Remove the Old Address Columns

Shortly, we will remove the old address columns, but that’s going to create an inconvenience
later, since the town data is now in a separate table. That means we can’t get the customer’s
details including the full address without joining the tables. To manage this inconvenience,
it will be useful to create a view to combine the customer data with the town data.

Create a customerdetails View

A view is a saved query which we can use as a virtual table. In this view, we will simply
add all of the columns from the customers table except for the town data. For the town
data, we will need to join to the towns table.
First, we try things out with a simple SELECT statement:

    c.id, c.email, c.familyname, c.givenname,
    --  original values
        c.town, c.state, c.postcode,
    --  from towns table
        t.name AS town, t.state, t.postcode,
    c.dob, c.phone, c.spam, c.height
FROM customers AS c LEFT JOIN towns AS t ON c.townid=t.id;

If you’re doing this in Oracle, remember that you can’t use AS for the table aliases:

FROM customers c LEFT JOIN towns t ON c.townid=t.id;

Note that
• We use the LEFT JOIN to include customers without an address.
• We alias the customers and towns tables for convenience.
• The towns table has a name column, instead of the town column.
However, in the context of the query, it makes sense to alias it to town.
• We’ve also included the c.townid column, which, though it’s
redundant, might make it easier to maintain.
Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

Once you have checked that the SELECT statement does the job, you can create a
view. Of course, you should leave out the old town data, since the whole point is to use
the data from the joined data:

CREATE VIEW customerdetails AS

    c.id, c.email, c.familyname, c.givenname,
    --  leave out the c.town, c.state, c.postcode
    c.townid, t.name AS town, t.state, t.postcode,
    c.dob, c.phone, c.spam, c.height
FROM customers AS c LEFT JOIN towns AS t ON c.townid=t.id;

In Microsoft SQL, you need to wrap the CREATE VIEW statement between a pair of GO

--  MSSQL:
    CREATE VIEW customerdetails AS
        c.id, c.email, c.familyname, c.givenname,
        c.townid, t.name as town, t.state, t.postcode,
        c.dob, c.phone, c.spam, c.height
    FROM customers AS c LEFT JOIN towns AS t ON c.townid=t.id;

You will learn more about views later.

Drop the Address Columns

To drop the old address columns, you should be able to run the following:

--  PostgreSQL, MySQL / MariaDB

    ALTER TABLE customers
    DROP COLUMN town, DROP COLUMN state, DROP COLUMN postcode;

--  Oracle: not DROP COLUMN

    ALTER TABLE customers DROP (town, state, postcode);

Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

--  SQLite: You need to drop one column at a time

    ALTER TABLE customers DROP COLUMN town;
    ALTER TABLE customers DROP COLUMN state;
    ALTER TABLE customers DROP COLUMN postcode;

--  MSSQL: Doesn’t work (yet)

    ALTER TABLE customers
    DROP COLUMN town, state, postcode;

Here, we use DROP COLUMN which removes one or more columns and, of course, all of
their data, so you would want to be sure that you don’t need it anymore. As you’ve seen
earlier, there are some variations in the syntax between DBMSs.
In Microsoft SQL, you will get an error that you can’t drop the postcode column
because there is an existing constraint. A constraint is an additional rule for a
valid value.
In this case, there is a constraint called ck_customers_postcode which requires that
postcodes comprise four digits only. You won’t need that constraint now, especially
since you’re going to remove the column.
To remove the constraint, run

    ALTER TABLE customers
    DROP CONSTRAINT ck_customers_postcode;

Once you have successfully removed the constraint, you can now remove the

ALTER TABLE customers DROP COLUMN town, state, postcode;

You will now have removed the extraneous address columns.

Remember, if you drop the wrong column, it is very tricky or impossible to get
it back.

Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

Changing the Town

Of course, the whole point of the exercise is you should now be able to move to another
town with a single change. We’ll try this with customer 42.
First, find the address of customer 42, and, in particular, note the townid:

SELECT * FROM customerdetails WHERE id=42;

You’ll get something like this:

id ... townid town State postcode ...

42 ... 846 Kings Park NSW 2148 ...

Note that we’re reading from the customerdetails view, because the town data is no
longer in the customers table, though the townid is.
Now, change the customer’s townid to anything you like (as long as it’s no more than
the highest id in the towns table):

UPDATE customers SET townid=12345 WHERE id=42;

If you now check the same customers:

SELECT * FROM customerdetails WHERE id=42;

you’ll get something like this:

id ... townid town State postcode ...

42 ... 12345 Swan Marsh VIC 3249 ...

If you like, you can set it back to its original value.

Here, we’ve set the townid in the customers table, which is where it belongs.
Some DBMSs allow you to take a slightly indirect approach to changing this value
and change it via the view:

--  Not PostgreSQL or SQLite:

    UPDATE customerdetails SET townid = ... WHERE id=42;

As you see, this doesn’t include PostgreSQL or SQLite.

Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

Of course, you can’t really update a view because it’s really just a SELECT statement
and doesn’t contain any data. Instead, the DBMS tries to work out which table the
particular column belongs to and passes the change on to the table. There are times
when it can’t work that out, such as when you try to update a calculated column. In that
case, the update will fail, and you’ll have to update the table directly.

Adding the Country

For completeness, you may want to add a reference to a country. You might simply have
another column with the country name, but many countries have variations in their
names, and you don’t want three different versions of the country in the same table.
It’s better to have a separate table of countries and include a foreign key to this table.
You can add this reference to the customers table, but it might make more sense to add
this to the towns table, since it is the town which is located in a country.
You’ll note that the countries table has much more than we need for the purpose.
You probably don’t need things like the country’s population or area. However, at some
point in the future, you might want the country’s currency, time zone, or phone prefix, so
it doesn’t hurt to have it now. It’s not a very big table, and you can just ignore what you
don’t want, but you can always drop the columns you really don’t need.

1. There is an SQL file for another table called countries.sql. It has

a number of details, but the two most important details are

CREATE TABLE countries (

    name VARCHAR(...),
    --  etc

Note that the primary key is a two-character string. Every country

has a predefined two-character code, generally based on the
country’s name, either in English or in the country’s language. It
makes sense to use this as its primary key, rather than making one
up. This is an example of a natural key: a primary key based on
actual data rather than an arbitrary code.

Run the script to install the table.

Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

2. Add a countryid column to the towns table, similar to the way you
added townid to the customers table. Remember, the data type
must match the preceding primary key:

--  PostgreSQL, Oracle, MSSQL, SQLite

    ALTER TABLE towns
    ADD countryid CHAR(2)
    CONSTRAINT fk_town_country REFERENCES countries(id);

--  MySQL / MariaDB
    ALTER TABLE towns
    ADD countryid CHAR(2) REFERENCES countries(id);

3. Update the towns table to set the value of countryid to 'au' for
Australia or whichever country you choose. This is much simpler
than setting it from a subquery:

UPDATE towns SET countryid='au';

4. You will have to modify your view. First, drop the old version:

--  Not Oracle:
    DROP VIEW IF EXISTS customerdetails;
--  Oracle:
    DROP VIEW customerdetails;

5. Next, you will have to recreate it with the country name:

--  Not Oracle
    CREATE VIEW customerdetails AS
        c.townid, t.name AS town, t.state, t.postcode,
        n.name AS country
        customers AS c
        LEFT JOIN towns AS t ON c.townid=t.id

Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

        LEFT JOIN countries AS n ON t.countryid=n.id;

--  Oracle
    CREATE VIEW customerdetails AS
        c.townid, t.name AS town, t.state, t.postcode,
        n.name AS country
        customers c
        LEFT JOIN towns t ON c.townid=t.id
        LEFT JOIN countries n ON t.countryid=n.id;

• This includes an additional JOIN to the countries table; to
accommodate the longer clause, we have split the JOIN over
multiple lines.
• The alias for the countries table has been set to n (for Nation);
this is simply because we can’t use c as it is already in use.

Additional Comments
You may have noticed that we didn’t do anything about the street address column.
Strictly speaking, this is also subject to the same issues as the rest of the address, so it
would have been better if we did something similar.
However, street addresses are much more complicated, and we don’t have so many
customers, so we have left them as they are. This leaves us with an imperfect but much
improved design.

Improving Database Integrity

So far, we have focused on bringing a table closer to a true normal form by reducing the
dependency between columns and repetition of data. This meant adding other tables
and foreign keys.
Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

Here, we will explore additional improvements to the integrity of the database.

Database integrity refers to the quality of the data: Does the data make any sense?
You need to remember that the DBMS really has no idea of what’s going on, and
it really doesn’t care whether you’re telling the truth. However, the DBMS is deeply
concerned with whether the data is valid. That is, whether the data conforms to
various rules.
In theory, data belongs to a domain—a set of valid values. You should then be able to
define a domain for one or more columns. In practice, this feature isn’t widely supported
in most DBMSs.
On the other hand, you can readily impose constraints on a column. A constraint is
a data rule.
You’ll already know some standard constraint types:
• A data type, such as INTEGER or VARCHAR(16), limits the type and
range of the data which is acceptable.
• A NOT NULL constraint means the value cannot be NULL; that is, it’s
• A UNIQUE constraint will disallow a value if another row has the same
value already in that column (or combination of columns).
• A REFERENCES constraint defines a foreign key; a foreign key must
match an existing value in another key.

In all cases, of course, there’s no guarantee that the value is true—just valid.
If you want to get more specific in your definition of what is valid, there is also the
CHECK constraint. The CHECK is a miscellaneous constraint which allows you to set up
your own rules using an expression similar to a WHERE clause. Sometimes, these are
called business rules.
In this section, we’ll look at some weaknesses of the database and try to fill in some
of the design gaps by adding some constraints.

Much of the following will involve making changes to existing columns. If you’re
using SQLite, then, sadly, you can’t do that. SQLite has very limited ALTER TABLE
functionality, and you can’t make changes to existing columns. If you really need to
make such changes, you would have to go through a more complicated process of
dropping a column and creating a new one.

Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

Fixing Issues with a Nullable Column

The saleitems table includes a column called quantity—this is the number of copies
you’re buying of the book:

SELECT * FROM saleitems ORDER BY saleid,id;

You’ll see something like this:

Id saleid bookid quantity price

1 1 1403 1 11.5
2 1 1861 1 13.5
3 1 643 [NULL] 18
4 2 187 1 10
5 2 1530 1 12.5
6 2 1412 2 16

~ 13964 rows ~

However, through an oversight, the column allows NULL, which, if you look far
enough, you’ll find in a number of rows. That doesn’t make sense: you can’t have a sale
item if you don’t know how many copies it’s for.
It’s reasonable to guess that a missing quantity suggests a quantity of 1. You can
implement this guess using coalesce():

    id, saleid, bookid,
    coalesce(quantity,1) AS quantity, price
FROM saleitems
ORDER BY saleid, id;

Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

Now we’ll get the same results, except that the NULLs have been replaced with 1:

id saleid bookid quantity Price

1 1 1403 1 11.5
2 1 1861 1 13.5
3 1 643 1 18
4 2 187 1 10
5 2 1530 1 12.5
6 2 1412 2 16

~ 13964 rows ~

As always with the coalesce() function, you need to check your assumptions. Is 1
really a reasonable guess? In this case, it’s unlikely to mean zero copies or any other
number, but it all really depends on the situation. For the exercise, we’ll just play along...

We certainly don’t want to keep doing this every time, so we’re going to fix the old
values and prevent the NULLs in the future.

What follows won’t work with SQLite. However, there is a section after this which is
what you might do to make the same changes in SQLite.

Replacing NULL Quantities

First, we’ll disallow NULLs. Shortly, we will add a NOT NULL constraint to the quantity
column. However, we can’t do that until we clear out the existing NULLs, because
the DBMS will never allow the constraints to be violated, even if the constraints are
added later.
Assuming this is OK, we can replace the NULLs with 1:

UPDATE saleitems
SET quantity=1
WHERE quantity IS NULL;
Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

From here, we won’t need to use coalesce() on existing data, but we need to
prevent NULLs in the future.

Setting the NOT NULL Constraint for Quantity

The next thing is to set a NOT NULL constraint on the column:

--  PostgreSQL
--  MySQL/MariaDB
    ALTER TABLE saleitems MODIFY quantity INT NOT NULL;
--  Oracle
    ALTER TABLE saleitems MODIFY quantity NOT NULL;
--  Not Possible in SQLite

Earlier, the ALTER TABLE statement was used to add or remove a column. You can
also use it to make changes to an existing column. Here, we use it to add a NOT NULL
As you’ve seen earlier, each DBMS has its own subtle variation on the ALTER TABLE

Setting a DEFAULT for Quantity

In principle, whatever caused the NULLs to appear may happen again, only now it will
generate an error. Better still, we should supply a default of 1 in case the quantity is
missing in a future transaction:

--  PostgreSQL
    ALTER TABLE saleitems
--  MySQL/MariaDB
    ALTER TABLE saleitems
    MODIFY quantity INT DEFAULT 1;
    ALTER TABLE saleitems
    ADD DEFAULT 1 FOR quantity;

Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

--  Oracle
    ALTER TABLE saleitems
    MODIFY quantity DEFAULT 1;
--  Not Possible in SQLite

The DEFAULT value is the value used if you don’t supply a value of your own. The
column doesn’t have to be NOT NULL, and NOT NULL columns don’t have to have a
DEFAULT. However, in this case, it’s a reasonable combination.
Again, note that each DBMS has its own subtle variation on the syntax.

Adding a Positive CHECK Constraint for Quantity

While we’re fine-tuning the behavior of the quantity column, you can protect against
another possible error. In principle, integers can include negative values, which would
make no sense at all for quantity. Even zero wouldn’t be appropriate in this case.
You can protect against an out-of-range value using a CHECK constraint:

CHECK (quantity>0)

You could also impose an upper limit by using the BETWEEN expression:

CHECK (quantity BETWEEN 1 AND 5)

Remember that BETWEEN is inclusive.

However, you have to be careful in imposing arbitrary limits, such as a maximum of 5,
because, say, 6 is not out of the question. We’ll leave that decision to some future time.
To add the CHECK constraint, again, you use ALTER TABLE:

--  PostgreSQL
    ALTER TABLE saleitems
    ADD CHECK (quantity>0);
--  MySQL/MariaDB
    ALTER TABLE saleitems
    MODIFY quantity INT CHECK(quantity>0);
    ALTER TABLE saleitems
    ADD CHECK(quantity>0);
--  Oracle
    ALTER TABLE saleitems

Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

    MODIFY quantity CHECK(quantity>0);

--  Not Possible in SQLite

We’ve now made the quantity column more reliable.

Combining the Changes

In some DBMSs, it is possible to combine the changes in a single ALTER TABLE statement:

--  PostgreSQL
    ALTER TABLE saleitems
        ALTER COLUMN quantity SET NOT NULL,
        ALTER COLUMN quantity SET DEFAULT 1,
        ADD CHECK (quantity>0);
--  MySQL/MariaDB
    ALTER TABLE saleitems MODIFY quantity INT
        NOT NULL
        DEFAULT 1
--  Oracle
    ALTER TABLE saleitems MODIFY quantity
        DEFAULT 1
        NOT NULL
--  Not Possible in MSSQL
--  Not Possible in SQLite

Since you don’t actually make this sort of change terribly often, you lose nothing if
you keep the steps separate.

Making the Changes in SQLite

As you see, SQLite has very limited ability to make changes. Generally, SQLite can only
make the following changes to a table:
• Add a column

• Rename a column

• Drop a column

Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

However, that’s enough to make the changes we want, as long as we’re happy with a
different column order.
To make all of the preceding changes

1. Rename the original quantity column:

ALTER TABLE saleitems

RENAME quantity TO oldquantity;

2. Add a new quantity column with the required properties:

ALTER TABLE saleitems

ADD quantity INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 CHECK(quantity>0);

3. Copy the data from the old column to the new one:

UPDATE saleitems
SET quantity=oldquantity;

4. Drop the old column:

ALTER TABLE saleitems

DROP oldquantity;

The new column will be at the end, which is not where the original was, but that’s not
really a problem.

Other Adjustments
As often in the development process, it’s not hard to get something working, but the
main effort goes into making it working just right. Here are some suggestions to improve
both the integrity and the performance of the database.
We’ll talk about indexes in the next section: they help in making the data easier to
search or sort.

Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

table column suggestion

height CHECK (height>0) – or height BETWEEN 60 and 260
dob CHECK (dob<current_timestamp)
registered CHECK (registered<current_timestamp)

names INDEX
dates CHECK (born<died)
gender CHECK (gender IN(‘m’,‘f’))
CHECK (givenname IS NOT NULL OR familyname IS NOT NULL)


authorid INDEX
title INDEX
published CHECK (published < year(current_timestamp))
price CHECK (price>=0)


total CHECK (total>=0)

ordered CHECK (ordered<current_timestamp)
customerid INDEX
CHECK (shipped>=ordered)


saleid INDEX
bookid INDEX
quantity NOT NULL CHECK(quantity>0) DEFAULT 1
price CHECK(price>=0)

Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

You’ll notice that some of the CHECK constraints aren’t associated with a single
column. Some constraints are more concerned with how one column relates to
another column.
We certainly won’t address all of these suggestions here. After all, this isn’t a
real working database, and it’s quite possibly not your job anyway. We’ll just look at
two more.

Ensuring the Prices Are Not Negative

If it were possible to define a data type as nonnegative, we should use that type for many
columns. For example, MySQL/MariaDB has a data type called UNSIGNED INT: being
unsigned it will always be zero or positive, which is handy for some counters, as well as
for quantities.
The alternative, of course, is to use a CHECK constraint to restrict the values. We’ll
build that into the price of books.
One thing you might consider is a suitable minimum or maximum price, for which
you might use a BETWEEN condition. However, that might change over time, so it’s not
always practical.
What we’ll do here is just make sure that the price is never less than zero. We will
allow zero in case we have something we’re prepared to give away, but the price should
never be less than zero.
Adding that constraint is simple, but again the syntax varies between DBMSs:

--  PostgreSQL
    ALTER TABLE books ADD CHECK (price>=0);

--  MySQL/MariaDB
    ALTER TABLE books MODIFY price INT CHECK(price>=0);

    ALTER TABLE books ADD CHECK(price>=0);

--  Oracle
    ALTER TABLE books MODIFY price CHECK(price>=0);

Again, to do this with SQLite, you can follow the steps for the quantity in saleitems

Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

Ensuring That an Author Is Born Before Dying

Whenever you have multiple columns with similar data, you run the risk of having them
the wrong way round.
One notorious example is the name: you sort the name as familyname, then
givenname, so it makes sense to store it that way, but you often view it the other way. It’s
not hard to imagine how the name might be entered the wrong way.
The authors table has two dates: the born date and the died date. In this case,
they’re stored chronologically, but it would still be good to make sure.
Here, we’ll add a table constraint—a constraint which is applied to the table rather
than to an individual column. Column constraints can also be added this way, but some
constraints don’t apply to single columns.
If we had the chance to recreate the table from scratch, we’d do something like this:

CREATE TABLE authors (

    id int PRIMARY KEY,     --  auto-numbered as per DBMS
    --  givenname, othernames, familyname,
    born DATE,
    died DATE,
    --  gender, home,
--  Table Constraint:
    CONSTRAINT ck_author_dates CHECK(born<died)

Here, the constraint appears as an additional property, typically, though not

necessarily, at the end.
Given that the table already exists and that it already has data, that opportunity has
passed us by. However, we can add the table constraint retroactively.
First, of course, you need to check for any data which might violate the constraint:

SELECT * FROM authors WHERE born<died;

There shouldn’t be any. If there are, then you’re on your own. You’ll have to do your
own research on what the correct dates should be, or, if you’re desperate, you can set
them to NULL.
The next step would be to add the table constraint:

ALTER TABLE authors ADD CHECK (born<died);

Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

Unlike adding a column constraint, the various DBMSs all use the same syntax—
except, of course, for SQLite. There is no simple method for adding a table constraint
in SQLite. Complex methods include dropping and recreating the whole table similar
to dropping and recreating a column or tampering with the internals of the database,
which is definitely not for the fainthearted.

Adding Indexes
SQL doesn’t define what order a table should be in. That leaves it up to the DBMS to
store the table in any way it deems most efficient.
The problem is that when searching for a particular row, it could be anywhere, and
the only way to find it is to look through the whole table and hope that it doesn’t take
too long.
If, on the other hand, the table were in order, it would be much easier to find what
you’re looking for. However, even if it’s in order, it’s just as likely to be in the order of the
wrong thing.
For example, even if the customers table is in, say, id order, it doesn’t help when
searching by familyname. If it’s in familyname order, it doesn’t help when searching
by phone.
The solution is to leave the table alone and then supplement the table with one or
more indexes. An index is an additional listing which is in search order, together with a
pointer to the matching row in the table.
For example, the customers table has an index for the familyname. When the time
comes to search on the familyname, the DBMS automatically looks up the index instead,
finds what it wants, and goes back to the real table to fetch the rest of the data.
There are two costs to having an index:

• Each index takes up a little more space in the database.

• Every time you add or change a row in the table, each index will also
need to be updated.

For this reason, you will only find an index on a column if it has been specifically
requested in the table design. And you would only include an index if you considered the
improvement in search ability to be worth the cost in storage and management.

Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

There are two additional indexes which are automatically included:

• Any UNIQUE column is always indexed; the best way to prevent

duplicated values is to keep an ordered list of existing values.

• The primary key is always indexed; by definition, it is a unique

identifier, which you would presumably search often.

Another type of column which might be worth considering is a foreign key. That’s
because it will, of course, be heavily involved in searching and sorting.

There is some discussion in learned circles as to the merits of indexing foreign

keys. Overall, it appears to be a good idea, and you would probably do well
consider adding an index to each of them.

Any other column would be a matter of judgment. At least it’s not hard to change
your mind about adding or removing an index at some point in the future.

Some DBMSs do include the ability to store the table in order of one column or
the other. This is called a clustered index or an index organized table. In some
DBMSs, such as Microsoft SQL, the clustering is permanent (the DBMS ensures
that the table is maintained in that order); in some others, it is temporary (the
DBMS sorts the table once, but you’ll have to do it again in the future).
Here, we’re ignoring clustering. In any case, you still can’t keep the table in
multiple orders, so you’ll need indexes anyway.

Adding an Index to the Books and Authors Tables

One column which you might search routinely is the title column in the books table. To
add an index, use CREATE INDEX:

CREATE INDEX ix_books_title

ON books(title);

Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

The ON clause identifies the table and the columns you want listed.
It is possible to index multiple columns in a single statement, but that doesn’t create
multiple separate indexes. Instead, you create an index on the combined value. For

CREATE INDEX ix_authors_name

ON authors(familyname, givenname, othernames);

This will create a single index of the authors’ familyname, givenname, and
Even though the index is built around all three parts of the author’s name, it will still
be used if you just search for, say, the familyname. However, using a partial index that
way presumes that you’re at least using the first components of the index, which is why
the columns are in that order.
Note that in both statements earlier, the index has been given a name. There are
no rules for what that name should be, but developers have their own patterns. For
example, the preceding pattern is something like


This isn’t a rigid rule, but it makes things easier to work with.
Why does the index need a name anyway? Most of the time, you don’t really care.
However, there are two reasons:

• Everything stored in the database, including maintenance objects,

must have a unique name for internal management.

• If you ever need to drop an index, you need to use its name to
identify it.

Even if you succeed in creating an anonymous index, the DBMS will automatically
assign its own name, which isn’t always a very pretty name.
Another index you might consider is on the foreign key authorid in the books table.
You can add it with

CREATE INDEX ix_books_authors

ON books(authorid);

Of course, you might also include an index on customer details or other details.

Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

Creating a Unique Index

There are some columns where you might not expect duplicated values. For example, in
your customer table, you wouldn’t expect two customers to have the same email address,
especially if they’re expected to log in using the email address. Similarly, you mightn’t
expect different customers to have the same phone numbers.
Other columns, such as the family name or date of birth, should happily allow for
duplicates: duplicated values are simply a coincidence.
The customers table has already protected against duplicated email addresses
by including the UNIQUE property on that column. We will do the same with the
phone number.
Before you do, however, you will need to make sure that there aren’t any existing
duplicates. SQL will refuse to do anything which violates the constraints of the database,
so if you have duplicated phone numbers, you won’t be able to add a UNIQUE constraint
until those duplicates are resolved.
To find duplicates, you use an aggregate group query. For example, you might want
to look for customers with duplicate names:

SELECT familyname, givenname, count(*) AS number

FROM customers
GROUP BY familyname, givenname;

By grouping the names, you can count how many times they appear. Of course, since
you’re only interested in those that appear more than once, you can filter the results with
a HAVING clause:

SELECT familyname, givenname, count(*) AS number

FROM customers
GROUP BY familyname, givenname
HAVING count(*)>1;

Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

You should see a short list of candidates:

familyname Givenname number

Free Judy 2
Mate Annie 2
Christmas Mary 2
Tuckey Ken 2
Ander Corey 2
Dunnit Ida 2
Bearer Paul 2
Bell Terry 2

In the preceding query, the rows are grouped by familyname and givenname and
summarized. The HAVING clause filters for those groups where there are more than one
instance. The SELECT clause then outputs those names and the number of instances.
You don’t need the count(*) in the SELECT clause, of course, but it helps to make the
result clearer.
Of course, it’s no problem if you find duplicate family names: many people have the
same name as someone else. However, it can be if you find duplicate phone numbers:

SELECT phone, count(*) AS number

FROM customers
GROUP BY phone
HAVING count(*)>1;

phone number

[NULL] 17

In this case, there are no duplicates. What appear to be duplicates are NULLs, because
there are multiple NULLs in the table. They don’t count.
If you do find duplicates, then you have your work cut out for you in trying to work
out whether these duplicates are legitimate. You might even conclude that duplicate
phone numbers are OK, so you wouldn’t go ahead with the next step.
Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

Assuming that duplicates are not OK, to protect against duplicates, you add a

--  Not MSSQL
    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uq_customers_phone
        ON customers(phone);

Microsoft SQL has a quirk which regards multiple NULLs as duplicates,1 so you will
need this workaround:

    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uq_customers_phone
        ON customers(phone)
    WHERE phone IS NOT NULL;

Note that this time the index name begins with uq as a reminder that this is a unique
index. Again, there are no rules for how to name the index, but this one follows a
common and understandable pattern.

Whether or not you really want to disallow duplicate phone numbers is another
question. Two customers from the same household or organization may well share
the same phone number, so disallowing them would be problematic. This is an
exercise in how to disallow duplicates, but not necessarily on whether to disallow
duplicates. That’s something best left to the needs of the individual database.

A well-designed SQL database needs to follow a few rules to ensure that the data can be
relied upon. There is no guarantee that the data is true, but the data will at least be valid.

Normal Form
A table which follows certain design principles is said to be in a normal form. This
doesn’t mean that it’s commonplace, but rather that it is in a definitive form.

This is odd, since constraints normally ignore NULLs, and NULL doesn’t match NULL anyway.

Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

Normalized tables include the following properties:

• Data is atomic.

• Rows are unordered.

• Rows are unique.

• Rows are independent of each other.

• Columns are independent of each other.

• Columns are of a single type.

• Column names are unique.

• Columns are unordered.

Multiple Values
One issue in developing tables is how to handle multiple values and recurring values. In
general, the solution is to have additional tables and to link them using foreign keys.

Altering Tables
When restructuring or hardening a database, you need to make changes to existing
tables and columns. The ALTER TABLE statement can be used to

• Add extra columns, including foreign keys

• Drop columns

• Add or drop constraints

• Add or drop indexes

Constraints include adding NOT NULL, defaults, and additional CHECK constraints.

A view is a saved SELECT statement. One reason to create a view is for the convenience
of having data from one or more tables in one place.

Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

Sometimes, when you create a view with combined data, you end up with a result
which no longer follows all the rules of normalization. In the trade, this would be
referred to as denormalization.
Denormalized data is generally a bad way to maintain data, but very often a
convenient way to extract data. In this sense, it is the best of both worlds: the original
data is still intact in the original tables.
Some DBMSs include the ability to update data in view. In fact, the update doesn’t
affect the view at all, but is rather passed on to the underlying tables.

An index is a supplement to a table which stores the selected data in order, together with
a reference to the data in the original table. Using the index, the DBMS can search for
data more quickly.
Indexes are automatically created for primary keys and unique columns. You can
add an index on any other column.
Indexes have some costs, so they shouldn’t be added for no reason. Costs include
storage and maintenance.
Unique indexes can be added to ensure that values in a particular column, or
combination of columns, are unique.

The Final Product

After you’ve made the changes to the table structures, your database will resemble the
design in Figure 2-1.

Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

Figure 2-1. The Improved Database Design

In this chapter, we focused on the properties of individual tables and looked for ways to
make the database more reliable and more efficient.
We looked at

• The principles of normalized SQL tables

• How multiple values are handled in normalized tables

• Altering tables to improve their reliability and to better fit the

principles of normal tables

Chapter 2 Working with Table Design

• Creating views to improve access to multiple tables

• Adding an index to improve efficiency

The process of improving the database was, of course, incomplete, but it gives us a
better understanding of what makes a database more reliable and more efficient.

Coming Up
In this chapter, we’ve been focused on properties of individual tables, which help to
improve the integrity and efficiency of the tables.
In the next chapter, we’ll look more at how multiple tables interact.


Table Relationships
and Joins
A database is not just one table. Well, it can be of course, but any sophisticated database,
such as one which you would use to manage an online bookshop, will comprise a
number of tables, each handling a different collection of data.
While you can get some useful information from examining individual tables, you
will get so much more from combining tables.
In this chapter, we will look at working with multiple tables, how they are related to
each other, and how to combine them when the time comes.
Specifically, we’ll look at

• What we mean by table relationships and their main types

• How one-to-many relationships are used to manage multiple values

• How one-to-one relationships are used to extend one table

with another
• How many-to-many relationships are used to manage more complex
multiple values

• How to work with inserting and updating data in multiple tables

We’ll look at why the database is structured this way with multiple tables and how we
can use joins to combine them into virtual tables.

© Mark Simon 2023
M. Simon, Leveling Up with SQL, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-9685-1_3
Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

An Overview of Relationships

A well-structured database adheres to a number of important design principles. Two of
these are as follows:

• Each table has one type of data only and doesn’t include data which
rightly belongs in another table.

For example, the customers table doesn’t include book details,

and the books table doesn’t include customer details. This would
also apply to the books and authors tables.

That isn’t to say that the books table isn’t aware of the author at all.
We’ll look at that in a moment.

• Data is never repeated. The same item of data is not to be found in a

different table, nor will it be repeated in the same table.

For example, if you were to include the author’s name and other
details in the books table, you would find yourself repeating the
same details for other books by the same author.

These two principles are related: if you mix author details with the books, violating
the first principle, you will end up repeating the details for multiple books, violating the
second principle.
The correct way to manage books and authors is to put author details in a separate
table and for the books table to include a reference to one of the authors. In this way, we
say that there is a relationship between the two tables.
The same would apply to the books and customers tables. Since the goal is for
customers to buy books, there should be a relationship between these tables as well.
However, this relationship is a little more complex, as we shall see later.
There are three main types of relationships:

• A one-to-many relationship is between the primary key of one table

and a foreign key of another.

For example, there is a one-to-many relationship between

authors and books: one author can have many books, and many
books can have the same author.

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

• A one-to-one relationship is between the primary key of one table

and the primary key of another. Generally, this is rare, and you are
more likely to see a variation of this.

For example, there is a vip table of additional features for customers.

For each customer, there can only be one vip entry, and there is a
(modified) one-to-one relationship between the two tables.

• A many-to-many relationship is not a direct relationship, but one

that involves a joining table between the two main tables.

For example, there is a genres table which contains possible genre

labels for books. Since one book could have many genres, and
one genre could apply to many books, there is a many-to-many
relationship between the two tables.

You will see that this is implemented with an additional table.

These relationships might be described as planned relationships. They’re usually

enforced with foreign key constraints, usually involve a primary key, and define a tight
structure for the database.
There can also be unplanned relationships. For example, you might consider a
relationship between birthdays of customers and authors. That sort of relationship
would probably be a coincidence, but might be worth exploring in some situations—
maybe Scorpios feel an affinity with other Scorpios.
We’ll refer to unplanned relationships as ad hoc relationships and look at a few later.
If you have multiple tables in a planned or unplanned relationship, you can examine
the combination using a JOIN.

One-to-Many Relationship
This is the most common type of relationship between two tables. The relationship is
between the primary key of one table and a foreign key in another. However, it’s actually
implemented as a reference from a foreign key to the primary key.
The relationship is used to indicate a number of possible scenarios. For example:
• One Author has written many Books.

• One Customer has many Sales.

• One Sale contains many Items.

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

Note that the use of the word many can imply any number from 0 to ∞.
In the preceding cases, one table is referred to as the one table, while the other is
referred to as the many table, which is not very informative. Sometimes, it is helpful to
think of the one table as the parent table, while the many table is the child table.
A one-to-many relationship is implemented as a reference from the child table to the
parent table, for example, for books and authors:

CREATE TABLE authors (          --  Parent Table (One)

    --  other columns
CREATE TABLE books (            --  Child Table (Many)
    bookid INT REFERENCES parent(id)
    --  other columns

Visually, it looks like Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1. One-to-Many Join

Note that while the child table has a reference to the parent table, the parent table
does not have a reference to the child table.
You can combine parent and child tables using a JOIN:

--  Not Oracle
        b.id, b.title,     --  etc
        a.givenname, a.familyname   --  etc

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

    FROM books AS b JOIN authors AS a ON b.authorid=a.id;

--  Oracle: No AS in table aliases

        b.id, b.title,       --  etc
        a.givenname, a.familyname   --  etc
    FROM books b JOIN authors a ON b.authorid=a.id;

This will give you the books with their matching authors:

id title givenname familyname

2078 The Duel Heinrich von Kleist

503 Uncle Silas J. Le Fanu
2007 North and South Elizabeth Gaskell
702 Jane Eyre Charlotte Brontë
1530 Robin Hood, The Prince of ... Alexandre Dumas
1759 La Curée Émile Zola

~ 1172 rows ~

Note that Oracle has a quirk which disallows using AS for table aliases. If you’re using
Oracle, you’ll need to remember that in the following examples which may include AS.
Remember, if there are anonymous books (books with a NULL for authorid), you will
need an outer join:

--  Not Oracle
        b.id, b.title,       --  etc
        a.givenname, a.familyname   --  etc
    FROM books AS b LEFT JOIN authors AS a ON b.authorid=a.id;

--  Oracle: Remember no AS in table aliases

        b.id, b.title,       --  etc
        a.givenname, a.familyname   --  etc
    FROM books b LEFT JOIN authors a ON b.authorid=a.id;
Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

This will give you all of the books with or without their authors:

id Title givenname familyname

1868 The Tenant of Wildfell Hall Anne Brontë

661 The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym ... Edgar Poe
91 My Bondage and My Freedom Frederick Douglass
848 The Charterhouse of Parma [NULL] Stendhal
440 The Princess and the Goblin George MacDonald
881 Against Nature Joris-Karl Huysmans

~ 1201 rows ~

The one-to-many relationship is the most common relationship between tables.

Remember that SQLite doesn’t support RIGHT JOINs. If you want an outer
join, you need to put the unmatched row table on the left and make sure to use

Counting One-to-Many Joins

When you’re not quite sure how the database is set up, and you’re not quite sure whether
you’ve properly joined the right columns to the matching columns, it might be helpful to
estimate the number of results you should get from a join.
To get an idea of where we’re headed, suppose we have simplified tables of books
and authors as in Figure 3-2.

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

Figure 3-2. Books and Authors

In the previous example, we opted for a LEFT JOIN. When you join a child table to a
parent table, you generally have four options:

• Only the matching rows

• Include all of the unmatched children

• Include all of the unmatched parents

• Include all of the unmatched children and parents

The first option is, of course, an INNER JOIN, or, more simply, JOIN.
The result would look like Figure 3-3.

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

Figure 3-3. An Inner Join

You’ll notice that the join doesn’t include unmatched books or authors.
The second and third options are LEFT OUTER JOIN or RIGHT OUTER JOIN,
depending on whether the unmatched rows are on the left or the right; again, we
can simply write LEFT JOIN or RIGHT JOIN. In this case, a LEFT JOIN would include
unmatched books, as in Figure 3-4.

Figure 3-4. An Outer Join

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

Most DBMSs (not including SQLite or MySQL/MariaDB) have a fourth option: include
all of the unmatched parents and children. That’s called a FULL OUTER JOIN or FULL JOIN
to its friends. This would include unmatched rows from both sides as in Figure 3-5.

Figure 3-5. A Full Join

In this case, we went for the LEFT JOIN because the child table was on the left, and
we wanted all of them with or without matches.
Despite the apparent symmetry, all joins are not equal. When you join a child to a
parent table, the number of results will generally reflect the child table. That’s because
many of the children would share the same parent.
To get a fair estimate of how many results you might expect, therefore, you should
start by counting the rows.
To get the number of results in an INNER JOIN, you’ll need to count the number of
children which match a parent—that is, where the foreign key is NOT NULL:

--  Child Inner Join

    SELECT count(*) FROM books WHERE authorid IS NOT NULL;

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

That should get you the number of rows for the INNER JOIN previously:


To count the number of unmatched child rows, you just need to count the ones
where the foreign key is NULL:

--  Unmatched Children
    SELECT count(*) FROM books WHERE authorid IS NULL;

That will give you the number of rows missing in the INNER JOIN:


If you add this to the number for the INNER JOIN, you’ll get the total number of
books, which is the number of rows in the child OUTER JOIN earlier.
To get the number of unmatched parent rows is trickier. You’ll need to count the
number of rows in the parent table whose primary key is not one of the foreign keys in
the child table:

--  Unmatched Parents
    SELECT count(*) FROM authors
    WHERE id NOT IN(SELECT authorid FROM books WHERE authorid IS NOT NULL);

This will give you the number of unmatched parents:


The subquery selects for the authors whose id does make an appearance in the
books table. The NOT IN expression selects for the others. The reason that the subquery
includes the WHERE authorid IS NOT NULL clause is due to a quirk in the behavior of NOT
IN with NULLs. This is explained later.

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

Now, you have all the numbers you need to estimate the number of rows in your join.
You can use the following combinations:

JOIN Calculation


Child OUTER JOIN INNER JOIN + Unmatched Children= Children
Parent OUTER JOIN INNER JOIN + Unmatched Parents
Full OUTER JOIN INNER JOIN + Unmatched Children + Unmatched Parents

That’s the number of rows you can expect from a child outer join: LEFT JOIN or
RIGHT JOIN, depending on where you put the child table.
Of course, that’s not necessarily the end of it. If you have an inner join, and there are
some NULL foreign keys, then you’ll end up with fewer than the estimate. If you opt for a
parent outer join, then there’ll be more rows if you have parents without matching children.
However, this is a good starting point.

The NOT IN Quirk

You’d think that if IN(...) finds the rows which match something, then NOT IN(...)
would find the others. That’s mostly true, except when the list contains a NULL.
For example, to find the customers in two of the states, you can use

SELECT * FROM customerdetails

WHERE state IN ('VIC','QLD');

To find customers in the other states, you can use NOT IN:

SELECT * FROM customerdetails

WHERE state NOT IN ('VIC','QLD');

That’s as expected. However, if you include NULL in your list, things get messy. You
need to remember how IN(...) is interpreted. For example:

SELECT * FROM customerdetails

WHERE state IN ('VIC','QLD',NULL);

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

is equivalent to

SELECT * FROM customerdetails

WHERE state='VIC' OR state='QLD' OR state=NULL;

That last term state=NULL will always fail, since NULL always fails a comparison, but
that’s OK if it matches one of the others.
However, the NOT IN version:

SELECT * FROM customerdetails


is equivalent to

SELECT * FROM customerdetails

WHERE state<>'VIC' AND state<>'QLD' AND state<>NULL;

When you negate a logical expression, you not only negate the individual terms, but
you also negate the operators between them.
Once again, the term state<>NULL always fails, but, since this is now ANDed with the
rest, it fails the whole expression.
The moral of this story is that you can’t use NOT IN if the list contains NULLs.

Creating a Books and Authors View

As a general rule, if you’ve done something a little complicated, you don’t want to do
it again. Joining the books and authors table isn’t so complicated, but it’s still worth
considering a simpler approach.
A SELECT statement can be saved permanently in the database as a View. A View is
just a saved query. Although you can use it like a table, it doesn’t actually save data, so
it’s cheap.
There is also something called a materialized view which does save the results, but
it’s not meant to be a permanent store of new data. A materialized view can be useful
when your view is fairly complex and you have a lot of processing to do with the results;
it doesn’t have to recalculate the results every time.

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

To create a view, you use CREATE VIEW:

--  Drop old version (Not Oracle)

    DROP VIEW IF EXISTS bookdetails;
--  Drop old version (Oracle)
    DROP VIEW bookdetails;
--  (Re) create view
    CREATE VIEW bookdetails AS
        b.id, b.title, b.published, b.price,
        a.givenname, a.othernames, a.familyname,
        a.born, a.died, a.gender, a.home
        books AS b
        LEFT JOIN authors AS a ON b.authorid=a.id

You can drop an existing view using DROP VIEW. For most DBMSs, you can use DROP
VIEW IF EXISTS if you’re not sure that it exists (yet). Not with Oracle, however.
Microsoft SQL has an additional quirk: CREATE VIEW must be the only statement in
its batch, so you need to put the statement between the GO keyword, which marks the
end of one batch and the beginning of another:

DROP VIEW IF EXISTS bookdetails;

--  MSSQL Only:
    CREATE VIEW bookdetails AS
        b.id, b.title, b.published, b.price,
        b.authorid, a.givenname, a.othernames, a.familyname,
        a.born, a.died, a.gender, a.home
        books AS b
        LEFT JOIN authors AS a ON b.authorid=a.id

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

We’ve included the authorid in case you want to use it to get more author details.
Once you have saved a view, you can pretend it’s another table:

SELECT * FROM bookdetails;

You’ll get the same results as before with a little less effort.

One-to-One Relationships
A one-to-one relationship associates a single row of one table with a single row of
another. It is normally between two primary keys.
If every row in one table is associated with a row in another table, then you can
consider the second table as an extension of the first table. If that’s the case, why not just
put all of the columns in the same table? Reasons include the following:

• You want to add more details, but you don’t want to change the
original table.

• You want to add more details, but you can’t change the original table
(possibly because of permissions).

• The additional table contains details that may be optional: not all
rows in the original table require the additional columns.

• You want to keep some of the details in a separate table so that you
can add another layer of security to the additional details.

One-to-Maybe Relationships
Technically, a true one-to-one relationship requires a reference from both tables to each
other. Among other things, it is hard to implement as it might require adding both rows
at the same time.

Since a row from table A must reference a row from table B, you would need to
have the table B row in place before you add to table A. However, if a row from
table B must also reference a row from table A, then you need to add to table A
first. That’s clearly a contradiction.

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

One way to do this would be to defer the foreign key constraint until after you’ve
added to both tables in either order. Unfortunately, most DBMSs don’t let you do
this, so you’re stuck with this impossible situation.

A more common variation of this relationship is the one-to-maybe relationship.1

This allows the second table to contain data which does not necessarily apply to every
row of the first table.
For example, the vip table contains extra details for some of the customers. In SQL, it
looks something like this:

CREATE TABLE customers (        --  main table

    --  main data
CREATE TABLE vip (         --  secondary table
    id INT PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES customers(id)
    --  additional columns

Visually, it looks like Figure 3-6.

Figure 3-6. One-to-Maybe Join

Here, the secondary table contains additional data for some of the rows in the
main table.

One to maybe: My term. Others call it a one-to-zero-or-one, which is less snappy.

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

Note that this relationship is implemented by making the id in the secondary table
both a primary key and a foreign key.
For example, the vip table includes additional features for some customers:

SELECT * FROM customers ORDER BY id;


You can see all of the customers, some of whom also have VIP data:

Id givenname familyname ...

1 Pierce Dears ...

2 Arthur Moore ...
5 Ray King ...
6 Gene Poole ...
9 Donna Worry ...
10 Ned Duwell ...

~ 303 rows ~

Id status discount review

5 3 0.05 2023-12-01
10 2 0.1 2023-08-23
21 1 0.15 2024-03-14
26 1 0.15 2024-02-24
40 1 0.15 2023-11-11
41 3 0.05 2024-03-09

~ 81 rows ~

You’ll notice that there aren’t as many rows in the vip table as in the customers table.
There might have been, if every customer were a VIP, but not in this case.
You can see how they relate using a join:

SELECT c.*, v.*

FROM customers AS c LEFT JOIN vip AS v ON c.id=v.id;

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

This effectively gives you a widened customers table:

id givenname familyname ... id status discount review

42 May Knott ... 42 3 0.05 2024-01-03

459 Rick Shaw ...
597 Ike Andy ...
186 Pat Downe ...
352 Basil Isk ... 352 1 0.15 2023-08-06
576 Pearl Divers ...

~ 303 rows ~

This gives all of the customers, with either their VIP data or NULLs in the extra

• We need the LEFT JOIN to include non-VIP customers. If you
wanted VIP customers only, a simple (inner) JOIN would be better.
• We could have used SELECT *, but using c.*, v.* allows you to
decide which tables you are most interested in.

As a special case, you can also select VIP customers only, without additional VIP
columns, using

FROM customers AS c JOIN vip AS v ON c.id=v.id;

Here, the inner join selects only VIP customers, and the c.* selects only the
customer columns.
Why you would want to do this is, of course, up to you.

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

Multiple Values
One major question in database design is how to handle multiple values. The principles
of properly normalized tables preclude multiple values in a row:

• A single column cannot contain multiple values.

For example, you shouldn’t have multiple phone numbers in a

single column, such as 0270101234,0355505678. This would be
impossible to sort or search properly and be a real nightmare to

• You shouldn’t have multiple columns with the same role.

For example, you shouldn’t have multiple columns for phone

numbers such as phone1, phone2, phone3, etc. It would make
searching problematic as you can’t be sure which column to
search. You would also have the problem of too many or not
enough columns.

Note that you can do this if there is a clear distinction in the type of
phone number. For example, you could legitimately have separate
columns for fax (does anybody remember these?), mobile, and
landline numbers.

For example, suppose we wish to record multiple genres for a book. Here are two
attempted solutions which are not correct:

• A column with multiple (delimited) values

The idea is that the genre column would have multiple genres or
genre ids, delimited possibly by a comma. The problem is that the
data is not atomic, and this becomes very difficult to sort, search,
and update. You will also need extra work to use the data.

• Multiple columns for genres

You cannot have multiple columns with the same name, so these
columns might be called genre1, genre2, etc. Here, the problems
are (a) you will either have too many or not enough columns,
(b) there is no “correct” column for a particular value, and (c)
searching and sorting are impractical.

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

The problem of recording genres is more complicated, because not only can one
book have multiple genres, one genre can apply to multiple books. This is an example of
a many-to-many relationship.
This cannot be achieved directly between the two tables; rather, it involves an
additional table between them.

If you have the courage to look at the script which created and populated the
sample database, you’ll find a table called booksgenres (not to be confused
with the bookgenres table, which is, of course, completely different) which does
indeed have the genres combined in a single column. This is, of course, cheating.

The booksgenres table is used as a simple method of carrying what will be

thousands of rows in two other tables, and there is a rather frightening part
of the script later on which pulls this data apart to populate these tables. The
booksgenres table will then be dropped to hide the evidence.

This is one case where you might break the rules for the purpose of transferring or
backing up the data only. However, the data should never stay in this format.

Many-to-Many Relationships
To represent a many-to-many relationship between tables, you will need another table
which links the two others.
Such a table is called an associative table or a bridging table.
It looks like Figure 3-7.

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

Figure 3-7. A Many-to-Many Relationship

Here are two table extracts to illustrate this:

--  Book Table
    CREATE TABLE books (
        id int PRIMARY KEY,
        title varchar,
        --  etc
--  Genre Table
    CREATE TABLE genres (
        id int PRIMARY KEY,
        name varchar,
        description varchar
        --  etc

The genres table includes a surrogate primary key. It also contains the actual genre
name and a description so that the use of the particular genre is clear.
You can see what’s in the two tables with simple SELECT statements:

SELECT * FROM books;

SELECT * FROM genres;

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

You’ll see two apparently unrelated sets of data:

id authorid title published price

2078 765 The Duel 1811 12.5

503 128 Uncle Silas 1864 17
2007 99 North and South 1854 17.5
702 547 Jane Eyre 1847 17.5
1530 28 Robin Hood, The Prince of Thieves 1862 12.5
1759 17 La Curée 1872 16
~ 1201 rows ~

id Genre
1 Biology
2 Ancient History
3 Academia
4 Science
5 College
6 Comics

~ 166 rows ~

Neither table refers to the other. Instead, you need an additional table.
The associative table will then link books with genres:

--  Associative Table
    CREATE TABLE book_genres (
        bookid int REFERENCES books(id),
        genreid int REFERENCES genres(id)

You can see what’s in this table with the following:

SELECT * FROM bookgenres;

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

You’ll get a very simple, very boring result:

bookid Genreid

456 8
789 8
123 52
456 38
789 38
123 80
456 94
356 1
789 113
123 9
1914 1
936 1
1198 1
918 1
456 35
789 68
456 146
789 80
456 101
456 145
1618 2
844 3

~ 8011 rows ~

This table is a simple table which has one job only: record which books are related to
which tables.
Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

Each column must be a foreign key to the other table; otherwise, the whole point
of the association is lost. This association allows a book to be associated with multiple
genres and a genre to be associated with multiple books.
In the preceding table, for example, book 123 has multiple genres. Book 456 also
has two genres. Some of those genres appear for both books and, for all we know, other
books later on. That is, one book can have many genres, and one genre can associate
with many books.
There is one more requirement. The combination should be unique. There is no
point in associating a book with the same genre more than once. Since there is no
other data in the table, it would be appropriate to make the combination a compound
primary key:

--  Associative Table
    CREATE TABLE book_genres (
        bookid int REFERENCES books(id),
        genreid int REFERENCES genres(id),
        PRIMARY KEY (bookid,genreid)

We might have designed the table this way:

CREATE TABLE bookgenres (

    bookid INT REFERENCES books(id),
    genreid INT REFERENCES genres(id),
    UNIQUE (bookid,genreid)

which has a UNIQUE constraint on the book/genre combination, as well as a separate

primary key. However, by definition, the primary key is already unique, so we can use the
more compact design as before.
Note that this is one of the few cases where the primary key is not a single column
but a combination of columns. For that reason, the PRIMARY KEY is added separately to
the individual columns.

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

Joining Many-to-Many Tables

To see how books and genres are related, you will need to join these two tables via the
associative table.
Normally, you would consider counting the rows in the child table to estimate the
number of joined results. In this case, it is the associative table which is the child of both
the other tables.
To count the number of rows:

SELECT count(*) FROM bookgenres;

We already know the result by now:


To join the tables, you only need an INNER JOIN:

    bookgenres AS bg
    JOIN books AS b ON bg.bookid=b.id
    JOIN genres AS g ON bg.genreid=g.id

This gives a very long list, because the bookgenres table is very long:

bookid genreid id title ... id Genre

1732 8 1732 In His Steps ... 8 Fiction

414 8 414 Poesies ... 8 Fiction
241 106 241 Researches in Teutoni… ... 106 Fantasy
247 153 247 The King in Yellow ... 153 Gothic
1914 38 1914 Voyage of the Beagle ... 38 Classics
936 38 936 The Origin of Species ... 38 Classics

~ 8011 rows ~

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

Here, we started the join from the middle, since we’re focusing on the associative
table. You could just as readily have started on one end:

    books AS b
    JOIN bookgenres AS bg ON b.id=bg.bookid
    JOIN genres AS g ON bg.genreid=g.id

You’ll get the same data, but, since the tables are in a different order, the columns
will also be in a different order.
In reality, you end up with too many columns, two of which are duplicated by the
join. You can simplify the result as

SELECT b.id, b.title, g.genre

    bookgenres AS bg
    JOIN books AS b ON bg.bookid=b.id
    JOIN genres AS g ON bg.genreid=g.id

You get a simpler result:

id title Genre

1732 In His Steps Fiction

414 Poesies Fiction
241 Researches in Teutonic Mythology Fantasy
247 The King in Yellow Gothic
1914 Voyage of the Beagle Classics
936 The Origin of Species Classics

~ 8011 rows ~

The book’s id is important because it is quite possible for different books to have the
same title.

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

Since you’ve now listed the specific columns, the column order won’t depend on the
order of the tables in the join.
By its very nature, the associative table cannot include NULLs for either the bookid or
the genreid. As such, there is no need for an outer join.

Summarizing Multiple Values

The resulting table earlier has a very large number of rows, and individual books appear
multiple times, associated with different genres. You can combine multiple values using
a GROUP BY query.
This could get tricky, because you’re trying to summarize not a simple table, but a
generated virtual table in the form of a join. You can do this in the form of a Common
Table Expression:

WITH cte AS (
    SELECT b.id, b.title, g.genre
    FROM bookgenres AS bg
        JOIN books AS b ON bg.bookid=b.id
        JOIN genres AS g ON bg.genreid=g.id

A Common Table Expression (CTE) saves the results of a SELECT statement into a
virtual table, so you can use those results in the next stage. You’ll see more on CTEs in
Chapters 7 and 9.
You can now summarize the CTE using two functions, count() and string_agg():

WITH cte AS (
    SELECT b.id, b.title, g.genre
        bookgenres AS bg
        JOIN books AS b ON bg.bookid=b.id
        JOIN genres AS g ON bg.genreid=g.id
    id, title,

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

    count(*) AS ncategories,        --  not really needed

    --  PostgreSQL, MSSQL
        string_agg(genre,', ') AS genres
    --  MySQL / MariaDB
        --  group_concat(genre separator ', ') AS genres
    --  SQLite
        --  group_concat(genre, ', ') AS genres
    --  Oracle
        --  listagg(genre separator ', ') AS genres
FROM cte
GROUP BY id, title

You now get a more compact list:

id title ncategories Genres

4 Groundwork of th ... 6 Classics, German Literature, Non ...

5 The Toilers of t ... 7 European Literature, French Lite ...
6 The American Sen ... 12 Classic Literature, European Lit ...
7 Songs of Innocen ... 5 18th Century, Poetry, Classics, ...
9 Behind a Mask, O ... 8 Literature, American, Historical ...
11 Lady Susan ... 4 Romance, Historical Fiction, Cla ...

~ 1200 rows ~

The string_agg(column,separator) function concatenates the values in the

column using the separator in between. You’ll no doubt be surprised to learn that the
DBMSs have variations on this function. As you see, in some DBMSs it is called GROUP_
CONCAT or listagg.
Note that we have grouped by both the book’s id and title columns. Since the
id is a primary key, and therefore unique, there is normally no point in attempting to
subgroup as before. However, this is a simple way of including the title for the SELECT
clause, since the SELECT clause can only contain grouping columns and summaries.

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

Combining the Joins

Once we know how to handle books and authors, and books and genres, we can join
them all together:

--  Not SQLite
        b.id, b.title, b.published, b.price,
        a.givenname, a.othernames, a.familyname,
                a.born, a.died, a.gender, a.home
        authors AS a
        RIGHT JOIN books AS b ON a.id=b.authorid
        LEFT JOIN bookgenres AS bg ON b.id=bg.bookid
        JOIN genres AS g ON bg.genreid=g.id

This will give a fairly comprehensive dataset:

id truncate ... genre givenname othernames familyname ...

1732 In His Steps ... ... Fiction Charles M. Sheldon ...

414 Poesies ... ... Fiction Stéphane Mallarmé ...
241 Researches in Te ... ... Fantasy Viktor Rydberg ...
247 The King in Yell ... ... Gothic Robert W. Chambers ...
1914 Voyage of the Be ... ... Classics Charles Darwin ...
936 The Origin of Sp ... ... Classics Charles Darwin ...

~ 8011 rows ~

In the preceding example, we have included most of the columns from the four
tables, omitting the foreign keys and most of the other primary keys.
The tables are joined in a line from the authors table to the genres table. Since we
want all of the books, regardless of whether they have associated authors or genres, we
use two outer joins. As it turns out, we see examples of each of the three main join types.
SQLite doesn’t support the RIGHT JOIN, so this won’t work.
Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

You can write the joins starting from the books table if you like:

    b.id, b.title, b.published, b.price,
    a.givenname, a.othernames, a.familyname,
    a.born, a.died, a.gender, a.home
    books AS b
    LEFT JOIN bookgenres AS bg ON b.id=bg.bookid
    JOIN genres AS g ON bg.genreid=g.id
    LEFT JOIN authors AS a ON b.authorid=a.id

Visually, this appears to put the emphasis on the books table, but it will give exactly
the same results as before.
This time, SQLite will be happy.
However, there is an alternative, which takes advantage of the view previously
First, you can replace the references to the individual books and authors tables with
the bookdetails view:

    bd.id, bd.title, bd.published, bd.price,
    bd.givenname, bd.othernames, bd.familyname,
    bd.born, bd.died, bd.gender, bd.home
    bookdetails AS bd
    LEFT JOIN bookgenres AS bg ON bd.id=bg.bookid
    JOIN genres AS g ON bg.genreid=g.id;

This is a simpler query, building on one you’ve already prepared. Note:

• The bookdetails view is aliased to bd.

• All of the columns come from the bookdetails view except for the
genre, which comes from the genres table.

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

If you want to combine the genre names, you can do that in a CTE and join the
results with the view:

WITH cte AS (
    SELECT bg.bookid, string_agg(g.genre,', ') AS genres
    FROM bookgenres AS bg JOIN genres AS g ON bg.genreid=g.id
    GROUP BY bg.bookid
FROM bookdetails AS b JOIN cte ON b.id=cte.bookid;

You now get the complete genre details as well:

id title ... genres givenname familyname ...

4 Groundwork of ... ... Classics, German ... Immanuel Kant ...

5 The Toilers ... ... European Literature ... Victor Hugo ...
6 The American ... ... Classic Literature ... Anthony Trollope ...
7 Songs of ... ... 18th Century, Poetry ... William Blake ...
9 Behind a Mask ... ... Literature, American ... A.M. Barnard ...
11 Lady Susan ... ... Romance, Historical ... Jane Austen ...

~ 1200 rows ~

You might want to filter the genres. You can do that inside the CTE:

WITH cte AS (
    SELECT bg.bookid, string_agg(g.genre,', ') AS genres
    FROM bookgenres AS bg JOIN genres AS g ON bg.genreid=g.id
    WHERE g.genre IN('Fantasy','Science Fiction')
    GROUP BY bg.bookid
FROM bookdetails AS b JOIN cte ON b.id=cte.bookid;

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

You’ll then get a filtered list:

id truncate ... genres givenname familyname ...

589 The Story of ... ... Fantasy ... Stanley Waterloo ...
96 Bee: The Pri ... ... Fantasy ... Anatole France ...
880 The Journey ... ... Fantasy, Science F… Ludvig Holberg ...
591 The Story of ... ... Fantasy ... E. Nesbit ...
1938 Histoire Com ... ... Science Fiction ... Cyrano de Bergerac ...
128 The Year 3000… ... Science Fiction ... Paolo Mantegazza ...

~ 163 rows ~

Note that the concatenated genres column has been aliased to genres. That’s the
same name as the genres table, so you might get confused. The good news is that SQL
doesn’t, so you can get away with it. On the other hand, if you’re worried about that
you can always use double quotes: AS "genres". Of course, you can also choose a
better alias.
A word of warning, however. When you start using views inside queries, you will have
to consider some possible side effects:

• Since the view is not part of the original database, you may lead to
some confusion with other users, since views look like tables, but
aren’t with the rest of the tables.

• If you have too many views in a query, the DBMS optimizer may not
be able to work out the most efficient plan for running the query.
This can be because some views produce more than you need for the
next query, and the optimizer may not be able to work out what you
really want.

• If there are any changes to the view, they will, of course, affect the
outcome of the query.
• These side effects will be more pronounced if you start to create
views using other views. It is often safer to create the new view from

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t use views in your queries—that’s the whole
point of creating a view. It does mean, however, that you should be careful when piling
them up.

Many-to-Many Relationships Happen All the Time

Any time you have one table linked to two others, you have a many-to-many
For example, the database includes customers, sales, saleitems, and books. All
of these tables are joined with foreign key/primary key relationships. That means there
is a many-to-many relationship between customers and books: one customer can buy
many books, while one book can be bought by multiple customers (not the same one, of
course, but a copy of the book).
This means that the sales and saleitems tables, in particular the saleitems table,
are taking on the role of associative tables.
There are two main differences between the sales and saleitems tables in this
example and the bookgenres table in the previous example:

• The association doesn’t need to be unique. It’s quite feasible for a

customer to buy the same book on another occasion. In fact, it would
do the business good if it happened more often.

• The association isn’t the whole story. You also want to record other
sales details such as the date, the amount paid, and so on.

In this case, the sales tables are not purely associative, since they contain new data of
their own, but they are still doing an associative job.

Another Many-to-Many Example

The current database presumes that each book has a single author only. In principle, you
could have a book written by multiple authors. That doesn’t happen very often in fiction,
but is more common in nonfiction.
To do this, you would need to modify your design as follows:

• Remove the authorid column from the books table.

• Create an authorship table which associates books with authors.

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

There are a few extra tables, not part of the main database, which we can use to make
the concept clear:

• multibooks: A small table of books without an author id

• multiauthors: A table of authors for the preceding books

• authorship: An associative table which associates books and authors

The table structure looks like this:


    title varchar(60)
    --  additional book details NOT including author
CREATE TABLE authors (
    givenname varchar(24),
    familyname varchar(24)
    --  additional author details NOT including book
CREATE TABLE authorship (
    bookid INT REFERENCES books(id),
    authorid INT REFERENCES authors(id),
    PRIMARY KEY(bookid,authorid)

An example of a book with multiple authors would be

INSERT INTO books(title)

VALUES('Good Omens');
INSERT INTO authors(givenname,familyname)

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

INSERT INTO authorship(bookid,authorid)

    (1,1),  --  Good Omens, Terry Pratchett
    (1,2);  --  Good Omens, Neil Gaiman

You won’t need to run the preceding example, as the data is already in the
sample tables.
You can fetch the associated data using something like the following:

    multibooks AS b
    JOIN authorship AS ba ON b.id=ba.bookid
    JOIN multiauthors AS a ON ba.authorid=a.id;

You’ll get something like this:

id title authorid bookid id givenname familyname

18 The Gilded Age 9 18 9 Charles Warner

9 The Syndic 7 9 7 Cyril Kornbluth
21 Seller 7 21 7 Cyril Kornbluth
8 Wolfbane 7 8 7 Cyril Kornbluth
12 Takeoff 7 12 7 Cyril Kornbluth
8 Wolfbane 6 8 6 Frederik Pohl

~ 31 rows ~

You can also combine the authors for each book using a CTE and an aggregate query:

WITH cte AS (
        string_agg(a.givenname||' '||a.familyname,' & ')
            AS authors
    FROM authorship AS ba JOIN multiauthors AS a
        ON ba.authorid=a.id
    GROUP BY ba.bookid
Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

SELECT b.id, b.title, cte.authors
FROM multibooks AS b JOIN cte ON b.id=cte.bookid
ORDER BY b.id;

You now have a list of books with all of their authors:

id title Authors

1 Man Plus Frederik Pohl

2 Proxima Stephen Baxter
3 The Long Mars Stephen Baxter & Terry Pratchett
4 The Shining Stephen King
5 The Talisman Peter Straub & Stephen King
6 The Long Earth Stephen Baxter & Terry Pratchett

~ 23 rows ~

The main sample database doesn’t include multiple authors simply because it
doesn’t happen often enough with classic literature to make it worth complicating the
sample further.
However, the point is that whenever you have multiple values, you will need
additional tables rather than additional columns or compound columns. Multiple values
should appear in rows, not columns.

Inserting into Related Tables

As you see, one-to-many tables are very common in an SQL database. This creates
additional challenges when you need to add to multiple tables in a single transaction.
These challenges include the following:
• You may need to add to the parent (one) table before you add to the
child (many) table.

This is because the child table will refer to the parent table.
• When adding to the parent table, you need to remember the new primary key.

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

This becomes a challenge when the primary key is generated by

the database itself, so you will need to fetch the new value.

• During the process, one of the steps may fail.

This may lead to a partially completed operation, adding some

invalid data as a residue.

Here, we’ll see how that works in practice.

Adding a Book and an Author

The books collection is very light on works in the 20th century and contains nothing by
Agatha Christie. Here, we will add one of her books.
This will involve two tables: the books and the authors table as you see in Figure 3-8.

Figure 3-8. Books and Authors

To add a new book to the database

1. Check whether the author already exists in the authors table.

2. If not, add the author to the authors table.

3. If you have just added a new author, fetch its primary key.

4. Else fetch the primary key of the existing author.

5. Using this primary key, add the new book to the books table.

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

First, we’ll check to see whether the author has already been added to the
authors table:

SELECT * FROM authors WHERE familyname='Christie';

It appears not, so we’ll need to add her.

Adding an Author
In principle, you would add the new author with the following statement:

--  Don't run this yet:

    INSERT INTO authors(givenname, othernames, familyname,
        born, died, gender,home)
    VALUES('Agatha','Mary Clarissa','Christie',
        'Tourquay, Devon, England');
--  For Oracle, you need to precede the dates with the
--  date keyword: date'1890-09-15', date'1976-01-12'

As the comment says, don’t run this statement yet. Because the author’s id is
autogenerated, we’ll need to get the new id after inserting the row. You can do a search
for it after adding the row, but it may be possible to have the DBMS tell you what the
new id is.
Different DBMSs have different methods of getting this id.
For PostgreSQL, you can simply use a RETURNING clause at the end of the INSERT

--  PostgreSQL
    INSERT INTO authors(givenname, othernames, familyname,
        born, died, gender,home)
    VALUES('Agatha','Mary Clarissa','Christie',
        'Tourquay, Devon, England')
    RETURNING id;   --  Take note of this!

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

For MySQL/MariaDB, Microsoft SQL, and SQLite, you run a separate function after
the event. Note that you should run both statements together by highlighting both before
you run:

--  MSSQL: Select both statements and run:

    INSERT INTO authors(givenname, othernames, familyname,
        born, died, gender,home)
    VALUES('Agatha','Mary Clarissa','Christie',
        'Tourquay, Devon, England');
    SELECT scope_identity();        --  Take note of this!

--  MySQL / MariaDB: Select both statements and run:

    INSERT INTO authors(givenname, othernames, familyname,
        born, died, gender,home)
    VALUES('Agatha','Mary Clarissa','Christie',
        'Tourquay, Devon, England');
    SELECT last_insert_id();        --  Take note of this!

--  SQLite: Select both statements and run:

    INSERT INTO authors(givenname, othernames, familyname,
        born, died, gender,home)
    VALUES('Agatha','Mary Clarissa','Christie',
        'Tourquay, Devon, England');
    SELECT last_insert_rowid();     --  Take note of this!

The additional SELECT statements earlier all fetch the newly generated id.
Oracle, on the other hand, makes it pretty tricky. It does support a RETURNING clause,
but only into variables. You can get the newly generated id, but that involves some extra
trickery in hunting for sequences. The simplest method really is to select the row you’ve
just inserted using data you’ve just entered:

--  Oracle
    INSERT INTO authors(givenname, othernames, familyname,
        born, died, gender,home)
    VALUES('Agatha','Mary Clarissa','Christie',

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

        date '1890-09-15',date '1976-01-12','f',

        'Tourquay, Devon, England');
    SELECT id FROM authors
    WHERE givenname='Agatha' AND othernames='Mary Clarissa'
        AND familyname='Christie';

Of course, you don’t necessarily need to filter all of the new values: just enough to be
sure you’ve got the right one.

Adding a Book
After that, the rest is easy.
Whether or not you have just added the new author, you can simply search for the
authors table to get the author id:

SELECT * FROM authors WHERE familyname='Christie';

Taking note of the id in particular, you can insert the book with the following

--  Use the author's id:

    INSERT INTO books(authorid,title,published,price)
    VALUES ( ... , 'The Mysterious Affair at Styles',
        1920, 16.00);

Of course, you will need to supply the correct id in the preceding statement, either
from the INSERT statements in the previous section or from the SELECT statement earlier.
Note that we’ve picked an arbitrary value of 16.00 for the price. It didn’t need the
decimal part, of course, but it makes the purpose clearer.

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

Adding a New Sale

Adding a book is simple enough, but tedious. Adding a new sale, however, adds another
level of complexity. Remember that a sale comprises a row in the sales table and one or
more rows in the saleitems table, as you see in Figure 3-9.

Figure 3-9. Sales and Sale Items

The process would be

1. Create a new row in the sales table.
2. Fetch the primary key of the new sale.
3. Add one or more rows in the saleitems table, using the previous
primary key to refer to the new sale. This will include the bookid
and quantity, but the price will need to be fetched separately.
4. For each sale item, fetch the price of each item from the books
table, using the bookid.
5. Update the new sale with the total value of the new sale items.

Here, we will work with adding a new sale.

For our sample data, we’ll use the following values:

Data Value

Customer ID 42
Book IDs 123, 456, 789
Quantities 3, 2, 1

We’ll also use current_timestamp for the date.

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

Adding a New Sale in the Sales Table

Adding the main sale is the easy part, but, again, we’ll need the new id. To add a sale,
we can use

--  PostgreSQL
    INSERT INTO sales(customerid, ordered)
    VALUES (42,current_timestamp)

    INSERT INTO sales(customerid, ordered)
    VALUES (42,current_timestamp);
    SELECT scope_identity();

--  MySQL / MariaDB
    INSERT INTO sales(customerid, ordered)
    VALUES (42,current_timestamp);
    SELECT last_insert_id();

--  SQLite
    INSERT INTO sales(customerid, ordered)
    VALUES (42,current_timestamp);
    SELECT last_insert_rowid();

--  Oracle
    INSERT INTO sales(customerid, ordered, total)
    VALUES (42,current_timestamp,0);
    SELECT id FROM sales WHERE id=42 AND total=0;

For Oracle, we’ve taken a slightly different approach in including a dummy total
of 0. When the sale is fully added, the value shouldn’t be zero, so we’re using it as a
temporary placeholder to help identify the new sale.
Remember that we’ll need to remember the new sale id.

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

Adding the Sale Items and Getting the Prices

Armed with the new sale id, the rest is simple. To add the sale items, we can use

--  Not Oracle
    INSERT INTO saleitems(saleid, bookid, quantity)
        ( ... , 123, 3),
        ( ... , 456, 1),
        ( ... , 789, 2);

--  Oracle
    INSERT INTO saleitems(saleid, bookid, quantity)
    VALUES ( ... , 123, 3);
    INSERT INTO saleitems(saleid, bookid, quantity)
    VALUES ( ... , 456, 1);
    INSERT INTO saleitems(saleid, bookid, quantity)
    VALUES ( ... , 789, 2);

Remember to use your new sale id in the preceding statements.

Also, remember that Oracle doesn’t like multiple values in a single INSERT statement,
which is why there are multiple statements. You can use that for the other DBMSs if you
prefer, but it’s not necessary.
The prices come from another table. You can fetch those prices into the new sale
items using a subquery:

UPDATE saleitems
SET price=(SELECT price FROM books WHERE
WHERE saleid = ... ;

The correlated subquery fetches the price from the saleitems table for the matching
book (WHERE books.id=saleitems.bookid).
The WHERE clause in the main query ensures that only the new sale items get the
prices. This is important because you don’t want to copy the prices into the old sale
items: there might have been a price change since the older sales were completed, and
you shouldn’t let that change affect old transactions.

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

Completing the Sale

Finally, you should find the total for the sale items and put that into the new sale.
To get the total for the sale items, you can use an aggregate query:

SELECT sum(quantity*price)
FROM saleitems
WHERE saleid = ... ;

The result would be correct, but it would also be incomplete. What’s missing is the
tax and any VIP discount applicable.
Let’s assume a tax of 10%—it varies from country to country, of course, so you might
want to make an adjustment. That means you’ll end up paying (1 + 10%) times the total:

SELECT sum(quantity*price) * (1 + 0.10)

FROM saleitems
WHERE saleid = ... ;

In real life, of course, you would simply write 1.1, but the preceding expression
is a reminder of where the value came from and how you might adapt it for different
tax rates.
The VIP discount depends on the customer. You can read that from the VIP table:

SELECT 1 - discount FROM vip WHERE id = 42 ;

The reason you subtract it from 1 is that it’s a discount: it comes off the full price.
You can use that in a subquery with the calculated total:

    * (1 + 0.1)
    * (SELECT  1 - discount FROM vip WHERE id = 42)
FROM saleitems
WHERE saleid = ... ;

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

except not necessarily. Some customers aren’t VIPs, so the subquery might return
a NULL. That would destroy the whole calculation. Since a missing VIP value means no
discount, we should coalesce the subquery to 1:

    * (1 + 0.1)
    * coalesce((SELECT  1 - discount FROM vip
        WHERE id = 42),1)
FROM saleitems
WHERE saleid = ... ;

Finally, we can put this value into the sales table:

UPDATE sales
SET total = (
        * (1 + 0.1)
        * coalesce((SELECT  1 - discount FROM vip
            WHERE id = 42),1)
    FROM saleitems
    WHERE saleid = ...
WHERE id = ... ;

There’s a lot going on here. First, the UPDATE query sets a value to a subquery, which,
in turn, uses a subquery to fetch a value. You’ll also find that the query uses the sale id
twice, once to filter the sale items and once to select the sale.

A main feature of SQL databases is that there are multiple tables and that these tables are
related to each other.
Relationships are generally established through primary keys and foreign keys which
reference the primary keys in related tables. The foreign key is normally in the form of a

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

constraint, which guarantees that the foreign key references a valid primary key value in
the other table, if not necessarily the correct one.
There may also be ad hoc relationships which are not planned or enforced.

Types of Relationships
There are three main relationship types:

• One-to-many relationships are between a foreign key in one table,

often called a child table, and a primary key in another, the parent.
Generally, one parent can have many children.

This is the most common type of relationship.

• One-to-one relationships are between primary keys in both tables.

The primary key in one table doubles up as a foreign key in the other.

A true one-to-one relationship requires both primary keys to

be foreign keys to the other table. In practice, this is difficult to
implement, and the foreign key is normally on one table only. This
may informally be called a one-to-maybe relationship.

• Many-to-many relationships allow a row in one table to relate

to many rows in the other, as well as the other way around. Since
columns can only have single values, this relationship is created
through another table, often called an associative table, with a pair
of one-to-one relationships.

In any reasonably sized database, the fact that there are many
tables in one-to-many relationships results in many-to-many

It’s a basic principle in a database that a column shouldn’t have multiple values and
that you shouldn’t have multiple columns doing the same job. The way to handle multiple
values is with additional tables, either in one-to-many or many-to-many relationships.

Joining Tables
When there is an established relationship between tables, you can combine their
contents using joins.

Chapter 3 Table Relationships and Joins

Sometimes, you may want to count the number of expected results to check whether
your join type matches what you want.
When you do join tables, you often end up with several rows with the same repeated
data coming from the parent table. You may be able to simplify this by grouping on
parent data and aggregating on the child data. Because you can only select what you
summarise, you may need to join the results again to get more details.

Selecting what you want from multiple related tables can be inconvenient. You can save
your complex joined query in a view for future use and use it as you might a simple table

Inserting into Related Tables

Often, inserting into a table is not so simple. In some cases, if it’s a child table, you may
need to also insert into the parent table so that the child can reference it.
In other cases, such as when the parent table is used as a container for child data,
you may need to insert into multiple tables in a number of steps.
This process can be complicated if the primary key is autogenerated.

In this chapter, we looked at how multiple tables are related through foreign keys
matching with primary keys. We also looked at different types of relationships and why
tables were designed this way.
Using this, we were able to combine tables using one or more joins to match rows
from one table to another. We looked at different types of joins and when you might
choose between them.

Coming Up
Most of the data we’ve worked with have been simple values, though in a few cases we
calculated values such as tax and discounts.
In the next chapter, we’re going to take a small detour and concentrate on
performing calculations in SQL.


Working with Calculated

No doubt, you will have seen calculations before now. SQL allows you to include
calculated data in your queries.
In this chapter, we’ll look at some important ideas about the different types of data
and how they can be calculated.
Don’t get too carried away with calculations in your SQL. The database is more
concerned with maintaining and accessing raw data. However, it’s useful to be able to
take your raw data and make it more useful to the task at hand.

DBMSs vary widely in their ability to perform calculations. This is especially the
case with functions, which vary not only in scope but even in what the DBMSs
call them.
In particular, SQLite has a very limited ability to perform calculations, particularly
with functions.
In this chapter, we’ll be working with various types of data, including strings. If
you’re using MariaDB/MySQL, we thoroughly recommend that you set your session
to ANSI mode, so that string behavior works as for standard SQL.

You can begin your session with SET SESSION sql_mode = 'ANSI';

© Mark Simon 2023
M. Simon, Leveling Up with SQL, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-9685-1_4
Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

Calculation Basics
We’ll look at more details later, but here is an overview of how calculations work in SQL.
You can calculate values based on individual columns or multiple columns. For

    height/2.54,                --  single column
    givenname||' '||familyname         --  multiple columns
    --  givenname+' '+familyname          --  MSSQL
FROM customers;

This gives you

?column? ?column?

66.339 May Knott

67.283 Rick Shaw
60.236 Ike Andy
69.291 Pat Downe
61.575 Basil Isk
69.409 Pearl Divers

~ 303 rows ~

You can also “hard-code” values or get them from subqueries:

    'active',                   --  hard-coded
    (SELECT name FROM towns WHERE id=townid)  --  sub query
FROM customers;

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

You get

?column? ?column?

active Kings Park

active Richmond
active Hillcrest
active Guildford
active Wallaroo
active Broadwater

~ 303 rows ~

There are also some built-in functions:

    upper(familyname)          --  upper case function
FROM customers;

This gets you







~ 303 rows ~

In all cases, you’ll notice that a calculated value doesn’t have a proper name.

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

Using Aliases
Calculated columns cause a minor inconvenience for SQL. Generally, each column should
have a distinct name, but SQL has no clear idea what to call the newly generated column.
Some SQL clients will leave the calculated column unnamed, while some will
generate a dummy name. When experimenting with simple SELECT statements, this is
OK, but when taking the statement seriously, such as when you plan to use the results
later, you will need to give each column a better name.
An alias is a new name for a column, whether it’s a calculated column or an original.
You create an alias using the AS keyword. For example:

    id AS customer,
    height/2.54 AS height,
    givenname||' '||familyname AS fullname,
    --  givenname+' '+familyname AS fullname    --  MSSQL
    'active' AS status,
    (SELECT name FROM towns WHERE id=townid) AS town,
    length(email) AS length
    --  len(email) AS length           --  MSSQL
FROM customers;

This looks better:

customer Height fullname status town length

42 66.339 May Knott active Kings Park 23

459 67.283 Rick Shaw active Richmond 24
597 60.236 Ike Andy active Hillcrest 23
186 69.291 Pat Downe active Guildford 24
352 61.575 Basil Isk active Wallaroo 24
576 69.409 Pearl Divers active Broadwater 27

~ 303 rows ~

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

Note .

• The id column has been aliased even though it hasn’t been

• The height calculation has been aliased to height; this is fine,
since it still means the same thing, but in different units.

Apart from the fact that each calculated column must have a distinct name, other
reasons to include aliases are as follows:

• Sometimes, you simply need to rename columns either for better

meaning or to suit later use.

• Sometimes, you need to format or convert a column to something

more suitable, but still retain its original name.

At this point, we’re not worried about whether the preceding aliases are the best
possible names for their columns; we’re just looking at how they work.

Alias Names
By and large, the rules for alias names are the same as those for the names of columns.
That means

• Aliases and original column names must be unique.

• Aliases should not contain spaces, can’t start with a number, and
can’t contain other special characters.

• Aliases should not be SQL keywords.

If you really need to work around the preceding second and third rules, you can
enclose the alias in double quotes. For example:

    ordered AS "order",
    shipped AS "shipped date"
FROM sales;

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

Here, the name order is an SQL keyword, while shipped date contains a space.

Order shipped date

2022-05-15 21:12:07.988741 2022-05-23

2022-05-16 03:03:16.065969 2022-05-24
2022-05-16 10:09:13.674823 2022-05-22
2022-05-16 15:02:43.285565 [NULL]
2022-05-16 16:48:14.674202 2022-05-28

~ 5549 rows ~

You should resist the urge to do this. Aliases, as with column names, are for technical
rather than aesthetic use. A SELECT statement is not actually a report.
Some DBMSs offer alternatives to double quotes for special names:

• Microsoft SQL offers square brackets as an alternative: [shipped

date]. There is no reason to prefer this to double quotes.

• MySQL/MariaDB uses “backticks” as an alternative: 'shipped date'.

In ANSI mode, this is unnecessary, but in traditional mode, it’s all
you’ve got.

Whatever names you choose, remember that they are meant to be purely functional.
Don’t get carried away trying to use upper and lower case, or spaces, or anything else
that might look better. That’s up to the software handling the output of your queries. In
SQL, you just need a suitable name to refer to the data.

AS Is Optional
You will discover soon enough that AS is optional:

    id customer,
    height/2.54 height,
    givenname||' '||familyname fullname,
    --  givenname+' '+familyname fullname   --  MSSQL
    'active' status,

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

    (SELECT name FROM towns WHERE id=townid) town,

    length(email) length
    --  len(email) length         --  MSSQL
FROM customers;

Some developers justify leaving out the AS as it saves time or makes them look more
professional. However, you will also make this kind of mistake soon enough:

    givenname, familyname,
FROM customers;

This gives you a confusing result:

id givenname familyname height dob

42 [email protected] Knott 168.5 [NULL]

459 [email protected] Shaw 170.9 1945-07-03
597 [email protected] Andy 153 1998-08-09
186 [email protected] Downe 176 1990-04-12
352 [email protected] Isk 156.4 1960-01-13
576 [email protected] Divers 176.3

~ 303 rows ~

At first glance, this looks OK, as it is not a technical error. However, on closer
inspection, you’ll see that the email has been aliased to familyname, since there is no
comma between them. Aliasing one column to another is legitimate, though it’s not
often that you would really want to.
You can’t stop SQL from allowing this, but you can make mistakes like this slightly
easier to spot if you develop a pattern which always includes AS for aliases.

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

Aliases Are Not Available in the Rest of the Query

Recall that the processing order for basic SQL clauses is






This is different to the way you write SQL in that you write the SELECT clause first.
This creates a major point of confusion in a statement like this:

SELECT id, title, price, price*0.1 AS tax

FROM books
WHERE tax<1.5;

This will result in an error, since although the price*0.1 AS tax expression is
written in the first clause, it isn’t actually processed until after the WHERE clause. As a
result, tax is not yet available for the WHERE clause.
It becomes more confusing if you alias a calculation to an original column name:

    id, title,
    price*1.1 AS price  --  adjust to include tax
FROM books
WHERE price<15;

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

This will work. Here, the price has been increased to include tax and aliased to the
original name, which is legitimate.

id Truncate price

2078 The Duel 13.75

1530 Robin Hood, The Prince of Thieves 13.75
982 Struwwelpeter: Fearful Stories and Vile Pictures … 12.65
573 The Nose 11
1573 Rachel Ray 11
532 Elective Affinities 12.65

~ 521 rows ~

However, the WHERE clause will filter on the original price column, not the adjusted
Again, there’s not much you can do about this directly, as you don’t have the option
to write the SELECT clause further down, and you can’t create aliases in any other clause.
Later, we will see how using Common Table Expressions can help preprocess
calculated columns.
It’s probably not a good idea to alias a calculation to an original column name if
you’re planning to use it later.
SQL has a clear idea of what it’s going to do with the aliased name, but the human
reader may well get confused.

Dealing with NULLs

Sooner or later, you will encounter the dreaded NULL in your calculations. Actually, there’s
nothing wrong with NULL per se, but it will totally make a mess of your calculations.
Any calculation involving a NULL will end up as NULL. You can say that NULL is
very destructive for calculations. That is, unless you run the data through one or two
expressions which are capable of handling NULLs.
The exception to this is with Oracle strings. Oracle treats NULL strings as empty
strings. On one hand, this can be convenient; on the other, there are times when you
really need NULL to behave as NULL.

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

If you are calculating with a single column which includes NULL, it makes sense that
the result is also a NULL. For example:

    id, givenname, familyname,
    height/2.54 AS height       --  sometimes NULL
FROM customers;

Sometimes, you get a NULL result:

id Givenname familyname height

101 Artie Chokes 63.858

489 Justin Case [NULL]
59 Leigh Don 66.693
593 Luke Warm [NULL]
170 Dan Dee 65.039
541 Neil Downe 64.606

~ 303 rows ~

Since all we’re doing is converting a single value, it is perfectly acceptable to leave
NULLs as they are—if you don’t know what the height is in centimeters, then you still
don’t know what it is in inches. However, we’ll see shortly how you might sometimes
replace the NULL with something you feel is better.
On the other hand, this behavior becomes more of a nuisance if you’re calculating
on multiple columns, most of which are not NULL:

    id, givenname, othernames, familyname,
    givenname||' '||othernames||' '||familyname AS fullname
    --  MSSQL:
    --  givenname+' '+othernames+' '+familyname AS fullname
FROM authors;

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

With the exception of Oracle, you’ll get a lot of NULLs:

id givenname Othernames familyname fullname

464 Ambrose [NULL] Bierce [NULL]

858 Alexander [NULL] Ostrovsky [NULL]
525 Francis [NULL] Beaumont [NULL]
479 C.E. Van Koetsveld C.E. van Koetsveld
703 Friedrich [NULL] Engels [NULL]

~ 488 rows ~

In the preceding example, most authors don’t have a value for othernames, so it is
NULL. Some don’t even have a givenname value. There’s nothing wrong for the most part
with the givenname or the familyname, but the NULL for othernames destroys the whole
With Oracle, however, you won’t get NULLs. However, you will see extra spaces where
the missing names are.
Technically, the result is correct. If you don’t know some of the names, then you
don’t know the full name. However, that’s unhelpful.

SQL has a function called coalesce() which can replace NULL with a preferred
alternative. The word “coalesce” actually means to combine, but how it came to be the
name of this operation is one of those mysteries lost in the depths of ancient history.
The function is used this way:


If the preceding expression happens to be NULL, then planB will be used.

You can have a number of alternative values:

coalesce(expression,planB,planC, ... , planZ)

If planB also happens to be NULL, coalesce() will try the next alternative and so on
until either there is a real value, or the alternatives have been exhausted.

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

You can see coalesce in action with missing phone numbers:

    id, givenname, familyname,
FROM employees;

In the employees table, some are missing phone numbers.

id Givenname familyname phone

7 Ebenezer Splodge 0491577644

4 Gladys Raggs 0491573087
28 Cornelius Eversoe [NULL]
32 Clarisse Cringinghut 0491571804
33 Will Power 0491576398
26 Fred Kite 0491572983

~ 34 rows ~

It would be reasonable to replace these missing phone numbers with the company’s
main phone number:

    id, givenname, familyname,
    coalesce(phone,'1300975711')  --  coalesce to main number
FROM employees;

Here, the missing number has been coalesced:

id Givenname familyname coalesce

7 Ebenezer Splodge 0491577644

4 Gladys Raggs 0491573087
28 Cornelius Eversoe 1300975711
32 Clarisse Cringinghut 0491571804

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

id Givenname familyname coalesce

33 Will Power 0491576398

26 Fred Kite 0491572983

~ 34 rows ~

The thing about coalesce() is that you can’t always get away with it. You need to be
sure that your substitute makes sense and that your guess is a good one. There are many
times when it wouldn’t make sense, such as a missing price for a book or an author’s
date of birth; NULL is often the best thing you can do.
In Chapter 2, you guessed at a missing quantity using coalesce() and then fixed it so
that the quantity can’t be NULL in the future. Sometimes, that’s the best solution.

Fixing the Author Names

With the coalesce() function, you can replace the missing author names with an
alternative. There are two things to consider here:

• You can’t make up a missing name, so the alternative will have to be

an empty string.

• You’ll also want to leave out the spaces after the missing names.

For the second point, we won’t coalesce just the name, but the combination of
the name and the space, which should also be NULL—except for Oracle, which doesn’t
behave the same way. We’ll take a different approach for Oracle.
To coalesce the names and spaces to an empty string, we can use

--  PostgreSQL, MariaDB/MySQL, SQLite

        id, givenname, othernames, familyname,
        coalesce(givenname||' ','')
            ||coalesce(othernames||' ','')
            ||familyname AS fullname
    FROM authors;


Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

        id, givenname, othernames, familyname,

        coalesce(givenname+' ','')
            +coalesce(othernames+' ','')
            +familyname AS fullname
    FROM authors;

This gives us

id givenname Othernames familyname fullname

464 Ambrose [NULL] Bierce Ambrose Bierce

858 Alexander [NULL] Ostrovsky Alexander Ostrovsky
525 Francis [NULL] Beaumont Francis Beaumont
479 C.E. Van Koetsveld C.E. van Koetsveld
703 Friedrich [NULL] Engels Friedrich Engels

~ 488 rows ~

Since Oracle will happily concatenate a NULL string, we can’t use coalesce().
Instead, we’ll use the ltrim() function. This function removes leading spaces from a
string. Since we’re adding a space to the end of the string, it will only be a leading space if
the name is empty. This gives us

--  Oracle
        id, givenname, othernames, familyname,
        ltrim(givenname||' ')||ltrim(othernames||' ')
            ||familyname AS fullname
    FROM authors;

This should give us the same result as before.

Using Calculations in Other Clauses

In this chapter, we’re using the calculations mostly in the SELECT clause. Of course,
any clause which contains a value can use a calculated value. We’ll have a look at a few
examples here.

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

One obvious use for calculations is in the WHERE clause. For example, you can find
books with shorter titles:

FROM books
WHERE length(title)<24;     --  MSSQL: len(title)


id authorid Title published price

2078 765 The Duel 1811 12.50

503 128 Uncle Silas 1864 17.00
2007 99 North and South 1854 17.50
702 547 Jane Eyre 1847 17.50
1759 17 La Curée 1872 16.00
205 436 Shadow: A Parable [NULL] 17.50

~ 762 rows ~

You may need this if your database is case sensitive and you need to match a string in
an unknown case:

FROM books
WHERE lower(title) LIKE '%journey%';


id authorid Title published price

880 777 The Journey of Niels Klim to the Wor … 1741 12.50
946 704 Following the Equator: A Journey Aro … 1897 19.50
1314 606 Mozart’s Journey to Prague 1856 17.00
1092 295 A Journey to the Western Islands of … 1775 14.50
502 [NULL] Journey to the Center of the Earth 1864 15.50
1454 914 A Sentimental Journey 1768 13.50

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

You can also calculate an aggregate value in a subquery:

FROM customers
WHERE height<(SELECT avg(height) FROM customers);


id familyname Givenname … height …

42 Knott May … 168.5 …

597 Andy Ike … 153.0 …
352 Isk Basil … 156.4 …
526 Coming Seymour … 163.5 …
26 Twishes Bess … 164.6 …
91 North June … 164.5 …

~ 128 rows ~

You can also use calculations in the ORDER BY clause, such as when you want to sort
by the length of a title:

FROM books
ORDER BY length(title);     --  MSSQL: length(title)

which gives

id authorid title published price

385 971 She 1887 11.00

488 478 Mumu 1852 18.00
728 534 Emma 1815 10.00
1625 496 Lenz 1835 18.50
317 99 Ruth 1853 16.50
2140 17 Nana 1880 12.50

~ 1200 rows ~

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

However, you’re likely to want to select what you’re sorting by, so it would make
more sense to calculate the value in the SELECT clause and sort by the result:

SELECT id, authorid, title, length(title) AS len, published, price

FROM books
ORDER BY len;       --  MSSQL: length(title)

which is more informative:

id authorid Title len published price

385 971 She 3 1887 11.00

488 478 Mumu 4 1852 18.00
728 534 Emma 4 1815 10.00
1625 496 Lenz 4 1835 18.50
317 99 Ruth 4 1853 16.50
2140 17 Nana 4 1880 12.50

~ 1200 rows ~

Here’s an interesting use for coalesce in the ORDER BY clause. Some DBMSs support
NULLS FIRST or NULLS LAST to decide where to put the NULLs in the sort order. If your
DBMS doesn’t support it, you can coalesce the column to an extreme value. For example:

FROM customers
ORDER BY coalesce(height,0);    --  NULLS FIRST
FROM customers
ORDER BY coalesce(height,1000); --  NULLS LAST

By coalescing all of the NULLs to an extreme value, SQL will sort them to one end or
the other accordingly.
As for the FROM clause, you’ll need a calculation which generates a virtual table.
That’s usually going to be a view, a join, or even a subquery. A Common Table
Expression, in this context, is like a subquery. We’ll do more of that sort of thing later.

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

More Details on Calculations

SQL databases typically understand the three main types of data: numbers, strings, and
dates. There are variations on these types, such as whether numbers include decimals,
or the length of a string, or whether the date includes a time. There are also some other
types, such as boolean values (limited to true or false) or binary data (sometimes
called Binary Large Objects, or BLOBs for short), with varying degrees of support in
different DBMSs.
Here, we’ll look at some of the details of calculating with the main data types.
As a rule, a value comes in three forms:

• A stored value may come from a variable or a column.

• A value may be calculated or come from a built-in function.

• A literal value may be entered directly in code.

SQL, like most coding languages, needs some help with certain literal values to
distinguish them from other code. Numeric literals are entered as they are (bare)
because they obviously can’t be anything else.
String or date literals, on the other hand, are wrapped in single quotes (' ... ') to
mark them as such. That’s so that SQL can distinguish between strings and other words,
such as SQL keywords or table and column names.
The actual value of a string or date literal doesn’t include the quotes. However, the
quotes are required when writing them into the code.
For much of what follows, we’ll be using literals for examples.

The cast() function is used to interpret a value as a different data type. Recall that SQL
has three main data types: numbers, strings, and dates. You can use cast to do one of
two things:

• You can try to cast from one main type to another.

Casting to a string should be easy enough, but casting to another

type requires that SQL know how to interpret the value. Different
DBMSs react differently to failure.

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

• You can cast within a main type. For example, you can cast between
integer and decimal numbers or between dates and datetimes.

If you cast a decimal to an integer, a datetime to a date, or a string

to a shorter string, you’ll naturally lose precision. If you cast in
the opposite direction, the extra precision will be filled with the
equivalent of “nothing.”

If you do cast to a narrower type, it will probably work, but don’t

push your luck too hard. For example, casting the number 123.45
to a decimal(4,2) will fail because you haven’t allowed enough
digits; you’ll get an overflow error.

For what follows, remember that SQLite doesn’t have a date type, so that’s one cast
you won’t have to worry about. Later, we’ll have a quick look at the equivalent in SQLite.
Here are some examples of casting within types:

--  shorter dates & numbers

        --  not SQLite:
        cast(ordered as date) AS ordered_date,
        cast(total AS integer) AS whole_dollars
    FROM sales;
--  shorter strings
    SELECT cast(title AS varchar(16)) AS short_title
    FROM books;

--  broader dates & numbers

    --  SQLite: no date type
    --  PostgreSQL, Oracle
        cast(dob as timestamp) as long_dob,
    --  MariaDB / MySQL, MSSQL
        cast(dob as datetime) as long_dob,

        cast(height as decimal(5,2)) as long_height

    FROM customers;

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

If you cast a string to a longer type, one of two things will happen. If you cast it to a
CHAR (fixed length) type, the extra length will be padded with spaces. If you cast it to a
VARCHAR type, the string will be unchanged. However, the string will be permitted to grow
to a longer string.
Casting between types is a different matter. Most DBMSs will automatically cast to a
string if necessary. For example:

--  Not MSSQL
    SELECT id || ': ' || email
    FROM customers;

You’ll get something like this:

42: [email protected]

459: [email protected]

597: [email protected]

186: [email protected]

352: [email protected]

576: [email protected]
~ 303 rows ~

As you see, MSSQL won’t do this automatically, possibly due to a confusion with
their concatenation operator (+). There you’ll have to force the issue:

    SELECT cast(id as varchar(5)) + ': ' + email
    FROM customers;

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

You can do the same with dates, too. We’ll do that with the customers’ dates of birth,
but we’ll run into the complication of the fact that some dates of birth are missing. Using
coalesce should do the job:

--  PostgreSQL, MariaDB/MySQL, SQlite

        id || ': ' || email
        || coalesce('  Born: ' || dob,'')
    FROM customers;
        cast(id as varchar(5)) + ': ' + email
        + coalesce('  Born: ' + cast(dob as char(10)),'')
    FROM customers;
--  Not Oracle

For SQLite, it wasn’t much effort as we’ve stored the dates as a string anyway.
Here, we’ve coalesced the entire concatenated value ' Born: ' || dob. That’s
because we want to replace the whole expression with the empty string if the dob is
missing. Concatenating with a NULL should result in a NULL.
For Oracle, you run again into the quirk of treating NULL strings as empty strings, so
they won’t coalesce. We can work around it using CASE:

--  Oracle
        id || ': ' || email
        || CASE
            WHEN dob IS NOT NULL THEN '  Born: ' || dob
    FROM customers;

Basically, you can think of coalesce as a simplified CASE expression. With Oracle,
you need to spell it out more.
One reason you might want to change data types is to mix them with other values,
such as concatenating the preceding strings. We’ll also see casting being used when
we want to combine data from multiple tables or virtual tables, such as with joins
and unions.

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

Another reason to change data types is for sorting. All string data will normally sort
alphabetically, but you may need to cast them as non-strings for sorting. For example:

--  Integers
    SELECT * FROM sorting
    ORDER BY numberstring;
    SELECT * FROM sorting
    ORDER BY cast(numberstring as int); -- not MySQL
    --  ORDER BY cast(numberstring as signed);  --  MySQL

--  Dates (not SQLite)

    SELECT * FROM sorting
    ORDER BY datestring;
    SELECT * FROM sorting
    ORDER BY cast(datestring as date);

In the sorting table, there are some values stored as strings which represent
numbers or dates. The only way to sort them properly is to cast them first.
Note that MySQL won’t let you cast to an integer directly. You have to use SIGNED
(which means the same thing) or UNSIGNED. MariaDB is OK with integers.
Not all casts from strings are successful, since the string may not resemble the
correct type. For example:

--  This works:
    SELECT cast('23' as int)    --  MySQL: as signed
    --  FROM dual   --  Oracle

--  This doesn’t:
    SELECT cast('hello' as int) --  MySQL: as signed
    --  FROM dual   --  Oracle

What happens next depends on the DBMS:

• MariaDB/MySQL will both give a 0 which is forgiving.

• MSSQL will give an error.

However, you can use an alternative called try_cast which will

simply give a NULL. If you wish, you can then coalesce the result.

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

• Oracle will also give an error.

However, there is an optional default in this form:
cast('hello' as int DEFAULT 0 ON CONVERSION ERROR).
It’s verbose but it allows an alternative to 0, or whatever you like.
• PostgreSQL just gives an error.
It’s possible to write a function to get around that.

Numeric Calculations
A number is normally used to count something—it’s the answer to the question “how
many.” For example, how many centimeters in the customer’s height, or how many
dollars were paid for this item?
Numbers aren’t always used that way. Sometimes, they’re used as tokens or as codes.
The calculations you might perform on a number would depend on how the number is
being used.

Basic Arithmetic
You can always perform the basic operations on numbers:

    3*5 AS multiplication,
    4+7 AS addition,
    8-11 AS subtraction,
    20/3 AS division,
    20%3 AS remainder,  --  Oracle: mod(20,3),
    24/3*5 AS associativity,
    1+2*3 AS precedence,
    2*(3+4) + 5*(8-5) AS distributive
--  FROM dual   --  Oracle

This sample illustrates the main operations:

mul… add… sub… div… rem… ass… pre… dis…

15 11 -3 6 2 40 7 29

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

Note that you’ll need to add FROM dual if you’re testing this in Oracle.
Also note

• Different DBMSs have different attitudes to dividing integers. In some

cases, 20/3 would give you a result of 6, discarding the fraction. On
other cases, you’d get something like 6.66...7 as a decimal.

• The % operator calculates the remainder after integer division. Oracle

uses the mod() function.
• When mixing operations, SQL follows the rules you would have
learned in school regarding precedence (which operators come first)
and associativity (calculating from left to right). SQL also allows you
to use parentheses to calculate expressions first.

If you know someone who’s forgotten the basic rules of arithmetic, you can tell them

1. Do what’s inside parentheses first.

2. Do multiplication | division before addition | subtraction


3. Do operations of the same precedence from left to right


Of course, these expressions work just the same whether the value is a literal or some
stored or calculated value.

Mathematical Functions
There are some mathematical functions as well. For the most part, the mathematical
functions won’t get a lot of use unless you’re doing something fairly specialized.

    pi() AS pi,            --  Not Oracle
    sin(radians(45)) AS sin45,  --  Not Oracle
    sqrt(2) AS root2,      --  √2
    log10(3) AS log3,
    ln(10) AS ln10,        --  Natural Logarithm
    power(4,3) AS four_cubed    --  4³
--  FROM dual                  --  Oracle
Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

--  Oracle's Trigometric functions are less convenient

        acos(-1) AS pi,
        sin(45*acos(-1)/180) AS sin45
    FROM dual;

The results look something like this:

pi sin45 root2 log3 ln10 four_cubed

3.142 0.707 1.414 0.477 2.303 64

So, now you can use SQL to find the length of a ladder leaning against a wall or the
distance between two ships lost at sea.

Approximation Functions
There are also functions which give an approximate value of a decimal number. Here is a
sample with variations between DBMSs:

    ceiling(200/7.0) AS ceiling,
--  SQLite: round(200/7.0 + 0.5),
--  Oracle: ceil(200/7.0),

    floor(200/7.0) AS floor,
--  SQLite: round(200/7.0 - 0.5),

    round(200/7.0,0) AS rounded_integer,
--  or round(200/7), --  not MSSQL
    round(200/7.0,2) AS rounded_decimal

--  FROM DUAL   -- Oracle


As you see, the functions all tend to lose precision:

ceiling floor rounded_integer rounded_decimal

29 28 29 28.57

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

If you use the cast() function to another narrow number type, you’ll also lose
precision. However, what happens next depends on the DBMS:

    cast(234.567 AS int) AS castint,
    --  cast(234.567 AS unsigned),  --  MySQL
    cast(234.567 AS decimal(5,2)) AS castdec
--  FROM dual               --  Oracle

DBMS Castint castdec

PostgreSQL 235 234.57

MariaDB/MySQL 235 234.57
Oracle 235 234.57
MSSQL 234 234.57
SQLite 234 234.567

• With PostgreSQL, Oracle, and MariaDB/MySQL, casting to an integer

or a shorter decimal will round off the number.

• With MSSQL, casting to a shorter decimal will round off the number,
but casting to an integer will truncate it. If you want the integer
truncated, you can use something like decimal(3,0).
• With SQLite, casting to an integer will truncate, while casting to a
decimal is ignored and retains the original value.

Formatting Numbers
Formatting functions change the appearance of a number. Unlike approximation and
other functions, the result of a formatting function is not a number but is a string; that’s
the only way you can change the way a number appears.
For numbers, most of what you want to do is change the number of decimal places,
display the thousands separator, and possibly currency symbols.
Again, the different DBMSs have wildly different functions. As an example, here are
some ways of formatting a number as currency with thousands separators:

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

--  PostgreSQL, Oracle
        to_char(total,'FM999G999G999D00') AS local_number,
        to_char(total,'FML999G999G999D00') AS local_currency
    FROM sales;
    SELECT to_char(total,'FM$999,999,999.00') FROM sales;

--  MariaDB/MySQL
            format(total,2) AS local_number,
            format(total,2,'de_DE') AS specific_number
    FROM sales;

        format(total,'n') AS local_number,
        format(total,'c') AS local_currency
    FROM sales;

--  SQLite
    SELECT printf('$%,d.%02d',total,round(total*100)%100)
    FROM sales;

You’ll get variations of the following:

local_number local_currency

28.00 $28.00
34.00 $34.00
58.50 $58.50
50.00 $50.00
17.50 $17.50
13.00 $13.00

~ 5549 rows ~

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

Note .

• Both PostgreSQL and Oracle have a flexible to_char() function

which can also be used to format dates.
• MariaDB/MySQL uses the format() function which adds
thousands separators and decimal places; you can also tell it to
adjust for different locales.
• MSSQL has its own format() function with its more intuitive
formatting codes; it also adjusts for locales and can be used to
format a date.
• SQLite only has a generic format(), a.k.a. printf(), function,
which will be more familiar to programmers; SQLite presumes
that you will format data in the host application such as PHP or
wherever SQLite has been embedded.

Note that if you do run a number through a formatting function, it is no longer a number!
If all you do is look at it, then that doesn’t matter. However, if you have plans to do any further
calculations, or to sort the results, then a formatted number is likely to backfire on you.
When all is said and done, formatting is probably something you won’t do much
in SQL. The main purpose of SQL is to get the data and prepare it for the next step.
Formatting comes last and is often done in other software.

String Calculations
A string is a string of characters, hence the name. In SQL, this is referred to as
character data.
Traditionally, SQL has two main data types for strings:

• Character: CHAR(length) is a fixed-length string. If you enter fewer

characters than the length, then the string will be right-padded with
spaces. This probably explains why standard SQL ignores trailing
spaces for string comparison.

• Character varying: VARCHAR(length) is a limited length string. If you

enter a shorter string, it will not be padded.
Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

In principle, CHAR() is more efficient for processing since it’s always the same length,
and the DBMS doesn’t need to worry about working out the size and making things
fixed. VARCHAR() is supposed to be more efficient for storage.
In reality, modern DBMSs are much cleverer than their ancestors, and the difference
between the two types is not very important anymore. For example, PostgreSQL
recommends always using VARCHAR since it actually handles that type more efficiently.
Most DBMSs offer a third type, TEXT, which is, in principle, unlimited in length.
Again, modern DBMSs allow longer standard strings than they used to, so again this is
not so important. Microsoft has deprecated TEXT in favor of VARCHAR(MAX) which does
the same job.
A string literal is written between single quotes:

SELECT 'hello'; --  Oracle: FROM dual;

When working with strings, you normally simply want to save them and fetch them.
However, you can process the strings themselves. This is usually one of the following

• Concatenation means joining strings together.

Concatenation is the only direct operation on strings. All other

operations make use of functions.

• Some functions will make changes to a string. They don’t actually

change the string, but return a changed version of the string.

• Some functions can be used to extract parts of a string.

• Some functions are more concerned with individual characters of

the string.

Case Sensitivity
SQL will store the upper/lower case characters as expected, but you may have a hard
time searching for them. That’s because some databases ignore case, while others don’t.
How a database handles case is a question of collation. Collation refers to how it
interprets variations of letters. In English, the only variation to worry about is upper or
lower case, but other languages may have more variations, such as accented letters in
French or German.

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

Collation will have an impact on how strings are sorted and how they compare.
In English, you’re mainly worried about whether upper case strings match lower case
strings and possibly whether upper and lower case strings are sorted together or sorted
separately. In some other languages, the same questions might apply to whether
accented and nonaccented characters match and how they, too, are sorted.
You can set a collation when you create the database or a table, but if you don’t worry
about it, the DBMS will have a default collation for new databases.
In PostgreSQL, Oracle, and SQLite, the default collation is case sensitive, so upper
and lower case won’t match. With MySQL/MariaDB and MSSQL, the default collation is
case insensitive, so they will match.
If you’re not sure whether your particular database is case sensitive or not, you can
try this simple test:

SELECT * FROM customers WHERE 'a'='A';

If the database is case sensitive, you won’t get any rows, since a won’t match A; if it’s
not, you will get the whole table.

ASCII and Unicode

Traditionally, strings are encoded using ASCII—the American Standard Code for
Information Interchange. Each character has a number from 32 to 126, stored in a
single byte. For example, A is encoded as 65, while a is encoded as 97. Special characters
include the space (32), the exclamation mark (33), and even the numerals 0–9 (48–57).
Since there are only 95 values between 32 and 126, ASCII has a limited range of
characters. Once you’ve taken up the alphabet in upper and lower case as well as the
10 digits, you’ve already used up 62 characters, which doesn’t leave much room for
punctuation or other special characters. (Why they include obscure characters such as
~ and ` remains a mystery.)
Basic ASCII certainly doesn’t have the scope to include more punctuation
characters, European accented characters, or the Greek or Cyrillic alphabets. And don’t
even think about Japanese or Chinese.
One technique for handling other languages is to switch to different variations of
ASCII. A more enduring solution is to use Unicode.
Unicode is the modern standard for handling multiple languages in a single
encoding system. It does this by using multiple bytes. How exactly this is achieved can be
tricky and will vary in different implementations, but the idea is the same.

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

Unicode is designed to include ASCII codes, so there is some compatibility between

the two. However, some Unicode implementations do take up more space than ASCII,
even when they’re encoding the same characters. Today, space is cheap, and database
software is pretty clever at using space efficiently, so that shouldn’t be too much of a
All modern DBMSs support Unicode. Some do it by default, while some expect you
to ask for it. In some cases, you can use Unicode for the whole database, for particular
tables, or for individual columns.
The sample database uses Unicode for most of the data, but may use ASCII in some
cases where the character set is deliberately limited, such as for phone numbers which
are stored as strings.

Some DBMSs support NCHAR and NVARCHAR data types in addition to CHAR and
VARCHAR. If the database tables are set to use Unicode, then CHAR and VARCHAR
will do the job. Otherwise, you might use NCHAR and NVARCHAR to specify Unicode
on particular columns.

Concatenation means joining strings together. This is the simplest string operation and
the only one which can be done without a function.
The concatenation operator is usually ||. Microsoft SQL Server uses + instead. For

    givenname||' '||familyname AS fullname
    --  givenname+' '+familyname AS fullname    --  MSSQL
FROM customers;

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

That will give you something like

Id fullname

42 May Knott
459 Rick Shaw
597 Ike Andy
186 Pat Downe
352 Basil Isk
576 Pearl Divers

~ 303 rows ~

Note that MySQL in traditional mode doesn’t support the concatenation operator in
any form. In ANSI mode, it supports the standard || operator.
Many DBMSs also support a non-standard function concat(string,string,...).
For example:

--  Not SQLite
        concat(givenname,' ',familyname) AS fullname
    FROM customers;

This is not supported in SQLite. However, it is supported in MySQL, so that’s how

you concatenate strings in traditional mode.
For most DBMSs, there is a subtle but important difference between the concat()
function and the concatenation operator. With the concatenation operator, if there is a
NULL in the mix, the result will (naturally) also be NULL. However, the concat() function
will automatically coalesce a NULL result to an empty string (''). This may or may not be
convenient, as sometimes the NULL is something you should know about.
Oracle, however, takes a different approach. They regard a NULL string as the same as
an empty string '', so concatenating a NULL either way is the same as concatenating an
empty string. On one hand, this is convenient if you don’t want to have to coalesce; on
the other hand, there are times when you need NULL to be NULL, so this can be awkward.

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

String Functions
Other operations with strings require functions. Here are some examples.

For the following examples, we’ve included SELECT * for context—except that in
Oracle you need to write SELECT table.* if you’re mixing it with other data, so
we’ve done that with all of the examples which include Oracle.

The length of a string is the number of characters in the string. To find the length,
you can use

--  PostgreSQL, MySQL/MariaDB, SQLite, Oracle

    SELECT customers.*, length(familyname) AS len
    FROM customers;
    SELECT *, len(familyname) AS len FROM customers;

To find where part of a string is, you can use the following:

--  MySQL/MariaDB, SQLite, Oracle: INSTR('values',value)

    SELECT books.*, instr(title,' ') AS space FROM books;

--  PostgreSQL: POSITION(value IN 'values')

    SELECT *, position(' ' in title) AS space FROM books;

--  MSSQL: CHARINDEX(value, 'values')

    SELECT *, charindex(' ',title) AS space FROM books;

You can use replace to replace substrings in a string:

--  replace(original,search,replace)
    SELECT books.*, replace(title,' ','-') AS hyphens
    FROM books;

To change between upper and lower case, there is

--  PostgreSQL, MySQL/MariaDB, SQLite, Oracle, MSSQL

        upper(title) AS upper,

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

        lower(title) AS lower
    FROM books;

--  PostgreSQL, Oracle
    SELECT books.*, initcap(title) AS lower FROM books;

To remove extra spaces at the beginning or the end of a string, you can use trim() to
remove from both ends, or ltrim() or rtrim() to remove from the beginning or end of
the string:

WITH vars AS (
    SELECT ' abcdefghijklmnop ' AS string
    --  FROM dual   --  Oracle
    ltrim(string) AS ltrim,
    rtrim(string) AS rtrim,
    trim(string) AS trim AS trim,
    ltrim(rtrim(string)) AS same
FROM vars;

All modern DBMSs support trim(), but MSSQL didn’t until version 2017.
PostgreSQL also calls it btrim(). You may not notice when the spaces on the right are
You can get substring with substring() or substr(), depending on your DBMS:

WITH vars AS (
    SELECT 'abcdefghijklmnop' AS string
    FROM dual   --  Oracle
--  PostgreSQL, MariaDB/MySQL, Oracle, SQLite
    substr(string,3,5) AS substr,
--  PostgreSQL, MariaDB/MySQL, MSSQL, SQLite
    substring('abcdefghijklmnop',3,5) AS substring
FROM vars;

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

Some DBMSs include specialized functions to get the first or last part of a string. In
some cases, you can use a negative start to get the last part of a string:

WITH vars AS (
    SELECT 'abcdefghijklmnop' AS string
    FROM dual   --  Oracle
--  Left
    --  PostgreSQL, MariaDB/MySQL, MSSQL:
        left('abcdefghijklmnop',4) AS lstring
    --  All DBMSs including SQLITE and Oracle:
    --  substr(string,1,n) AS lstring,
--  Right
    --  PostgreSQL, MariaDB/MySQL, MSSQL:
        right('abcdefghijklmnop',4) AS rstring
    --  MariaDB/MySQL, Oracle, SQLite
    --  substr('abcdefghijklmnop',-4) AS rstring
FROM vars;

Just note that if you spend a lot of time extracting substrings from your data, it’s
possible that you’re trying to store too much in a single value.
On the other hand, you can often use substrings to reformat raw data into something
more friendly.

Date Operations
From an SQL point of view, dates are problematic. That’s because, despite their
overwhelming presence in daily life, measuring dates is a mess.
One problem is that we measure dates using a number of incompatible cycles all
at the same time: the day, week, month, and year. To make things worse, we all live in
different time zones, so we can’t even agree on what time it is.
Most DBMSs have a number of related data types to manage dates, specifically the
date which is for dates with times and datetime which includes the time. Generally, you
can expect variations on these types, as well as the ability to include time zones.

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

The exception is SQLite, which expects you to use numbers or strings and run the
values through a few functions to do the date arithmetic.
There are a number of things you would expect to do with dates and times:
1. Enter and store a date/time

2. Get the current date/time

3. Group and sort by date/time

4. Extract parts of the date/time

5. Add to a date/time

6. Calculate the difference between two dates/times

7. Format a date/time

SQLite has a completely different approach to working with dates. That’s partly
because it doesn’t actually support dates. As a result, SQLite will be missing from
much of the following discussion. The Appendix has some information on handling
dates in SQLite.

Entering and Storing a Date/Time

Since most DBMSs have their own way of storing a date/time, the actual details of date
storage are not important. What is important is that you can enter the data.
In a table, a date or datetime column is usually defined as follows:

DBMS Date Date with time



Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

The normal way to enter a date or datetime literal is to use one of the following:

• date: '2013-02-15'

• datetime: '2013-02-15 09:20:00'

You can also omit the seconds or include decimal parts of a second.
The format is a variation of the ISO8601 format. In pure ISO8601 format, the time
would be written after a T instead of a space.
Note that with Oracle, datetime literals generally use a different format. To use the
preceding formats, prefix the literal with date or datetime, respectively:

• date: date '2013-02-15'

• datetime: datetime '2013-02-15 09:20:00'

In PostgreSQL, MSSQL, and MySQL/MariaDB, you can often enter another

readable date format such as '15 Feb 2013'. However, you should never use the format
'2/3/2013' which has different meanings internationally.
In practical terms, just stick to the standard format:

FROM customers
WHERE dob<'1980-01-01'; --  Oracle dob<date '1980-01-01';

which gives you older customers:

id givenname familyname … dob …

459 Rick Shaw … 1945-07-03 …

352 Basil Isk … 1960-01-13 …
92 Nan Keen … 1943-05-18 …
267 Boris Todeath … 1969-10-06 …
91 June North … 1967-03-22 …
543 Nat Ering … 1946-04-30 …

~ 133 rows ~

Note that in simple expressions like dob<'1980-01-01', SQL doesn’t get confused
about whether the expression is a date or a string: the context makes it clear.

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

Getting the Current Date/Time

One thing you will want to do is compare a date/time to now. In most DBMSs, you can use

    current_timestamp AS now,
    current_date AS today       --  Not MSSQL
--  FROM dual   --  Oracles

Note .

• MSSQL also has getdate() as a synonym for current_

timestamp. Despite the name, it gives not just the date.
• MariaDB/MySQL also has now() as a synonym for current_
• Oracle also has systemtimestamp and systemdate for date/
time on the database server rather than on the client.

As noted earlier, MSSQL doesn’t have a version of current_date. In any case, you
may have an existing datetime which you want to simplify to a date. The simplest way is
to cast the datetime:

--  Not Oracle
        current_timestamp AS now,
        cast(current_timestamp as date) AS today
    --  FROM dual   --  Oracle

This won’t quite work with Oracle; it will let you do the cast all right, but it doesn’t
change anything. Instead, you should use the trunc() function:

--  Oracle
        current_timestamp AS now,

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

        trunc(current_timestamp) AS today
    FROM dual   --  Oracle

This will still have a time component, but it’s set to 00:00.

Grouping and Sorting by Date/Time

You can sort by date/time as with any other data type. The result will be in historical order:

FROM sales
ORDER BY ordered;

Of course, you can also use DESC.

You can also group by date, but you probably wouldn’t want to group by datetime,
unless you have a huge number of transactions per second. For a datetime, you might use
a Common Table Expression to cast it to a date and then group the results. For example:

WITH cte AS (
        cast(ordered as date) AS ordered, total  --  Not Oracle
        --  trunc(ordered) AS ordered, total     --  Oracle
    FROM sales
SELECT ordered, sum(total)
FROM cte
GROUP BY ordered
ORDER BY ordered;

This gives you the following summary:

ordered sum

2022-05-04 43.00
2022-05-05 150.50
2022-05-06 110.50
2022-05-07 142.00

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

ordered sum

2022-05-08 214.50
2022-05-09 16.50

~ 389 rows ~

Remember, in Oracle you need to use the trunc() function.

Extracting Parts of a Date/Time

Technically, a datetime represents a point in time. Practically, we tend to think in terms
of components such as days and years. The situation is complicated by the fact that (a)
the components are not in step with each other and (b) some of them vary in size.

Date Extracting in PostgreSQL, MariaDB/MySQL, and Oracle

The standard method of extracting part of a date is to use the extract() function. This
function takes the form

extract(part from datetime)

You can see the extract() function in action:

WITH chelyabinsk AS (
        timestamp '2013-02-15 09:20:00' AS datetime
    FROM dual
    EXTRACT(year FROM datetime) AS year,
    EXTRACT(month FROM datetime) AS month,
    EXTRACT(day FROM datetime) AS day,
    --  not Oracle or MariaDB/MySQL:
        EXTRACT(dow FROM datetime) AS weekday,
    EXTRACT(hour FROM datetime) AS hour,

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

    EXTRACT(minute FROM datetime) AS minute,

    EXTRACT(second FROM datetime) AS second
FROM chelyabinsk;

You get the following components:

datetime year month day weekday hour minute second

2013-02-15 09:20:00 2013 2 15 5 9 20 0

Note that Oracle and MariaDB/MySQL don’t have a direct way of extracting the day
of the week, which can be a problem if, say, you want to use it for grouping. However, as
you will see later, you can use a formatting function to get the day of the week, as well as
the preceding values.
PostgreSQL also includes a function called date_part('part',datetime) as an
alternative to the preceding function.

Date Extracting in Microsoft SQL

Microsoft SQL has two main functions to extract part of a date:

• datepart(part,datetime) extracts the part of a date/time as

a number.

• datename(part,datetime) extracts the part of a date/time as a

string. For most parts, such as the year, it’s simply a string version of
the datepart number. However, for the weekday and the month, it’s
actually the human-friendly name.

You can see these two functions in action:

WITH chelyabinsk AS (
    SELECT cast('2013-02-15 09:20' as datetime) AS datetime
    datepart(year, datetime) AS year,    --  aka year()
    datename(year, datetime) AS yearstring,
    datepart(month, datetime) AS month,  --  aka month()
    datename(month, datetime) AS monthname,
    datepart(day, datetime) AS day,      --  aka day()
Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

    datepart(weekday, datetime) AS weekday, --  Sunday=1

    datename(weekday, datetime) AS weekdayname,
    datepart(hour, datetime) AS hour,
    datepart(minute, datetime) AS minute,
    datepart(second, datetime) AS second
FROM chelyabinsk;

Note .

• datename(date,year) just gives a string version of 2013.

• There are three short functions—day(), month(), and year()—
which are synonyms of datepart().

Formatting a Date
As with numbers, formatting a date generates a string.
For both PostgreSQL and Oracle, you can use the to_char function. Here are two
useful formats:

--  PostgreSQL
    WITH vars AS (SELECT timestamp '1969-07-20 20:17:40' AS moonshot)
        to_char(moonshot,'FMDay, DDth FMMonth YYYY') AS fulldate,
        to_char(moonshot,'Dy DD Mon YYYY') AS shortdate
    FROM vars;

--  Oracle
    WITH vars AS (
        SELECT timestamp '1969-07-20 20:17:40' AS moonshot FROM dual
        to_char(moonshot,'FMDay, ddth Month YYYY') AS fulldate,
        to_char(moonshot,'Dy DD Mon YYYY') AS shortdate
    FROM vars;
Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

You’ll get something like this:

moonshot full short

1969-07-20 20:17:40 Sunday, 20th July 1969 Sun 20 Jul 1969

You’ll notice that there is a slight difference in the format codes between PostgreSQL
and Oracle.
For MariaDB/MySQL, there is the date_format() function:

WITH vars AS (SELECT timestamp '1969-07-20 20:17:40' AS moonshot)

    date_format(moonshot,'%W, %D %M %Y') AS fulldate,
    date_format(moonshot,'%a %d %b %Y') AS shortdate
FROM vars;

For Microsoft SQL, the format() function can also be used for dates:

WITH vars AS (SELECT cast('1969-07-20 20:17:40' AS datetime) AS moonshot)

    format(moonshot,'dddd, d MMMM yyy') AS fulldate,
    format(moonshot,'ddd d MMM yyy') AS shortdate
FROM vars;

SQLite has very limited formatting functionality, and you certainly can’t get month
or weekday names without some additional trickery. It’s usually better to leave the date
alone and let the host application do what is needed.
You can learn more about the format codes at

• PostgreSQL: www.postgresql.org/docs/current/functions-

• Oracle: https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/oracle/oracle-

• MariaDB: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/date_format/
• MySQL: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/date-and-

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

• Microsoft SQL: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/


Date Arithmetic
Generally, the two things you want to do with dates are

• Modify a date by adding or subtracting an interval

• Find the difference between two dates

To modify a date, you can add or subtract an interval. Some DBMSs define a type of
data called interval for the purpose. For example, to add four months to now, you can use

--  PostgreSQL
        date '2015-10-31' + interval '4 months' AS afterthen,
        current_timestamp + interval '4 months' AS afternow,
        current_timestamp + interval '4' month  --  also OK    ;

--  Oracle
        add_months('31 Oct 2015',4) AS afterthen,
        current_timestamp + interval '4' month AS afternow,
        add_months(current_timestamp,4) --  also OK
    FROM dual;

--  MariaDB/MySQL
        date_add('2015-10-31',interval 4 month) AS afterthen,
        date_add(current_timestamp,interval 4 month)
            AS afternow,
        current_timestamp + interval '4' month  --  also OK

This gives you something like this:

afterthen Afternow

2016-02-29 00:00:00 2023-10-01 16:01:13.691447+11

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

You’ll notice that PostgreSQL and Oracle use the addition operator, while MariaDB/
MySQL uses a special function. Oracle also has a special function to add months.
For Microsoft SQL, you use dateadd, specifying the units and number of units:

        dateadd(month,4,'2015-10-31') AS afterthen,
        dateadd(month,4,current_timestamp) AS afternow

SQLite uses the strftime() function to convert from a string, together with
modifiers to adjust the date:

--  SQLite
        strftime('%Y-%m-%d','2015-10-31','+4 month')
            AS afterthen,
        strftime('%Y-%m-%d','now','+4 month') AS afternow

The other thing you’ll want to do is calculate the difference between two dates. Here
again, every DBMS does it differently. For example, to find the age of your customers,
you can use

--  PostgreSQL
        age(dob) AS interval,
        date_part('year',age(dob)) AS years,
        extract(year from age(dob)) AS samething
    FROM customers;

--  MariaDB/MySQL
        timestampdiff(year,dob,current_timestamp) AS age
    FROM customers;

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

--  MSSQL, but not quite!

        datediff(year,dob,current_timestamp) AS age
    FROM customers;

--  Oracle
            AS age
    FROM customers;
--  SQLite
            strftime('%Y.%m%d', 'now')
            - strftime('%Y.%m%d', dob)
        as int) AS age
    FROM customers;

For PostgreSQL, you’ll get the following results. The other DBMSs won’t have the
age column:

dob interval Years samething

[NULL] [NULL] 0 0
1945-07-03 77 years 10 mons 29 days 77 77
1998-08-09 24 years 9 mons 23 days 24 24
1990-04-12 33 years 1 mon 19 days 33 33
1960-01-13 63 years 4 mons 19 days 63 63
[NULL] [NULL] 0 0

~ 303 rows ~

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

Of the preceding calculations, MSSQL has a simple function which is too simple. All
it does is calculate the difference between the years, which is way out if the date of birth
is at the end of the year but the asking date is at the beginning of the year. To get a more
correct result takes a lot more work.

The CASE Expression

There are times when a simple expression won’t do, and you need SQL to make some
choices. The CASE ... END expression can be used to choose from alternative values.
For example, you can create categories from other values:

        WHEN price<13 THEN 'cheap'
        WHEN price<=17 THEN 'reasonable'
        WHEN price>17 THEN 'expensive'
        --  ELSE NULL
    END AS price
FROM books;

You get a simple price listing:

id Title price

2094 The Manuscript Found in expensive

336 The Story of My Life reasonable
1868 The Tenant of Wildfell Hall [NULL]
375 Dead Souls reasonable
1180 Fables cheap
990 The History of Pendennis: cheap
His Fortun …

~ 1200 rows ~

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

Note that if all conditions fail, then the result will be NULL, which is commented out
earlier. If you want an alternative to NULL, use the ELSE expression:

        WHEN price<13 THEN 'cheap'
        WHEN price<=17 THEN 'reasonable'
        WHEN price>17 THEN 'expensive'
        ELSE ''
    END AS price
FROM books;

Also, note that the CASE expression is short-circuited: once it finds a match, it stops

Various Uses of CASE

There is a simplified variation of CASE for when you are testing a simple discrete value.
For example:

    givenname||' '||familyname AS name,
    --  givenname+' '+familyname AS name, --  MSSQL
    CASE status
        WHEN 1 THEN 'Gold'
        WHEN 2 THEN 'Silver'
        WHEN 3 THEN 'Bronze'
    CASE AS status
FROM customers AS c LEFT JOIN VIP ON c.id=vip.id;
--  Oracle:
--  FROM customers c LEFT JOIN VIP ON c.id=vip.id;

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

This gives you

id Name status

69 Rudi Mentary [NULL]

182 June Hills Bronze
43 Annie Day [NULL]
263 Mark Time Bronze
266 Vic Tory Silver
68 Phyllis Stein [NULL]
442 Herb Garden Gold
33 Eileen Dover [NULL]

~ 303 rows ~

This form isn’t much shorter, but it makes the intention clear.
You can also use the IN expression:

    id, givenname, familyname,
        WHEN state IN('QLD','NSW','VIC','TAS') THEN 'East'
        WHEN state IN ('NT','SA') THEN 'Central'
        ELSE 'Elsewhere'
    END AS region
FROM customerdetails;

which gives you

id Givenname familyname region

137 Albert Ross East

359 Gail Warning Central
40 Cliff Face East
151 Rick O’Shea East

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

id Givenname familyname region

96 Rob Blind Elsewhere

465 Mary Christmas Elsewhere

~ 303 rows ~

Coalesce Is like a Special Case of CASE

There’s some similarity between using coalesce() and CASE. You can think of CASE as an
alternative to coalesce:

    id, givenname, familyname,
    coalesce(phone,'-') AS coalesced,
        WHEN phone IS NOT NULL THEN phone
        ELSE '-'
    END AS cased
FROM customers;

The two expressions will give the same results:

id givenname familyname coalesced cased

42 May Knott 0255509371 0255509371

459 Rick Shaw 0370101040 0370101040
597 Ike Andy - -
186 Pat Downe 0870105900 0870105900
352 Basil Isk 0255502503 0255502503
576 Pearl Divers 0370107821 0370107821

~ 303 rows ~

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

It’s not necessarily a convenient alternative, of course, but it helps to appreciate the
overlapping use of the two. It’s particularly useful with Oracle, where you can happily
concatenate a NULL without ending up with a NULL, so it’s hard to coalesce otherwise.

Nested CASE Expression

CASE can also be nested with additional CASEs. This is useful when there are possibilities
within possibilities.
For example, the sales table has the date and time when the order was placed and
the date when (or if ) the order was shipped.
We can use CASE to generate a status for these dates. For example, using the shipped
date and ordered date, you can set up the following criteria:

• Shipped: Compare shipped to ordered

• 14 days ⇒ Shipped Late

• Else Shipped

• Not Shipped: Compare Today to ordered

• < 7 days ⇒ Current

• < 14 days ⇒ Due

• Else Overdue

Before we get going, however, note that some sales have no ordered value:

SELECT * FROM sales;

That might be, for example, if the customer never checked out the order. We
probably should get rid of them, but, for now, we’ll just filter them out:


The first thing you’ll have to do is to calculate the difference between dates. This
varies between DBMSs:

--  PostgreSQL, MariaDB / MySQL, Oracle

        id, customerid, total,
        cast(ordered as date) AS ordered, shipped,

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

        current_date - cast(ordered as date) AS ordered_age,

        shipped - cast(ordered as date) AS shipped_age
    FROM sales
    WHERE ordered IS NOT NULL;
        id, customerid, total,
        cast(ordered as date) AS ordered, shipped,
        datediff(day,ordered,current_timestamp) AS ordered_age,
        datediff(day,ordered,shipped) AS shipped_age
    FROM sales
    WHERE ordered IS NOT NULL;
--  SQLite
        julianday('now')-julianday(ordered) AS ordered_age,
        julianday(shipped)-julianday(ordered) AS shipped_age
    FROM sales
    WHERE ordered IS NOT NULL;

You’ll get the following:

id customerid total ordered shipped ordered_age shipped_age

39 28 28.00 2022-05-15 2022-05-23 382 8

40 27 34.00 2022-05-16 2022-05-24 381 8
42 1 58.50 2022-05-16 2022-05-22 381 6
43 26 50.00 2022-05-16 [NULL] 381 [NULL]
45 26 17.50 2022-05-16 2022-05-28 381 12
668 105 15.00 2022-07-27 [NULL] 309 [NULL]

~ 5295 rows ~

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

Note that with SQLite, the simplest way to get an age is to convert dates to a Julian
date, which is the number of days since Noon, 24 November 4714 BC. Long story.
You know by now that you can’t use the calculated values in other parts of the
SELECT clause, so that’s awkward if you need them. You can, however, do the query in
two steps.
If you put the preceding query in a Common Table Expression, you can then use the
results in the main query.
First, you need to distinguish between those which have been shipped and those
which haven’t:

WITH salesdata AS (
    --  one of the above queries WITHOUT the semicolon
        WHEN shipped IS NOT NULL THEN
            --  One of two statuses
            --  One of three statuses
    END AS status
FROM salesdata;

The statuses in each case are additional CASE expressions:

WITH salesdata AS (
    --  one of the above queries WITHOUT the semicolon
        WHEN shipped IS NOT NULL THEN
                WHEN shipped_age>14 THEN 'Shipped Late'
                ELSE 'Shipped'

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

                WHEN ordered_age<7 THEN 'Current'
                WHEN ordered_age<14 THEN 'Due'
                ELSE 'Overdue'
    END AS status
FROM salesdata;

This will give you something like

id cid total ordered shipped ordered_age shipped_age status

39 28 28.00 2022-05-15 2022-05-23 382 8 Shipped

40 27 34.00 2022-05-16 2022-05-24 381 8 Shipped
42 1 58.50 2022-05-16 2022-05-22 381 6 Shipped
43 26 50.00 2022-05-16 [NULL] 381 [NULL] Overdue
45 26 17.50 2022-05-16 2022-05-28 381 12 Shipped
668 105 15.00 2022-07-27 [NULL] 309 [NULL] Overdue

~ 5295 rows ~

Data in an SQL table should be stored in its purest, simplest form. However, this data can
be recalculated to increase its usefulness.
Calculations can take a number of forms:

• Based on single columns

• Based on multiple columns

• Hard-coded literal values

• Results of a subquery

• Calculated from a function

Calculations can also be used in the WHERE and ORDER BY clause.

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

All calculated values should be renamed with an alias. The word AS is optional, but is
recommended to reduce confusion.
You can also alias noncalculated columns if the new name makes more sense.
Aliases are given in the SELECT clause, which is evaluated last before ORDER BY. For
most DBMSs, this means that you can’t use the alias in any other clause but the

A table may, of course, include NULLs in various places. As a rule, a NULL will wipe out any
calculation, leaving NULL in its wake.
You can bypass NULLs with the coalesce() function which replaces NULL with an
alternative value. You might also use a CASE ... END expression.

Casting Types
SQL works with three main data types:

• Numbers

• Dates and times

• Strings

You may need to change the data type. This is done with the cast() function.
When you cast within a major type, the effect is to change the precision or size of
the type.
When you cast between major types, it is usually for compatibility. While casting to
a string is usually possible and often automatic, casting from a string may not always
succeed. Different DBMSs have different reactions to an unsuccessful cast.

Calculating with Numbers

You can perform basic arithmetic on all number types. Different DBMSs have various
attitudes to working with integers.

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

SQL will include various functions to work with numbers, including

• Mathematical functions

• Approximation functions

There are also formatting functions which generate a formatted result as a string.

Calculating with Strings

Strings may be stored in various ways. Typically, a string uses ASCII or Unicode. String
operations may or may not be case sensitive, depending on the collation of the database.
The basic simple operation with strings is concatenation. There is usually a simple
operator to do this.
Other string operations involve string functions.

Calculating with Dates

Note that SQLite doesn’t have a date data type. It does include some functions to convert
strings or numbers to dates.
With dates, the following operations are common:

• Entering and storing a date and time

• Getting the current date and time

• Extracting part of the date or time

• Formatting a date

• Some simple arithmetic, such as the difference between dates and

times, and modifying a date and time

The CASE Expression

The CASE expression allows you to choose from a number of alternative values. The case
expression can be used to simplify values, as well as to group them.
There is a simple form of the CASE expression which can be used for discrete values.
CASE expressions can also be nested for more complex expressions.

Chapter 4 Working with Calculated Data

Coming Up
Now that we’ve worked with table data, we can now start looking at analyzing it.
The next chapter will look at summarizing data with aggregate functions and
grouping. We’ll cover how data is aggregated in SQL, the basic aggregate functions, and
summarizing into one or more groups.
We’ll also look at combining aggregates at various levels, as well as some basic
statistics on numerical data.


Aggregating Data
Databases store data. That’s obvious, but the data itself is pretty inert—you save it, you
retrieve it, and you sometimes change it. That’s OK for some things, but sometimes you
want the data to work a little harder.
You can put the data to work when you start to summarize it. You can then see
trends, see where it’s going, or just get an overview of the data.
Aggregate functions are used to calculate summaries of data. They have three

• Summarize the whole table.

• Summarize in groups, using GROUP BY.

• Include summaries row by row. This is done with window functions,

using the OVER clause.

You’ll learn about window functions in Chapter 8. In this chapter, we look at how to
calculate summaries, either wholly or in groups, using SQL’s built-in aggregate functions.

The Basic Aggregate Functions

You’ve no doubt already had some experience with aggregate functions. The aggregate
functions are basically statistical in nature and include

• count

Count the number of values in a column, regardless of what the

actual value is. As a special case, count(*) counts the number of
rows in a table.

• sum and avg

© Mark Simon 2023
M. Simon, Leveling Up with SQL, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-9685-1_5
Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

Add or average the values in a column. Of course, you can only do

this if the column is numeric.

• max and min

Find the maximum or minimum value in a column. In case the

interpretation is unclear, they find the first and last values you’d
get if you used ORDER BY, except, of course, for the NULLS, which
are always ignored.

• stddev, stddev_samp, stddev_pop (PostgreSQL, MySQL/MariaDB,

Oracle) or stdev, stdevp (MSSQL)

Find the standard deviation of the column values. This is either

the population or sample standard deviation. Again, this only
works with numeric columns.

The actual name (and spelling) tends to vary slightly between

DBMS. PostgreSQL treats stddev as a synonym for stddev_samp.
MySQL/MariaDB treats it as a synonym for stddev_pop. Oracle
treats it as a variation of stddev_samp.

There are various other aggregate functions, depending on the DBMS, but the
preceding ones are fairly typical.
For example:

--  Book Data
    --  Count Rows:
        count(*) AS nbooks,
    --  Count Values in a column:
        count(price) AS prices,
    --  Cheapest & Most Expensive
        min(price) AS cheapest, max(price) AS priciest
    FROM books;

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

You get results like these:

nbooks prices cheapest priciest

1201 1096 10 20

Or for numerical statistics:

--  Customer Data
    --  Count Rows:
        count(*) AS ncustomers,
    --  Count Values in a column:
        count(phone) AS phones,
    --  Height Statistics
        stddev_samp(height) AS sd   --  MSSQL: stdev(height)
     FROM customers;

You get results like these:

ncustomers phones sd

303 286 6.992

All of these functions are applicable to numbers, but only the following may be used
for other data, such as strings and dates:

• count

• max and min

For example:

--  Count Values in a column:
    count(dob) AS dobs,
--  Earliest & Latest
    min(dob) AS earliest, max(dob) AS latest
FROM customers;

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

gives you

Dobs earliest latest

239 1943-05-18 2003-01-27

We’ve been a little bit relaxed in the preceding descriptions. In particular

• A table may be a virtual table, such as a view, a join, or a common

table expression.

• Any table with a WHERE clause will be filtered before the aggregates are

• By value, we definitely don’t include NULL. That’s particularly

apparent when you find that count() ignores NULLs and that avg() is
divided by the non-NULL values.

• These functions apply to either the whole table or groups of rows.

Aggregate functions do not include NULLs. The only time this is not obvious is when
using the sum function. However, it is significant to note that

• count(column) will only count the non-NULL values in the column, so

you may get fewer than the total number of rows.

• avg(column) will also ignore the NULL values, so the average is

divided only by the number of values, not necessarily the number
of rows.

To put it another way, there is a world of difference between NULL on one hand and 0
or '' on the other.
We’ll take advantage of this fact when we look at aggregate filters later.

Understanding Aggregates
Using aggregates sometimes runs into a few problems and seems to have a few quirky
rules. It all makes more sense if you understand how aggregates really work.

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

When you aggregate data, the original data is effectively transformed into a new
virtual table, with summaries for one or more groups.
For example, the query

    count(*) AS rows,
    count(phone) AS phones
FROM customers;

can be regarded as

    count(*) AS rows,
    count(phone) AS phones
FROM customers
GROUP BY () --  PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Oracle only

Note that the clause GROUP BY () doesn’t work for all DBMSs, such as MariaDB/
MySQL or SQLite. That doesn’t matter, since the grouping is happening anyway.
The thing is, with or without the GROUP BY () clause, SQL will generate the virtual
summary table as soon as it finds an aggregate function in the query.
In the preceding example, the data is summarized into a single virtual summary
table of one row. In turn, this virtual table has grand totals for every column as in
Figure 5-1.

Figure 5-1. Picturing GROUP BY ()

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

This is why you can’t include individual row data with an aggregate query. For
example, this won’t work:

    id,                     --  oops
    count(*) AS rows,
    count(phone) AS phones
FROM customers;

You’ll get an error message basically telling you that you can’t use the id in
the query.

Note that in MariaDB/MySQL in traditional mode, you can indeed run this statement
successfully. However, the DBMS will pick the first id it can find, and that really
has no meaningful value. It’s mainly useful if you can be sure that all of the
non-aggregate values are the same.

When you include a more meaningful GROUP BY clause, the result is similar,
except that

• There is now one summary row for each group.

• There is also an additional column for each grouping column.

It looks something like Figure 5-2.

Figure 5-2. GROUP BY Something

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

For example:

    town, state,                --  grouping columns
    count(phone) AS phones, --  summaries for each group:
    min(dob) AS oldest
FROM customerdetails
GROUP BY town, state;

You’ll get something like this:

town State phones oldest

[NULL] [NULL] 24 1946-04-30

The Gap QLD 5 1998-04-22
Lilydale TAS 3 1945-08-31
Guildford WA 3 1985-10-06
Kingston VIC 2 1947-09-29
Reedy Creek NSW 6 1960-12-30

~ 92 rows ~

(You may get a group of NULLs either at the beginning or the end, because we haven’t
filtered out the NULL addresses.)
In the overall scheme of things, the (virtual) GROUP BY clause appears after the FROM
and possibly WHERE clauses and is evaluated at that point:

FROM ...

As usual, SELECT is evaluated last before ORDER BY, even though it is written first, as
in Figure 5-3.

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

Figure 5-3. Clause Order

SQL neither knows nor cares about the actual meaning of the data, so there are no
checks over whether you should apply these aggregate functions to particular columns.

Aggregating Some of the Values

In some cases, you may wish to aggregate only some of the values in a column. Here,
we’ll look at aggregating distinct values and then at filtering which values to aggregate.

Distinct Values
Most aggregate functions can be applied to distinct values, but it is probably statistically
invalid. However, it can be meaningful if you count distinct values, such as in the
following example:

    count(state) AS addresses,
    count(DISTINCT state) AS states
FROM customerdetails;

This will count how many distinct states are in the customer details. That’s not to say
that you can’t count the state column anyway, as it indicates the number of rows which
have any address information at all:

Addresses states

278 8

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

Be careful, though. It’s possible that the column doesn’t give the whole picture. For
example, if you try

SELECT count(DISTINCT town) FROM customerdetails;

you’d get a result, but it might be open to misinterpretation. What you’re getting is
distinct town names, but many of these town names appear in more than one state. You
shouldn’t interpret this as meaning distinct towns.
As for the other aggregate functions, generally, it is meaningless to apply any other
statistical calculation to only one of each sample.

Aggregate Filter
Normally, aggregate functions apply to the whole table or to the whole group. For
example, count(*) will count all the rows in the table or group.
A relatively new feature allows you to apply an aggregate function to some of the
rows. This can be applied multiple times in the query.
For example, the following will count all the customers in the customers table:

SELECT count(*) FROM customers;

Suppose you want to separate the customers into the younger and older customers.
You might instinctively try something like this:

--  Don't bother trying this:

        count(dob<'1980-01-01') AS older,
        count(dob>='1980-01-01') AS younger
    FROM customers;

If the preceding query doesn’t produce an error, it is likely to be misinterpreted.

SQL does provide a working way of filtering what you want to filter. You can enter the

--  PostgreSQL:
        count(*) FILTER (WHERE dob<'1980-01-01') AS older,
        count(*) FILTER (WHERE dob>='1980-01-01') AS younger
    FROM customers;

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

You get something like this:

Older younger

133 106

Unfortunately, this is not well supported (currently, it is only supported in

PostgreSQL). However, the following alternative will do the same:

    count(CASE WHEN dob<'1980-01-01' THEN 1 END) AS old,
    count(CASE WHEN dob>='1980-01-01' THEN 1 END) AS young
FROM customers;

This uses the CASE expression to separate the dob values. They will either be 1 or
NULL, and the count() function counts only the 1s.
You can also use this technique with other aggregate functions. For example:

--  New Standard
        sum(total) FILTER (WHERE ordered <'...') AS older,
        sum(total) FILTER (WHERE ordered>='...') AS newer
    FROM sales;

--  Alternative
        sum(CASE WHEN ordered<'...' THEN total END) AS older,
        sum(CASE WHEN ordered<'...' THEN total END) AS older,
        sum(CASE WHEN ordered>='...' THEN total END) AS newer
    FROM sales;

Here, the value is either total or NULL, and sum() politely ignores the NULLs.

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

Sum older newer

342836.22 162045 164873.22

If you’re interested in filtering for different categories, however, you might get more
of what you want with grouping.

Grouping by Calculated Values

The preceding technique separates different groups horizontally—that is, each value is
in the same row. You can also separate these derived groups vertically. This is achieved
by using the GROUP BY clause.
You will be familiar with using GROUP BY with simple column values:

SELECT state, count(*)

FROM customerdetails
GROUP BY state;

You can also group by a derived value. For example, you can group your customers
by their month of birth:

--  PostgreSQL, Oracle
    SELECT EXTRACT(month FROM dob) as monthnumber,
        count(*) AS howmany
    FROM customerdetails
    GROUP BY EXTRACT(month FROM dob)
    ORDER BY monthnumber;

    SELECT month(dob) AS monthnumber, count(*) AS howmany
    FROM customerdetails
    GROUP BY month(dob)
    ORDER BY monthnumber;

--  MySQL / MariaDB
    SELECT month(dob) AS monthnumber, count(*) AS howmany
    FROM customerdetails

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

    GROUP BY month(dob)
    ORDER BY monthnumber;

--  SQLite
    SELECT strftime('%m',dob) as monthnumber,
        count(*) AS howmany
    FROM customerdetails
    GROUP BY strftime('%m',dob)
    ORDER BY monthnumber;

In this example, the month number is called monthnumber, which is also used to sort
the results.

Monthnumber howmany

1 19
2 14
3 17
4 23
5 24
6 15
7 27
8 18
9 18
10 24
11 17
12 23
[NULL] 64

Note that the calculation appears twice, once in the SELECT clause and once in the
GROUP BY clause. This is because the SELECT is evaluated after GROUP BY, so, alas, its alias
is not yet available to GROUP BY.
This is not a real problem, as the SQL optimizer will happily reuse the calculation, so
it’s not really doing it twice.

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

Unfortunately, the month number isn’t very friendly, so we could use the month name.
However, inconveniently, the month name is in the wrong sort order, so we will need both:

--  Not SQLite

--  PostgreSQL, Oracle
    SELECT EXTRACT(month FROM dob) as monthnumber,
        to_char(dob,'Month') AS monthname,
        count(*) AS howmany
    FROM customerdetails
    GROUP BY EXTRACT(month FROM dob), to_char(dob,'Month')
    ORDER BY monthnumber;

    SELECT month(dob) AS monthnumber,
        datename(month,dob) AS monthname, count(*) AS howmany
    FROM customerdetails
    GROUP BY month(dob), datename(month,dob)
    ORDER BY monthnumber;

--  MySQL / MariaDB
    SELECT month(dob) AS monthnumber,
        monthname(dob) AS monthname, count(*) AS howmany
    FROM customerdetails
    GROUP BY month(dob), monthname(dob)
    ORDER BY monthnumber;

This looks better:

Monthnumber monthname howmany

1 January 19
2 February 14
3 March 17
4 April 23
5 May 24

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

Monthnumber monthname howmany

6 June 15
7 July 27
8 August 18
9 September 18
10 October 24
11 November 17
12 December 23
[NULL] [NULL] 64

As you see, you can’t quite do this in SQLite since it doesn’t have a function to get the
month name.
Technically, grouping by both is redundant, since there is only one month name per
month. However, we need both so that we can display one, but order by the other.
Although repeating the calculations is not a problem, it does make the query less readable
and harder to maintain. We can take advantage of using a Common Table Expression:

WITH cte AS (
SELECT monthname, count(*)
FROM cte
GROUP BY monthnumber, monthname
ORDER BY monthnumber;

You can use GROUP BY with any calculated field, but note that

• Since simple calculations don’t always result in something worth

grouping, there is a limit on what you can do with them.

• As noted before, the calculation needs to be in both the SELECT clause

and the GROUP BY clause, making the process tedious.

The second point earlier can be alleviated with the use of Common Table
Expressions. The first point can be addressed by the use of CASE statements.

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

Grouping with CASE Statements

The basic GROUP BY presupposes that you already have values which can be grouped.
Sometimes, such values can be derived, such as the month or day name.
More arbitrary groupings can be created using the CASE statement.
For example, suppose we want to count the younger and older customers. We can do
this by using a CASE statement which distinguishes between them:

    WHEN dob<'1980-01-01' THEN 'older'
    WHEN dob IS NOT NULL then 'younger'
    --  ELSE NULL

Remember that some dobs may be NULL, so you need to filter them to get the younger
ones. Remember, too, that the default ELSE is NULL, so we don’t need to include it.
To count them, we could include this in the GROUP BY clause as follows:

SELECT count(*)
FROM customers
    WHEN dob<'1980-01-01' THEN 'older'
    WHEN dob IS NOT NULL then 'younger'

This gives you something:


but it’s useless without some sort of labels. We can do this by repeating the calculation in
the SELECT clause:

        WHEN dob<'1980-01-01' THEN 'older'
Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

        WHEN dob IS NOT NULL then 'younger'

    END AS agegroup,
FROM customers
    WHEN dob<'1980-01-01' THEN 'older'
    WHEN dob IS NOT NULL then 'younger'

This now works:

Agegroup count

[NULL] 64
Older 133
Younger 106

but from the point of view of coding, it’s worse than the calculated columns in the
previous section, so this would definitely benefit from the use of a Common Table

WITH cte AS (
            WHEN dob<'1980-01-01' THEN 'older'
            WHEN dob IS NOT NULL then 'younger'
        END AS agegroup FROM customers
SELECT agegroup,count(*)
FROM cte
GROUP BY agegroup;

This will now give you a more manageable result.

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

Revisiting the Delivery Status

Remember in a previous chapter we had created a delivery statistics using a nested CASE

WITH salesdata AS (
--  PostgreSQL, MariaDB / MySQL, Oracle
        ordered, shipped, total,
        current_date - cast(ordered as date) AS ordered_age,
        shipped - cast(ordered as date) AS shipped_age
    FROM sales
        ordered, shipped, total,
            AS ordered_age,
        datediff(day,ordered,shipped) AS shipped_age
    FROM sales
--  SQLite
        ordered, shipped, total,
        julianday('now')-julianday(ordered) AS ordered_age,
        julianday(shipped)-julianday(ordered) AS shipped_age
    FROM sales
    ordered, shipped, total,
        WHEN shipped IS NOT NULL THEN
                WHEN shipped_age>14 THEN 'Shipped Late'
                ELSE 'Shipped'

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

                WHEN ordered_age<7 THEN 'Current'

                WHEN ordered_age<14 THEN 'Due'
                ELSE 'Overdue'
    END AS status
FROM salesdata;

(Delete the unused SELECT statements, of course.) You get

Ordered shipped total status

2022-05-15 21:12:07.988741 2022-05-23 28 Shipped

2022-05-16 03:03:16.065969 2022-05-24 34 Shipped
2022-05-16 10:09:13.674823 2022-05-22 58.5 Shipped
2022-05-16 15:02:43.285565 [NULL] 50 Overdue
2022-05-16 16:48:14.674202 2022-05-28 17.5 Shipped
[NULL] [NULL] 13 Overdue

~ 5549 rows ~

If you want to summarize this into status groups, you can again put the whole
statement into a CTE and then summarize the CTE. You already have one CTE to
precalculate the age, so we’ll need another to hold the preceding results:

    salesdata AS (
        --  as above
    statuses AS (
            ordered, shipped, total,
                WHEN shipped IS NOT NULL THEN
                        WHEN shipped_age>14

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

                            THEN 'Shipped Late'

                        ELSE 'Shipped'
                        WHEN ordered_age<7 THEN 'Current'
                        WHEN ordered_age<14 THEN 'Due'
                        ELSE 'Overdue'
            END AS status
        FROM salesdata
SELECT status, count(*) AS number
FROM statuses
GROUP BY status;

This will give you the summarized data:

Status Number

Due 94
Current 78
Shipped 3808
Overdue 1273
Shipped Late 296

The next thing is to get the results in the right order.

Ordering by Arbitrary Strings

Of course, the real problem when it comes to sorting the results is that SQL has limited
imagination and will only sort strings alphabetically. That only works well if the status
values were also in alphabetical order, which they’re not.
There are a few approaches you could take:

• You can include a number at the beginning of each string and then
use ORDER BY. That’s cheating and won’t look right.

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

• You can have another table with the status values and a position
number and then join this table to the main query. That’s
complicated, but may be useful in some cases.

• You can duplicate the CASE expression with numbers instead of the
strings and ORDER BY that column instead. Unfortunately, there’s no way
to get two columns out of a single CASE expression. That’s really messy.

• You ORDER BY the position of the string in a longer string.

We’ll take the last approach earlier, since it’s easy to implement and doesn’t
otherwise affect the results.
Most DBMSs include a function to find a substring in a larger string. It has various
names and forms:

--  Postgresql
    POSITION(substring IN string)
--  MariaDB / MySQL & SQLite
--  Oracle

In this case, we can find the position of the status string inside a longer string with
the status values in order:

'Shipped,Shipped Late,Current,Due,Overdue'

The commas aren’t necessary, but they make the string more readable. What’s more
important is that the status strings are in your preferred order, and the position function
will return a lower value for strings it finds earlier. The rest is up to the ORDER BY clause.
We can order the preceding query using the positioning function like this:

    salesdata AS (
        --  as above
    statuses AS (
        --  as above

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

SELECT status, count(*) AS number
FROM cte
GROUP BY status
--  Postgresql
        'Shipped,Shipped Late,Current,Due,Overdue')
--  MariaDB / MySQL & SQLite
    ORDER BY INSTR(status,
        'Shipped,Shipped Late,Current,Due,Overdue')
--  Oracle
    ORDER BY INSTR(status,
        'Shipped,Shipped Late,Current,Due,Overdue')
        'Shipped,Shipped Late,Current,Due,Overdue')

You’ll now get the results in order:

Status number

Shipped 3808
Shipped Late 296
Current 78
Due 94
Overdue 1273

You can use this technique for any nonalphabetical string order, such as days of the
week or colors in the rainbow.

Group Concatenation
There is an additional function which can be used to aggregate string data. This function
will concatenate strings with an optional delimiter.

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

This function has a few different names:

DBMS Function

PostgreSQL string_agg(column, delimiter)

SQL Server 2017+ string_agg(column, delimiter)
SQLite group_concat(column, delimiter)
MySQL and MariaDB group_concat(column /* ORDER BY column */SEPARATOR delimiter)
Oracle listagg(column, delimiter)

For example, you can get a list of all the books for each author this way:

    a.id, a.givenname, a.familyname,
    --  PostgreSQL, MSSQL
        string_agg(b.title, '; ') AS works
    --  SQLite
        --  group_concat(b.title, '; ') AS works
    --  Oracle
        --  listagg(b.title, '; ') AS works
    --  MariaDB / MySQL
        --  group_concat(b.title SEPARATOR '; ') AS works
FROM authors AS a LEFT JOIN books AS b ON a.id=b.authorid
GROUP BY a.id, a.givenname, a.familyname;
You’ll get something like this:

id givenname familyname works

146 Washington Irving Rip Van Wink ...; Tales of the ...; The ...
963 Richard Marsh The Beetle ...
390 Jean Racine Andromaque ...; Britannicus ...; Bérénice ...

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

id givenname familyname works

766 Evelyn Everett-Green True to the ...

296 Henri Bergson Matter and M ...; Laughter ...; Time and Fre ...
464 Ambrose Bierce An Occurrenc ...; The Monk and ...; Tales ...

~ 488 rows ~

The works column has all of the book titles concatenated with a ; between them.
Note that the GROUP BY clause uses the author id but includes the redundant author
names to allow them to be selected.
Be careful, though. It’s easy to get carried away with this function, and you’ll see that
the list of books can be very long, and the concatenated string can be very, very long.

Summarizing the Summary with Grouping Sets

Classically, using GROUP BY will give you totals for each combination of the groups. For

SELECT state, town, count(*)

FROM customerdetails
GROUP Y state, town;

will give you subtotals for each state/town combination.

Sometimes, you would like to include summaries of these subtotals, such as grand
totals for each state and grand total overall.

Normally, you think of the word total as adding values and subtotal as a total of
a subgroup. This would imply using the sum() function. In this discussion, we’ll
use the terminology more loosely and use the word for any aggregates, such as
count(). Here, a subtotal would imply counting a subgroup.

In the preceding example, there are four possible totals that you could get:

• The count() of each state/town combination; this is what you

normally get.

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

• The count() of each state group.

• The count() of each town group. In this example, it’s not so useful,
since some town names are duplicated across states, so you’d be
combining values which shouldn’t be. However, in other examples,
this would be useful.

• The count() of the whole log—the grand total.

Apart from the last one, the others would all be considered subtotals at some level.
When we work with the example shortly, we’ll aggregate by three columns, and
there’ll be eight combinations, so eight totals and subtotals we can calculate.
Modern SQL allows you to generate a result set which is a combination of totals and
subtotals of table data and aggregate data. Depending on the DBMS, this might include a
modification of the GROUP BY clause:

• GROUPING SETS allow you to specify which additional summaries

to include. So, for example, you can decide which of the four
possibilities earlier you want to include.

This is supported by PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL, and Oracle.

• ROLLUP is a simplified version of GROUPING SETS which produces some of

the possible subtotals, treating the columns as a hierarchy. In the preceding
example, you would get the state/town, state, and grand totals.

This is supported by PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL, Oracle, and


• CUBE is also a specialized version of GROUPING SETS which produces all of the
possible subtotals. In the preceding example, it’s all four of the possible totals.

Here, we’ll have a look at generating such a summary. However, rather than work
with customers’ addresses, we’ll have a look at sales data.

Preparing Data for Summarizing

It’s often the case that your original data isn’t quite ready for summarizing. For example,
the sales table includes the time of each order, but it’s very hard to group that. For our
sample, we’ll work on summarizing the following:

• The month of the order

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

• The customer id

• The state the customer lives in

Note that all three columns are independent of each other, unlike the state and town
in the original example. That means totaling any combination is meaningful.
To prepare the data, we can use the following query:

    --  PostgreSQL, Oracle
        to_char(s.ordered,'YYYY-MM') AS ordered,
    --  MariaDB / MySQL
        --  date_format(s.ordered,'%Y-%m') AS ordered,
    --  MSSQL
        --  format(s.ordered,'yyyy-MM') AS ordered,
    --  SQLite
        --  strftime('%Y-%m',s.ordered) AS ordered,
    s.total, c.id, c.state
FROM sales AS s JOIN customerdetails AS c
    ON s.customerid=c.id
WHERE s.ordered IS NOT NULL;

You’ll see something like this:

ordered total id state

2022-05 28 28 NSW
2022-05 34 27 NSW
2022-05 58.5 1 WA
2022-05 50 26 VIC
2022-05 17.5 26 VIC
2022-07 15 105 VIC

~ 5295 rows ~

No version of SQL has a straightforward way of extracting a year-month combination,

so we use a formatting function. It returns a string, but that’s fine for what we want to do
with it.
Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

When working with this, you could use this in a CTE, but it’s not quite convenient, so
we’ll save it as a view instead:

DROP VIEW IF EXISTS salesdata;  --  Not Oracle

CREATE VIEW salesdata AS
    --  PostgreSQL, Oracle
        to_char(s.ordered,'YYYY-MM') AS ordered,
    --  MariaDB / MySQL
        --  date_format(s.ordered,'%Y-%m') AS ordered,
    --  MSSQL
        --  format(s.ordered,'yyyy-MM') AS ordered,
    --  SQLite
        --  strftime('%Y-%m',s.ordered) AS ordered,
    s.total, c.id, c.state
FROM sales AS s JOIN customerdetails AS c
    ON s.customerid=c.id
WHERE s.ordered IS NOT NULL;

If you’re using Microsoft SQL, remember to surround your CREATE VIEW statement
between a pair of GOs:


    CREATE VIEW salesdata AS
        format(s.ordered,'yyyy-MM') AS ordered,
        s.total, c.id, c.state
    FROM sales AS s JOIN customerdetails AS c
        ON s.customerid=c.id
    WHERE s.ordered IS NOT NULL;

To begin with, we’ll generate the summaries separately and combine them with a
UNION clause.

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

Combining Summaries with the UNION Clause

Most DBMSs have a simpler way of doing this, but you’ll get a feeling for how all of this
works doing it the (not very) long way.
To begin with, you can get summaries by state, customer ids, and dates using the
following query:

--  All Group summaries

    SELECT state, id, ordered, count(*) AS nsales, sum(total) AS total
    FROM salesdata
    GROUP BY state,id,ordered
    ORDER BY state,id,ordered;

You’ll get summaries for each state/customer id/ordered date combination.

state id ordered nsales total

ACT 85 2022-06 2 117

ACT 85 2022-07 2 104.5
ACT 85 2022-08 5 269.5
ACT 85 2022-09 3 253.5
ACT 85 2022-10 5 476
ACT 85 2022-11 3 179.5

~ 1802 rows ~

The next step is to generate summaries for the state and customer ids:

--  state, ordered summaries

        state, id, NULL, count(*) AS nsales,
        sum(total) AS total
    FROM salesdata
    GROUP BY state, id
    ORDER BY state, id;

--  state summaries
Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

        state, NULL, NULL, count(*) AS nsales,

        sum(total) AS total
    FROM salesdata
    GROUP BY state
    ORDER BY state;

You’ll get something like the following:

state id ?column? nsales total

ACT 85 [NULL] 37 2418.5

ACT 112 [NULL] 20 1272.5
ACT 147 [NULL] 32 2202
ACT 355 [NULL] 13 689.5
ACT 489 [NULL] 3 199
NSW 10 [NULL] 48 2931.5

~ 266 rows


state ? ? nsales total

ACT [NULL] [NULL] 105 6781.5

NSW [NULL] [NULL] 1668 102010.22
NT [NULL] [NULL] 103 6151
QLD [NULL] [NULL] 869 53331.5
SA [NULL] [NULL] 499 30977.5
TAS [NULL] [NULL] 456 28193
VIC [NULL] [NULL] 1273 79199.5
WA [NULL] [NULL] 322 20274

Don’t worry about the missing column names, as we’ll get them from the UNION.
The reason to include all those NULLs is to line up the columns when you combine
them in a UNION.
Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

Finally, get the grand total:

--  grand total
        NULL, NULL, NULL, count(*) AS nsales,
        sum(total) AS total
    FROM salesdata
    --  GROUP BY ()

This gives you a single row of grand totals:

? ? ? nsales total

[NULL] [NULL] [NULL] 5295 326918.22

Note that this includes the commented out GROUP BY () clause, just as a reminder
that this is a grand total; of course, you don’t need it.
The UNION clause can be used to combine the results of multiple SELECT
statements. The only requirement is that they match in the number and types of

--  All Group summaries

        state, id, ordered, count(*) AS nsales,
        sum(total) AS total
    FROM salesdata
    GROUP BY state,id,ordered
--  state, ordered summaries
    SELECT state, id, NULL, count(*), sum(total)
    FROM salesdata
    GROUP BY state,id
--  state summaries
    SELECT state, NULL, NULL, count(*), sum(total)
    FROM salesdata
    GROUP BY state
Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

--  grand total
    SELECT NULL, NULL, NULL, count(*), sum(total)
    FROM salesdata
--  Sort
    ORDER BY state,id,ordered;

You now have the results combined:

state id ordered nsales total

ACT 85 2022-06 2 117

ACT 85 2022-07 2 104.5
ACT 85 2022-08 5 269.5
ACT 85 2022-09 3 253.5
ACT 85 2022-10 5 476
ACT 85 2022-11 3 179.5
ACT 85 2022-12 2 84
ACT 85 2023-01 4 248.5
ACT 85 2023-03 3 209
ACT 85 2023-04 6 384
ACT 85 2023-05 2 93
ACT 85 [NULL] 37 2418.5
ACT 112 2022-07 2 72
ACT 112 2022-08 2 78
ACT 112 2022-09 1 49
ACT 112 2022-10 1 70.5

~ 2077 rows

Note that only the first query has aliases for the number of sales and the total; in a
UNION, the column names for the first query apply to the whole result. You can alias the
rest if it makes you feel better, but it won’t make any difference.

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

When combining different levels of summaries, the higher-level summaries will have
NULL instead of actual values. This is correct, but inconvenient:

• When sorted, NULL may appear at the beginning or the end of the list.
The SQL standard is ambivalent on this, and different DBMSs have
different opinions, while some give you a choice.

• In any case, NULL in the result set is unclear and unhelpful.

To resolve the sorting problem, we can add a contrived value to force a sorting order:

--  All Group summaries

        state, id, ordered, count(*) AS nsales,
        sum(total) AS total,
        0 AS state_level, 0 AS id_level, 0 AS ordered_level
    FROM salesdata
    GROUP BY state,id,ordered
--  state, ordered summaries
        state, id, NULL, count(*), sum(total),
        0, 0, 1
    FROM salesdata
    GROUP BY state,id
--  state summaries
        state, NULL, NULL, count(*), sum(total),
        0, 1, 1
    FROM salesdata
    GROUP BY state
--  grand total
        NULL, NULL, NULL, count(*), sum(total),
        1, 1, 1

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

    FROM salesdata
--  Sort
    ORDER BY state_level, state, id_level, id,
        ordered_level, ordered;

To get the results in the right order, we have introduced two values, state_level and
town_level, so that we can push the totals below the other values.

state id ordered nsales total state_level id_level ordered_level

ACT 85 2022-06 2 117 0 0 0

ACT 85 2022-07 2 104.5 0 0 0
ACT 85 2022-08 5 269.5 0 0 0
ACT 85 2022-09 3 253.5 0 0 0
ACT 85 2022-10 5 476 0 0 0
ACT 85 2022-11 3 179.5 0 0 0
ACT 85 2022-12 2 84 0 0 0
ACT 85 2023-01 4 248.5 0 0 0
ACT 85 2023-03 3 209 0 0 0
ACT 85 2023-04 6 384 0 0 0
ACT 85 2023-05 2 93 0 0 0
ACT 85 [NULL] 37 2418.5 0 0 1
ACT 112 2022-07 2 72 0 0 0
ACT 112 2022-08 2 78 0 0 0
ACT 112 2022-09 1 49 0 0 0
ACT 112 2022-10 1 70.5 0 0 0

~ 2077 rows ~

To eliminate the sorting columns from the result set, you can turn this into a
Common Table Expression:

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

WITH cte AS (
    --  UNION query above
SELECT state, id, ordered, nsales, total
FROM cte
ORDER BY state_level,state,id_level,id,ordered_level,ordered;

This isn’t so much work to get the results, but there may be a simpler method.


Grouping sets offer a simpler alternative to the UNION above. Their syntax is not
immediately obvious, but it follows a similar pattern to the GROUP BY clauses.
Grouping sets are not fully supported by all DBMSs. Most support a simpler version,
but SQLite doesn’t support them at all. If you have SQLite, the best you can do is what we
did earlier with the UNION.
For the most part, what you probably want is the ROLLUP described later.

GROUPING SETS and CUBE (PostgreSQL, MSSQL, and Oracle)

The most general-purpose technique uses the GROUPING SET clause. In this clause, you
specify which combinations of columns you want to include in the summary.
The syntax is

SELECT columns
FROM table

Recall that the previous example had SELECT statements, grouped by state, customer
id, ordered date, and a grand total. This can be generated as follows:

SELECT state,town,count(*)
FROM customers
GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((state,id,ordered),(state,id),(state),());

Here, the set () indicates the grand summary.

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

Many other combinations are available (such as (state,ordered)). If you really

wanted them all, you can use CUBE:

SELECT state, id, ordered, count(*), sum(total)

FROM salesdata
GROUP BY CUBE (state,id,ordered)

The CUBE variation works best when you don’t have too many grouping columns and
when they’re all unrelated to each other. Remember three columns would give you eight
possible combinations. You can calculate the number of possibilities as 2n, where n is the
number of columns. In this case, it’s 23 = 8. If you had even four columns, you would have
16 possible totals and subtotals, which might start to get overwhelming.

 SING ROLLUP (PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Oracle,

and MariaDB/MySQL)
A simpler, more readable (but slightly less flexible) alternative is to use ROLLUP. This
takes two forms:

--  ROLLUP(...)       -   PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Oracle

    SELECT state, id, ordered, count(*), sum(total)
    FROM salesdata
    GROUP BY ROLLUP (state, id, ordered);

--  ... WITH ROLLUP   -   MariaDB / MySQL, MSSQL

    SELECT state, id, ordered, count(*), sum(total)
    FROM salesdata
    GROUP BY state, id, ordered WITH ROLLUP;

Both forms will give you the same result. Note that MSSQL gives you the choice to
use either form.
ROLLUP makes an important assumption that the columns form some sort of
hierarchy. In the case of the customer state and the customer id, that’s obvious. Whether
you consider the ordered date as the end of the hierarchy is up to you.

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

You can see the hierarchy in the results and in the fact that this matches the GROUPING
SETS example earlier. You will get results for

1. (state, id, ordered) combinations

2. (state, id) combinations

3. (state) values

4. () – grand totals
Clearly, using ROLLUP is a much simpler way to get these results, and you probably
won’t miss the flexibility of GROUPING SETS very much.

Sorting the Results

In some DBMSs, you may see the results sorted automatically in the same order as the
UNION version earlier. In some, you will need to sort it yourself.
This again has the two problems mentioned with the UNION version earlier. To
address the second problem, that of sort order, we can use the grouping(column)
function which indicates the level of a column being summarized. The value is 1 to
indicate that this is a summary and 0 to indicate that it’s not. This will have the same
effect as the preceding contrived level columns:

--  ROLLUP(...):      PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Oracle

    SELECT state, id, ordered, count(*), sum(total)
    FROM salesdata
    GROUP BY ROLLUP (state,id,ordered)
    ORDER BY grouping(state), state, grouping(id), id,
        grouping(ordered), ordered;


--  (MariaDB doesn't support grouping())
    SELECT state, id, ordered, count(*), sum(total)
    FROM salesdata
    GROUP BY state,id,ordered WITH ROLLUP
    ORDER BY grouping(state), state, grouping(id), id,
        grouping(ordered), ordered;`

You’ll get a better sorted table.

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

Note that while MySQL does support grouping(), MariaDB doesn’t support the
grouping() function!

In PostgreSQL and MySQL, you can use grouping() with multiple columns. This will
give you a combined level which is a binary combination of the 1s and 0s. In MSSQL and
Oracle, you would use the grouping_id() function for that.
To solve the first problem, that of meaningless NULL markers, we have to be more
creative with the SELECT clause. In this case, we can use coalesce to pick up the NULL and
supply an alternative value:

--  PostgreSQL, MSSQL;
        coalesce(state,'National Total') AS state,
        coalesce(cast(id as varchar),state||' Total') AS id,
        coalesce(ordered,'Total for '||cast(id as varchar))
            AS ordered,
        count(*), sum(total)
    FROM salesdata
    GROUP BY ROLLUP (state,id,ordered)
    ORDER BY grouping(state), state,
        grouping(id), id, grouping(ordered), ordered;

--  MySQL, MSSQL (MariaDB doesn't support grouping())

        coalesce(state,'National Total') AS state,
        coalesce(cast(id as varchar),state||' Total') AS id,
        coalesce(ordered,'Total for '||cast(id as varchar))
            AS ordered,
        count(*), sum(total)
    FROM salesdata
    GROUP BY state,id,ordered WITH ROLLUP
    ORDER BY grouping(state), state,
        grouping(id), id, grouping(ordered), ordered;

--   NOT Oracle

This will give you something meaningful for the summary rows.
Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

Renaming Values in Oracle

You’ll notice that this won’t work for Oracle. Here, Oracle proves to be unhelpful since
(a) NULL strings are equivalent to an empty string ('') so they won’t coalesce, (b) the
selected columns are no longer considered to match the GROUP BY clause, and (c) you’ll
also have problems sorting with the grouping() function when you’ve made the other
The most straightforward way of getting this to work is to use a CASE expression for
the columns:

    coalesce(state,'National Total') AS state,
    grouping(state) AS statelevel,
        WHEN state IS NULL THEN NULL
        WHEN id IS NULL THEN 'Total for '||state
        ELSE cast(id AS varchar(3))
    END AS id,
    grouping(id) AS idlevel,
        WHEN ordered IS NULL THEN
            'Total for '||cast(id as varchar(3))
        ELSE ordered
    END AS ordered,
    grouping(ordered) AS orderedlevel,
    count(*) AS count, sum(total) AS sum
FROM salesdata
GROUP BY ROLLUP (state,id,ordered)
ORDER BY statelevel, state, idlevel, id, orderedlevel, ordered

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

It will look something like this:

state statelevel id idlevel ordered orderedlevel count sum

ACT 0 112 0 2022-07 0 2 72

ACT 0 112 0 2022-08 0 2 78
ACT 0 112 0 2022-09 0 1 49
ACT 0 112 0 2022-10 0 1 70.5
ACT 0 112 0 2022-11 0 1 94
ACT 0 112 0 2022-12 0 4 224
ACT 0 112 0 2023-01 0 1 48.5
ACT 0 112 0 2023-02 0 5 320
ACT 0 112 0 2023-03 0 2 191.5
ACT 0 112 0 2023-05 0 1 125
ACT 0 112 0 Total for 112 1 20 1272.5
ACT 0 147 0 2022-08 0 8 392
ACT 0 147 0 2022-09 0 2 199.5
ACT 0 147 0 2022-10 0 2 162
ACT 0 147 0 2022-11 0 3 228.5
ACT 0 147 0 2022-12 0 3 251

~ 2077 rows ~

Here, the grouping() function is used in the SELECT clause and then used for sorting.
The id and ordered columns are calculated with a CASE ... END expression to get
around the problem of the NULL strings.
Of course, now you have those three extra columns used for sorting. To hide them,
you can use a CTE:

WITH cte AS (
    -- SELECT statement as above
    --  don't bother with the ORDER BY clause

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

SELECT state, id, ordered, count, sum

FROM cte
ORDER BY statelevel, state, idlevel, id, orderedlevel, ordered

Incidentally, the previous statement included an ORDER BY clause. You can include
it in the CTE (you can’t in MSSQL), but it’s unnecessary as we’re sorting it anyway in the
main query, so you should leave it out.

Histograms, Mean, Mode, and Median

You may have learned some simple statistics at school. Here’s a reminder of some of the
basic concepts:

• A frequency table is a table of values and how often they appear.

• A mean, or more technically an arithmetic mean, is what we

casually call the average: it’s the total divided by the number
of values.

• The mode is the value which appears the most often.

• The median is the middle of the values (if they’re all placed in order).

You can use the frequency table to generate a histogram, which is what spreadsheet
programs call a bar chart. For example, you can generate a frequency table and
histogram of the number of customers per height (in centimetres). It looks like
Figure 5-4.

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

Figure 5-4. A Histogram

If your values are based on a number of different factors, there is a tendency for
them to be distributed along the well-known “bell curve.” Most values occur around the
middle, and the further you are from the middle, the fewer times the value occurs. This is
more technically referred to as the normal distribution.
Your height is dependent on a number of factors, some of which include genetics,
diet, and other lifestyle factors. As a result, customer heights tend to follow the normal
distribution as you see very roughly in the figure above. Of course, the tendency
becomes stronger if we have a larger collection of data: if you have only a few hundred
samples, then the data won’t be such a tight fit.

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

For the purpose of this discussion, we’ll focus on customer heights, as they tend to be
easy to analyze this way.

Although the sample data was randomized, it was generated to follow the normal
distribution as well as might be expected in the small sample.
For adults in Australia, the mean height is about 168.7 cm. Actually, there are
two mean heights, one for female and one for male adults, but between them the
average is 168.7 cm. The standard deviation is 7 cm. You can get more information
at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Average_human_height_by_

Calculating the Mean

In statistics and mathematics, the word “average” is a little vague, as there are many
measurements which can describe an average. The one we’re interested in here is called
arithmetic mean. You already have the mean as a built-in aggregate function avg():

SELECT avg(height) AS mean FROM customers;

You’ll get something like this:


If you want, you can calculate the mean using sum(height)/count(height), but
there’s no point other than to show they’re the same.
This figure is fairly reasonable. The mean height for adults is about 168.7 cm.

Generating a Frequency Table

A frequency table lists how many times a value appears in the table. If that sounds
suspiciously like something you’ve done before, you’re right. That’s just using a GROUP BY
with count(*).
First, however, we need to make the data more groupable. If the data is too fine, you
won’t get many duplicates—the irony is that there can be too much detail to summarize.

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

Here, the heights are measured to 0.1 of a centimeter. We’ll prepare it by rounding it
off to whole centimeters:

SELECT floor(height+0.5) AS height

FROM customers

We’ve also filtered out the missing heights to give you


~ 267 rows ~

We could possibly have used a round() function to do the rounding off, but some
DBMSs prefer to round to the nearest even number, so the preceding method will do more
Putting the data into a CTE, we can then use a simple GROUP BY query:

WITH heights AS (
    SELECT floor(height+0.5) AS height
    FROM customers
    WHERE height IS NOT NULL
SELECT height, count(*) AS frequency
FROM heights
GROUP BY height
ORDER BY height;

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

This will get you

Height frequency

153 1
154 3
156 1
157 3
158 1
159 2

~ 36 rows ~

Note that there may be some missing values. That’s natural, especially in a relatively
small sample such as we have. However, with these gaps it’s not quite ready for a
histogram. Later, when we have a closer look at recursive common table expressions,
we’ll see how to fill in the gaps.

Calculating the Mode

The mode is the value which occurs most often. Actually, there may be more than one
mode which tie for first.
To get the mode(s), you first need to get the frequencies and then find the maximum
frequency. In principle, you’re looking for max(count(*)), but you can’t nest aggregate
functions like that. That means taking an extra step, which, in turn, means more CTEs.
Starting with the previous frequency table, we can put the results in another CTE:

    heights AS (
        SELECT floor(height+0.5) AS height
        FROM customers
        WHERE height IS NOT NULL
    ),      --  don't forget to add a comma here
    frequency_table AS (
        SELECT height, count(*) AS frequency

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

        FROM heights
        GROUP BY height

You’ll also need the maximum frequency, which has to be calculated as a

separate step:

    heights AS (
    frequency_table AS (
    ),      --  don't forget to add a comma here
    limits AS (
        SELECT max(frequency) AS max FROM frequency_table

Finally, you can cross join the frequency table to the limits CTE to find the mode(s):

    heights AS (
    frequency_table AS (
    limits AS (
SELECT height, frequency
FROM frequency_table,limits
WHERE frequency_table.frequency=limits.max
ORDER BY height;

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

You’ll get something like this:

Height frequency

172 22

In a perfect set of normal data, the mode should match the mean exactly. In real life,
it should be close.

Calculating the Median

The median is the middle value. What that means is that half of the values should be
below the median and half should be above.
To find the median involves putting all of the values in order and finding the
midpoint. You can do this if you like, but that involves some skills we haven’t developed
yet, in particular getting the row number. We’ll look at that later in the chapter on
window functions.
Fortunately, modern SQL includes a function called percentile_cont.
Unfortunately, not all DBMSs use it the same way, and SQLite doesn’t support it at all.
The percentile_cont() function finds the value by its percentile. A percentile is a
grouping of 100 groups. The 50th percentile would be in the middle.
To find the median in PostgreSQL:

--  PostgreSQL: aggregate function only

    SELECT percentile_cont(0.5)
        WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY height)
    FROM customers
    WHERE height IS NOT NULL;

This should give something like


As noted in the comment, in PostgreSQL percentile_cont() is an aggregate

function only, which is exactly what we want anyway.

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

What’s the alternative to an aggregate function? It’s one of those window functions
which we’ll be looking at later. A window function is like an aggregate function, except
that it’s calculated for every row, not just as a summary.
With the window function version, we can use

--  MySQL / MariaDB, MSSQL, Oracle: window function only

    SELECT percentile_cont(0.5)
        WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY height) OVER()
    FROM customers
    WHERE height IS NOT NULL;

The problem is that you’ll get the same value for multiple rows. To finish the job, you
can use DISTINCT:

--  MySQL / MariaDB, MSSQL, Oracle: window function only

    SELECT DISTINCT percentile_cont(0.5)
        WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY height) OVER()
    FROM customers
    WHERE height IS NOT NULL;

This will now give you the median.

The Standard Deviation

The standard deviation is a measure of how varied the data is. For the normal
distribution, about 68% of the results should fall within one standard deviation of
the mean.
A lower than expected standard deviation would indicate that the results are fairly
close together, while a higher than standard deviation would indicate that the results are
more random than expected. In either case, you would suspect that the data is biased—
either by how the data was selected or suggesting that some of it was made up.
For example, if the heights were normally distributed, you’d find that one standard
deviation amounts to 7 cm and that 68% of the customers should be within 7 cm on
either side of the mean.
To calculate the standard deviation, SQL has a simple aggregate function, which you
have already seen earlier.

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

You might wonder why there are two. If you know that you have all the values, you
could use stddev_pop(height) (or stdevp(height) for MSSQL). However, we don’t, so
we can regard what we do have as a sample. For that, we use stddev_samp(height) (or
stdev(height) for MSSQL):

    stddev_pop(height) AS sd
    --  stdevp(height) AS sd        --  MSSQL
FROM customers;

You should get something close to 7:


Remember that the standard deviation only has meaning when you believe that the
underlying data follows a normal distribution.

In this chapter, we had a look at aggregating sets of data.

Basic Aggregate Functions

The basic aggregate functions are

• count(), which counts the number of values in a column or rows in

a table.

• sum and avg, which add or average numbers in a column.

• max and min, which find the lowest and highest values of any type of
column. In effect, they find the first and last values when sorted by
that column.
• stddev, stddev_samp, stddev_pop (PostgreSQL, MySQL/MariaDB,
Oracle) stdev, stdevp (MSSQL). This calculates a population or
standard deviation of a column of numbers; we assume that the data
is normally distributed.
Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

The sum, avg, and standard deviation functions can only be applied to numeric data.

Aggregate functions all skip NULLs. This is particularly important when counting values,
but also when calculating averages.
The fact that NULLs are skipped can also be used when calculating selective

The Aggregating Process

The data you aggregate is not necessarily in a saved table. You can also aggregate virtual
tables generated by joins, common table expressions, and views.
When aggregating data, the data may first be filtered by a WHERE clause. The aggregate
data is based on what’s left after filtering.
Performing aggregates effectively transforms the original data into a virtual table of
one or more summary rows. This no longer includes the original raw data. You can only
select what is in the virtual summary table. As a result, you can’t mix aggregates with raw
data in a single SELECT clause.
If you need both original and summary data, you may need to join the original table
with a CTE which has the summary.

Aggregate Filters
It’s possible to filter what data is used for a single aggregate function.
There is a standard FILTER (WHERE ...) clause which allows you to filter a column.
However, it’s not (yet) widely supported.
The common way to filter data is to use the CASE ... END expression on what you’re
aggregating. Set a value of, say, 1 for the values you want, allow the rest to default to NULL,
and let the aggregate functions ignore them for the rest.
You can also aggregate on DISTINCT values. This makes the most sense when you are

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

The GROUP BY clause can be used to generate a virtual table of group summaries.
In some DBMSs, you can use GROUP BY () to generate a grand summary. This is the
default without the GROUP BY () clause and is automatically done whenever SQL sees an
aggregate function. It’s never truly needed.
You can group by basic values, but also by calculated values.
Grouping by calculated values can get complicated, since the SELECT and ORDER BY
clauses can only use what’s in the GROUP BY. Because of the clause order, you may find
yourself repeating the same calculations in various clauses.
Since the SELECT clause is only evaluated near the end, and selecting and ordering
can only be done on what’s in the GROUP BY clause, you may find the following
techniques helpful:

• Using redundant groups to select one thing and sort by another

• Putting aggregate queries in a CTE and joining that with other tables
to get the rest of the results

When grouping by a column, your results may not be in the correct order. Since the
group names are all strings, sorting on the group name will only put them in alphabetical
order, which isn’t always suitable. However, you can also sort them by their position in
another string, which can be in any order you like.

Mixing Subtotals
By and large, aggregate queries produce simple aggregates on one level. Sometimes, you
need to combine them with various levels of subtotals.
You can generate subtotals in separate queries and combine them with UNION. You
might need some extra work to get the results sorted in your preferred order.
Most DBMSs include subtotaling operations to create the combined result
automatically. They may include GROUPING SETS, ROLLUP, or CUBE. Most include the
ROLLUP which is the most common variation. There are additional grouping functions to
assist with sorting and labeling.

Chapter 5 Aggregating Data

In general, aggregate functions are basically statistical in nature. Although SQL is not
as powerful as dedicated statistical software, you can use aggregates and grouping to
generate some of the basic statistics.

Coming Up
In some cases, we have used a query in a Common Table Expression to prepare data.
However, in one case we created a view instead, so that we could reuse the query.
In the next chapter, we’ll have a closer look at creating and using views to improve
our workflow.


Using Views and Friends

This isn’t the first time you’ve looked at views in this book, and it won’t be the
last time.
This chapter consolidates what you may have already picked up about views and
related concepts and gives a few ideas about working with them in general.

You can spend the rest of your life writing SQL statements, and the job would get
done. However, you might get to the point where writing the same thing over and over
again loses its charm, and so you’ll want to find ways of reusing previous queries.
First, let’s have a look at what we mean by tables and what happens when you use
the SELECT statement.
SQL databases store data in tables. Actually, they don’t—each table is really stored in
some other structure such as a binary tree, which is more efficient. However, by the time
you see it, it will be presented as a table, and that’s what it’s called in the database.
A table is made up of rows and columns. For our purpose, the table doesn’t have to
be a permanent table, and there are operations which generate table structures without
necessarily being permanently stored. We’ll refer to them as virtual tables.
Here is a list of operations which generate (virtual) tables, in increasing order of

• The result of a SELECT statement is a virtual table.

• A join is the combination of two or more (virtual) tables to produce

an expanded virtual table.

• A Common Table Expression generates a virtual table which

you can use later in the query. A table subquery amounts to the
same thing.

© Mark Simon 2023
M. Simon, Leveling Up with SQL, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-9685-1_6
Chapter 6 Using Views and Friends

• A view is a saved SELECT query, which will regenerate the virtual table
on call.

A materialized view is a view which stores its results so it doesn’t

always have to regenerate everything.

Some DBMSs support Table-Valued Functions which are

functions which generate virtual tables.

• A temporary table is like a real table. It may or may not be stored on

the disk. It will self-destruct when the session is finished.

The thing about tables and virtual tables is that they can all be used in the
FROM clause.
You will already know about using joins. You have also used Common Table
Expressions, but we’ll discuss them in more depth in the following chapters.
In this chapter, we’ll look at the rest and how we can improve our workflow
with them.

Working with Views

You have already created one or two views so far, so much of this is familiar territory.
A view is a SELECT statement saved in the database. When the view is saved, the
DBMS often also saves the execution plan, so less time is wasted planning the same thing
next time.
Views can be used whenever you might have read from a table. You can think of a
view as a virtual table—something which behaves as a table.
To read from a view, you treat it as a table:

SELECT columns FROM view;

Note the syntax is exactly the same as for tables. From the perspective of a SELECT
statement, there is no distinction between selecting from a view and from a table.
One important consequence of this is that you cannot have views with the same
names as tables—views and tables share the name space.

Chapter 6 Using Views and Friends

This doesn’t mean that there are no differences. The DBMS stores views as separate
types of objects and manages them differently. However, once created, you can treat a
view like a table.
Views can be an important part of your workflow. For example:

• Saving a complex query to be used simply

• Exposing complex queries to external applications

• Creating an interface between existing data and an application

• As a substitute for some queries

Creating a view requires permissions which you may not already have as a
database user.
Do whatever is required to get these permissions—badger, bribe, blackmail
as needed.

Views have several benefits:

• You can hide complex processing with a view which just gives a
virtual table of the results.

• You can restrict access to data in tables by creating a view with only
certain rows and columns.

• You can hide details in aggregate queries.

There are some limitations as well. The main limitation is that a view is inflexible.
You can’t, for example, vary the values that a view might use to calculate results. You’ll
see a possible solution to that when we discuss Table Valued Functions later.
Other limitations vary between DBMSs. Some DBMSs support temporary views.
MSSQL doesn’t allow an ORDER BY in a view without additional trickery. Some DBMSs
support views on temporary tables, while others don’t.
For the most part, however, views will simplify your workflow and allow you to move
on to more complex tasks.

Chapter 6 Using Views and Friends

Creating a View
A view starts off as a simple SELECT statement. For example, we can start developing a
pricelist view which will comprise some information about books, their authors, and
the price, including tax:

/* Notes
    MSSQL:  Use + for concatenation
    Oracle: No AS for tables:
                FROM books b JOIN authors a ON ...
    =================================================== */
        b.id, b.title, b.published,
        coalesce(a.givenname||' ','')
            || coalesce(othernames||' ','')
            || a.familyname AS author,
        b.price, b.price*0.1 AS tax, b.price*1.1 AS inc
    FROM books AS b LEFT JOIN authors AS a ON b.authorid=a.id
    WHERE b.price IS NOT NULL;

This should give you something like this:

id title pub author price tax inc

2078 The Duel 1811 Heinrich von Kleis ... 12.50 1.25 13.75
503 Uncle Silas 1864 J. Sheridan Le Fan ... 17.00 1.70 18.70
2007 North and South 1854 Elizabeth Gaskell 17.50 1.75 19.25
702 Jane Eyre 1847 Charlotte Brontë 17.50 1.75 19.25
1530 Robin Hood, The Pr ... 1862 Alexandre Dumas 12.50 1.25 13.75
1759 La Curée 1872 Émile Zola 16.00 1.60 17.60

~ 1096 rows ~

As it’s a price list, we’ve filtered out the NULL prices.

Chapter 6 Using Views and Friends

There are, however, certain conditions:

• All columns in a view must have a name, including calculated


You can’t have anonymous columns as you might in a simple

SELECT statement.

• Column names must be unique.

This is especially important with joined tables, where column

names may be duplicated.

In other words, the virtual table must conform to the rules of a real table.
To create a view, prepend the SELECT statement with a CREATE VIEW ... AS clause:

/* Notes
    MSSQL:  Use + for concatenation
    MSSQL:  Surround the CREATE VIEW with GO
    Oracle: No AS for tables:
                FROM books b JOIN authors a ON ...
    =================================================== */
--  GO
    CREATE VIEW aupricelist AS
        b.id, b.title, b.published,
        coalesce(a.givenname||' ','')
            || coalesce(othernames||' ','')
            || a.familyname AS author,
        b.price, b.price*0.1 AS tax, b.price*1.1 AS inc
    FROM books AS b JOIN authors AS a ON b.authorid=a.id;
--  GO

That will now be saved into your database.

Chapter 6 Using Views and Friends

We’ve called the price list aupricelist because the tax is set to 10%, which is the rate
in Australia. Feel free to use any tax rate and name that you like.

In Microsoft SQL Server only, you need to separate the CREATE

view statement from the rest of the script. You do this by putting
GO before and after, which marks off what they call a batch. The GO
must be on a line by itself.

You can now read the appropriate results like a table:

SELECT * FROM aupricelist;

This will give you the same results as before.

You can filter the view as with a table:

FROM aupricelist
WHERE published BETWEEN 1700 AND 1799;

This gives you

id title pub author price tax inc

1608 The Autobiography ... 1791 Benjamin Franklin 18.50 1.85 20.35
2303 The Metaphysics of ... 1797 Immanuel Kant 12.00 1.20 13.20
1305 An Essay on Critic ... 1711 Alexander Pope 11.00 1.10 12.10
1963 A Treatise of Huma ... 1740 David Hume 18.50 1.85 20.35
1196 Equiano’s Travels: ... 1789 Olaudah Equiano 12.50 1.25 13.75
1255 Discourse on the O ... 1755 Jean-Jacques Rouss ... 19.00 1.90 20.90

~ 166 rows ~

You can also sort the results:

SELECT * FROM aupricelist ORDER BY title;

Chapter 6 Using Views and Friends

This gives you

id title pub author price tax inc

541 120 Days of Sodom 1904 Marquis de Sade 12.50 1.25 13.75
729 A Cartomante e Out ... 1884 Machado de Assis 16.00 1.60 17.60
2092 A Chaste Maid in C ... 1613 Thomas Middleton 15.00 1.50 16.50
1437 A Child’s Garden o ... 1885 Robert Louis Steve ... 11.00 1.10 12.10
454 A Christmas Carol 1843 Charles Dickens 13.50 1.35 14.85
1094 A Confession 1882 Leo Tolstoy 17.50 1.75 19.25

~ 1096 rows ~

With the exception of MSSQL, you could have included the ORDER BY clause in the
view itself. Although it’s convenient, it’s probably not a good idea: you forcing the DBMS
to sort the result whether you need it or not, and you may end up sorting it again in a
different order afterward.


As noted earlier, SQL Server precludes ORDER BY in a view without additional trickery.
If you really want to have a presorted view, you can do the following:

CREATE VIEW something AS

SELECT columns
FROM table

Among other things, this will allow you to create an ordered view without the need to
include extra columns just for sorting.
However, you need to be aware that an ordered view does place an extra burden on
the database, so it should only be used when needed.

Tips for Working with View

Views are generally a good thing, but there are a few things to help you use them more
Chapter 6 Using Views and Friends

Some of the fine points will vary between DBMSs, and the DBMS will do its best to
work as efficiently as possible. Nevertheless, it’s a good idea to keep these ideas in mind.

Don’t Cascade Views Too Much

You can build a view using other views. That can help simplify your workflow, but you
need to be careful:

• Changing the underlying view may make a mess of the view. Some
DBMSs won’t even allow you to change a view if another view
depends on it.

• SQL tries to optimize your queries, but if your views are too deeply
nested, it may not be able to optimize well.

• One of the views may have more than you need for the new view, so
you’re wasting processing time generating what you don’t need.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t build on existing views, just that you should do it

Don’t Use SELECT *

There’s a good chance that SELECT * doesn’t give you quite what you want anyway, but,
even if it does, you should probably list all of the columns specifically. Some DBMSs will
even convert SELECT * to a column list.
Reasons why SELECT * may not be a good idea include

• You may want your own column order rather than the default one.

• The underlying table may undergo a change in structure, so your

view may not end up being what you originally expected.

Avoid Using ORDER BY

Most DBMSs allow you to include an ORDER BY clause, and, even in MSSQL, you can
force it to. However, it may not be a good idea.
There’s a good chance that you will want to sort the view in various ways. Even
if there’s one sort order you prefer, you don’t want the DBMS to sort the result
unnecessarily before you sort them again.

Chapter 6 Using Views and Friends

What you should do, however, is make sure that your view includes whatever
columns you’ll be sorting on later.

Table-Valued Functions
Views are a powerful tool, but there’s one shortcoming: you can’t change any of the
values used in a view. For example, the aupricelist view has a hard-coded tax rate of
10%. A more flexible type of view would allow you to input your own tax rate. Such a view
would then be called a parameterized view.
Parameterized views are not generally supported in SQL. Some DBMSs support
functions which generate a virtual table, known as a Table-Valued Function, or TVF if
you’re in a hurry. This will give more or less the same result.
Of our popular DBMSs, only PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server support a
straightforward method of creating a TVF. We’ll explore these two in the following
Most DBMSs allow you to create custom functions. The notable exception is SQLite,
which does, however, allow you to create functions externally and hook them in.
A function which generates a single value at a time is called a scalar function. Built-­
in functions such as lower() and length() are scalar functions.
When creating a function, there is, in a sense, a contract. The function definition
includes what input data is expected and what sort of data will be returned. If the input
data doesn’t fit, then don’t expect a result.
A TVF works the same way: you define what input is expected, and you promise to
return a table of results. Here, we’ll create a more generic price list which allows you to
tell it what the tax rate is, rather than hard-coding it.
To use the TVF, you use it like any virtual table:

FROM pricelist(15);

Chapter 6 Using Views and Friends

Here, the TVF is called pricelist() and the input parameter is 15, meaning 15%.
The code should handle converting that to 0.15:

id Title pub author price tax inc

2078 The Duel 1811 Heinrich von Kleis ... 12.50 1.88 14.38
503 Uncle Silas 1864 J. Sheridan Le Fan ... 17.00 2.55 19.55
2007 North and South 1854 Elizabeth Gaskell 17.50 2.63 20.13
702 Jane Eyre 1847 Charlotte Brontë 17.50 2.63 20.13
1530 Robin Hood, The Pr ... 1862 Alexandre Dumas 12.50 1.88 14.38
1759 La Curée 1872 Émile Zola 16.00 2.40 18.40

~ 1070 rows ~

We’ll do that for PostgreSQL and MSSQL next.

TVFs in PostgreSQL
The outline of a TVF in PostgreSQL looks like this:

CREATE FUNCTION pricelist(...)

    SELECT ...

In this outline

• The function name pricelist includes the input parameter names

and types.
• The function will return a TABLE structure with column names
and types.

Chapter 6 Using Views and Friends

• The coding language is plpgsql which is PostgreSQL’s standard

coding language.

• The actual code is contained in one big string. Because there might
be other strings in the code, the $$ at either end acts as an alternative

• The code is then placed between BEGIN and END; in this case, it will
return the results of a SELECT query.
Filling in the details, we can write

DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS pricelist(taxrate decimal(4,2));

CREATE FUNCTION pricelist(taxrate decimal(4,2))
    id int, title varchar, published int, author text,
    price decimal(5,2), tax decimal(4,2), inc decimal(5,2)
LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$
        b.id, b.title, b.published,
        coalesce(a.givenname||' ','') || coalesce(othernames||' ','')
            || a.familyname AS author,
        b.price, b.price*taxrate/100 AS tax,
        b.price*(1+taxrate/100) AS inc
    FROM books as b LEFT JOIN authors a ON b.authorid=a.id
    WHERE b.price IS NOT NULL;
END; $$;

The output table is the most tedious part. In it, we have to list all of the column
names and types we’re expecting to generate.
As for the calculation, we’ve taken a user-friendly approach and allowed the tax rate
to resemble the percentage we might have used in real life. We can’t use %, especially as
that has another meaning, but other than that, we can use the value. However, we then
need to divide by 100 to get its real value.

Chapter 6 Using Views and Friends

TVFs in Microsoft SQL

Creating a TVF in Microsoft SQL is much simpler than in PostgreSQL. The outline of a
TVF in Microsoft SQL looks like this:


There are two types of TVF in MSSQL. There is a more complex type, but the simpler
type earlier is very similar to creating a view.
In this outline

• The function name pricelist includes the input parameter names

and types.

• The function will return a TABLE structure.

• In the simple TVF, there is only a single SELECT statement, which is

immediately returned as the result.

• The actual code is almost the same as for the view, except that it will
include the value from the input parameter.

Filling in the details, we can write


    CREATE FUNCTION pricelist(@taxrate decimal(4,2))
            b.id, b.title, b.published,
            coalesce(a.givenname+' ','')
                + coalesce(othernames+' ','')
                + a.familyname AS author,
            b.price, b.price*@taxrate/100 AS tax,
            b.price*(1+@taxrate/100) AS inc
        FROM books as b JOIN authors a ON b.authorid=a.id
        WHERE b.price IS NOT NULL;
Chapter 6 Using Views and Friends

The input parameter is called @taxrate. Actually, it’s really called taxrate, but
MSSQL uses the @ character to prefix all variables.
As with the PostgreSQL version, we’ve taken a user-friendly approach and allowed
the tax rate to resemble the percentage we might have used in real life. We can’t use %,
especially as that has another meaning, but other than that, we can use the value.
However, we then need to divide by 100 to get its real value.

What Can You Do with a View?

Given that a view is a virtual table, what sorts of things can be done with a view?

The most immediate use of a view is as a convenient way of packaging a useful SELECT
query. For example:

SELECT * FROM customerdetails;

SELECT * FROM aupricelist;

Both of the preceding views include joins, and one includes a number of
calculations. It’s much more convenient to use the saved view when you need it.

As an Interface
A second use of views is to present a consistent interface for existing data.
For example, when we refactored the customers table by referencing another table
and dropping a few columns, we ran the risk of invalidating any other queries which
depended on the old structure. By creating the customerdetails view, you have a new
virtual table which can be read the same way as the old table.
It can also be handy if you’re in the process of renaming or rearranging tables and
columns. Suppose, for example, you’re in the process of developing a new version of the
customers table, with some of the following columns:

customerid firstname lastname height_in_inches au_phone ...

... ... ... ... ... ...

Chapter 6 Using Views and Friends

You can prepare for it with something like the following:

/* Notes
    MSSQL:              Use + for concatenation
    Oracle, SQLite: Use substr(phone,2) instead of right()
    ======================================================= */
    --  CREATE VIEW newcustomers AS
        id AS customerid,
        givenname AS firstname, familyname AS lastname,
        cast(height/2.54 as decimal(3,1))
            AS height_in_inches,
        '+61' || right(phone,9) AS au_phone
        --  etc
    FROM customers;

This will give you something like

customerid firstname lastname height_in_inches au_phone

42 May Knott 66.3 +61255509371

459 Rick Shaw 67.3 +61370101040
597 Ike Andy 60.2 [NULL]
186 Pat Downe 69.3 +61870105900
352 Basil Isk 61.6 +61255502503
576 Pearl Divers 69.4 +61370107821

~ 303 rows ~

(The CREATE VIEW clause is commented out, because we’re not really going to go
ahead with this.)
This approach will also be useful if you’re preparing data for an external application.

Chapter 6 Using Views and Friends

Working with External Applications

Although we’ve spent our time with a front-end client, that is not necessarily the destiny
of the data. Often, we will use the data in an external application such as reporting
It makes the most sense to preprocess the data as much as possible before using
it with an external application. In particular, joining tables or running subqueries is
something which should be at the database end, not later.
Note that there are some things the database cannot do so readily. For example,
there may be data formatting requirements or certain functions which are not available
in the database server. For that, you will need to extract the raw data and process it in the
external application.
Examples of working with external applications include

• Mail Merge with a word processor

• Working with Pivot Tables in a spreadsheet

• Working with reporting software

Such software typically has very limited ability in manipulating data, so it makes
sense to do as much preprocessing as possible. When seen from the external software,
your views will be perceived as single tables (though often they’ll still indicate that they
are actually views).

Caching Data and Temporary Tables

Some DBMSs offer a materialized view. This is a type of view which caches the data. The
result is that repeated reading from the view doesn’t (necessarily) require reprocessing.
When you’re using a view, you may be putting an extra burden on the DBMS. If the
view has some complex processing and joining to do, then every time you look at the
view, you find yourself redoing the extra work.
Some DBMSs cheat a little by keeping a copy of the results for next time, as long as
next time isn’t too much later and nothing’s changed in the associated tables. This copy
is called a cache, and it’s up to the DBMS whether to do this or not.
Some DBMSs support a materialized view, which formalizes the process. A
materialized view has storage allocated to maintaining a copy of the results with the
database. This is cheaper on processing, because the DBMS doesn’t need to process the

Chapter 6 Using Views and Friends

same data so often, but more expensive on storage. As usual, you may find that extra
storage is cheaper than processing power.
Materialized views aren’t widely supported and are sometimes limited in usefulness.
However, you go a long way with temporary tables.
In principle, all SQL tables are temporary, in that it’s always possible to drop a
table—in SQL, as in life, nothing’s truly permanent. However, a temporary table is one
destined to be short-lived and will self-destruct when you close the session.
You can create a temporary table as you might a real table, but using the

--  PostgreSQL, MariaDB/MySQL, SQLite

        id INT PRIMARY KEY,
        title VARCHAR(255),
        author VARCHAR(255),
        price DECIMAL(4,2)

--  Oracle
        id INT PRIMARY KEY,
        title VARCHAR(255),
        author VARCHAR(255),
        price DECIMAL(4,2)

    CREATE #somebooks (
        id INT PRIMARY KEY,
        title VARCHAR(255),
        author VARCHAR(255),
        price DECIMAL(4,2)

Chapter 6 Using Views and Friends

• Oracle distinguishes between GLOBAL and PRIVATE temporary

tables and requires one of the two keywords. Private temporary

tables also need to have special names.
• PostgreSQL allows you to use the GLOBAL and LOCAL keywords for
the same purpose, but then ignores them; they recommend leaving
them out.
• MSSQL uses hashes for global and private temporary tables: one
hash (#) for private and two hashes (##) for global.

By “global,” we mean that other uses of the database can access the temporary table.
Private ones are, well, private to the session.
If you’re in a desperate hurry, PostgreSQL and SQLite allow you to save time by writing
TEMP instead of TEMPORARY. It probably took you more time to read this paragraph.
The temporary table in this example has a simple integer primary key. If you intend
adding more data as you go, you might also use an autoincremented primary key.
Once you have created your temporary table, you can copy data into it using the
SELECT statement. For example:

INSERT INTO somebooks(id,title,author,price)

SELECT id,title,author,price
FROM aupricelist

The INSERT ... SELECT ... statement copies data into an existing table, temporary
or permanent.
You can create a new table and populate it in one statement with the following

--  PostgreSQL, MariaDB/MySQL, Oracle

    CREATE TABLE otherbooks AS
        SELECT id,title,author,price
        FROM aupricelist
        WHERE price IS NULL
Chapter 6 Using Views and Friends

--  PostgreSQL, SQLite
    SELECT id,title,author,price
    INTO TEMPORARY otherbooks
    FROM aupricelist
    WHERE price IS NULL;

    SELECT id,title,author,price
    INTO #otherbooks
    FROM aupricelist
    WHERE price IS NULL;

As you see, this statement takes one of two forms; PostgreSQL supports both.
Note that either form requires that you have permissions to create either a temporary
or permanent table.
Remember, however, that the data is a copy, so it will go stale unless you update it.
Why would you want a temporary table? There’s nothing in our sample database
which could be regarded as in any way heavy-duty. However, in the real world, you might
be working with a query which involves a huge number of rows, complex joins, filters
and calculations, and sorting. This could end up taking a great deal of time and effort,
especially if you’re constantly regenerating the data.
The reasons you would use a temporary table rather than a view include

• It’s more efficient to save previously generated results than it is to

regenerate them. This is called caching the results.

• Sometimes, you want the data to be out of date, such as when you
need to work with a snapshot of the data from earlier in the day.

If you need to work with the snapshot at some point in the future,
a temporary table may be too fleeting. Everything we’ve done will
also apply to specially created permanent tables.

A database should never keep multiple copies of data. However, there are times
when you need a temporary table for further processing, experimenting, or in transit to
migrating data.

Chapter 6 Using Views and Friends

Computed Columns
Modern SQL allows you to add a column to a table which in principle shouldn’t be in
a table. A computed column, or calculated column, is an additional column which is
based on some calculated value. When you think about it, that’s the sort of thing you
would do in a view.
Think of the computed column as embedding a mini-view in the table. It’s
particularly handy if you commonly use one calculation but don’t want the overhead of a
view. It can also be handy if you have the option to cache the results.
A computed column is a read-only virtual column. You can’t write anything into
the column, and, if it saves any data at all, it’s a cached value to save the effort of
recalculating it later. For example, you might store the full name of the customer as a
You can create a computed column when you create the table, or you can add it to
the table after the event.
For example, suppose we want to add a shortened form of the ordered datetime
column, with just the date. This will be handy for summarizing by day.
You can add the new column as follows:

--  PostgreSQL >= 12
    ALTER TABLE sales
    ADD COLUMN ordered_date date
        GENERATED ALWAYS AS (cast(ordered as date)) STORED;

    ALTER TABLE sales
    ADD ordered_date AS (cast(ordered as date)) PERSISTED;

--  MariaDB / MySQL
    ALTER TABLE sales
    ADD ordered_date date
        GENERATED ALWAYS AS (cast(ordered as date)) STORED;

--  SQLite>=3.31.0
    ALTER TABLE sales
    ADD ordered_date date
        GENERATED ALWAYS AS (cast(ordered as date)) VIRTUAL;

Chapter 6 Using Views and Friends

--  Oracle (STORED)
    ALTER TABLE sales
    ADD ordered_date date
        GENERATED ALWAYS AS (trunc(ordered));

As you see, most DBMSs use the standard GENERATE ALWAYS syntax. MSSQL,
however, uses its own simpler syntax which doesn’t specify the data type but infers it
from the calculation.
You’ll also notice different types of computed column:
• VIRTUAL columns are not stored and are recalculated. This is the
default in MSSQL.

• STORED columns save a copy of the result and will only recalculate if
the underlying value has changed.

MSSQL calls this PERSISTED. In Oracle, it’s the default. SQLite does
support this as well, but only if you create the table that way; if you
add the column later, it can only be VIRTUAL.

You can now fetch the data complete with virtual column:

SELECT * FROM sales;

This gives you

id ... Ordered shipped ordered_date

39 ... 2022-05-15 21:12:07.988741 2022-05-23 2022-05-15

40 ... 2022-05-16 03:03:16.065969 2022-05-24 2022-05-16
42 ... 2022-05-16 10:09:13.674823 2022-05-22 2022-05-16
43 ... 2022-05-16 15:02:43.285565 [NULL] 2022-05-16
45 ... 2022-05-16 16:48:14.674202 2022-05-28 2022-05-16
518 ... [NULL] [NULL] [NULL]

~ 5549 rows ~

If you have the option, the better option is STORED or equivalent. It takes a little more
space, but saves on processing later.

Chapter 6 Using Views and Friends

Much of your work will involve not only real tables but generated virtual tables. Virtual
tables include

• A join

• A Common Table Expression or a table subquery

• A view or, in some cases, a Table Valued Function

• A temporary table.

A view is a saved SELECT statement. It can be made as complex as you like and then
fetched as a virtual table.
The benefits of views include

• They can be a convenient way of working with data.

• They can act as an interface to your data, particularly where the

original or modified form doesn’t match your requirements.

• They offer a simple table view of complex data when accessed from
external applications.

Table Valued Functions

A Table Valued Function is a function which results in a virtual table. Support for TVFs is
sketchy. Where it is supported, it allows you to feed parameters into the query, making it
more flexible than a simple view.

Chapter 6 Using Views and Friends

Temporary Tables
There are times when it is better to store results rather than regenerate them every time.
You can save them into a caching table.
The benefits include

• It’s more efficient not to have to recalculate what will be the same

• You might want to work with a dated snapshot of your data.

If your cache is intended to be particularly short-lived, you might use a temporary

table. A temporary table is one which will self-destruct at the end of the session.
Whether the caching table is temporary or permanent, you can copy data into it
using a SELECT statement. You can also create a new table and copy into it in a single

Computed Columns
In modern DBMSs, you can create virtual columns in a table which give the results of a
A VIRTUAL computed column will regenerate the value every time you fetch from
the table. A STORED computed column, a.k.a. PERSISTED in MSSQL, will cache the results
until other data has changed.
A computed column can be used for convenience. If it’s a STORED column, it also has
the benefit of saving on processing.

Coming Up
A SELECT statement doesn’t have to be the end of the story. In some cases, it can be one
step in a more complex story.
A subquery allows you to embed a SELECT statement inside a query. This can be
used to fetch values from other tables or to use one table to filter another. It’s particularly
handy if you want to incorporate aggregate data in another query.
The next chapter will look at subqueries in more detail.


Working with Subqueries

and Common Table
Running a SELECT statement, assuming that there’s no error, gives you a result. That
result is a virtual table, and it will have rows and columns.
For our purposes, we are interested in three possible virtual tables:

• One row and one column: You get just one value, though technically
it’s still in a table. We’ll call this a single value.

• One column and multiple rows: When the time comes, we’ll call
this a list.

• Multiple rows and multiple columns: In this context, a single row

with multiple columns counts as the same sort of thing. This is more
like the sort of thing we think about when talking about virtual tables.
Of course, that result may be empty, but that’s treated as NULLs.
You’ll get these types of results from the following examples.
For example, one row and one column:

SELECT id FROM books WHERE title='Frankenstein';

which is a single value:



© Mark Simon 2023
M. Simon, Leveling Up with SQL, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-9685-1_7
Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

One column and multiple rows:

SELECT email FROM customerdetails WHERE state='VIC';

which gives a list:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
~ 64 rows ~

Multiple rows and multiple columns:

SELECT givenname, familyname, email

FROM customerdetails WHERE state='VIC';

which gives a virtual table:

givenname Familyname email

Xavier Money [email protected]

Anne Onymous [email protected]
Bess Twishes [email protected]
Judy Free [email protected]
Peter Off [email protected]
Moe Grass [email protected]

~ 64 rows ~

Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

That last category, the virtual table, could also be the result of a very broad query
such as SELECT * FROM customerdetails. It all works the same way.
Any of these results, depending on the context, can be used in a subsequent query
where a single value, a list, or a (virtual) table might have been expected. For example,
using a single value:

FROM saleitems
WHERE bookid=(SELECT id FROM books WHERE title='Frankenstein');

Here, the single value query is wrapped inside parentheses and used the way you
would if you already knew the value of the bookid you’re matching:

id Saleid bookid quantity price

7234 2873 392 3 18.50

14875 5907 392 2 18.50
11183 4448 392 2 18.50
1312 517 392 2 18.50
9956 3948 392 2 18.50
12636 5012 392 2 18.50

~ 14 rows ~

Or you could be expecting some sort of list:

FROM books
WHERE authorid IN (
    SELECT id FROM authors WHERE born BETWEEN '1700-01-01' AND '1799-12-31'

Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

The IN operator expects a list of values, which we get from the one column in the
nested SELECT statement:

id authorid Title published price

2078 765 The Duel 1811 12.50

2243 715 Vrijmoedige Verhalen; ee … 1831 [NULL]
532 628 Elective Affinities 1809 11.50
1608 420 The Autobiography of Ben … 1791 18.50
2303 633 The Metaphysics of Moral … 1797 12.00
1963 529 A Treatise of Human Natu … 1740 18.50

~ 256 rows ~

The nested SELECT statement is called a subquery. A subquery is a SELECT statement

which is used as part of another query. Conceptually, you use the SELECT query to fetch
one or more results, which in turn will be used in another query.
Subqueries can be used in the SELECT, WHERE, FROM, and even ORDER BY clauses.
When they are used, the result must be compatible with the context. For example:

• A subquery in a SELECT clause must always return a single value, as

would be expected from any other calculation. This can be called a
scalar (single-value) subquery.

Some modern DBMSs are now adding support for returning values
for more than one column, but it’s not widely supported for now.

• A subquery in the WHERE clause must return a single value when used with a
comparison operator, or a single column when used with an IN() expression.

• A subquery in the FROM clause must return a table of results.

This type of subquery is sometimes called an inline view.

Some uses of subqueries include

• Looking up related data from another table (SELECT)

• Looking up a value or set of values to act as a filter (WHERE)

• Generating a derived virtual table (FROM)

Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

The whole thing with subqueries is that with a subquery you can combine multiple
parts to make a more complex query:

• Using a subquery, you’ll be able to get data from other tables.

• You can use subqueries to preprocess data to be used in the

main query.
• Subqueries will allow you to combine aggregate and non-aggregate
queries, which you can’t normally do in single queries.
Subqueries do have a cost, however, as you will be running two or more queries for
the price of one—sometimes, even hundreds of queries for the price of one. We’ll have a
look at that later when we compare subqueries to alternative techniques.
You will no doubt have seen some subqueries before now, certainly in some of the
earlier chapters in this book. In this chapter, we’ll have a closer look at how subqueries
work and what we can do with them.

Correlated and Non-correlated Subqueries

Subqueries can be correlated or non-correlated. A correlated subquery includes a
reference to the main query. A non-correlated subquery is evaluated independently
from the main query.
Here’s an example of a non-correlated subquery:

--  Books by Female Authors

    SELECT *
    FROM books
    WHERE authorid IN(
        SELECT id FROM authors WHERE gender='f'

You’ll get a result like this:

id authorid Title published price

2007 99 North and South 1854 17.50

702 547 Jane Eyre 1847 17.50

Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

id authorid Title published price

95 701 Silas Marner 1861 18.50

983 211 East Lynne 1861 16.00
678 547 Tales of Angria 1839 14.50
1255 608 Discourse on the 1755 19.00
Origin …

~ 165 rows ~

Here’s another which uses an aggregate in the subquery:

--  Oldest Customers
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE dob=(SELECT min(dob) FROM customers);

This gives you

id givenname familyname … dob …

92 Nan Keen … 1943-05-18 …

392 Daisy Chain … 1943-05-18 …

(You’ll note that there’s more than one oldest customer, because they happen to be
born on the same day. It happens.)
In both cases, the subquery is evaluated once, and the results are used in the main
query. The result may be a list, as in the female authors, or a single value as in the oldest
A non-correlated subquery is independent of the main query. If you highlight the
subquery alone and run it, you’ll get a result.
Here’s an example of a correlated subquery:

--  Book Authors (yes, there’s another way to do this)

        id, title, (
            SELECT coalesce(givenname||' ','')

Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

            || coalesce(othernames||' ','')

            || familyname
            FROM authors
            WHERE authors.id=books.authorid
        ) AS author
    FROM books;

        id, title, (
            SELECT coalesce(givenname+' ',''
             + coalesce(othernames+' ','')
             + familyname
            FROM authors
            WHERE authors.id=books.authorid
        ) AS author
    FROM books;

--  Oracle
        id, title, (
            SELECT ltrim(givenname||' ')
            ||ltrim(othernames||' ')
            FROM authors
            WHERE authors.id=books.authorid
        ) AS author
    FROM books;

This gives you the following:

id title author

2078 The Duel Heinrich von Kleist

503 Uncle Silas J. Sheridan Le Fanu
2007 North and South Elizabeth Gaskell

Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

id title author

702 Jane Eyre Charlotte Brontë

1530 Robin Hood, The Prince of Thieves Alexandre Dumas
1759 La Curée Émile Zola

~ 1201 rows ~

In this case, the subquery is evaluated once for every row. Look at the subquery in
the first example earlier, spread out to be more readable:

        coalesce(givenname||' ','')
        || coalesce(othernames||' ','')
        || familyname
    FROM authors
    WHERE authors.id=books.authorid

The SELECT clause is expecting a single value for the author column, and so the
subquery should deliver a single value, which it does. You can’t use multiple columns in
this context, so you need to concatenate the names to give the single value.
Just as importantly, you can’t have multiple rows either. Here, the WHERE clause filters
the result to a single row, where the id matches the authorid in the main query: WHERE
For every row in the books table, the subquery runs again to match the next
If there’s no match, the subquery comes back with a NULL.
You can recognize a correlated subquery by the fact that the query references
something from the main query. As a result, you can’t highlight the subquery and run it
alone, because it needs that reference to be complete.
Incidentally, note the WHERE clause in the subquery. In a sense, it’s overqualified,
and we could have used this: WHERE id=authorid. This is in spite of the fact that an id
column appears in both the subquery and the main query.

Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

When the subquery is evaluated, column names will be defined from the inside
out. For the id column, there’s one in the inner authors table, so SQL doesn’t bother to
notice that there’s also one in the outer books table. For the authorid column, there isn’t
one in the authors table, so it falls through the one in the books table.
That’s how it works in SQL, but it’s probably better to qualify the columns as we did
in this example to minimize confusion for us humans.
As a rule, a correlated subquery is an expensive operation because it’s reevaluated
so often. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use one, just that you should consider the
alternatives, if there are any. You don’t generally get to choose which type of subquery
you will need, but it will help in deciding whether there’s a better alternative.

Subqueries in the SELECT Clause

As we saw, a subquery in a SELECT clause is expected to return a single value for each
row. This can be tedious if, say, you want more than one value from the same external
table with a correlated subquery:

        id, title, (
            SELECT coalesce(givenname||' ','')
            || coalesce(othernames||' ','')
            || familyname
            FROM authors
            WHERE authors.id=books.authorid
        ) AS author,
        (SELECT born FROM authors
            WHERE authors.id=books.authorid) AS born,
        (SELECT born FROM authors
            WHERE authors.id=books.authorid) AS died
    FROM books;

Apart from being tedious, it’s also expensive, and, of course, there’s a better way to do
it, using a join:

    id, title,
    coalesce(givenname||' ','')
Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

    || coalesce(othernames||' ','')

    || familyname AS author,
    born, died
FROM books AS b LEFT JOIN authors AS a ON b.authorid=a.id;
--  Oracle
--  FROM books b LEFT JOIN authors a ON b.authorid=a.id;

In fact, you’ll probably find that a correlated subquery is often best replaced by a
join. There’s also some cost in the join, but after that, the rest of the data is free.
On the other hand, if the subquery is non-correlated, then it’s not so expensive. For
example, here’s the difference between customers’ heights and the average height:

    id, givenname, familyname,
    height-(SELECT avg(height) FROM customers) AS diff
FROM customers;

You should see something like this:

id givenname familyname height Diff

42 May Knott 168.5 -2.34

459 Rick Shaw 170.9 0.06
597 Ike Andy 153.0 -17.84
186 Pat Downe 176.0 5.16
352 Basil Isk 156.4 -14.44
576 Pearl Divers 176.3 5.46

~ 303 rows ~

Even though the average is involved in a calculation in every row, it’s only calculated
once in the non-correlated subquery.
By the way, there’s an alternative way to do the preceding query involving window
functions, which we’ll look at in Chapter 8. However, in this case, there’s not much
difference in the result.

Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

You’ll have noticed that, in this case, the subquery references the same table as
the main query. That doesn’t make it a correlated subquery, as it doesn’t reference the
actual rows in the main query. You can verify that if you highlight the subquery and run
it by itself—it will work.
The subquery in this example was an aggregate query. You can also use an aggregate
in a correlated query. Here’s a way of generating a running total:

--  Oracle: FROM sales ss

        id, ordered, total,
        (SELECT sum(total) FROM sales AS ss
        WHERE ss.ordered<=sales.ordered) AS running_total
    FROM sales
    ORDER BY id;

You’ll get something like this:

id ordered total running_total

1 2022-05-04 21:53:55.165107 43.00 43.00

2 2022-05-05 12:39:41.438631 54.50 97.50
3 2022-05-05 17:48:08.433387 96.00 193.50
4 2022-05-07 08:29:35.61573 17.50 321.50
5 2022-05-07 13:10:25.441528 63.00 384.50
6 2022-05-06 17:23:38.261261 18.00 211.50

~ 5549 rows

We’ve had to alias the table in the subquery to something like ss (subsales?) to
distinguish it from the same table in the main query. That’s so that the expression
ss.ordered<=sales.ordered can reference the correct tables.
Here, the subquery calculates the sum of the totals up to and including the current
sale, ordered by the ordered column.
You possibly noticed that the query took a little while to run. As we noted, a
correlated subquery is costly, and one which involves aggregates is especially costly.
Fortunately, there’s also a window function for that, as we’ll see in the next chapter.

Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

Subqueries in the WHERE Clause

A subquery can also be used to filter your data.
Again, you may find an alternative to subqueries, such as JOINs, but one compelling
use case is when the subquery is an aggregate query.
Here are some cases where the subquery makes the point clearly and simply.

Subqueries with Simple Aggregates

One place where a subquery is useful is when you need to mix aggregate and non-­aggregate
queries. For example, if you want to find the oldest customer, you’ll need to do it in two steps:

1. Use an aggregate query to find the earliest date of birth.

2. Use the aggregate result as a filter.

Here, you see the aggregate query used as a subquery:

FROM customers
WHERE dob=(SELECT min(dob) FROM customers);

You can also do the same to find customers shorter than the average:

FROM customers
WHERE height<(SELECT avg(height) FROM customers);

In both cases, the aggregate query was on the same table as the main query. You
might have thought that you could use an expression like WHERE dob=min(dob) or WHERE
height<avg(height), but it wouldn’t work; aggregates are calculated after the WHERE clause.

Big Spenders
Suppose you want to identify your “big spenders”—the customers who have spent the
highest amounts. For that, you will need data from the customers and sales tables.
Here, we’ll use subqueries as part of a multistep process.
To begin with, you’ll want to identify what you regard as large purchases:

SELECT * FROM sales WHERE total>160;

Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

You’ll get something like this:

id customerid total … ordered_date

80 32 168.00 … 2022-05-22
216 13 160.50 … 2022-06-11
483 59 176.50 … 2022-07-11
726 68 173.00 … 2022-08-02
823 86 165.50 … 2022-08-09
891 140 162.50 … 2022-08-16

~ 35 rows ~

In here, we’re only interested in the customerid, which we’ll use to select from the
customers table:

FROM customers
WHERE id IN(SELECT customerid FROM sales WHERE total>160);

This gives you

id … familyname givenname …

42 … Knott May …
58 … Ting Jess …
91 … North June …
140 … Byrd Dicky …
40 … Face Cliff …
141 … Rice Jasmin …

~ 32 rows ~

Note that the IN operator requires a list of values. In a subquery, this is a single
column of values.
Note also that you may have few results than in the previous query; that would be if
some of the customer ids appear more than once.
Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

SQL also has an ANY operator which will do the same job:

FROM customers
WHERE id=ANY(SELECT customerid FROM sales WHERE total>=160);

You could also have used a JOIN:


FROM customers JOIN sales ON customers.id=sales.customerid
WHERE sales.total>=160;

To recreate what we had in the previous query, we’ve qualified the star
(customers.*) and used DISTINCT to remove duplicates of customers who may have
appeared in the list more than once.
The advantage of using a join is that you can also get sales data for the asking, so this
gives a slightly richer result:

FROM customers JOIN sales ON customers.id=sales.customerid
WHERE sales.total>=160;

Here, we’ve removed the DISTINCT and the customers., so you’ll get a lot of data:

id … familyname givenname … total … ordered_date

32 … Cue Barbie … 168.00 … 2022-05-22

13 … Fine Marty … 160.50 … 2022-06-11
59 … Don Leigh … 176.50 … 2022-07-11
68 … Stein Phyllis … 173.00 … 2022-08-02
86 … Fied Molly … 165.50 … 2022-08-09
140 … Byrd Dicky … 162.50 … 2022-08-16

~ 35 rows ~

To find customers with large total sales will require an aggregate subquery:

FROM customers
Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

    SELECT customerid FROM sales

    GROUP BY customerid HAVING sum(total)>=2000

This will give you

id … familyname givenname …

42 … Knott May …
58 … Ting Jess …
26 … Twishes Bess …
91 … North June …
69 … Mentary Rudi …
140 … Byrd Dicky …

~ 57 rows ~

Last Orders, Please

Here again, we’ll use an aggregate subquery, this time to fetch the last order of each customer.
First, we’ll need to fetch the last date and time for each customer:

SELECT max(ordered) FROM sales GROUP BY customerid

This will give us a list of one datetime for each customer:


2023-05-15 00:46:00.864446
2023-05-25 00:42:26.783461
2023-05-16 05:27:53.810977
2023-05-06 01:40:02.346894
2023-05-19 07:41:25.104524
2023-05-07 19:01:06.756387
~ 269 rows ~

Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

We’ll use this list to fetch the matching orders:


WHERE ordered IN(SELECT max(ordered) FROM sales GROUP BY customerid);

This will give us a list of sales:

id customerid total … ordered_date

6168 42 121.22 … 2023-05-28

4209 287 50.50 … 2023-03-03
4542 26 11.00 … 2023-03-18
4793 368 56.00 … 2023-03-28
4939 282 39.00 … 2023-04-03
4953 395 75.50 … 2023-04-03

~ 266 rows ~

If you count the rows, you may find that the main query returned fewer rows than the
subquery. That would happen if there were some NULL ordered datetimes. At some point,
we should learn to ignore these, either by filtering them out or removing them altogether.
The question is, why weren’t those sales included in the full query? And the answer
is that it’s all about the IN() operator.
Remember in Chapter 3, we discussed the NOT IN quirk. The discussion also applies
to a plain IN. The NULL datetimes in the subquery would result in the equivalent of
testing WHERE ordered=NULL, which, as we all know, always fails.
Now that we have sales for each customer, it’s a simple matter to join that to the
customers table to get more details:

FROM sales JOIN customers ON sales.customerid=customers.id
WHERE ordered IN(SELECT max(ordered) FROM sales GROUP BY customerid);

Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

You’ll get something like

id cid total … od id email …

6168 42 121.22 … 2023-05-28 42 [email protected]

4209 287 50.50 … 2023-03-03 287 [email protected]
4542 26 11.00 … 2023-03-18 26 [email protected]
4793 368 56.00 … 2023-03-28 368 [email protected]
4939 282 39.00 … 2023-04-03 282 [email protected]
4953 395 75.50 … 2023-04-03 395 [email protected]

~ 266 rows ~

You can now extract any customer or sales data you might want to work with.

 uplicated Customers
We’ve seen in Chapter 2 how to find duplicates. Suppose, for example, you want to find
duplicate customer names:

    givenname||' '||familyname AS fullname,
    --  MSSQL: givenname+' '+familyname AS fullname,
    count(*) as occurrences
FROM customers
GROUP BY familyname, givenname
HAVING count(*)>1;

You get

fullname Occurrences

Judy Free 2
Annie Mate 2
Mary Christmas 2

Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

fullname Occurrences

Ken Tuckey 2
Corey Ander 2
Ida Dunnit 2
Paul Bearer 2
Terry Bell 2

Remember, having the same name doesn’t necessarily mean they’re duplicates. It’s
probably just a coincidence.
We’ve concatenated the name because of what we’re going to do in the next step.
The problem with aggregate queries is that you can only select what you’re grouping,
so we can’t see the rest of the customer details. Any attempt to include them would
destroy the aggregate.
We can, however, use the duplicate query as a subquery to filter the customers table:

/*  Note
    MSSQL: Use givenname+' '+familyname
    ================================================ */
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE givenname||' '||familyname IN (
        SELECT givenname||' '||familyname FROM customers
        GROUP BY familyname, givenname
        HAVING count(*)>1

This will give us the rest of the customer details. The reason we had to concatenate
the customers’ names is that you can only have a single column in the IN() expression.

Subqueries in the FROM Clause

A subquery can also generate a virtual table, which is useful when you need to prepare
data before actually querying it.

Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

For example, suppose you want to look at your books in price groups. You can create
a simple query like this:

    id, title,
        WHEN price<13 THEN 'cheap'
        WHEN price<=17 THEN 'reasonable'
        WHEN price>17 THEN 'expensive'
    END AS price_group
FROM books;

You’ll get something like this:

id title price_group

2078 The Duel Cheap

503 Uncle Silas Reasonable
2007 North and South Expensive
702 Jane Eyre Expensive
1530 Robin Hood, The Cheap
Prince of Thieves
1759 La Curée Reasonable

~ 1201 rows ~

Now, suppose you want to summarize the table. The problem is that you can’t
do this:

--  This doesn’t work:

    --  id, title,
            WHEN price<13 THEN 'cheap'
            WHEN price<=17 THEN 'reasonable'
            WHEN price>17 THEN 'expensive'
        END AS price_group,
Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

        count(*) as num_books
    FROM books
    GROUP BY price_group;

We’ve commented out the columns we’re not grouping, but it still won’t work
because of that pesky clause order thing: the alias price_group is created in the SELECT
clause which comes after the GROUP BY clause, so it’s not available for grouping. Of
course, you can then reproduce the calculation in the GROUP BY clause:

--  This works, but ...

    --  id, title,
            WHEN price<13 THEN 'cheap'
            WHEN price<=17 THEN 'reasonable'
            WHEN price>17 THEN 'expensive'
        END AS price_group,
        count(*) as num_books
    FROM books
            WHEN price<13 THEN 'cheap'
            WHEN price<=17 THEN 'reasonable'
            WHEN price>17 THEN 'expensive'

but you really don’t want to go there.

One solution is to put the original SELECT statement in a subquery:

SELECT price_group, count(*) AS num_books

        id, title,
            WHEN price<13 THEN 'cheap'
            WHEN price<=17 THEN 'reasonable'
            WHEN price>17 THEN 'expensive'
        END AS price_group

Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

    FROM books
) AS sq     --  Oracle: ( ... ) sq
GROUP BY price_group;

This gives a meaningful result:

price_group num_books

expensive 320
[NULL] 105
reasonable 467
cheap 309

Remember that the default fall through for the CASE expression is NULL. Those books
which are unpriced will end up in the NULL price group. Depending on the DBMS, you’ll
see this somewhere in the result set as a separate group.
Remember that a SELECT statement generates a virtual table. As such, it can be used
in a FROM clause in the form of a subquery.
Note that there’s a special requirement for a FROM subquery: it must have an alias,
even if you’ve no plans to use it. We have no special plans here, so it’s just called sq
(“SubQuery”) for no particular reason. If you want to, say, join the subquery with
another table or virtual table, then the alias will be useful.

Nested Subqueries
A subquery is a SELECT statement with its own FROM clause. In turn, that FROM clause
might be from another subquery. If you have a subquery within a subquery, it’s a nested
For example, let’s look at duplicate customer names again. You can find candidates
with the following aggregate query:

SELECT familyname, givenname

FROM customers
GROUP BY familyname, givenname HAVING count(*)>1;

Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

They’re just the names. Suppose you want more details. For that, you can join the
customers table with the preceding query:

    c.id, c.givenname, c.familyname, c.email
FROM customers AS c JOIN (
    SELECT familyname, givenname
    FROM customers
    GROUP BY familyname, givenname HAVING count(*)>1
) AS n ON c.givenname=n.givenname AND c.familyname=n.familyname;

We’ve seen something like this before. You’ll now get the candidate customers:

id givenname familyname Email

429 Corey Ander [email protected]

287 Judy Free [email protected]
90 Ida Dunnit [email protected]
488 Ken Tuckey [email protected]
174 Paul Bearer [email protected]
505 Annie Mate [email protected]

~ 16 rows ~

We’ve aliased the customers table to c for convenience (don’t forget no AS in Oracle),
and the subquery needs a name anyway, so we’ve called it n. In the SELECT clause, we’ve
just fetched the id, the names, and the email address.
Now, let’s combine this in another aggregate query, which will give us one row per
name, and combine the other details:

    givenname, familyname,
    --  PostgreSQL, MSSQL:
        string_agg(email,', ') AS email,
        string_agg(cast(id AS varchar(3)),', ') AS ids
    --  MariaDB/MySQL:
        group_concat(email SEPARATOR ', ') AS email,

Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

        group_concat(cast(id AS varchar(3)) SEPARATOR ', ')

            AS ids
    --  SQLite:
        group_concat(email,', ') AS email,
        group_concat(cast(id AS varchar(3)),', ') AS ids
    --  Oracle:
        listagg(email,', ') AS email,
        listagg(cast(id AS varchar(3)),', ') AS ids
FROM (  --  previous SELECT as subquery
    SELECT c.id, c.givenname, c.familyname, c.email
    FROM customers AS c JOIN (
        SELECT familyname, givenname
        FROM customers
        GROUP BY familyname, givenname HAVING count(*)>1
    ) AS n ON c.givenname=n.givenname AND
) AS sq
GROUP BY familyname, givenname;

Now you’ll get something like

givenname familyname Email ids

Corey Ander corey.ander429@e …, corey.ander85@ex … 429, 85

Paul Bearer paul.bearer174@e …, paul.bearer482@e … 174, 482
Terry Bell terry.bell402@ex …, terry.bell295@ex … 402, 295
Mary Christmas mary.christmas46 …, mary.christmas59 … 465, 594
Ida Dunnit ida.dunnit504@ex …, ida.dunnit90@exa … 504, 90
Judy Free judy.free93@exam …, judy.free287@exa … 93, 287

~ 8 rows ~

Note that we’ve included variations on the string_agg() functions as described in

Chapter 5. Also, we’ve had to cast the id as a string so that it can be aggregated as one.
If you think this last example is getting a little hard to read, well, that’s one of the
problems with nested subqueries. Thankfully, there’s an alternative in Common Table
Expressions, which we’ll look at soon.
Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

Using WHERE EXISTS (Subquery)

You have already seen subqueries in the WHERE clause to filter your query. So far, the
subquery has returned either a single value or a single column for use in an IN()
You can also filter a set of data using WHERE EXISTS (...). It looks a little like this:

FROM ...
WHERE EXISTS(subquery);

The subquery will either return a result or not. If it does, then the WHERE EXISTS is
satisfied, and the row is passed; if it doesn’t, then the WHERE EXISTS isn’t satisfied, and
the row will be filtered.
For example, you can test the idea with the following statement:

--  PostgreSQL, MSSQL, SQLite

    SELECT * FROM authors
--  MariaDB/MySQL, Oracle
    SELECT * FROM authors

Since 1=1 is always true, you’ll get all of the rows from the authors table.
Although you would normally only use FROM dual with Oracle, MariaDB and MySQL
also support this. In this case, MariaDB and MySQL don’t like the WHERE clause without a
FROM, so we’ve thrown it in to keep them happy.
Similarly, you can return nothing:

--  PostgreSQL, MSSQL, SQLite

    SELECT * FROM authors
--  MariaDB/MySQL, Oracle
    SELECT * FROM authors

The subquery is in a special position in that it doesn’t matter what columns are
actually being selected: what matters is that there is or isn’t a row. That’s why we’ve
included a dummy SELECT 1.
Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

You can also choose SELECT NULL or even SELECT 1/0. The former would give the
(false) impression that we’re looking for nothing, and the latter would have resulted
in an error if run by itself. It’s tempting to take it more seriously by selecting a more
meaningful value, but there’s no need.

WHERE EXISTS with Non-correlated Subqueries

Clearly, the previous examples will give you all or nothing, and that’s the sort of thing
you can expect from a non-correlated subquery, such as

SELECT * FROM authors

WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1/0 FROM books WHERE price<15);

The subquery selects some rows, which is enough to satisfy the WHERE clause, so
you’ll get all the authors. If you had tried WHERE price<0, then you’d get none of the

WHERE EXISTS with Correlated Subqueries

Using WHERE EXISTS is more interesting if you use a correlated subquery. Here, the test
will be evaluated for every row, so some rows will pass and some won’t.
For example, if you want to find all the authors whose books are in the books table,
you can use

SELECT * FROM authors

    SELECT 1 FROM books WHERE books.authorid=authors.id

You’ll get something like

id givenname … familyname … Home

464 Ambrose … Bierce … Meigs County, Ohio

858 Alexander … Ostrovsky … Moscow
525 Francis … Beaumont … Grace-Dieu, Leicestershire
488 Bashou … Matsuo … Matsuo Kinsaku
Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

id givenname … familyname … Home

703 Friedrich … Engels … Barmen

722 Stanley … Waterloo … St. Clair, Mich.

~ 443 rows ~

Here, the subquery looks for a row where books.authorid matches authors.id, and
if there is such a row (as there is with most authors), the author row will be returned.

WHERE EXISTS vs. the IN() Expression

In the previous example, you can also get the same result with the IN() expression:

SELECT * FROM authors

WHERE id IN(SELECT authorid FROM books);

This variation is, of course, simpler. However, it’s quite likely that, on the inside, SQL
does exactly the same thing, so how you write it is really a matter of taste.
On the other hand, if you’re looking for authors without books (in our catalogue),
then it’s a different matter.
This won’t work:

SELECT * FROM authors

WHERE id NOT IN(SELECT authorid FROM books);

Well, technically, it will work, but not the way we would have wanted. Recall again
from Chapter 3 the “NOT IN quirk.” Since there are some NULLs in the authorid column,
the NOT IN operator eventually evaluates something like ... AND id=NULL AND .... The
id=NULL always fails, and the ... AND ... combines that failure with the rest and causes
the whole expression to fail.
Using WHERE NOT EXISTS will, however, work:

SELECT * FROM authors

    SELECT 1 FROM books WHERE books.authorid=authors.id

Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

That’s because WHERE EXISTS evaluates rows, not values:

id givenname … familyname … Home

479 C.E. … Koetsveld … Rotterdam

874 Henry … Savery … Somerset, England
429 Oliné … Keese … [NULL]
35 James … Lowell … Cambridge, Massachusetts
148 Demetrius … Boulger … [NULL]
922 Robert … Ingersoll … Dresden, New York

~ 45 rows ~

You won’t see WHERE EXISTS much in the wild, since you can generally do the same
thing with either a join or the IN operator. However, there are times where it has an
advantage or is more intuitive. That’s especially because WHERE EXISTS can be more
expressive and particular when NOT IN doesn’t work.

LATERAL JOINS (a.k.a. CROSS APPLY) and Friends

This feature is not available in SQLite. Neither is it available in MariaDB, though it is
available in MySQL.
Still, if you’re working with one of these DBMSs, you might want to see what it’s all
about. In any case, there’s an alternative for most things, especially with Common
Table Expressions, in the next section.
SQLite does, however, have an interesting quirk with the WHERE clause, which
you’ll see if you hang around.

If you try the following query:

    id, title,
    price, price*0.1 AS tax, price+tax AS inc
FROM books;
Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

It won’t work. That’s because each column is independent of the rest. You can’t
use an alias as part of another calculation in the SELECT clause. We got around this by
calculating the inc column separately: price*1.1 AS inc.
It gets worse if you try something like this:

    id, title,
    price, price*0.1 AS tax
FROM books
WHERE tax>1.5;

Here, the problem is that the SELECT clause is evaluated after the WHERE clause, so
the aliased calculation for tax isn’t available yet in the WHERE clause. Again, we could
recalculate the value in the WHERE clause: WHERE price*1.1>1.5.

Except with SQLite. You can indeed use aliases in the WHERE clause and also in the
GROUP BY clause.

Finally, if, for example, you want to get multiple columns from a subquery in the
SELECT clause, this won’t work either:

    id, title,
    (SELECT givenname, othernames, familynames
    FROM authors WHERE authors.id=books.authorid)
FROM books
WHERE tax>1.5;

A subquery in the SELECT clause can only return one value, which is all right if you
concatenate the names and then return the result. Otherwise, you’re stuck with three
subqueries, which is both costly and tedious.
SQL can solve this by applying a subquery to each row. This is called a LATERAL JOIN
in some DBMSs, or an APPLY in some others.

Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

Adding Columns
In the first two examples earlier, you can use an expression like this:

--  PostgreSQL, MySQL (not MariaDB)

        id, title,
        price, tax, inc
        JOIN LATERAL(SELECT price*0.1 AS tax) AS sq ON true
        JOIN LATERAL(SELECT price+tax AS inc) AS sq2 ON true
    WHERE tax>1.5
        id, title,
        price, tax, inc
    FROM books
        CROSS APPLY (SELECT price*0.1 AS tax) AS sq
        CROSS APPLY (SELECT price+tax AS inc) AS sq2
    WHERE tax>1.5

--  Oracle (No AS in subquery name)

        id, title,
        price, tax, inc
    FROM books
        CROSS APPLY (SELECT price*0.1 AS tax FROM dual) sq
        CROSS APPLY (SELECT price+tax AS inc FROM dual) sq2
    WHERE tax>1.5

Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

You’ll get something like this:

id Title price tax inc

503 Uncle Silas 17.00 1.700 18.700

2007 North and South 17.50 1.750 19.250
702 Jane Eyre 17.50 1.750 19.250
1759 La Curée 16.00 1.600 17.600
205 Shadow: A Parable 17.50 1.750 19.250
1702 Philaster 17.50 1.750 19.250

~ 525 rows ~

Note .

• The subquery must be given an alias, even though it’s not used.
• PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MSSQL allow you to put the column
aliases in the subquery aliases instead: (SELECT price*0.1)
AS sq(tax). Not Oracle.
• The example for PostgreSQL and MySQL uses the dummy condition
ON true. MySQL will allow you to leave this out, but PostgreSQL
requires it.

Note in particular that the second subquery will happily calculate the expression
price+tax AS inc. This is because the subqueries are evaluated one after the other, so
the expressions can accumulate.
The LATERAL or CROSS APPLY subquery is applied to every row of the main query.
In principle, that could be pretty expensive, but, as it turns out, it’s not so bad. It’s
particularly useful if you need to include a series of intermediate steps in a more
complex calculation—it’s easy to understand and easy to maintain.

SQL also has a type of join called CROSS JOIN. In a cross join, each row of one
table is joined with each row of the other table. This result is also known as a
Cartesian product. That’s a lot of combinations, and it’s usually not what you want.
Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

A CROSS APPLY is not the same thing, though it is a type of join. It’s closer to an
You’ll see a use for a cross join later when we cross join with a single row
virtual table.

Multiple Columns
As we noted, SQL won’t let you fetch multiple columns from a single subquery in the SELECT
clause, because everything in the SELECT clause is supposed to be scalar—a single value.
However, you can fetch multiple columns if the context is table-like, such as in the
FROM clause. For example:

--  PostgreSQL, MySQL (Not MariaDB)

        id, title,
        givenname, othernames, familyname
            SELECT givenname, othernames, familyname
            FROM authors
            WHERE authors.id=books.authorid
        ) AS a ON true;
        id, title,
        givenname, othernames, familyname,
    FROM books
        OUTER APPLY (
            SELECT givenname, othernames, familyname
            FROM authors
            WHERE authors.id=books.authorid
        ) AS a;
--  Oracle: Same as MSSQL without AS
Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

You’ll get something like

id Truncate givenname othernames familyname

2078 The Duel Heinrich [NULL] von Kleist

503 Uncle Silas J. Sheridan Le Fanu
2007 North and South Elizabeth [NULL] Gaskell
702 Jane Eyre Charlotte [NULL] Brontë
1530 Robin Hood, The … Alexandre [NULL] Dumas
1759 La Curée Émile [NULL] Zola

~ 1201 rows ~

In this case, you can just as readily use a normal outer join to get the same results:

    books.id, title,
    givenname, othernames, familyname,
FROM books LEFT JOIN authors ON authors.id=books.authorid;

The latter form is definitely simpler (we’ve left off the table aliases for simplicity and
qualified the books.id column out of necessity).
On the other hand, if the subquery is an aggregate query, the lateral join is
convenient, since you’re going to need a subquery anyway: remember you can’t mix
aggregate and non-aggregate data in a single SELECT statement.
For example, suppose you want a list of customers with the total sales for each
customer. You’ll need an aggregate query to get the totals, joined to the customers table.
You could do this:

--  PostgreSQL, MySQL (not MariaDB)

        id, givenname, familyname, total
            SELECT sum(total) AS total FROM sales
            WHERE sales.customerid=customers.id
Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

        ) AS totals ON true;

--  MSSQL, Oracle (no AS)

        id, givenname, familyname, total
        OUTER APPLY(
            SELECT sum(total) AS total FROM sales
            WHERE sales.customerid=customers.id
        ) AS totals;

This will give you something like this:

Id givenname familyname total

42 May Knott 3437.72

459 Rick Shaw 461.00
597 Ike Andy [NULL]
186 Pat Downe 1536.50
352 Basil Isk 573.00
576 Pearl Divers [NULL]

~ 303 rows ~

Although there may be alternatives, as you’ll need when working with SQLite or
MariaDB, the lateral join can sometimes make this sort of query a little more intuitive.

Working with Common Table Expressions

We’ve seen that you can use subqueries in the FROM clause and that you can even
nest them. However, there’s an alternative method which makes working with these
subqueries more natural.
Common Table Expressions, or CTEs to their friends, are subqueries which generate
table results. As a result, you can almost always replace a FROM subquery with a CTE.
We’ve already used CTEs in previous chapters, so if you get a sense of déjà vu, it’s OK.

Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

Common Table Expressions (CTEs) are a relatively new feature in SQL, but have
been around for some time, and are available in almost all modern DBMSs. The
notable laggards are MariaDB which added support in version 10.2 (released in
2016) and MySQL which added support in version 8.0 (released in 2018). If you’re
stuck with an older version of MariaDB or MySQL, maybe you can learn to enjoy
nested subqueries.

A CTE is a virtual table defined before it is used. It is similar to a subquery in that

it comprises a SELECT statement, but the syntax is different, and it offers a number of
In their simplest form, CTEs are an alternative form of subquery. Even so, there is an
immediate benefit:
• CTEs are more readable and easier to maintain, because they are
defined at the beginning rather than in the middle of a query.

Complex subqueries may have one subquery referring to another. This involves
nesting subqueries.

• CTEs can reference previous CTEs without the need for nesting.

Both these benefits relate to readability and maintainability. The third benefit is one
which is not available for ordinary subqueries.
• CTEs can refer to themselves; thus, they can be recursive.

A Common Table Expression is defined as part of the query, before the main part:

WITH cte AS (subquery)

SELECT columns FROM cte;

The CTE is given a name, though not necessarily cte of course. Thereafter, it is used
as a normal table in the main query. You can define multiple CTEs as follows:

    cte AS (subquery),
    another AS (subquery)
SELECT columns FROM ...;
Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

Using a CTE to Prepare Calculations

Remember the subquery with the price groups?

SELECT price_group, count(*) AS num_books

        id, title,
            WHEN price<13 THEN 'cheap'
            WHEN price<=17 THEN 'reasonable'
            WHEN price>17 THEN 'expensive'
        END AS price_group
    FROM books
) AS sq     --  Oracle: ( ... ) sq
GROUP BY price_group;

That is easily rewritten as a CTE:

--  Prepare Data
    WITH sq AS (
            id, title,
                WHEN price<13 THEN 'cheap'
                WHEN price<=17 THEN 'reasonable'
                WHEN price>17 THEN 'expensive'
            END AS price_group
        FROM books
--  Use Prepared Data
    SELECT price_group, count(*) AS num_books
    FROM sq
    GROUP BY price_group;

It doesn’t look much different, but the important part is that you now have your
query in two parts: the first part defines the subquery, and the second uses it. It’s a much
better way of organizing your code.

Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

The subquery has been transferred to a CTE at the beginning of the query. From
there on, the main SELECT statement references the CTE as if it were just another table.
The advantage is that the query is written according to the plan: first prepare the
data, and then use the data.

MSSQL currently doesn’t require a semicolon at the end of a statement, but you
should be in the habit of using it anyway.
However, the WITH clause has an alternative meaning at the end of a previous
SELECT statement, so it will be misinterpreted if you don’t end the previous
SELECT statement with the semicolon.
Just use the semicolon at the end of every statement, and all will be fine. Don’t fall
for this nonsense:
;WITH (...)

Here’s another example, which we’ll use further in the next few chapters. If you look
at the sales table:

SELECT * FROM sales;

you’ll see the following:

id customerid total … ordered_date

39 28 28.00 … 2022-05-15
40 27 34.00 … 2022-05-16
42 1 58.50 … 2022-05-16
43 26 50.00 … 2022-05-16
45 26 17.50 … 2022-05-16
518 50 13.00 … [NULL]

~ 5549 rows ~

Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

If you want to summarize the table, such as to get monthly totals, the data is too
fine-detailed. Instead, you can prepare the data by formatting the ordered as a year-­
month value:

WITH salesdata AS (
    --  PostgreSQL, Oracle
        to_char(ordered,'YYYY-MM') AS month,
        --  MariaDB/MySQL
            --  date_format(ordered,'%Y-%m') AS month,
        --  MSSQL
            --  format(ordered,'yyyy-MM') AS month,
        --  SQLite
            --  strftime('%Y-%m',ordered) AS month,
    FROM sales
SELECT month, sum(total) AS daily_total
FROM salesdata
GROUP BY month
ORDER BY month;

You’ll now get the following summary:

Month daily_total

2022-05 6966.50
2022-06 12733.00
2022-07 17314.00
2022-08 19093.00
2022-09 20295.50
2022-10 27797.50

~ 14 rows ~

Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

In real life, much of what you want to summarize isn’t in the right form, but you can
prepare it in a CTE to get it ready.
We’ll have another look at CTEs in Chapter 9, where we’ll see more techniques we
can apply.

In this chapter, we’ve had a look at using variations on subqueries in a query. We’ve
already seen some subqueries in previous chapters, but here we had a closer look at how
they work.
Subqueries can be used in any clause. The results of the subquery must match the
context of the clause:

• Subqueries in the SELECT clause or in simple WHERE expressions need

to return a single value.

• Subqueries used in an IN() expression need to return a

single column.

• Subqueries used in the FROM clause need to return a virtual table.

You can also use subqueries in the ORDER BY clause, though you’d probably want to
use the expression in the SELECT clause instead.
You can also use subqueries with the WHERE EXISTS expression or in LATERAL joins.
Subqueries in the FROM clause can be nested, though you would probably want to use
a Common Table Expression instead.

Correlated and Non-correlated Subqueries

Subqueries can be correlated or non-correlated:

• A non-correlated subquery is independent of the main query and is

evaluated once. The results are then used for the main query.

• A correlated subquery is one which references data in the main

query. It is evaluated for every row.

A correlated subquery can be expensive, since it’s evaluated multiple times, so there
may be more suitable alternatives.

Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

The WHERE EXISTS Expression

The WHERE EXISTS tests whether the subquery returns any rows; if it does, the row in the
main query is retained; otherwise, it is filtered out.
Using a non-correlated subquery in WHERE EXISTS will generally return all or none of
the rows in the main query. Using a correlated subquery will filter selective rows.
You can generally use an IN() expression as an alternative, but there are times when
WHERE EXISTS allows a more complex subquery. It also bypasses the NOT IN quirk.


A LATERAL JOIN, which, in some DBMSs, is a CROSS APPLY, allows you to add columns to
each row in the main query:

• You can use a LATERAL JOIN to add calculated columns, and

you can chain them, so you can have multiple calculations and
intermediate values.

• You can also use a LATERAL JOIN to add multiple columns from a

Common Table Expressions

A subquery can be used in a FROM clause, but it can be complex, especially if there’s a
need for multiple subqueries, which will have to be nested.
A Common Table Expression allows you to define a virtual table before the main
query, allowing the main query to work like an ordinary query.
You can also chain multiple CTEs together, which is easier to work with than nesting

Coming Up
In Chapter 5, we had a look at aggregating data. Generally, aggregate values can’t be
mixed with non-aggregate values without throwing a few subqueries into the mix.

Chapter 7 Working with Subqueries and Common Table Expressions

Window functions are a group of functions which do the job of applying subqueries
to each row. There are two main groups of window functions:

• The aggregate functions can be used to apply an aggregate to each

row of a non-aggregate query. They can also be used to accumulate
or aggregate in groups.

• The sequencing functions can be used to generate a value based on

the position of the row in the dataset. They can be used to indicate
the row position or some grouping. They can also be used to fetch
values from other rows.

With window functions, you’ll be able to generate datasets which combine plain data
with more analytical data.


Window Functions
So far, you have seen two main groups of calculations:
• Most calculations have been based on table columns: For each row, a
value is calculated from one or more columns.

• Aggregate queries are used to summarize rows: For the whole table,
some or all rows are summarized.

Window functions are a group of functions which add row data as columns. We’ll be
working with three groups of window functions:

• Aggregate functions: You would normally get aggregates as a separate

summary of the table data, but aggregate window functions allow you
to include aggregates with each row.

Among other things, you’ll see how this can be used to generate
running totals.

• Ranking functions: This will generate a value based on the position of

the current row within the dataset.
Using sequencing functions, you can get the row number, the
relative ranking, and even groups such as deciles.

• Value functions: You can get data from rows which precede or
follow the current row. You can also get the first and last values in
each group.

This will, for example, get you the difference in values between
this and some other row.
In this chapter, we’ll look at all of these.

© Mark Simon 2023
M. Simon, Leveling Up with SQL, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-9685-1_8
Chapter 8 Window Functions

Window functions are relatively new to SQL, but most modern DBMSs now support
them. Again, the laggards are MariaDB, which introduced them in version 10.2, and
MySQL which introduced them in version 8.

Before we get started, some of the samples will be working with the sales table. That
table includes some NULLs for the ordered date/time. Presumably, those sales never
checked out.
We’ve been pretty forgiving so far and filtered them out from time to time, but the
time has come to deal with them. We can delete all of the NULL sales as follows:


You’ll notice that there’s a foreign key from the saleitems table to the sales table,
which would normally disallow deleting the sales if there are any items attacked.
However, if you check the script which generates the sample database, you’ll notice the
ON DELETE CASCADE clause, which will automatically delete the orphaned sale items.

Writing Window Functions

A window function generates a value over a set of rows. The set of rows is called
a window.
The general syntax for window functions is

fn() OVER (PARTITION BY columns |

    ORDER BY columns | frame clause)

The important part is the OVER() clause which generates the window to be
There are three main window clauses:

• PARTITION BY: This calculates the function for the group defined. It is
equivalent to GROUP BY.

The default partition is the whole table.

Chapter 8 Window Functions

• ORDER BY: This calculates the function cumulatively, in the order

defined. In other words, it generates running totals.

This order does not need to be the same as the table’s ORDER
BY clause.

• There is also an optional framing clause. This creates a sliding

window within the partition.

The framing clause requires an ORDER BY window clause. By

default, the frame is the rows from the beginning to the current
row, but that needs to be qualified when we get to that.

In the following samples, there is normally an ORDER BY clause at the end of the
SELECT statement, which is the same as what’s in the OVER() clause. This isn’t necessary,
but it makes the results easier to follow.

Simple Aggregate Windows

As you know, you can’t mix aggregate functions in non-aggregate queries. For example,
here is an aggregate query which won’t work:

    id, givenname, familyname,
FROM customerdetails;

However, this will work:

    id, givenname, familyname,
    count(*) OVER ()
FROM customerdetails;

Chapter 8 Window Functions

This gives you something like

id givenname familyname count

42 May Knott 303

459 Rick Shaw 303
597 Ike Andy 303
186 Pat Downe 303
352 Basil Isk 303
576 Pearl Divers 303

~ 303 rows ~

The OVER() clause changes the aggregate function into a window function. This
aggregate function will now be generated for each column. You’ll see later that the OVER()
clause defines any grouping, known as partitions, the order, and the number of rows to be
considered in the aggregate.
For such a simple case, you can get the same result with a subquery:

    id, givenname, familyname,
    (SELECT count(*) FROM customers)
FROM customerdetails;

The window function becomes more interesting when you apply one of the window
clauses. For example:

    id, givenname, familyname,
    count(*) OVER (ORDER BY id)
FROM customerdetails;

This will give the running count up to and including the current row, in order of id.
The actual table results may or may not be in row order, especially if you include other
expressions, so it’s better to add that to the end:

Chapter 8 Window Functions

    id, givenname, familyname,
    count(*) OVER (ORDER BY id) AS running_count
FROM customerdetails

Now you’ll get something like

id Givenname familyname running_count

1 Pierce Dears 1
2 Arthur Moore 2
5 Ray King 3
6 Gene Poole 4
9 Donna Worry 5
10 Ned Duwell 6

~ 303 rows ~

The running_count column looks very much like a simple row number. We’ll see
later that it’s not necessarily the same if the ORDER BY column isn’t unique.

Aggregate Functions
Normally, you can’t use aggregate functions in a normal query unless you squeeze them
into a subquery. However, they can be repurposed as window functions.
Previously, you saw that you can use the expression count(*) OVER () to give the
total number on every row. You can also do something similar with the sum() or avg()
For example, suppose you want to compare sales totals with the overall average:

    id, ordered, total,
    total-avg(total) OVER () AS difference
FROM sales;

Chapter 8 Window Functions

You’ll get something like

id Ordered total difference

39 2022-05-15 21:12:07.988741 28 -33.783

40 2022-05-16 03:03:16.065969 34 -27.783
42 2022-05-16 10:09:13.674823 58.5 -3.283
43 2022-05-16 15:02:43.285565 50 -11.783
45 2022-05-16 16:48:14.674202 17.5 -44.283
518 [NULL] 13 -48.783

~ 5549 rows ~

In a more complicated example, suppose you want to compare how sales each day
compare to the rest of the week.
First, you could extract only the day of the week and total from the sales table. You
can use either the day name or the day number for this, but let’s use the day number:

--  PostgreSQL: Sunday=0
        EXTRACT(dow FROM ordered) AS weekday_number,
    FROM sales;
--  MSSQL: Sunday=1
        datepart(weekday,ordered) AS weekday_number,
    FROM sales;
--  Oracle: Sunday=1
        to_char(ordered,'D')+0 AS weekday_number,
    FROM sales;
--  MariaDB/MySQL: Sunday=1
        dayofweek(ordered) AS weekday_number,
Chapter 8 Window Functions

    FROM sales;
--  SQLite: Sunday=0
        strftime('%w',ordered) AS weekday_number
    FROM sales;

You’ll see they all have a different way to do it, and they can’t even agree on the day
number. Fortunately, they all agree on the first day of the week:

weekday_number Total

0 28
1 34
1 58.5
1 50
1 17.5
0 13

~ 5549 rows ~

Next, put that into a CTE, so you can aggregate them:

    data AS (
            ... AS weekday,
        FROM sales
--  to be done

Next, you could summarize the data in another CTE:

    data AS (
Chapter 8 Window Functions

            ... AS weekday_number,
        FROM sales
    summary AS (
        SELECT weekday_number, sum(total) AS total
        FROM data
        GROUP BY weekday_number
--  etc

Finally, you can compare the daily totals to the grand totals using a window aggregate:

    data AS (...),
    summary AS (...)
    weekday_number, total,
    total/sum(total) OVER()
FROM weekday_number
ORDER BY weekday_number;

This will give you a day-by-day summary:

weekday_number total ?column?

0 48182.22 0.147
1 49304 0.151
2 45156.5 0.138
3 45959.5 0.141
4 47528 0.145
5 42372.5 0.13
6 48415.5 0.148

Chapter 8 Window Functions

Note that the expression total/sum(total) OVER() is confusing as the OVER() clause
seems a little uninvolved. You might prefer to write it as total/(sum(total) OVER ())
to make it clearer that it is, in fact, a single expression. We’ll leave that to your preference,
but it isn’t normally written that way.
You can finish off by giving the calculation an alias, displaying it as a percentage, and
sorting by weekday:

    data AS (...),
    summary AS (...)
    weekday, total,
    100*total/sum(total) OVER() AS proportion
FROM summary

If you want to display the percentage symbol, that’s up to the DBMS. You can try one
of the following:

--  PostgreSQL
    to_char(100*total/sum(total) OVER(),'99.9%')
--  MariaDB/MySQL
    format(100*total/sum(total) OVER(),2) || '%'
    format(100*total/sum(total) OVER(),'0.0%')
--  SQLite: aka printf(...)
    select format('%.1f%%',100*total/sum(total) OVER())
--  Oracle
    to_char(100*total/sum(total) OVER(),'99.9') || '%'

This looks more convincing:

weekday_number total proportion

0 48182.22 14.7%
1 49304 15.1%
2 45156.5 13.8%
Chapter 8 Window Functions

weekday_number total proportion

3 45959.5 14.1%
4 47528 14.5%
5 42372.5 13.0%
6 48415.5 14.8%

We’ve used OVER() to calculate the grand total for the table. However, we can also
use a sliding window, as we’ll see in the next section.

Aggregate Window Functions and ORDER BY

Recall our introductory sample where we included an ORDER BY clause in the
OVER() clause:

    id, givenname, familyname,
    count(*) OVER (ORDER BY id) AS running_count
FROM customerdetails

In this example, the id, being the primary key, is unique. That will give us a false idea
of how this works, so let’s look at using the height, which is not unique. We’ll also filter
out the NULL heights to make it more obvious:

    id, givenname, familyname,
    count(*) OVER (ORDER BY height) AS running_count
FROM customerdetails
ORDER BY height;

Chapter 8 Window Functions

You’ll see some repeated heights and how they affect the window function:

id givenname familyname Height running_count

597 Ike Andy 153 2

283 Ethel Glycol 153 2
451 Fred Knott 153.8 3
194 Rod Fishing 154.3 4
534 Minnie Bus 156.4 6
352 Basil Isk 156.4 6

~ 267 rows ~

When using ORDER BY in the OVER clause, it means count the number of rows up to
the current value. That may or may not be what you wanted.

The Framing Clause

In this example, there’s an implied framing clause, which defaults to this behavior. If you
like, you can make it more specific:

count(*) OVER (ORDER BY height


That’s quite a mouthful, but that’s the way the SQL language is developing: Why say
something in two words if you can say it in twenty1?
Here, the word RANGE refers to the value of height. For example, in the fifth row
earlier, the value is the same as the next row, so count(*) includes both.
The obvious alternative is

    id, givenname, familyname,
    count(*) OVER (ORDER BY height

You’ll see this sort of thing in all of the newer features in SQL. You might say that SQL is the
new COBOL.
COBOL was (and still is) an early programming language which was supposed to appeal to less
mathematical business programmers. It is noted for its verbosity.
Chapter 8 Window Functions


FROM customerdetails
ORDER BY height;

The subtle change is from RANGE BETWEEN to ROWS BETWEEN. It now counts the
number of rows up to the current row.

id givenname familyname Height running_count

597 Ike Andy 153 1

283 Ethel Glycol 153 2
451 Fred Knott 153.8 3
194 Rod Fishing 154.3 4
534 Minnie Bus 156.4 5
352 Basil Isk 156.4 6

~ 267 rows ~

It’s a little bit unfair: two customers on the same height are arbitrarily positioned one
before the other. We’ll see more of this unfairness later.
The framing clause can take the following form:


As we saw, the difference between ROWS and RANGE is that RANGE includes all the rows
which match the current value, while ROWS doesn’t.
The start and end expressions, a.k.a. the frame borders, can take one of the
following forms:

Expression Meaning


n PRECEDING Number of rows before the current row
n FOLLOWING Number of rows after the current row

Chapter 8 Window Functions

There’s also a short form:


which means between the start and the current row.

Creating a Daily Sales View

Before we proceed, some of our further examples will require some prepared sales
data. Although we could do this in a common table expression, it would make sense to
prepare a view instead and save ourselves a bit of bother later.
We’re going to want daily sales, together with the month of sale. The view would look
like this:

CREATE VIEW daily_sales AS


    --  PostgreSQL, Oracle
        to_char(ordered_date,'YYYY-MM') AS ordered_month,
    --  MariaDB/MySQL
        --  date_format(ordered_date,'%Y-%m')
            AS ordered_month,
    --  MSSQL
        --  format(ordered_date,'yyyy-MM') AS ordered_month,
    --  SQLite
        --  strftime('%Y-%m',ordered_date) AS ordered_month,

    sum(total) AS daily_total
FROM sales
GROUP BY ordered_date;

(Don’t forget to wrap the statement between GOs for MSSQL.)

We can put that to the test:

SELECT * FROM daily_sales ORDER BY ordered_date;

Chapter 8 Window Functions

You should see something like this:

ordered_date ordered_month daily_total

2022-05-04 2022-05 43
2022-05-05 2022-05 150.5
2022-05-06 2022-05 110.5
2022-05-07 2022-05 142
2022-05-08 2022-05 214.5
2022-05-09 2022-05 16.5

~ 389 rows ~

A Sliding Window
Here’s an example of using a sliding window with the framing clause. Suppose we want
to generate the daily totals for each day and the week up to the day. We can use

    ordered_date, daily_total,
    sum(daily_total) OVER(ORDER BY ordered_date
        ROWS 6 PRECEDING) AS week_total,
    sum(daily_total) OVER(ORDER BY ordered_date
        ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) AS running_total
FROM daily_sales
ORDER BY ordered_date;

For both framing clauses, we’ve used the shorter form, since we want to go up to the
current row. We could have left off the framing clause altogether for the running total,
but we needed to change from the default RANGE BETWEEN just in case two daily totals
were the same.

Chapter 8 Window Functions

You’ll get something like the following:

ordered_date daily_total week_total running_total

2022-05-04 43 43 43
2022-05-05 150.5 193.5 193.5
2022-05-06 110.5 304 304
2022-05-07 142 446 446
2022-05-08 214.5 660.5 660.5
2022-05-09 16.5 677 677
2022-05-10 160 837 837
2022-05-11 115 909 952
2022-05-12 205 963.5 1157
2022-05-13 164.5 1017.5 1321.5
2022-05-14 46.5 922 1368
2022-05-15 457.5 1165 1825.5

~ 389 rows ~

Note that for the first seven days, the week and running totals are the same, because
there are no totals from before then. However, from there on, the running total keeps
accumulating while the week total is clamped to the current seven days.
If you look hard enough, you may also see some gaps in the dates. That means that
there were no sales on those days and can also mean trouble for interpreting what you
mean, since one row is not necessarily one day. We’ll address that problem in Chapter 9.
Remember, you’re not limited to the count() and sum() functions. For example, you
can create sliding averages as well:

    ordered_date, daily_total,
    sum(daily_total) OVER(ORDER BY ordered_date
        ROWS 6 PRECEDING) AS week_total,
    avg(daily_total) OVER(ORDER BY ordered_dat
        ROWS 6 PRECEDING) AS week_average,
    sum(daily_total) OVER(ORDER BY ordered_date
Chapter 8 Window Functions

        ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) AS running_total

FROM daily_sales
ORDER BY ordered_date;

The week average is the average over the seven days including the current day:

ordered_date daily_total week_total week_average running_total

2022-05-04 43 43 43 43
2022-05-05 150.5 193.5 96.75 193.5
2022-05-06 110.5 304 101.333 304
2022-05-07 142 446 111.5 446
2022-05-08 214.5 660.5 132.1 660.5
2022-05-09 16.5 677 112.833 677
2022-05-10 160 837 119.571 837
2022-05-11 115 909 129.857 952
2022-05-12 205 963.5 137.643 1157
2022-05-13 164.5 1017.5 145.357 1321.5
2022-05-14 46.5 922 131.714 1368
2022-05-15 457.5 1165 166.429 1825.5

~ 389 rows ~

You can also select sliding minimums and maximums or averages so far. You’ll have
to decide which of them is useful for your own purposes.

Window Function Subtotals

Earlier, we created grand totals with an expression like sum(total) OVER(). The OVER()
expression is a shorthand for summing over the entire table.
It’s also possible to sum (or count, or whatever you like) over groups. You might have
thought it would be something like sum(total) OVER (GROUP BY ...), but that’s too
obvious. Instead, we use the expression (PARTITION BY ...) which means grouping.

Chapter 8 Window Functions

The default partition is the whole table. You can partition by anything that can
be grouped. For example, suppose you want to get monthly totals with the previous
examples, you can use

    ordered_date, daily_total,
    sum(daily_total) OVER(ORDER BY ordered_date
        ROWS 6 PRECEDING) AS week_total,
    sum(daily_total) OVER(ORDER BY ordered_date
        ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) AS running_total,
    sum(daily_total) OVER(PARTITION BY ordered_month)
        AS monthly_total
FROM daily_sales
ORDER BY ordered_date;

You’ll now see something like

ordered_date daily_total week_total running_total monthly_total

2022-05-04 43 43 43 6966.5
2022-05-05 150.5 193.5 193.5 6966.5
2022-05-06 110.5 304 304 6966.5
2022-05-07 142 446 446 6966.5
2022-05-08 214.5 660.5 660.5 6966.5
2022-05-09 16.5 677 677 6966.5
2022-05-10 160 837 837 6966.5
2022-05-11 115 909 952 6966.5
2022-05-12 205 963.5 1157 6966.5
2022-05-13 164.5 1017.5 1321.5 6966.5
2022-05-14 46.5 922 1368 6966.5
2022-05-15 457.5 1165 1825.5 6966.5

~ 389 rows ~

For every month, you’ll get a new total, of course.

Now, here’s the tricky part. You can also combine PARTITION BY with ORDER BY:
Chapter 8 Window Functions

sum(daily_total) OVER(
    PARTITION BY ordered_month
) AS month_running_total

Here’s a sample of various possibilities:

    ordered_date, daily_total,
    sum(daily_total) OVER(ORDER BY ordered_date
        ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) AS running_total,
    sum(daily_total) OVER(PARTITION BY ordered_month)
        AS month_total,
    sum(daily_total) OVER(ORDER BY ordered_month)
        AS running_month_total,
    sum(daily_total) OVER(PARTITION BY ordered_month
        AS month_running_total
FROM daily_sales
ORDER BY ordered_date;

You’ll see something like this (the column names have been abbreviated to fit in
the page):

ordered_date daily_total Rt mt rmt mrt

2022-05-04 43 43 6966.5 6966.5 43

2022-05-05 150.5 193.5 6966.5 6966.5 193.5
2022-05-06 110.5 304 6966.5 6966.5 304
2022-05-07 142 446 6966.5 6966.5 446
2022-05-08 214.5 660.5 6966.5 6966.5 660.5
2022-05-09 16.5 677 6966.5 6966.5 677
2022-05-10 160 837 6966.5 6966.5 837
2022-05-11 115 952 6966.5 6966.5 952
2022-05-12 205 1157 6966.5 6966.5 1157
Chapter 8 Window Functions

ordered_date daily_total Rt mt rmt mrt

2022-05-13 164.5 1321.5 6966.5 6966.5 1321.5

2022-05-14 46.5 1368 6966.5 6966.5 1368
2022-05-15 457.5 1825.5 6966.5 6966.5 1825.5

~ 389 rows ~

The names may be somewhat confusing, so here’s a table of what’s going on:

Clause Name What’s Happening

ORDER BY date ... running_total Total so far from the beginning to

the current row
PARTITION BY month month_total Total for the current group
ORDER BY month running_month_total Running total for each month
PARTITION BY monthORDER BY month_running_total Running total within each month
date ...

(Again, the column names have been abbreviated to make it all fit.)
Notice how we’re using the group column ordered_month both to partition and for
a running total. Because its default frame is RANGE ..., it will produce the total for all of
the values so far, which effectively is a total for the whole month. This is the sort of thing
you can expect if you order by a non-unique row.
The hardest part of it all is thinking of good names for the results.

As summaries, these are all good candidates for saving as a view.

Note, however, that in SQL Server only, you cannot include an ORDER BY clause
in a view without additional trickery. As a result, you should at least make sure
that your SELECT statement includes the columns you want to order by, and then
include the ORDER BY clause when using the view.
Alternatively, you can finish the ORDER BY clause with OFFSET 0 ROWS as a

Chapter 8 Window Functions

PARTITION BY Multiple Columns

Given that PARTITION BY generates subtotals, PARTITION BY multiple columns will
generate subsubtotals, if that’s a real word.
Suppose, for example, that you want to generate a report of sales by state, town, and
customer. That data is available, but it’s in multiple tables, and you’ll need to prepare
it first.
First, you’ll need to join the customerdetails view (which has the state and town)
with the sales. When the time comes, we’ll put that in a CTE called customer_sales:

--  customer_sales
    SELECT c.id AS customerid, c.state, c.town, total
    FROM customerdetails AS c JOIN sales AS s
        ON c.id=s.customerid

We’ll then want to summarize the data by grouping by state, town, and customer id.
Again, that will go into another CTE:

--  totals
    SELECT state, town, customerid, sum(total) AS total
    FROM customer_sales
    GROUP BY state, town, customerid

We can put this together and check the results:

    customer_sales AS (
        SELECT c.id AS customerid, c.state, c.town, total
        FROM customerdetails AS c JOIN sales AS s
            ON c.id=s.customerid
    totals AS (
        SELECT state, town, customerid, sum(total) AS total
        FROM customer_sales
        GROUP BY state, town, customerid

Chapter 8 Window Functions

SELECT state, town, customerid, total AS customer_total

FROM totals
ORDER BY state, customerid;

You’ll get a result like this:

state Town customerid customer_total

ACT Kingston 85 2469

ACT Kingston 112 1387
ACT Kingston 147 2439.5
ACT Kingston 355 689.5
ACT Gordon 489 199
NSW Reedy Creek 10 3089

~ 269 rows ~

Now for the window functions. First, to get the group total by state, we can use

sum(total) OVER(PARTITION BY state) AS state_total

To get the group total per town, remember that the town name can appear in more
than one state. To use PARTITION BY town would be a mistake, as the town names would
be conflated. Instead, we use

sum(total) OVER(PARTITION BY state, town) AS town_total

Incorporating these two expressions and adding an ORDER BY clause to see it

all, we get

    customer_sales AS (
        SELECT c.id AS customerid, c.state, c.town, total
        FROM customerdetails AS c JOIN sales AS s
            ON c.id=s.customerid
    totals AS (
        SELECT state, town, customerid, sum(total) AS total

Chapter 8 Window Functions

        FROM customer_sales
        GROUP BY state, town, customerid
    state, town, customerid, total AS customer_total,
    sum(total) OVER(PARTITION BY state) AS state_total,
    sum(total) OVER(PARTITION BY state, town) AS town_total
FROM totals
ORDER BY state, customerid;

The results look like this:

state Town customerid customer_total state_total town_total

ACT Kingston 85 2469 7184 6985

ACT Kingston 112 1387 7184 6985
ACT Kingston 147 2439.5 7184 6985
ACT Kingston 355 689.5 7184 6985
ACT Gordon 489 199 7184 199
NSW Reedy Creek 10 3089 106389.22 12655

~ 269 rows ~

There’s an implied hierarchy between a state and a town: a town is part of a state
(and, for the time being, a customer is in a town). As a result, the PARTITION BY clause
must follow the hierarchy: state,town. You can also use columns which are unrelated,
such as the state and year of birth, in which case the columns can go either way.

Ranking Functions
The window functions used so far are basically aggregate functions given a new context.
The other group of functions are specific to window functions. Generally, they relate to
the position of the current row. Broadly, we can call them ranking functions.

Chapter 8 Window Functions

There is one aggregate window function, which we’ve already seen, which also acts
as a ranking function:

    id, givenname, familyname,
    count(*) OVER (ORDER BY height
        ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) AS running_count
FROM customers
ORDER BY height;

As long as you use the framing clause ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING (shortened from
number of rows up to the current row, which is basically the row number in the result set.
There’s a simpler alternative to that:

    id, givenname, familyname,
    row_number() OVER (ORDER BY height) AS running_count
FROM customers
ORDER BY height;

The row_number() function basically generates just that: a number for each row in
the result set.

Basic Ranking Functions

There are four main ranking functions:

• row_number(): Calculate the current row number in the current

partition in the specified order.
If two values in the ORDER BY clause are the same, they will still get a
different row number; there is no guarantee which one comes first.

• rank(): Give the rank within the result set.

Chapter 8 Window Functions

If two values in the ORDER BY clause are the same, they will get the
same rank. The next different value will not get the next rank; it
will catch up with the row number above.

• count(*): If you leave the framing clause out and let it default to
RANGE, it will behave like rank() with one difference. We’ll look at the
difference later.

• dense_rank(): This will also give a rank, similar to rank() earlier.

However, the next different value will get the next rank, so this will
gradually fall behind the row number.

If the partition isn’t specified (there is no PARTITION BY clause), then the preceding
functions apply to the whole table. Otherwise, they will give the position within
the group.
The difference between rank() and dense_rank() is that for equal values, rank()
will pick up from the next row_number(), while dense_rank() won’t.
If the ORDER BY value is not unique

• row_number() is arbitrary.

• rank() gives the rank at the beginning of the group.

• count(*) gives the rank at the end of the group.

• dense_rank() gives the rank of the group.

If the ORDER BY value is unique, these all give the same results.
We can test this with customer heights, where we know some heights are repeated:

    id, givenname, familyname,
    row_number() OVER (ORDER BY height) AS row_number,
    count(*) OVER (ORDER BY height) AS count,
    rank() OVER (ORDER BY height) AS rank,
    dense_rank() OVER (ORDER BY height) AS dense_rank
FROM customers
ORDER BY height;

Chapter 8 Window Functions

You’ll get something like this:

id … height row_number count rank dense_rank

597 … 153 1 2 1 1
283 … 153 2 2 1 1
451 … 153.8 3 3 3 2
194 … 154.3 4 4 4 3
534 … 156.4 5 6 5 4
352 … 156.4 6 6 5 4

~ 267 rows ~

Your actual results may, of course, be different. However, in the preceding example,
we can see

• The row_number() is distinct, regardless of the actual value.

• The rank() is the same for equal values. The next value matches the

• The count(*) is also the same for equal values. The next value also
matches the row_number().

• The rank() is the same as the first row_number() for equal values; the
count(*) is the same as the last row_number() for equal values.

• The dense_rank() is also the same for equal values. The next value
gets the next rank. By the time you get to the end of the result set, it
will be very different to the row number.

With most DBMSs, the ranking functions all require an ORDER BY window clause.
That makes sense, since ranking is meaningless without order.
The exceptions include PostgreSQL and SQLite, which will allow an empty
window clause:

--  PostgreSQL, SQLite
        id, givenname, familyname,
Chapter 8 Window Functions

        row_number() OVER () AS row_number,

        count(*) OVER () AS count,
        rank() OVER () AS rank,
        dense_rank() OVER () AS dense_rank
    FROM customers
    WHERE height IS NOT NULL
    ORDER BY height;

However, the results are meaningless. The count(*), rank(), and dense_rank()
expressions all give one value for the whole result set, and the row_number() gives row
numbers in an arbitrary order.

Ranking with PARTITION BY

By default, ranking functions such as row_number() rank over the entire result set. You
can also rank over groups using PARTITION BY:

    id, ordered_date, total,
    row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY ordered_date) AS row_number
FROM sales
ORDER BY ordered;

The results will be something like this:

id ordered_date total row_number

1 2022-05-04 43 1
2 2022-05-05 54.5 1
3 2022-05-05 96 2
6 2022-05-06 18 2
7 2022-05-06 92.5 1
4 2022-05-07 17.5 1

~ 5295 rows ~

The row numbers may not be in the expected order, since the order wasn’t specified.
To finish the job, we should also include that:
Chapter 8 Window Functions

    id, ordered_date, total,
    row_number() OVER (
        PARTITION BY ordered_date ORDER BY ordered
    ) AS row_number
FROM sales
ORDER BY ordered;

The row number is now in the order we would have expected:

id ordered_date total row_number

1 2022-05-04 43 1
2 2022-05-05 54.5 1
3 2022-05-05 96 2
6 2022-05-06 18 1
7 2022-05-06 92.5 2
4 2022-05-07 17.5 1

~ 5295 rows ~

You can use the group row number in a creative way. For example, you might want to
show the date for only the first sale for the day. You can show the date selectively using a
CASE ... END expression:

        WHEN row_number() OVER
            (PARTITION BY ordered_date ORDER BY ordered)=1
            THEN CAST(ordered_date AS varchar(16))
        ELSE ''
    END AS ordered_date,

Rearrange and rename a few columns, and you’ll get

        WHEN row_number() OVER
Chapter 8 Window Functions

            (PARTITION BY ordered_date ORDER BY ordered)=1

            THEN CAST(ordered_date AS varchar(16))
        ELSE ''
    END AS ordered_date,
    row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY ordered_date) AS item,
FROM sales
ORDER BY ordered;

which gives you a simpler looking result:

id ordered_date item Total

1 2022-05-04 1 43
2 2022-05-05 1 54.5
3 2 96
6 2022-05-06 1 18
7 2 92.5
4 2022-05-07 1 17.5
5 2 63
9 3 61.5
10 2022-05-08 1 67.5
11 2 18.5
8 3 54
13 4 74.5

~ 5295 rows ~

Of course, you can still include your running totals.

Paging Results
One reason why you might want the overall row number is that you might want to break
up your results into pages. For example, suppose you want your results in pages of, say,
twenty, and you now want to display page 3 of that.
Chapter 8 Window Functions

We can start with our pricelist view and include the row_number() window function:

    id, title, published, author,
    price, tax, inc,
    row_number() OVER(ORDER BY id) AS row_number
FROM aupricelist;

We haven’t yet included an ORDER BY clause, because there’s more to come. Some
DBMSs may decide to produce the results in id order, but that’s not guaranteed,
of course.
We can now put this in a CTE and filter on the row number:

WITH cte AS (
        id, title, published, author,
        price, tax, inc,
        row_number() OVER(ORDER BY id) AS row_number
    FROM aupricelist
FROM cte
WHERE row_number BETWEEN 40 AND 59

You’ll get something like

id title … price tax inc row_number

98 Camilla … 12 1.2 13.2 40

102 The Mystery of a Hansom … … 14.5 1.45 15.95 41
103 Persian Letters … 15.5 1.55 17.05 42
104 Sinners in the Hands of … … 19.5 1.95 21.45 43
106 Trafalgar … 16 1.6 17.6 44
109 The Scarlet Letter and S … … 19.5 1.95 21.45 45

~ 20 rows ~

Chapter 8 Window Functions

Oracle has a built-in value called rownum. Sadly, you still need to use it from a CTE
or a subquery.

Of course, you don’t have to order by the id. You can use the title, or the price, as long
as you include it in both the window function and in the ORDER BY clause. And, of course,
you can also use DESC.
There is an alternative way to do this. Officially, you can use the OFFSET ...
FETCH ... clause:

--  PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Oracle

        id, title, published, author,
        price, tax, inc,
        row_number() OVER(ORDER BY id) AS row_number

This skips over the first 40 rows and fetches the next 20 rows after that.
Unofficially, some DBMSs support LIMIT ... OFFSET:

--  PostgreSQL (again), MariaDB/MySQL, SQLite

        id, title, published, author,
        price, tax, inc,
        row_number() OVER(ORDER BY id) AS row_number

This is a simpler syntax, but, unfortunately, not the official syntax.

MSSQL also supports the simple SELECT TOP syntax, but it’s not so flexible.

Of course, these two alternatives are much simpler than using the window function
technique, but there is an advantage with using the window function.
Suppose you’re sorting by something non-unique, such as the price. The problem
with the normal paging techniques, including the row_number() earlier, is that the page
stops strictly at the number of rows (or less if there are no more).

Chapter 8 Window Functions

If you decide to keep the prices together, you can instead use something like

WITH cte AS (
        id, title, published, author,
        price, tax, inc,
        rank() OVER(ORDER BY price) AS rank
    FROM aupricelist
FROM cte
ORDER BY price;

As long as the groupings aren’t too big, it should give you nearly the same results, but
with all the books of one price together.

Working with ntile

If you want to split your ordered result set into, say, ten groups, we refer to the groups as
deciles, from the Latin word for ten. If you want five groups, then they’re called pentiles,
and one hundred groups would be percentiles. If you know enough Latin, you can go on
to have seven groups or thirteen groups.
Mathematicians have a generic name for any number, called n, which is rather
catchy once you get used to it. If you separate your ordered data into groups, you create
ntiles, and the window function is ntile(n), where n is the number of groups.
For example, to create deciles by height in your customers table, you can use

    id, givenname, familyname, height,
    ntile(10) OVER (order by height) AS decile
FROM customers

Chapter 8 Window Functions

You’ll get something like this:

id givenname familyname height decile

597 Ike Andy 153 1

283 Ethel Glycol 153 1
451 Fred Knott 153.8 1
194 Rod Fishing 154.3 1
534 Minnie Bus 156.4 1
352 Basil Isk 156.4 1

~ 267 rows ~

Notice that we’ve filtered out the NULL heights. If we hadn’t, then the first or last
decile or so will be filled with NULL heights, depending on your DBMS. This creates a
group that doesn’t really belong, but are included anyway.
That’s just one trap with ntile(). There are two traps, one of which might be a deal
First, note that the preceding result has 267 rows, which doesn’t evenly divide by 10.
That’s OK, but SQL has to work this one out, and you’ll find that the first seven groups
will have 27 rows, and the rest 26. Of course, your own results may be different, but the
idea is the same: the remainder rows will fill in from the front.
The second trap might take some hunting and may not be apparent in your own
sample database. If you look hard enough, you may find something like this:

id givenname familyname height decile

388 Ron Delay 166.9 3
546 Pat Ella 167.1 3
106 Jay Walker 167.1 3
77 Lyn Seed 167.1 4
403 Will Knott 167.3 4
314 Jack Potts 167.4 4

Chapter 8 Window Functions

In this sample, you’ll see that three customers have the same height (167.1), but one
of them didn’t fit in the earlier decile, so was pushed into the next. That’s more of the
unfairness mentioned earlier, as is due to the fact that ntiles are calculated purely on
the row number and the value.
If you were, for example, awarding prizes or discounts to customers in certain
deciles, it would be unfair to miss out just because the sort order is unpredictable.
This might be a deal breaker, if you rely on the ntile. There is, however, a

A Workaround for ntile

As we noted, the ntile is based on the row number. If, however, the ntile were based on
the rank(), count(), or even dense_rank(), then rows with the same value would end
up in the same decile.
In this case, we’ll generate twenty groups, called vigintiles. To do that, we’ll have to
calculate our own groupings. We begin with calculating the size of each group:

SELECT count(*)/20.0 AS bin

FROM customers WHERE height IS NOT NULL

We’ll call this value bin, which is a common statistical name for groups.
We can put that into a CTE and run the following:

--  PostgreSQL, MariaDB/MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle

    WITH data AS (
        SELECT count(*)/20.0 AS bin
        FROM customers WHERE height IS NOT NULL
        id, givenname, familyname, height,
        row_number() OVER(ORDER BY height) AS row_number,
        ntile(20) OVER(ORDER BY height) AS vigintile,
        floor((row_number() OVER(ORDER BY height)-1)/bin)+1
            AS row_vitintile,
        floor((rank() OVER(ORDER BY height)-1)/bin)+1
            AS rank_vigintile,
        floor((count(*) OVER(ORDER BY height)-1)/bin)+1

Chapter 8 Window Functions

            AS count_vigintile,
    FROM customers, data
    WHERE height IS NOT NULL
    ORDER BY height;

SQLite doesn’t have a floor() function, but you can use cast(... AS int) instead:

    cast((row_number() OVER(ORDER BY height)-1)/bin AS int)+1

        AS row_vigintile,
    cast((rank() OVER(ORDER BY height)-1)/bin AS int)+1
        AS rank_vigintile,
    cast((count(*) OVER(ORDER BY height)-1)/bin AS int)+1
        AS count_vigintile,

You’ll get the following results:

id … height rn vig row_vig rank_vig count_vig bin

597 … 153 1 1 1 1 1 13.35

283 … 153 2 1 1 1 1 13.35
451 … 153.8 3 1 1 1 1 13.35
194 … 154.3 4 1 1 1 1 13.35
534 … 156.4 5 1 1 1 1 13.35
352 … 156.4 6 1 1 1 1 13.35

~ 267 rows ~

Note that the vigintile and row_vigintile values should be the same; the
row_vigintile is there to show how the vigintile was calculated from the row number.
More importantly, you’ll see that the rank_vigintile and count_vigintile
columns are calculated from the rank() and count(*) values, and they always put the
rows with the same height in the same group. It’s up to you to decide which is preferable.

Chapter 8 Window Functions

Working with Previous and Next Rows

While working with an ordered result set, we can also get data from previous and next
rows. These results are called the lag and lead, respectively.
The general syntax for the function is

lead(column,number) OVER (...)

lag(column,number) OVER (...)

Here, as well as the OVER clause, we need to supply two values. The column value
refers to which data in the other row you want. The number value refers to how many
rows back or forward to get it from. If you want, you can leave it out, in which case it will
default to 1.
For example, suppose you want to look at sales for each day, as well as for the
previous and next days. You can write

    ordered_date, daily_total,
    lag(daily_total) OVER (ORDER BY ordered_date)
        AS previous,
    lead(daily_total) OVER (ORDER BY ordered_date)
        AS next
FROM daily_sales
ORDER BY ordered_date;

You’ll see:

ordered_date daily_total previous next

2022-05-04 43 [NULL] 150.5

2022-05-05 150.5 43 110.5
2022-05-06 110.5 150.5 142
2022-05-07 142 110.5 214.5
2022-05-08 214.5 142 16.5
2022-05-09 16.5 214.5 160

~ 388 rows ~

Chapter 8 Window Functions

You’ll notice that the previous for the first row is NULL; so is the next for the last row.
You might think that’s a bit pointless if you can just move your eyes to look up
or down a row. However, you can also incorporate the lag or lead in a calculation.
For example, suppose you want to compare sales for each day to a week before. You
could use

    ordered_date, daily_total,
    lag(daily_total,7) OVER (ORDER BY ordered_date)
        AS last_week,
        - lag(daily_total,7) OVER (ORDER BY ordered_date)
        AS difference
FROM daily_sales
ORDER BY ordered_date;

This results in

ordered_date daily_total last_week difference

2022-05-04 43 [NULL] [NULL]

2022-05-05 150.5 [NULL] [NULL]
2022-05-06 110.5 [NULL] [NULL]
2022-05-07 142 [NULL] [NULL]
2022-05-08 214.5 [NULL] [NULL]
2022-05-09 16.5 [NULL] [NULL]
2022-05-10 160 [NULL] [NULL]
2022-05-11 115 43 72
2022-05-12 205 150.5 54.5
2022-05-13 164.5 110.5 54
2022-05-14 46.5 142 -95.5
2022-05-15 457.5 214.5 243

~ 388 rows ~

Chapter 8 Window Functions

Here, the expression lag(total,7) gets the value for seven rows before. As you’d
expect, the first seven rows have NULL for the value.
There are two important conditions if you want to use lag or lead meaningfully:

• There must be only one row for each instance you want to test. For
example, you can’t have two rows with the same date.

• There must be no gaps. For example, there can’t be a missing date.

That’s because we’re interpreting each row as one day. If you’re just working with a
sequence or sales regardless of the date, it won’t matter.
If you look carefully (and patiently) through the data, you will find that there are
a few missing dates. That means that the previous row isn’t always “yesterday,” and
the seven rows previous isn’t always “last week.” We’ll see how to plug these gaps in
Chapter 9.

Window functions are functions which give a row-by-row value based on a “window” or
a group of rows.
Window functions include

• Aggregate functions

These include all of the major nonwindow aggregate functions,

such as count() and sum().

• Ranking functions and grouping

These include row_number(), rank(), and dense_rank() to

generate a position, as well as ntile() to generate ordered groups.

• Functions which fetch data from other rows

These include lag() and lead().

Window Clauses
A window function features an OVER() clause:

fn() OVER (...)

Chapter 8 Window Functions

The OVER() clause includes the following:

• ORDER BY to define the row order of the data.

• PARTITION BY to define subgroups of the data.

• A framing clause which determines whether the data is defined by

row number or by value. It also determines the start and end rows of
the window.

Coming Up
In Chapter 7, we’ve already discussed how Common Table Expressions work. In fact,
we’ve used them pretty extensively throughout the book.
In the next chapter, we’ll have another look at CTEs and examine some of their more
sophisticated features. In particular, we’ll have a look at the dreaded recursive CTE.


More on Common Table

You have already made use of CTEs to prepare data for use in aggregates and other
Here, we will take a further look at some of the more powerful features of CTEs.

CTEs As Variables
In Chapter 4, we tested some calculations with a test value:

WITH vars AS (
    SELECT ' abcdefghijklmnop ' AS string
    --  FROM dual   --  Oracle
    --  sample string functions
FROM vars;

Later in this chapter, we’ll see a more sophisticated version of this technique when
we look at table literals. For now, let’s look at how we can use this.
Some DBMSs as well as all programming languages have a concept of variables.
A variable is a temporary named value. Where the DBMS supports it, you declare a
variable name and assign a value which you use in a subsequent step. For example, in
MSSQL, you can write this:

    DECLARE @taxrate decimal(4,2);

© Mark Simon 2023
M. Simon, Leveling Up with SQL, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-9685-1_9
Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

    SET @taxrate = 12.5;

        id, title,
        price, price/@taxrate/100 AS tax
    FROM books;

To run this, you would need to highlight all of the statements and run in one go.
This chapter won’t focus on these variables, but you’ll see more on using variables
in Chapter 10. Instead, we’ll have a look at using a common table expression to do a
similar job.
Strictly speaking, what we’re going to use is not variables but constants, which
means that we will set their value once only. However, we can get away with using the
looser term “variable,” as it’s more generic.
There are two main benefits to defining variables:

• You can specify an arbitrary value once, but use it multiple times.

• You move arbitrary values to a preparation section.

In the preceding CTE example, where we’re not working with real data, we simply
selected from the CTE itself. In more realist examples, we will cross join the CTE with
other tables.

Setting Hard-Coded Constants

One simple use for CTE variables is to set an arbitrary value to be used in the main
query. For example, suppose we want to generate a simple price list with an arbitrary
tax rate.
We can begin with a CTE to contain the tax rate:

WITH vars AS (
    SELECT 0.1 AS taxrate
    --  FROM dual   --  Oracle

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

We can now combine the CTE with the books table, using a simple cross join:

WITH vars AS (
    SELECT 0.1 AS taxrate
    --  FROM dual   --  Oracle
SELECT * FROM books, vars;

This looks like the following:

id authorid Truncate published price taxrate

2078 765 The Duel 1811 12.5 0.1

503 128 Uncle Silas 1864 17 0.1
2007 99 North and South 1854 17.5 0.1
702 547 Jane Eyre 1847 17.5 0.1
1530 28 Robin Hood, The ... 1862 12.5 0.1
1759 17 La Curée 1872 16 0.1

~ 1201 rows ~

A cross join combines every row from one table to every row from another. Since
the vars CTE only has one row, the cross join simply has the effect of adding another
column to the books table.
SQL has a more modern syntax for a cross join: books CROSS JOIN vars. Here, we’ll
use the older syntax because it’s simpler and more readable.
We can now calculate the price list with tax:

WITH vars AS (SELECT 0.1 AS taxrate)

    id, title,
    price, price*taxrate AS tax, price*(1+taxrate) AS total
FROM books, vars;

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

This gives us

Id Title price tax total

2078 The Duel 12.5 1.25 13.75

503 Uncle Silas 17 1.7 18.7
2007 North and South 17.5 1.75 19.25
702 Jane Eyre 17.5 1.75 19.25
1530 Robin Hood, The Prince of Thieves 12.5 1.25 13.75
1759 La Curée 16 1.6 17.6

~ 1201 rows ~

Of course, we could just as readily have used 0.1 instead of the taxrate and
dispensed with the CTE and the cross join. However, the CTE has the benefit of allowing
us to set the tax rate once at the beginning, where it’s easy to maintain and can be used
multiple times later.

Deriving Constants
The values don’t need to be literal values. You can also derive the values from another
query. For example, to get the oldest and youngest customers, first set the minimum and
maximum dates in variables:

--  vars CTE
    SELECT min(dob) AS oldest, max(dob) AS youngest
    FROM customers

You can then cross join that with the customers table to get the matching customers:

WITH vars AS (
    SELECT min(dob) AS oldest, max(dob) AS youngest
    FROM customers
FROM customers, vars
WHERE dob IN(oldest, youngest);

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

You should see something like this:

id givenname familyname ... dob ...

92 Nan Keen ... 1943-05-18 ...

228 Cam Payne ... 2003-01-27 ...
577 Sybil Service ... 2003-01-27 ...
392 Daisy Chain ... 1943-05-18 ...

To get the shorter customers, you can set the average height in a variable:

WITH vars AS (SELECT avg(height) AS average FROM customers)

FROM customers, vars
WHERE height<average;

This is the sort of thing you can’t do otherwise, because the average is an aggregate.

Using Aggregates in the CTE

As we’ve seen many times, you can’t mix aggregates with non-aggregate queries. The
solution is always to calculate any aggregates you need separately and then incorporate
the results in the next query.

Finding the Most Recent Sales per Customer

Suppose, for example, you want to get details about the most recent sale for each
customer. To get the most recent sale, you first need a simple aggregate query:

SELECT customerid, max(ordered) AS last_order

FROM sales
GROUP BY customerid;

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

You’ll get something like this:

Customerid last_order

550 2023-04-18 09:18:51.933845

272 2023-04-28 09:15:17.85286
70 2023-04-19 14:00:44.880376
190 2023-04-09 10:12:53.416293
539 2023-04-22 16:14:16.173923
314 2023-04-11 03:33:57.825786

~ 269 rows ~

Here, we have two important pieces of data: the customer id and the date and
time of the most recent order. Using this in a subquery, we can join the results with the
customers and sales tables to get more details:

WITH cte(customerid, last_order) AS (

    SELECT customerid, max(ordered) AS last_order
    FROM sales
    GROUP BY customerid
    customers.id AS customerid,
    customers.givenname, customers.familyname,
    sales.id AS saleid,
    sales.ordered_date, sales.total
    JOIN cte ON sales.customerid=cte.customerid
        AND sales.ordered=cte.last_order
    JOIN customers ON customers.id=cte.customerid

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

We’ll get something like this:

customer Givenname familyname sale ordered_date total

287 Judy Free 4209 2023-02-04 50.5

26 Bess Twishes 4542 2023-02-19 11
368 Sharon Sharalike 4793 2023-03-01 56
282 Howard Youknow 4939 2023-03-07 39
395 Holly Day 4953 2023-03-07 75.5
474 Alf Abet 5092 2023-03-13 94

~ 266 rows ~

Note that the CTE was used to join the two tables and act as a filter. We don’t actually
need its results in the output.

Finding Customers with Duplicate Names

In Chapter 2, we saw how to find duplicates using an aggregate query. We did this to find
duplicate names, of which there were some, and duplicate phone numbers, of which
there were none.
If we were more serious about duplicate customer names, we would want more
details about the customers. First, let’s find the duplicated names:

--  cte
    SELECT familyname, givenname FROM customers
    GROUP BY familyname, givenname HAVING count(*)>1

Here, customers are grouped by both names, and the groups are filtered for more
than one instance.
Putting that in a CTE, we can join that to the customers table:

WITH names AS (
    SELECT familyname, givenname FROM customers
    GROUP BY familyname, givenname HAVING count(*)>1
    c.id, c.givenname, c.familyname,
Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

    c.email, c.phone
    --  etc
FROM customers AS c
    JOIN names  ON c.givenname=names.givenname
        AND c.familyname=names.familyname
ORDER BY c.familyname, c.givenname;

You’ll get something like this:

id givenname familyname email phone

429 Corey Ander [email protected] 0355503360

85 Corey Ander [email protected] 0255501923
174 Paul Bearer [email protected] 0370109921
482 Paul Bearer [email protected] 0755502522
402 Terry Bell [email protected] 0755504982
295 Terry Bell [email protected] 0355509630

~ 16 rows ~

We’ve joined the CTE and the customers table using two columns and included their
email addresses and phone numbers (if any) so that we can chase them up.

CTE Parameter Names

By default, column names come from the CTE, and you are expected to make sure that
all calculations have an alias, as before. If the columns in the CTE don’t have an alias,
such as when you’ve calculated something, then (a) you can’t refer to the data, and (b)
some DBMSs won’t let you go ahead.
You can also specify column names with the CTE name as parameters. For example,
when we found the first and last dates of birth, we could have put the aliases in the cte

WITH vars(oldest, youngest) AS (    --  parameter names

    SELECT min(dob), max(dob)       --  no aliases
    FROM customers
Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

FROM customers, vars
WHERE dob IN(oldest, youngest);

For the most part, it’s a matter of taste whether you do it this way or add the aliases
inside the CTE. If you do include the names, they will override any aliases in the CTE.
One reason you might prefer CTE parameter names is if you think it’s more readable,
as you have all the names in one place. Later, we’ll be writing more complex CTEs
which involve multiple CTEs and unions, and it will definitely be easier to follow with
parameter names, so you’ll be seeing more of that style from here on.

Using Multiple Common Table Expressions

We’ve seen that, in its simplest form, a CTE can be written as a subquery:

SELECT columns
    SELECT columns FROM table
) AS sq;

A CTE can make this more manageable by putting this subquery at the beginning:

WITH cte AS (
    SELECT columns FROM table
SELECT columns
FROM cte;

That’s already an improvement, but where the improvement becomes more obvious
is when the subquery also has a subquery:

SELECT columns
    SELECT columns FROM (
        SELECT columns FROM table
    ) AS sq1
) AS sq2;

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

That’s called nesting subqueries, and it can become a nightmare if things get too
Thankfully, CTEs work much more simply:

    sq1 AS (SELECT columns FROM table),
    sq2 AS (SELECT columns FROM sql1)
SELECT columns FROM sq2;

You can have multiple CTEs chained this way, as long as you remember to separate
them with a comma. As you see in this example, each subquery can refer to a previous
one in the chain.
We’ll build this up a little more later, and we’ll see that additional CTEs don’t
necessarily have to refer to the previous ones.

Summarizing Duplicate Names with Multiple CTEs

When we produced our list of duplicated names, we had one row for each instance of
the name. In Chapter 7, we produced a more consolidated list, but without the benefit
of CTEs.
Here, we’ll reproduce the consolidated list, but using CTEs to make it much more
We’ll start off with the previous query for duplicated names:

WITH names AS (
    SELECT familyname, givenname FROM customers
    GROUP BY familyname, givenname HAVING count(*)>1
    c.id, c.givenname, c.familyname,
    c.email, c.phone
FROM customers AS c
    JOIN names  ON c.givenname=names.givenname
        AND c.familyname=names.familyname
ORDER BY c.familyname, c.givenname;

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

This time, we’ll put the results into a second CTE:

    names AS (
        SELECT familyname, givenname FROM customers
        GROUP BY familyname, givenname HAVING count(*)>1
    duplicates(givenname, familyname, info) AS (
            c.givenname, c.familyname,
            cast(c.id AS varchar(5)) || ': ' || c.email
                --  MSSQL: Use +
        FROM customers AS c     --  Oracle: No AS
            JOIN names ON c.givenname=names.givenname
                AND c.familyname=names.familyname
SELECT * from duplicates
ORDER by familyname, giv1enname;

Note .

• The layout has changed to make multiple CTEs easier to follow.

• The duplicates CTE has the parameter names for simplicity.
There’s no need to do that with the names CTE, as there are
no calculated values; however, you may want to do that for
• Instead of listing the id separately, we’ve cast it to a string and
concatenated it to the email address. This is to get ready for what
• For simplicity, we’ve ignored the phone number, since it may be

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

You can see what you get so far:

givenname familyname info

Corey Ander 429: [email protected]

Corey Ander 85: [email protected]
Paul Bearer 174: [email protected]
Paul Bearer 482: [email protected]
Terry Bell 402: [email protected]
Terry Bell 295: [email protected]

~ 16 rows ~

The next step is to consolidate them by combining the info column values:

    names AS ( ),
    duplicates(givenname, familyname, info) AS ( )
    givenname, familyname, count(*),
--  PostgreSQL, MSSQL
    string_agg(info,', ') AS info
--  MySQL/MariaDB
    --  group_concat(info SEPARATOR ', ') AS info
--  SQLite
    --  group_concat(info,', ') AS info
--  Oracle
    --  listagg(info,', ') AS info
FROM duplicates
GROUP BY familyname, givenname
ORDER by familyname, givenname;

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

The consolidated list looks like this:

givenname familyname count info

Corey Ander 2 429: corey.ander ..., 85: corey.ander8 ...

Paul Bearer 2 174: paul.bearer ..., 482: paul.bearer ...
Terry Bell 2 402: terry.bell4 ..., 295: terry.bell2 ...
Mary Christmas 2 465: mary.christ ..., 594: mary.christ ...
Ida Dunnit 2 504: ida.dunnit5 ..., 90: ida.dunnit90 ...
Judy Free 2 93: judy.free93@ ..., 287: judy.free28 ...
Annie Mate 2 505: annie.mate5 ..., 357: annie.mate3 ...
Ken Tuckey 2 98: ken.tuckey98 ..., 488: ken.tuckey4 ...

We’ll see more examples of multiple CTEs in the following sections.

Recursive CTEs
As you’ve seen, a feature of using CTEs is that one CTE can refer to a previous
CTE. Another feature is that a CTE can refer to itself.
Anything which refers to itself is said to be recursive. If you’re a programmer,
recursive functions are functions which call themselves and are very risky if not handled
properly. Similarly, a recursive CTE can be very risky if you’re not careful.
A recursive CTE takes one of two forms, depending on your DBMS:

--  PostgreSQL, MariaDB/MySQL, SQLite

        --  Anchor
            SELECT ...
        --  Recursive Member
            SELECT ... FROM cte WHERE ...
--  MSSQL, Oracle
    WITH cte AS (
        --  Anchor
            SELECT ...
Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

        UNION ALL
        --  Recursive Member
            SELECT ... FROM cte WHERE ...

As you see, PostgreSQL, MariaDB/MySQL, and SQLite use the RECURSIVE keyword.
MSSQL and Oracle don’t, but require a UNION ALL instead of a simple UNION.
In both cases, you’ll see that the recursive CTE has two parts:
• The anchor defines the starting point or the first member.

In simple cases, there will be one value, but in other queries there
may be more than one.

• The recursive member defines data based on what is inherited from

the previous iteration of the CTE. That is, it defines the next member.

Again, if there’s more than one anchor member, then there will be
multiple recursive members.

Note that the recursive CTE must define when it’s going to end or, more correctly,
when it can continue. Typically, that’s with a WHERE clause, as you’ve seen earlier, but can
use any other method, such as a join.
A simple example of a recursive CTE is one which generates a simple sequence. For

--  PostgreSQL, MariaDB/MySQL, SQLite

    WITH RECURSIVE cte(n) AS (
        --  Anchor
            SELECT 1
        --  Recursive Member
            SELECT n+1 FROM cte WHERE n<10
    SELECT * FROM cte;
--  MSSQL, Oracle
    WITH cte(n) AS (
        --  Anchor
            SELECT 1    --  Oracle: FROM dual

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

        UNION ALL
        --  Recursive Member
            SELECT n+1 FROM cte WHERE n<10
    SELECT * FROM cte;

The CTE includes a parameter for convenience (cte(n)). Otherwise, you can put the
alias in the SELECT statement.
The single anchor value, in this case, is the number 1. The recursive (next) value is
n+1, so long as n<10. After that, it stops, and you end up with


—a sequence of numbers from one to ten.

Recursive CTEs are the closest thing you’ll get in standard SQL to iterations or
Two common uses of recursive CTEs are

• Generate a sequence

• Traverse a hierarchy

We’ll also use a recursive CTE to split a string into smaller parts, just to show you a
little creativity can be added to your queries.

Some SQLs, but not all, include additional structures such as DO ... WHILE in an SQL script.
They’re not really a standard part of the SQL language, but can be used in situations where you’re
desperate to do something iteratively.

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

Generating a Sequence
We’ve already seen how to generate a sequence of numbers:

WITH cte AS (
    --  Anchor
        SELECT 0 AS n
    --  Recursive
        SELECT n+1 FROM cte WHERE n<100

The thing to remember is that the recursive member has a WHERE clause to limit the
sequence. Without that, the recursive query would try to run forever, and as you know,
nothing lasts forever.
MSSQL has a built-in safety limit of 100 recursions, which we’ll have to
circumvent later:

    WITH cte (


The others don’t, but for PostgreSQL, MariaDB, and MySQL, you can readily set a
time limit:

--  PostgreSQL
    SET statement_timeout TO '5s';
--  MariaDB
    SET MAX_STATEMENT_TIME=1;       --  seconds
--  MySQL
    SET MAX_EXECUTION_TIME=1000;    --  milliseconds

If you’re sure about your recursion terminating properly, you don’t need to worry
about this. In MSSQL, you will, however, need to increase or disable the recursion limit
for some queries.
However, it won’t hurt to include a simple number sequence in what follows just to
be safe.
Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

One case where a sequence can be useful is to get a sequence of dates. This will
simply define a start date and add one day in the recursive member.
The CTE starts simply enough:

--  PostgreSQL, MariaDB / MySQL

    WITH RECURSIVE dates(d, n) AS (
        SELECT date'2023-01-01', 1
    SELECT * FROM dates;
    WITH dates(d, n) AS (
        SELECT cast('2023-01-01' as date), 1
    SELECT * FROM dates;
--  Oracle
    WITH dates(d, n) AS (
        SELECT date '2023-01-01', 1 FROM dual
    SELECT * FROM dates;
--  SQLite
    WITH RECURSIVE dates(d, n) AS (
        SELECT '2023-01-01', 1
    SELECT * FROM dates;

Note that the first value, d, has been cast to a date, with the exception of SQLite,
which doesn’t have a date type. The n set to 1 is added as a sequence number, but is
really unnecessary. It’s added here to illustrate how you can use it to stop overrunning
your CTE.
The recursive part is also easy enough, but adding one day varies between DBMSs:

--  PostgreSQL
    WITH RECURSIVE dates(d, n) AS (
        SELECT date'2023-01-01', 1
        SELECT d+1, n+1 FROM dates
        WHERE d<'2023-05-01' AND n<10000

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

    SELECT * FROM dates;
--  MariaDB / MySQL
    WITH RECURSIVE dates(d, n) AS (
        SELECT date'2023-01-01', 1
        SELECT date_add(d, interval 1 day), n+1 FROM dates
        WHERE d<'2023-05-01' AND n<10000
    SELECT * FROM dates;
    WITH dates(d, n) AS (
        SELECT cast('2023-01-01' as date), 1
        UNION ALL
        SELECT dateadd(day,1,d), n+1 FROM dates
        WHERE d<'2023-05-01' AND n<10000
    SELECT * FROM dates;
--  SQLite
    WITH RECURSIVE dates(d, n) AS (
        SELECT '2023-01-01', 1
        SELECT strftime('%Y-%m-%d',d,'+1 day'), n+1 FROM dates
        WHERE d<'2023-05-01' AND n<10000
    SELECT * FROM dates;
--  Oracle
    WITH dates(d, n) AS (
        SELECT date '2023-01-01', 1 FROM dual
        UNION ALL
        SELECT d+1, n+1 FROM dates
        WHERE d<date'2023-05-01' AND n<10000
    SELECT * FROM dates;

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

You’ll see a series of dates (and numbers):

D n

2023-01-01 1
2023-01-02 2
2023-01-03 3
2023-01-04 4
2023-01-05 5
2023-01-06 6

~ 121 rows ~

You’ll notice that for MSSQL, we’ve added OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0), which
basically disables the recursion limit.
Note also the AND n<10000 in the WHERE clause. That number is pretty big, and it
amounts to over 27 years, but it’s not infinite. If you make an error in when to stop the
CTE, that expression should limit the recursions.
You might wonder why you would want a sequence of dates between 2023-01-01
and 2023-05-01, the answer would be “why not?”, which isn’t very convincing. However,
we’re going to use this technique to overcome a problem mentioned in Chapter 8: some
of the dates will be missing from our summary.

Joining a Sequence CTE to Get Missing Values

You can JOIN a recursive CTE which generates a sequence with another table or CTE
which has gaps in the sequence to fill in the missing values.
For example, to get the number of customers born per year, it is possible that some
years will be missing, but you would like to include the missing year anyway.
First, get a sequence of years:

--  PostgreSQL, MariaDB/MySQL, SQLite

        allyears(year) AS (
            SELECT 1940

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

            SELECT year+1 FROM allyears WHERE year<2010


--  MSSQL, Oracle
    allyears(year) AS (
        SELECT 1940
        UNION ALL
        SELECT year+1 FROM allyears WHERE year<2010

Next, get the customer (id) and the year of birth of the customers:

--  PostgreSQL, MariaDB/MySQL, Oracle

    yobs(yob) AS (
        SELECT id, EXTRACT(year FROM dob)
        FROM customers WHERE dob IS NOT NULL
    yobs(yob) AS (
        SELECT id, year(dob)
        FROM customers WHERE dob IS NOT NULL
--  SQLite
    yobs(yob) AS (
        SELECT id, strftime('%Y',dob)
        FROM customers WHERE dob IS NOT NULL

Finally, JOIN them and get the aggregate:


    allyears(year) AS ( ),
    yobs AS ( )
SELECT allyears.year, count(*) AS nums
FROM allyears LEFT JOIN yobs ON allyears.year=yobs.yob
GROUP BY allyears.year
ORDER BY allyears.year;

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

You’ll need the LEFT JOIN to include all of the sequence of years even if it doesn’t
match a customer year; after all, that’s why it’s there.

year nums

1940 1
1941 1
1942 1
1943 1
1944 1
1945 1

~ 71 rows ~

We’ll do the same sort of thing for sales data.

Daily Comparison Including Missing Days

The same can be applied to missing dates. In Chapter 8, we generated a summary of
sales per day. We then created a view with daily sales, such as were available. We can
then select from the view:

FROM daily_sales
ORDER BY ordered_date;

You get something like this:

ordered_date ordered_month daily_total

2022-04-08 2022-04 97.5

2022-04-09 2022-04 96
2022-04-10 2022-04 191
2022-04-11 2022-04 201.5
2022-04-12 2022-04 91
2022-04-13 2022-04 160
~ 385 rows ~

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

However, if you look hard enough, you’ll find some dates missing. We’re about to fill
them in.
For this, we’ll need the following:

• The daily_sales view

• A CTE with the first and last dates of the daily sales

• A sequence of dates

You already know how to generate a sequence of dates. This time, instead of starting
and stopping on arbitrary dates, we’ll start and stop on the first and last dates of the
daily_sales view. We can put those values in a CTE for reference:

    vars(first_date, last_date) AS (
        SELECT min(ordered_date), max(ordered_date)
        FROM daily_sales

We can now use these values to generate our sequence of dates:

--  PostgreSQL
        vars(first_date, last_date) AS ( ),
        dates(d) AS (
            SELECT first_date FROM vars
            SELECT d+1 FROM vars, dates WHERE d<last_date
--  MariaDB / MySQL
        vars(first_date, last_date) AS ( ),
        dates(d) AS (
            SELECT first_date FROM vars
            SELECT date_add(d, interval 1 day)
            FROM vars, dates WHERE d<last_date

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

        vars(first_date, last_date) AS ( ),
        dates(d) AS (
            SELECT first_date FROM vars
            UNION ALL
            SELECT dateadd(day,1,d)
            FROM vars, dates WHERE d<last_date

--  SQLite
        vars(first_date, last_date) AS ( ),
        dates(d) AS (
            SELECT first_date FROM vars
            SELECT strftime('%Y-%m-%d',d,'+1 day')
            FROM vars, dates WHERE d<last_date
--  Oracle
        vars(first_date, last_date) AS ( ),
        dates(d) AS (
            SELECT first_date FROM vars
            UNION ALL
            SELECT d+1 FROM vars, dates WHERE d<last_date

For those DBMSs which use the keyword RECURSIVE, you use it once at the
beginning, even if some of the CTEs aren’t recursive.
Notice that we’ve cross-joined the vars and dates, which is the usual technique of
applying variables to another table. We could have written CROSS JOIN, but it’s not worth
the effort.

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

We can now complete our query using a LEFT JOIN to get all of the sequence of dates:


    vars(first_date, last_date) AS (
        --  etc
    dates(d) AS (
        --  etc
SELECT d AS ordered_date, daily_sales.daily_total
FROM dates LEFT JOIN daily_sales ON dates.d=daily_sales.ordered_date
ORDER BY dates.d;

We’ll now see the following:

ordered_date daily_total

2022-04-08 97.5
2022-04-09 96
2022-04-10 191
2022-04-11 201.5
2022-04-12 91
2022-04-13 160

~ 387 rows ~

Notice that we’ve selected dates.d AS ordered_date in favor of the ordered_date

from the daily_sales view. That’s because the latter has some missing dates, which is
why we went to this trouble in the first place.
Of course, generating a simple sequence isn’t the only use for a recursive CTE.

Traversing a Hierarchy
Another use case for a recursive CTE is to traverse a hierarchy. The hierarchy we’re going
to look at is in the employees table:

SELECT * FROM employees;

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

Of course, in a real employees table, there would be more details; we’ve only
included enough here to make the point.
In particular, you’ll see that in the employees table, there is a supervisorid column
which is a foreign key to the same table:

employees.supervisorid ➤ employees.id

A more naive approach would be either to include the supervisor’s name, which
is wrong for the same reasons we don’t include the author’s name with the books
table, or to reference another table of supervisors, which is wrong for a different, more
subtle reason.
With books and authors, the point is that an author is not the same as a book. In a
well-designed database, each table has only one type of member. That’s not the case
with employees and supervisors. Put simply, the supervisor is another employee.
We’re going to traverse the employees table to get a list of employees and their

Getting a Single-Level Hierarchy

Without a recursive CTE, you can get employees’ supervisors with a simple OUTER JOIN
to the same table. This is often referred to as a self-join:

    e.id AS eid,
    e.givenname, e.familyname,
    s.id AS sid,
    s.givenname||' '||s.familyname AS supervisor
    --  s.givenname+' '+s.familyname AS supervisor  --  MSSQL
FROM employees AS e LEFT JOIN employees AS s
    ON e.supervisorid=s.id                --  Oracle: No AS
ORDER BY e.id;

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

You’ll get something like this:

eid givenname familyname sid supervisor

1 Marmaduke Mayhem 10 Beryl Bubbles

2 Osric Pureheart 12 Mildred Thisenthat
3 Rubin Croucher [NULL] [NULL]
4 Gladys Raggs 29 Fred Nurke
5 Cynthia Hyphen-Smythe 12 Mildred Thisenthat
6 Sebastian Trefether 5 Cynthia Hyphen-Smythe

~ 34 rows ~

The trick is, when joining a table to itself, you need to give the table two different
aliases to qualify the join.

Multilevel Hierarchy Using Recursive CTE

What we really want is not just the immediate supervisor but a hierarchical list of all
supervisors for each employee. This will, of course, require a recursive CTE.
The anchor member will be the employees who have no supervisors, presumably
those at the top of the hierarchy:


    cte(id, givenname, familyname, supervisorid,
        supervisors, n) AS (
        --  anchor
            id, givenname, familyname, supervisorid, '', 1
        FROM employees WHERE supervisorid IS NULL

The columns include some of the raw details, as well as a string of supervisors.
Obviously, for the anchor member, the supervisor id will be NULL, and the string is
empty. You’ll also notice a sequence number, starting at 1. That’s for a trick we’ll resort to
later on.

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

There will be more than one row for the anchor. That’s all right and will still work the
same way. There’ll just be more than one sequence going.
The recursive member will be the employees with supervisors (i.e., the rest) with a
growing list of their supervisors:

--  Not MSSQL or MariaDB/MySQL Yet!

    cte(id, givenname, familyname, supervisorid,
        supervisors, n) AS (
        --  anchor
        UNION ALL
        --  recursive: others (supervisorid NOT NULL)
            e.id, e.givenname, e.familyname, e.supervisorid,
            cte.givenname||' '||cte.familyname||' < '||
                cte.supervisors, n+1
        FROM cte JOIN employees AS e ON cte.id=e.supervisorid
        --  Oracle: no AS

The join is similar to the self-join earlier. The current employee is referred to in the
e table alias, and this aliased table is joined to the CTE, which will be the supervisor.
The raw data will be from the aliased table, while the supervisor’s details will be
concatenated as the new supervisors parameter.
Normally, you’d want to limit the recursion with a WHERE clause. For this one, the join
will do the job, as it will stop when there are no more to be joined.

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

The magic is in the expression for the supervisors string. In the recursive member,
the CTE represents inherited values.

id givenname familyname sid supervisors n

1 Marmaduke Mayhem 10 Beryl Bubbles < Mildred Thisenth ... < 3

2 Osric Pureheart 12 Mildred Thisenth ... < 2
3 Rubin Croucher [NULL] [NULL] 1
4 Gladys Raggs 29 Fred Nurke < Murgatroyd Murdo ... 4
< Rubin Croucher <
5 Cynthia Hyphen-­Smythe 12 Mildred Thisenth ... < 2
6 Sebastian Trefether 5 Cynthia Hyphen-S ... < Mildred Thisenth ... < 3

~ 34 rows ~

This will work in most DBMSs, but not yet in MSSQL or in MariaDB/
MySQL. However, it will nearly work.
In the case of MariaDB/MySQL, the '' in the anchor causes it to jump to the
conclusion that the string will be zero characters long, so the supervisors column will
be empty.
You will need to cast your empty string in the anchor to a longer one:

        ..., cast('' AS char(255)), 1
    FROM employees WHERE supervisorid IS NULL

A long-standing complaint of MySQL is that you don’t cast to a varchar, but to a

char, which unlike a normal char isn’t a fixed length, so it’s really a varchar anyway.
Nobody knows why. In MariaDB, they allow varchar. The length of 255 should
be enough.
It gets worse with MSSQL. Naturally, the columns in the anchor and recursive
member should match in data type, but in MSSQL, this match needs to be very exact.
The fact that they are both strings is not enough. The strings will need to be of the same
type and size. Concatenating the strings produces a longer string, and MSSQL will
decide that the longer strings aren’t data compatible with the other strings.

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

In this case, you’ll need to cast both expressions to the same:

            ..., cast('' AS nvarchar(255)), ...
        FROM employees WHERE supervisorid IS NULL
        UNION ALL
            cast(cte.givenname+' '+cte.familyname
                +' < '+cte.supervisors as nvarchar(255)), ...
        FROM cte JOIN employees AS e ON cte.id=e.supervisorid

With those changes, the query should work.

Cleaning the Tail End of the List

You’ll notice that, with the exception of the empty supervisors strings, there’s a trailing <.
That’s because that character is always added in the recursive member.
If you look at the n column, you’ll see that it represents a level number. The character
should only be added when there’s already another supervisor—that is to say, when
we’re now adding a second or subsequent supervisor. That means when n has reached
two or higher.
We can change that part of the expression by using a CASE ... END expression:

--  Others
    cte.givenname||' '||cte.familyname
        ||  CASE WHEN n>1 THEN ' < ' ELSE '' END
        || cte.supervisors
    cte.givenname+' '+cte.familyname
        +   CASE WHEN n>1 THEN ' < ' ELSE '' END
        + cte.supervisors

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

This will now produce a cleaner result:

id givenname familyname Sid supervisors n

1 Marmaduke Mayhem 10 Beryl Bubbles < Mildred Thisenth ... 3

2 Osric Pureheart 12 Mildred Thisenth ... 2
3 Rubin Croucher [NULL] [NULL] 1
4 Gladys Raggs 29 Fred Nurke < Murgatroyd Murdo ... 4
< Rubin Croucher
5 Cynthia Hyphen-Smythe 12 Mildred Thisenth ... 2
6 Sebastian Trefether 5 Cynthia Hyphen-S ... < Mildred Thisenth ... 3

~ 34 rows ~

Of course, we don’t need the n column at the end anymore.

Working with Table Literals

At some point, you might want to work with a set of values which haven’t been saved
anywhere—something in a virtual table which stays around long enough for you to
process the data and then discreetly vanishes when you’ve finished.
In principle, SQL does that all the time when you insert literal values into a table. For
example, a statement like

INSERT INTO table(columns)

VALUES ( ... ), ( ... ), ( ... );

inserts from a virtual table, generated by the VALUES clause. That also means that, in
principle, you should be able to use VALUES ... as a virtual table without actually
inserting anything. Unfortunately, it’s not quite so straightforward.
A table literal is an expression which results in a collection of rows and columns—a
virtual table. If things go according to plan, it could look like this:

VALUES ('a','apple'), ('b','banana'), ('c','cherry')

Not all DBMSs see it that way. Some DBMSs do allow just such an expression, but
others have something a little more complicated.

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

A little later, we’ll want to work with a virtual table to experiment with, so the first
step will be to put this into a CTE. Using the standard notation, you can use

--  PostgreSQL, MariaDB (not MySQL), SQLite

    WITH cte(id,value) AS (
        VALUES ('a','apple'), ('b','banana'), ('c','cherry')
    SELECT * FROM cte;

You’ll see the following:

id value

a apple
b banana
c cherry

Note that we’ve included the column names in the CTE name.
For the other DBMSs, there are various alternatives:

    WITH cte(id,value) AS (
        SELECT * FROM
        (VALUES ('a','apple'), ('b','banana'),
            ('c','cherry')) AS sq(a,b)
    SELECT * FROM cte;
--  MySQL (not MariaDB)
    WITH cte(id,value) AS (
        VALUES ROW('a','apple'), ROW('b','banana'),
    SELECT * FROM cte;
--  Oracle
    WITH cte(id,value) AS (
        SELECT 'a','apple' FROM dual

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

        UNION ALL SELECT 'b','banana' FROM dual

        UNION ALL SELECT 'c','cherry' FROM dual
    SELECT * FROM cte;

As you see, the prize for the most awkward version goes to Oracle, which doesn’t yet
support a proper table literal. Apparently, that’s coming soon.
MSSQL does support a table literal, but, for some unknown reason, it has to be inside
a subquery, complete with a dummy subquery name and dummy column names.
MySQL also supports a table literal, but requires each row inside a ROW() constructor,
because MySQL has a non-standard values() function which conflicts with using it simply
as a table literal. This is one of the cases where MariaDB and MySQL are not the same.

Using a Table Literal for Testing

One reason you might want throwaway values is if you’re testing something, and you
haven’t the energy to put the test value in a real or temporary value.
For example, suppose you want to test calculating the difference between dates, so
for finding an age. You could do something like this:

WITH dates(dob,today) AS (
    --  list of dob and today values
    --  today - dob AS age
FROM dates;

The actual code is commented out, because the DBMSs all have their own ways.
It gets further complicated because of the date literals.
We’re going to try this with the following series of dates:

dob today

1940-07-07 2023-01-01
1943-02-25 2023-01-01
1942-06-18 2023-01-01
1940-10-09 2023-01-01
Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

dob today

1940-07-07 2022-12-31
1943-02-25 2022-12-31
1942-06-18 2022-12-31
1940-10-09 2022-12-31
1940-07-07 2023-07-07
1943-02-25 2023-02-25
1942-06-18 2023-06-18
1940-10-09 2023-10-09

(If you recognize the dates of birth, don’t let on.)

First, you’ll need to set up your dates CTE. This is complicated by the fact that in SQL
a date literal is in single quotes. However, without context, SQL will regard single quote
literals as strings, which won’t work with date calculations. The exception is SQLite,
which only works with date strings anyway.
The dates CTE would look like this:

--  PostgreSQL, MariaDB (not MySQL)

    WITH dates(dob, today) AS (
            --  etc
--  MySQL (not MariaDB)
    WITH dates(dob, today) AS (
            --  etc
Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

    WITH dates(dob, today) AS (

            (cast('1940-07-07' as date),
                cast('2023-01-01' as date)),
            --  etc
        ) AS sq(a,b)
--  SQLite
    WITH dates(dob, today) AS (
            --  etc

--  Oracle
    WITH dates(dob, today) AS (
        SELECT date'1940-07-07',date'2023-01-01' FROM dual
        UNION ALL SELECT date'1943-02-25',date'2023-01-01'
            FROM dual
        UNION ALL SELECT date'1942-06-18',date'2023-01-01'
            FROM dual
        --  etc

Note .

• For PostgreSQL, MariaDB/MySQL, and Oracle, you can use the

simple expression date'...' to interpret a literal as a date.
• For PostgreSQL, MariaDB/MySQL, and MSSQL, it’s sufficient to
cast the literals for the first row only; SQL gets the hint from there.
Oracle, on the other hand, needs all of the rows to be cast.

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

You now have a virtual table with a collection of test dates. You can now try out your
age calculation:

--  PostgreSQL
    WITH dates(dob, today) AS (
        --  etc
        dob, today,
        extract(year from age(today,dob)) AS age
    FROM dates;
--  MariaDB/MySQL
    WITH dates(dob, today) AS (
        --  etc
        dob, today,
        timestampdiff(year,dob,current_timestamp) AS age
    FROM dates;

    WITH dates(dob, today) AS (
        --  etc
        dob, today,
        datediff(year,dob,today) AS age
    FROM dates;
--  SQLite
    WITH dates(dob, today) AS (
        --  etc
        dob, today,
            strftime('%Y.%m%d', today) - strftime('%Y.%m%d', dob)

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

        as int) AS age

    FROM dates;
--  Oracle
    WITH dates(dob, today) AS (
        --  etc
        dob, today,
        trunc(months_between(today,dob)/12) AS age
    FROM dates;

We’ve already noted in Chapter 4 how MSSQL gets the age wrong, and this is one
way you can test this.

Using a Table Literal for Sorting

In Chapter 5, we noted the problem of sorting string values. Put simply, alphabetical
order is rarely the best way to list items which are supposed to be sequential.
For example, if you have the day names of the week, the month names of the year,
the colors of the rainbow, or even the names of the numbers (“One,” “Two,” “Three,”
etc.), sorting the strings in alphabetical order will just make things confusing.
In Chapter 5, we cheated by relying on a string position. Another, more resilient
solution is to have a (virtual) table of values with their correct position.
In Chapter 8, we generated a summary of sales per weekday:

    data AS (...)
    summary AS (...)
    weekday_number, total,
    100*total/sum(total) OVER()
FROM weekday_number
ORDER BY weekday_number;

The problem is that we’ve had to get the weekday number in order to sort this
correctly. It would have been nicer to use the weekday name instead. We can then use an
additional virtual table to sort the names.

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

First, let’s redo the data CTE with the day name:

--  PostgreSQL, Oracle
    WITH data AS (
        SELECT to_char(ordered,'FMDay') AS weekday, total
        FROM sales
    WITH data AS (
        SELECT datename(weekday,ordered) AS weekday, total
        FROM sales
--  MariaDB/MySQL
    WITH data AS (
        SELECT date_format(ordered,'%W'), total
        FROM sales

You’ll notice that SQLite isn’t included in the list. That’s because it doesn’t have a
method of getting the weekday name. If you need it, you’ll want the reverse technique in
the next section.
The summary CTE will now group by the weekday name:

    data AS (
            ... AS weekday,
        FROM sales
    summary AS (
        SELECT weekday, sum(total) AS total
        FROM data
        GROUP BY weekday
--  etc

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

We’ll now need a table literal with the days of the week as well as a sequence number.

sequence weekday

1 Monday
2 Tuesday
3 Wednesday
4 Thursday
5 Friday
6 Saturday
7 Sunday

--  PostgreSQL, MariaDB (not MySQL), SQLite

    weekdays(sequence,weekday) AS (
        VALUES (1,'Monday'),(2,'Tuesday')           --  etc
--  MySQL (not MariaDB)
    weekdays(sequence,weekday) AS (
        VALUES row(1,'Monday'), row(2,'Tuesday')    --  etc
    weekdays(sequence,weekday) AS (
        SELECT * FROM (
            VALUES (1,'Monday'),(2,'Tuesday')       --  etc
        ) AS sq(a,b)
--  Oracle
    weekdays(sequence,weekday) AS (
        SELECT 1,'Monday' FROM dual
        UNION ALL SELECT 2,'Tuesday' FROM dual      --  etc

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

Finally, to do the sorting, you can join the summary CTE with the weekdays CTE and
sort by the sequence number:

    data AS ( ),
    summary AS ( ),
    weekdays(dob, today) AS ( )
    summary.weekday, summary.total,
    100*total/sum(summary.total) OVER()
FROM summary JOIN weekdays
    ON summary.weekday=weekdays.weekday
ORDER BY weekdays.sequence;

You should see something like this:

weekday total proportion

Monday 49304 15.081

Tuesday 45156.5 13.813
Wednesday 45959.5 14.058
Thursday 47528 14.538
Friday 42372.5 12.961
Saturday 48415.5 14.81
Sunday 48182.22 14.738

One advantage of this technique is that you can change the sequence numbering in
the table literal, for example, to start on Wednesday if that suits you better.
By the way, if you’re going to sort by weekday, or anything like it, very often, you
might be better off saving the data in a permanent lookup table.

Using a Table Literal As a Lookup

We’ve already noted that SQLite has no function to get the day name of the week—only
the day number. In any case, you may have other situations where the data you have isn’t
as friendly or as comprehensible as you would like.

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

One solution is to use a table literal to act as a lookup table.

For example, the vip table has a status level of 1, 2, or 3. You’re supposed to realize
that it means Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Here, we’ll use a table literal to do just that.
First, we’ll develop a CTE with the status names:

--  PostgreSQL, MariaDB (not MySQL), SQLite

    WITH statuses(status,name) AS (
        VALUES (1,'Gold'),(2,'Silver'),(3,'Bronze')
--  MySQL (not MariaDB)
    WITH statuses(status,name) AS (
        VALUES row(1,'Gold'),row(2,'Silver'),row(3,'Bronze')
    WITH statuses(status,name) AS (
        SELECT * FROM (
            VALUES (1,'Gold'),(2,'Silver'),(3,'Bronze')
        ) AS sq(a,b)

--  Oracle
    WITH statuses(status,name) AS (
        SELECT 1,'Gold' FROM DUAL

We can now join the CTE to customers and vip tables:

WITH statuses(status,name) AS (
    --  etc
    LEFT JOIN vip ON customers.id=vip.id
    LEFT JOIN statuses ON vip.status=statuses.status
Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

Again, the benefit is that you can change the status names on the fly.
You can also do the same sort of thing with author and customer genders. Another
thing you can do with this technique is to translate from one set of names to another set
of names.

You may be wondering why we don’t include the full name of the gender or the vip
status in the table itself. Remember that you should only record a piece of data
once, and it should be the simplest version possible. Storing a value as a single
character, as with the gender, or an integer, as with the vip status, reduces the
possibility of data error or variation, and you can spell it out later when you want.

Splitting a String
If you have the courage to look in the script which generated the database, you’ll find two
recursive CTEs near the end:

--  Populate Genres
    INSERT INTO genres(genre)
    WITH split(bookid,genre,rest,genres) AS (
    FROM split
    WHERE split.genre IS NOT NULL;
--  Populate Book Genres
    INSERT INTO bookgenres(bookid,genreid)
    WITH split(bookid,genre,rest,genres) AS (
    SELECT split.bookid,genres.id
    FROM split JOIN genres ON split.genre=genres.genre
    WHERE split.genre IS NOT NULL;

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

The reason is purely pragmatic. There are thousands of book-genre combinations,

and, instead of dumping the bookgenres table directly, it was more convenient to code
the combined genres into a table and use the recursive CTEs to pull that apart. To leave
the genres combined would have been wrong for all the reasons discussed in Chapter 3.
Here, we’ll have a look at how this process works, by splitting a few sample strings.
We’ll first take a simple string and put it in a table literal. For now, it will be a simple
string with comma-separated values. Later, it will be more complex.

--  PostgreSQL, SQLite, MariaDB (not MySQL)

        cte(fruit) AS (
            VALUES ('Apple,Banana,Cherry,Date,
--  MySQL (Not MariaDB)
        cte(fruit) AS (
            VALUES row('Apple,Banana,Cherry,Date,
        cte(fruit) AS (
            SELECT *
            FROM (VALUES ('Apple,Banana,Cherry,Date,
                Elderberry,Fig')) AS sq(a)
--  Oracle)
        cte(fruit) AS (
            SELECT 'Apple,Banana,Cherry,Date,
                Elderberry,Fig' FROM dual

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

In order to make the code readable, the string has been split over two lines. Don’t
do this in your real code!
Some DBMSs don’t like string literals with a line break inside. For those that will
accept the line break, it will be part of the data, and we won’t want that.
Be sure to write the string on one line, even if it’s very long.

For the recursive CTE, we’ll build two values: the individual item and a string
containing the rest of the original string. The CTE can be called split:

    cte(fruit) AS (),
    split(fruit, rest) AS (


The anchor member will get the first item from the string, up to the comma, and the
rest, after the comma:

    cte(fruit) AS (),

--  PostgreSQL
    split(fruit, rest) AS (
            substring(fruit,0,position(',' in fruits)),
            substring(fruit,position(',' in fruits)+1)||','
        FROM cte
--  MariaDB, MySQL
    split(fruit, rest) AS (
            substring(fruit,1,position(',' in fruits)-1),
            substring(fruit,position(',' in fruits)+1)||','
        FROM cte

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

    split(fruit, rest) AS (
            cast(substring(fruit,0,charindex(',',fruits)) as varchar(255)),
             cast(substring(fruit,charindex(',',fruits)+1,255)+',' as varchar(255))
        FROM cte

--  SQLite
    split(fruit, rest) AS (
        FROM cte
--  Oracle
    split(fruit, rest) AS (
        FROM cte

Note that for MSSQL we’ve had to cast the calculation to varchar(255) because of a
peculiarity with string compatibility.
For the recursive member, we use the rest value. First, we get the string up to the
first comma, which becomes the fruit value. Then, we get the rest of the string from the
comma, which becomes the new value for rest:

    cte(fruit) AS (),
--  PostgreSQL
    split(fruit, rest) AS (
        SELECT ...
            substring(rest,0,position(',' in rest)),

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

            substring(rest,position(',' in rest)+1)
        FROM cte WHERE rest<>''
--  MariaDB, MySQL
    split(fruit, rest) AS (
        SELECT ...
            substring(rest,1,position(',' in rest)-1),
            substring(rest,position(',' in rest)+1)
        FROM cte WHERE rest<>''

    split(fruit, rest) AS (
        SELECT ...
        UNION ALL
            substring(rest,0,charindex(',', rest)),
            substring(rest,charindex(',', rest)+1,255)
        FROM cte WHERE rest<>''
--  SQLite
    split(fruit, rest) AS (
        SELECT ...
        FROM cte WHERE rest<>''
--  Oracle
    split(fruit, rest) AS (
        SELECT ...
        UNION ALL

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

        FROM cte WHERE rest<>''

Note that we don’t add a comma to the rest value this time: that was just to get
We have also added WHERE rest<>'' to the FROM clause. This is because we need to
stop recursing when there’s no more of the string to search.
You can now try it out:

    cte(fruit) AS (),
    split(fruit,rest) AS ()
SELECT * FROM split;

You should now see the following:

fruit rest

Apple Banana,Cherry,Date,Elderberry,Fig,
Banana Cherry,Date,Elderberry,Fig,
Cherry Date,Elderberry,Fig,
Date Elderberry,Fig,
Elderberry Fig,
Fig [NULL]

Of course, we don’t need to see the rest value in the output: it’s just there so you can
see its progress.

Splitting More Complex Data

So far, we’ve only split a simple string. We can do that with a more complex set of data.
Here, we’ll have a CTE with three rows and two columns:

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

name list

colours Red,Orange,Yellow,Green,Blue,Indigo,Violet
elements Hydrogen,Helium,Lithium,Beryllium,Boron,Carbon
numbers One,Two,Three,Four,Five,Six,Seven,Eight,Nine

The good news is that the process is nearly the same.

To begin with, we’ll have a CTE with the table literal:

--  PostgreSQL, SQLite, MariaDB (not MySQL)

        cte(name,items) AS (
--  MySQL (Not MariaDB)
        cte(name,items) AS (
        cte(name,items) AS (
            SELECT *
            FROM (
            ) AS sq(a,b)
Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

--  Oracle)
        cte(name,items) AS (
            SELECT 'colours','Red,Orange,...,Indigo,Violet'
                FROM dual
            UNION ALL SELECT 'elements','Hydrogen,...,Carbon'
                FROM dual
            UNION ALL SELECT 'numbers','One,Two,...,Eight,Nine'
                FROM dual

(We’ve obviously abbreviated the lists to fit nicely on the page.)

For the anchor member, we start the same way as before, but we’ll include the name
of the list. It won’t be involved in the split, but is useful for the output.

    cte(name, items) AS (),
--  PostgreSQL
    split(name, item, rest) AS (
            substring(items,0,position(',' in items)),
            substring(items,position(',' in items)+1)||','
        FROM cte
--  MariaDB, MySQL
    split(name, list, rest) AS (
            substring(items,1,position(',' in items)-1),
            substring(items,position(',' in items)+1)||','
        FROM cte
    split(name, list, rest) AS (

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

            cast(substring(items,0,charindex(',', items)) as varchar(255)),
            substring(items,charindex(',', items)+1,255)+','
        FROM cte

--  SQLite
    split(name, list, rest) AS (
        FROM cte
--  Oracle
    split(name, list, rest) AS (
        FROM cte

As for the recursive member, again it’s the same idea, with the name value included:

    cte(name, items) AS (),

--  PostgreSQL
    split(name, list, rest) AS (
        SELECT ...
            substring(rest,0,position(',' in rest)),
            substring(rest,position(',' in rest)+1)
        FROM cte WHERE rest<>''
Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

--  MariaDB, MySQL
    split(name, list, rest) AS (
        SELECT ...
            substring(rest,1,position(',' in rest)-1),
            substring(rest,position(',' in rest)+1)
        FROM cte WHERE rest<>''
    split(name, list, rest) AS (
        SELECT ...
        UNION ALL
            cast(substring(rest,0,charindex(',', rest)) as varchar(255)),
            substring(rest,charindex(',', rest)+1,255)
        FROM cte WHERE rest<>''
--  SQLite
    split(name, list, rest) AS (
        SELECT ...
        FROM cte WHERE rest<>''
--  Oracle
    split(name, list, rest) AS (
        SELECT ...
        UNION ALL
Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

        FROM cte WHERE rest<>''

We can now put this to the test:

    cte(name, items) AS ()
    split(name, item, rest) AS ()
FROM split
ORDER BY name, item;

When it’s all going, you should see something like the following:

name item rest

colours Blue Indigo,Violet,

colours Green Blue,Indigo,Violet,
colours Indigo Violet,
colours Orange Yellow,Green,Blue,Indigo,Violet,
colours Red Orange,Yellow,Green,Blue,Indigo,Violet,
colours Violet [NULL]
colours Yellow Green,Blue,Indigo,Violet,
elements Beryllium Boron,Carbon,
elements Boron Carbon,
elements Carbon [NULL]
elements Helium Lithium,Beryllium,Boron,Carbon,
elements Hydrogen Helium,Lithium,Beryllium,Boron,Carbon,
elements Lithium Beryllium,Boron,Carbon,
numbers Eight Nine,
numbers Five Six,Seven,Eight,Nine,

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

name item rest

numbers Four Five,Six,Seven,Eight,Nine,

numbers Nine [NULL]
numbers One Two,Three,Four,Five,Six,Seven,Eight,Nine,
numbers Seven Eight,Nine,
numbers Six Seven,Eight,Nine,
numbers Three Four,Five,Six,Seven,Eight,Nine,
numbers Two Three,Four,Five,Six,Seven,Eight,Nine,

As you see the recursive CTE was able to work with multiple rows of data.

In this chapter, we had a closer look at using Common Table Expressions. A common
table expression generates a virtual table that you can use later in the main query. In the
past, you would make do with a subquery in the FROM clause.
The reason why you would use a CTE or a FROM subquery is that you might need to
prepare data but you don’t want to go to the trouble of saving it either in a view or a temporary
table. CTEs are more ephemeral than temporary tables in that they are not saved at all.
CTEs have a number of advantages over FROM subqueries:

• You define the CTE before using it, making the query more readable
and more manageable.
• You can chain multiple dependent or independent CTEs simply. If
you wanted to do that with FROM subqueries, you would have to nest
them, which gets unwieldy very quickly.

• CTEs can be recursive, so you can use them to iterate through data.

Simple CTEs
The simplest use of a CTE is to prepare data for further processing. Some uses include

• Defining a set of constant values, either as literals or as

calculated values

Chapter 9 More on Common Table Expressions

• Preparing aggregate data, to be combined with non-­

aggregate queries

Parameter Names
A CTE is expected to have a name or alias for each column. You can define the names
inside the CTE, or you can define them as part of the CTE definition.

Multiple CTEs
Some queries involve multiple steps. These steps can be implemented by chaining
multiple CTEs.

Recursive CTEs
A recursive CTE is one which references itself. It can be used for iterating through a set
of data.
Some uses of recursive CTEs include

• Generating a sequence of values

• Traversing a hierarchy through a self-join

• Splitting strings into smaller parts

Coming Up
So far, we’ve worked on a number of important major concepts. In the next chapter,
we’ll have a look at a few additional techniques you can use to work smarter with your

• Triggers allow you to automate a process whenever some of the data


• Pivot tables are basically a two-dimensional aggregate query.

• Variables allow you to hold interim values when there’s too much
going on.


More Techniques:
Triggers, Pivot Tables,
and Variables
Throughout the book, we’ve looked at pushing our knowledge and application of SQL a
little further and explored a number of techniques, some new and some not so new.
When looking at some techniques, in particular, those involving aggregates and
common table expressions, we also got a sense of pushing SQL deeper, with multitiered
In this chapter, we’ll go a little beyond simple SQL and explore a few techniques
which supplement SQL. They’re not directly related to each other, but they all allow you
to do more in working with your data.
SQL triggers are small blocks of code which run automatically in some response to
some database event. We’ll look at how these work and how you would write one. In
particular, we’ll look at a trigger to automatically archive data which has been deleted.
Pivot tables are aggregates in two dimensions. They allow you to build summaries in
both row and column data. We’ll look at an example of preparing data to be summarized
and how we produce a pivot table.
Variables are pieces of temporary data which can be used to maintain values
between statements. They allow us to run a group of SQL statements, while they hold
interim values which are passed from one statement to another. In this chapter, we’ll
look at using variables to hold temporary values while we add data to multiple tables.

© Mark Simon 2023
M. Simon, Leveling Up with SQL, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-9685-1_10
Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

Understanding Triggers
Sometimes, a simple SQL query isn’t quite enough. Sometimes, what you really want is
for a query to start off one or more additional queries. Sometimes, what you want is a
A trigger is a small block of code which will be run automatically when something
happens to the database. There are various types of triggers, including

• DML (Data Manipulation Language) triggers run when some change

is made to the data tables, as when the INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE
statements are executed.

• DDL (Data Definition Language) triggers run when changes are

made to the structure of the database, such as when CREATE, ALTER, or
DROP statements are executed.

• Logon triggers run when a user has logged in.

One reason you might use DDL or Logon triggers is if you want to track activity by
storing this in a logging table.
Here, we’re going to look more at a DML trigger.
Triggers can be used to fill in some shortcomings of standard DBMS behavior. Here
are some examples which might call for a trigger:

• You might have an activity table which wants a date column updated
every time you make a change. You can use a trigger to set the
column for every insert or update.

• Suppose you have a rental table, where you enter a start and a finish
date. You’d like the finish date to default to the start date if it isn’t
entered. SQL defaults aren’t quite so clever, but you can set a trigger
to set the finish date when you insert a new row.

• SQL has no auditing in the normal sense of the word. You can create
a trigger to add some data to a logging table every time a row is
added, updated, or deleted.

In this example, we’re going to create a trigger to keep a copy of data which we’re
going to delete from the sales table.

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

In some of the preceding chapters, we’ve had to contend with the fact that in the
sales table, some rows have NULLs for the ordered date/time. Presumably, those sales
never checked out.
We’ve been pretty forgiving so far and filtered them out from time to time, but the
time has come to deal with them. We can delete all of the NULL sales as follows:

--  Not Yet!
    DELETE FROM sales WHERE ordered IS NULL;

Note that there’s a foreign key from the saleitems table to the sales table, which
would normally disallow deleting the sales if there are any items attacked. However, if
you check the script which generates the sample database, you’ll notice the ON DELETE
CASCADE clause, which will automatically delete the orphaned sale items.

When should you delete data? The short answer is never. The longer answer is
more complicated. You would delete data that was entered in error, or you would
delete test data when you’ve finished testing.
In this case, we’re going to delete the sales with a NULL for the ordered date;
we’ll assume that the sale was never checked out and that the customer won’t
ever come back and finish it. However, we’ll keep a copy of it anyway, just in case.

Most DBMSs handle triggers in a very similar way, but there are variations. We’ll go
over the basics first and then the details for individual DBMSs.

Some Trigger Basics

The basic syntax for creating a trigger is something like this:


ON some_table

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

None of the DBMSs do it exactly the same way, but it’s roughly right:

• The trigger, of course, has a name: CREATE TRIGGER something.

• The trigger is attached to a table: ON some_table.

• The trigger is attached to an event.

The event is typically one of BEFORE, AFTER, or INSTEAD OF, followed by one of the DML
statements. In this example, we want to do something with the old data before it’s deleted.
For the sample trigger, we’re going to copy the old data into a table called deleted_
sales. This means that we’re going to have to get to the data before it’s vanished. The
appropriate event is


It’s going to be a little complicated, because we want to copy not only the data from
the sales table but also from the saleitems table. We’ll do that by concatenating those
items into one string. You really shouldn’t keep multiple items that way, but it’s good
enough for an archive, and you can always pull it apart if you ever need to.
The archive table looks something like this:

    CREATE TABLE deleted_sales (

        id INT PRIMARY KEY,     --  Auto Incremented
        saleid INT,
        customerid INT,
        items VARCHAR(255),
        deleted_date TIMESTAMP  --  date/time

This table has already been created.

Preparing the Data to Be Archived

The trigger code will basically be an INSERT statement, inserting prepared values from
the sales and saleitems tables. We’ll prepare the values in a CTE:

--  PostgreSQL, MSSQL
    WITH cte AS (
Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

    INSERT INTO deleted_sales(saleid, customerid, items,

    SELECT saleid,customerid, items, current_timestamp
    FROM cte;

--  MariaDB/MySQL, SQLite, Oracle

    INSERT INTO deleted_sales(saleid, customerid, items, deleted_date)
    WITH cte AS (
    SELECT saleid,customerid, items, current_timestamp
    FROM cte;

As you see, with some DBMSs you start with the CTE, as you would using a SELECT
statement, while in others you start with the INSERT clause.
As for the CTE itself, we’ll derive that from the data to be deleted.
For most DBMSs, each row to be deleted is represented in a virtual row called old
(:old in Oracle). MSSQL instead has a virtual table called deleted.
If we were simply archiving from one table, we wouldn’t need the CTE, and we could
simply copy the rows with


    INSERT INTO deleted_sales
    VALUES(old.saleid, old.customerid, '...',
--  MSSQL: deleted is a virtual table
    INSERT INTO deleted_sales
    SELECT saleid, customerid, '...', current_timestamp
    FROM deleted;

However, it’s not so simple when there’s another table involved. Here, the plan is to
read the book ids and quantities from the other table and combine them using string_
agg, group_concat, or listagg according to DBMS.

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

To generate the data, we’ll use a join and aggregate the results:

WITH cte(saleid,customerid,items) AS (
        s.id, s.customerid,
    FROM sales AS s JOIN saleitems AS si ON s.id=si.saleid
    WHERE s.id=old.id
    GROUP BY s.id, s.customerid

The preceding sample is for PostgreSQL, but the others are nearly identical—just the
variations in the string_agg() function, concatenation, and table aliases.
The items string will contain something like the following:


That is, one or more bookid:quantity items are joined with a semicolon.
If you do need to pull it apart, you can use the same techniques we used for splitting
strings in Chapter 9. We can now go about creating the trigger.

Creating the Trigger

Now that we’ve covered the basics of how the trigger’s going to work, we can write the
actual code. For the most part, it will be pretty close to what you have seen earlier, with
variations for each DBMS.
Once the trigger has been created, we can try it out with the following. The plan is to
delete those sales without an ordered date:

--  Before
    SELECT * FROM sales order by id;
    SELECT * FROM saleitems order by id;
    SELECT * FROM deleted_sales order by id;
--  Delete with Trigger
    DELETE FROM sales WHERE ordered IS NULL;

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

--  After
    SELECT * FROM sales order by id;
    SELECT * FROM saleitems order by id;
    SELECT * FROM deleted_sales order by id;

We’ll now go into the details for the individual DBMSs.

PostgreSQL Triggers
PostgreSQL has the least convenient form of trigger, in that you first need to prepare a
function to contain the trigger code. A function is a named block of code, which can be
called later at any time.
To prepare for the function and trigger, we can start with a few DROP statements:

DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS archive_sales_trigger ON sales;

DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS do_archive_sales;

The function will basically contain the code described earlier:


    WITH cte(saleid,customerid,items) AS (
            s.id, s.customerid,
        FROM sales AS s JOIN saleitems AS si
             ON s.id=si.saleid
        WHERE s.id=old.id
        GROUP BY s.id, s.customerid
    INSERT INTO deleted_sales(saleid, customerid,items,
    SELECT saleid, customerid, items, current_timestamp
    FROM cte;
    RETURN old;

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

As you see, the function has the code for the CTE and for copying the data into the
deleted_sales table. Here are a few points about the function itself:

• A function has a name (do_archive_sales) and returns a result of a

certain type, in this case a TRIGGER.

• PostgreSQL has a number of alternative coding languages you can

use to write a function, but the standard one is called plpgsql.

• Technically, a function definition is a string. However, using single

quotes would interfere with single quotes inside the function
definition. PostgreSQL allows an alternative string delimiter, in
this case the $$ code. This is the most mysterious part of writing
PostgreSQL functions.

Once you have the function in place, creating the trigger is simple:

CREATE TRIGGER archive_sales_trigger

    EXECUTE FUNCTION do_archive_sales();

You can now try it out.

MySQL/MariaDB Triggers
With MariaDB/MySQL, the trigger can be written in a single block. First, we’ll write the
code to drop the trigger:

DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS archive_sales_trigger;

The basic form of the trigger code will be

CREATE TRIGGER archive_sales_trigger


Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

There’s going to be a possible complication here. The trigger code includes a

BEGIN ... END block which is to allow multiple statements on one block. At this point,
MariaDB/MySQL isn’t sure where the real end will be, so it’s normal to change the end of
the statement delimiter:


CREATE TRIGGER archive_sales_trigger

END; $$


Here, the delimiter is changed to $$. It doesn’t have to be that, but it’s a combination
you’re unlikely to use for anything else. The new delimiter is used to mark the end of the
code and switched back to the semicolon after that.
After that, the trigger code is much as described:

CREATE TRIGGER archive_sales_trigger
    INSERT INTO deleted_sales(saleid,customerid,items,deleted_date)
    WITH cte(saleid,customerid,items) AS (
            s.id, s.customerid,
            group_concat(si.bookid||':'||si.quantity SEPARATOR ';')
        FROM sales AS s JOIN saleitems AS si ON s.id=si.saleid
        WHERE s.id=old.id
        GROUP BY s.id, s.customerid

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

    SELECT saleid,customerid,items,current_timestamp
    FROM cte;
END; $$


You can now test your trigger.

MSSQL Triggers
MSSQL also has a simple, direct way of creating a trigger. However, there’s a complicating
factor, which we’ll need to work around.
Before that, however, we’ll add the code to drop the trigger:

DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS archive_sales_trigger;

With other DBMSs, you create a BEFORE DELETE trigger to capture the data before it’s
gone. With MSSQL, you don’t have that option: there’s only AFTER DELETE and INSTEAD
OF DELETE. In both cases, there is a virtual table called deleted which has the rows to be
The problem with AFTER DELETE is that, even though the deleted virtual table has
the deleted rows from the sales table, it’s too late to get the rows from the saleitems
table, as they have also been deleted, but there’s no virtual table for that.
For that, we’ll take a different approach. We’ll use an INSTEAD OF DELETE event,
which is to say that MSSQL will run the trigger instead of actually deleting the data. The
trick is to finish off the trigger by doing the delete at the end:

CREATE TRIGGER archive_sales_trigger

    ON sales
    DELETE FROM sales WHERE id IN(SELECT id FROM deleted);

The deleted virtual table still has the rows which haven’t actually been deleted, but
were going to be before the trigger stepped in. All we need from that is the id to identify
the sales which should be deleted at the end, together with the cascaded sale items.

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

The other complication is that MSSQL won’t let you concatenate strings with
numbers, so you’ll have to cast the numbers as strings:

cast(si.bookid AS varchar)+':'+cast(si.quantity AS varchar)

In MSSQL, varchar is short for varchar(30). It’s much more than we need for the
integers, but it will reduce to the actual size of the integer, and is easy to read.
The completed trigger code is

CREATE TRIGGER archive_sales_trigger

    ON sales
    WITH cte(saleid, customerid, items) AS (
            s.id, s.customerid,
            string_agg(cast(si.bookid AS varchar)+':'
                +cast(si.quantity AS varchar),';')
            sales AS s
            JOIN saleitems AS si ON s.id=si.saleid
            JOIN deleted ON s.id=deleted.id
        GROUP BY s.id, s.customerid
    INSERT INTO deleted_sales(saleid, customerid, items,
    SELECT saleid, customerid, items, current_timestamp
    FROM cte;
    DELETE FROM sales
    WHERE id IN(SELECT id FROM deleted);

You can now delete your sales.

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

SQLite Triggers
Of all the DBMSs in this book, SQLite has by far the simplest and most direct version of
coding a trigger.
First, we can write the code to drop the trigger:

DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS archive_sales_trigger;

The code to create the trigger is almost identical to the discussion earlier:

CREATE TRIGGER archive_sales_trigger

    INSERT INTO deleted_sales(saleid, customerid, items,
    WITH cte(saleid, customerid, items) AS (
            s.id, s.customerid,
        FROM sales AS s JOIN saleitems AS si
            ON s.id=si.saleid
        WHERE s.id=old.id
        GROUP BY s.id, s.customerid
    SELECT saleid, customerid, items,current_timestamp
    FROM cte;

The FOR EACH ROW clause is optional, since in SQLite there’s no alternative currently.
However, it’s included to make the point clear that the trigger applies to each row about
to be deleted.
You can now test the trigger.

Oracle Triggers
Writing trigger code in Oracle is similar to the basic code outlined earlier, but there are a
few complicating factors which we’ll need to work around.

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

Before that, we can write the code to drop the trigger:

--  DROP TRIGGER archive_sales_trigger;

The code is commented out because Oracle doesn’t support IF EXISTS.

The first complication is that the trigger code consists of multiple statements, so it’s
hard to tell which statements belong to a single block.
Oracle has an alternative statement delimiter which is used when you’re trying to
combine multiple statements:

CREATE TRIGGER archive_sales_trigger

The forward slash (/) before and after the code defines the block. Everything
between the slashes, including the statements terminated with a semicolon, will be
treated as one block of code.
The second complication is that Oracle doesn’t like making changes to the table
doing the triggering. The solution is to tell Oracle that code is part of a separate

CREATE TRIGGER archive_sales_trigger


A transaction is a group of changes which can be reversed (“rolled back”) if

something goes wrong. To keep the changes, however, you then need to use the COMMIT
Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

The rest of the code is much as discussed earlier:

CREATE TRIGGER archive_sales_trigger
    INSERT INTO deleted_sales(saleid, customerid, items, deleted_date)
    WITH cte(saleid,customerid,items) AS (
            s.id, s.customerid,
        FROM sales s JOIN saleitems si ON s.id=si.saleid
        WHERE s.id=:old.id
        GROUP BY s.id, s.customerid
    SELECT saleid, customerid, items, current_timestamp
    FROM cte;

You can now test the trigger.

Pros and Cons of Triggers

The main role of triggers is to add behaviors to the database which aren’t already there.
For example, the DBMS already supports defaults and column constraints, so, though
you could use triggers to do something similar, you should first check whether the built-­
in feature will do the job.
One example where triggers have come to the rescue is with earlier versions of
Oracle. Other DBMSs have long implemented an autoincremented primary key, but
Oracle didn’t until more recent versions. In that case, you would use a trigger to maintain
and use a separate sequence to fill in the primary key for the next inserted row.

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

We’ve already mentioned cases when you might want to provide a default value for
a column which is more complex than the built-in default feature, or you might want
to update a column automatically. Here, the trigger might be able to provide this extra
However, it’s possible to get carried away with triggers. If there’s a DML trigger on
a table, then, every time you make any changes to the table data, there’s always a little
extra work, which might add an extra burden.
The other problem is that triggers might add a little more mystery to the database,
especially to other users of the database. Every time you do something, something else
happens. This can make troubleshooting a little trickier and make it a little harder to
check that the data is correct.

Pivoting Data
One of the important principles of good database design is that each column does
a different job. On top of that, each column is independent of the other columns.
That’s one reason why we put so much effort separating out the town details from the
customers table in Chapter 2.
There are some situations, however, where this sort of design doesn’t suit analysis.
Take, for example, a typical ledger type of table:

date description food travel accommodation misc

... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ...

This is a layout that’s very easy to understand and analyze. If you want to get the
totals for a particular category, just add down the column. If you want to get the totals
for a particular item, just add across. This sort of thing used to be done by hand until
spreadsheets were invented to let the computer do all the hard work.

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

You may see this sort of design in database tables you come across. However, it’s not
a good design for SQL tables:

• Putting a value in one column precludes putting it in another: the

columns are deeply dependent.

• You will end up with very many empty spaces.

• A new category means adding a new column to the table design. You
may end up with a huge number of columns.

• The data is harder to analyze, because now you need calculate across
columns: SQL aggregate functions are designed to aggregate across rows.

A better design would be

Date description category amount

... ... ... ...

... ... ... ...

As a general rule, the categories should be in rows, not columns.

Still, it would be nice to be able to get the data from the second form into the first
form. You can use it in presentations and possibly turn it into amazing charts.

Pivoting the Data

Generating the first type of result from the second is called pivoting the data. The idea is
that the categories pivot (swing) around, from vertical to horizontal.
If you read the data in a spreadsheet program, you can pivot the data simply.
However, you can also generate pivoted data directly within the database, though it’s not
quite so simple.
Generating the pivot table in the spreadsheet has the following advantages:

• It is more interactive, and you can easily change what is being pivoted
and summarized.
• The spreadsheet will more automatically generate the categories; as
you will see, this is not so convenient from within the database.

• You’re only a step away from turning it into a chart.

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

On the other hand, using the database has the following advantages:

• The data is generated in a single environment.

• You can create a view to regenerate the pivot table at any time.

There are two main ways you can generate a pivot table in SQL:

• Manually: Using a GROUP BY clause, you can aggregate the data in

multiple columns.

• MSSQL and Oracle have a built-in pivot table feature to do this

for you. PostgreSQL also has one, but it’s not built in and requires

Since the purpose of pivoting data is to create summaries, you often need to use a
grouped field or to group the values yourself. For example:

• You can use the existing state column which is a group of addresses.

• You can use date functions, such as month() to group dates

by month.

• You can use string functions to extract a common part of a string.

The pivot table will look something like this:

row groups column group column group column group

group 1 ... ... ...

group 2 ... ... ...
group 3 ... ... ...

We’re going to see how to pivot data from the sales and customers tables to get total
sales by state and VIP categories. The result will look something like this:

State gold silver bronze

... ... ... ...

... ... ... ...
... ... ... ...

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

In principle, you could transpose the table and have the VIP groups go down, with
the states going across. This version, however, will look neater.

Manually Pivoting Data

As we’ve already seen before, you often need to prepare the data before you aggregate
it. This particular summary will need data from four tables: customers, towns, vip, and
sales. Fortunately, the customerdetails view already combines the customers and
towns tables, so we can reduce the number to three.
All the preparation will be done in multiple CTEs:

    statuses AS (
    customerinfo AS (
    salesdata AS (


• The vip table has a status number. The statuses CTE will be a table
literal which allocates a name to the number.

• The customerinfo CTE will join the tables together and select the
columns we want to summarize.

• The salesdata will be an aggregate query which will be a first step in

our pivot table summary.

With those CTEs, we’ll run another aggregate query which will result in our
pivot table.

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

The status CTE is simple. We just need to match status numbers with names:

    statuses(status, statusname) As (
    --  PostgreSQL, SQLite, MariaDB (Not MySQL):
        VALUES (1,'Gold'), (2,'Silver'), (3,'Bronze')
    --  MySQL:
        VALUES row(1,'Gold'), row(2,'Silver'),
    --  MSSQL:
        SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1,'Gold'),(2,'Silver'),
    --  Oracle:
        SELECT 1,'Gold' FROM dual
        UNION ALL SELECT 2,'Silver' FROM dual
        UNION ALL SELECT 3,'Bronze' FROM dual

The customerinfo CTE will join this to the customerdetails view and the vip table
to get the id, state, and status name for the customers:

    statuses(status, statusname) AS (
    customerinfo(id, state, statusname) AS (
        SELECT customerdetails.id, state, statuses.statusname
            LEFT JOIN vip ON customerdetails.id=vip.id
            LEFT JOIN statuses ON vip.status=statuses.status
FROM customerinfo;

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

If you test it now, you’ll get something like this:

Id state statusname

407 NSW Bronze

299 QLD Gold
21 [NULL] Gold
597 TAS [NULL]
106 NSW Gold
26 VIC Gold

~ 303 rows ~

At this point, you can group it by state or status name to see how many of each you
have, but we’re more interested in the total sales.
For that, we’ll need to join the preceding with the sales table in another CTE:

    statuses(status, statusname) AS (
    customerinfo(id, state, statusname) AS (
    salesdata(state, statusname, total) AS (
        SELECT state, statusname, total
        FROM customerinfo JOIN sales
            ON customerinfo.id=sales.customerid
FROM salesdata;

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

Again, testing what we have so far, we get

State statusname total

NSW Silver 43.5
VIC Gold 24.5
VIC [NULL] 133

~ 5294 rows ~

All of this is just to get the data ready. What we’re going to do now is generate our
group rows.
Obviously, you’ll need an aggregate query, grouping by state. Normally, it would
have looked something like this:

    statuses(status, statusname) AS (
    customerinfo(id, state, statusname) AS (
    salesdata(state, statusname, total) AS (
SELECT state, sum(total)
FROM salesdata
GROUP BY state;

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

to give us this:

State sum

WA 20274
ACT 6781.5
TAS 28193
VIC 79199.5
NSW 101889
NT 6151
QLD 53331.5
SA 30977.5

However, to get that ledger table appearance, we’ll use aggregate filters to generate
three separate totals:

    statuses(status, statusname) AS (
    customerinfo(id, state, statusname) AS (
    salesdata(state, statusname, total) AS (
    sum(CASE WHEN statusname='Gold' THEN total END) AS gold,
    sum(CASE WHEN statusname='Silver' THEN total END)
        AS silver,
    sum(CASE WHEN statusname='Bronze' THEN total END)
        AS bronze
FROM salesdata;

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

This finally gives you the following:

State gold silver bronze

WA 213 1655 [NULL]

ACT 1272.5 [NULL] [NULL]
TAS 4182.5 2203 2764.5
VIC 8190 5875 5752.5
NSW 11068.5 9319 10760.5
NT [NULL] [NULL] 339.5
QLD 5094 3522.5 10480
SA 644 1390.5 3362

You might be tempted to ask whether there’s an easier way to do it. The answer is not
really. The hard part was always going to be the preparation of the data for pivoting.
However, for a few DBMSs, the final step can be achieved with a built-in feature.

Using the Pivot Feature (MSSQL, Oracle)

MSSQL and Oracle both offer a non-standard pivot feature which simplifies generating
the pivot table. It takes the following form:

FROM ...
PIVOT (aggregate FOR column IN(columnnames)) AS alias

• The aggregate is the aggregate function you want to apply. In this

case, it’s sum(total).

• The column is the column whose values you want across the table. In
this case, it’s statusname.
• The columnnames is a list of values which will be the columns across
the pivot table. In this case, it’s Gold, Silver, Bronze.

• The alias is any alias you want to give. It’s not used here, but it’s
required. The pivot table is, after all, a virtual table.
Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

In our case, the pivot table will look like this:

    statuses(status, statusname) AS (
    customerinfo(id, state, statusname) AS (
    salesdata(state, statusname, total) AS (
FROM salesdata
--  MSSQL:
PIVOT (sum(total) FOR statusname IN (Gold, Silver, Bronze))
    AS whatever
--  Oracle:
PIVOT (sum(total) FOR statusname IN ('Gold' AS Gold, 'Silver'
   AS Silver, 'Bronze' AS Bronze))

This is a little bit simpler than the filtered aggregates we used previously. However,
note that there are some quirks with this technique.
The syntax for MSSQL and Oracle is not identical:

• In MSSQL, the column names list is a plain list of names. Also, note
that the PIVOT clause requires an alias.

• In Oracle, the list of column names is a list of strings; however, they

are aliased to prevent the single quotes from appearing in the names.
The PIVOT clause itself does not require an alias.

You’ll notice that the state doesn’t make an appearance in the PIVOT clause; only
the statusname and total. Any column not mentioned in the PIVOT clause will appear
as grouping rows. You can have more complex pivot tables if there’s more than one such
column, but you need to make sure that the (virtual) table you want to pivot doesn’t have
any stray unwanted columns.

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

You’ll also notice that the IN expression isn’t a normal IN expression. To begin with,
it’s not a list of values, but a list of column names.
On top of that, you can’t use a subquery to get the list of column names. You have
to know ahead of time what the column names are going to be, and you’ll have to type
them in yourself.
Using the pivot feature is not quite as convenient as it might have been, but, if it’s
available, is still simpler than the filtered aggregates. However, you will still need to put
in some effort in preparing your data first.

Using the Unpivot Feature

Both MSSQL and Oracle can reverse the process using UNPIVOT. Noting that a pivot table
is denormalized, the UNPIVOT clause can give you a normalized result. The idea is that
summaries which are spread across the table in category columns will appear down the
table in rows.
The sample database doesn’t include a table in pivot table form, and rightly so.
However, we do have a ready-made pivot table in the preceding work. We can use that to
illustrate the unpivot feature.
First, we’ll need to wrap the final SELECT statement into another CTE:

    statuses(status, statusname) AS (
    customerinfo(id, state, statusname) AS (
    salesdata(state, statusname, total) AS (
    ),  --  extra comma
    pivottable AS (
        SELECT *
        FROM salesdata
        PIVOT ...

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

    SELECT *
    FROM pivottable

If you run this, you’ll get the same result as before; we’ve just put the result into the
pivottable CTE.
The next step is to add the UNPIVOT clause at the end of the SELECT statement:

    statuses(status, statusname) AS (
    customerinfo(id, state, statusname) AS (
    salesdata(state, statusname, total) AS (
    pivottable AS (
    SELECT *
    FROM pivottable
    -- MSSQL:
        total FOR statuses IN (Gold,Silver,Bronze)
    ) AS w
    --  Oracle:
        total FOR statuses IN (Gold,Silver,Bronze)

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

You should see something like

state total statuses

QLD 5532.5 Gold

QLD 3557.5 Silver
QLD 10937 Bronze
VIC 8352 Gold
VIC 6381.5 Silver
VIC 6023 Bronze
NSW 11526 Gold
NSW 9567 Silver
NSW 11941.5 Bronze
NT 349.5 Bronze
ACT 1387 Gold
TAS 4574 Gold
TAS 2459.5 Silver
TAS 2873.5 Bronze
SA 826.5 Gold
SA 1634.5 Silver
SA 3709.5 Bronze
WA 213 Gold
WA 1655 Silver

The UNPIVOT clause is even more mysterious than the PIVOT clause. The only column
that’s specifically mentioned is the statuses column, and, again, you need to list the
possible values. From there, the DBMS magically works out that there is a state column,
and whatever’s left will appear in another column, which we have called total.

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

Working with SQL Variables

SQL is not a programming language. With a programming language, you code how to do
a job in a series of steps. SQL is a declarative language in which you code what you want
done, but leave it up to the DBMS to decide how to go about doing it.
Nevertheless, there are times when you need a job done in multiple steps, and
having the ability to write your code in steps would come in handy. We saw this in
Chapter 3, where adding a new sale involved multiple steps.
What was missing from the process in Chapter 3 was the ability to store interim
values. That’s what we’re going to look at in this section.

Many DBMSs supply information about the current database environment in the
form of special functions or system or global variables. Sometimes, these system
variables can be set to new values using a SET command. That’s not what we’re
looking at in this section. In this section, we’re looking at variables that you create
and set for your own use.

A variable is a temporary piece of data. Generally, you declare it before you use it
and define its data type. You may set it then or, more typically, in a later step.
Typically, a variable is associated with a stored block of code called a function or a
procedure, depending on the DBMS and what you’re attempting to do in the code. In
this section, we’ll be working without storing the code.
The various DBMSs have slightly different processes for working with variables:

• PostgreSQL historically limited variables to stored code blocks

(functions). However, in version 11 they introduced an anonymous
(DO) block, which lets you write the code without storing the block.
PostgreSQL variables must be declared with a data type.

• MariaDB/MySQL is most relaxed about variables, and you don’t

declare a variable before using it. Variable names are prefixed with
the @ sign.

• MSSQL variables must be declared with a data type. They are

prefixed with the @ sign.

• Oracle variables are declared with a data type.

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

SQLite is missing from this list, and that’s because it doesn’t support variables.
SQLite is typically embedded in a host application. The assumption is that you’re
writing programming code for the host application. You can have all the additional
variables and functionality you like there.

Code Blocks
If you’re using a client which makes it easy to run one statement at a time, you may find
it gets a little confused when working with blocks of multiple statements. It will be easier
to work with if you surround your block with delimiters.
For the various DBMSs, the delimiters look like this:

--  PostgreSQL
    DO $$
    END $$;

--  MariaDB/MySQL


--  Oracle

In the end, you will probably just highlight all of the lines of code and run them
together. That’s what we recommend in trying the following code. Don’t try running just
one line at a time.

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

In the following code, we’ll do what we did in Chapter 3 in adding a new sale. Then,
we made a point of recording the new sale id, so that we could use it in subsequent
statements. This time, however, we’ll use variables to store interim values, so we can run
the code in a single batch.
The code will broadly follow these steps:

1. Set up the data to be used.

2. Insert the sale.

3. Get the new sale id into a variable.

4. Insert the sale items, using the sale id.

5. Update the sale items with their prices, using the sale id.

6. Update the new sale with the total, using the sale id, of course.

While we’re at it, we’ll set a few other variables:

• A variable to store the customer’s id

• A variable to store the ordered date/time

It would be nice to have another variable with the sale items. However, most DBMSs
aren’t adept at defining multivalued variables without a lot of extra fuss in defining
custom data types to do the job. Here, we’re trying to keep things simple.
What follows will be four similar versions of how to write the code block.

Updated Code to Add a Sale

The outline of the following code blocks will be basically the same:

• Define the variables

• Run the INSERT and UPDATE statements

• Test the results

We’ll discuss the code for each of the main DBMSs.

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

Using Variables in PostgreSQL

Originally, PostgreSQL wouldn’t let you do any of this outside a stored code block. From
version 11 onward, you can use an anonymous block. If you’re working with an older
version of PostgreSQL, then you’re out of luck.
The anonymous block is defined between DO ... END:

DO $$
END $$ ;

The $$ code is used to allow multiple statements to be treated as a single block. That
way, the semicolon doesn’t end up terminating the block prematurely.
Variables are declared inside a DECLARE section:

DO $$
    cid INT := 42;
    od TIMESTAMP := current_timestamp;
    sid INT;
END $$ ;

The variable names can be anything you like, but you run the risk of competing
with column names in the following code. Some developers prefix the names with an
underscore (such as _cid).
The sid variable is an integer which will be assigned later. The cid and od variables
are for the customer id and ordered date/time. They are assigned from the beginning
with the special operator :=.
The code proper is inside a BEGIN ... END block. It will be all of the code you used in
Chapter 3, but run together. The important part is that the variable sid is used to manage
the new sale id:

DO $$
    cid INT := 42;
    od TIMESTAMP := current_timestamp;
    sid INT;

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

    INSERT INTO sales(customerid, ordered)

    VALUES(cid, current_timestamp)
    RETURNING id INTO sid;

    INSERT INTO saleitems(saleid, bookid, quantity)


    UPDATE saleitems AS si
    SET price=(SELECT price FROM books AS b
        WHERE b.id=si.bookid)
    WHERE saleid=sid;

    UPDATE sales
    SET total=(SELECT sum(price*quantity)
        FROM saleitems WHERE saleid=sid)
    WHERE id=sid;

END $$;

The sid variable gets its value from the RETURNING clause in the first INSERT
statement. From there on, it’s used in the remaining statements.
You can test the results using



You should see the new sale and sale items at the top.

Using Variables in MariaDB/MySQL

MariaDB/MySQL has the simplest approach to using variables. Outside of a stored
function or procedure, you don’t declare the variables or their types: you just go ahead
and use them.
The other thing is that there’s no strong concept of an anonymous code block, so
defining one is really more of an organizational thing. We’ll do that, even though it really
makes no real difference:

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables


END; $$

First, we’ll assign a few variables:

    SET @cid = 42;
    SET @od = current_timestamp;
    SET @sid = NULL;
END; $$

Variables are prefixed with the @ character. This makes them a little more obvious
and avoids possible conflict with column names.
The statement SET @sid = NULL; is unnecessary. Since you don’t declare variables,
we’ve included the statement just to make it clear that we’ll be using the @sid variable a
little later.
The whole code looks like this:

    SET @cid = 42;
    SET @od = current_timestamp;
    SET @sid = NULL;    --  unnecessary; just to make clear

    INSERT INTO sales(customerid, ordered)

    VALUES(@cid, @od);

    SET @sid = last_insert_id();

    INSERT INTO saleitems(saleid,bookid,quantity)


Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

    UPDATE saleitems
    SET price=(SELECT price FROM books
        WHERE books.id=saleitems.bookid)
    WHERE saleid=@sid;

    UPDATE sales
    SET total=(SELECT sum(price*quantity)
        FROM saleitems WHERE saleid=@sid)
    WHERE id=@sid;


Note the statement:

SET @sid = last_insert_id();

When you add a new row with an autogenerated primary key, you need to get
the new value to use later. The last_insert_id() function fetches the most recent
autogenerated value in the current session. You’ll notice that it doesn’t specify which
table: that’s why you need to call it immediately after the INSERT statement.
As you see, the rest of the code is generally the same as in Chapter 3, with the @sid
variable used to manage the new sale id.
You can test the results using



You should see the new sale and sale items at the top.

Using Variables in MSSQL

MSSQL code can be written inside a block delimited with the GO keyword:


Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

The GO keyword isn’t actually a part of Microsoft’s SQL language (or any other SQL,
for that matter). It’s actually an instruction to the client software to treat what’s inside as
a single batch and to run it as such. Some clients allow you to indent the keyword, and
some allow you to add semicolons and comments on the same line, but the safest thing
is not to indent it and not add anything else to the line.
Microsoft doesn’t have a block to declare variables, but it does have a statement. To
declare three variables, you can use three statements:

    DECLARE @cid INT = 42;
    DECLARE @od datetime2 = current_timestamp;
    DECLARE @sid INT;

or you can use a single statement with the variables separated by commas:

        @cid INT = 42,
        @od datetime2 = current_timestamp,
        @sid INT;

Variables are prefixed with the @ character, which makes them easy to spot and easy
to distinguish from column names.
The @sid variable is an integer which will be assigned later.
The rest of the code is similar to what we did in Chapter 3, but the new sale id will be
managed in the @sid variable:

    DECLARE @cid INT = 42;
    DECLARE @od datetime2 = current_timestamp;
    DECLARE @sid INT;

    INSERT INTO sales(customerid,ordered)

    VALUES(@cid, @od);

    SET @sid = scope_identity();

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

    INSERT INTO saleitems(saleid,bookid,quantity)


    UPDATE saleitems
    SET price=(SELECT price FROM books
        WHERE books.id=saleitems.bookid)
    WHERE saleid=@sid;

    UPDATE sales
    SET total=(SELECT sum(price*quantity)
        FROM saleitems WHERE saleid=@sid)
    WHERE id=@sid;

The @sid variable gets its value from the scope_identity() function. You’ll notice
that it doesn’t specify which table: that’s why you need to call it immediately after the
INSERT statement. From there on, it’s used in the remaining statements.
You can test the results using



You should see the new sale and sale items at the top.

Using Variables in Oracle

Oracle code blocks can be delimited with forward slashes:

When the time comes, the whole block will be run as a single batch.

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

Variables are declared inside a DECLARE section:

    cid INT := 42;
    od TIMESTAMP := current_timestamp;
    sid INT;

The variable names can be anything you like, but you run the risk of competing
with column names in the following code. Some developers prefix the names with an
underscore (such as _cid).
The sid variable is an integer which will be assigned later. The cid and od variables
are for the customer id and ordered date/time. They are assigned from the beginning
with the special operator :=.
The code proper is inside a BEGIN ... END block. It will be all of the code you used in
Chapter 3, but run together. The important part is that the variable sid is used to manage
the new sale id:

    cid INT := 42;
    od TIMESTAMP := current_timestamp;
    sid INT;
    INSERT INTO sales(customerid,ordered)
    VALUES(cid, od)
    RETURNING id INTO sid;

    INSERT INTO saleitems(saleid,bookid,quantity)

    VALUES (sid,123,3);
    INSERT INTO saleitems(saleid,bookid,quantity)
    VALUES (sid,456,1);
    INSERT INTO saleitems(saleid,bookid,quantity)
    VALUES (sid,789,2);

    UPDATE saleitems
    SET price=(SELECT price FROM books

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

        WHERE b.id=saleitems.bookid)
    WHERE saleid=sid;

    UPDATE sales
    SET total=(SELECT sum(price*quantity) FROM saleitems
        WHERE saleid=sid)
    WHERE id=sid;

The sid variable gets its value from the RETURNING clause in the first INSERT
statement. From there on, it’s used in the remaining statements.
You can test the results using



You should see the new sale and sale items at the top.

In this chapter, we’ve looked at a few additional techniques that can be used to get more
out of our database.

Triggers are code scripts which run in response to something happening in the database.
Typically, these include INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE events. Using a trigger, you can
intercept the event and make your own additional changes to the affected table or
another table. Some triggers can go further and work more closely with the DBMS or
operating system.
We explored the concept by creating a trigger which responds to deleting from the
sales table. In this case, we copied data from the sale and matching sale item into an
archive table.

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

Different DBMSs vary in detail, but generally they follow the same principles:

• A trigger is defined for an event on a table.

• The trigger code has access to the data about to be affected.

• Using this data, the trigger code can go ahead and perform additional
SQL operations.

Pivot Tables
A pivot table is a virtual table which summarizes data in both rows and columns. It’s a
sort of two-dimensional aggregate.
For the most part, raw table data isn’t ready to be summarized this way. You would
put some effort into preparing the data in the right form and making it available in one
or more CTEs.
You can create a pivot table manually using a combination of two techniques:

• An aggregate query generates the vertical groups and the data to be


• A SELECT statement with aggregate filters generates a summary for

each horizontal category.

MSSQL and Oracle both have a non-standard PIVOT clause which will, to some
extent, automate the second process earlier. However, it still requires some input from
the SQL developer to finish the job.

SQL Variables
In this chapter, we used variables to streamline the code, first introduced in Chapter 3,
which adds a sale by inserting into multiple tables and updating them.
Most of the SQL we’ve worked with involved single statements. Some of those
statements were effectively multipart statements with the use of CTEs to generate
interim data.
In the case where you need more complex code to run in multiple statements,
you may need to store interim values. These values are held in variables, which are
temporary pieces of data.

Chapter 10 More Techniques: Triggers, Pivot Tables, and Variables

In this chapter, we used variables for two purposes:

• To hold fixed values to be used in the code

• To store an interim value generated by some of the code

In most DBMSs, variables are declared and used within a block of code. In most
cases, the variables and their values will vaporize after the code block is run. MariaDB/
MySQL, however, will retain variables beyond the run.
SQLite doesn’t support variables. It is expected that the hosting application will
handle the temporary data that variables are supposed to manage.

Although you can go a long way with straightforward SQL statements and features, you
can often get more out of your DBMS with some additional features:

• Triggers are used to run some code in response to some database

event. They can be used to add some further processing to your
database automatically.

• Pivot tables are virtual tables which provide a compact view of your
summaries. You can generate a pivot table using a combination of
aggregate queries, but some DBMSs offer a pivot feature to simplify
the process.

• SQL variables are used to store temporary values between other SQL
statements. They can be used to store interim values that can be used
in subsequent statements.

Using what you’ve learned here and in previous chapters, you can build more
complex queries to work with and analyze your database.


Cultural Notes
The sample database was based on the way we do things in Australia. This is pretty
similar to the rest of the world, of course, but there are some details that might need
clearing up.

Addresses and Phone Numbers

A standard address follows this pattern:

Street Number & Name

Town State Postcode

Australian addresses don’t make much use of cities, which have a pretty broad
definition in Australia.

Depending on how you define a town, there are about 15,000–20,000 towns in Australia.
In the sample database, town names have been deliberately selected as those
occurring at least three times in Australia, though not necessarily in the sample.

Australia has eight geographical states. Technically, two of them are territories, since
they don’t have the same political features.

© Mark Simon 2023
M. Simon, Leveling Up with SQL, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-9685-1
Appendix A Cultural Notes

Each state has a two- or three-letter code.

Name Code

Northern Territory NT
New South Wales NSW
Australian Capital Territory ACT
Victoria VIC
Queensland QLD
South Australia SA
Western Australia WA
Tasmania TAS

A postcode is a four-digit code typically, though not exclusively, associated with a town:

• Two adjacent towns may have the same postcode.

• A large town may have more than one postcode.

• A large organization may have its own postcode.

The postcode is closely associated with the state, though some towns close to the
border may have a postcode from the neighboring state.

Phone Numbers
In Australia, a normal phone number has ten digits. For nonmobile numbers, the first
two digits are an area code, starting with 0, which indicates one of four major regions.
Mobile phones have a region code of 04.
There are also special types of phone numbers. Numbers beginning with 1800
are toll free, while numbers starting with 1300 are used for large businesses that are
prepared to pay for them.

Appendix A Cultural Notes

Shorter numbers starting with 13 are for very large organizations. Other shorter
numbers are for special purposes, such as emergency numbers.
Australia maintains a group of fake phone numbers, and all of the phone numbers
used in the database are, of course, fake. Don’t waste your time trying to phone one.

Email Addresses
There are a number of special domains reserved for testing or teaching. These include
example.com and example.net, which is why all of the email addresses use them.
This is true over the world.

Measurements and Prices and Currency

Australia uses the metric system, like most of the world. In particular, the sample
database measures heights in centimeters. For those using legacy measurements,
1 inch = 2.54 cm.
For currency, Australia uses dollars and cents.
Prices on most things attract a Goods and Services Tax or GST to its friends. There
are some exceptions to this, but not for anything in the sample database.
GST is a standard 10%.
In Australia, the GST is always expected to be displayed and is included in the
asking price.

Short dates in Australia are in the day/month/year format, which can get particularly
confusing when mixed with American and Canadian dates. It is for this reason that we
recommend using the month name instead of the month number or, better still, the
ISO8601 format.


DBMS Differences
This book covers writing code for the following popular DBMSs:

• PostgreSQL

• MySQL/MariaDB

• MSSQL: Microsoft SQL Server

• SQLite

• Oracle

Although there is an SQL standard, there will be variations in how well these DBMSs
support them. For the most part, the SQL is 80–90% the same, with the most obvious
differences discussed as follows.
As a rule, if there’s a standard and non-standard way of doing the same thing, it’s
always better to follow the standard. That way, you can easily work with the other
dialects. More importantly, you’re future-proofing your code, as all vendors move toward
implementing standards.

Writing SQL
In general, all DBMSs write the actual SQL in the same way. There are a few differences
in syntax and in some of the data types.

© Mark Simon 2023
M. Simon, Leveling Up with SQL, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-9685-1
Appendix B DBMS Differences

MSSQL does not require the semicolon between statements. However, apart from being
best practice to use it, Microsoft has stated that it will be required in a future version,1 so
you should always use one.

Data Types
All DBMSs have their own variations on data types, but they have a lot in common:
• SQLite doesn’t enforce data types, but has general type affinities.

• PostgreSQL, MySQL/MariaDB, and SQLite support boolean types,

while MSSQL and Oracle don’t. MySQL/MariaDB tends to treat
boolean values as integers.

• Oracle doesn’t like ISO8601 date literals (yyyy-mm-dd). However, it
is easy enough to get this to work. You can also use the to_date()
function or the to_timestamp() function to accept different date
• MariaDB/MySQL only accepts ISO8601 date literals. If you want to
feed it a different format, you can use the str_to_date() function.
• SQLite doesn’t actually have a date data type, so it’s a bit more
complicated. Generally, it’s simplest to use a TEXT type to store
ISO8601 strings, with appropriate functions to process it.

Case Sensitivity
Generally, the SQL language is case insensitive. However

• MySQL/MariaDB as well as Oracle may have issues with table names,

depending on the underlying operating system.

Microsoft’s comment on semicolons: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/
syntax-conventions-transact-sql. TLDR: Semicolons are recommended and will be required
in the future.

Appendix B DBMS Differences

• Strings may well be case sensitive depending on the DBMS defaults

and additional options when creating the database or table.
By default
• MSSQL and MySQL/MariaDB are case insensitive.

• PostgreSQL, SQLite, and Oracle are case sensitive.

There’s one more peculiarity in SQLite:

• Matching strings is case sensitive.

• Matching patterns (LIKE) is case insensitive.

Quote Marks
In standard SQL

• Single quotes are for 'values'.

• Double quotes are for "names".


• MySQL/MariaDB has two modes. In traditional mode, double quotes

are also used for values, and you need the unofficial backtick for
names. In ANSI mode, double quotes are for names.
• MSSQL also allows (and seems to prefer) square brackets for names.
Personally, I discourage this, so it’s not an issue.

Sorting (ORDER BY)

• Different DBMSs have different opinions on whether NULLs go at the
beginning or the end.
• PostgreSQL, Oracle, and SQLite give you a choice.

Appendix B DBMS Differences

Limiting Results
This is a feature omitted in the original SQL standards, so DBMSs have followed their
own paths. However
• PostgreSQL, Oracle, and MSSQL all now use the OFFSET ... FETCH
... standard, with some minor variations.
• PostgreSQL, MySQL/MariaDB, and SQLite all support the non-
standard LIMIT ... OFFSET ... clause. (That’s right, PostgreSQL
has both.)
• MSSQL also has its own non-standard TOP clause.

• Oracle also supports a non-standard row number.

Filtering (WHERE)
DBMSs also vary in how values are matched for filtering.
Unlike most DBMSs, SQLite will allow you to use an alias from the SELECT clause in
the WHERE clause, which contradicts the standard clause order.

Case Sensitivity
This is discussed earlier.

String Comparisons
In standard SQL, trailing spaces are ignored for string comparisons, presumably to
accommodate CHAR padding. More technically, shorter strings are right-padded to longer
strings with spaces.
PostgreSQL, SQLite, and Oracle ignore this standard, so trailing spaces are
significant. MSSQL and MySQL/MariaDB follow the standard.

Oracle’s date handling is mentioned earlier. This will affect how you express a date

Appendix B DBMS Differences

There is also the issue of how the ??/??/???? is interpreted. It may be the US d/m/y
format, but it may not. It is always better to avoid this format.

Wildcard Matching
All DBMSs support the basic wildcard matches with the LIKE operator.

• PostgreSQL doesn’t support wildcard matching with non-string data.

As for extensions to wildcards

• PostgreSQL, MySQL/MariaDB, and Oracle support regular
expressions, but each one handles them differently.
• MSSQL doesn’t support regular expressions, but does have a simple
set of extensions to basic wildcards.
• SQLite has recently added native support for regular expressions

Basic calculations are the same, with the exceptions as follows. Functions, on the other
hand, are very different.
Of the DBMSs listed earlier, SQLite has the fewest built-in functions, assuming that
the work would be done mostly in the host application.


For testing purposes, all DBMSs except Oracle support SELECT without a FROM clause.
Oracle requires the dummy FROM dual clause. MariaDB/MySQL also allows you to
use FROM dual, though it’s rarely needed.
You can easily create your own DUAL table with the following code:


    dummy CHAR(1)

Whether you would bother is another question.

Appendix B DBMS Differences

Arithmetic is mostly the same, but working with integers varies slightly:
• PostgreSQL, SQLite, and MSSQL will truncate integer division; Oracle
and MySQL/MariaDB will return a decimal.
• Oracle doesn’t support the remainder operator (%), but uses the
mod() function.

Formatting Functions
Generally, they’re all different. However
• PostgreSQL and Oracle both have the to_char() function.
• Microsoft has the format() function.
• SQLite only has a format() function, a.k.a. printf(), and is the most
• MySQL/MariaDB has various specialized functions.

Date Functions
Again, all of the DBMSs have different sets of functions. However, for simple offsetting

• PostgreSQL and Oracle have the interval which makes adding to and
subtracting from a data simple.
• MySQL/MariaDB has something similar, but less flexible.
• MSSQL relies on the dateadd() function.

• SQLite doesn’t do dates, but it has some functions to process date-

like strings.

This is a basic operation for strings:

• MSSQL uses the non-standard + operator to concatenate. Others

use the || operator, with the partial exception of MySQL/MariaDB as

Appendix B DBMS Differences

• MySQL/MariaDB has two modes. In traditional mode, there

is no concatenation operator; in ANSI mode, the standard ||
operator works.
• All DBMSs support the non-standard concat() function, with the
exception of SQLite.
• Oracle treats the NULL string as an empty string. This is particularly
noticeable when concatenating with a NULL which doesn’t produce
a NULL result as expected.

String Functions
Suffice to say that although there are some SQL standards

• Most DBMSs ignore them.

• Those that support them also have additional variations and


This means that these examples will all require special attention.
Generally, the DBMSs support the popular string functions, such as lower() and
upper() but sometimes in different ways. There is, however, a good deal of overlap
between DBMSs.

Joining Tables
Everything is mostly the same. However

• Oracle doesn’t permit the keyword AS for table aliases.

• SQLite doesn’t support the RIGHT join.

Nobody knows why.

Aggregate Functions
The basic aggregate functions are generally the same between DBMSs. Some of the more
esoteric functions are not so well supported by some.

Appendix B DBMS Differences

PostgreSQL, Oracle, and MSSQL support an optional explicit GROUP BY () clause,

which doesn’t actually do anything important, but helps to illustrate a point. The
others don’t.

Manipulating Data
All DBMSs support the same basic operations. However
• Oracle doesn’t support INSERT multiple values without a messy
workaround, though there is talk of supporting it soon. MSSQL
supports them, but only to a limit of 1000 rows, but there is also a less
messy workaround for this limit. The rest are OK.

Manipulating Tables
All DBMSs support the same basic operations, but each one has its own variation on
actual data type and autogenerated numbers.
Among other things, this means that the create table scripts are not cross-DBMS

• MSSQL has a quirk regarding unique indexes on nullable columns,

for which there is a workaround.

Autoincremented Primary Keys

Inserting your own value into an autoincremented primary key may require you to
make adjustments once you’ve finished. Typically, this will cause the DBMS to start
autoincrementing from the right value:

• For PostgreSQL, you reset the underlying sequence after inserting the
data. For example:

SELECT setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('customers',
    'id'), max(id))
FROM customers;

Appendix B DBMS Differences

• For Oracle, alter the table you’ve just added data to. For example:

ALTER TABLE customers


• For MSSQL, switch between allowing your own values and

autoincremented values. For example:


--    INSERT statements ...

The other DBMSs seem to cope.

Other Quirks and Variations

Here is a miscellaneous collection of differences, some interesting and some fairly

PostgreSQL Quirks and Variations

PostgreSQL allows you to cast the strings yesterday, today, and tomorrow as dates.

Microsoft Quirks and Variations

Microsoft has this thing about CREATE statements, such as CREATE VIEW, being the only
one in a batch. You define a batch with the GO keyword:

    CREATE something AS

That doesn’t include CREATE TABLE, which will happily mix in with the rest of the

Appendix B DBMS Differences

Oracle Quirks and Variations

You can’t mix a plain star (*) with column names in a SELECT clause. You need to qualify
the star:

    id, customers.*
FROM customers;

Casting a timestamp, which is a combined date/time, to a date doesn’t cast it to just a

date: it still retains the time component.
Instead, you should use trunc(). This will still have a time component, but it’s set to

MariaDB/MySQL Quirks and Variations

If you want to mix the star (*) with column names in a SELECT clause, you need to put the
star first:

SELECT *, id        --  NOT id, *

FROM customers;

For the OFFSET ... LIMIT ... clause, which fetches a limited number of rows, the
OFFSET value cannot be calculated.
As you know, in a GROUP BY query, you can only select aggregates or what’s in the
GROUP BY clause. With MariaDB/MySQL, that won’t work if the GROUP BY column is
calculated. You really should be using CTEs anyway.
Don’t forget to set your session to ANSI mode to have MariaDB/MySQL behave like
the rest in the use of double quotes and concatenation:

SET session sql_mode = 'ANSI';


Using SQL with Python

Python has become a popular programming language in both scientific and data
analysis spheres. In this appendix, we’re going to look at how to connect your Python
program to an existing database and both read from and write to the database.

If you’re reading this, we’ll assume that you’re familiar with programming in
Python, though not necessarily an expert.
In particular, we’ll assume that, apart from the basics, you know about collections
such as tuples, lists, and dictionaries. Of course, you’ll be familiar with creating a
function. You’ll also need to know about installing and importing modules.

Before any of this can happen, however, you will probably have to install the
appropriate module.
Once you’ve done that, we’ll go through the following steps:
1. import the database module.
2. Make a connection to the database and store the connection
object and a corresponding cursor object.
3. Run your SQL and process the results.

4. Close the connection.

A connection object represents a connection to the database, and you can use it to
manage your database session.
More importantly, a cursor object is what you’ll use to send SQL to the database
and to send and receive the data involved. The connection object also has some data
manipulation methods, but what they really do is create a cursor and pass on the rest of
the work to a cursor.

© Mark Simon 2023
M. Simon, Leveling Up with SQL, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-9685-1
Appendix C Using SQL with Python

Installing the Database Connector Module

For most DBMSs, installing the appropriate module is easy enough, once you work
out the name of the module. To install the module, you’ll need to use the pip program;
sometimes, it’s called pip3 to reflect the current Python version.
The exception is with MSSQL, which might require a bit more work, especially if
you’re doing this on Macintosh or Linux. We’ll look at that after the others.
The other exception is for SQLite. The module, called sqlite3, is already packaged
with Python, so there’s one less thing you need to do.
For the others, in your shell or command line, enter one of the following:

#   MariaDB/MySQL
    pip3 install mysql-connector-python
#   PostgreSQL
    pip3 install psycopg2-binary
#   Oracle
    pip3 install oracledb

The module for the preceding MariaDB and MySQL is the same. However, there is a
dedicated MariaDB module if you need more specialized features.

Installing the MSSQL Module on Windows

For MSSQL, installing on Windows isn’t too hard:

#   MSSQL (Windows)
    pip3 install pyodbc

The pyodbc module requires ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) drivers to do the
job. On Windows, this will already be installed, especially if you’ve also installed SQL
Server. However, you will need to get the name of the driver.
In Python, run the following:

import pyodbc

Appendix C Using SQL with Python

You’ll see a collection of one or more drivers. The one you want will be
something like

ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server

depending on the version.

Installing the MSSQL Module on Macintosh or Linux

On Macintosh or Linux, you’ll need to install the ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)
drivers yourself. You can get the instructions at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/
Here are the extra steps for Macintosh. You’ll first need to install Homebrew
(https://brew.sh/), which is a package manager which enables you to install all sorts of
terminal applications:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/


The command is too long to fit on this page. You should enter the command on one
line, with no break or spaces in the URL.
Once you’ve got Homebrew installed, you can use it to install the correct driver
for MSSQL:

brew tap microsoft/mssql-release \


Again, the command is too long to fit. You can write it on two lines as long as the first
line ends with a backslash; otherwise, write it on one line without the backslash.
But wait, there’s more. You then need to install the next part, at the same time
accepting the license agreement:

HOMEBREW_ACCEPT_EULA=Y brew install msodbcsql18 mssql-tools18

Next, it’s recommended that you install another driver:

brew install unixodbc

Appendix C Using SQL with Python

Now, you can install the module. You may have trouble installing it simply, especially
if you’re using an M1 Macintosh, so it’s safer to run this:

pip3 install --no-binary :all: pyodbc

After this, you will need to get the name of the driver.
In Python, run the following:

import pyodbc

You’ll see a collection of one or more drivers. The one you want will be
something like

ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server

depending on the version.

Creating a Connection
Overall, to make a connection and cursor to the database, your code will look something
like this:

import dbmodule
connection = dbmodule.connect(...)
cursor = connection.cursor()


where dbmodule is the relevant module for the DBMS. Specifically, for the various
DBMSs, the code will be as follows.

Connecting to SQLite
The relevant module for SQLite is called sqlite3. After importing the module, you need
to make the connection to the database.
SQLite databases are in simple files. You’ll find there are no further credentials to
worry about, since that’s supposed to be handled in the host application. All you need to
do is to reference the file.
To connect to SQLite

Appendix C Using SQL with Python

import sqlite3
connection = sqlite3.connect(file)  #   path name of the file
cursor = connection.cursor()

The file string is the full or relative path name of the SQLite file.

Connecting to MSSQL
The module or MSSQL is called pyodbc. In principle, it can be used for any database
which supports ODBC.
A connection in MSSQL can be a string with all of the connection details. This string
is called a DSN—a Data Source Name. However, for readability and maintainability, it’s
easier to add the details as separate function parameters. In general, it looks like this:

import pyodbc
connection = pyodbc.connect(
    driver='ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server',
cursor = connection.cursor()

As for the parameters

• driver is the name of the current database driver you would have
obtained earlier. At the time of writing, the latest version is ODBC
Driver 18 for SQL Server.
• TrustServerCertificate is to allow a connection to another server.
This more or less tells the Python application to trust the server.
• server is the name or IP address of your database server. The
standard port number is 1433. If you need to change the port number,
you can add it to the server address:


Appendix C Using SQL with Python

• database is the name of the database.

• uid is the username, while pwd is the password.

Connecting to MariaDB/MySQL
The relevant module to connect to MariaDB/MySQL is called mysql.connector. To
connect to the database, you will need to indicate which server and database, as well as
your username and password:

import mysql.connector
connection = mysql.connector.connect(
cursor = connection.cursor()

The host is typically the IP address of the database server. The standard port number
is 3306. If you need to change the port number, you can add it as another parameter:

Connecting to PostgreSQL
The module to connect to PostgreSQL is called psycopg2. To connect to the database,
you will need to indicate which server and database, as well as your username and

import psycopg2
connection = psycopg2.connect(
cursor = connection.cursor()

Appendix C Using SQL with Python

The host is typically the IP address of the database server. The standard port number
is 5432. If you need to change the port number, you can add it as another parameter:

Connecting to Oracle
The module to connect to Oracle is called oracledb. To connect to the database, you will
need to indicate which server and database, as well as your username and password:

import oracledb
connection = oracledb.connect(
cursor = connection.cursor()

The host is typically the IP address of the database server. The standard port number
is 1521. If you need to change the port number, you can add it as another parameter:

Fetching from the Database

Having made the connection, the next step is to send some SQL to the database and
process its results.
The SQL statement is set in a simple string:

sql = 'SELECT * FROM customers'

You then use the connection object to execute the statement:


Before we process the data, we’ll want to get a list of column names. This information
is available in the cursor.description object. The cursor.description object is a
tuple of tuples, one for each column. The data inside each of the tuples may include
information about the type of data, but that’s not available for all DBMS connections.

Appendix C Using SQL with Python

The column names will be the first item of each tuple. We can gather the names
using a list comprehension:

columns = [i[0] for i in cursor.description]

This adds the first member of each tuple to the columns list.
The data from the SELECT statement will be available from the cursor object. The
object includes methods to fetch one or more rows, but can also be iterated to fetch
the rows.
You can iterate through the cursor as follows:

for row in cursor:


Each row will be a tuple of values. You’ll recall that a tuple is a simple immutable
collection of values, so, among other things, the values don’t have a name.
You can combine the column names with each tuple using Python’s zip function,
which has nothing to do with zipping a file.
The zip function will take two collections and return a collection of tuples, each with
an element from the first collection and an element from the second collection:


Here, the result will be a collection of tuples with the first member being a column
name and the second member being a corresponding value from the row. Technically,
it’s not a collection, but an iterator which is close enough for the next step.
Our next step will be to turn that into a dictionary object, using the first member of
each tuple as keys for the second member of the tuple.
This will produce a set of dictionary objects:

data = []
for row in cursor:

You can, of course, decide what to do with the data yourself.

When you’ve finished, you should close the connection:


Appendix C Using SQL with Python

The whole process looks like this:

import ...
connection = ... . connect(...)

sql = 'SELECT * FROM customers'


columns = [i[0] for i in cursor.description]

data = []
for row in cursor:


Using Parameters in the Query

Once we’ve tested with a simple SQL query, we can try something a little more
interesting. Let’s look for one particular customer, say, customer 42. We can try changing
the sql string to the following:

sql = 'SELECT * FROM customers WHERE id=42'

That will work, but it’s too hard-coded to be useful. Instead, we’ll get the customer id
from the user:

customerid = input('Customer Number: ')

To put the customer id into the sql string, we could try something like this:

#   This is a bad idea:

customerid = input('Customer Number: ')
sql = f'SELECT * FROM customers WHERE id={customerid}'
#sql = 'SELECT * FROM customers WHERE id={0}'

Appendix C Using SQL with Python

Modern Python supports the so-called f-string earlier. Alternatively, you could use
the more traditional format() string method.
The problem is that now you’ve opened up the query to user input. If, instead of
entering the number 42, the user had entered

42 OR 1=1

the resulting string would be

SELECT * FROM customers WHERE id=42 OR 1=1

and they would have got the lot.

It could get worse. We don’t have passwords here, but if we did, you can see how a
user might override the password check with some carefully crafted input.2
Squeezing additional SQL code into the original code is called SQL Injection, and
you run the risk of compromising and even losing your data. It works because the DBMS
doesn’t get the SQL string until after the extra code has been added, so it has no idea
what’s genuine and what’s not. When it comes to interpreting the string, it’s too late.
To safely handle including user input, you need to interpret the string before it gets
the data. This is normally referred to as a prepared statement. To do this in Python, you
need two steps:

• Create the SQL string with placeholders instead of data.

• Execute the SQL string with the data afterward.

Different DBMSs have different placeholders. Here is how you can create your SQL

#   SQLite, MSSQL (use ?)

sql = 'SELECT * FROM customers WHERE id=?'
#   PostgreSQL, MariaDB/MySQL (use %s)
sql = 'SELECT * FROM customers WHERE id=%s'
#   Oracle (:named or :numbered)
sql = 'SELECT * FROM customers WHERE id=:0'

Don’t even think about storing passwords simply in a database table. This isn’t the place to
discuss how to manage user data safely, but storing plain passwords is very dangerous and

Appendix C Using SQL with Python

• SQLite and MSSQL use ? for placeholders.

• PostgreSQL and MariaDB/MySQL use %d for placeholders.

• Oracle uses the colon followed by a name or a number.

Some DBMSs also allow variations on the preceding steps, such as using placeholder
names. However, these simple placeholders will do well enough.
You can then add your data in the form of a tuple:


Remember that a tuple with a single value requires a comma at the end.
The code should now look like

$sql = '...'  #   SELECT with placeholders

customerid = input('Customer Number: ')
cursor.execute(sql, (customerid,))

You can see that the tuple with values is added as a second parameter to the
execute() method.

Adding a New Sale

Of course, you can also use Python to do something more complex. This time, we’re
going to add a new sale, as we have already done before.
Remember the steps:

1. Add a new sale.

2. Get the new sale id.

3. Add the books.

4. Get the book prices.

5. Put the total into the sale.

For simplicity, we can create separate SQL strings for the main steps:

insertsale = '...'    #   Add new sale

insertitems = '...'   #   Add sale items with books

Appendix C Using SQL with Python

updateitems = '...'   #   Update sale items with book prices

updatesale = '...'    #   Update sale with total

We’ll get to those strings in a moment. Before we do, we need to look out for the new
sale id.
In SQL, there are two main methods of getting a newly generated id:
• Return it from the INSERT statement.

• Fetch it in a separate step.

The first method is better, but isn’t supported by all DBMSs at this stage. We’ll need
to take that into account with the first SQL string.
The other thing is that we’ll include placeholders in these strings. That’s not strictly
necessary at this point, since we’re not including user input. However, it’s safer and
makes adding the values easier.
To make the code a little more reusable, we’ll wrap it inside a function:

def addsale(customerid, items, date):

    insertsale = '...'        #   Add new sale
    insertitems = '...'       #   Add sale items with books
    updateitems = '...'       #   Update sale items with book prices
    updatesale = '...'        #   Update sale with total

    return saleid

The customerid will be a simple integer. The items will be a list of dictionaries,
which we’ll describe later. The date will be a date object.
We don’t really need to return the saleid, but it doesn’t hurt, and it might come in
handy later.

The SQL Strings

The actual strings all vary subtly between DBMSs, so we’ll treat them per DBMS. The
main considerations are how the new id is returned and how placeholders are

Appendix C Using SQL with Python

Some of the strings are long; we’ve used multiline strings for readability. In Python,
multiline strings have triple quote characters:

multiline = '''

The other thing is whether you use single or double quotes. Many developers use
double quotes both for single-line strings and multiline strings. In this appendix, we’re
using single quotes. It doesn’t matter, as long as you’re consistent.

SQL Strings for PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL can return the new id from a RETURNING clause in the INSERT statement.
Later, we’ll fetch that value.
The strings look like this:

insertsale = '''
    INSERT INTO sales(customerid, ordered) VALUES(%s,%s) RETURNING id;
insertitems = '''
    INSERT INTO saleitems(saleid, bookid, quantity) VALUES(%s,%s,%s);
updateitems = '''
    UPDATE saleitems SET price=(SELECT price FROM books WHERE
        books.id=saleitems.bookid) WHERE saleid=%s;
updatesale = '''
    UPDATE sales SET total=(SELECT sum(price*quantity)
        FROM saleitems WHERE saleid=%s) WHERE id=%s;

These are mostly the statements we used earlier in the book.

Appendix C Using SQL with Python

SQL Strings for SQLite

SQLite doesn’t return the new idea from the INSERT statement, so we’ll have to get that
later using a different technique. The strings look like this:

insertsale = '''
    INSERT INTO sales(customerid, ordered) VALUES(?,?)
insertitems = '''
    INSERT INTO saleitems(saleid, bookid, quantity)
updateitems = '''
    UPDATE saleitems SET price=(SELECT price FROM books
        WHERE books.id=saleitems.bookid) WHERE saleid=?;
updatesale = '''
    UPDATE sales SET total=(SELECT sum(price*quantity)
        FROM saleitems WHERE saleid=?) WHERE id=?;

These are mostly the statements we used earlier in the book.

SQL Strings for MSSQL

MSSQL can also return the id from the INSERT statement, but it uses a non-standard
OUTPUT clause. It’s awkward to use in a simple INSERT statement, but works well when
used in Python code:

insertsale = '''
    INSERT INTO sales(customerid, ordered)
    OUTPUT inserted.id VALUES(?,?);
insertitems = '''
    INSERT INTO saleitems(saleid, bookid, quantity)

Appendix C Using SQL with Python

updateitems = '''
    UPDATE saleitems SET price=(SELECT price FROM books
        WHERE books.id=saleitems.bookid) WHERE saleid=?;
updatesale = '''
    UPDATE sales SET total=(SELECT sum(price*quantity)
        FROM saleitems WHERE saleid=?) WHERE id=?;

Apart from the OUTPUT clause, these are basically the statements we used earlier.

SQL Strings for MariaDB/MySQL

MariaDB/MySQL doesn’t return the new id from the INSERT statement, so we’ll have to
get that later using a different technique. The strings look like this:

insertsale = '''
    INSERT INTO sales(customerid, ordered) VALUES(%s,%s);
insertitems = '''
    INSERT INTO saleitems(saleid, bookid, quantity)
updateitems = '''
    UPDATE saleitems SET price=(SELECT price FROM books
        WHERE books.id=saleitems.bookid) WHERE saleid=%s;
updatesale = '''
    UPDATE sales SET total=(SELECT sum(price*quantity)
        FROM saleitems WHERE saleid=%s) WHERE id=%s;

These are mostly the statements we used earlier in the book.

Appendix C Using SQL with Python

SQL Strings for Oracle

Oracle can return the new id from the INSERT statement, though it uses an unusual
syntax: you’ll need to include a placeholder for the returned value.
There is also a complication with the date/time. Oracle is very fussy about date/
time format and will probably reject the format used by Python. You’ll need to include a
to_timestamp() function which will convert the input to something Oracle can handle.
It looks like this:

to_timestamp( ... , 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')

Oracle can use named or numbered placeholders. We’ll use numbered placeholders
because it’s simple:

insertsale = '''
    INSERT INTO sales(customerid, ordered)
    VALUES(:1, to_timestamp(:2,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'))
insertitems = '''
    INSERT INTO saleitems(saleid, bookid, quantity)
updateitems = '''
    UPDATE saleitems SET price=(SELECT price FROM books
        WHERE books.id=saleitems.bookid) WHERE saleid=:1
updatesale = '''
    UPDATE sales SET total=(SELECT sum(price*quantity)
        FROM saleitems WHERE saleid=:1) WHERE id=:2

Watch out for this quirk: you cannot end the statements with a semicolon! If you do,
you’ll get an error message: SQL command not properly ended, which is somewhat
Note that the insertsale string includes an expression with single quotes. That’s OK
if the string is delimited with triple characters. If you’re writing it on one line, you might
need to use double quotes for the string.

Appendix C Using SQL with Python

Adding the Sale

Once we have created the strings, the next step will be to execute the first SQL statement
to add the sale and then to fetch the resulting sale id.
Again, this varies by DBMS, but the technique is simple. The first step is to execute
the insertsale query, with a tuple of the customer id and the date, which come from the
addsale() function parameters:

#   Not Oracle
cursor.execute(insertsale, (customerid, date))

For Oracle, you need to define an additional variable to capture the new id:

#   Oracle
id = cursor.var(oracledb.NUMBER)
cursor.execute(insertsale, (customer, date, id))

To retrieve the new sale id, that depends on whether the id is returned from the
INSERT statement or not.
For those PostgreSQL and MSSQL, which return a value, you can fetch that
value using

#   PostgreSQL, MSSQL
saleid = cursor.fetchone()[0]

The fetchone() method returns the first (and subsequent row from the result set) as
a tuple. Here, we want the first and only item.
For SQLite and MariaDB/MySQL, which don’t return a value, there is a special
lastrowid property:

#   SQLite, MariaDB/MySQL
saleid = cursor.lastrowid

For Oracle, the new sale id is sort of in the id variable, but you still need to extract it

#   Oracle
saleid = int(id.getvalue()[0])

Appendix C Using SQL with Python

Here’s the code so far:

def addsale(customerid, items, date):

    insertsale = '...'        #   Add new sale
    insertitems = '...'       #   Add sale items with books
    updateitems = '...'       #   Update sale items with book prices
    updatesale = '...'        #   Update sale with total

#   PostgreSQL, MSSQL
    cursor.execute(insertsale, (customer, date))
    saleid = cursor.fetchone()[0]

#   SQLite, MariaDB/MySQL
    cursor.execute(insertsale, (customer, date))
    saleid = cursor.lastrowid

#   Oracle
    id = cursor.var(oracledb.NUMBER)
    cursor.execute(insertsale, (customer, date, id))
    saleid = int(id.getvalue()[0])

    return saleid

Remember not to mess around with indentation. All of the code should be one level
in to be part of the addsale() function.

Adding the Sale Items

The sale items are a collection. Unlike SQL, Python thrives on variables, and, in
particular, Python loves collection variables.
For the multiple items, you can use a tuple or a list. Here, we’ll use a tuple simply to
highlight the fact that we’re not going to change the values. Tuples are immutable.
Each item will consist of two parts: the book id and the quantity. We could have used
tuples for that too, but then the parts would be anonymous. In a future, more complex
project, it would make it harder to maintain. Instead, we’ll use dictionary objects.

Appendix C Using SQL with Python

The sale items would look like this:

    { 'bookid': 123, 'quantity': 3},
    { 'bookid': 456, 'quantity': 1},
    { 'bookid': 789, 'quantity': 2},

Within the function, the tuple will appear in the items variable. We can iterate
through the tuple using the for loop.
In each iteration, we’ll execute the insertitems statement, which inserts one item
at a time. The data will be a tuple with the sale id from the previous step, as well as the
bookid and quantity members of the dictionary object.
The code will look like this:

for item in items:

    cursor.execute(insertitems, (saleid, item['bookid'],

Our function so far will resemble this:

def addsale(customerid, items, date):

    #   SQL Strings

    #   cursor.execute
    #   saleid

    for item in items:

            (saleid, item['bookid'], item['quantity'])

    return saleid

The rest is easy.

Appendix C Using SQL with Python

Completing the Sale

We now need to run the two SQL statements to update the sale items and update
the sale:

cursor.execute(updateitems, (saleid,))
cursor.execute(updatesale, (saleid, saleid))

The updateitems query needs only the sale id. Even though it’s only one value, it still
needs to be in a tuple, which is why there’s the extra comma at the end. The updatesale
query needs the sale id twice, once for the main query and once for its subquery.
At the end of the job, you need to commit the transaction, which means to save the
changes permanently in the database. Otherwise, the whole process is a waste of time.
The function now looks like this:

def addsale(customerid, items, date):

    #   SQL Strings

    #   cursor.execute
    #   saleid

    for item in items:

            (saleid, item['bookid'], item['quantity'])

    cursor.execute(updateitems, (saleid,))
    cursor.execute(updatesale, (saleid, saleid))

    return saleid

Now you can try it out. You’ll need

• The customer id (42)

• The sale items as a tuple of dictionary objects, as before

• The current date and time

Appendix C Using SQL with Python

To get the current date and time, you’ll need to import from the datetime module;
you can then use the .now() method:

from datetime import datetime


The completed script will resemble this:

from datetime import datetime

import ...                        #   import connection module
connection = ... . connect(...)     #   connect to database
cursor = connection.cursor()    #   get cursor object

def addsale(customerid, items, date):


addsale (
    42,                                     #   customer id
    (                                       #   items
        { 'bookid': 123, 'quantity': 3},
        { 'bookid': 456, 'quantity': 1},
        { 'bookid': 789, 'quantity': 2},
    datetime.now()                          #   current date/time

You now have a reusable function to add sales.

A sliding averages, 289
week averages, 290
Aggregate filters, 171–173, 210
Aggregating data
Aggregate functions, 19, 275
aggregate filter, 171–173
basic functions, 163, 209
calculated values
contexts, 163
arbitrary strings, 181, 183
count(*) OVER (), 279
CASE statements, 177, 178
CTE, 281, 282
CTE, 176
daily totals vs. grand totals, 282
customers, 173, 174
day-by-day summary, 282
delivery statistics, 179–181
day number, 281
GROUP BY clause, 173, 176
DBMS, 164, 417
month name, 175
descriptions, 166
monthnumber, 174
each day sales, 280, 281
clause order, 169, 170
NULL, 166
distinct values, 170
numerical statistics, 165
error message, 168
OVER (), 284
FROM/WHERE clauses, 169
percentage symbol, 283
GROUP BY () clause, 167, 168
sales totals, 279, 280
group concatenation, 183, 185
strings and
grouping sets, 195
dates, 165
CUBE, 195
total/sum(total) OVER(), 282
data, 186, 187, 189
weekday, percentage/sorting, 283
GROUP BY clause, 185, 186
Aggregate queries, 18–19, 92, 101, 168,
renaming values, Oracle, 199–201
246, 252, 266, 275, 405
ROLLUP, 196, 197
Aggregate window functions
sorting results, 197–199
daily sales view, 287
totals, 185
framing clause, 285–287
query, 167
ORDER BY clause, 284, 285
subtotals, 211
sliding window
UNION clause
daily totals, 288, 289
CTE, 195
dates, 289
grand total, 191
framing clauses, 288

© Mark Simon 2023
M. Simon, Leveling Up with SQL, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-9685-1

Aggregating data (cont.) short-circuited, 152

levels, 194 uses of CASE, 152–153
query, 189 casting, 122–127
SELECT statements, 191, 192 coding languages, 122
sorting order, 193, 194 data types, 122
state/customer ids, 189, 190 date operations, 160
summaries, 189, 193 date arithmetic, 148–151
virtual table, 167 date extracting in Microsoft SQL, 145
Aggregating process, 210 date extracting in PostgreSQL,
Aliases, 11, 16, 32, 108–110, 159, 255, 320 MariaDB/MySQL and
ALTER TABLE statements, 20, 42, 44, 55 Oracle, 144–145
The American Standard Code for date/time, entering and
Information Interchange (ASCII), storing, 140–141
134, 135, 160 formatting a date, 146–147
Arithmetic mean, 201, 203 getting, date/time, 142
grouping and sorting, date/
time, 143–144
B forms, 158
Books and authors, 60, 62, 64, 70–72, 86, 94 FROM clause, 121
BookWorks, 1, 2, 5 individual/multiple columns, 106
Business rules, 39 with NULLs, 113–115
author names, 117–118
numeric (see Numeric calculations)
C ORDER BY clause, 120, 121
Caching table, 234 SELECT clause, 118, 121
Calculations, 106, 113, 119, 275 using aliases, 108
Calculations in SQL alias names, 109–110
CASE expression AS is optional, 110–111
CASE … END expression, 151 basic SQL clauses, 112–113
ELSE expression, 152 WHERE clause, 119
with NULLs cast() function, 17, 122–127, 130, 159
coalesce(), 115–117 Casting types, 159
using aliases CHAR(length), 132
AS keyword, 108 CHECK constraint, 20, 39, 43–44, 47, 55
Calculations in SQL, 106 ck_customers_postcode, 34
built-in functions, 107 coalesce() function, 16, 40–42, 115–118,
CASE expression, 160 154, 159
coalesce, 154–158 Collation, 133, 134, 160


Columns, 28 multiple chain, 322

changing the town, 36–37 multiple CTEs, 365
countries table, 36–37 nesting subqueries, 322
CREATE VIEW statement, 33 parameter names, 320, 321, 365
DROP COLUMN, 34 recursive (see Recursive CTEs)
foreign key, 29 subquery, 321, 322
old address columns, 32 syntax, 268, 269
primary key, 29 uses, 364
SELECT statement, 32 variables, 313, 314
street address column, 38 virtual table, 273, 364
UPDATE statement, 31 Computed column/calculated
Common Table Expressions (CTEs), column, 231
267, 268 creation, 231
aggregates data, 232
duplicate names, 319, 320 DBMSs, 232
most recent sale, per mini-view, 231
customer, 317–319 ordered datetime column, 231
benefits, 268 read-only virtual column, 231
calculations types, 232
monthly totals, 271, 272 VIRTUAL, 234
price groups, 269 Concatenation, 133, 135, 136, 160,
query, 270 416, 417
sales table, 270, 271 Constants, 314
WITH clause, 270 deriving constants, 316, 317
constants hard-coded, 314–316
deriving constants, 316, 317 Correlated subquery, 31, 100, 239, 240,
hard-coded, 314 243, 244, 259, 272
duplicated names countries.sql, 36
consolidated list, 324, 325 CREATE TABLE statement, 20
id, 323 CROSS JOIN, 18, 264, 335
info column values, 324 Cultural notes
layout, 323 address
parameter names, 323 pattern, 407
phone number, 323 postcodes, 408
query, 322 states, 407, 408
results, 323 towns, 407
FROM subquery, 364 currencies, 409
hard-coded constants, 315, 316 dates, 409


Cultural notes (cont.) filtering (WHERE)

email addresses, 409 case sensitivity, 414
measurements, 409 dates, 414
phone numbers, 408, 409 string comparisons, 414
prices, 409 wildcard matching, 415
joining tables, 417
MariaDB, 3
D primary keys,
Data, 6, 7 autoincrementing, 418
Database, 6, 59, 93, 94, 103 quirks and variations (see Quirks and
Database design, 76 variations)
Database integrity, 39 rule, 411
CHECK constraint, 47 sample database, 4–5
column constraints, 48 sorting (ORDER BY), 413, 414
domain, 39 table literals, 342
familyname, 48 table manipulation, 418
nullable column, 40, 41 triggers, 370
ALTER TABLE statement, 44 writing code, 411
CHECK constraint, 43 Database tables, 2, 8
changes in SQLite, 44 basic principles, 9
DEFAULT value, 43 changes to table structures, 56
NOT NULL constraint, 41, 42 columns, 8
standard constraint types, 39 customers table, 8
suggestions, 45, 47 improved database design, 57
table constraint, 48 indexes (see Index)
UNSIGNED INT, 47 table design and columns (see
Database Management Software (DBMS), Columns)
3, 261, 299 temporary table, 9
aggregate functions, 417 virtual table, 10
calculations well-designed table, 9
arithmetic, 416 Data Definition
concatenation, 416, 417 Language (DDL), 368
date functions, 416 Data Manipulation Language (DML),
formatting functions, 416 368, 370, 381
SELECT without FROM, 415 Data rules, 27, 39
string functions, 417 Data types
database client, 4 aggregate queries, 19–20
data manipulation, 418 calculating columns, 15


calculating with NULLs, 16 I

aliases, 16
Index, 49, 56
CASE expression, 16
anonymous index, 51
subqueries, 16
author’s name, 51
views, 17
books table, 50
date literals, 12
clustered index/index organized
joins, 17
table, 50
join types, 18
costs, 49
ON clause, 18
syntax, 17
customers table, 49
number literals, 11
HAVING clause, 53
string literals, 11
primary key, 50
Date functions, 412, 416
SELECT clause, 53
Deciles, 305–308
UNIQUE column, 50
Denormalized data, 56
Unique Index, 52, 54, 56
Design principles, 54, 60
IN operator, 13, 238, 247, 250, 261
Domains, 26, 39
Information, 6, 7

E J, K
extract() function, 144 Joining tables, 104, 417

Foreign key, 21, 27, 29, 30, 36, 38, 39, 50, LATERAL JOIN (CROSS APPLY)
55, 61, 68, 81, 276, 369 adding columns
Formatting functions, 130, 132, 145, 160, expression, 263, 264
187, 416 principle, 264
Frequency table, 201, 203, 205, 206 multiple columns
aggregate query, 266
FROM clause, 265, 266
G list of customers, 266, 267
GROUP BY clause, 19, 211 results, 266
grouping() function, 198–200 SELECT clause, 265
query, 262, 273
SELECT clause, 262
H WHERE clause, 262
Histograms, 201, 202 ltrim() function, 118, 138


M Microsoft SQL, 145, 148, 224, 225, 229,

264, 270, 304
Many-to-many relationship, 61, 103
connection, 425
associated data, 92
module, windows, 422–424
association, 81
recursive CTEs, 328
associative/bridging table, 78, 79
SQL strings, 434, 435
book genres, 81
table literals, 344
book, multiple authors, 90, 91
triggers, 376, 377
book table, 78
variables, 313, 314, 394, 400, 402
combination, 81
Mode, 205–207
CTE/aggregate query, 92
Multiple tables
data, 79
adding author, 95, 96
database, 90, 93
adding book, 97
genres table, 78
authors table, 94, 95
list of books, 93
books table, 94
result, 80
child table, 104
sales and saleitems tables, 90
joins, 104
SELECT statements, 78
new book, 94
table designing, 81
new sale
tables, 91
addition, 98
table structure, 91
process, 98
UNIQUE constraint, 81
sale completion, 101, 102
Many-to-many tables
sales items, 98, 100
associative table, 83
sales table, 98, 99
bookgenres table, 83
parent table, 104
book’s id, 83
query, 104
Multiple values, 55
number of rows, 82
bookgenres table, 77
results, 83
CTE, 84
MariaDB, 3, 126, 147
GROUP BY query, 84
id and title columns, 85
connection, 426
joins, 86
quirks and variations, 420
authors/genres tables, 86
SQL strings, 435
bookdetails view, 87
triggers, 374, 375
books table, 87
variables, 394, 398, 400
dataset, 86
Median, 207, 208
filtered list, 89
Microsoft quirks and
filtering, 88
variations, 419

genre details, 88 O
genre names, 88
ON DELETE CASCADE clause, 276, 369
genres table, 89
One-to-many relationship, 60, 103
query, 87
books and authors, 62–64
side effects, 89, 90
books and authors view, 70–72
list, 85
child table/parent table, 62
multiple genres, book, 76
JOIN, 62, 63
principles, 76
NOT IN(…), 69, 70
SELECT statement, 84
one-to-many joins
books and authors, 64, 65
function, 85
combinations, 69
MySQL, 147
N LEFT JOIN, 65, 67
Natural key, 36
NULL, 68
Normalization, 26, 27, 56
options, 65
Normalized database, 26–28
Normalized tables
rows, 69
properties, 55
subquery, 68
unmatched parents, 68
cast(… AS int), 308
Oracle, 63
customers hights, 307
uses, 61
decile/row_decile, 308
One-to-many tables, 93
deciles, 306
One-to-maybe relationships
group size, 307, 308
contradiction, 73
NULL heights, 306
customers table, 75
rank_decile/count _decile, 309
customers, 74
NULLs, 7, 13, 159, 210, 276
join, 73, 74
NULL strings, 113, 118, 125, 136
Numeric calculations, 127, 160
secondary table, 73
SELECT *, 75
functions, 129–130
vip table, 73, 74
basic arithmetic, 127–128
VIP columns, 75
formatting functions, 130–132
One-to-one relationship, 61, 72, 103
Oracle, 147, 229, 304
functions, 128–129
connection, 427
string (see String calculations)
quirks and variations, 420

Oracle (cont.) Planned relationships, 61

SQL strings, 436 PostgreSQL, 147, 222, 223, 229, 264
triggers, 378–380 connection, 426
variables, 394, 402–404 quirks and variations, 419
ORDER BY clause, 12, 14, 22, 120, 121, 158, SQL strings, 433
201, 211, 219, 220, 238, 272, 284, 293 triggers, 373, 374
variables, 394, 397, 398
Previous and next rows
P comparing sales, 310
Pentiles, 305 daily sales, 309
percentile_cont() function, 207 lag and lead, 309, 311
Percentiles, 305 missing dates, 311
Pivoting data OVER clause, 309
aggregate query, 387 Python, 421
customerdetails view, 384 connection, 421
customerinfo CTE, 385 cursor, 424
database tables, 382 mysql.connector, 426
definition, 382 oracledb, 427
design, 382 psycopg2, 426
general rule, 382 pyodbc, 425
grouping, 386 sqlite3, 424
layout, 381 database connector module
ledger table, 381 exceptions, 422
multiple CTEs, 384 shell/command line, 422
pivot feature, 389, 390 fetching database, 427, 429
purpose, 383 module, 421
separate totals, 388 MSSQL module, windows, 422–424
spreadsheet program, 382 new sale
status CTE, 385 addition, 437, 438
testing, 386, 387 code, 432
total sales, 383 completion, 440, 441
UNPIVOT feature, 391–393 customerid, 432
Pivot tables, 365, 367, 383 methods, 432
advantages, 382 sale items, 438, 439
creation, 383, 405 SQL strings, 431, 432
definition, 405, 406 steps, 431
MSSQL/Oracle, 405 parameters, query, 429–431
raw table data, 405 SQL strings, 432


MariaDB/MySQL, 435 row_number() function, 297

MSSQL, 434 Recursive CTEs
Oracle, 436 (cte(n)), 327
PostgreSQL, 433 daily comparison, missing days
SQLite, 434 daily_sales view, 333, 334
triple quote characters, 432 DBMSs, 335
finding dates, 334
Q sequence of dates, 334, 335
Quirks and variations vars and dates, 335
MariaDB/MySQL, 420 forms, 325, 326
Microsoft, 419 JOIN, missing values, 331–333
Oracle, 420 parts, 326
PostgreSQL, 419 sequence, 327
adding day, 329, 330
R creation, 326, 328
Ranking functions, 275, 297 dates, 329, 331
basic functions, 298 MSSQL, 328, 331
count(*), 298 series of number/dates, 331
customer heights, 298, 299 WHERE clause, 328, 331
dense_rank(), 298 traversing hierarchy
examples, 299 cleaner result, 341, 342
exceptions, 299 employees table, 337
expressions, 300 multilevel, 338–341
framing clause, 297 single-level, 337, 338
ORDER BY value, 298 supervisorid column, 337
paging results supervisor’s name, 337
CTE, 303 uses, 327, 365
OFFSET … FETCH … clause, 304 Relational model, 6
pricelist view, 303 Relationships, 102
prices, 305 planned, 61
PARTITION BY types, 60, 103
CASE … END expression, 301 unplanned, 61
columns, 302
expected order, 301 S
order date, 301, 302 sales table, 98, 99, 102, 155, 186, 270, 276,
row_number(), 300 280, 318
rank(), 298 Scalar function, 221

SELECT statement, 12, 234, 235 correlated, 239, 240, 242, 243, 245, 272
Single value query, 237 cost, 239
SQL, 394 definition, 238
basic SQL, 10–11 expression, 245
data types, 11–12, 412 FROM clause, 272
dates, 412, 413 NULL, 255
feature, 102 price groups, books, 253
query, 368 SELECT statement, 254, 255
quotes, 413 summarizing table, 253
semicolon, 412 GROUP BY clause, 254
writing, 10, 411 IN() expression, 273
SQL clauses nested subqueries, 255–257
clause order, 12 non-correlated, 239, 240, 242, 272
limiting results, 14–15 ORDER BY clause, 272
multiple assertions, 13 SELECT clause, 242
ORDER BY clause, 14 aggregate query, 245
SELECT clause, 12 correlated subquery, 243, 244
sort strings, 15 join, 243
WHERE clause, 13 non-correlated subquery, 244
wildcard patterns, 13 window functions, 244
SQLite, 64, 140, 261, 395, 406 uses, 238, 272
connection, 424 WHERE clause, 242
SQL strings, 434 aggregates, 246
triggers, 378 big spenders, 246–249
Standard deviation, 208, 209 duplicate customers, 251, 252
Statistics, 212 last order, 249–251
String calculations, 160 WHERE EXISTS (…), 258, 273
ASCII and Unicode, 134–135 correlated subquery, 259, 260
case sensitivity, 134–135 FROM dual, 258
CHAR(length), 132 IN() expression, 260, 261
concatenation, 135–136 non-correlated subquery, 259
data types for strings, 132 SELECT NULL/SELECT 1/0, 259
string functions, 137–139 testing, 258
VARCHAR(length), 132, 133
String functions, 417
Subqueries T
column names, 243 Table, 213
complex query, 239 Table design, 20


constraints, 20 DBMSs, 221

data manipulation statements, 21 definition, 233
foreign key, 21 Microsoft SQL, 224, 225
indexes, 21 PostgreSQL, 222, 223
set operations, 22–23 pricelist(), 222
types of data, 20 Temporary table
Table literals benefits, 234
data creation, 228, 229
anchor member, 360, 361 database, 230
CTE, 359 INSERT … SELECT … statement, 229
recursive member, 361–364 query, 230
DBMSs, 343 SELECT statement, 229
definition, 342 TEMP, 229
lookup table, 352, 353 uses, 230
MSSQL, 344 towns.sql., 28
sorting Towns table, 28, 29, 31, 32, 35–37, 384
advantage, 351 Triggers
data CTE, 349 activity table, 368
names, 349 archive table, 370
sales per weekday, 348 creation, 404
sequence number, 350, 351 data, archiving, 370, 372
strings, 348 data deletion, 369
summary CTE, 349 DBMSs, 370, 405
standard notation, 343 definition, 367, 368, 404
statement, 342 deleted_sales, 370
string foreign key, 369
anchor member, 355, 356 logging table, 368
recursive CTE, 353–355 Logon triggers, 368
recursive member, 356 MariaDB/MySQL, 374, 375
rest, 355–358 MSSQL, 376, 377
splitting, 354 NULL sales, 369
WHERE rest<>, 358 Oracle, 378–380
testing PostgreSQL, 373, 374
age calculation, 344, 347, 348 pros and cons, 380
dates CTE, 345, 346 rental table, 368
series of dates, 345 sales table, 369
virtual table, 342 sales deletion, 372
Table Valued Function (TVF), 221 SQLite, 378


Triggers (cont.) DBMS, 215

syntax, 369 external applications, 227
types, 368 importance, 215
uses, 368, 406 interface, 225, 226
Triggers, 365 limitations, 215
materialized views, 228
ORDER BY clause, 219–221
U pricelist view, 216
Unicode, 134, 135 SELECT *, 220
UNIQUE clause, 29 SELECT statement, 233
Unplanned relationships, 61 syntax, 214
TVF (see Table Valued Function (TVF))
V uses, 214
Value, 7 Virtual tables, 213, 214, 233, 235
Value functions, 275 multiple rows and multiple columns, 236
VARCHAR(length), 132, 133 one column and multiple rows, 236
Variables, 313, 314 one row and one colum, 235, 236
code blocks, 395, 396 query, 237
DBMSs, 394, 406
definition, 367, 394 W, X, Y, Z
function/procedure, 394
WHERE clause, 13, 17, 20, 100, 112, 113,
MariaDB/MySQL, 394, 398, 400
119, 210, 242, 258, 262, 328
MSSQL, 394, 400, 402
Window clauses, 312
Oracle, 395, 402–404
Window functions, 236, 244, 274–276, 311
PostgreSQL, 394, 397, 398
aggregate windows, 277–279
purposes, 406
ORDER BY clause, 277
statements, 405
OVER () clause, 276, 277
system variables, 394
PARTITION BY clause, 276
uses, 406
Variables, 315
expressions, 290
Views, 55, 214
monthly totals, 291
aupricelist, 218, 219
ordered_month, 293
benefits, 215
caching data, 227
columns, 294–296
cascade views, 220
conditions, 217
syntax, 276
convenience, 225
window, 276
CREATE VIEW … AS clause, 217

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