Образцы оформления курсовой работы 3курс 1
Образцы оформления курсовой работы 3курс 1
Образцы оформления курсовой работы 3курс 1
Зав. кафедрой теории и практики иностранных
______________к.ф.н., профессор Н.Л. Соколова
«______»_______________20__ г.
на тему
45.03.02 – Лингвистика
Студент группы ЯЛБд-01-21
Студенческий билет № _____________
_____________________И.И. Сидорова
«______»_______________20___ г.
к.ф.н., старший преподаватель
кафедры теории и практики иностранных
_____________________С.А. Сергеева
Москва 20___
45.03.02 – Linguistics
Submitted by
Student’s ID № _____________
Full-time Course, Group __________
Moscow 20_____
Зав. кафедрой теории и практики иностранных
______________к.ф.н., профессор Н.Л.Соколова
«______»_______________20__ г.
на тему
45.03.02 – Лингвистика
Студент группы ЯЛБд-01-21
Студенческий билет № _____________
_____________________И.О. Фамилия
«______»_______________20___ г.
к.ф.н., профессор, академик МАНПО
Научный консультант
старший преподаватель
кафедры теории и практики иностранных
_____________________С.А. Сергеева
Москва 20___
45.03.02 – Linguistics
Submitted by
Student’s ID № _____________
Full-time Course, Group __________
Scientific Advisor
____________________ Ph.D. S.S. Sergeyeva,
Moscow 20_____
I. PHRASEOLOGY AS THE PART OF LEXICOLOGY........................................................5
1.1 The Concept of Phraseology and Phraseological Units.............................................................5
1.2 Features of Phraseological Units...............................................................................................7
1.3 Classification of Phraseological Units in the English Language...............................................9
1.4 Structural and Semantic Characteristics of Phraseological Units with a Seme-zoonym.........12
1.4.1 Nominative Phraseological Units.........................................................................................12
1.4.2 Interjectional Phraseological Units.......................................................................................14
1.4.3 Communicative Phraseological Units..................................................................................15
1.5 Summary of Results………………………………………………………………………….16
2.1 Material under Research: "Harry Potter: The Philosopher's Stone" by J.K. Rowling.............18
2.2 Analysis of Phraseological Units with a Zoonym Component in the Novel...........................20
2.2.1 Nominative Phraseological Units.........................................................................................22
2.2.2. Interjectional Phraseological Units......................................................................................24
2.2.3. Communicative Phraseological Units.................................................................................26
2.2.4 Summary of Results………………………………………………………………………..27
Currently the Lingual Identity is the centre of attention of most of the linguistic studies. A
linguistic personality is a blend of cultural, linguistic, and behavioral characteristics.
Moreover, character is a distinguishing element of every individual. Despite the fact that
each person is unique, the original natural habits have been repeated. It is exactly because of
such habits such individual characteristics are represented in the language's phraseological
corpus. That is why it is the treasury of human knowledge about the world.
Throughout the history of mankind, man has had direct interaction with animals. Of
course, this leads to a person comparing himself and other people to animals. This is why there
are so many diverse phraseological units.
Furthermore, writers who set phraseological elements in their works and transmit them
from generation to generation are now the connecting factor of cultural enrichment.
The work was carried out on the material written by the contemporary author recognized
by all generations J.K. Rowling. She could create an absolutely incredible magical world using
various stylistic means, unusual words.
The relevance of this work is to consider the peculiarities of using phraseological units in
the English language with the concept of “animals” which include various features and
individual functions. The research is based on J.K. Rowling’s novel “Harry Potter and the
Philosopher's Stone”.
The subject of this work is to study the classification and peculiarities of phraseological
units in the English language.
The object is the research of functional and semantic characteristics of phraseological
units with the concept of “animals” in the novel.
The hypothesis of the study is the use of phraseological units with the semantic field
animals to describe human characteristics
The aim of the study is to identify the role and significance of using phraseological units
in the novel “Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone” with the concept of animals as a way of
enriching cultural heritage and national language.
To achieve the aim of the work a number of objectives should be accomplished:
1. to study and summarize information about phraseological units in English
2. to study the semantic peculiarities of phraseological units
3. To classify phraseological units
4. to select a group of English phraseological units with the component “animals”
5. to analyze the use of phraseological units in the novel “Harry Potter and the Philosopher's
The following theoretical basis should be considered when carrying out this research. The
studies of different linguists will be maintained in this work.
The peculiarities of phraseological units were studied by V. Humboldt. He notes that "the
word as an element of language motivated by the distinctive aspect of the subject that set the
basis of its name and was maintained by speaking and listening.
As a result, this work will be founded on the different theories of experts in this area,
indicating a high degree of analysis of the peculiarities that must be considered in this aspect.
The scientific methods that are useful to conduct this work: the method of analysis of
theoretical literature, method of classification, descriptive method when considering the features
of phraseological units, statistical method for identifying the most represented patterns of
phraseological units in the novel.
Theoretical significance of this work is to make summary of the latest studies on the topic
of forming and functioning of phraseological units connected with the concept “animals” in the
Practical significance of this work is that by classifying and statistically identifying the
number of the most used phraseological units with the concept of “animal” in the novel, this will
contribute to a better understanding of the culture of another country and will also contribute to
enriching the vocabulary of those who study English language.
The structure of the course paper consists of introduction, main part which is divided into
theoretical and practical parts, conclusion and references.
In the introduction there is an identification of the relevance of this work, the object, the
subject, the aim, the methods and the significance of the work. The main body of the course
paper consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. The first one includes the summary of
various researches upon this topic. The second includes the analysis of different cases of using
phraseological units in the novel “Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone” by J.K. Rowling 1.
The last part contains the summary of the whole work.
Phraseology is a linguistic discipline that studies stable combinations of words with fully
or partially reinterpreted meaning or stable combinations of words with complicated semantics -
phraseological units.
2.1 Material under Research: "Harry Potter: The Philosopher's Stone" by J.K. Rowling
"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" is the first part in a series of books about the
young wizard Harry Potter. The author of the book is the English writer J. K. Rowling.
English writer Joanne Rowling was born on July 31, 1965 in Yate, England. She gained
the greatest fame after creating a series of books about Harry Potter.
Briefly, the plot of the book is that after realizing that he is a wizard, 11-year-old Harry
goes to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where he makes real friends and defeats
the evil magician. The good-natured forester Hagrid tells the child about magic and who Harry's
parents were. Delighted Potter will have to go to Hogwarts School of magical sciences to learn
magic, like many other children.
2.2.1 Nominative Phraseological Units
Nominative phraseological units are represented by groups of words, including those with
one significant word.
Phraseological units are an important component since they allow you to precisely and
symbolically describe any notion that will enable you to convey several aspects of reality.
However, phraseological structures will not only represent any phenomenon in reality, but also
give it an assessment.
- “Bee in your bonnet.” (JR, p.73)
In this particular phraseological unit the noun group of words is represented. Nominal
phrases or noun phraseologisms denote an object, a person or a living being. The main
component of these phraseological units is the noun.
This idiom translates as "obsession or concern about some thought". In considered
dialogue, it can be translated as "concern" about something.
Due to their nature phraseological units must have both an expressive and figurative
function in order to fulfill their communicative purpose, which cannot be just a simple
So, the author used this expression in order to give a certain style to the speech, which is
perceived as a casual conversation between the narrator and the reader. In this case reduced
phraseological units recreate a picture of lively communication.
Let us look at one conversation in the novel:
-“The sorting hat: Bee in your bonnet, Potter?
- Harry: I was just wondering if you put me in the right house.” (JR, p.73)
In fiction, phraseological units are used in their usual linguistic form with their inherent
meaning. The introduction of phraseological units into the text is due to the author's desire to
strengthen the expressive coloring of speech.
Interjectional phraseological unit
Communicative phraseological
(JR) - Rowling J.K., Harry Potter: The Philosopher's Stone – L.: Bloomsburry, 2014.- P.332
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