Hello you. My name is Rafe LaNore. I'm also known online as RonZak. I'm mainly a musician, but I'm also an artist, author, animator/cartoonist, actor, photographer, video creator, and coder. The languages I can code in are Batch and Sugarcube HTML.
When I make a "game" it's always an Alternate Reality Game. Whether it be in a video language, a website, in audio files, text documents and folders, and batch programs, I have a way of making things work in my own way.
Starting from batch coding, videos and music, websites, password locking folders, and finally to Sugarcube HTML. I've gone a long way since 2016-2017.
My library, or catalog of (ARG) games I've made were RatchnCatchn, technically the first iteration of Flotsam, Hiddling, Jetsam Drive, Beyond the Horizon and Back, Brohmanson Television, The Pier, and the second iteration of Flotsam.
-Rafe LaNore (RonZak) 2019