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Gerardus Mercator

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Gerardus Mercator
Date personale
Nume la naștereGerard De Kremer Modificați la Wikidata
Născut[3][4][5][6][7] Modificați la Wikidata
Rupelmonde⁠(d), Flandra, Belgia[8][9][10] Modificați la Wikidata
Decedat (82 de ani)[11][3][4][5][6] Modificați la Wikidata
Duisburg, Sfântul Imperiu Roman[10][12] Modificați la Wikidata
ÎnmormântatSalvatorkirche[*][[Salvatorkirche (church in Duisburg, Germany)|​]][13] Modificați la Wikidata
Căsătorit cuBarbara Schellekens[*][[Barbara Schellekens (1515 - uncertain 24 Aug 1586)|​]] ()[1]
Gertrude Vierlings[*][[Gertrude Vierlings |​]] ()[14] Modificați la Wikidata
CopiiBartholomeus‏ Mercator[*][[Bartholomeus‏ Mercator (cartographer)|​]]
Rumold Mercator[*][[Rumold Mercator (Flemish cartographer)|​]]
Arnold Mercator[*][[Arnold Mercator (German cartographer)|​]] Modificați la Wikidata
cosmographer[*][[cosmographer (medieval term for the profession from which the cartographer and astrologer later emerged)|​]]
cadru didactic universitar[*]
instrument maker[*][[instrument maker (profession)|​]]
scriitor Modificați la Wikidata
Locul desfășurării activitățiiLeuven ()[15][16]
Duisburg ()[15][16] Modificați la Wikidata
Limbi vorbitelimba latină[17][18]
limba neerlandeză Modificați la Wikidata
Alma materOude Universiteit Leuven[*][[Oude Universiteit Leuven (university in Leuven (Louvain) (founded 1425 - closed 1797))|​]][1]
Brethren of the Common Life[*][[Brethren of the Common Life (14th century Roman Catholic community)|​]][1]  Modificați la Wikidata
OrganizațieOude Universiteit Leuven[*][[Oude Universiteit Leuven (university in Leuven (Louvain) (founded 1425 - closed 1797))|​]][1]  Modificați la Wikidata
Lucrări remarcabilecartografie
Profesor pentruJohn Dee[2]  Modificați la Wikidata

Gerardus Mercator (n. , Rupelmonde⁠(d), Flandra, Belgia – d. , Duisburg, Sfântul Imperiu Roman) a fost un cartograf, geograf și matematician flamand de renume din Renaștere. Acest nume este latinizat, un obicei pe atunci foarte răspândit; numele său real în germană a fost Gerhard Kremer („Kremer” înseamnă „negustor”). S-a născut la 5 martie 1512 la Rupelmonde, Flandra, și a murit la 2 decembrie 1594 în Duisburg, Germania. A fost considerat un "Ptolemeu contemporan".

Mercator se considera cercetător cosmograf care nu e nevoit să vândă hărți. De la el au rămas doar 5 hărți, păstrate în Muzeul de istorie din Duisburg. În anul 1562 realizează prima hartă a Europei, care este una din hărțile atlasului său. Numele și l-a schimbat în perioada când era la Universitatea Essen-Duisburg.

În Duisburg amintesc mai multe globuri opera lui Mercator
Coperta de cupru a atlasului "Mercator", publicat de fiul säu la trei ani dupä moartea cartografului.
  • 1530 devine "Magister" la "Universitatea catolică" din Leuven
  • 1537 însărcinează pe meșteșugarul Gaspard van der Heyden să-i confecționeze globul terestru, și bolta cerului
  • 1537 Harta "Pământului sfânt"
  • 1538 o hartă mică de proiecție în formă de inimă a lumii, și o hartă de perete a Flandrei
  • 1540 publică cartea Literarum latinarum, quas italicas, cursoriasque vocant, scribendarum ratio, (pe lemn)
  • 1541 își continuă cercetările de proiecție a globului pe o hartă (plan), are probleme cu biserica catolică (acuzat de erezie)
  • 1551 realizează un nou glob pământesc și unul al boltei cerești
  • 1552 urmărit de inchiziție se refugiază cu toată familia la Duisburg, principatul Jülich-Kleve-Berg, prințul Wilhelm der Reiche fiind sub influența humanistului Erasmus von Rotterdam
  • 1554 Realizarea lui cea mai valoroasă este "Proiecția Mercator", o proiecție a globului terestru pe un plan (hartă). Această proiecție redă fidel unghiurile, fiind prin aceasta de importanță majoră pentru navigația pe Pământ.
  • 1559 - 1562 predă matematică și cosmologie la Gimnaziul din Duisburg
  • 1563 este numit de Wilhelm der Reiche cartograf princiar
  • 1562 Sub îndrumările lui Johannes Corputius, întocmește o hartă exactă a Duisburgului
  • 1594 moare ca un om respectat și bogat, fiind îngropat în cimitirul bisericii "Salvator" din Duisburg.
  1. ^ a b c d MacTutor History of Mathematics archive 
  2. ^ Genealogia matematicienilor 
  3. ^ a b c d Gerhard Mercator (Kramer), Diccionario biográfico español, accesat în  
  4. ^ a b c d Gerard Mercator (în engleză), RKDartists 
  5. ^ a b c d Gerhard Mercator, Benezit Dictionary of Artists, accesat în  
  6. ^ a b c d Gerard Mercator (în neerlandeză), Biografisch Portaal 
  7. ^ a b Gerardus Mercator, Encyclopædia Britannica Online, accesat în  
  8. ^  Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  9. ^  Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  10. ^ a b  Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  11. ^ a b MacTutor History of Mathematics archive, accesat în  
  12. ^ „Gerardus Mercator”, Gemeinsame Normdatei, accesat în  
  13. ^ Find a Grave 
  14. ^ , p. 90  Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  15. ^ a b „Gerardus Mercator”, Gemeinsame Normdatei, accesat în  
  16. ^ a b  Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  17. ^ CONOR.SI[*]  Verificați valoarea |titlelink= (ajutor)
  18. ^ Autoritatea BnF, accesat în  
  • Averdunk, Heinrich; Müller-Reinhard, Josef (), Gerhard Mercator und die Geographen unter seinen Nachkommen (Gerardus Mercator and geographers among his descendents), Perthes, Gotha, OCLC 3283004. Reprinted by Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, Amsterdam 1969 (OCLC 911661875). WorldCat also lists an English edition (OCLC 557542582). 
  • Basson, Thomas (), Catalogus librorum bibliothecae clarissimi doctissimique viro piae memoriae, Gerardi Mercatoris (A catalogue of the books of the library of the most famous and very learned man, Gerard Mercator of pious memory), Antwerp: Mercatorfonds Paribas, 1994. -, ISBN 90-6153-332-5. This is a facsimile of the handwritten copy of the original printed auction catalog published by Thomas Basson, (Leiden, 1604). Copies are available through the Mercator museum in Sint Niklaas. 
  • Brandt, Geeraert; Chamberlayne, John (), The History of the Reformation and Other Ecclesiastical Transactions in and about the Low-Countries. (în engleză), T. Wood 
  • Breusing, Arthur (), Gerhard Kremer gen. Mercator, der deutsche Geograph, Duisburg, OCLC 9652678. Note: 'gen.' is an abbreviation for genommen, named. Recently reprinted by General Books (ISBN: 978-1-235-52723-4) and Kessinger (ISBN: 978-1-168-32168-8). A facsimile may be viewed and downloaded from Bayerische Staatsbibliothek 
  • Calcoen, Roger; Elkhadem, Hossam; Heerbrant, Jean-Paul; Imhof, Dirk; Otte, Els; Van der Gucht, Alfred; ellens-De Donder, Liliane (). The cartographer Gerard Mercator 1512—1694. Brussels: Gemeentekrediet. ISBN 2-87193-202-6. Published on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the death of Mercator to coincide with the opening of the Mercator Museum in Sint-Niklaas and an exhibition at the Royal Library Albert Ier in Brussels. 
  • Clair, Colin (), Christopher Plantin, London: Plantin Publishers, ISBN 978-1-870495-01-1, OCLC 468070695. (First published in 1960 by Cassel, London.) 
  • Crane, Nicholas (). Mercator: the man who mapped the planet (ed. paperback). London: Phoenix (Orion Books Ltd). ISBN 0-7538-1692-X. OCLC 493338836. Original hardback edition published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson (London), 2002. Published in New York by H. Holt. Kindle editions are available from and 
  • Dee, John (), Propaedeumata Aphoristica. Modern annotated translation in Egan (2010) pp. 19–50. 
  • Dee, John (), Compendious Rehearsal. Modernised text in Egan (2010) pp. 225–238 
  • De Graeve, Jan (), „The Mathematical Library of a Genius”, Le livre & l'estampe (Société des bibliophiles et iconophiles de Belgique), 177: 6–202, OCLC 830346410. A brief summary of this book (in English) appears in Newsletter 44, p.24 of the Brussels Map Circle. There is also a review in Newsletter 45, p.7. See also google books. 
  • De Graeve, Jan (), Mercator: His contribution to surveying and cartography (PDF) 
  • Egan, Jim (), The works of John Dee: modernisations of his main mathematical masterpieces (PDF) 
  • Encyclopædia Britannica Online: Gerardus Mercator 
  • Gaspar, Alves Joaquim; Leitão, Henrique (), How Mercator Did It in 1569: From Tables of Rhumbs to a Cartographic Projection, European Mathematical Society. EMS Newsletter March 2016, p44. 
  • Ghim, Walter (), Vita Mercatoris. The latin text is included was printed in the 1595 atlas which may be viewed at websites such as the Library of Congress or the Darlington Library at the University of Pittsburgh. For translations see Osley (1969) pages 185–194 and Sullivan (2000) pages 7–24 of the atlas text, pdf pages 77–94. 
  • Horst, Thomas (), Le monde en cartes : Gérard Mercator (1512–1594) et le premier atlas du monde, Brussels: Mercator Fonds, ISBN 978-90-6153-157-9, OCLC 800735628. Publishers web-site 
  • Imhof, Dirk (), „Gerard Mercator and the Officina Plantiniana”, Mercator: exploring new horizons, BAI. Published on the occasion of an exhibition at the Plantin-Moretus Museum. 
  • Jonge, Henk Jan de (), Sixteenth Century Gospel Harmonies: Chemnitz and Mercator (PDF), OCLC 703539131. (Pages 155–166 of Théorie et pratique de l'exégèse. Actes du 3me colloque international sur l'histoire de l'exégèse biblique au XVIme siècle, Geneva, Droz, 1990),. 
  • Karrow, Robert William (), Mapmakers of the sixteenth century and their maps: bio-bibliographies of the cartographers of Abraham Ortelius, 1570 : based on Leo Bagrow's A. Ortelii Catalogus cartographorum, Speculum Orbis Press for the Newberry Library, ISBN 9780932757050, OCLC 28491057 
  • Karrow, Robert William (), An introduction to the Mercator atlas of 1595. This commentary, which accompanies the facsimile edition of the 1595 atlas published by Octavo (OCLC 48878698), is freely available in an archived version. from the New York Society Library, pages 1–20 of the introduction to the atlas (pdf pages 2–21 . 
  • Keuning, J. (), The History of an Atlas: Mercator. Hondius, Imago Mundi, JSTOR 1149747 
  • Krücken, Friedrich Wilhelm (), Ad Maiorem Gerardi Mercatoris Gloriam. The six volumes of this work are available from the Mercator pages of Krücken's web site (archived version) . 
  • King, Robert J (), „Marco Polo's Java and Locach on Mercator's world maps of 1538 and 1569, and globe of 1541”, The Globe, 81: 41–61 
  • King, Robert J (), „Finding Marco Polo's Locach”, Terrae Incognitae, 50 (1): 1–18 
  • Mercator, Gerhard; Smet, Antoine de (), Les sphères terrestre et céleste de Gérard Mercator, 1541 et 1551 : reproductions anastatiques des fuseaux originaux, Editions Culture et Civilisation, accesat în . See also the web site of the Galileo Museum globes 
  • Martens, Jos (). „New life for an old atlas with a new world view. Gerard Mercator and the reissue of the Mercator - Hondius atlas from 1607”. Accesat în .This website is a digital resource for teachers of history in the Netherlands. The article is in Dutch but there is a link to an English version. (Archived version, Dutch only). 
  • Monmonier, Mark Stephen (), Rhumb Lines and Map Wars: A Social History of the Mercator Projection, Chicago, Ill: University of Chicago Press, ISBN 0-226-53431-6. Available as an ebook. Chapter 3, Mercator's Résumé, has been made available (with permission) at Roma Tre University. 
  • Osley, Arthur Sidney (), Mercator, a monograph on the lettering of maps, etc. in the 16th century Netherlands, with a facsimile and translation of his treatise on the italic hand and a translation of Ghim's 'Vita Mercatoris', London: Faber and Faber, OCLC 256563091. Osley's translation is pages 185–194. For another translation of 'Vita Mercatoris' see Sullivan (2000) pages 7–24 of the atlas text, pdf pages 77–94. 
  • Penneman, Theo (), Mercator & zijn boeken (Mercator and his books), Koninklijke Oudheidkundige Kring van het Land van Waas (Royal Archaeological Circle of the region of Waas).. This is a catalogue prepared for an exhibition at the Mercator Museum in Sint-Niklaas, 1994. It includes over 100 illustrations of title pages of books known to be in Mercator's library (but not his own copies). 
  • Shirley, R. W. (), The Mapping of the World : Early Printed World Maps 1472–1700, ISBN 0-226-76747-7 
  • Snyder, John P (), Flattening the Earth: Two Thousand Years of Map Projections, University of Chicago Press, ISBN 0-226-76747-7 
  • Sullivan, David (), A translation of the full text of the Mercator atlas of 1595. This translation, which accompanies the facsimile edition of the 1595 atlas published by Octavo (OCLC 48878698), is freely available in an archived version from the New York Society Library. 
  • Stevenson, Edward Luther (), Terrestrial and celestial globes : their history and construction, including a consideration of their value as aids in the study of geography and astronomy (Volume 1, to 1600), Published for the Hispanic Society of America by the Yale University Press, OCLC 3283004. A facsimile of this book is available at and a modern (clearer) transcription is available at 
  • Taylor, Andrew (), The world of Gerard Mercator, Walker, ISBN 0-8027-1377-7, OCLC 55207983 
  • van der Krogt, Peter (), Globi neerlandici: The production of globes in the Low Countries, Hes & De Graaf, ISBN 978-9061941385. A summary of this book is available online 
  • Van Durme, Maurice (), Correspondance mercatorienne, Antwerp: Nederlandsche Boekhandel, OCLC 1189368 
  • Van Raemdonck, Jean (), Gerard Mercator: sa vie et ses oeuvres, St Nicolas (Sint Niklaas), Belgium. Reissued in facsimile by Adamant Media Corporation (ISBN: 978-1-273-81235-4). It is also freely available at the Hathi Trust and Google books. 
  • Van Raemdonck, Jean (), Gérard de Cremer, ou Mercator, géographe flamand: Réponse à la Conférence du Dr. Breusing, Sint-Niklaas, Belgium. Reissued in facsimile by Adamant Media Corporation (ISBN: 978-0-543-80132-6). It is also freely available at Google books. 
  • Watelet, Marcel (ed.) (), The Mercator Atlas of Europe: Facsimile of the Maps by Gerardus Mercator Contained in the Atlas of Europe, circa 1570–1572, Walking Tree Press, PO Box 871, Pleasant Hill, OR 97455, ISBN 978-0-9659735-7-1. Includes 17 facsimile maps and an introduction and 4 other articles: The atlas of Europe (Marcel Watelet), Atlas, birth of a title (James R. Akerman), The map of Europe (Arthur Dürst, The British Isles (Peter M. Barber), The 1569 world map (Mireille Pastoureau). Abstracts. A substantial excerpt of Barber's article appeared in the Mercator's World magazine. 
  • Woodward, David, ed. (), The History of Cartography, Volume 3, Cartography in the European Renaissance, University of Chicago, ISBN 978-0-226-90732-1, OCLC 166342669. Chapter 6 on Globes in Renaissance Europe by Dekker is available online. Chapter 44 on "Commercial Cartography and Map Production in the Low Countries, 1500–ca. 1672" by Cornelis Koeman, Günter Schilder, Marco van Egmond, and Peter van der Krogt is also available online. 
  • Zuber, Mike A. (). „The Armchair Discovery of the Unknown Southern Continent: Gerardus Mercator, Philosophical Pretensions and a Competitive Trade”. Early Science and Medicine. 16: 505–541. 
  • Voets, Leon (). „Les relations commerciales entre Gérard Mercator et la maison Plantinienne à Anvers”. Duisburger Forschungen. 6: 171–232. 

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