
Call for papers


Issue 33 – january 2025

Deadline: November 15th, 2024

Ingenius, Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología, cordially invites researchers, teachers, students and the general public to participate in the submission of manuscripts related to empirical research, technological development reports, proposals for models and innovations, products from the elaboration of undergraduate and graduate theses that contribute to the field of science and technology, as well as selected state-of-the-art reviews. These contributions should be in the fields of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Computer Science and its integration into what is currently known as Mechatronics.

The submission deadline is november 15th, 2024. Every article approved under double-blind peer review will be published in Issue 33 on January 1st, 2025.

To send the paper visit our website:

Call for papers


Issue 32 – July 2024

Deadline: May 15th, 2024

Ingenius, Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología, cordially invites researchers, teachers, students and the general public to participate in the submission of manuscripts related to empirical research, technological development reports, proposals for models and innovations, products from the elaboration of undergraduate and graduate theses that contribute to the field of science and technology, as well as selected state-of-the-art reviews. These contributions should be in the fields of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Computer Science and its integration into what is currently known as Mechatronics.

The submission deadline is May 15th, 2024. Every article approved under double-blind peer review will be published  in Issue 32 on July 1st, 2024.

To send the paper visit our website:

Call for papers


Issue 31 – January 2023

Deadline: November 15th, 2023

Ingenius, Science and Technology Journal, cordially invites researchers, teachers, students and the general public to participate in the submission of manuscripts related to empirical research, technological development reports, proposals for models and innovations, products from the elaboration of undergraduate and graduate theses that contribute to the field of science and technology, as well as selected state-of-the-art reviews. These contributions should be in the fields of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Computer Science and its integration into what is currently known as Mechatronics.

The submission deadline is November 15th, 2023. Every article approved under double-blind peer review will be published  in Issue 31 on January 1st, 2024.

To send the paper visit our website:

Call for papers


Issue 30 – July 2023

Deadline: May 15th, 2023

Ingenius, Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología, cordially invites researchers, teachers, students and the general public to participate in the submission of manuscripts related to empirical research, technological development reports, proposals for models and innovations, products from the elaboration of undergraduate and graduate theses that contribute to the field of science and technology, as well as selected state-of-the-art reviews. These contributions should be in the fields of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Computer Science and its integration into what is currently known as Mechatronics.

The submission deadline is May 15th, 2023. Every article approved under double-blind peer review will be published  in Issue 30 on July 1st, 2023.

To send the paper visit our website:

Call for papers


Issue 29 – January 2023

Deadline: November 15th, 2022

Ingenius, Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología, cordially invites researchers, teachers, students and the general public to participate in the submission of manuscripts related to empirical research, technological development reports, proposals for models and innovations, products from the elaboration of undergraduate and graduate theses that contribute to the field of science and technology, as well as selected state-of-the-art reviews. These contributions should be in the fields of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Computer Science and its integration into what is currently known as Mechatronics.

The submission deadline is November 15th, 2022. Every article approved under double-blind peer review will be published  in Issue 29 on January 1st, 2023.

To send the paper visit our website:

Call for papers


Issue 28 – July 2022

Deadline: May 15th, 2022

Ingenius, Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología, cordially invites researchers, teachers, students and the general public to participate in the submission of manuscripts related to empirical research, technological development reports, proposals for models and innovations, products from the elaboration of undergraduate and graduate theses that contribute to the field of science and technology, as well as selected state-of-the-art reviews. These contributions should be in the fields of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Computer Science and its integration into what is currently known as Mechatronics.

The submission deadline is May 15th, 2022. Every article approved under double-blind peer review will be published  in Issue 28 on July 1st, 2022.

To send the paper visit our website:

Call for papers



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New Special Issue: Use of Engineering Techniques to Fight COVID-19

The international journal Ingenius is launching its special volume, planned to be published in January 2022. Therefore, we are inviting all researchers to submit new methods, systems, and innovative Engineering technologies applicable to fight COVID-19 to submit papers to this issue up to November 8, 2021 (Date extended).

Ingenius is a thematic journal, which addresses works related to empirical research, technological development reports, proposals for models and innovations, products from the elaboration of theses, which contribute to the field of science and technology, as well as selected state of the art reviews. This issue has a specific theme, in which all papers should refer to prospective multidisciplinary challenges involving the use of Engineering techniques to fight COVID-19.

To submit a paper, please access the site:, and follow the instructions in the label “Author Guidelines.”

Why this issue related to COVID-19             

The reason for selecting this subject is twofold. Firstly, the world population is suffering the strong threat of COVID-19. Official data from the beginning of April 2021, provided by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU), USA, show that COVID-19 has already affected more than 130 million people worldwide and it is in strong increase. Currently, there are no antiviral drugs with proven clinical efficacy for the treatment of COVID-19, although some drugs that already exist and are administered to patients affected by other diseases have been the subject of studies to find out their possible effectiveness. Several vaccines to prevent specific SARS-CoV-2 infection have been and continue to be developed, however, new variants of the virus are emerging, increasingly challenging the control of the disease. Thus, worldwide scientific efforts, including Engineering, are being carried out both to develop devices, equipment and techniques for the diagnosis of symptomatic and asymptomatic people with COVID-19 (based on signals from oximetry, body temperature, heart rate, blood pression, cough, sweat etc) and to develop drugs and vaccines capable of dealing with the virus. Secondly, frequent outbreaks of COVID-19 and its new variants this is hampered by limited knowledge of the molecular details of how these variants infect human cells, which can put serious pressure on health services.

Thus, global workforce in Engineering is being dedicated to put Science Service, Artificial Intelligence, Methods, Techniques, Devices and Equipment together to this end. Therefore, this thematic issue intends to attract articles on multidisciplinary techniques of Engineering to fight COVID-19, addressing all its aspects, including source and detection technologies for the study, treatment, and prevention of COVID-19; biomedical sensor design and fabrication, performance, processing approaches, and applications; new developments and recent improvements in designs; and the electronics, data processing, and materials of biomedical sensors. This issue provides then a platform for the publication of original and scientific research that is likely to have a worldwide broad impact.

Contributions will be received in English

Invited Associate Editors


Uma imagem contendo no interior, homem, pessoa, deitado

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Prof. Dr. Teodiano Bastos-Filho, Federal University of Espirito Santo (Brazil)




Prof. Dr. Sridhar Krishnan, Ryerson University (Canada)



Call for papers


Issue 26 – July 2021

Deadline: May 15th, 2021

Ingenius, Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología, cordially invites researchers, teachers, students and the general public to participate in the submission of manuscripts related to empirical research, technological development reports, proposals for models and innovations, products from the elaboration of undergraduate and graduate theses that contribute to the field of science and technology, as well as selected state-of-the-art reviews. These contributions should be in the fields of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Computer Science and its integration into what is currently known as Mechatronics.

The submission deadline is May 15th, 2021. Every article approved under double-blind peer review will be published  in Issue 26 on July 1st, 2021.

To send the paper visit our website:

Call for papers


Issue 25 – January 2021

Deadline: November 15th, 2020

Ingenius, Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología, cordially invites researchers, teachers, students and the general public to participate in the submission of manuscripts related to empirical research, technological development reports, proposals for models and innovations, products from the elaboration of undergraduate and graduate theses that contribute to the field of science and technology, as well as selected state-of-the-art reviews. These contributions should be in the fields of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Computer Science and its integration into what is currently known as Mechatronics.

The submission deadline is November 15th, 2020. Every article approved under double-blind peer review will be published  in Issue 25 on January 1st, 2021.

To send the paper visit our website:

Call for papers


INGENIUS calls for contributions for issue 24 next July 01. We invite researchers, teachers, students and the general public to submit their articles by May 15 and submit them to the editorial process.



INGENIUS calls for contributions for issue 23 next January 01. We invite researchers, teachers, students and the general public to submit their articles by May 15 and submit them to the editorial process.



INGENIUS calls for contributions for issue 22 next July 01. We invite researchers, teachers, students and the general public to submit their articles by May 15 and submit them to the editorial process.

INGENIUS keeps open all year round, continuously calling for contributions for publications in the next issues. It publishes two issues per year, January 1 and July 1 therefore it is important to consider the dates for the submission of articles and their corresponding publication. Articles received by November 15 will be considered for publication in January and those received by May 15 for publication in July working in the development and innovation of systems, products and processes in which the synergy of engineering is consolidated; professionals in the areas of Mechanics, Electrical, Electronics, Computing and currently Mechatronics use the contributions published to support and develop new research, product innovation and technology development to promote and meet the needs of industry and society in general.


Call for papers


INGENIUS has open all year round, continuously calling for contributions for publications in the next issues.

It publishes two issues per year, January 1 and July 1 therefore it is important to consider the dates for sending the articles and their corresponding publication. The articles received until November 15 will be considered for the January publication and those that will be received until May 15 for the July publication.

Llamado a contribuciones


INGENIUS mantiene abierta todo el año, de manera continua la convocatoria a contribuciones para publicaciones en los próximos números.

Publica dos números por año, el 1 de enero y el 1 de julio por lo tanto es importante considerar las fechas para el envío de los artículos y su correspondiente publicación. Los artículos recibidos hasta el 15 de noviembre  serán considerados para la publicación de enero y aquellos que se reciban hasta el 15 de mayo para la publicación de julio.