Fast Five Quiz: Isocitrate Dehydrogenase Mutations in Brain Cancer

Prof Giuseppe Curigliano, MD, PhD


January 16, 2025

Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) is an important biomarker in brain cancer and an essential diagnostic criterion in the current World Health Organization (WHO) tumor classification system. Whereas IDH mutation is usually associated with good prognosis in gliomas, the absence of mutation (also known as wild-type) in grade 2 and 3 gliomas is usually associated with poor prognosis. In light of this association, the latest WHO classification now exclusively reserves the term glioblastoma for IDH wild-type tumors, whereas IDH-mutant tumors are now known as astrocytomas . Various guidelines are formed around this classification system, and understanding its complexities is paramount in providing optimal treatment.

Do you understand the nuances of IDH biomarkers in brain cancer? Check your knowledge with this quick quiz.


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