International Conference on Communication, Management and Humanities (ICCOMAH 2020), 2020
Finances are one of the main reasons that students drop out of studies. By practicing proper mone... more Finances are one of the main reasons that students drop out of studies. By practicing proper money management techniques, students can feel confident about their ability to manage finances into their adult life, save money and avoid debt down the road. This research was conducted among commerce department students to observe the awareness on managing their personal finance. This helps to raise a better understanding on the personal financial management amongst students in Commerce Department, Polytechnic Ungku Omar. This research includes knowledge of finance, behavioral finance as well as parental socialization of students' awareness of personal financial management. The objective of this research are to study the awareness of personal financial management among students and to identify whether the financial knowledge, financial behavior, and parental socialization are the factor that affect awareness of personal financial management in Commerce Department, Polytechnic Ungku Omar. The data collection method were used are the Pearson Correlation Coefficient Analysis which measures the strength of two variables by measuring it through the division of two variables. Other methods were taken too which is descriptive by distributing questionnaires among commerce department students. The respondents comprised of 300 respondents among commerce department students.
International Conference on Communication, Management and Humanities (ICCOMAH 2020), 2020
This study aims to investigate the effect of online shopping towards consumer buying behavior. Th... more This study aims to investigate the effect of online shopping towards consumer buying behavior. The respondents were comprised of Commerce Department in Polytechnic Ungku Omar. The objective is to identify whether the consumer's risk, price of goods and warranty issue is the effect of their buying behavior. Meanwhile, the research was done by using questionnaires. A simple random sampling was used in this study where involved respondents from Commerce Department of Polytechnic Ungku Omar. Method of data analysis is using SPSS version 18 for reporting the descriptive analysis. Mean score, frequency and percentage were used to analyze the data. As the result, it shows that the risk effect has the highest overall mean. Followed by price of goods and warranty issue effects the online shopping. The result revealed that the risk was the major effect of online shopping towards consumer buying behavior compare to price of goods and warranty issue.
Jurnal Penyelidikan dan Kajian, 2018
Dewasa ini, penggunaan media sosial merupakan satu keperluan harian bagi Gen Z atau iGen. Mereka ... more Dewasa ini, penggunaan media sosial merupakan satu keperluan harian bagi Gen Z atau iGen. Mereka membesar dengan menggunakan internet sejak usia muda, selesa dengan teknologi dan suka berinteraksi melalui media sosial. Tambahan pula, kepesatan teknologi secara tidak langsung telah membuka ruang kepada iGen berjinak-jinak dalam bidang keusahawanan. Oleh yang demikian, tujuan kajian ini bagi mendapatkan maklumat berkenaan kecenderungan pelajar terhadap bidang keusahawanan dengan mengoptimumkan penggunaan media sosial. Seramai 136 orang pelajar Politeknik Ungku Omar (PUO) dipilih secara rawak sebagai responden kajian. Instrumen kajian yang digunakan adalah soal selidik. Data dianalisis secara statistik deskriptif menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS versi 22). Hasil kajian menunjukkan pelajar cenderung memulakan perniagaan melalui media sosial, berminat menjadi usahawan internet dan memilih untuk membuat pemasaran di media sosial.