Relatório Financeiro

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Relatório financeiro

Introdução 3
1.1 Objectivo 4

Actividades realizadas e em curso
2.1 Administração e Planeamento 5
2.2 Logistica e aprovisionamento 7
2.3 Património e equipamento 8
2.4 Contabilidade e tesouraria 9

Informação financeira
3.1Instrumentos financeiros 5
3.2 Indicadores financeiros 7
introdução objectivo

Explanar e mensurar todas as actividades

da área da Administração e Finanças,
Transmitir uma mensagem clara e composta pelo departamento de
transparente a todos os seus parceiros e administração, departamento de património
partes envolvidas, apresentando não só a e equipamento, pelo departamento de
performance financeira como também a logística e aprovisionamento e pelo
actividade desenvolvida num contexto de departamento de contabilidade e tesouraria
grandes desafios. realizadas em janeiro de 2023, bem como
a informação financeira da ENAPP.

Actividade realizadas- Administração e planeamento

clientes auditório sala Cofee break multimidia


ARMED 20.01

IPA 23.01

ANR 30.01

IPA 30.01


valor (em AO) AO 45 AO 45 AO 45 AO 45

Actividade em curso-administração e planeamento

• Emissão de ofício e
cobrança das dívidas
• Emissão do ofício dos concursos
• Emissão do ofício da cobrança de públicos do
1 da cobrança de 2 dívida de clientes 3 Ministério do Ensino
divida a AGT Superior, Ciência,
Tecnologia e

Fixed Asset Management Activity Dashboard with Book Value
The purpose of this slide is to outline a comprehensive fixed asset management dashboard. It provides information about key metrics such as top assets by original cost, book value, original cost value and fixed asset value by

Top 10 Fixed Assets by Original Cost Top 10 Fixed Assets by Book Value
10 Fixed assets-$6,000 10 Fixed assets- $26,655
09 Fixed assets-$30,000 09 Fixed assets- $6,070
08 Fixed assets-$6,800 01 Fixed assets-$44,650 01 Fixed assets- $30,239
08 Fixed assets-$15,989
07 Fixed assets-$6,500
$120,000 07 Fixed assets- $5,700
06 Fixed assets-$70,000 02 Fixed assets-$100,556
$80,000 02 Fixed assets-$110,000
06 Fixed assets- $55,920

05 Fixed assets-$26,000 05 Fixed assets- $20,660
04 Fixed assets-$18,500
$20,000 04 Fixed assets- $15,550
03 Fixed assets- $119,667
03 Fixed assets-$130,000

Original Cost Value by Class Fixed Assets Value by Class

Add text here-$15,555 Add text here-$25,635

Equipment-$50,455 Auto-$15,500 Equipment-$50,455

Computer-$8,230 Computer-$8,230

o BLDG – Building
o COMP – Computer
o EQPT: Equipment
o FURN – Furniture

This graph/chart is linked to excel, and changes automatically based on data. Just left click on it and select “Edit Data”. 6
Fixed Asset Management Activity Dashboard with Book Value
The purpose of this slide is to outline a comprehensive fixed asset management dashboard. It provides information about key metrics such as top assets by original cost, book value, original cost value and fixed asset value by

Top 10 Fixed Assets by Original Cost Top 10 Fixed Assets by Book Value
10 Fixed assets-$6,000 10 Fixed assets- $26,655
09 Fixed assets-$30,000 09 Fixed assets- $6,070
08 Fixed assets-$6,800 01 Fixed assets-$44,650 01 Fixed assets- $30,239
08 Fixed assets-$15,989
07 Fixed assets-$6,500
$120,000 07 Fixed assets- $5,700
06 Fixed assets-$70,000 02 Fixed assets-$100,556
$80,000 02 Fixed assets-$110,000
06 Fixed assets- $55,920

05 Fixed assets-$26,000 05 Fixed assets- $20,660
04 Fixed assets-$18,500
$20,000 04 Fixed assets- $15,550
03 Fixed assets- $119,667
03 Fixed assets-$130,000

Original Cost Value by Class Fixed Assets Value by Class

Add text here-$15,555 Add text here-$25,635

Equipment-$50,455 Auto-$15,500 Equipment-$50,455

Computer-$8,230 Computer-$8,230

o BLDG – Building
o COMP – Computer
o EQPT: Equipment
o FURN – Furniture

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Fixed Asset Management Internal Control Checklist
The purpose of this slide is to outline a checklist which can be used by fixed asset management auditor. The checklist covers key points such as maintaining record of fixed assets, securing assets after office hours, buildings accessible to authorized staff etc.

Checklist Yes/No

Company maintains record of fixed asset YES

Fixed assets are audited on a regular basis to ensure that they are still useful to the company NO

When not in use, portable fixed assets are safely kept YES

Company buildings and offices are only accessible to authorized staff NO

Company offices and buildings are secured after official hours YES

Adequate insurance plan in place to protect fixed assets NO

Prior to annual audits, depreciation costs are calculated and reviewed YES

Capital purchases are made in accordance with the procurement policy the company YES

Company name appears on rental properties, not the names of individual directors YES

Add text here NO

Add text here NO

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Demonstração de Resultado

Demonstração de Resultado

Cash Flow – Realizado e Previsional

Fixed Asset Management Challenges and Solutions
The purpose of this slide is to outline key challenges which company faces in managing the fixed assets such as software selection, inaccurate data etc. It provides detailed information about multiple solutions which can be used
to overcome the challenges

Challenges Key Statistics Solutions

› 27% of companies faces difficulty in selecting the best asset › Compare the plans of software service providers and
management software choose accordingly
Software Selection › Add text here › Add text here

› Develop an effective fixed asset management audit

› 37% of companies fails to comply with the audit procedures
› Add text here
Asset Management Audit › Add text here

› 45% of companies still rely on traditional spreadsheet to › Use asset management software to keep record of all
record asset data, which is prone to error fixed assets
Inaccurate Data › Add text here › Add text here

› 40% of companies pay taxes for the assets which they are › Use asset tracking solution to monitor the real-time
not even using location of fixed assets
Ghost Asset › Add text here › Add text here

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Four Stages of Fixed Asset Lifecycle Management
The purpose of this slide is to outline four stages of fixed asset management. The stages begin with planning of an asset, acquiring the fixed asset, maintenance of the asset and disposal.

› Evaluate the remaining life of an existing asset
› Management system will analyze the value new
asset adds to the business
› Add text here

Disposal Acquisition
› Dispose off the asset after the life of an › Acquire and record the fixed asset at cost price in
asset completes the balance sheet
› Add text here › Fixed asset can be tracked throughout the entire
› Add text here

Operations &Maintenance
› Maintain all the details of the asset in the asset
management software
› Conduct in-house audit of fixed assets after every 3 months
› Add text here

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Fixed Asset Management Process Flowchart
The purpose of this slide is to outline various steps involved in the process of fixed asset management. The key steps are creation of assets, depreciation, transferring the asset, asset verification and disposal.

Process Role Input Process Output

Start Creation Assets Post Casts to GL Asset Transfer

Number and Far Forms
Creation Fixed Assets Asset Created
Goods Received
of Assets Admin
Asset Asset sent to Signing of Asset
Barcode the end user receipt

Depreciation Finance Assets to Depreciate Run Depreciation

Yes Assets
not Transferred
Asset Fixed Assets List of Assets Process Assets Approval
to transfer Transfer
Transfer Admin Assets not
No Transferred

Chose out
Identify Sites
Annual activities
Asset Fixed Assets verification on Print Assets Assets Verified
Verification Admin plan
Verification on Asset Verification
Process report

Identifying assets Checked the book Submit to asset
to be disposed value of each asset
Compile disposal committee
Disposal Fixed disposal form Assets disposed
o GL – General Ledger EXCO
› End
Yes Dispose Assets Dispose report › Add text here
o FAR - Free Asset Ratio

o EXCO – Executive Committee This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience attention. 15
Fixed Asset Management Record with Depreciation
The purpose of this slide is to outline a record sheet which can be used to track fixed asset management. The record sheet consist of various elements such as asset name, quantity, purchase price, total price, depreciation,
current market value and the date of acquisition.

Purchase Price Total Depreciation Current Market Acquisition

Asset Name Quantity
(in USD) (in USD) (in USD) Value (in USD) Date

Vehicles 10 $100 $1000 $50 $950 Jan 04, 2018

Machinery 4 $150 $600 $30 $570 Jan 07, 2019

Buildings 2 $1000 $2000 $100 $1900 Mar 09, 2019

Computer equipment 20 $10 $200 $10 $190 Dec 04, 2020

Add text here XX $XXX $XXX $XX $XXX Dec 07, 2022

Add text here XX $XXX $XXX $XX $XXX Dec 22, 2022

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Key Statistics of Fixed Asset Management
The purpose of this slide is to outline major facts related to fixed asset management. The facts mentioned in the slide are the key capabilities to support FAM and the impact of FAM on the business.

Major Capabilities to Support

Key Insights
Ability to integrate data with 62%
the larger enterprise 32%
XX% of the companies with FAM approach effectively
Component and item plan maintenance of capital assets, as compared to
traceability throughout the other companies
purchasing, manufacturing, and 37%
selling processes
Add Text Here
Ability to plan 59%
maintenance of assets 32%

Automation of Add Text Here

financial consolidation

Business Impact of FAM

Key Insights

Profitability 15% Companies with FAM strategy in place earns XX% more
profit than all other companies
Productivity 14%
Add Text Here
Cycle time of key 15%
business practices 12%
Add Text Here
Inventory turns

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KPIs to Measure Fixed Asset Management Performance
The purpose of this slide is to outline various kpis which can be used to measure the success of fixed asset management. The kpis are mean time to repair, mean time between failures, mean time to failure, average occupancy
rate and overall equipment effectiveness.

Industry Standard Standard Performance Actual Performance

Mean time to repair (MTTR) <5 hours 3.5 hours 4 hours

Mean time between failures

120 hours 110 hours 105 hours

Mean time to failure (MTTF) 480 hours 450 hours 395 hours

Average occupancy rate

80-95% 90% 82%

Overall equipment
90% 85% 82%
effectiveness (OEE)

Add text here XX% XX% XX%

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Icon for Fixed Asset Management System

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Fixed Asset Management Icon with Land and Building

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Thanks for Watching!


# street number, city, state

Contact Number

Email Address

[email protected]

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