2024 2 Bius KJFB Ijf - Impacto Da Ginástica e o Lazer Na Educação Básica
2024 2 Bius KJFB Ijf - Impacto Da Ginástica e o Lazer Na Educação Básica
2024 2 Bius KJFB Ijf - Impacto Da Ginástica e o Lazer Na Educação Básica
Gymnastics and leisure activities play a crucial role in the comprehensive development of
children and young people in basic education, with benefits that extend to the social, scientific
and environmental spheres. Socially, these practices encourage skills such as cooperation,
discipline and self-control, in addition to promoting emotional well-being through a positive
physical self-concept. Scientifically, gymnastics improves motor, cognitive and emotional
development, contributing to mental health by reducing stress and anxiety. In environmental
terms, there is a need for adequate planning of spaces for sports practice, with public policies
that ensure the necessary infrastructure and minimize risks. Gymnastics, in particular, has a
significant influence on the physical self-concept of children and young people, strengthening
motor skills and providing a positive self-image. It also promotes psychosocial benefits, such
as leadership and cooperation, and has a comprehensive educational impact, improving
students' sports and physical performance. Leisure activities, in turn, are important for cognitive
development, promoting executive function, motivation and academic skills. Furthermore, they
facilitate the transition between different stages of education and education for the holistic
development of students, covering cognitive, social and emotional aspects. In short, gymnastics
and leisure activities offer an essential approach to the overall development of children and
young people, improving not only their physical and emotional well-being, but also preparing
them for an active and healthy life. However, the implementation of these practices depends on
the improvement of structural conditions and adequate training of educators in schools.
Benefícios psicossociais
Além dos impactos sociais e emocionais, as atividades físicas, especialmente a
esportiva, também favorecem o desenvolvimento cognitivo dos alunos, criando um ambiente
de aprendizagem mais dinâmico e eficaz. Entretanto, a implementação dessas práticas requer
atenção às condições estruturais das escolas, à formação adequada de educadores e ao
desenvolvimento de pessoal.
Portanto, a inclusão da ginástica e das atividades de lazer no currículo escolar deve ser
detalhada como uma estratégia essencial para o desenvolvimento global dos estudantes,
garantindo não só o bem-estar físico e emocional, mas também preparando-os para uma vida
saudável e ativa, tanto dentro quanto fora da escola.
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