The Practice Turn in
Contemporary Theory
Edited by Theodore R. Schatzki,
Karin Knorr Cetina and
Eike von Savigny
London and New Yorkaac
Sian dite USA aml Ci
BATES sc Mor Yok 00
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SSSRISSNGE ipa Chapo oye soe
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‘Mac or ile nan tm ranean,
‘elt eek
Se re eee oto pomaana
st bry Coneigt MMe
FE Sa nao he BN
Healer eta ne
Beets eck 1 ea Thode 1 Know Ct
(ir i Say evn
Ioan ecsa- om
rouction: practice theory
1 Practice as colctie action
2 Homan practice an the vera fhe maces
13 Practicemind-ed ners
4 Prgaate regimes goversing te engagement ith he world
‘5 Whatanchorscltura prac
Inside practices
6 Wittgenstein and priory of practi
7 Whatistacitnovlae?Introduction
Practice theory
Theodore R. Schatzki
"Thakersonce spoke of structures "stems, meaning “ite worl, evens!
and aeons’ when naming the psy generic socal thing. Today. many
Theorists would accord practices a comparable oer. Varied references (0
prsctice ni the contemporary academiian i diverse disciplines, fom
Plilosopy, cular theory, and history Yo tciolgy, anthropology, and
ened ecology dts,
Unieyng many such erences are impulses to move these disciplines
bjoed eurent problematic duane sod waye of thinking, For tstance,
Plilosopial practice hnkos suchas Lag Witgesel (1958), Hubert
Dreyiu(1991), and Charles Tayo (1985: partons} contend that practees at
‘noe underle subjects an aes, hight nouprepostioal know,
‘nd lusinate the conditions of ineligiiity! For thee soci theoretical
Iethen Pete Bourceu (1977, 199), Anthony Giddens (197, 1988, and
the etinomethodoingts See Lynch 1983), talk of practices bespeaks such
{ess those 10 tree sil from the deleiningpraxp of bjectod
‘eciastretaesandyptems oquesionndivdal ation and thee satusas
the bung boets of soil phenomena, ad a teascead iid ation
‘rut oppositions? For eatural theorists Michel Foucault (e191,
1980) and Jea-Franols Lyotard (1984, 1988), ameng others, speak of
prcts so depict language es dscursive ati in opposition to ste
Tura, emote, and posstrvtorali conceptions of tae acre, tem,
cabstact sours. Andamong ial, the purposes animating the practice
Aooretial stay of ssience and technogy (eg, Roane 199Ho; terns
1005) ae the development of eaeept of cence as acy a oppaed to
‘epresnttin andthe seconsieration of humanist dichotomies between
bpumanand sonhumanenttis
Towing the above disciplines in such dictions, practice theorists are
making decsve cautions to contemporary understandings af diverse
‘Sues. These include the pllosophical and soil scientii significance of
‘human activi theatre sojectty, embodiment, tonality, meaning,
find mormatiiy; he character 9fInngusge, science, nd power; ad he
‘Stato, proton, and rasformation of sol Hf makings
Sinerbutions, practice approaches trey oppose auetods caret and2 Theodore R, Schatzki
toeent paths of thsi, ising intelectual, representations,
indvinns (eg rato choice theory, metho! inulin,
vont anyon retrain, serene, tens ery,
“Sia andy sain humanism nd pstsuctasn,
‘Given this matic of inputs, sues, and oppositions, it isnot sur
pring theese practi approach Mont thinkers wh there
Practeesconceeot hem minimal asrrayvo til Notonly. HORE
{othe conceptions of act and what connects ati vary but some
theorists deine practices a he lo act knowledgcs and prsippo
tion, that nirpa setides (eq, Turner 19%; Dreyfus 191). Mest
theorists morene ste al sea philosophy an the tonal ca
‘Senn ny the ati nove a hon of pero enti re
runs o amu acy. A snc ponhumni minty centred a
‘Sno holga vers weve, tha te stses Dun io
Prtoealsinelade hor ofronbumans such asmachinsand tebe
‘Sknticimestigaton, Aloe, ay mos practice theortswoulagee
that acy i embotied an tht nerises of practices ae mediated by
ict bid andar objets dsagrement reign aout he nature
‘tembodiment, tne petinens of themalsing when analog practices,
Sorts fetes ht mene ati nd wheter these enti ate reerant
{opractics ss more than ner interes among humans
Baste ti dv, patio sean te jane nthe eb hal ach
henner kaoleds meaning binant scence power engage,
‘cision and strc asformation ner within a ar aspects
‘retmponeats af fel of practices. Te elt of practices the al nes
‘er ineteomected human practes ‘The ‘prate approach’ ean thus be
‘emaratod all anaes hat (1) develop a sscount of practise de
fetd ot pracices or some mci hero (ee sient) or) teste
eto practi asthe lace vst the nature an ansformaton of et
‘jet matters Nte that thi smareation makes the non ofa fel of
praticehe lntpinathe practice pach,
‘Acnial core moreover, of rat theorist csv of paces at
enboaiod materi mediated aay amen acta eel eraned
Sound shred pact understanding The point ofthe ualfr‘embodied
that, as many Ine wentticenary thinkers (above all fens)
Srapnine the formeofhemn atta entwined witcher he
inaman body Pract thorss who hight embodiment ypcaly belie,
Foner a buissnd acinar sont thin practces Fossa
(Gste: 13, for ample, described how the contain of perentday
Sty cntay consis in the fain of bodies (ea thei pid)
Sithindsipinary practice. According to hese peace Wier practic
[othe cefand inmediate contest within whic he preponderance bay
properties cl soil ie are fond, nt ust laa cites at
Fry experiences, race presentations, abd even pacal suctrs ax
sell Of ouae the de hat the Boy onsale within some oc
Practice theory 3
matics not uniqueto practi thor. Thisenproach nonetheless mk
the done of omempoatyoweht on heb actviy-soceyempet
‘Allpractce theorists mean, scknoedge the dependence of ay
‘shared sie or understandings ohh ee pial owed aembosey
Dageement eign on what ating eyed shed wrtadings
necessary to aplin races. Ths dhagreement notwtsanding the
Prominence of pacts understanding underststhepropstn tht he
Iintenance of practices, and ths the persence and anslormaton of
Social i, est ceil on the sues ication of shared embodcd
Irow-how. As ills dest blow, thd toy command tenon
inprastie theory she eommon necting piso mnd and acta of
Indl stand unsey
race tear al jor a varity of mei” approaches in
ighptng how bundled ates intoneve with ordered contains of
‘oun nes Indeed beac human stolen then
‘f noalumans anil which proces unrtaning spect practes
sivas inoheanchadgmsrl cain Echmethg
forinstane examine the ined ting wthin whch ay popes
wl studets ot cence and tecnology map the wider hana women
eon form and vient atv win em, Phosophers poder how
the meanings of materia cote depend on human pres, she
Socios hw the salty f pats and meanings pat elects
‘hewiising neta of aerate
nscale. consegent prac approaches roma a disint
soc onolgy the soi is a Bel of emo, ateralyinrmoven
Pract central organized sound shred pacha wnseandgs. This
‘oncepiom contrasts wth counts hat pve nial (erections,
tanga, sigtyng tems th ie meinen act o
‘srtems i dtning he soc These phenomena, ay pratt a
‘nib amalyed ithe elf practi. Actions fr imtunce, are embedded
in proces, just a did te constuted win thems Langan,
sores stp of at (acs) snd he prac penomenon
hoteas stains and rors are fs them, Needs to
Practice thers ve diferent understandings thse mates What
mov some pout race theorist noma donee jot
Imola, but hemsetves popaeae peices: practices, thelr eps em
Prise human and nonhuman sets. This he challenges ates to
Seah thci apa natn ce
presale irate othe ast Sd scope ocnteripary
actives Before dering contenant re tcl the
Sesion ‘pracice then “Theory mean say, peel and ste
Sctoun A ther of Xt general ad atest ot Athcoy a
the pace ary, comeuenty, wen str (I) sr general and
Aste aevont of pacts the the ld of pastor somes
thereat, or heer whatever ies neal an abstract of to4 Theodore Seta
the fed of praeties. Ths definition of theory obvious departs from bch
Free binant tncepon hat esther option on retin
ahem eg a ent tin a hl
ippothese Stems ef senesatation’ (or uvral satemens) hat
cans redisione and rruthstatgesae theories. 00,0"
Shae ar polos of socal phepomens; models of soil ats
Santis teat set ings eg. pats attaton) ae concept
itSeweks developed expres fo depizing social; and deseo of
teenie sotongasthoyarecouhedinpeetal abst er. Tne iret
‘Siu exrplcets sncepon of they so sae ty wing
aretoas rae theory: ‘pracice thinking. and the passe
oe edhnerchagcaly sin hssnse of theory, fartermore athe
coon sal theory te established seit oie soil. 1
‘Sita aa lngh practice hints aio here of hort they
Se Sneally usps thence tha deve eneral aplanatons of why
tock eras
Practices and social order
Sica order is a prceminent concern of modern sca thought, Thomas
Hobbes insured tis then by procsung sreeign power the oni
Spe om ajo sate ttl wa, herewith ecuating order it peace
“tcc, Durie pst wo centaries eter notons of order ave sen
$Monenide his that retet the explanatory and analytic concerns of soil
‘Siene There notion tcl order a6 a generic ontlopal fate of the
Tay of soci ie (t Parson’ (199-91 detinion of fect order a8
Menabloorganiation) The moa prominent such etaresare eps oF
‘Fakta iterdependent functioning seme reatednessin some version)
‘Rain, and rdelnes Aerial se she ature of act order: et
Uttie an interdependence, ef, sel fatal encompass myriad
‘vidas her interacins
“Accounts of what responsible for ode are as varied as conceptions oft
Indiduatst approaches stile the layout of socal ais to fetus of
indvtualsand he det interactions for xampls agreements (Hobbes):
Shared interefznorns (Dest Paton, an Haber) ils,
nlstaning nd cepa terpettions(ethnomethodsogj comm
‘Halon, negtation, an mutual adjustment (symbolic interaeionism) ad
Chee sid domination, Asother ia, prominent among advocates of
‘arom coice or game theory, tha salons (markets) ate
Unintended bypredvetsofations governed y rational alas.
‘Noninv accounts atiute soil ener fo phenomens that are
something more than fates of indiviae nd thie immedi ine
‘na Type these phenomena determine ode ithe by affecting the
‘Eton hat pradee it cusing them, coastlning them, forming thes
‘ibunsng the contents in whih oop proceed or by dey determining
Practice theory §
‘oer independeaty of man act (a when one mara ttf acety
‘aes antier): Acuna sens dering ety
is dasouve (abr wes of lingual artlted meaning) ich
‘oun dnnunthriatibutets foaionofcre tainathe
td of hier ial egal, andierdepndcace tn
thnk cer and mcr iets were widely scen seabed by
cndying set sete. The even longs Mistry whom (6,
Hogs Maino, Parion. and Lana) tes the ordering of
‘he ad to aon x al nh
dkcconine the ston an intercon scan ith the yy
‘Sapigsocetal subdomains sndinsttatons oe
raze approehesto socal order referoréer, however once, othe
Alot pacties. This nan ft, ht onder oer as) ete)
‘crthsteiandscomd bat somponen aed pcs te dare dered
‘eapobie forthe eaisiment of de. Although scouts of ely
tow hs words areas dnersess torte options the lof prates,
{ieseacumtell urine he ttn ndidua-aoinda ids
ty mang themes af fests of bth sides Prache thin aly
rekon te tring cor dst por agreement eas
‘nts and nractins aswel eth dergiingigaiane oils
a erations. Tey test hese phesomena, however 8 store oF
‘ened in practise hens esata conto theater
‘Acerenl mtctosos ls ap iatrpretatine deri order(s
themches ordered) qr fests pracie Prac approaches a ted
toredecthcsspeaondrngpowe onus Ty deity sbanSoning
the rniioal cecepton of tor as an ate meal fac and eon
{xptealing sa pacts phenomenon: (1) sway of being dependent
‘um and thus vayog stag practic o (2) way oping thin
FPocicey og saul provedues aad agumcataton (ee, Winch 1977,
Foimin 8102),
"Ate sie tn although pacts, ax ery Bares args in i
contin do ao ec ond at arp they ae ih
Store dey ted to indents th ee he one al ordercrhing
phenome of mich macro soa tows hough rats, for example
‘Rremblemacropienomcoain consti eval ctv organiing
Uiecontext sn wich pope st thy never preset snes existence
‘ner omnipotence sometimes at ted tral an what pono
‘Roan Psst alu over cuntenancsmacro determinations tht
[5 hngvinus toe erento tindidn o the tton
Ser tm practi expe ferent pratt fom both he
Ins tons nia cmp mgt apd
oneanapponch at ress ewan ef atv epproprtesin
tramsigeted fom vase onidalstcxplnad, ie romain tee
in paid! phonon tht fer sean from tore of
onsen ec thught (og, sistem)16 Thodone R Schad
“Treating the soil 2 fil of practic aso opens up new questions
oncening ort’ One ot of es ares the dinston end relations
fetweun micro and mato Ae eff Coulter sggets in his ey, postion
{hon ca depart ou te wal ons of te mio a8 cals
{hewateractns and instead conte of taste field of practices Practice
‘ptoachcs cam then ssi (0) sori, societies, and clues, (6)
‘Ercramens corporations and aris and) domination and coerion as
Ethereal cols oforphetomens instituted and instantiated
prac, A sesond set of fats focses on the ordering of the Geld of
Brctces itl tat tho pater ad interdependence (cc) thal appear
{here Aan Swiler's vestigation af whether some practices anchor and
‘lez hesitates ths secu aes of esearch. Indl practices,
flys exit interdependence, orden, and the ke. A futher
problem srs, consequent, pursed Laurent Theveno's my owa (and
Josep Rowe's) contrition wha orders individual pace.
“Tac opening pair esayain Part | exaninesontaogiclestiosbetween,
onthe oe hand, pracicesich a eptarianisidingin formation, and
{ic of partial lingatc expressions and, on the other, ndidaslsor mac
fenotsens, Barty Burnes begins by arguing that practices are genie
‘ieee ents mune to indus ana e ir challenges one
familar practice approach that atebutes shared atiy 0 noting But
{lvidalcapciis dential aros peopl (og shared sil), Wihoutdeny-
Ingthesipiteance of sharedeaputes he ages (aocunlikeThévenotsand
‘ny cn contribution) that accounting for races equres invoking other
Dhenbmens, In partir, goals, propostionl knowledge, and active
Tomo thestting ton, ames hen cxplains how he ean practice
pproac Re itcaes, He Stephen Tuners attbution af practices to the
Fabio ingiidals Ge his smyth volume) i form of indian,
Pratces, he sounter, are collective posesions and secomlishments
stained through ltracion and mutual agstment among peopl Jett
‘Contr tan tha pranslopealreslution ofthe mito-maeo problem”
Be Tr examines the mao aecounts of mato phenomena foun! in Max
‘Weber and ineractonien,faling bot for oersimplitetion and inter
‘sions nition ort eda eiationofmaro things. Cones rngthe
Imray the realm of practices, he Gos the exstence of mac things
‘rerday procs legitimate) asighngindrdssand actions tomato
‘Stegoree Macro phenomena, be clas est mand Cog their rane
‘Sogealinstantatons tht they exit primal n and through the
‘Chsasionsuhenitierelewint ad legitinatetocharacterie people and actions
srithmacr categories.
Following this adres th organization ofpracices ante mstureas well
ss etaishment of socal onder 1 fit aaue that order should not be con
‘Sine of aregularitis, bt insead arrangements of people, arias nd
‘hing. contend next tat socal proctces govern both the meanings of
[ungeteniscanthatons tht bingarsngement eb, aed tats
Practice theory 7
governance i he bas of social onde. To substantiate thee theses (2)
Seay practices asopen ets nonewlaized actions hataeorganivedby
acta! understandings, rues, and teleoatfecity and (2) show how
Dactices so conerved determine order by governing the meanings and
xablshment of arangement Inthe suceeting ena, Laret Theveat
Simi contests those practic theris that costae peatcs a5 custo
Iie repulares ad proud set solely i shared habits oF dispositions
Suc apache (nite Bae chino ho the wd
‘eaponds toma ineventon and therbyoretshuman acti They a0
reduce wrongly, the coneptons ofthe oo governing human acti
Social nov wie ators follow. To recy thee diffiencies, Thevenot
plesealshisnotionof apraghatc regime. A pragmatic regime insa mode of
‘tut exchangehetwcen actor and work witha coneption of the od that
overs human ati. Thevenot sgt that social oder aries rom the
‘Sharing of pramatie ropes, through which modes of Huan cordiaton
frccstalitied eal ener hesecontentons via an examination of
{thee particle sch egies
Pat cones wth Ann Swi’ examination ofthe organization ofthe
fk of practices. Ae ist shoving bow practice theory solves persistent
problem inthe silo of eature she nresthat practices iebehind rey
pect of social enation. Flloving thi, Swi asks whether some
‘practices organize anchor orcorstrainoers Thr tra ofease tis,
She examines two categories of ordering. practice: those that constitute
‘couse, acy pattern, and soil rations by enscely anchoring
“conettive ries’ definitive of agents nd phenomena, nd hose that
‘stordnate wide somsns of sity msi i
Inside practices
Prt 2eanine a prycologisapct ofthe eonsetionofembonent tit
‘Senta to many practice spproacies Over the pte decades rade
‘hangs osu snstview th inp! oyna
sx Wr ee nf neon ed eae
nies oh bei ene, omtion tn proms, pace cot
tend highligh embodied capctas such to how il tatu
Sinang anda
“Torone extent th slpto ofthese determining ctor
fasta enn ferme ce al
‘metal sat edema contains he cate ere
Sion of tom es apts a eapect of wnt apes or eal. a
‘ects the parieslartxdtions ox of hich pracce amas emer.
{iw key inacosesapon Chor count of pri, fr ita are
‘Wigencionplonpiy anda ns of Schitaan and Hggorian
‘Piconnenloget Those sme phonpicl sores ofthe pcre of 2
Financ of adeestandigs si have sio shaped te work Dread18 Theadore R Schacht
the etaomethodlopss A fre amt onto it Amen prog
those, Jon Dey and George Hart Moc), bh grounded an
rc ty embrace fed cagine cic aa 2
seapons sas a jem. Detining t tsia human
[SRieinerto ten SuaosanaberacsreturesortoSartean projections
Sthmen mbit ure for ts onan atin ae
Srenzng and propanol of sty. He seeks, bowers 0
Senor se nate ve sndins who peform thle eansitent
See fie sb cin et sites = bjt penne
“Thchuman bay, ccc lcs sl 5th pst conctonbetmeen
Ta et soll mane. Ao there babar acts mos.
Suing) Beco the es! determing penomenon, sent peo
inal avid pl determinism, aficntynospichaogal to be
cod and quately supe w eset ouch ntl ean
Sint Poste hey semi fended undcmtanng rooted he
‘alznion tate body the meeting ps oeh mind ad act and of
inabed ttyan si mmol
“Thisapes lf praca derstanding ri th question: an an
aniy of int be adequately saad by sare ss sone? Practice
paces degen ttn, Oppng Boo’ amet ofthe
‘eqngy of hab, for example, ares (ond Giddens’ and tbe)
instence that sil be soplemented ty some combination of pereption,
proposional pone enon oa Some theory ao la tat
phe ues must be rough iio ts mi Tike ease
pnts tat ening opps tbe Hen tht epi tls Bove
Iroc nt mos soil act hy ako rest sunt ha deen le
hig by consing praca derstanding the observance of tae
Wider les Ce eplcninn of inet propositions). Annan Ii
feastnce i sboe al, Wins oberon i te Piel
Tove ht conet ny sort (gusto met te oa
iy chen nthe bse of cublsked mysot winning hem,
{Geneon sty determines Some thei allow Witgentn (19S
‘cant 1-f})vcn ster taining atpracte ondestacing
‘Sint be adequate ormulatd inorder by sal nestor
‘Shae! yah emphassta totems, atorshensehes (ASH
Calis ps of eny, tar cm mt be digs om he
mpi abscnaton tht in son doa of pacers sucha sae
‘Solict ormuttioos de stp an embod praca dimension that de
Jasanlormustdanfwhichituldbe ntesoabits eget genthe
Froccesimelvd, tah woud be formule) For these thor, 0
‘prsotasono tic alsimoledinperormingaprepria human acti)
most ested ht tes hms abu prac! undersaniig ay
seit the eagence so he sfcney of exp ormuations On0in
Practice theory 9
ctv. Sie a explc propositions work ntl, What sma die
‘ent macs of thse reign in diferent practic arenes. Practice approaches
inseadenphasze woosatal penis inhiscontext The asthe prog
understanding sil are os just emalpresent aman sett, bt the
“sapaciy of formulations to guide what people do ets on ates (0 6a
understand them The second point tha kis re shared that they are
thesametndiferent individuals Nexses of activ arerotedn, tough nt
ormost theorists excel in, shaved understandings
‘Sine the promincnge of povtical understanding is ted 1 the boys
meditve postions between ind ae activity and between vidal acy
an soil manifold understandings suetehed between two pe the boy
Snthe onesie andthe socal work on the other. Although hikers dae
shout whother practi understanding possesses casa ue, thy ipl
concur at it cabts only ae embodied ithe inddnal. An ind
possesses prsical uodertarding bomever, ony as» parent socal
Practices See David Bloo's ey). Pracial understanding thus abate)
‘tdi abies tht eau ro, and also makes posible, partipaion
Practices. I follows that bacause cial orders ree spon pace hit te
founded on embodied understanding, they ae coed diet nthe oman
“The esas in Pact 2 cover many ofthese sus. David Bloor began by
bringing GEM. Ansconbe's account of rfl ston to bear on Wit
sensei’ groundireaking remarks on muefllowing On the bass of
Ieticalustextalnterpretation, he argues that Witigensen understands
Following a rule to be a institution, one that encompasses ptr of
‘behavior aswell sormatineverbal'aconnting' Anaipringrie-followingas
‘an instton, Blor farther costends, at once (1) conmllte the et
thes tha society aac such lstions sn 2) dissolves ome of the
cota obstlesto the sosology of noledge, namely inability offer
‘onvncing analysis uefllowing (and thee. mathematics nd og),
Following this H- M Cling caine the approaches to ack Knowledge
pus bf socoloiss of sentc knowledge! the motors metaphor,
{he rls regan model, andthe foro of ite spose He argues tat the
{aan tha hase approaches tribute to much numan knee does at
‘elle the natu of knowledge such but instead ols rom how hems
‘re uit. Tis fact, watever is plospheal significance, dos nt negate
‘iemomentowsdiference the recogsiton ota knowledge Bos made tothe
‘dy of scenic practices. Coline conclds his dcstion by ententing
‘hat ‘what opoq to oth computer aid neua-aet medals of human
scythe embedding of knowledge and action within soil conte (cl
Clie 199),
the next essay, Spon Turner extends arguments of his rset bok
(Tummer 1994) against expaining practices gua behworl epariies by
‘efeence to stred uct rules, On the background connections ccnun
fF the learning of gram, he suggests that any account of paces i10. These RScharcki
‘omen bythe fat hat pasties havea ene somponeat His count
Seach the any and strcuring of sformation in en
ease Momain together wih the waging. purposes and experiential
Fircsoftedifecatinvidlsmssteringthem. The esing minimalist
Een of vocal races the sng ately fom convergenesi
‘Se Peple earn (formation ad his) Part 2 concludes wih Michae]
{ynalsdemonstation that hough the metho actorsempoynexeyng
‘oot te an be represented by describing what people do (in ascom
‘isting s,s mposibi to capture hese methods in abrat, rete
Renan ht spel out he lope of pace Examples of sc ormul
Ponsa rates scemifc athod andthe cules and model that conver
ei ana atbutes To speakers Ly’ strategy if expose the gaps
{fatseyeneay ase betweun methods and abstract formulations. Examining
seitcrotion pide om the fit O. 3. Simpson t,he bows that the
ition of fosmslation attend not just formations of soil eens, but
‘Mhothowparcpans offer whon investigating hei own ates.
Posthumanist challenges
yaya ky deiing her woes Wes dng
Oi sae ceraern 2 mene 9), Ts aoa
ao oc dng he Tab so cetvate Man
RESON Sar exo che banned rowing
sees uan teenth cana
sre eee ene thy cn cee ad he roe
Sn tam sone se pln hs
sete sonic Ltr moran aos dense ene
abi ne ve ac a en
i aie potent aul pon ate timing of te
eee ry Ta ein tng cig, tea
loca eke someting mo.
rotate ily oy pt
ce annem cs econo at
par ete di se cra ey
a erent, oe fas Yt
ana horre har tien hn een
Secs endemic
Tt etynonanaintrct rac hon Te fiat
cote Shee” etn slr tes eve aed va tan
Set tet ig ec muna nan
TerF Stuntman soc osc om anther ha
Mune mt myo mice esto
martha pte Rana note Png
aa Catacomb athens ite me eo
Practice theory 1
betvs rece: sng the role of nonhumans andthe geey ia
‘stn human races informing ao abizingrsm vor Note
thurbysdomisigngooshumas ox components sr determinants te
srangenettbat enemas people tie of esearch problemas the
onept ol he oil nd catego ional dri lane
between pone
“Tod, prcice thors of may sips acknowledge that nonhuman
nies epee man scl Practice insted, are oneal
‘Snstoed semua meatal ene sii. hiking hs om
xen mos practi this oust oc on te bam They 0
{iow tt potent collages in (0) opolsng someting te Calon
tnt Latour fe allo 98 Calon a Kao 1982) pine af
Spon em whi concep hier reeved for many age.
‘teston,pupore, owl, ee, tao ap os andor
{@ysseing mane an onbaman hs power ad popes) a equal)
Sttegent tom a prior mais or plane called ‘praca’ (Rouse 199
Pitring 105). For thee humana const pace ae aay
stv, and the aces ive se those of humans. Tel acount
Snegieny, abo presume these uy andes of oman en.
Humonisthcrstight uy suet int psthmansent sckoowe
that boner apes) bh ss om bly ems and ed eterna
rongenensbumans andsorhumans According oem, boweer, se
incr vplace aman agency with no agente aon of
thew sens or arangemests. The bik of proce fhe might ao
stoepotierpesiumanstsouding tees for ane at hua ty
isnot completes mstered by the selteoncous subject of mserast ore,
‘that onan gens insome ease the Word
‘A acon pothunnit apema wy pnd in practic hen it the
puiontisaton f prncets cre indidul for india sect). Foe
Samples may. atures nid re limed tone om the
terpenes ries Moe general tere come 19
‘peu tasty, shan ithe ents and genders
though isnconoration "Ths the insane naman ther hings,
fheudea thatthe forms of nde ctv depen oa the praczsin wich
people artipte lao expresses Tull declination of the
‘den coniton thos ml be cnt pheaoenon in una ie the
‘Sure of meaning, the copa nwa at, the welling
‘Sivigsandvat-orslesrttutrofealiy, Acondingo practi heo
Ind Warlatoagignticent extn cnsied within prvtes awe
trac the content tnd propertes that cmpore and define mind are
‘psa! red and contin nerophsoia andepinoigs
they depen, bth catsaly and ontlogsall on paription in soa
Protest, Cooler 199) Ass sea the st of man beings
Tjaden) bund topos rots nso pee ad
asthe cental phenomenon nus12 Theodore. Shaki
This priontiaon of practcs oer in ings with atom
concepton a knowledge Arrested, Knowledge (ad oth) aren longer
‘Sona selfranet psi mic Rather kw
st ncatig i sate eros se edited Wk by eon,
‘hecho nnd by argc inte wns One, comet,
Tnomtnno longer ne oer tested feat
tire ogc sit her mnt coe esi anew
{Lb no Tongs amount sop spesmaoas Not ony do pra
{nds rye ose, stpr heat cto
ion pec orm af eprops kobe presses
depose te
‘suet pace hugh joins ter sonore
ssc atc the us meaning a ory
trac o) Precinct prereset
‘Siva meaning lang adnate cation tne
Seienfrmatn hc phenomenon chisemans exo pecs
thru ealned nthe pobrelmot ton and nce at acs
pene. laden ote cemtting or meting
Isao ion aye wep oven deo
thenowotpecsdngtatehaceae ext paces whether
‘se commland nosy an uansormaion tke heist Sins pace
‘estmont aay ar mtr offcl nt niente
mali to vying eats insracig arn nc, ain
lagigs alse a Dt eal phenonenn Note. ov Rowse
thas in hi Sy ha he pst nee meni
somata inpratcropentiese phenome ection ea
inst aft pci for cemple power nd pie Te psi
Sogn thse tmmed up i oailopponton ope
‘Mona meaigandlangge aig tome icons
sycamore nent nets ich
thom agie h roe 0 Sie sot somthing ty vi i ow
pooped cttohew
3 bogs th ae ames poshamonist sje: the
inkpendaeaf eo) obec roman srl corto
Tatar Drei ge ni contri ta he pase approach
Someta fowacatanssmain sgt sth het
‘Clit formance Dena Darts unesondy Rowse) acon
ino cic nenng ote no entlconeni ae eta
‘tone no hate very te of thng they en thos
intent tte sro ser ahenatve Helge’ aero of
quien enw sn chjctsnangond Tone: Dedtinbes
{Setapact of paces sont ces om te yay aces
the and ash te ay rough Hedege ton foal
Segue hee exfceme cl sanareabon tol
te eee i pac me pment ale athe
ftetinlcomponet of heuer tienen
Practice theory 13
The two allowing esp ares objects, And iki commences
by eng hal fre poston sola thar that ccc ea
the str she mutual conaition of tat aad hua agen He
tion sory of agen tat world stay ky stefan eran
the material and the hn, an in ies oti ieee te
hinteensentary ntti dye tty the alone aed ps Ward War
berets. in pert be heen computer mteracs Sich campos
Asta, Pikeingarges bth he oevolton theme osc,
and cil and the poverty of conte caplantins i th anaes
Kirn or Cx low than analsot he tnevidpe-bned ences
that havebeome prominent in contro tnowge ete sone a
in snc, She es the here that sao pati tal
Sais cone as es a obi w pe hts
las of he jegedeharacter of thse epee patos She pro
hat the eke of sick paces ted national Samir tat
Hinks subjects al objets to enc pricy, te eect mold are
‘eitemic bee’ sharacciaed yan incompltiontbtagand thay
tounfld indent Bocane sh objets pustonar te expres
‘nd unolings they, tots wih he inal scaring of wate
ermine, given the advance af peace and the tnsormation a he
Subjec-objet ratios attscoe
"The al wo essay emmine the poration of practices ener ind
vids ph Rous ein dsingiting wn cosponsors as
"epularisofbehavor ore antec ansr oor
Ot tear Opposing Turners version ofthe conception he ares
bat somatityToks ike fete and erin of acted
‘hm te signicece of language within pas Toning tose
‘uti, Rows then ouines the pilosphil smcepton of lana,
novi. a ower tat oo eating bananas (el
sens) aormatin practise cy codes wh felt the
‘tle postion ofsdence sie. Chars Spinone ap up the mc
"amine how india do not contol fe decopment tnd fate of
brates Spins argues hal practices ib ener enna
{hn carton regress he intentions ot patpans where
‘Chboraon’ means grestr relicment along With ean ase
racist core es His sty dace to poses teeta en
{one on which aboraton a dcantnuens and econ pote
(Derg) andon on wish ts the grail rutin a mpi teas
{ita pavers eect one gua oe
beter aa ot how paties npc mara sti wader
rite fat sty sta aod
Pract theory isone orion of present sca thought. This introductions
Sought to atalite this approsch ae » lose, but neveribelessdefacle
‘movementofthouphthat isuniied around ede that he prctioes
the plac tolestgate such pheaomens sr agency, howled. anguase6 Thodore R Sette
this pomer, ar slence, Despite thi shared convo, practice thous
heompses muri and often onfiting ition conceptons, and
feseunh statgies ‘Thi volume chars some ofthe dest in practice
{honking about onder, the explnaton of practices and various sues ted up
ik posthomnis ln doing, sb seks o demonstrate the nteasing
ppncrandeope of practice tery
‘Tisoncton seen ety improved ye comments of Hay oli Best
‘refs Karn Rt Cl Jos Rose Stee Tur
‘Eetic Dreylrs and ors wer ie, be eon food
1 eee
2 Fe ono henge of Ba a ts er
1 {eis 0 (1) ae Hour (1977, 10), Giles (179, 16, Rome
(Gin) Eamon 2) inca Siler (989) scout of cata a prac
Ciena ea) ot nd en ne
4 Tard oft eat twenty egal ms ara
‘terminator eon (18 res (1988 Chapter 2) Pesan
{Gone Sal Use choca) an Bloor 997)
9 Moatng eli ose sic of catcopoay gi ce on
thor For gener Souinnaee Seah a Nate 8.
es ro cole kar, mot al ree tans foe
‘ap Ror Ces (4) or (8) acing (98, aur (187) Lane
{iba eto (1920, and Re ner 297.
7 Erbe nd ben 8 sein pct eae
inosine, Lyotard et aioe G2) cone ine o
Ite b fis olome). For some, the pony of rato: no means tht
opal kee sens ce sonans seme Vey aleen camps
SSR ne oy nn (8) se he
4 Thecorren!imosaton his 9 spac oexnine how practi notions infor
thecepton ocr ar Hegel Sie ape Kanan Mor
‘She tor stamp Mache G58) and Oneshot (092) Toreneeptos of
‘Sid tre by atine ot pats ont One (97) Mic
{omy and Spon, Fes and Dra (985,
Practices and social orders