Ambrosio 2020
Ambrosio 2020
Ambrosio 2020
Santa Maria, RS
Marcella Barrella Ambrosio
Santa Maria, RS
Marcella Barrella Ambrosio
Glaucia Denise Kommers, PhD (UFSM)
Maria Andréia Inkelmann, Dra. (UNIJUÍ)
Mariana Matins Flores, Dra. (UFSM)
Santa Maria, RS
Agradeço em primeiro lugar minha família por estar comigo em todos os momentos,
nem sempre fisicamente, mas com certeza em pensamento. Desejando sempre o melhor e
torcendo por mim, apoiando meus sonhos, mesmo quando o mundo todo me fazia pensar em
Aos amigos, tanto do LPV-UFSM, quanto os de Santa Maria, São Paulo, do mundo e
de outras galáxias, pelo companheirismo e por colocarem sal e açúcar na minha vida. Da vida
nada se leva, apenas as memórias dos bons momentos que passamos juntos.
Agradeço à minha orientadora Glaucia Kommers pelas oportunidades que me
proporcionou, pela confiança, apoio e pelo aprendizado. Por me fazer me sentir um ser-
humano único, e não apenas um número, com compreensão das minhas virtudes e defeitos.
Agradeço à professora Mariana Flores, pela igual oportunidade de aprendizado, pela
paciência e confiança. A convivência com ela permitiu que todo o caminho fosse menos
Agradeço ao Programa de Pós-Graduação e a CAPES pelo apoio estrutural e
Aos médicos-veterinários, professores, pós-graduandos, residentes e estagiários que
pude compartilhar experiências desde que iniciei meu trajeto na Patologia Veterinária.
Deixo uma singela homenagem às famílias brasileiras que não puderam estudar em
uma universidade federal, nem ver seus filhos, nem ninguém da sua família com um diploma.
Não por falta de merecimento ou esforço, mas por viverem em uma sociedade não igualitária,
em que a educação não é oferecida de forma igual a todos. Que tudo que está sendo produzido
nessa universidade retorne de alguma forma a essas pessoas e que votemos nos nossos
representantes com sabedoria. No momento que vendermos nossa educação, venderemos,
portanto, nossa alma ao capital.
“Que nada nos defina. Que nada nos sujeite.
Que a liberdade seja a nossa própria substância.”
(Simone de Beauvoir)
Esta dissertação de mestrado foi dividida em duas partes, resultando em dois artigos
científicos. O primeiro artigo consistiu em um estudo comparativo entre as alterações
macroscópicas, histológicas e características imuno-histoquímicas de 25 gatos com doença
renal crônica (DRC) com fibrose intersticial. O diagnóstico morfológico de nefrite túbulo
intersticial crônica (NTIC) foi o mais comumente observado (20/25) e cinco gatos (5/25)
apresentaram doença glomerular primária. Foi observada redução do tamanho dos rins em 22
dos 25 casos e os rins diminuídos de tamanho apresentaram graus mais elevados de fibrose
intersticial (p=0.021) e a redução do tamanho renal foi correlacionada à severidade da
inflamação crônica (p=0.0039) e da fibrose intersticial (p<0,001). O aspecto macroscópico
arredondado dos rins, presente apenas na NTIC foi atribuído à fibrose intersticial, atrofia
tubular, obsolescência glomerular e redução da espessura da camada cortical lateralmente ao
hilo renal, região compatível com os polos renais. A imunomarcação celular para actina-alfa
de músculo liso (α-SMA) foi observada em todos os estágios da DRC, demonstrando a
importância dos miofibroblastos nos diferentes processos e graus de intensidade da DRC com
desenvolvimento de fibrose intersticial. O segundo estudo teve como objetivo determinar a
prevalência e os aspectos clínicos da uremia em gatos, além dos aspectos patológicos e a
distribuição anatômica das lesões extrarrenais da uremia. No período estudado (janeiro de
2000 a outubro de 2019) foram necropsiados 1.330 gatos, dentre os quais 78 apresentaram
lesões extrarrenais de uremia (5,8%). Em 75% dos casos, a azotemia prolongada e uremia
foram consequência de doenças renais. A DRC na forma de NTIC foi o processo renal mais
comumente observado. As principais lesões extrarrenais de uremia observadas nos gatos
foram o edema pulmonar e a gastrite hemorrágica e/ou ulcerativa. Mineralização de tecidos
moles e hiperplasia das paratireoides foram achados incomuns, e osteodistrofia fibrosa não foi
observada. A apresentação multissitêmica de lesões extrarrenais de uremia foi observada em
apenas 24% dos casos, e algumas lesões normalmente encontradas em cães urêmicos não
foram observadas nos gatos deste estudo.
This masters dissertation was composed of two different parts, resulting in two scientific
articles. The first article consisted of a comparative study between macroscopic, histological
and immunohistochemical features changes in 25 cats with chronic kidney disease (CKD)
with interstitial fibrosis. The morphological diagnosis of chronic tubular interstitial nephritis
(CTIN) was the most commonly observed (20/25) and five cats (5/25) had primary glomerular
disease. Reduction of kidney size was observed in 22 of the 25 cases and the reduced kidneys
had higher degrees of interstitial fibrosis (p = 0.021) and the reduction in kidney size was
correlated with the severity of chronic inflammation (p = 0.0039) and interstitial fibrosis (p
<0.001). The rounded gross appearance of the kidneys, observed only in CTIN, was attributed
to interstitial fibrosis, tubular atrophy, glomerular obsolescence and reduced thickness of the
cortical layer laterally to the renal hilum, a region compatible with the renal poles. Cellular
immunostaining for α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) was observed in all stages of CKD,
demonstrating the role of myofibroblasts in the different processes and degrees of severity of
CKD with the development of interstitial fibrosis. The second study aimed to determine the
prevalence and clinical aspects of uremia in cats, in addition to the pathological aspects and
the anatomical distribution of nonrenal uremic lesions. During the studied period (from
January 2000 to October 2019), 1,330 cats were necropsied in LPV-UFSM, of which 78 had
nonrenal uremic lesions (6%). In 75% of the cases, prolonged azotemia and uremia were the
result of kidney disease. CKD in the form of NTIC was the most commonly observed renal
process. The most frequente nonrenal uremic lesions observed in cats were pulmonary edema
and hemorrhagic and/or ulcerative gastritis. Soft tissue mineralization and parathyroid
hyperplasia were uncommon findings and fibrous osteodystrophy was not observed. The
multisystemic presentation of nonrenal uremic lesions was observed only in 24% of the cases,
and some uremic lesions usually observed in uremic dogs were not observed in the cats of this
1 INTRODUÇÃO ................................................................................................................. 8
2 REVISÃO BIBLIOGRÁFICA ......................................................................................... 9
2.1 DOENÇA RENAL CRÔNICA ..................................................................................... 9
2.2 FIBROSE RENAL E MIOFIBROBLASTOS ............................................................. 12
2.3 INSUFICIÊNCIA RENAL, AZOTEMIA E UREMIA ................................................ 14
3 ARTIGO 1 ...................................................................................................................... 51
4 ARTIGO 2 ...................................................................................................................... 81
5 DISCUSSÃO ................................................................................................................... 72
6 CONCLUSÃO ................................................................................................................. 74
7 REFERÊNCIAS .............................................................................................................. 75
A doença renal crônica (DRC) é a forma mais comum de doença renal em gatos
domésticos (O’NEILL et al., 2014; POLZIN, 2017; SOSNAR et al., 2003) e sua prevalência
varia entre os estudos, podendo chegar até 50% (MARINO et al., 2014). Apesar de acometer
gatos de todas as idades, a maior parte dos animais com DRC consiste em adultos e idosos
(BARTGES, 2012; BROWN et al., 2016; DIBARTOLA et al., 1987). A DRC como causa de
morte de gatos é mais expressiva em animais idosos, quando comparada a animais jovens
(HAMILTON; HAMILTON; MESTLER, 1969; TOGNI et al., 2018).
Apesar de a DRC ser frequentemente observada em gatos na rotina diagnóstica do
Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (LPV-UFSM),
há características morfológicas (macroscópicas e microscópicas) nas lesões renais crônicas de
gatos que chamam a atenção, principalmente quando comparadas à espécie canina.
Exemplificando, durante a necropsia de gatos com DRC, é frequentemente observada a
acentuada redução do tamanho, com perda do formato normal, observando-se rins encolhidos
e arredondados (uni ou bilateralmente). O aspecto histológico observado na DRC da espécie
felina conta com comprometimento predominante do compartimento túbulo-intersticial.
De fato, as DRCs de origem glomerular não são tidas como a principal etiologia da
DRC nos gatos, diferentemente do que ocorre em humanos (SUMNU et al., 2015) e no cão
(CIANCIOLO et al., 2016). A forma de DRC mais comumente observada em gatos é a nefrite
túbulo-intersticial crônica (NTIC) sem causa específica, com evolução para fibrose intersticial
acentuada, na qual a etiologia, na maior parte dos casos, ainda é pouco compreendida
(BROWN, et al., 2016; CHAKRABARTI et al., 2013; DIBARTOLA, 1987; MCLELAND et
al., 2015; SCHERK, 2015). Assim, os objetivos deste estudo foram caracterizar
detalhadamente os aspectos macroscópicos, histológicos e imuno-histoquímicos de rins de
gatos em diferentes estágios de DRC, com ênfase no estudo da fibrose intersticial como a
alteração comum predominante na DRC.
Além da DRC, outras doenças do trato urinário, tanto inferior quanto superior, são
importantes na medicina felina. Visto que há uma escassez de informações sobre as lesões
extrarrenais de uremia em gatos na rotina diagnóstica do LPV-UFSM e a literatura utiliza o
cão como o principal modelo das lesões de uremia, objetivou-se também estudar a
prevalência, epidemiologia, manifestações clínicas e distribuição anatômica das lesões
extrarrenais de uremia em gatos.
Doenças sistêmicas
Neoplasias Distúrbios mieloproliferativos
Infecciosas Infecções bacterianas crônicas
Peritonite infecciosa felina
Imunodeficiência felina
Vírus da leucemia felina
Poliartrite por Mycoplasma gatae
Inflamatórias Pancreatite
Poliartrite crônica progressiva
Lupus eritematoso sistêmico
Outros Idiopática
Toxicidade por mercúrio
Glomerulopatia familiar (gatos da raça Abissínio)
Miofibroblastos são células responsáveis pela produção de MEC nos rins com fibrose
intersticial, e compartilham características estruturais com fibroblastos, porém expressam a
proteína citoplasmática actina-alfa de músculo liso (α-SMA) e possuem alta atividade
proliferativa. São células contráteis, alongadas, com projeções citoplasmáticas constituídas de
microfilamentos, retículo endoplasmático rugoso bem desenvolvido e contam com
hemidesmossomos (STRUTZ; ZEISBERG, 2006). Foram identificadas em humanos e em
diversos modelos animais de fibrose renal, principalmente no interstício e em menor
quantidade nos glomérulos (SUN et al., 2016). São consideradas as células responsáveis pela
deposição excessiva de MEC nos processos de fibrose renal e podem ser detectadas pela
expressão de α-SMA (STRUTZ; ZEISBERG, 2007).
Apesar de muito estudada, ainda é controversa a origem dos miofibroblastos no tecido
renal, pois há marcada variedade entre os resultados de diferentes grupos de pesquisa. A
dificuldade se dá principalmente pela da heterogeneidade das células identificadas nos estudos
e pelo fato dessas pesquisas utilizarem diferentes modelos experimentais. De maneira sucinta,
esses estudos consistem em rastreamento de linhagem celular in vivo, e o principal modelo
utilizado é a obstrução ureteral unilateral em roedores, que reproduz a fibrose intersticial e
lesão tubular em relativamente pouco tempo (MACK; YANAGITA, 2014). O consenso
existente mais atual é que os miofibroblastos renais possuam múltiplas origens. As teorias
mais aceitas são que a transdiferenciação de fibroblastos residentes e a migração de células
precursoras hematopoiéticas para os rins sejam a fonte mais expressiva. Outra possibilidade é
que uma menor parcela seja limitada aos pericitos, e aos processos de transição epitelial-
mesenquimal das células epiteliais tubulares, e endotelial-mesenquimal das células endoteliais
vasculares (MACK; YANAGITA, 2014, STRUTZ; ZEISBERG, 2006, SUN et al., 2016).
Em humanos, a expressão de α-SMA em biópsias de rins de pacientes com DRC está
diretamente relacionada à intensidade de fibrose intersticial e, portanto, à gravidade da DRC
(BOUKHALFA et al., 1996). O aumento da expressão de α-SMA em rins de felinos e caninos
com DRC também já foi reportado (ARESU et al., 2007, SAWASHIMA et al., 2000;
YABUKI et al., 2010).
Yabuki et al. (2010) reportou imunomarcação positiva para α-SMA no interstício de
rins de gatos com DRC e a expressão foi correlacionada estatisticamente com o aumento dos
valores da creatinina plasmática e ao grau de fibrose intersticial, indicando que as células α-
SMA positivas, interpretadas como miofibroblastos, desempenham um papel fundamental no
processo fibrogênico e na progressão da DRC. Considerando a origem dos miofibroblastos
nesse estudo, a expressão de vimentina, marcador celular expresso por células mesenquimais,
foi observada nos túbulos renais e foi correlacionada com a fibrose intersticial e a expressão
de α-SMA, sugerindo que a transição epitelial-mesenquimal seja um possível mecanismo
envolvido no surgimento dos miofibroblastos na DRC do gato.
Em estudo imuno-histoquímico em gatos com nefrite túbulo-intersticial crônica
realizado por Sawashima et al. (2000), foi observada imunomarcação para α-SMA no
interstício peritubular e periglomerular nas áreas de fibrose intersticial. Além disso, a
expressão de α-SMA foi correlacionada positivamente com o aumento de ureia e creatinina
plasmáticas. Torna-se interessante ressaltar que nesse estudo a expressão de α-SMA foi
observada em estágios iniciais da lesão renal, antes mesmo da colagenização tecidual,
indicando que α-SMA pode ter utilidade na detecção precoce da fibrose renal em gatos.
1 3 ARTIGO 1 –
2 Chronic Kidney Disease with Interstitial Fibrosis in Cats: a Comparative Study between
11 Saúde Animal, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva, 87,
1 Abstract
3 Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is frequently seen in domestic cats, and chronic
4 tubulointerstitial nephritis (CTIN) is the most common morphological form of the disease.
5 Interstitial fibrosis is the main histological component in the kidneys of cats with CKD, and
6 its role in the progression of the disease has been a recent focus of attention. Although the
7 etiology behind the majority of the cases of CKD in cats is not completely understood, it is
8 already well established that tubulointerstitial damage is the main event leading to kidney
9 failure and to end-stage kidney disease. Thus, the early diagnosis of tubulointerstitial
10 histological lesion would contribute to the development of therapies aiming to retard or even
11 to prevent the progression of CKD in cats. The main objective of this study was to perform a
13 CKD, considering tissue loss and the development of interstitial fibrosis, aiming to contribute
14 to the understanding of morphological changes in renal tissue of cats with CKD. The
15 morphological diagnosis of CTIN was the most commonly observed (20/25), followed by
16 chronic glomerulonephritis (CG) (5/25). The kidneys reduced in size had higher degrees of
17 interstitial fibrosis (p = 0.021) and the reduction in renal size was correlated with the severity
18 of chronic inflammation (p = 0.0039) and interstitial fibrosis (p <0.001). The rounded gross
19 appearance of the kidneys, present only in CTIN, was attributed to interstitial fibrosis, tubular
20 atrophy, glomerular obsolescence and reduced thickness of the cortical layer laterally to the
21 renal hilum, a region compatible with the renal poles. Cellular immunostaining for alpha
22 smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) was observed in all stages of CKD, demonstrating the
24 with CKD.
1 Introduction
3 Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is considered nowadays the most important metabolic
4 disease in feline medicine (Brown et al., 2016; Jepson, 2016) and the prevalence can reach up
5 to 50%, depending on the population of cats studied (Marino et al., 2014). Further, there is an
6 increase in the prevalence of the disease considering aged cats (DiBartola et al., 1987; Minkus
7 et al., 1994; Bartges, 2012). The disease presents a wide variety in the intensity of histological
8 impairment, ranging from a mild and unilateral lesion to extensive damage affecting both
11 (Chakrabarti et al., 2013; Reynolds and Lefebvre, 2013), in most of the cases it is not possible
12 to define the specific cause of the disease at the time of diagnosis (DiBartola et al., 1987,
13 Minkus et al., 1994; Chakrabarti et al., 2013). The morphological diagnosis most commonly
14 attributed to cats with CKD is chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis (CTIN) with interstitial
15 fibrosis (DiBartola et al., 1987; Minkus et al., 1994; Chakrabarti et al., 2013; McLeland et al.,
16 2015).
17 Renal fibrosis is considered the final common pathway of CKD (Liu, 2006; Lawson et
18 al., 2015; Cianciolo and Mohr, 2016) and it is one of the main histological elements present in
19 feline CKD (Chakrabarti et al., 2013; McLeland et al., 2015). Many studies have dedicated
20 efforts to understand the relationship between interstitial fibrosis and the disease progression.
21 It is already well established in human medicine that, regardless of the primary cause of CKD,
22 changes in the tubulointerstitial environment are related to the reduction of renal function
24 Studies point out to interstitial fibrosis as the histological component best related to
25 the degree of severity of CKD in cats and to the worsening of clinical and laboratory findings
1 (Chakrabarti et al., 2013; McLeland et al., 2015). The development of renal fibrosis in CKD
2 has been associated with the proliferation of myofibroblasts, cells of the renal interstice
3 responsible for the excessive deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) in chronic processes
4 (Strutz and Zeisberg, 2007). These cells have already been detected in human CKD
5 (Boukhalfa et al., 1996; Novakovic et al., 2012), and in the CKD of dogs (Aresu et al., 2007;
6 Yabuki et al., 2010; Kutlu and Alcigir, 2019) and cats (Sawashima et al., 2000; Yabuki et al.,
7 2010; Kutlu and Alcigir, 2019) through the expression of the alpha isoform of smooth muscle
9 Kidneys with advanced CKD usually become small and fibrous, and the marked loss
10 of renal mass is usually associated with reduction of functional capacity of the organ
11 (Cianciolo and Mohr, 2016). In human medicine, studies looking for correlations between
12 macroscopic renal changes (assessed by imaging exams) and histological lesions revealed that
13 most patients (69%) with reduced kidney size had severe chronic kidney damage in
15 Although the specific etiology for many cases of CKD in cats is not already
17 involved in renal damage in cats CKD becomes useful to enable an accurate diagnosis of the
18 disease and also to contribute to the development of therapies aiming to prevent or to slow
19 down the progression of the injury. Thus, this study was designed to perform a macroscopic,
22 changes in the renal tissue, taking into account tissue loss, the development of interstitial
2 For the morphological study of CKD, 25 necropsied cats were selected at the LPV-
3 UFSM necropsy records between the years 2006 and 2019. The inclusion criteria of the study
5 absence of obstructive episodes (urolithiasis) before the development of renal injury, and
7 sections. Kidneys from ten cats also necropsied in the LPV-UFSM between the years 2018
8 and 2019, without gross and histological kidney changes and without clinical history of
10 Information regarding the age, sex and breed of each case was obtained from the
11 necropsy records. Kidney shrinkage (unilateral or bilateral) and changes in the kidney normal
12 conformation (shrinking and rounding) were assessed, based on the anatomical characteristics
13 and the normal size of the kidneys for the feline specie. In addition, other macroscopic
14 changes such as increased consistency (firm kidneys), colour change, irregularity of the
15 capsular surface; reduction of the cortical layer, presence of white streaks and areas of
17 The kidney samples of all cats had been collected during post-mortem examination,
18 fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin, and embedded in paraffin according to the standard
19 histological procedure. Paraffin blocks were cut into serial and alternating 3mm sections, and
20 subsequently stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) for histological evaluation of the kidney
21 injury. Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) and Masson's Trichrome stain (TM) were performed in all
22 cases in order to confirm thickening of the glomerular basement membranes (of the
23 glomerular capillaries and Bowman's capsule) and to better demonstrate the interstitial
1 In all cases the kidneys were assessed bilaterally, but in those where only one kidney
2 showed histological lesion, only the affected kidney was considered in subsequent
3 evaluations. In cases where the lesion was distinct between the two kidneys, both were
4 considered.
5 Tissues stained with MT and HE were scored for interstitial fibrosis and interstitial
8 the section compromised; 3 = 51% to 75% of the section compromised; 4 = more than 75% of
10 The thickness of the cortical layer was obtained considering the average of four
12 using a microscope Olympus BX5 with digital camera DP21, controlled by the Olympus
13 CellScens Standard program. In cases where the cortical thickness was uniform, four random
14 measurements were taken, and in cases of irregular reduction, the largest and the shortest
16 The differences in the fibrosis and inflammation scores between kidneys with
17 macroscopic reduction and those without macroscopic reduction were obtained using Mann-
18 Whitney statistical test. Spearman's Correlation test was performed to verify the existence of a
19 correlation between the fibrosis and inflammation scores and the thickness of cortical layer.
20 Statistical tests were performed using the software R (R Development Core Team 2019).
22 deparaffinization and rehydration of silanized slides with 2μm to 3μm sections; blocking
23 endogenous peroxidases with two treatments with 3% hydrogen peroxide (H202) for 10
24 minutes each; antigen retrieval by heating the sample for ten minutes in a citrate buffer (pH
1 incubation with human anti-α-SMA antibody (clone 1 A4; α isoform of human smooth muscle
2 actin, EasyPath [EP-12-52833]) diluted at 1:200, at 25ºC for 60 min; incubation with one step
3 polymer (Kit EasyLink One [EP-12-20504]) at 25ºC for 30 min; washing was performed with
5 CA) as chromogen for 3 to 5 min; and counterstaining was performed with Harris
6 haematoxylin. For negative control sections, PBST was used instead of the primary antibody.
7 For positive controls, sections of uterus of cats were used and smooth muscle cells from blood
10 Results
12 Renal histologic data were obtained from 25 cats with CKD of which age, sex and
13 breed information are in Table 1. The renal lesion of twenty cats (20/25; 80%) was
14 compatible with CTIN, and in five cases (5/25; 20%) the morphological diagnosis was of
17 Morphological aspects
19 The most common gross finding was the marked shrinkage and rounding of the
20 kidneys (Fig. 1). In most of the cases, capsular surface had a smooth and regular appearance,
21 usually with a focal area of parenchyma retraction (scarring), often located bilaterally to the
22 renal hilum (equivalent to the renal poles) (Fig. 2). The reduction in the size of rounded
23 kidneys varied from bilateral (10/20) (Fig. 3), to bilateral asymmetric (3/20) and unilateral
24 (5/20), with reduction of the right kidney in three cases, and of the left one in two cases. In
25 two cases (2/20), there was no reduction in kidney size. In three cases of unilateral kidney
1 shrinkage, a less severe histological lesion was observed in the contralateral kidney, and in
2 three cases of asymmetric bilateral kidney shrinkage the histological lesion was distinct
3 between the two kidneys. In this way, 26 different histological lesions were observed in the
4 cases of CTIN.
6 inflammation between cases and also in the cortical layer thickness (Table. 2). In general,
8 interstitial fibrosis organized in bands, with radial orientation, and segmental multifocal
9 distribution (Fig. 4). These bands consisting of inflammation and fibrosis coincided with the
10 areas of reduced cortical thickness. All, or almost all of the glomeruli located within these
11 bands showed marked shrinkage, hyalinization (PAS-positive) and fibrosis of the glomerular
12 tuft (light blue colour on the TM) (Fig. 5) with capillaries loss, characterizing glomerular
13 obsolescence.
14 Tubules in these areas showed atrophy and loss of tubular lumens. Tubular loss with
15 tubular basement membrane disruption was frequently observed, with interstitial lipid present
16 in the interstice. The lipid content was sometimes observed inside the cytoplasm of foamy
17 macrophages. The areas of tissue retraction observed in the gross examination coincided with
19 obsolescence, interstitial fibrosis and inflammation) (Fig. 6). In the bands consisting of
21 small arteries usually surrounding the glomeruli with obsolescence. The morphologically
22 viable glomeruli near to the segmental areas of lesion showed moderate to severe
24 components observed were intratubular hyaline casts (20 cases), multifocal mineralization (18
25 cases), tubular epithelial necrosis (11 cases) and intratubular birefringent crystals (7 cases).
5 In four cases (4/5) the kidneys were reduced in size on gross examination, with
6 maintenance of the natural shape of the kidneys in all cases. Delicate granulation of the
7 capsular surface was observed, and at longitudinal section, the parenchyma showed variable
8 amount of whitish streaks. On histology, two cases were diagnosed as membranous CG, two
10 observed in one case. The latter was characterized by expansion of the mesangial matrix
13 (segmental sclerosis), or of the entire glomerular tuft (global sclerosis). Sclerotic glomeruli
16 cortical thinning was usually uniform (Table. 3). Multifocal lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory
17 infiltrate was observed, mainly in the periglomerular region and there was a predominance of
18 interstitial fibrosis in the corticomedullary junction, with uniform distribution throughout the
20 intratubular birefringent crystals (2 cases) and tubular epithelial necrosis (1 case) were
21 observed.
23 Statistic
25 There was a significant difference of interstitial fibrosis scores between kidneys with
26 macroscopic reduction than those kidneys without macroscopic diminution (p = 0,021) with
1 significance set at the 5% level. The kidneys reduced in size showed greater interstitial
2 fibrosis scores than those without changes in size. Considering interstitial inflammation, there
3 was no significant difference between both groups. The decrease of cortical layer thickness
4 was found to be significantly correlated with interstitial inflammation score (p = 0.0039) and
6 Immunohistochemistry
9 immunostaining for α-SMA. In three cases, there were no other cells with positive
10 immunostaining for α-SMA. In the other cases, few glomerular cells showed weak
11 immunostaining for α-SMA, and a variable amount of strongly α-SMA positive spindle cells
17 SMA immunostaining was markedly enhanced. The positive α-SMA cells ranged from
18 spindle shape to slightly stellate (Fig. 9). In the interstice of the corticomedullary junction
19 there was a marked α-SMA immunostaining and in the areas where interstitial fibrosis was
20 more pronounced, the positive cells were in close contact with the atrophic tubules. The
21 number of positive α-SMA cells was moderate in the external medulla, usually organized in
22 radial orientation throughout the tissue (Fig. 10), and mild to sparse in the internal medulla. In
23 fields free of histological lesion, immunostaining for α-SMA was similar to that observed in
1 The morphologically healthy glomeruli, detected in the regions adjacent to the areas
2 of glomerular obsolescence showed a moderate amount of cells strongly positive for α-SMA.
3 In periglomerular spaces with deposition of fibrous tissue there were fusiform and delicate
4 positive cells. The number of positive cells inside the glomeruli decreased as the glomeruli
5 loss its cellularity and showed expansion of fibrous tissue (Fig. 11), until immunostaining
7 In the areas of marked tissue retraction, located mainly laterally to the renal hilum, it
8 was possible to recognize a greater abundance of α-SMA-positive cells, with similar intensity
9 in the cortical, corticomedullary junction and medullary regions. These regions showed
10 proliferation of small arteries, which were evidenced by α-SMA positive smooth muscle cells.
12 Glomerulonefrite crônica (n=5):
13 Cells with positive immunostaining for α-SMA were located around the glomeruli,
14 in the middle of the inflammatory infiltrate and in the regions of periglomerular fibrosis
15 (Fig.12). In the corticomedullary junction positive α-SMA spindle cells were observed
16 throughout the histological section. No positive immunostaining was observed in the inner
17 medulla.
19 Discussion
21 The systematic and comparative analysis carried out in this study between gross and
22 histological aspects of the kidneys of cats with CKD allowed to the identification of a distinct
23 pattern of lesion present in the kidneys with CTIN. Shrinkage and rounding aspect, observed
24 in most cases of CTIN, especially in cases with more than 50% of the renal parenchyma
25 compromised by chronic inflammation and interstitial fibrosis (scores III and IV), was not
1 observed in CG. The explanation for the round conformation of the kidneys with CTIN was
2 the accentuation of the histological lesion bilaterally to the renal hilum, with greater
3 narrowing of the cortical layer, greater intensity of inflammation and fibrosis and a higher
4 number of α-SMA positive cell, compatible with myofibroblasts, in that specific region. Such
5 changes resulted in flattening of renal poles, an alteration possibly similar to that previously
6 described as "scars" in the renal poles (Lucke, 1968). Interestingly, in the study conducted by
7 Lucke (1968), round kidneys had more marked histological lesion, while the cats had a
8 greater decline in kidney function, suggesting that this is the presentation of the final stages of
9 CKD in cats.
10 These areas of tissue loss, which led to the flattening of the renal poles, were
11 compatible with areas of greater intensity of interstitial inflammation and fibrosis. It is known
12 that CTIN, the most common presentation of CKD in cats (DiBartola et al., 1987; Chakrabarti
13 et al., 2013; McLeland et al., 2019), has as its main components chronic inflammation and
14 interstitial fibrosis, with multifocal to segmental distribution (Brown et al., 2016). These two
15 histological elements were observed in all cases of CTIN of this study, reaching up to 75% of
16 the renal parenchyma in some cases. The main recognized mechanism in the development of
18 inflammatory cells after tissue injury results in the production of pro-fibrotic cytokines, which
19 lead to the activation of myofibroblasts, and to the production of ECM (Meng, 2019). This is
20 one of the mechanisms recognized in the development of interstitial fibrosis in feline CTIN
21 (Lawson et al., 2015) and a correlation between chronic inflammation and interstitial fibrosis
22 has already been observed in the kidneys of cats with CKD (Chakrabarti et al., 2013).
23 Lymphocytes were the main cells present in the cases of CTIN in this study.
24 Lymphocytic inflammation has been described in the early stages of CKD in cats, becoming
2 cases of more severe interstitial inflammation (score III and IV) in this study, was also
3 observed by McLeland et al. (2015), especially in cats with more than 50% of renal tissue
4 affected. In addition, a significant correlation has recently been established between the
5 infiltration of macrophages in renal tissue, interstitial fibrosis and the progression of CKD in
6 cats, indicating that macrophages also act in the development of interstitial fibrosis (Ohara et
8 ischemic tubular injury, with tubular rupture, and leakage of lipids from tubular epithelial
9 cells to the renal interstice (Brown et al., 2016; Schmiedt et al., 2016).
11 glomerular basement membrane towards the vascular pole, and as the glomerulus undergoes
12 retraction, there is deposition of acellular fibrous connective tissue between the glomerular
13 tuft and the Bowman capsule, resulting in reduced size glomeruli (Hughson et al., 2002). This
14 type of lesion, frequently observed in CTIN in this study, has been described as the
19 interlobular arched artery secondary to vascular lesions (Hughson et al., 2012). In the case of
20 cats, glomeruli with obsolescence are considered part of atubular nephrons, and have been
21 associated with failure in the regeneration of atrophic tubules secondary to the expansion of
25 pathogenesis involved in feline CTIN (Schmiedt et al., 2016; Brown et al., 2019). Changes
1 observed in the kidneys of cats six months after induced ischemic lesion (90 minutes of renal
2 ischemia) consisted of inflammation and interstitial fibrosis, tubular atrophy and glomerular
3 obsolescence with markedly compromised fields, interspersed with healthy areas (Brown et
4 al., 2019). This set of alterations described is very similar to the histological pattern observed
5 in spontaneous cases of CTIN in this study. The experimental findings have been compared to
6 the histological lesion frequently observed in cats naturally affected by CKD (Brown et al.,
7 2016; Brown et al., 2019). They support the hypothesis that multiple mild ischemic insults, or
8 one single severe ischemic insult, followed by failures in tissue repair and propagation
9 processes inherent to the feline specie, may be involved in the development of CKD in cats in
11 In most of the cases of CKD in this study, it was notable the reduction of kidneys’
12 size. The kidneys reduced in size had statistically higher scores of interstitial fibrosis than
13 normal sized kidneys. It was also notable that, with the reduction in renal size, the degrees of
14 inflammation were higher, but with no statistical difference for this parameter (p = 0.054).
15 Additionally, the strong correlation between the increase in the scores of interstitial fibrosis
16 and the reduction in renal cortex point to fibrosis as the main histological component present
17 in the loss of renal tissue. Chronic inflammation was also correlated with renal cortex
18 thinning, but there was a tendency for this parameter to show lower scores when compared to
20 Inflammation is the initial response to tissue injury, and through the production of pro-fibrotic
22 interstitial fibrosis in the most advanced terminal stages of CKD (Liu, 2006; Meng, 2019).
23 The detection of α-SMA in kidneys of cats with CKD allows the identification of
24 interstitial cells with positive immunostaining for this antibody and these cells are considered
25 to be myofibroblasts (Swashima et al., 2000; Yabuki et al., 2010). In fact, the anti-α-SMA
1 antibody is a reliable tool and is considered the most efficient in the identification of renal
4 In the present study, it was possible to identify spindle cells positive for α-SMA in
5 the renal interstice, both in CTIN and CG. Myofibroblasts were more evident in the interstice
6 of kidneys with CTIN, which showed more severe histological lesion. In CTIN, the
7 distribution of α-SMA-positive cells was compatible with the areas affected by chronic
8 inflammation and interstitial fibrosis and, therefore, areas with greater tissue loss. It is
9 possible that myofibroblasts are involved in the process of tissue loss in the kidneys of cats
10 with CKD, as these cells have a contractile cellular apparatus (contractile proteins) in the
11 composition of the cytoskeleton, which allows them to exert mechanical forces in the
12 contraction of wounds and in the pathological conditions that culminate in tissue contraction
14 Glomerular mesangial cells act in the production of cytokines and growth factors
16 the processes of glomerular sclerosis (Liu, 2016; Meng, 2019). Positive immunostaining for
17 α-SMA in these cells has already been reported in human glomerular diseases (Boukhalfa et
18 al., 1996). In the CTIN of the cats in this study, positivity for α-SMA was observed in
19 morphologically healthy glomeruli located near to damaged areas, with subsequent reduction
21 observed by Sawashima et al. (2000) in cats with CKD and these findings may indicate a
23 process of glomerular obsolescence. The loss of mesangial cells with the progression of the
2 inflammation and fibrosis (scores I and II) when compared to cases of CTIN. Even so,
3 positive α-SMA cells were also observed, especially in areas of interstitial fibrosis such as
5 primary glomerular processes are infrequent in cats (DiBartola et al., 1987; Minkus et al.,
6 1994), they also culminate into tubulointerstitial injury. These consequences must be
7 considered, since the progression of CKD with renal failure is related to the extent of
9 Likewise, the observation of positive α-SMA cells in the renal interstice of cats with
10 initial CTIN and CG (with less than 25% of the parenchyma compromised by the
11 tubulointerstitial lesion) corroborates the findings of Sawashima et al. (2000), who reported
12 increased expression of α-SMA in kidneys of cats in early stages of CKD, with absent or mild
13 deposition of collagenous connective tissue in the renal interstice. The short interval between
14 tissue damage and myofibroblast proliferation in renal tissue was also demonstrated by the
15 presence of immunostaining for α-SMA in the initial repair phase after experimental ischemic
16 injury (Schmiedt et al., 2016). These evidences are very relevant, considering that the
19 The reduction in kidney size was a common aspect observed in the CKD in this
20 study and it is suggestive that chronic inflammation with progression to interstitial fibrosis,
21 together with proliferation of myofibroblasts would be involved in this process. The reduction
22 in kidney size in CTIN occurred in a singular way, with frequent shrinkage and rounding of
23 the kidneys. This unique characteristic was attributed not only to higher degrees of intensity
24 of renal fibrosis, but also to the marked impairment of the glomeruli and tubules located in the
1 renal perihilar region. The results of this study reinforce the participation of myofibroblasts in
4 Acknowledgements
7 Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), Brazil. The student M. B. Ambrosio has a Master’s
12 The authors declare no conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship or
1 References
6 Bartges JW (2012) Chronic kidney disease in dogs and cats. Veterinary Clinics of North
9 alpha-smooth muscle actin expression and fibrotic changes in human kidney. Experimental
10 Nephrology¸ 4, 241–247.
11 Brown AB, Rissi DR, Dickerson VM, Davis AM, Brown SA (2019) Chronic Renal Changes
14 Brown CA, Elliot J, Schmiedt CW, Brown SA (2016) Chronic kidney disease in aged cats:
15 clinical features, morphology, and proposed pathogeneses. Veterinary Pathology, 53, 309-
16 326.
17 Chakrabarti S, Syme HM, Brown CA, Elliot J (2013) Histomorphometry of feline chronic
18 kidney disease and correlation with markers of renal dysfunction. Veterinary Pathology,
19 50, 147–155.
20 Cianciolo RE, Mohr FC (2016) Urinary sistem. In: Jubb, Kennedy and Palmer’s Pathology of
22 DiBartola SP, Rutgers HC, Zack PM (1987) Clinicopathologic findings associated with
23 chronic renal disease in cats: 74 cases (1973 -1984). Journal of American Veterinary
1 Hughson MD, Johnson K, Young RJ, Hoy WE, Bertram JF (2002) Glomerular size and
5 disease in cats. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice, 46, 1015-
6 1048.
7 Kutlu T, Alcigir G (2019) Comparison of renal lesions in cats and dogs using
9 126-133.
11 chronic kidney disease: known mediators and mechanisms of injury. Veterinary Journal,
12 203, 18–26.
13 Liu Y (2006) Renal fibrosis: new insights into the pathogenesis and therapeutics. Kidney
15 Lucke VM (1968) Renal disease in the domestic cat. Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology,
16 95, 67–91.
17 Marino CL, Lascelles BDX, Vaden SL, Gruen ME, Marks SL (2014) Prevalence and
18 classification of chronic kidney disease in cats randomly selected from four age groups and
19 in cats recruited for degenerative joint disease studies. Journal of Feline Medicine and
21 McLeland SM, Cianciolo RE, Duncan CG, Quimby JM (2015) A comparison of biochemical
22 and histopathologic staging in cats with chronic kidney disease. Veterinary Pathology, 52,
23 524-534.
2 tissues of cats with and without chronic kidney disease. Veterinary Immunology and
6 Minkus G, Reusch C, Horauf P, Breuer W, Darbhs J et al. (1994) Evaluation of renal biopsies
7 in cats and dogs — histopathology in comparison with clinical data. Journal of Small
15 Novakovic ZS, Durvov MG, Puljak L, Saraga M, Ljutic D (2012) The interstitial expression
21 Polzin, DJ (2011) Chronic kidney diseases in small animals. Veterinary Clinics: Small Animal
23 Reynolds BS, Lefebvre HP (2013) Feline CKD: pathophysiology and risk factors-what do we
3 with chronic renal failure. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 61, 1080–1086.
4 Schainuck LI, Striker GE, Cutler RE, Benditt EP (1970) Structural-functional correlations in
6 Schmiedt CW, Brainard BM, Hinson W, Brown SA, Brown CA (2016) Unilateral renal
7 ischemia as a model of acute kidney injury and renal fibrosis in cats. Veterinary pathology,
8 53, 87-101.
9 Strutz F. Zeisberg M (2006) Renal fibroblasts and myofibroblasts in chronic kidney disease.
13 Biology, 3, 349-363.
14 Yabuki A, Mitani S, Fujiki M, Misumi K, Endo Y, et al. (2010) Comparative study of chronic
16 Fig. 1. CTIN, kidney, cat. Kidneys bilaterally reduced in size and markedly rounded,
17 positioned dorsally in the retroperitoneum. In detail, the gross appearance of a control kidney.
9 Fig 2. CTIN, kidney, cat. Left kidney rounded by flattening of the renal poles. Right kidney
10 with focal area of tissue retraction (scar), located laterally to the renal hilum.
22 Fig 3. CTIN, kidney, cat. Bilaterally reduced in size and rounding kidneys. There is a greater
23 narrowing of renal cortex bilaterally to the renal hilum, what turned into rounded gross
24 appearence.
9 Fig 4. Light micrograph of a kidney of a cat with CTIN. Cortical lymphocytic inflammation is
10 accompanied by interstitial fibrosis organized in bands with radial orientation. PAS. Bar,
11 50mm.
22 Fig 5. Light micrograph of a kidney of a cat with CTIN. The glomerulus is diminished in size
23 and exhibits marked wrinkling of glomerular basement membrane, with capillary loss and
25 Bar, 20mm.
9 Fig 6. Light micrograph of a kidney of a cat with TICN. More than 75% of the renal
11 collapse of cortical layer and marked tubular atrophy and loss. Masson’s trichrome stain. Bar,
12 100mm.
11 Few myofibroblasts in the interstice surrounding the distal convoluted tubules. In detail,
22 Fig 9. Immunohistochemical labelling for α-SMA, CTIN, cat. Positive spindle cells within the
9 Fig 10. Immunohistochemical labelling for α-SMA. NTIC, cat. Positive spindle cells with
19 Fig 11. Immunohistochemical labelling for α-SMA. CTIN, cat. Glomerular α-SMA
20 expression. Positive spindle cells inside glomeruli undergoing obsolescence. Bar, 20mm.
9 Fig. 12. Immunohistochemical labelling for α-SMA. CG, cat. Fusiform to slightly stellate
1 Table 1
CG 5 11 (8 to 14 3 female 4 MB*
years) 2 male 1 Siamese
3 *mixed-breed cats
4 Table 2
5 Interstitial fibrosis and inflammation scores, gross changes and thickness of cortical
6 layer from 25 cats with CTIN.
II (10) VI 361.3
III (7) (4) (505.04-276.9)
II (5)
I (5)
I (4) IV 403.3
III (2) (1) (330.3-541.6)
I (4)
7 *number of occurences
1 Table 3
2 Interstitial fibrosis and inflammation scores, gross changes and thickness of cortical
3 layer from 5 cats with CG
1 4 ARTIGO 2 –
1 Summary
4 stream as a consequence of intrinsic kidney or lower urinary tract diseases. Cats seem to be
5 more affected by urinary diseases than dogs, especially considering chronic kidney disease
6 (CKD) as one of the most important illness for the specie. Considering the lack of information
7 regarding the systemic consequences of uraemia in cats, this study aims to investigate the
8 prevalence, clinical and pathologic aspects of nonrenal lesions of uraemia in cats with urinary
9 tract diseases, with special attention to the differences between cats and what is known for
10 dogs. Cats necropsied between 2000 and 2019 were investigated for urinary tract diseases and
11 nonrenal lesions of uraemia. The prevalence of cats with nonrenal uremic lesions was 5,8%,
12 and there was a higher number of adults and elderly animals when compared to young cats,
13 and more male cats were affected than female. Anorexia, apathy and vomiting were the most
14 common clinical signs reported, and CKD was observed in the majority of cats with uraemia.
15 Pulmonary oedema was the most frequent lesion observed, and there was a notable variation
16 between the gastric lesions observed in this study and what has been reported in the literature.
17 Haemorrhagic and ulcerative gastritis was frequently observed. Soft tissue mineralization and
18 parathyroid hyperplasia were uncommon features of cats with uraemia and fibrous
19 osteodystrophy was not observed. Cats with urinary tracts diseases of this study did not show
20 the same variety of nonrenal uremic lesions usually present in dogs with uremic syndrome
21 and multsisystemic presentation of uraemia was only observed in about 24% of the cases.
1 Introduction
3 Uraemia is a clinical syndrome associated with renal failure and lower urinary tract
4 diseases (Cianciolo and Mohr, 2016), caused by the increase of metabolic compounds, which
5 under normal conditions should be excreted by the healthy kidneys and involves clinical signs
6 and systemic lesions (Vanholder et al., 2003; Serakides and Silva, 2016). It is a complex event
7 that, besides the retention of toxins in the blood, involves derangements on hormonal balance
9 Clinical manifestations and gross findings of uraemia are important evidences of renal
10 failure. There are differences in the severity of uremic lesions between species, and they
11 depend mostly upon the period of time that the animal was exposed to uremic toxins. Thus, in
12 acute renal failure (ARF) these lesions can be less severe when compared to long term kidney
15 uraemia in dogs, the syndrome prevalence ranged from 3,8% (Silveira et al., 2015) to 4,43%
16 (Dantas and Kommers, 1997), considering the total number of dogs necropsied during a
17 determined period of time. In another research aiming to determine the prevalence of renal
18 failure in dogs in a veterinary routine, it was found to be around 11% from a universe of 935
19 dogs. From these patients, 76.6% died of renal failure (Sosnar et al., 2003).
20 The literature often uses the dog as the main model to describe nonrenal uremic
21 lesions in domestic animals (Cianciolo and Mohr, 2016; Breshears and Confer, 2017), but the
22 urinary tract diseases also play an important role in morbidity and mortality of cats. The
23 prevalence of renal failure in cats according to Sosnar et al. (2003) has exceeded the
24 prevalence in dogs. Togni et al. (2018) reported that urinary tract diseases are among the main
25 causes of death and euthanasia in cats. Furthermore, CKD is the most common metabolic
1 disease in cats, and the prevalence is considered higher than in dogs (Polzin 2011; Brown et
2 al., 2016). There are few researches specifically focused on the systemic consequences of
3 urinary tract diseases in the feline specie, and the more accurate knowledge of the type and
5 uremic patients.
6 Therefore, the aim of this study was to characterize the prevalence, clinical and
8 attempting to the main differences between the development of the syndrome in dogs and
9 cats.
13 investigated in the archives of the LPV-UFSM between January 2000 and October 2019.
14 Cases were included in the study when the necropsy reports showed urinary tract diseases as
15 the cause of death concomitant with lesions considered nonrenal lesions of uraemia according
16 the specific literature (Breshears and Confer, 2017). The total number of cats necropsied in
18 Information about age, sex and breed, clinical signs, laboratory findings (blood urea
19 nitrogen, serum creatinine concentration and haematocrit value, according to [Fielder, 2020]),
20 gross and histologic findings were taken from necropsy reports. Considering the age category,
21 cats were divided in three groups, according to Togni et al. (2018): young (less than one year
22 old), adults (from one to ten years old) and elderly (more than ten years).
23 The type of primary injury that led to azotaemia and, consequently, to the uremic
24 syndrome was analysed and divided into prerenal, renal and postrenal causes. Nonrenal
25 uremic lesions were described according to gross and histologic aspects and the anatomical
1 distribution for each case, according to specific literature (Breshears and Confer,
2 2017). Paraffin blocks of selected cases were sectioned in 3.0 µm thick and submitted to
4 Results
6 During the studied period, 1.330 cats were necropsied in the LPV-UFSM and 78 cats
7 (5.8%) presented nonrenal uremic lesions. Table 1 shows information referent to age, sex and
8 breed of the studied cats. In 72 cases (72/78, 92%) cats had clinical signs related to uraemia
9 (Table 2). Additional clinical signs reported were dehydration, hypothermia, weight loss,
10 polyuria, dysuria, haematuria, anuria, polydipsia, salivation, abdominal pain, diarrhoea and
11 dyspnoea.
12 In 27 cases, there was available data about the increase of urea and creatinine values,
13 which characterized azotaemia, and reduction of haematocrit value was only mentioned in
14 nine cases. Creatinine values, when reported, ranged from 3.2 mg/dl to 26.0 mg/dl (reference
15 ranges 0.9-2.2 mg/dL) and urea values ranged from 300.0 mg/dl to 767.0 mg/dl (reference
16 ranges 19-34 mg/dL). The minimum haematocrit value observed was 9% and the maximum,
18 Considering the origin of azotaemia, and consequently the origin of nonrenal uraemic
19 lesions (Table 3), 58 cases (58/78; 74.3%) were attributed to renal causes. In two cases,
20 azotaemia was caused by concomitant renal and post renal lesions (acute tubular injury with
21 necrohemorrhagic cystitis and chronic interstitial nephritis with traumatic ureteral rupture). In
22 18 (18/78; 23%) it was a consequence of a postrenal injury. The frequency and distribution of
24 The most prevalent uremic lesion was pulmonary oedema which affected 40 cats
25 (40/78; 51.2%). Usually, the lungs were wet, heavy and slightly reddened. The cut surface of
1 the parenchyma drained variable amounts of fluid and the trachea contained a foamy fluid.
2 Histology showed light eosinophilic amorphous material inside alveolar lumens (Fig. 1). In
3 five cases, beyond pulmonary oedema, lesion of uremic pneumopathy was also observed.
4 They were characterized by a firm lung parenchyma with multiple slightly white and firm
5 areas in the pleural surface. On the histology, there were granular basophilic deposits in
9 The second most common uremic lesion observed was ulcerative or erosive and
10 haemorrhagic gastritis (28/78; 35.8%). Gastric mucosa showed multiple ulcers and/or
11 erosions with haemorrhagic content in most of the cases (Fig. 2). In 22/28 cases the stomach
12 had a strong ammoniac odour when opened, in three cases there was mineralization of gastric
13 mucosa and in two cases there was also oedema of the submucosal layer. In two cases gastritis
14 was associated with thrombosis and fibrinoid necrosis of the vascular wall.
15 Ulcerative glossitis and stomatitis occurred in 22 cases (22/78; 28.2%) and was
16 characterized by bilateral focal ulceration in the tongue ventral surface (Fig. 3) or multiple
17 small ulcers and erosions in different sites of oral cavity mucosa and lips. Histologically, there
18 was epithelial necrosis and ulceration with marked neutrophilic and histiocytic inflammatory
19 infiltrate. There was necrosis and haemorrhage of the tongue muscle. In some cases, there was
21 Soft tissue mineralization was present in 11 cases (11/78; 14.1%). The organs
22 involved in this condition were, in descending order of frequency, aorta (6), lungs (5),
23 stomach (3), intercostal muscles (3), heart (endocardium; 3), spleen (1), tongue (1) and
24 adrenal glands (1). Grossly, it was observed white and firm focal areas with irregular cut
25 surface with crumbly texture with variable intensity and distribution between different organs.
3 Anaemia was observed in nine cats (9/78; 11.5%) in which haematocrit values were
4 below the reference value for the specie. These cats also presented marked pale visible
5 mucous membranes, watery blood, pale aspect of blood marrow on gross examination,
7 Haemorrhagic enteritis was observed in four cases (4/78; 5.1%) in which the serosa
8 presented numerous petechiae and the mucosa surface was markedly red, filled with
9 haemorrhagic content. In one of these cases there were multiple ulcers in enteric mucosa. In
10 one case it was observed a focally extensive necrotic area in the mucosal layer. On histology,
11 the epithelium was multifocally ulcerated; the remaining epithelium was necrotic and there
13 In only three cases (3/78; 3.8%) bilateral parathyroid hyperplasia was observed. There
14 was a notable increased in size of these endocrine glands. In one case (1/78; 1.8%) an
15 ulcerative oesophagitis was present. There was evident necrosis of the oesophageal mucosa
16 and multiple focus of erosion of the lining epithelium with fibrin deposition.
17 Cavities effusions were a common gross finding in this study. They were observed in
18 23 (23/78; 29.4%) cases affecting pleural cavity, in 13 cases (13/78; 16.6%) in the abdominal
19 (peritoneal) cavity and in five cases (5/78; 6.4 %) there was fluid accumulation in the
20 pericardial sac. Three cats with chronic glomerulonephritis had a combination of pleural
21 effusion, ascites, pulmonary oedema and subcutaneous oedema, findings that were considered
1 Discussion
3 This study made possible to picture the profile of 78 cats with urinary tract diseases
4 that had developed systemic lesions considered nonrenal uraemic lesions. There were more
5 adults and elderly cats with uraemia in comparison to young cats, and about two thirds of the
6 cats were male. This data was considered noteworthy, although it does not allow deducing age
7 or sexing predispositions, since the total population of necropsied cats was not analysed
8 regarding these parameters. The main disease that leads to uraemia is chronic kidney disease
9 (CKD), mainly because of the prolonged exposure to uremic toxins (Ross, 2011; Bartges,
10 2012). Moreover, many studies point out a higher prevalence of CKD considering a geriatric
11 population of cats (DiBartola et al., 1987; Lawler et al., 2006; Chakrabarti et al., 2013;
12 Sparkes et al., 2016; Togni et al., 2018). Furthermore, among urinary tract diseases, feline
13 lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) is the name attributed to a group of conditions related to
14 disturb of urine elimination in cats (Little, 2012) and castrated males have increased risk for
16 As observed in dogs (Dantas and Kommers, 1997; Silveira et al., 2015), the majority
18 renal failure in cats can be originated from many types of diseases, such as polycystic kidney
19 disease (PKD), obstructive urolithiasis and pyelonephritis (Syme et al., 2006), as observed in
20 the present study. However, the most frequent histopathological diagnosis attributed to cats
21 with renal failure was chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis in this study, which is the most
22 common recognized form of CKD in cats (Lucke, 1968; Dibartola et al., 1987; Chakrabarti et
24 The most frequent clinical sign observed in this study was anorexia. Anorexia is an
25 unspecific sign present in both ARF and CRF (Elliot, 2011, Polzin, 2011; DiBartola and
1 Westropp, 2015; Quimby, 2016). It can be attributed to changes in taste and olfaction, to the
2 nausea and vomiting caused by increased uremic toxins in the blood stream (Elliot, 2011), to
3 ulcerative lesions in the oral cavity, and to gastritis (DiBartola and Westropp, 2015).
4 Vomiting was observed in 30% of the cases of uremic cats and this value represented a half of
5 the results obtained in studies with dogs (Dantas and Kommers, 1997; Silveira et al. 2015).
6 Indeed, vomiting is considered a more common clinical manifestation in uremic dogs than in
8 stimulation of chemoreceptors in a trigger zone in the stomach by uremic toxins (Borison and
9 Hebertson, 1959) and it is possible that the same mechanism would be involved in vomiting
11 Pulmonary oedema was the most prevalent uraemic lesion observed in this study. The
12 percentage of affected cats (51,2%) was similar to what was previously observed in dogs
13 (Silveira et al., 2015). In these uremic dogs pulmonary oedema was also among the most
14 common uremic lesions, being only overcome by ulcerative gastritis and mineralization of
16 permeability caused by the caustic effect of uremic toxins (Bass, 1952; Rackow et al., 1978;
17 Cianciolo and Mohr, 2016; Breshears and Confer, 2017). It is important to emphasize that
18 pulmonary oedema was the only uraemic lesion observed in 11 cats without available blood
19 urea and creatinine values available in the necropsy reports. In these cats, it was not observed
20 any other pathological process rather than primary urinary disease that could explain the
21 pulmonary oedema or justify the cat’s natural death (ten cases) or euthanasia (one case).
22 However, it is not possible to determine certainly if the oedema was caused by uraemia in
23 these cases.
25 inflammation, characterizing uremic pneumopathy (Breshears and Confer, 2017) was rarely
1 observed in the cats of this study and it is commonly observed in uremic dogs (Cianciolo and
2 Mohr, 2016; Dantas and Kommers, 1997; Boedec et al, 2012, Silveira et al., 2015).
4 gastric oedema and congestion, haemorrhagic gastric content, mineralization and vascular
5 lesions (Uzal et al, 2016). Among the available studies, gastric histopathologic findings in
6 uremic dogs are variable. According to Peters et al. (2005), the histopathologic changes
7 observed in the stomach of 22 out of 28 dogs (78.5%) with renal failure was oedema,
8 mineralization and vasculopathy, whereas ulceration and necrosis of gastric wall were
9 uncommon features. Recently, Cardoso et al. (2019) found uremic gastropathy in 15 of the 16
10 necropsied uremic dogs (93.15%). Erosive and/or ulcerative gastritis, oedema, hyperaemia,
11 ammoniac odour and necrosis of gastric mucosa were commonly observed, while
12 mineralization was only observed in four cases. According to Dantas and Kommers (1997)
13 and Silveira el al. (2015), uremic gastropathy was the most prevalent lesion in uremic dogs,
14 comprising 79,1 % and 56.5% of the cases, respectively. Haemorrhagic and ulcerative
15 gastritis with oedema, vascular lesions and mineralization were frequently observed in these
16 studies.
17 The most common gastric lesions observed in the cats of this study were ulcerative/
18 erosive and haemorrhagic gastritis. These changes were different from the results obtained in
19 a study of uremic gastropathy in 37 cats with CKD. Gastric ulceration, oedema and vascular
20 fibrinoid changes were not observed in gastric histopathologic analysis. Otherwise, the most
21 important gastric lesions observed were fibrosis and mineralization (McLeland et al., 2014).
22 This result can suggest that gastric lesion in uremic cats may show individual variations.
24 characterized by dark and fetid ulcers in the tongue, lips and cheeks (Uzal et al, 2016). It was
25 a frequent gross finding in the present study and also reported by Lucke (1968) in uremic cats.
2 caustic effect on oral mucous membranes and vascular ischemic injury. Ammonia is
3 originated from the degradation of urea in salivary content by local urease-producing bacteria
5 Anaemia ranges between 32% and 65% of cats with CKD (Dibartola et al., 1987;
6 Elliot and Barber, 1998). Considering only cats with CKD (48 cases) in this study, the
7 percentage of anaemia was around 18%. Impairment of renal endocrine function, results in
9 is considered the main source of anaemia in CKD, but a multifactorial character has been
10 attributed to the pathogenesis of this type of anaemia (Chalhoub et al, 2011; Cianciolo and
11 Mohr, 2016). Factors like inflammation (Stenvinkel, 2001), uremic toxins causing reduction
12 in red blood cells survival and blood loss in gastrointestinal tract are believed to be involved
14 There was a notable difference between the findings related to calcium metabolism
15 between the cats of this study and what is reported in uremic dogs. Multiple soft tissue
16 mineralization were frequently observed in uremic dogs, ranging from 55.9% (Silveira et al.,
17 2015) to 93.7% (Cardoso et al., 2019) of the cases. Parathyroid hyperplasia was observed in
18 9,3% of uremic dogs (Silveira et al., 2015) and fibrous osteodystrophy ranged from 6.2%
19 (Cardoso et al., 2019) to 8% of the cases (Silveira et al., 2015). In the present study, soft
21 Similarly, parathyroid hyperplasia was an uncommon feature of this study and fibrous
23 previous study that investigated some aspects of systemic consequences of CKD in cats,
24 parathyroid hyperplasia was observed only in six cats with long term kidney injury. In these
25 cases, there was no evidence of pathological fractures or softening of the bones but a detailed
1 microscopic analysis of the bones revealed mild osteoclastic bone resorption, with deposition
2 of fibrous tissue in the resorption site. These mild bone lesions in cats did not show a
3 predilection for the skull bones (mandible and maxillae), which are the most severally
6 endocarditis, fibrinous pericarditis, ulcerative laryngitis and multiple soft tissue mineralization
7 affecting heart, aorta, larynx, diaphragm and intestines (Dantas and Kommers, 1997; Silveira
8 et al. 2015) were not observed in the uraemic cats analysed herein. In addition, the present
9 study showed multisystemic presentation of uraemia in only 24% of the cases, suggesting that
10 the consequences of urinary tract disease are less severe in cats in comparison to dogs.
11 The classic concept about the progression of CKD is based on a slow and progressive
12 decline in kidney function, with continuous functional loss during the animal's life, until the
13 development of renal failure and uraemia. However, many cats with CKD show stable renal
14 function for a long period of time, sometimes dying from other diseases rather than renal
15 processes (Polzin, 2011). There is a hypothesis that the feline CKD caused by
16 tubulointerstitial lesion might not be merely a degenerative disease that causes mortality. One
17 study trying to determine the relationship between kidney injury, cause of death, and age in a
18 population of 676 adult cats detected longer mean life span in cats with kidney disease in
19 comparison to animals with different causes of death. The authors therefore suggested that
20 CKD in cats could represent an adaptive survival process of the feline specie (Lawler et al.,
21 2006). Additionally, it is important to emphasize that the most common feature usually
23 segmental distribution, with remaining areas of preserved parenchyma (Brown et al., 2016)
24 what could provide maintenance of the renal function. Such facts may help to understand, at
1 least considering the cases of CKD in this study, the smallest variety of nonrenal lesions of
2 uraemia and the lower occurrence of multiple organs injury in uraemic cats.
5 Acknowledgements
7 Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), Brazil. The student M. B. Ambrosio has a Master’s
10 The authors declare no conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship or
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8 Fig. 1. Pulmonary oedema. (A) Presence of a considerable amount of foamy fluid in the
9 trachea and uncollapsed lungs with wet appearance. (B) Alveoli filled with protein-rich
3 Fig. 2. Uraemic gastritis. (A) Multiple and variable size visible ulcers (from 0.5 to 2.0 cm
4 diameter) in the gastric mucosal. (B) There is epithelium loss and parietal and principal
5 mucosal cells necrosis. Throughout the mucosa, there are multiple areas of haemorrhage (C)
6 Haemorrhagic gastric content. (D) Deposition of a bright eosinofilic material in the walls of
7 Fig. 3. Uraemic ulcerative glossitis. (A) Extensive bilateral symmetric ulcers on the ventral
8 surface of the tongue. (B) Histologically, there is focally extensive ulceration of lining
9 stratified squamous keratinized epithelium of the tongue, with erythrocyte and fibrin
2 Fig. 4. Soft tissue mineralization. (A) Thoracic cavity (parietal pleura), streaks of white
4 basophilic mineral material between intercostal muscle fibers. (C) Multifocal mineralization
5 of tongue skeletal muscle. (D) Focally extensive mineralization of the cortical zona
1 Table 1
4 Table 2
7 Table 3
1 Table 4
4 Table 5
Esta dissertação de mestrado foi dividida em duas partes, o que resultou em dois
artigos científicos. A fonte de inspiração para os temas centrais de ambos os artigos foi o
próprio cotidiano da rotina diagnóstica do LPV-UFSM. A observação de características
únicas da DRC na espécie felina, tanto macroscópicas (redução do tamanho e marcado
arredondamento dos rins), quanto histológicas, possibilitaram a realização de um estudo de
caracterização macroscópica, histológica e imuno-histoquímica de 25 gatos com DRC.
Apesar da relação entre a perda funcional e estrutural dos rins não ser necessariamente
constante, na DRC há perda funcional dos néfrons (POLZIN, 2011b), resultando, geralmente,
em redução do tamanho dos rins (CIANCIOLO; MOHR, 2016). A redução do tamanho dos
rins foi observada em 22 dos 25 casos do estudo, variando de bilateral, bilateral assimétrica e
unilateral. Os rins reduzidos de tamanho apresentaram maiores graus histológicos de fibrose
intersticial (p=0.021) e a redução do tamanho renal foi correlacionada à severidade da
inflamação crônica (p=0.0039) e da fibrose intersticial (p<0,001).
Os resultados da observação criteriosa da macroscopia dos rins dos 25 gatos deste
estudo demonstraram que a diminuição do tamanho dos rins com arredondamento, foi uma
apresentação exclusiva da NTIC. A causa para o arredondamento renal foi a combinação de
redução da espessura da camada cortical, inflamação crônica, fibrose intersticial, atrofia
tubular e esclerose glomerular. Todos esses caracteres histológicos apresentaram-se mais
acentuados lateralmente ao hilo renal, se perpetuando em direção aos polos renais, levando ao
achatamento, e posterior arredondamento dos rins.
Além da característica macroscópica única, a NTIC caracterizou-se por inflamação
linfocítica com fibrose intersticial organizada em faixas, com orientação radial, com
distribuição multifocal segmentar, com redução da espessura da cortical e obsolescência
glomerular, muito semelhante ao descrito em estudos anteriores (CHAKRABARTI et al.,
2013; DIBARTOLA et al., 1987; MCLELAND et al., 2019). Os componentes histológicos
descritos sugerem que a etiologia da NTIC, principal forma de DRC observada na espécie
felina, ainda não completamente compreendida, envolva eventos isquêmicos do tecido renal
(BROWN et al., 2016)
A presença de miofibroblastos, células imunomarcadas positivamente para α-SMA,
observada tanto na NTIC, quanto na GNC dos gatos deste estudo, sugere que essas células
estejam envolvidas nos processo de fibrose intersticial e na obsolescência glomerular nas
DRCs, mesmo nos casos de lesão menos acentuada. A perda tecidual, observada
principalmente nas NTIC, fortemente correlacionada à severidade da fibrose intersticial, pode
ter envolvimento dos miofibroblastos tanto como produtores de MEC, quanto pela função
contrátil destas células (STRUTZ; ZEISBERG, 2006, SUN et al., 2016).
Dada a importância das doenças do trato urinário em felinos (SOSNAR et al., 2003;
TOGNI et al., 2018) e a escassez de informações sobre uremia na espécie felina, tanto nos
trabalhos realizados no LPV-UFSM, quanto na literatura, foi realizado um estudo visando
determinar a prevalência, e caracterizar os aspectos clínicos, patológicos e a distribuição
anatômica das lesões extrarrenais de uremia em gatos.
Em um universo de 1330 gatos necropsiados no LPV-UFSM entre os anos de 2000 e
outubro de 2019, 78 gatos apresentaram lesões extrarrenais de uremia (5,8%). Este estudo
permitiu traçar o perfil dos gatos com uremia, além das principais manifestações clínicas
observada nos animais. Lesões intrínsecas renais foram as principais doenças atribuídas à
azotemia, e consequentemente à uremia, e as lesões crônicas foram as mais prevalentes,
especialmente a NTIC. Esse predomínio de lesões renais crônicas pode ser explicado pelo seu
caráter progressivo, resultando em exposição prolongada do animal às toxinas urêmicas
As lesões extrarenais de uremia comumente observadas nos gatos deste estudo, em
ordem decrescente de frequência, foram: edema pulmonar, gastropatia urêmica, glossite e
estomatite ulcerativas. Menos frequentemente, os animais apresentaram mineralização de
tecidos moles, anemia, enterite hemorrágica ou ulcerativa e hiperplasia das paratireoides. Vale
ressaltar, que o caráter multissistêmico da uremia normalmente relatado para a espécie canina
(CARDOSO et al., 2019; DANTAS; KOMMERS, 2007; SILVEIRA et al., 2015;) foi
observado em apenas 24% dos gatos deste estudo, os quais apresentaram ainda uma menor
variedade de lesões relacionadas à uremia.
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