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Projeto Mozin Sargento


PRONOUNS I������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
SUBJECT PRONOUNS��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
OBJECT PRONOUNS����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
ATIVIDADES DE APRENDIZAGEM����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
EXERCÍCIOS�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
GABARITO������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8

Conheça e use os pronomes
Vamos aprender um pouco sobre os pronomes Subject e Object Pronouns, o que são e para
que servem.


Pronouns are short words and can do everything that nouns can do and they represent nouns
that are the subjects of sentences. For example, in the below sentences:
ͫ Stephanie is my wife = She is my wife.  The subject is “Stephanie”
ͫ Elie loves watching movies. He loves watching movies.  The subject is “Elie”
Obs: Os Subject pronouns veem antes dos verbos.
a. It (ele ou ela) refere-se a coisas, animais e fenômenos da natureza.
The cat sleeps. It is raining.
It sleeps.

b. It é usado quando o sexo não estiver definido ou não seja necessário especificá-lo.
Child = criança or Baby = bebê
The child is important for the family.
It is important for the family.
c. He e She podem aparecer para designar animais e coisas personificadas
ͫ Atenção!!

Ship in English: “She” =The Titanic

- I é sempre em letra maiúscula, até

mesmo quando não é a primeira letra da frase.
- You é usado para referir-se tanto a uma única pessoa quantos a muitas.
- It é usado com objetos e também é usado com animais se não soubermos o sexo. Se não
soubermos o sexo de um bebê, usamos it também.
- They é usado tanto para pessoas quanto objetos.
Obs.: Estudaremos nas próximas aula o Verbo to be que tem duas traduções básicas: ser ou
estar. E possui três formas em sua conjugação no presente: am/is/are


Os object pronouns possuem a função de complementar o verbo, substituindo algum objeto

em uma frase, evitando a repetição.

“I bought shoes and gave the shoes them to my girlfriend.”

Observe que them (object pronouns) está substituindo the shoes (object).

O verbo give (dar) que conjugado se transformou em gave (dei) exige um complemento como
em português:
“Eu comprei sapatos e dei os sapatos para minha namorada”. Estranho não é?
O ideal seria: “Eu comprei sapatos e os dei para minha namorada”.
Percebeu a diferença?

Obs: Os Object pronouns veem normalmente após os verbos ou preposições.

- That woman loves Tony = That woman loves him.
- I work with Miss Brown = I work with her.
Let’s try guys!

1. Complete with the correct pronoun:
a) It is easy for _____________ to find a job. (they/them)
b) John is going to London. ____________ is going there by plane. (He/Him)
c) ___________ are good friends of Dave. (Our/We)
d) Where are the other students? They didn’t wait for ____________. (we/us)
e) The inspector said: “Are you calling ____________ an old man?” (I/me)
2. Complete as frases substituindo as palavras sublinhadas por Subject ou Object pronou-
ns. Pamela does her projects on the computer.
__________ does them on __________.
a) Roger takes Lisa out to dance every Saturday.
__________ takes __________ out to dance every Saturday.
b) Steve and I help the children all the time.
__________ help __________ all the time.
c) Susan and Janet listen to music with Tom and me.
__________ listen to music with __________.
d) Jim takes Spanish lessons with Paul and Bob.
__________ takes Spanish lessons with __________.

Replace the bold word(s) with the correct pronoun in the questions 1 to 7.

1. My cousin and her friend were at the mall. _____ were at the mall.
a) He
b) Him
c) They
d) Them
e) She
2. Does your aunt know what happened? Does _____ know what happened?
a) she
b) he
c) they
d) them
e) him
3. The door is locked. _____ is locked.
a) Him
b) Her
c) We
d) They
e) It
4. My friend Linda and I are going on a trip. _____ are going on a trip.
a) We
b) Us
c) They
d) Them
e) You
5. My cats are hungry. _____ are hungry.
a) It
b) Them
c) They
d) She
e) We
6. I never go out with Ann and Marcy. I never go out with _____.
a) she

b) them
c) they
d) her
e) we
7. Is Swedish a difficult language. Yes, _____ is a difficult language.
a) she
b) he
c) her
d) him
e) It
Fill in the blank with the right Pronoun to complete the sentence in the questions 8 to 10.

8. The teacher explains things to _____ very well.

a) we
b) he
c) they
d) us
e) I
9. She loves _____ very much.
a) she
b) he
c) we
d) they
e) him
10. I met _____ at the party but _____ didn’t recognize _____.
a) she/I/he
b) him/he/me
c) her/I/she
d) him/I/he
e) him/he/I

1. C

2. A

3. E

4. A

5. C

6. B

7. E

8. D

9. E

10. B

PRONOUNS II������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 4
ATIVIDADES DE APRENDIZAGEM����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
EXERCÍCIOS�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
GABARITO������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8

Conheça e use os pronomes
Vamos aprender um pouco sobre os pronomes Possessive Adjectives, Possessive Pronouns e
Reflexive Pronouns.

Possessive Adjectives
my meu, minha, meus, minhas
your teu, tua, seu, sua
his dele
her dela
its dele, dela (coisas e animais)
our nosso(s), nossa(s)
your teus, tuas, seus, suas
their deles, delas

Usamos os Possessive Adjectives sempre antes de substantivos para indicar que aquele subs-
tantivo pertence a alguém.

My jacket is quite new.
She has her own car.

Possessive Pronouns
mine meu, minha, meus, minhas
yours teu, tua, seu, sua
his dele
hers dela
*its dele, dela (coisas e animais)
ours nosso(s), nossa(s)
yours teus, tuas, seus, suas
theirs deles, delas

Usamos os Possessive Pronouns sem substantivos com o intuito de substituí-los.

She has her book and I have my book. - She has her book and I have mine.

You have your house and we have our house. - You have your house and we have
We avoid using its as possessive pronouns except when we use it with own:
The house seemed asleep yet, as I have said, it had a life of its own.

Reflexive Pronouns
myself eu mesmo(a)
yourself você mesmo(a)
himself ele mesmo
herself ela mesma
itself ele(a) mesmo(a) (coisas e animais)
ourselves nós mesmos(as)
yourselves vocês mesmos(as)
themselves eles, elas mesmos(as)

Os reflexive pronouns são empregados em situações em que o sujeito e o objeto da ação

coincidem, ou seja, a ação praticada pelo sujeito reflete nele próprio.
My mother cut herself with a knife yesterday.
Os reflexive pronouns podem ser usados para dar ênfase ao sujeito da ação.
Tony wrote the letter himself.
I myself did the job.
» Os reflexive pronouns podem estar acompanhados da preposição by, para indicar
que o sujeito fez a ação sozinho.
Did you go to school by yourself?
Last week, Carol studied for the test by herself.
Let’s try guys!

1. (ALFACON – 2021) Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive pronouns:
a) Please, tell them to help __________________ during the party.
b) Children, take care of __________________.

c) The dog used to clean __________________ with its tongue.

d) He developed a new system by __________________.
e) I don’t like to live by __________________.

2. (FCC – 2017) Choose the right alternative to complete the sentence below.
I’ve seen ______ books on the table. Have you seen ______?
a) your – my
b) yours – mine
c) your – mine
d) your – me
e) yours – my

3. (ALFACON – 2021) Choose the right alternative according to the correct pronouns.
a) We always see he at school.
b) We would like to take you home with we.
c) We always drive ours car in the morning.
d) This isn’t my shirt. My is blue.
e) Your coat is here. Where is theirs.

4. (ALFACON – 2021) Circle the only correct letter that has the pronoun to complete the
My mom gave ____ a nice camera for my birthday. ____ is a very good model. I took a lot of
pictures and ____ were excellent. It also makes nice videos. The quality is super! The camera can
turn ____ on and off. Super, right? I will give my mom a nice present on ____ birthday, too!
a) him – it – they – themself - his
b) me – it – they – itself – her
c) him – it – we – themself – his
d) me – they – they – itself – his
e) us – they – they – itself – her

Choose the right alternative to complete the sentences appropriately.

5. (ALFACON – 2021) That bicycle belongs to _____. It’s _____ bike. It’s _____.
a) I – me – my
b) me – my – mine
c) him – he – he
d) she – her – here

e) they – their – theirs

6. (ALFACON – 2021) We told ______ that they were wrong, but they didn’t admit ______
a) they – their
b) them – theirs
c) them – they
d) them – their
e) them – them

7. (ALFACON – 2021) Everyone knows that I want to sell ______ car, but nobody knows that
Mary and Peter want to sell ______.
a) my – their
b) mine – them
c) my – they
d) my – theirs
e) mine – theirs

8. (ALFACON – 2021) An old friend _______ invited me to go to the U.S.A. with him.
a) my
b) of me
c) of my
d) mine
e) of mine

9. (ALFACON – 2021) My Husband broke ______ leg skiing las month.

a) mine
b) yours
c) its
d) his
e) hers

10. (ALFACON – 2021) Oxford is famous for ______ university.

a) his
b) its
c) it’s
d) their
e) ours

11. (ALFACON – 2021) “That old machine cleans ________!”

a) theirself
b) itself
c) themself
d) myself
e) ourself

12. (ALFACON – 2021) “The girls climbed that tree _____.”

a) by herself
b) it
c) by themselves
d) themselfs
e) by herself

13. (ALFACON – 2021) In the sentence “Here are some things you can do to protect yourself,
family and friends from getting sick: 1) wash your hands often using soap and water.” the
underlined words can be correctly classified as:
a) subject pronoun • reflexive pronoun • possessive adjective.
b) subject pronoun • reflexive pronoun • possessive pronoun.
c) personal pronoun • relative pronoun • possessive pronoun.
d) object pronoun • reflexive pronoun • possessive adjective.
e) personal pronoun • indefinite pronoun • possessive adjective.

14. (ALFACON – 2021) It was a dog’s day ... The alarm clock rang. TIME TO WORK! I looked at
___________________ in the mirror and I was pale. Then I asked ___________________
husband to prepare ___________________ breakfast and he cut ____________________
badly with a knife. We looked at ___________________ and decided to stay home.
a) me – my – our – him – ourselves
b) myself – mine – ours – himself – each other
c) myself – my – our – him – one another ourselves – my – ourselves – himself
– themselves
d) myself – my – our – himself – each other

1. B

2. D

3. D

4. E

5. D

6. B

7. B

8. C

9. A

10. E

TO BE FORMS������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 3
VERB TO BE – SIMPLE PRESENT����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3
NEGATIVE SENTENCES�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3
INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4
VERB TO BE – SIMPLE PAST������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 4
AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4
NEGATIVE SENTENCES�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4
INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4
QUESTION WORDS������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
LET’S TRY GUYS!������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
ATIVIDADES DE APRENDIZAGEM����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
EXERCÍCIOS�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7
GABARITO������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9

This is a short but very important class. We will study the
Present tense of verb to be. It is ONE verb in English with TWO
translations in Portuguese. To be = “ser” or “estar”.
Esta é uma aula breve, porém muito importante. Estudaremos
o presente do verb to be. É um verbo em inglês que no português
apresenta duas traduções. To be = ser ou estar.



Contracted form
O verbo ‘to be’ é frequentemente contraído quando segue um pronome. A
contração é feita com o uso do apóstrofo (‘). Veja os exemplos:
I’m strong. Sou/estou forte.
We’re happy. Somos/estamos felizes.
He’s sad. Ele é/está triste.
Obs.: Contrações são geralmente evitadas no discurso formal ou na escrita.

O verbo ‘to be’ torna-se negativo com a adição de ‘not’.
I’m not happy. Não sou/estou feliz.
She is not sad. Ela não é/não está triste.
They are not weak. Eles/elas não são/não estão fracos/fracas.


Observe que as formas am, is e are estão antes dos sujeitos.

Porém, a tradução para o português continua da mesma forma.



Was not = wasn’t
Were not = weren’t
I wasn’t = eu não era ou eu não estava.
We weren’t = nós não éramos ou nós não estávamos.

Segue a regra do Simple Present.
Was / were antes do sujeito. E a tradução continua a mesma.
Was he at the airport?
Were they at home?

Os Interrogativos (Question Words) são usados para se obter informações especificas. As
perguntas elaboradas com eles são chamadas wh-questions, pois todos os interrogativos,
com exceção apenas de how (como), começam com as letras wh. Na maior parte dos casos,
os Interrogativos (Question Words) são colocados antes de verbos auxiliares.

Segue abaixo as principais “Question Words”:

Question Words
Who quem
whom quem
Which qual, quais
Where onde
Whose de quem
When quando
Why por que
What o que, qual
How como
Who is that pretty girl?
(Quem é aquela moça linda?)
Whom (é usado como o objeto da pergunta.)
Whom did you kiss at the party?
(Quem você beijou na festa?)
Which color do you prefer?
(Qual cor você prefere?)
Where were you last night?
(Onde estava a noite passada?)
Whose pen is this?
(De quem é esta caneta?)
When did you arrive?
(Quando você chegou?)
Why did you do that?
(Por que você fez aquilo?)

Segue abaixo lista completa dos “Question Words”:


1. Complete with the correct form of the verb to be.
a) There ________ tears in his eyes yesterday.
b) There ________ a woman dressed in red in the classroom now.
c) They ________ friends now.
d) My brother ______ in London from 1950 to 1955.
e) There ______ no airplanes two hundred years ago.
f) The children ______ in the garden.
g) Your face ______ not dirty.

2. Complete the questions and choose the right option.

_______’s your name? My name’s Francine.
_______ are you from? I’m from Miami.
_______ is your teacher? My teacher is Tony.
_______ old are you? I’m seventeen years old.
_______ is your English class? It’s on Mondays.
a) Where ; What ; Who ; When ; How
b) What ; Where ; How ; Who ; When
c) What ; When ; How ; Where ; Who
d) What ; Where ; Who ; How ; When
e) Who ; How ; Where ; When ; What
3. Match the columns.
1- How deep ( ) Por quê ?
2- How often ( ) O que mais ?
3- Why ( ) A que velocidade ?
4- What else ( ) Que profundidade ?
5- How fast ( ) Quantas vezes ?
6- What kind ( ) Quem mais?
7- Who else ( ) Que tipo?

Choose the right alternative to complete the sentences below.

1. Sandra and I ______ best friends.

a) am
b) is
c) was
d) are
e) wasn’t
2. My mother and my brother______ so kinds.
a) was
b) are
c) am
d) is
e) isn’t

3. Where ______ the station?

a) are
b) is
c) were
d) be
e) am
4. How old ______ your brother?
a) are
b) aren’t
c) were
d) is
e) am
5. Madrid ______ in Spain. ______ in Portugal.
a) are – It’s
b) is – He’s not
c) is – It isn’t
d) are – It isn’t
e) is – Is not
George: Hi Paul. This ______ Mariah, my cousin.
Paul: Hello Mariah. I ______ Paul. ______ you a student?
Mariah: No, I ______ a doctor. I work in Atlanta.
a) is – am – Are – am
b) are – am – Are – is
c) is – are – Is – am
d) are – am – Are – am
e) is – am – Is – am
A: The neighbors ______ French.
B: No, they ______ French. They ______ both from Europe, but just
the woman ______ French. The man______ Italian.
a) were – weren’t – were – was – was
b) were – weren’t – weren’t – were – were
c) was – weren’t – were – was – was
d) was – weren’t – were – wasn’t – were
e) were – were – were – was –was

8. ______ university did he go to: PUC or the Federal?

a) whom
b) who
c) where
d) which
e) why
9. “_________ did they go to the Tropical Hotel?”
a) why – when – where
b) who – where – when
c) how – why – what
d) who – how – what
e) why – how – when
A: I didn’t pay the bill
B: _________ not?
C: Because ________ was incorrect
a) where – we
b) which – you
c) why – it
d) why – me
e) how – theyABARITO

1. d
2. b
3. b
4. d
5. C
6. a
7. a
8. D
9. E
10. c

VERB TENSES����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
SIMPLE PRESENT�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
USOS DO SIMPLE PRESENT����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3
LET’S TRY GUYS!������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
ATIVIDADES DE APRENDIZAGEM����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
EXERCÍCIOS�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5

Ant-eaters eat ants.
(Tamanduás comem formigas)
The moon revolves around the earth.
(A lua gira ao redor da terra.)
She goes to the cinema on Saturdays.
(Ela vai ao cinema aos sábados.)
Advérbios e locuções de uso frequente com o Simple Present:

Nas 3ªs pessoas do singular  (he, she, it)

Acrescentamos ES aos verbos terminados em s , sh , ch , x , o , z
push  pushes
fix  fixes
Aos verbos terminados em Y precedido de vogal só se acrescenta S:
play  plays
obey  obeys
Aos verbos terminados em Y precedido de consoante  (- y + ies)
carry  carries
fly  flies

Acrescenta-se S como regra geral.

Work  works
Smoke  smokes
TO HAVE (ter)
Simple Present
Have & Has
Have  I ; We ; You ; They
Has  He ; She ; It
I Have  I’ve  I have not  I haven’t
He Has  He’s  He has not  He hasn’t

I have Eu tenho
You have Você tem
He has Ele tem
She has Ela tem
It has Ele (ela) tem
We have Nós temos
You have Vocês têm
They have Eles (elas) têm
O verbo to have também é usado para falar das refeições e outras atividades.
to have coffee, beer, cigarettes – tomar café, cerveja / fumar cigarros.
to have breakfast – tomar café da manhã.
to have lunch – almoçar.
to have dinner – jantar.
to have a shower, a bath – tomar banho.
to have a party – dar uma festa.
Let’s try guys! 5


1. Complete these sentences with the Simple Present tense of the verbs in parentheses.
a) She often _____________________ to Paris. (to go)
b) He usually _________________________ the first class. (to miss)
c) That man never ________________________ that ca. (to polish)
d) My sister always ____________________________ with me. (to skate)
e) My father ________________________ to Rio every week. (to fly)

2. Circle the only correct letter to complete the spaces in these sentences.
“Mary is a student. She ___ to school by car. She ___ her homework in her room. She ___ one
dog. She doesn’t like cats.”
a) go / do / have
b) go / do / has
c) goes / does / have
d) goes / does / haves
e) goes / does / has

Choose the right alternative to complete the sentences below.

1. Every morning my mother ____________ at 6 o’clock.

a) get up
b) gets up
c) get ups
d) get’s up
e) get’s ups

2. Mr. black ____________ e-mails in the evenings.

a) writes
b) write
c) writs
d) writ’s
e) write’s

3. Mandy and Susan ____________ films every weekend.

a) watchs
b) watch’s
c) watch
d) watches
e) watche’s

4. Bill often ____________ handball.

a) play
b) playes
c) plays
d) playies
e) plaies

5. Derek __________ flowers for his mom every Mother’s Day.

a) buy
b) buyes
c) buyies
d) buy’s
e) buys

6. Tony and Stephanie ___________ the subway train to work every day.
a) takes
b) taking
c) are take
d) take
e) take’s

7. My parents ____________ in a two-bedroom apartment.

a) live
b) lives
c) are live
d) live’s
e) is live

8. John ____________ very hard in class, but I don’t think he’ll pass the course.
a) tryies
b) try
c) tries
d) trys
e) tryes

9. Which sentence is in the correct Simple Present?

a) he has reads a book.
b) he is reads a book.
c) he read a book.
d) he reads a book.
e) he reades a book.

10. Which sentence is in the correct Simple Present?

a) Andrew wash the dishes.
b) Andrew washes the dishes.
c) Andrew washs the dishes.
d) Andrew wash’s the dishes.
e) Andrew wash’es the dishes.

1. B

2. A

3. D

4. C

5. E

6. D

7. a

8. C

9. D

10. B

VERB TENSES II��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3

SIMPLE PRESENT�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
USOS DO SIMPLE PRESENT����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3
LET’S TRY GUYS!������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
ATIVIDADES DE APRENDIZAGEM����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
EXERCÍCIOS�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
GABARITO������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8

ͫ Negative & Interrogative forms
Na Negativa e Interrogativa usa-se o auxiliar “ To Do ”
I ; We ; You ; They  Do/Don’t
He ; She ; It  Does/Doesn’t
- Nestes casos são auxiliares, ou seja, auxiliam para indicar que a frase é interrogativa ou
negativa e para indicar o tempo verbal das frases, aqui, presente;
- Não têm tradução específica na sentença;
- Sem eles “não saberíamos” o tempo verbal das frases, o presente. Portanto, são essenciais
para indicar que a frase é Simple Present.

» Interrogative sentence
Do you enjoy your job?
Do they have a meeting at 10 o’clock?
» Negative sentence
We don’t live in Italy.
I don’t work at the hotel.

» Interrogative sentence

Does he enjoy his job?

Does she have a meeting at 10 o’clock?
» Negative sentence
He doesn’t live in Italy.
She doesn’t work at the hotel.

Quando o auxiliar é usado o verbo principal volta para Simple Form:

She studies a lot.
Neg: She doesn’t study a lot.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I try I don’t try Do I try?
You try You don’t try Do you try?
He tries He doesn’t try Does he try?
She tries She doesn’t try Does she try?
It tries It doesn’t try Does it try?
We try We don’t try Do we try?
You try You don’t try Do you try?
They try They don’t try Do they try?

Limited vocabulary knowledge can negatively impact the development of a student’s
reading comprehension skills.
CLD: effective-vocabulary-instructions

1. CLD: effective-vocabulary-instructionsMatch the columns:

a) How refers to… ( ) people
b) What refers to… ( ) things in general
c) When refers to… ( ) location
d) Where refers to… ( ) manner
e) Who refers to… ( ) reason
f) Why refers to… ( ) time
2. Match the columns according to the meaning of the words:
1- search ____ disturb
2- upset ____ subway
3- tube ____ rest
4- ease ____ try to find
5- despair ____ lose hope
1- take for ( ) encontrar por acaso
Let’s try guys! 5

2- come about ( ) adiar

3- come across ( ) decolar ; tirar roupa
4- put off ( ) escrever
5- take off ( ) acontecer
6- take down ( ) confundir


1. Rewrite these sentences into the given form.
a) He copies his exercise at home.
Negative: ________________________________________________
b) Does he drive well?
Affirmative: ______________________________________________
c) Does the nurse wash her hands after the work?
Affirmative: ______________________________________________
d) Does the young painter obey all the instructions?
Affirmative: ______________________________________________
e) She prefers to have dinner with me.
Interrogative: _____________________________________________?

2. Leia as frases e faça o que se pede:

01.She doesn’t goes to school by bus. She takes a ride with her neighbor.
02. Steve and Peter like comedies but Paul like horror films.
03. Jane and Mary study together for their tests.
04. My brother is a musician. He plays the violin.
05. Carol has lunch at school because she have classes in the afternoon, too.
Assinale a alternativa correta com relação às frases anteriores:
a) As alternativas 03 e 04 estão erradas.
b) As alternativas 02; 03 e 04 estão corretas.
c) As alternativas 01; 02 e 05 estão corretas.
d) As alternativas 01 e 02 estão corretas.
e) As alternativas 03 e 04 estão corretas.

Choose the right alternative to complete the sentences below.

1. The old man __________ every word that you are saying.
a) are understanding
b) understanding
c) understands
d) is understand
e) understand
2. (UNESP) He doesn’t __________ anymore.
a) smoking
b) no smoking
c) smokes
d) smoked
e) smoke
3. (PUCPR) When Carlos has a headache, he __________ some tea.
a) is drinking
b) drank
c) used to drink
d) drinks
e) would drink
4. (VUNESP) He doesn’t __________ anymore.
a) smoking
b) no smoking
c) smoke
d) smokes
e) smoked
5. (UNITAU-SP) My girl often __________ when we __________ a joke.
a) laugh – tell
b) laughs – tells
c) laugh – tells
d) laughs – tell
e) laughes – tell

6. She ____________ go to school on Saturdays. She only ________________ on weekdays.

And you? ___________ you study on weekends?
a) is/studying/Do
b) doesn’t/studies/Do
c) don’t/studies/Does
d) doesn’t/study/Do
e) doesn’t/studys/Do
7. (CEFET-PR) “The feeling of failure persists.” A forma negativa correspondente a esse verbo é:
a) doesn’t persist
b) don’t persist
c) don’t persists
d) doesn’t persisting
e) doesn’t persists
8. (UEL) In the text bellow, the word “nearly” means:
After 20 years of scientific advances, ‘nearly’ three out of four infertile couples seeking medical
assistance to have a child still go home to an empty crib.
a) almost.
b) hardly.
c) close.
d) far.
e) over.
9. (ITA) O termo “seldom”, entre aspas no trecho adiante, poderia ser substituído por:
As an American Express Card member, you will enjoy a relationship with us that goes beyond
the ordinary. You will be treated as a MEMBER, not a number. And you will receive the respect and
recognition ‘seldom’ found today.
a) occasionally.
b) rarely.
c) often.
d) usually.
e) always.
10. (PUCSP Adapted) Na sentença “Although American youth are more likely to use the Internet
every day”, a palavra LIKELY indica:
a) preferência.
b) desejo.
c) similaridade.
d) probabilidade.
e) superioridade.

1. C

2. E

3. D

4. C

5. D

6. B

7. A

8. A

9. B

10. D

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