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Teacher Daiane Gonçalves 27/09/2023


 Ler textos utilizando as estratégias de leitura como mecanismos de interpretação de textos.

 Ler verbos e associativamente o gênero em estudo observando forma, conteúdo, estilo e função

1. (ENEM 2018) _________________________________________________

Texto 1 _____________________________________________

A autora desse comentário sobre o filme Frida

mostra-se impressionada com o fato de a pintora
(A) ter uma aparência exótica.
(B) vender bem a sua imagem.
(C) ter grande poder de sedução.
(D) assumir sua beleza singular.
(E) recriar-se por meio da pintura.

3. Examine a tira de Steinberg, publicada em seu Instagram

no dia 20.08.2018.

No cartum, a crítica está no fato de a sociedade

exigir do adolescente que
(A) se aposente prematuramente.
(B) amadureça precocemente.
(C) estude aplicadamente.
(D) se forme rapidamente.
(E) ouça atentamente. Colabora para o efeito de humor da tira o recurso à
figura de linguagem denominada
Identifique palavras cognatas: ______________________ (A) eufemismo.
_________________________________________________ (B) pleonasmo.
_____________________________________________ (C) hipérbole.
(D) personificação.
2. (ENEM 2017) (E) sinestesia.

One of the things that made an incredible Identifique palavras cognatas: ____________________
impression on me in the film was Frida’s Comfort in and ____________________________________________
celebration of her own unique beauty. She didn’t try to fit into
conventional ideas or images about womanhood or what 4. Analise a charge:
makes someone or something beautiful. Instead, she fully
inhabited her own unique gifts, not particularly caring what
other people thought. She was magnetic and beautiful in her
own right. She painted for years, not to be a commercial
success or to be discovered, but to express her own inner
pain, joy, family, love and culture. She absolutely and
resolutely was who she was. The trueness of her own unique
vision and her ability to stand firmly in her own truth was what
made her successful in the end.

HUTZLER, L. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6

maio 2013

Identifique palavras cognatas:


Identifique palavras cognatas: ____________________ a) Retire 4 elementos do texto Lead referentes a:

__________________________________________ What_____________________________________________
As expressões I’m not lacking leadership e Everyone
else is lacking, para expressar o sarcasmo da charge,
demonstram que o profissional em questão
(A) acredita ser um bom líder.
(B) sente falta de seus funcionários.
(C) se importa com seus funcionários.
(D) tem dificuldade de ser comandado. b) Por que o furacão se chama Ernesto?
(E) ignora a habilidade de liderança de seus _________________________________________________
funcionários. _________________________________________________
5. Choose the best alternative, according to the cartoon. _________________________________________

c) Onde a tempestade começou e para onde estava indo?


d) A partir das palavras chave, faça um resumo central do

Identifique palavras cognatas: ____________________ _________________________________________________
____________________________________________ _________________________________________________
________________________________________ ____________________________

According to what the boy says, he __________.

(A) wants to take care of the baby.
(B) is asking permission to surf the internet.
(C) is curious to know the origin of the babies.
(D) will be successful in downloading a baby from
the internet.
(E) loves to take care of the baby

6. Leia o texto abaixo e responda as atividades


Ernesto hits Cuba, on track for Florida AP - 39

minutes ago. Monday August 28, 2006 HAVANA -
Tropical Storm Ernesto hit Cuba west of the U.S.
naval air base at Guantanamo on Monday after
killing one person in Haiti as it stayed on track
toward Florida, where forecasters expect it to
strengthen into a hurricane. Cuba ramped up
emergency preparations before the fifth named
storm of the Atlantic hurricane season moved ashore
about 20 miles west of Guantanamo with top
sustained winds dropping to 45 mph.

Identifique palavras cognatas: ______________________

1- B
2- D
3- D
4- A
5- C
6- B

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