Apostila de Inglês 3º Ano Medio 2024

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SCHOOL: Centro Integrado de Formação Profissional - CIFP

TEACHER: Glayce Rejane STUDENT: ________________________________

GRADE: ________________ DATE: __________________________________
SIMPLE FUTURE entre o verbo auxiliar will e a partícula de negação
Usa-se o Simple Future ou Futuro Simples
not: sujeito + ‘ll + not ou sujeito + won’t (will +
a) expressar fatos e acontecimentos que not). Observe a tabela abaixo, com a conjugação de
certamente ocorrerão.
dois verbos.
Ex: He will travel tomorrow. (Ele viajará
amanhã). To work = trabalhar
b) indicar decisões tomadas no momento da
fala. I will not work I’ll not / I won’t work
Ex: The phone is ringing. I will answer it. You will not work You’ll not /You won’t work
(O telefone está tocando. Eu atenderei).
c) oferecer ou pedir ajuda. He will not work He’ll not / He won’t work
Ex: Who will help me? (Quem me ajudará?) She will not work She’ll not / She won’t work

FORMA AFIRMATIVA It will not work It’ll not / It won’t work

O Simple Future é formado pelo verbo We will not work We’ll not / We won’t work
auxiliar Will e pelo verbo principal no infinitivo, You will not work You’ll not / You won’t work
sem a partícula to. O Simple Future, assim como o They will not work They’ll not/ They won’t work
Simple Past, possui apenas uma forma para todas FORMA INTERROGATIVA
as pessoas sem exceção. O auxiliar Will irá Para formar frases interrogativas, deve-se
conjugar o verbo principal no que equivale ao inverter a posição do pronome (sujeito) com o
futuro do presente em português. Observe a verbo auxiliar will e incluir o ponto de
conjugação do verbo no Simple Future na tabela interrogação no final da frase. Observe a
abaixo: conjugação de dois verbos na forma interrogativa
To work = Trabalhar na tabela a seguir.
Conjugação Contração to work = trabalhar to study = estudar
I will work I’ll work Will I work? Will I study?
You will work You’ll work Will you work? Will you study?
He will work He’ll work Will he work? Will he study?
She will work She’ll work Will she work? Will she study?
It will work It’ll work Will it work? Will it study?
We will work We’ll work Will we work? Will we study?
You will work You’ll work Will you work? Will you study?
They will work They’ll work Will they work? Will they study?


Para se formar frases negativas no Simple to work = Short Answer - Short Answer –
Future, basta acrescentar a partícula de negação trabalhar Sim Não

NOT depois do verbo auxiliar Will. Há duas Will I work? Yes, I will. No, I won’t.
possibilidades de contração na forma negativa
Will you work? Yes, you will No, you won’t. corretamente a frase
Will he work? Yes, he will No, he won’t. “Solar energy __________ an alternative in the
Will she work? Yes, she will. No, she won’t. future” no Simple Future.
Will it work? Yes, it will No, it won’t. a) will to be. b) will be.
Will we work? Yes, we will. No, we won’t. c) will is. d) will are.
Will you work? Yes, you will. No, you won’t.
QUESTION 6: Marque a alternativa cuja frase não
Will they work? Yes, they will. No, they won’t.
esteja no Simple Future.
a) They didn’t watch TV.
b) She will watch TV tonight.
c) We will travel next week.
As expressões de tempo mais usadas no
d) I will study for the test.
Simple Future são:
QUESTION 7: Qual é a alternativa que completa
soon – logo
corretamente a frase
tomorrow – amanhã
“I ________________ free time tomorrow” no
tonight – hoje à noite
Simple Future?
next – próximo(a)
a) will to have. b) have will.
c) will have. d) have.
Reading the text for questions 8 and 9.
QUESTION 1: Quando é usado o Simple Future
em inglês?
QUESTION 1: Como é formada a afirmativa do
Simple Future?
________________________________________ QUESTION 8: “I´ll never forget his last words”.

________________________________________ A palavra destacada corresponde a:

QUESTION 3: Como é a forma negativa e a a) I will e indica que a frase está no futuro.

interrogativa do Simple Future? b) I will e indica que a frase está no presente.

________________________________________ c) I will e indica que a frase está no passado.

________________________________________ d) I will e indica que a ação ocorre no momento da

________________________________________ fala.

QUESTION 4: Qual é a alternativa que completa QUESTION 9: “I´ll never forget his last words”

corretamente a frase uma possível tradução para essa frase seria:

“I’m sure she ___________ me” no Simple Future? a) Ele nunca esqueceu minhas últimas palavras.

a) recognizes. b) will recognized. b) Eu nunca esqueci suas últimas palavras.

c) recognize. d) will recognize. c) Eu nunca esqueço suas últimas palavras.

QUESTION 5: Marque a alternativa que completa d) Eu nunca esquecerei suas últimas palavras.
TEXT COMPREHENSION C) Do you think Allan’s dream is possible? Explain
your answer.
Read the text below
My plans for the future
3. Mark True or False.
I will work in a big city and I will be rich. I
A. Allan Jones will not have a happy life. (………)
will have a happy life and I will have a beautiful
B. Allan Jones won’t have children. (……...)
wife – my wife will have six children. My children
C. Allan Jones will feel down every day. (………)
will love me and I will love my children. I won’t
D. Allan Jones will have a very good wife.(………)
have serious problems and I won’t feel down every
E. Allan Jones will have faith. (……...)
day. I will work from Monday to Saturday - on
F. Allan Jones will love his job, his wife and his
Sundays, I won’t work. My wife will help me and
children. (………)
I will help her. We will be more than husband and
wife: we will be best friends. I will have a great job
4. Passe as frases abaixo para o future simple:
and I will love my job. My family will be a very
a) I will love my job.
special family and we will love each other. In our
family, there will be peace, love, faith, dedication,
b) My family will be a very special.
respect and sincerity. This is my dream. - Allan
c) I will work from Monday to Saturday.
Rich: rico
Wife: esposa
Usa-se o Immediate Future ou Futuro Imediato
Serious: sério
para expresser:
Feel down: sentir-se triste
a) ações que vão ocorrer no futuro próximo.
Too: também
More than: mais do que
It is going to rain. The sky is dark. (Vai chover. O
Best: melhores
céu está escuro).
Job: trabalho, emprego
b) planos ou intenções.
Each other: um ao outro
Ex: I am going to visit her tonight. (Eu vou
There will be: vai haver
visitá-la hoje à noite).
Faith: fé
c) probabilidade.
This: este
Ex: She is probably going to buy a car next month.
Dream: sonho
(Ela provavelmente irá comprar um carro no
Her: ela, a ela
próximo mês).
2. Answer the questions –
Forma Afirmativa
A) Where will Allan Jones work?
______________________________________ O Immediate Future é formado pelo presente
B) Will Allan Jones be rich?
simples do verbo to be (am / is / are), pelo gerúndio
do verbo to go (going) e pelo verbo principal no
infinitivo, com a partícula to. Observe a conjugação a) will visit – am going to call
b) will visit – will call
de dois verbos no Immediate Future na tabela a
c) am going to visit – will call
seguir: d) am going to visit – am going to cal
o work = trabalhar to study = estudar
I am going to work I am going to study
You are going to work You are going to study ANSWERS
He is going to work He is going to study Para formar frases interrogativas deve-se
inverter a posição do pronome (sujeito) com o
She is going to work She is going to study verbo to be e incluir o ponto de interrogação no
It is going to work It is going to study final da frase. Observe a conjugação de dois verbos
na forma interrogativa na tabela abaixo.
We are going to work We are going to study
Questions Short answer Short Answer–
You are going to work You are going to study
- (sim) Não
They are going to work They are going to study Am I going to work? Yes, I am No, I’m not
Are you going to work? Yes, you are No, you’re not
Forma Negativa Is he going to work? Yes, he is No, he’s not
Para se formar frases negativas no Immediate Is she going to work? Yes, she is No, she’s not
*Is it going to work? Yes, it is No, It’s not
Future, basta acrescentar a partícula de negação not
Are we going to work? Yes, we are No, we’re not
depois do verbo to be. A forma contraída do verbo Are you going to work? Yes, you are No, you’re not
to be com a partícula de negação é muito usada. Are they going to work? Yes, they are No, they’re not
Observe a tabela abaixo com a conjugação de dois
o work = trabalhar to study = estudar Expressões usadas no Immediate Future As
I am not going to work I am going to study expressões de tempo usadas no Immediate Future
são as mesmas usadas no Simple Future. As mais
You are not going to You are going to study usadas são:
soon – logo.......tomorrow – amanhã.........tonight
He is not going to work He is going to study – hoje à noite.......next – próximo(a)
She is not going to work She is going to study
1 Quando é usado o Immediate Future em inglês?
It is not going to work It is going to study ________________________________________
We are not going to We are going to study ________________________________________
2 Como é formada a afirmativa do Immediate
work Future?
You are not going to You are going to study ________________________________________
work 3 Como é a forma negativa e a interrogativa
They are not going to They are going to study do Immediate Future?
work ________________________________________
1. Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente
QUESTION 5: Complete o diálogo com a opção a frase “I _______________________ home for
correta: my vacation next year” no Immediate Future.
a) am going to go.
Brian: I ___________________ Jane next b) are going to go.
weekend. Can you give her a call to see if I can c) is going to go.
arrive in the morning? d) am to go.

Kevin: Sure, I ___________________ her now.

2. Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente 1. Match:
a frase “The boy _________________ popcorn” no
Immediate Future. (1) Answer
a) am going to eat. (2) Explain
(3) choose
b) are going to eat.
(4) follow
c) is going to eat. (5) find
d) be going to eat. (6) Match
(7) Complete
3. Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a (8) Write
frase “_____________ more tonight?”? (9) Read
a) Is he going to study. (10) Listen
b) Is going he to study.
c) He is going to study. ( ) Ouça
d) Going he is to study. ( ) relacione
( ) escreva
4. Marque a alternativa que tenha a forma ( ) leia
negativa da frase “Glenda is going to visit you”. ( ) encontre
a) Glenda not is going to visit you. ( ) complete
b) Glenda not going to visit you. ( ) siga
( ) responda
c) Glenda isn’t not going to visit you.
( ) escolha
d) Glenda is not going to visit you. ( ) explique
5. Marque a alternativa que tenha a forma 2. Write the commands according to the images:
interrogative da frase “You are going to have lunch
with them”.
a) You are going to have lunch with
b) Are you going to have lunch with them?
c) Not are you going to have lunch with
d) Going you are to have lunch with them? _____________________
6. Qual é a alternativa que possui uma frase no
Immediate Future?
a) I will arrive at 10
o’clock. _____________________
b) They are having dinner now.
c) My family is going to move to São
d) The girls were looking at you.

7.Observe a frase “Ruan divides the murderers

into two groups”. Transformando-a para o future ____________________
imediato será:
a) Ruan are going to divide the murderers into two
b) Ruan will divide the murderers into two groups.
c) Ruan going to divide the murderers into two
d) Ruan is going to divide the murderers into two
groups. ______________ _____________________

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