Dissertação Guilherme Henrique Expedito Lense
Dissertação Guilherme Henrique Expedito Lense
Dissertação Guilherme Henrique Expedito Lense
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Dados Internacionais de Catalogação-na-Publicação (CIP)
Sistema de Bibliotecas da Universidade Federal de Alfenas
"Estimativas de perdas de solo pelo método de erosão potencial em solos tropicais sob cultivo
predominante de café"
Documento assinado eletronicamente por Walbert Junior Reis dos Santos, Usuário
Externo, em 19/02/2020, às 12:18, conforme horário oficial de Brasília, com fundamento no
art. 6º, § 1º, do Decreto nº 8.539, de 8 de outubro de 2015.
A erosão hídrica é o principal processo de degradação dos solos tropicais, causando impactos
ambientais, físicos e socioeconômicos que influenciam negativamente a sustentabilidade dos
sistemas de produção agrícola. Na cafeicultura, a erosão hídrica gera perda de nutrientes,
matéria orgânica e agroquímicos, além de promover o assoreamento e contaminação dos
cursos hídricos. Na região sul de Minas Gerais, onde o cultivo de café ocorre em declividades
íngremes, o processo erosivo é intensificado atingindo níveis críticos. Como uma alternativa
para auxiliar no planejamento de práticas de mitigação da erosão hídrica têm-se a modelagem,
que consiste em uma técnica capaz de estimar as taxas erosivas e quando associada a Sistemas
de Informação Geográfica, permite identificar as áreas com perdas de solo acima dos limites
de tolerância. Dentre os diversos modelos existentes, o Método de Erosão Potencial merece
destaque pela facilidade na obtenção dos parâmetros, simplicidade e baixo custo de aplicação.
Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar a perda de solo por erosão hídrica utilizando o
Método de Erosão Potencial em uma sub-bacia hidrográfica com cultivo predominante de
café, e então comparar a estimativa de perdas de solo com os limites de Tolerância de Perda
de Solo. A área de estudo correspondente a Sub-bacia Hidrográfica do Córrego Coroado,
situada no Município de Alfenas, sul de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Os parâmetros de entrada do
modelo foram determinados com base nos atributos climáticos, geológicos, pedológicos,
topográficos, uso e manejo da terra e grau das feições erosivas da sub-bacia. Os resultados do
Método de Erosão Potencial apontaram para predomínio de baixa suscetibilidade à erosão na
área. A perda de solo média da área foi estimada em 1,74 Mg ha-1 ano-1. A maior severidade
do processo erosivo ocorreu, principalmente, nas áreas com solo exposto e maior inclinação
do relevo, sendo que em apenas 1% da sub-bacia as taxas erosivas foram superiores aos
limites de Tolerância de Perda do Solo (4,75 a 7,26 Mg ha-1 ano-1). O Método de Erosão
Potencial estimou as perdas de solo fornecendo um diagnóstico sobre a erosão hídrica na sub-
bacia capaz de auxiliar no planejamento de uso de solo e na adoção de práticas agronômicas
conservacionistas, visando a sustentabilidade ambiental da área.
Water erosion is the main process of degradation of tropical soils, causing environmental,
physical and socioeconomic impacts that negatively influence the sustainability of agricultural
production systems. In coffee growing, water erosion generates loss of nutrients, organic
matter and agrochemicals, besides promoting siltation and contamination of watercourses. In
the southern region of Minas Gerais, where coffee cultivation occurs on steep slopes, the
erosion process is intensified reaching critical levels. As an alternative to help in the planning
of water erosion mitigation practices are modeling, which consists of a technique capable of
estimating erosion rates and when associated with Geographic Information Systems, allows
the identification of areas with soil losses above tolerance limits. Among the many existing
models, the Potential Erosion Method deserves attention for its ease in obtaining the
parameters, simplicity and low cost of application. Thus, the objective of this work was to
estimate soil loss by water erosion using the Potential Erosion Method in a sub-basin with
predominant coffee cultivation, and then to compare the estimated soil loss with the Loss
Tolerance limits. Ground. The study area corresponding to the Coroado Stream Watershed,
located in the Municipality of Alfenas, southern Minas Gerais, Brazil. The input parameters
of the model were determined based on climatic, geological, pedological, topographic, land
use and management attributes and degree of erosion features of the sub-basin. The results of
the Potential Erosion Method pointed to a predominance of low susceptibility to erosion in the
area. The estimated average soil loss in the area was 1.74 Mg ha-1 year-1. The highest severity
of the erosion process occurred mainly in areas with exposed soil and higher relief slope, and
in only 1% of the sub-basin the erosive rates were higher than the Soil Loss Tolerance limits
(4.75 to 7.26 Mg ha-1 year-1). The Potential Erosion Method estimated soil losses by providing
a diagnosis of water erosion in the sub-basin that can assist in land use planning and the
adoption of conservationist agronomic practices, aiming at the environmental and
socioeconomic sustainability of the area.
1. INTRODUÇÃO................................................................................................................... 08
2. REFERENCIAL TEÓRICO.............................................................................................. 10
2.1 CAFEICULTURA NO BRASIL E EM MINAS GERAIS ............................................ 10
2.2 EROSÃO HÍDRICA E DEGRADAÇÃO DO SOLO .................................................... 11
2.3 MODELAGEM DA EROSÃO HÍDRICA ..................................................................... 13
2.4 MÉTODO DE EROSÃO POTENCIAL ......................................................................... 14
2.5 TOLERÂNCIA DE PERDAS DE SOLO ...................................................................... 19
REFERÊNCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS .................................................................................. 21
Artigo Científico publicado na Revista Ciência e Agrotecnologia: Lense, G. H. E.; Parreiras,
T. C.; Moreira, R. S.; Avanzi, J. C.; Mincato, R. L. Estimates of soil losses by the erosion
potential method in tropical latosols. Ciência e Agrotecnologia, Lavras, v. 43, e012719, 2019.
com o uso de solo e as práticas de manejo adotadas, por exemplo, quando são introduzidos
novos cultivos agrícolas a cobertura vegetal é reduzida e a intensidade erosiva é elevada, ao
passo que quando são adotadas práticas conservacionistas, como plantio direto ou manejo da
vegetação espontânea, ocorre aumento da proteção do solo e redução da erosão.
A cobertura vegetal dissipa a energia de impacto das gotas da chuva na superfície do
solo, e dessa forma evita a desagregação das partículas (PANACHUKI et al., 2011). Serve
ainda como barreira física a enxurrada, diminuindo a velocidade de escoamento e, assim, a
capacidade erosiva (VOLK; COGO; STRECK, 2004). Áreas com cobertura vegetal de alta
densidade diminuem a perda de solo para valores próximos a zero (ANACHE et al., 2017).
A erosão hídrica pode ser classificada em laminar, ou difusa, em sulcos ou linear e em
voçoroca. A erosão laminar ocorre quando as partículas do solo são destacadas pelas gotas de
chuva e transportadas por um fluxo superficial difuso (BESKOW et al., 2009). Esse tipo de
erosão gera o carreamento da camada superficial do solo e, com isso, a perda da camada fértil
de terra. Na maioria das áreas agrícolas ocorre de maneira imperceptível e por isso é
considerada o tipo de erosão mais perigosa (BERTONI; LOMBARDI NETO, 2012).
A erosão em sulcos é resultante da formação de pequenas irregularidades no sentido
do declive do terreno devido ao acumulo da enxurrada em determinadas linhas de
escoamento. Esta forma de erosão é a mais característica e, por isso mesmo, a mais percebida
em áreas de ocorrência. A ampliação dos sulcos gerados pela erosão após anos de enxurradas
locais formam as voçorocas, as quais atingem dezenas de metros de profundidade, chegando a
alcançar o lençol freático (BERTONI; LOMBARDI NETO, 2012; CARVALHO et al., 2009).
Inúmeros são os problemas ambientais e econômicos causados pelo processo erosivo.
O fenômeno gera a perda de nutrientes, diminuição da produtividade agrícola, perda de
matéria orgânica (MO) e alterações na dinâmica do carbono orgânico do solo,
comprometendo de maneira significativa, a produção de alimentos, fibras e energia
(DECHEN et al., 2015; FAO, 2017). Os efeitos da erosão também são evidentes em áreas que
não estão diretamente expostas ao processo, mas sofrem com suas consequências pela
deposição de sedimentos em corpos hídricos provocando assoreamento e depreciação da
qualidade da água (HAGHIZADEH; SHUI; GODARZI, 2009).
A situação atual de degradação das terras agrícolas, requer o uso de informações
quantitativas e qualitativas sobre a extensão e magnitude da erosão do solo, afim de auxiliar
na adoção de estratégias eficazes de mitigação do processo. Porém, é difícil monitorar os
níveis de erosão, particularmente em áreas rurais de países subdesenvolvidos, devido ao custo
da amostragem regular e ao longo período necessário para detectar tendências
Em que: Wyr = erosão anual (m3 ano-1); T = coeficiente de temperatura (adimensional); Hyr =
precipitação pluviométrica média (mm ano-1); Z = coeficiente de erosão (adimensional) e F =
área de estudo (km2).
A precipitação pluviométrica média (Hyr) e o coeficiente de temperatura (T)
representam o efeito dos fatores climáticos sobre a estimativa de perda de solo fornecida pelo
EPM. Segundo Wischmeier e Smith (1978), o clima assume papel determinante na
modelagem da erosão, pois representa fatores ativos que influem diretamente na desagregação
das partículas do solo. O valor do Coeficiente de Temperatura (T) é determinado conforme a
Equação 2:
2 t
T = √100 + 0,1 (Equação 2)
Z = Y ⋅ Xa ⋅ (φ + 2√Isr ) (Equação 3)
O coeficiente de proteção do solo (Xa) está relacionado ao uso e manejo do solo, seus
valores variam de 0,05 a 1,00 de acordo com a cobertura vegetal e as práticas de manejo
adotadas (Tabela 4). Os menores valores do coeficiente Xa ocorrem em áreas de mata nativa
com cobertura vegetal densa, devido seu efeito protetor contra a ação das precipitações
pluviométricas. Os maiores valores ocorrem em áreas de baixa cobertura vegetal com
presença de solo exposto, portanto, mais propensas à erosão. O padrão é bastante semelhante
ao fator cobertura e manejo do solo (C) da RUSLE (EFTHIMIOU et al., 2016). Dentre os
parâmetros envolvidos nas estimativas do modelo EPM, o coeficiente de proteção do solo Xa
é um dos fatores de controle mais significativo na alteração dos resultados (DRAGIČEVIĆ;
STEPIC, 2006).
com valores variando de 0,10, representando áreas onde ocorre erosão muito fraca, até 1,00,
para áreas com erosão severa (Tabela 5).
Tabela 5 - Feições erosivas e coeficiente que expressa à erosão observada em campo (φ).
Tipo de erosão φ
Área com erosão severa (voçoroca, erosão em sulcos pesada) 1,00
Erosão em sulcos intensa 0,90
Erosão em sulcos média 0,80
Erosão laminar intensa 0,70
Erosão laminar sem sinais visíveis 0,60
Erosão laminar média 0,50
Erosão laminar leve 0,30
Áreas com erosão nas margens dos cursos d’água 0,20
Áreas agrícolas sob erosão não aparente 0,15
Áreas cobertas por vegetação nativa 0,10
Fonte: Adaptado de Gavrilovic (1962), Spalevic (2011) e Sakuno et al. (2020).
Além dos parâmetros tabelados, para o cálculo de Z também é utilizado o valor médio
da declividade do terreno (Isr). Este parâmetro é determinado com o auxílio de SIG por meio
do modelo digital de elevação (MDE) da área estudada. O cálculo é feito simplesmente pela
inclinação média das células do MDE (SILVA; SANTOS; SILVA, 2014).
A declividade média (Isr) assume papel essencial na ocorrência da erosão hídrica, uma
vez que a morfologia das encostas condiciona a intensidade da erosão e cada tipo de processo
erosivo (STEIN; PONÇANO; SAAD, 2003). Além disso, a declividade controla em boa parte
a velocidade de escoamento superficial afetando o fluxo da água e a permeabilidade do solo,
uma vez que a maior ou menor infiltração da água das chuvas no solo e sua susceptibilidade à
erosão dependem da rapidez com que ocorre o escoamento sobre uma bacia hidrográfica
(VILLELA; MATTOS, 1975; DUARTE et al., 2007).
O modelo EPM estima a perda de solo total na área. Para a obtenção da perda real de
solo ou entrega de sedimentos (Gyr) é utilizado o coeficiente de retenção (Ru) conforme a
Equação 4:
Em que: Gyr = perda real de solo (m3 ano-1); Ru = coeficiente de retenção de sedimentos
(O ⋅ D)0,5
Ru = (Equação 5)
0,25 ⋅ (L+10)
Durante o período pós final da Segunda Guerra Mundial, grande parte da Europa estava
em ruínas e os sistemas de produção agrícola foram destruídos com diversos impactos gerados
ao solo. Nesse período, o conceito de Tolerância de Perdas de Solo foi desenvolvido de forma
mais ativa, com foco principalmente na função do solo na produção de alimentos
(VERHEIJEN et al., 2009).
A TPS pode ser definida como a intensidade máxima do processo de erosão que ainda
permite uma taxa de produtividade economicamente sustentável dos cultivos agrícolas
(WISCHMEIER; SMITH, 1978). O valor de TPS ideal consiste na taxa de erosão equivalente
à de formação do solo. No entanto, essa taxa é muito difícil de ser mensurada já que a
formação do solo varia consideravelmente com o material de origem, relevo, tempo e ação do
clima e microorganismos (LI et al., 2009).
As informações fornecidas pela TPS podem ser utilizadas como mecanismo para a
proposição de práticas conservacionistas nas atividades agropecuárias e para o planejamento
do uso e ocupação do solo de forma sustentável (NUNES et al., 2012; DEMARCHI;
ZIMBACK, 2014). Os limites de TPS variam de acordo com as características do solo, onde
solos com baixa profundidade ou com gradiente textural elevado entre os horizontes de
superfície e de subsuperfície possuem menor TPS, e solos mais profundos e bem drenados
apresentam altos valores de tolerância (DEMARCHI; ZIMBACK, 2014).
Segundo Wishmeier e Smith (1978), o limite máximo geralmente aceito de perda de
solo gira em torno de 11,2 Mg ha-1 ano-1. Na Europa as taxas da TPS se encontram entre 0,3 a
1,4 Mg ha-1 ano-1, dependendo dos fatores que promovem o desgaste do solo e da sua taxa de
formação (VERHEIJEN et al., 2009). Quanto ao Brasil, Lombardi Neto e Bertoni (1975),
estabeleceram os limites de TPS no Estado de São Paulo variando de 4,5 a 13,4 e de 9,6 a
15,0 Mg ha-1 ano-1, para Argissolos e Latossolos, respectivamente. Apesar dos limites
estabelecidos pela TPS, em solos com taxa muito lenta de formação, qualquer perda acima de
1 Mg ha-1 ano-1 pode ser considerada como causadora de danos irreversíveis à qualidade do
solo a longo prazo (STEFANO; FERRO, 2016).
Vale ressaltar que os valores de tolerância não impõem restrições arbitrárias ao manejo
do solo, apenas estabelecem limites dentro dos quais as escolhas das técnicas de cultivo
adotadas devem ser feitas (LOMBARDI NETO; BERTONI, 1975).
Dentre as metodologias utilizadas para quantificar a TPS nos solos brasileiros, o
método proposto por Bertol e Almeida (2000) (Equação 6) é o mais usual.
Em que: TPS = tolerância de perdas de solo (Mg ha-1 ano-1); h = profundidade efetiva do solo
(mm), limitada a 100 cm; ra = relação que expressa, conjuntamente, o efeito da relação
textural entre os horizontes B e A e do teor de argila do horizonte A; m = fator que expressa o
teor de matéria orgânica na camada de 0 - 20 cm; p = fator de permeabilidade do solo; Ds =
densidade do solo (kg dm-3) e 1.000-1 = constante do período de tempo necessário para
desgastar uma camada de solo de 1.000 mm de profundidade.
Os limites de TPS apresentam grande variação mesmo entre solos do mesmo tipo,
indicando que o uso de um padrão uniforme em terras agrícolas na escala regional, o que é
comum no Brasil (GALINDO; MARGOLIS, 1989; BERTOL; ALMEIDA, 2000), não é
preciso e não reflete nos esforços para manter a sustentabilidade (DUAN et al., 2017). Desta
forma é essencial a determinação dos valores de TPS em escala de bacia hidrográfica a fim de
melhorar sua aplicação e confiabilidade.
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Ciência e Agrotecnologia, 43:e012719, 2019 Agricultural Sciences
http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1413-7054201943012719 eISSN 1981-1829
Guilherme Henrique Expedito Lense1 , Taya Cristo Parreiras1 , Rodrigo Santos Moreira1 ,
Junior Cesar Avanzi2 , Ronaldo Luiz Mincato1*
Universidade Federal de Alfenas/UNIFAL-MG, Alfenas, MG, Brasil
Universidade Federal de Lavras/UFLA, Lavras, MG, Brasil
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Received in May 17, 2019 and approved in August 6, 2019
Water erosion is one of the main problems faced in coffee cultivation, as it promotes environmental degradation and crop yield decrease.
Erosion estimates support the planning of conservation management practices and allowing determining the rates of soil losses. Thus,
the objective of this paper was to estimate the soil loss by water erosion using the Erosion Potential Method in a sub-basin predominantly
covered by coffee cultivation and then to compare the results with the Soil Loss Tolerance limits. The study area is the Coroado Stream
Sub-basin, located at Alfenas Municipality, south of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The sub-basin presented an Erosion Coefficient of 0.272, indicating
a predominance of low-intensity erosion. The total soil loss estimate was 1,772.01 Mg year-1 with an estimated average of 1.74 Mg ha-1
year-1. Soil Loss Tolerance limits range from 4.75 to 7.26 Mg ha-1 year-1 and, according to the Erosion Potential Method, only 1.0% of the
sub-basin presented losses above the limits. The areas with the highest slopes and bare soil concentrated the highest losses rates and
should be prioritized in the adoption of mitigation measures. The Erosion Potential Method estimated soil losses in tropical edaphoclimatic
conditions in a fast, efficiently and at low cost, supporting the adoption of conservation management practices.
A erosão hídrica é um dos principais problemas enfrentados na cafeicultura, pois promove a degradação ambiental e a diminuição da
produção agrícola. As estimativas da erosão auxiliam no planejamento de práticas e sistemas de manejo conservacionistas e permitem
aferir as taxas de perdas do solo. Assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi estimar a perda de solo por erosão hídrica pelo Método de Erosão
Potencial em uma sub-bacia hidrográfica com cultivo predominante de café e, então, comparar com os limites de Tolerância de Perda
do Solo. A área de estudo correspondente a uma Sub-bacia Hidrográfica do Córrego Coroado, Município de Alfenas, sul de Minas Gerais,
Brasil. O Método de Erosão Potencial apresentou o Coeficiente de Intensidade da Erosão de 0,272, indicando predomínio da erosão
de fraca intensidade. A perda potencial total de solo foi de 1.772,01 Mg ano-1 com média estimada em 1,74 Mg ha-1 ano-1. Os limites de
Tolerância de Perda do Solo variaram de 4,75 a 7,26 Mg ha-1 ano-1 e segundo o Método de Erosão Potencial apenas 1,0% da sub-bacia
apresentou perdas acima do limite de tolerância. As maiores taxas de perdas de solo se encontram nas áreas com maiores declividades
e presença de solo exposto e devem ser priorizadas na adoção de medidas mitigadoras. O Método de Erosão Potencial estimou as
perdas de solo nas condições edafoclimáticas tropicais de forma rápida, eficiente e com baixo custo, subsidiando a adoção de práticas
agronômicas conservacionistas.
the system (Scharrón; Sánchez, 2017). Besides sediment productive capacity of agricultural land requires the reduction
transport, the phenomenon causes the removal of nutrients, of erosion rates close to zero (Mendes Júnior et al., 2018).
agrochemicals, contaminants and organic matter, reducing Thus, this paper aims to estimate soil loss rate by
the productive capacity of the land and generating additional water erosion using the Erosion Potential Method (EPM)
costs to the producers (Avanzi et al., 2013). The soil losses due in a sub-basin predominantly cultivated with coffee, and
to water erosion in the areas with temporary and permanent compare the results with the Soil Loss Tolerance (T) limit.
crops in Brazil are of the order of 822.7 million tons per year,
generating an average financial loss of R $ 6.6 billion per year MATERIAL AND METHODS
(Hernani et al., 2002).
Researches on the mechanisms and intensity of Study area
water erosion in the coffee crop are limited (Prochnow et The study area is the Coroado Stream Hydrographic
al., 2005; Carvalho et al., 2007; Scharrón; Sánchez, 2017; Sub-basin, affluent of the Furnas Hydroelectric Power Plant
Mendes Júnior et al., 2018; Tavares et al., 2019). Thus, reservoir at coordinates UTM 403784 to 406399 m W and
it is necessary to adopt instruments that provide erosion 7620076 to 7616515 m S, zone 23K, Datum SIRGAS 2000
data in tropical areas under coffee cultivation to proposing (Figure 1). The area belongs to the Rio Grande Hydrographic
possible mitigating practices (Sánchez et al., 2015). Basin and is placed at the Capoeirinha coffee farm (Ipanema
Erosion modeling methods estimate soil loss Agrícola SA), in the Alfenas Municipality, southern of
rates and, when associated with Geographic Information Minas Gerais, Brazil. The climate of the region according
Systems (GIS), allow the visualization of the spatial to the Köppen classification is Tropical Mesothermic (CwB)
distribution of the areas most susceptible to erosion, (Sparovek; Van Lier; Dourado Neto, 2007).
providing information that contributes to the improvement The land use map (Figure 1) was made using
of agricultural productivity and prevention and mitigation ArcGIS 10.3 software (ESRI, 2015), based on field
of environmental impacts (Couto Júnior et al., 2019). surveys and images of the Landsat-8 Operational Land
The Erosion Potential Method (EPM) (Gavrilovic, Imager (OLI) satellite, bands 2, 3, and 4, in orbit 219,
1988) is a soil loss estimation model used in the former point 75, from the Image Generation Division (DIDGI)
Yugoslavia, Balkan regions, Eastern Europe, Middle Orient, (INPE, 2019). The sub-basin presents coffee cultivation,
Italy, North Africa and, more recently, in Brazil (Stefanidis; native and regenerating forests as predominant land uses
Stathis, 2018; Tavares et al., 2019). EPM has acceptable with 406.89 ha and 345.52 ha, respectively. Others land
accuracy and provides similar results to established methods use classes include corn (65.50 ha), sugarcane (60.11 ha),
such as the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) eucalyptus (38.43 ha), pasture (13.09 ha), drainage (32.11
(Renard et al., 1997) and the Universal Soil Loss Equation ha), facilities (14.44 ha) and access roads (39.90 ha).
(USLE) (Wischmeier; Smith, 1978), with the advantage The digital soil map was elaborated using topography
of having a simple structure and requiring little input data as the basic attribute of soil formation (Mcbratney; Santos;
(Efthimiou et al., 2016; Tavares et al., 2019). Another Minasny, 2003), combined with field morphological
advantage of the EPM is the retention coefficient (Ru) descriptions and laboratory physical and chemical analyzes
(Gavrilovic, 1988), that provides an estimate of the fraction of soil samples. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was
of the eroded sediment that reaches the water body system obtained based on the level curves from the Topographic
and the fraction that was deposited in relief depressions, Chart of Alfenas (IBGE, 1970) and the declivity Map was
which is not possible by USLE and RUSLE. elaborated from the DEM by the ArcGIS 10.3 Slope tool
The erosion prediction allows identifying areas (ESRI, 2015) (Figure 2A).
with soil losses above the Soil Loss Tolerance (T) limit. T Disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were collected
is a parameter that reflects the maximum erosion rate that in 27 points at the 0-20 and 20-60 cm soil layers (Figure 2A)
will still allow the crops to achieve sustainable production according to the relief and the soil use classes using a probe
(Wischmeier; Smith, 1978). The T value is of great and a cylindrical sampler (92.53 cm³), respectively. The depth
importance for taking measures to control water erosion on and morphological description of each soil were made in
agricultural lands, helping to prioritize the most affected areas. micro trenches (40 x 40 x 60 cm) (Santos et al., 2005). The
The ideal soil erosion rate consists of the equivalent of soil particle size distribution was analyzed by pipette method with
formation. However, due to the variability of the pedogenetic 0.1 mol L-1 NaOH as a dispersant (Gee; Bauder, 1986), the
factors, determined the soil formation rates with precision is soil density from samples with undisturbed structure (Blake;
not possible (Li et al., 2009). Thus, in the short-term, T can Hartge, 1986) and the soil organic matter content according
be used as a soil sustainability index, but in the long term, the to Embrapa (2011).
Figure 1: Map of the location and land use of the Coroado Stream Sub-basin, Alfenas, south of Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Figure 2: Declivity map with soil sampling points (A) and Digital Soil Map (B) of the Coroado Stream Hydrographic
Sub-basin, Alfenas, south of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Notes: dystrophic Red Latosol in flat to slightly rolling relief
(LVd1), rolling relief (LVd2), and strongly rolling relief (LVd3), dystrophic Tb Haplic Cambisol (CXbd), indiscriminate
floodplain soils (IFS) and Rocky Outcrop (RO).
The soils were classified according to the Embrapa corresponding to 24.07, 46.58, 20.32, 1.74 and 4.13%
(2013) as a dystrophic Red Latosol (Oxisol – USDA, of the area, respectively.
1999) in flat to slightly rolling relief - LVd1 (slope
Erosion Potential Method (EPM)
0-8%), rolling relief - LVd2 (slope 8-20%), strongly
rolling relief - LVd3 (slope of 20-45%) dystrophic Tb The annual soil loss was estimated by the Erosion
Haplic Cambisol (CXbd) (Inceptisol – USDA, 1999) Potential Method (EPM) (Gavrilovic, 1988) using the
and indiscriminate floodplain soils (IFS) (Figure 2B), mathematical model shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Equations and descriptions of the parameters used to estimate soil losses in the Erosion Potential Method.
Equation Parameters
Wyr = Annual erosion (Mg yr-1)
Tc = Coefficient of temperature (dimen.)
Wyr Tc H yr π 2 Z3 F Ds (1)
Hyr = Mean annual rainfall (mm yr-1)
Z = Coefficient of erosion (dimen.)
yr Wyr R u (2) F = Study area (km2)
Ds* = Soil density (kg dm-3)
t0 Gyr = Sediment production (Mg yr-1)
= 2 + 0.1 (3) Ru = Coefficient of retention (dimen.)
10 t0 = Mean air temperature (°C yr-1)
Y = Soil resistance to erosion (dimen.)
Z Y X a φ 2 Isr (4) Xa = Coefficient of soil use and management (dimen.)
φ = Coefficient of visible erosion features (dimen.)
O D)0,5 Isr = Mean slope (%)
Ru (5) O = Basin length (km)
0.25 L 10 D = Difference in basin elevation (m)
L = Length of basin (km)
Notes: dimen. = dimensionless. * Parameter incorporated into the original formula for conversion of m3 year-1 to Mg year-1.
Source: Gavrilovic (1988).
The sub-basin area is 10.16 km 2 (F) with a with severe erosion (Gavrilovic, 1988). The values of Xa
perimeter of 13.54 km (O) and a minimum, average and and φ were obtained from field surveys throughout the
maximum altitude of 793, 860 and 940 m, respectively. sub-basin, classifying each class of soil use according
The sub-basin length has an extension of 3.32 km (L), to the values tabulated by Gavrilovic (1988) (Table 2).
measured by the watercourse, and the mean difference in The INMET (2019) database was used to determine the
elevation (D) is 67 m, calculated by the ratio of the mean climatic factors (Hyr, t0) while the mean slope (Isr) was
and the minimum altitude. The physical characteristics determined by declivity map.
were obtained in GIS, by geoprocessing based on the The EPM was developed to estimate soil loss in
Topographic Chart of Alfenas (IBGE, 1970). river basins (Gavrilovic, 1988). Thus, in this study, the
The coefficient of erosion (Z) represents the entire sub-basin was considered, and not only the coffee
intensity of the erosive process. Z values close to 0 growing area, the main objective of the research.
represent lower severity of water erosion. Soil resistance The model calculation was performed by the IntErO
to erosion (Y) changes according to type of soil and its software (Spalevic, 2011) and the spatial distribution of
source material. Their values are tabulated from 0.20 to soil losses was done in ArcGIS 10.3 (ESRI, 2015) by the
2.0. The smaller the Y, the greater the soil resistance to Raster Calculator tool, generating the map of erosion
erosion (Gavrilovic, 1988). In this work, the Y value was estimation.
0.8 and 0.9 for the Latosols and the CXbd, respectively.
The adoption of a greater index for the CXbd indicates its Soil loss tolerance (T)
higher susceptibility to erosion compared to the Latosols
The soil loss tolerance (T) was calculated according
(Bertol; Almeida, 2000).
to the Equation 6 proposed by Bertol and Almeida (2000):
According to soil use and management, it is
possible to determine the soil protection coefficient
(Xa), which expresses the protection of an area against T 100 h ra m p Ds 10001 (6)
soil aggregates breakdown. Values range from 0.05 for
areas with dense vegetation to 1.0, for areas without Where: T is the soil loss tolerance (Mg ha-1 ano-1); h is
vegetation. The coefficient of visible erosion features the effective soil depth (cm), limited to 100 cm; ra is the
(φ) is obtained from visual characterization of the ratio that expresses, mutually, the effect of the textural
erosive processes degree. The φ values range from 0.1 relationship between the horizons B and A and the clay
in areas with no evident erosive features to 1 in areas content of the horizon A; m is the factor that expresses
the organic matter content in the 0 - 20 cm soil depth; p The study area showed good soil resistance to
is the soil permeability factor; Ds is the soil density (kg water erosion with a Y value of 0.803 (Gavrilovic, 1988).
dm-3) e 1.000 is the constant that represents the time period The LVd1, LVd2, and LVd3 showed a granular with
required to wear a soil layer of 1000 mm depth. moderate-degree and medium-sized structure while the
Cambisol had an angular blocks structure with weak-
The ra parameter used the clay content and the
degree and medium-sized. The dystrophic Red Latosols
textural relationship between the superficial (0 - 20 cm)
and Cambisol exhibited a consistency classified as
and subsurface layers (20 - 60 cm). The textural relations
slightly plastic and non-plastic, respectively. The average
were lower than 1.5, and the value of ra was weighted
soil density was 1.21 kg dm-3 with a mean depth of 2.60,
according to Bertol and Almeida (2000) in 1.0, 0.9 and
2.58, 2.45 and 0.71 m for LVd1, LVd2, LVd3, and CXbd,
0.8, according to the soil clay content.
For the m factor, values of 1.00, 0.85 and 0.70
The clay content ranged from 29.10 to 61.20%.
were attributed to areas with organic matter contents
Cambisol was classified as a sandy clay loam texture
above than 5.0, between 5.0 and 2.5 and below than 2.5
while dystrophic Red Latosols as very clayey (LVd1)
dag kg-1, respectively. The soil permeability was classified
and clayey (LVd2 and LVd3) texture. The organic
according to Galindo and Margolis (1989) considering
matter content was 2.63, 2.56, 2.67 and 2.45 dag kg-1 for
the information of soil texture and structure development
LVd1, LVd2, LVd3, and CXbd, respectively. According
degree. Soil permeability factor (p) values were 1.00, 0.85
to Galindo and Margolis (1989), the permeability was
and 0.70 for the fast, moderate and slow class, respectively
considered slow for the dystrophic Red Latosols and
(Bertol; Almeida, 2000). The potential soil loss estimated
moderate for the Cambisol.
by EPM were compared with the T limits.
The considerable organic matter and clay content
of the dystrophic Red Latosols provide more resistance
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION to the erosive process. Furthermore, these soils have a
The sub-basin annual average of rainfall is 1500 high effective depth and well-developed structure, which
mm (Hyr) and the mean temperature is 22° C (t0) (INMET, favors the water infiltration and slow-down the runoff. In
2019). The temperature coefficient (Tc) was calculated the case of Cambisol, even with moderate permeability,
based on t0, obtaining the value of 1.52. Hyr and Tc are the elevated content of sand increases soil susceptibility
the active climatic factors that directly influence the to disintegration, reduce the resistance to water erosion
disintegration of soil particles (Wischmeier; Smith, 1978). (Bertol; Almeida, 2000).
Table 2: Values adopted for the coefficients of land use and management (Xa) and the coefficient of visible
erosion features (φ) in the Coroado Stream Hydrographic Sub-basin, Alfenas, southern Minas Gerais, Brazil.
The protection coefficient (Xa) of the sub-basin of 1.52 Mg ha-1 year-1. The data also agree with the results
area was 0.44, which indicates good vegetation cover obtained by Tavares et al. (2019), who observed losses
rate. The average coefficient of visible erosion features of 1.46 Mg ha-1 year-1 using EPM. The proximity of the
(φ) was 0.39, indicating a dominance of laminar erosion. results with the values of the literature indicates precision
The access roads presented the highest indexes values and reliability in the estimation performed by the method.
of φ factor (0.8). The area presents a mean slope (Isr) of The spatialization of soil losses in the sub-basin
14.49%, with the predominance of rolling relief, which presented a maximum value of 9.10 Mg ha-1 year-1. About
favors the runoff process and consequently, the sediment 95.0% of the area showed soil losses lower than 4 Mg ha-1
removal and transportation. year-1 and only 2.5% exceeds 6 Mg ha-1 year-1 (Figure 3B).
The coefficient of erosion (Z) ranged from 0.009 to The average soil losses by use classes ranged from
1.178, with an average of 0.272. The sub-basin showed a 0.06 to 7.56 Mg ha-1 year-1 (Table 3). The forest had the
predominance of low-intensity erosion and among the land lowest loss rate (0.06 Mg ha-1 year-1), corresponding to
uses, coffee cultivation area showed lower erosion intensity, 1.13% of the loss rate of the area. According to Anache
classified as weak to moderate, while the access roads, due et al. (2017), the little soil loss in native vegetation is due
to bare soil and the high φ factor value, exhibited a higher to dense vegetation cover, which provides slow flow, and
erosion intensity, classified as strong to severe, according to lower erosion rates compared to pastures and crops under
the Gavrilovic (1988) classification (Figure 3A). conventional tillage.
Annual erosion (Wyr ) of the sub-basin was The access roads had the highest average soil loss,
12,478.94 Mg year-1. The Wyr value considers both the with 7.56 Mg ha-1 year-1, representing 17.02% of the sub-
sediments generated that reach the water bodies or the low basin soil loss. The presence of bare soil contributed to the
sub-basin points and the soil retained in relief depressions higher magnitude of the erosive process. Furthermore, the
(Gavrilovic, 1988). The real soil loss (Gyr) is determined intense traffic of the agricultural machinery in the access roads
based on the retention coefficient (Ru), which presented a generates soil compaction, which interfere with the infiltration
value of 0.142, indicating that 14.20% (1,772.01 Mg year-1) of water and contributes to the production of sediment and
of the sediments reach the lower points of the area, while losses through the runoff (Mendes Júnior et al., 2018).
the remainder (85.80%, or 10,706.93 Mg year-1) is retained. Soil losses in the coffee areas range from 0.87 to
The value of 1,772.01 Mg year-1 represents the total 3.45 Mg ha-1 year-1 with an average of 2.12 Mg ha-1 year-1.
soil loss, with an estimated average of 1.74 Mg ha-1 year-1. Regarding the total growing area, the losses estimate were
The observed mean was close to that found by Mendes 862.61 Mg year-1. The erosion rate in the coffee area was one
Júnior et al. (2018), which evaluated the potential soil losses of the lowest in the land use classes, confirming the efficiency
with the RUSLE method in the same region obtained a value of the conservation management practices adopted.
Figure 3: Erosion Intensity Map (Z) (A) and Map of the spatial distribution of soil losses (B) in the Coroado Stream
Sub-basin, Alfenas, south of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Notes: Deposition area (DA).
Table 3: Soil losses estimated by the Erosion Potential Method in each land use classes in the Coroado Stream
Sub-basin, Alfenas, south of Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Contribution to
Area Mean soil loss Total soil loss
Land use classes total soil loss
ha % Mg ha-1 year-1 Mg year-1 %
Coffee 406.89 40.05 2.12 862.61 48.62
Forest 303.50 29.87 0.06 18.21 1.13
Corn 65.51 6.45 3.40 222.73 12.58
Sugarcane 60.11 5.92 3.04 182.73 10.31
Eucalyptus 38.43 3.78 4.15 159.48 9.00
Pasture 13.09 1.29 1.88 24.61 1.34
Access roads 39.90 3.93 7.56 301.64 17.02
Deposition area* 42.02 4.13 - - -
Facilities* 14.44 1.42 - - -
Drainage* 32.11 3.16 - - -
Total 1016 100 - 1772.01 100
* Areas not considered in the calculation of soil losses, because they do not participate in sediment generation.
The management of the vegetation between the because these areas are located mainly in smooth reliefs,
coffee lines used to quantify the coverage factor (Xa) with lower flow velocity, the erosive process tends to be
is the main factors that contributed to the low soil loss minimized.
estimates. Good soil cover between the lines, especially Sugarcane contributes with 10.31% of soil losses,
during the rainy season, allows more water infiltration with an average loss of 3.04 Mg ha-1 year-1. In this case,
and avoids runoff process and, consequently, soil losses Couto Júnior et al. (2019) using Universal Soil Loss
(Sánchez et al., 2015). Equation (USLE) to estimate soil losses in the State of
The erosion estimate in the coffee area was higher São Paulo obtained values higher than 5 Mg ha-1 year-1.
than Sánchez et al. (2015) that evaluated the soil loss in The estimates of Martins Filho et al. (2009) reported
Costa Rica using experimental plots and found an average losses of 5.81 Mg ha-1 year-1 when using simulated rain in
of 1 Mg ha-1 year-1. Scharrón and Sánchez (2017) also plots with sugarcane without straw cover. Therefore, the
obtained lower estimates in a rain simulation experiment lowest soil loss estimation for sugarcane in the Coroado
in areas with coffee cultivation in Puerto Rico, where the sub-basin may be due to the presence of straw from the
erosion rate for weed-covered surfaces was 1.1 Mg ha-1 previous crop.
year-1. In addition, Carvalho et al. (2007) in experimental The good state of the forage and the uniform
plots under coffee cultivation in Brazil obtained soil canopy provide to the pasture the lowest erosion rate
losses range from 0.11 to 0.29 Mg ha-1 year-1 in different among the agricultural use classes, estimate in 1.88 Mg
conservation management conditions. The highest value ha-1 year-1, evidencing the potential of pastures, especially
observed in the study area can be explained by the fact that when well-managed, on soil protection process.
EPM presented an overestimate of soil losses compared to Pasture contributed with 1.34% to the sub-basin loss,
field experiments (Noori; Siadatmousavi; Mojaradi, 2016; corresponding to 24.61 Mg year-1. Eucalyptus showed
Stefanidis; Stathis, 2018). the highest soil loss average among the crops, estimate
Corn crop showed an average soil loss of 3.40 in 4.15 Mg ha-1 year-1. This result is due to the plants
Mg ha-1 year-1 contributing with 12.58% of the sub- cultivated down the hill and in the steep reliefs (Pruski,
basin losses (222.73 Mg ha-1). The conventional tillage 2009). Nevertheless, the high rate of vegetal residues
with mechanized planting adopted in this use enhances on the soil surface from the eucalyptus and the already
the erosion process due to the aggregate disintegration established canopy of the plants contribute to decreasing
and leaves the soil provisionally discovered. However, the erosive intensity.
Soil loss tolerance (T) values ranged from 4.75 to 7.26 The area cultivated with corn was previously
Mg ha year-1. The parameters used in the T calculations are
occupied with coffee, which was eradicated as a nematodes
present in table 4. The T values corroborate with the results control method. Therefore, the erosion process could
found by Tavares et al. (2019) for a dystrophic Red Latosol transport the sediments contaminated with the pathogen to
in the south of Minas Gerais. However, Cândido et al. (2014) other areas, resulting in the spread of the parasite (Godoy;
studying a dystrophic Red Latosol in the Mato Grosso do Sul Bergamim Filho; Salgado, 1997). No-till implementation
State found values of 9 to 10 Mg ha-1 year-1. The Cambisol could reduce soil erosion due to remaining straw from
present a low T limit compared to the dystrophic Red Latosols the earlier crop, providing higher soil protection, and
manly due to the small effective depth. increasing the amounts of organic matter, which improves
The EPM pointed out that 1.0% of the sub- soil aggregation and infiltration (Bertoni; Lombardi Neto,
basin presented soil losses above the T. The losses were 2012). In this case, erosion control will still perform as
concentrated in places with higher slope and access roads an agronomic practice integrated with nematode control.
due to the presence of bare soil. Thus, these areas should The EPM showed that the erosion severity occurs
be prioritized in the adoption of mitigating measures. As mainly in areas with bare soil, with higher slope and in
alternatives, the use of gravel and containment basins crops with no conservationist agronomic practices. The
results allowed identifying areas with soil loss above the
drastically reduce erosion rates compared to untreated
T, providing valuable information for the reduction of soil
conditions (Scharrón; Sánchez, 2017).
degradation. According to Amorim et al. (2010), erosion
Agricultural crops showed soil losses below the
prediction models present greater errors in the lowest soil
T, even with the adoption of poor management practices,
loss rates, while areas with higher losses present smaller
such as conventional tillage and unlevel planting. The low
errors, and these are precisely those areas that should be
soil erosion rates occurred due to factors that contribute identified as a priority for adoption of mitigation measures.
to mitigating the erosive process such as smooth slopes, It is important to emphasize that despite the facility
soil cover, and spontaneous vegetation management. of EPM application, the accuracy of the data analyzed
Nevertheless to the fact that sediment production is below to depends mainly on the experience and knowledge of the
the T, soil conservation practices should be expanded mainly specialists who, based on field observations and sample
in areas with higher slope, seeking to minimize erosion to data, determine the values of erosion coefficients, since
levels close to natural vegetation conditions (Anache et al., the factors Xa and Y present high sensitivity of variation,
2017), because, in long-term, even small losses are harmful. interfering decisively in the results provided by EPM
Maintenance of soil cover by spontaneous (Shahabi et al., 2016; Dragičević; Karleuša; Ožanić, 2017).
vegetation management or by crop residue input increases The data validation was not performed in the
water infiltration and thus decreases runoff and sediment field with experimental plots, which is a relevant for future
production (Sánchez et al., 2015). In the case of eucalyptus, research. However, the results found are similar to the
it is necessary to carry out the terracing and after the end literature data for soil losses in the same region and consistent
of the crop cycle, to introduce crop cultivated in level in with the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE)
the succeeding planting. (Renard et al., 1997), the method most used and adapted to
Table 4: Variables used in the calculation of the Soil Loss Tolerance (T) limit in the Coroado Stream Hydrographic
Sub-basin, Alfenas, south of Minas Gerais, Brazil.
h ra M p Ds T
Soil types
cm adm Dimen. Dimen. kg dm -3
Mg ha-1 year-1
LVd1 100 1.0 0.85 0.7 1.22 7.26
LVd2 100 1.0 0.85 0.7 1.21 7.20
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