Robert of Ray Dasilva Corr 21
Robert of Ray Dasilva Corr 21
Robert of Ray Dasilva Corr 21
São Paulo
São Paulo
Corrected Version
Concentration area:
Computer Engineering
Dr. Carlos Eduardo Cugnasca
São Paulo
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23 de ____________________
São Paulo, ______ 2021
de __________
Many people contributed to the development of this research, and one page is not
enough to thank them all.
First, I thank my advisor Prof. Carlos Eduardo Cugnasca, for all his support, en-
couragement, and help during this research and other projects. I also thank Prof. Hugo
Tsugunobu Yoshida Yoshizaki for the opportunity to participate in different academic
projects and for all the valuable pieces of advice. You helped me become a better re-
searcher and a better person.
This research would not be possible without all the support given by Itaú Unibanco
S.A. through the Itaú Scholarship Program (Programa de Bolsa Itaú - PBI) in the Data
Science Center (C 2 D) of the Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo. I thank all
researchers, advisors, and the committees that are part of this laboratory. Being part of
this laboratory was unique, and it contributed a lot to all the ideas that were implemented
in this research and on the research articles written.
I thank all my coworkers and friends at the two laboratories I have spent most of the
time during the PhD: C 2 D and LAA. You helped me a lot in becoming a better researcher
and better understanding concepts related to data science, artificial intelligence, machine
learning, computer science, and research in general.
Special thanks at C 2 D are due to Angel de Paula, Bruno Nishimoto, and Francisco
Paiva, for discussing important topics and concepts and helping to implement the sen-
timent analysis code. In the case of LAA, special thanks are due to Bruna Barreira,
Fernando Xavier, Gustavo Mostaço, and Tiago Marto, for all the help in reviewing the
manuscript, discussing concepts, and helping to implement the code for price prediction.
I also thank Fernando Hattori and Carlos Agarie from Mercúrio Digitalizações for all
the help, patience, and hard work. All of you worked with me to improve myself, this
research, and the projects I have participated in. You also helped me to see that there is
always a solution no matter the problem.
Lastly, I thank my parents Carlos and Vera, and my brother Rodrigo for all the
support, understanding, patience, and kindness. You provided me the values and the
support to get to this moment, especially in difficult situations. You also taught me how
to face the most challenging situations, behave, and act. I will always be grateful.
I also thank all my friends for all the patience and understanding on different situa-
tions and projects, both personal and professional. You helped me on keeping my focus,
motivation, and purpose. You know who you are and that this message is for you.
Thank you all for all your support!
“It is not that we have a short space of
time, but that we waste much of it. Life
is long enough, and it has been given in
sufficiently generous measure to allow
the accomplishment of the very greatest
things if the whole of it is well invested.”
The artificial intelligence models are considered state of the art in several domains.
The deep reinforcement learning models, one of the main categories of artificial intelli-
gence’s models, have a high potential for being applied on domains with high complexity,
nonlinearities, and the existence of autocorrelation, seasonal and cyclical components,
and noise. One highly relevant domain that presents these characteristics is stock market
trading. Recent works were conducted in this domain using deep reinforcement learning.
Nevertheless, these did not consider integrating other relevant components such as price
time series prediction and market sentiment analysis. Another critical gap is the lack
of comparison of different deep reinforcement learning models in different stock trading
scenarios. Besides being an important developing market, the Brazilian stock market is
one of the 20 biggest markets in the world. A critical problem for all the investors in
this stock market is how to improve the strategies and systems used for improving re-
turns, considering their associated risks. This research aims to investigate and propose a
system for automatic asset trading considering multiple features, time series prediction,
sentiment analysis, and deep reinforcement learning models. The methodology used was
a simulation of the market environment simulation, considering one asset and the evalu-
ation of two relevant scenarios. Eight versions of the proposed system were implemented
and evaluated, considering six relevant domain metrics and the buy-and-hold strategy,
the main baseline model in the literature. For the first scenario, which simulated a cycle
with upward and downward trends, the system’s configuration that presented the best
results used the price prediction component obtained from a recurrent neural network
with a maximum order size of 200 stocks. It obtained better results than the baseline
model. For the second scenario, which simulated a deep downward trend, all the sys-
tem configurations presented better results than the baseline model. The configuration
using a recurrent neural network for price prediction and a maximum order size of 10
stocks presented the best results. The main contribution of this research for the deep
reinforcement learning area was the proposal of a system that uses additional time se-
ries analysis and sentiment analysis features extracted with deep learning models. The
main contribution of this research for stock market trading was to propose the use of
deep reinforcement learning considering as features: market prices, volume traded, tech-
nical indicators, and price and market sentiment predictions obtained using deep learning
models. The proposed system can be used in different markets and assets and adapted to
other sub-domains.
1 Main themes of the literature review chapter and their respective sections . 33
4 Main components of the AdaBoost model with decision trees for price pre-
diction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
13 Main steps for building and evaluating the M1 module - Stock market price
prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
17 BOVA11 price chart from 2008 to 2020 with upward and downward trends 107
18 BOVA11 close prices for hyperparameters training, divided into train (2008-
2017) and test (2018) subsets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
19 Main steps for building and evaluating the M2 module - Stock market
sentiment prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
23 Illustration of the steps for the MT3 and MT3ta models . . . . . . . . . . 128
24 Illustration of the steps for the MT4 and MT4ta models . . . . . . . . . . 131
1 Results of the final models on the test subset, considering the MAE and
MSE metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
3 Results of the final models on the test subset, considering the MAE and
MSE metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
5 Results of the final models on the test subset, considering the MSE metric 118
7 Results of the hyperparameters analysis for the MT1A, MT1B, and MT1C
models on the validation subset, considering the mean total reward on 30
executions and the two best models for each maximum order size . . . . . 124
8 Final hyperparameters and DRL agents chosen for both maximum order
sizes for the MT1A, MT1B, and MT1C models, based on the mean total
reward on 30 executions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
9 Results of the hyperparameters analysis for the MT2 model on the valida-
tion subset, considering the mean total reward on 30 executions and the
two best models for each maximum order size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
10 Final hyperparameters and DRL agents chosen for both maximum order
sizes the MT2 model, based on the mean total reward on 30 executions . . 127
11 Results of the hyperparameters analysis for the MT3 and MT3ta models on
the validation subset, considering the mean total reward on 30 executions
and the two best models for each maximum order size . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
12 Final hyperparameters and DRL agents chosen for both maximum order
sizes for the MT3 and MT3ta models, based on the mean total reward on
30 executions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
13 Results of the hyperparameters analysis for the MT4 and MT4ta models on
the validation subset, considering the mean total reward on 30 executions
and the two best models for each maximum order size . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
14 Final hyperparameters and DRL agents chosen for both maximum order
sizes for the MT4 and MT4ta models, based on the mean total reward on
30 executions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
15 Final models implemented on the trading module and their results in terms
of mean total reward and coefficient of variation (CV) on the test subset
(2018) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
16 Comparison of the DRL agents implemented, considering all the final mod-
els on the test subset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
17 Comparison of the DRL agents implemented, considering all the final mod-
els on the test subset, separated by maximum order size . . . . . . . . . . 135
18 Hyperparameters analysis for the winning models for the DDPG DRL agent136
19 Hyperparameters analysis for the winning models for the PPO DRL agent 137
20 Final results for the trading models for Trade 1 (2019-2020) and the BH
strategy, considering the average of the financial metrics on 30 executions . 138
21 Comparison and statistical analysis of the best models with the BH strategy
for Trade 1 (2019-2020), considering financial metrics on 30 executions . . 140
22 Final results for the trading models for Trade 2 (2020) and the BH strategy,
considering the average of the financial metrics on 30 executions . . . . . . 141
23 Comparison and statistical analysis of the best models with the BH strategy
for Trade 2 (2020), considering financial metrics on 30 executions . . . . . 143
S State space
t Timestep
p Autoregressive component of the ARIMA, SARIMA, or SARIMAX models
d Differentiation component of the ARIMA, SARIMA, or SARIMAX models
q Moving average component of the ARIMA, SARIMA, or SARIMAX models
St State at time t
St+1 State at time t + 1
S� State at time t + 1
A Action space
At Action at time t
W Observation space
wt Observation at time t
wt+1 Observation at time t + 1
r Reward function
rt Reward at time t
rt+1 Reward at time t + 1
T Number of interactions or timesteps
P Transition probabilities between the states
π Policy adopted by the agent
π∗ Optimal policy
γ Discount factor
No Number of shares owned
C Closing price
B Balance (amount of money available that was not spent buying stocks)
1 Introduction 18
1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2 Literature Review 32
4 Results 95
4.5.3 MT3 and MT3ta - trading models considering only OHLCV . . . . 128
4.5.4 MT4 and MT4ta - trading models considering price prediction and
market sentiment signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
5 Discussions 150
5.1.4 Using DRL for automatic stock trading of Brazilian stock indices . 153
5.1.5 Using financial domain metrics to evaluate models for stock trading 155
6 Conclusions 165
References 173
This chapter explores the motivations for this work and describes its research ques-
tions, objective, and background. It is divided into the following sections: 1.1 contains
relevant background information; 1.2 describes the research questions and the objective
of this work; 1.3 describes the main motivations for this study; 1.4 describes the scope
of this research; 1.5 describes the main assumptions used for proposing, designing, and
testing the automated trading system; and 1.6 describes the structure of this document.
1.1 Background
According to the World Bank (WORLD BANK, 2021), Brazil’s gross domestic product
(GDP) was among the world’s ten highest in 2019. Its stock market is still considered
a developing market, even though several important aspects (such as market regulation
and supervision to detect and avoid frauds) have been implemented in the last decades.
There has been a recent increase in the number of investors in this stock market,
named B3 (Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão, formerly BM&FBOVESPA), reaching around 3.5 million
investors in 2021 (B3, 2021a). In March 2021, around 9% of the buying and selling was
done by individual investors, while around 11.5% was done by institutions (B3, 2021a),
showing that these are important players in the Brazilian stock market.
The main stock market index, Ibovespa, was created in 1968 represents a portfolio of
the most important companies traded at this stock market in terms of market capital-
ization and volume traded (B3, 2021b). Even though these change over time, the index
tends to be formed mainly by banks, commodities, utilities, oil and gas, among others.
In recent years, algorithmic trading has become synonymous with applying machine
learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) techniques to predict prices and trends and use
them for decision-making. It is also possible to use reinforcement learning (RL) and deep
reinforcement learning (DRL) models to automate trading. Two in-depth reviews on RL
trading by Fischer (2018) and Meng and Khushi (2019) have shown that few works in the
literature explore DRL agents’ use for trading. Most of these works focus on developed
markets, which have different characteristics and dynamics than developing stock markets.
A very relevant problem for all investors in the stock market is how to improve their
trading strategies and systems? This could be accomplished by several different ap-
proaches, such as: (i) considering new features, which may improve prediction quality or
trading results, such as in the works by Kara, Boyacioglu and Baykan (2011), Weng et
al. (2018), and Wu et al. (2019); (ii) improving existing models or adopting new trading
models, such as DRL agents, as in the works by Liu et al. (2020) and Conegundes and
Pereira (2020); (iii) improving the quality of the data used as inputs (which may involve
new preprocessing techniques or the generation of new features), such as in the works
by Mansar et al. (2017) and Ferreira et al. (2019); (iv) improving the decision-making
policy based on the models’ and systems’ results, such as in the works evaluated by Meng
and Khushi (2019); among others. In this work, all of those items are considered in the
proposed trading system’s design and implementation.
Price prediction methods are essential for investment allocation strategies. Those
models are normally divided into: (i) price prediction models (which are regression mod-
els that aim to predict a price number); and (ii) price trend prediction models (which
are classification models that aim to predict a trend, usually up or down) (KARA; BOY-
GUDELEK; OZBAYOGLU, 2020). Currently, DL models are used for stock price predic-
tion with a better performance than other ML Models (BALLINGS et al., 2015; RYLL;
SEIDENS, 2019; SEZER; GUDELEK; OZBAYOGLU, 2020). Some important works that
use ML models for predicting prices on the Brazilian stock market are: Kristjanpoller,
Fadic and Minutolo (2014), Freitas, Souza and Almeida (2009), Oliveira, Nobre and Zárate
(2013), Nelson, Pereira and Oliveira (2017), and Pauli, Kleina and Bonat (2020).
Nevertheless, several works have pointed out that: (i) it is possible the EMH can
be applied only partially for developing markets (FISCHER; KRAUSS, 2018; NASSIR-
TOUSSI et al., 2014; MEHTAB; SEN; DASGUPTA, 2020), creating opportunities for
excessive returns; (ii) the use of additional features to the OHCLV data, such as mar-
ket sentiment, could improve the quality of the predictions, by incorporating important
information on the predictions and strategies before they are fully incorporated on the
asset’s price (leading to higher returns) (NASSIRTOUSSI et al., 2014; BOLLEN; MAO;
ZENG, 2011; SOHANGIR et al., 2018); (iii) not always individual agents or the market as
a whole behave in a rational manner (NASSIRTOUSSI et al., 2014; BONDT; THALER,
1985; FISCHER; KRAUSS, 2018); and (iv) using complex non-linear models such as
deep neural networks and their variations (multilayer perceptron or MLP, long short-
term memory networks or LSTM, convolutional neural networks or CNN, among others)
could improve pattern recognition capabilities, improving trading results in comparison
to the use of traditional econometrics and ML models (BALLINGS et al., 2015; RYLL;
The DL models also have a considerable advantage over other models in terms of
prediction tasks: they can discover latent features on the data, eliminating the need to
manually handcraft features (RYLL; SEIDENS, 2019; SEZER; GUDELEK; OZBAYO-
GLU, 2020; JORDAN; MITCHELL, 2015; LECUN; BENGIO; HINTON, 2015), such as
the case with generating technical indicators (TI) for conducting technical analysis.
Several works observed that a relatively simple strategy, denominated buy and hold
(BH) strategy, can lead to better results than using traditional trading models (FISCHER,
2018; MENG; KHUSHI, 2019; DANTAS; SILVA, 2018). The BH strategy can be described
as buying stocks at the beginning of the period (timestep t0) and selling at its end (last
timestep). Although this is rarely used in this simplistic way in real-life trading, several
works use it as a baseline due to its good results on several different scenarios over the
long term, such as Dantas and Silva (2018), Wang et al. (2017), Conegundes and Pereira
(2020), Li, Rao and Shi (2018), Liu et al. (2020), and Yang et al. (2020).
However, many works, such as Wang et al. (2017), Conegundes and Pereira (2020), Liu
et al. (2020), and Yang et al. (2020), observed that their proposed models and strategies
outperformed the BH strategy on different stock markets. Usually, returns (annual or
cumulative) or the Sharpe ratio (an important metric that considers both risks and returns
of a strategy) are evaluated on those works. Rarely, several metrics are used for trading
evaluation, as is the case with the works by Li, Rao and Shi (2018), Liu et al. (2020), and
Yang et al. (2020). Notwithstanding, few works analyze multiple trading scenarios.
A series of works in the literature, such as the ones by Liu et al. (2020) and Yang et
al. (2020), have observed that the use of RL and DRL models may present better results
than the BH strategy, as well as several other strategies, such as mean-variance and
momentum trading. As an example, in the work of Liu et al. (2020), the authors observed
an annualized return of 21.40% (versus 8.38% for min-variance and 10.61% for BH), a
Sharpe ratio of 1.38 (versus 0.44 for min-variance and 0.48 for BH), and a maximum
drawdown of 11.52% (versus 34.34% for min-variance and 37.01% for BH).
Lastly, a considerable amount of works in the literature use ML metrics for evaluating
the implemented models, such as regression and classification metrics. Some examples
of those works are: Mansar et al. (2017), Neuenschwander et al. (2014), Weng et al.
(2018), Jin, Yang and Liu (2020), Medeiros and Borges (2019), and Souma, Vodenska
and Aoyama (2019). Nevertheless, as observed by Sezer, Gudelek and Ozbayoglu (2020),
Fischer (2018), and Meng and Khushi (2019), it is essential to evaluate financial metrics
to clearly understand the possible impact of using those models. The following section
contains the main and the secondary research questions and the work’s main objective.
This research’s main objective is to investigate and propose a system for automatic
asset trading considering multiple features, time series prediction, sentiment analysis, and
deep reinforcement learning models. It will be tested with the BOVA11 ETF, which is
traded at B3 to match the Ibovespa index. This ETF was chosen because it represents
the total market. This avoids potential price distortions related to a specific sector in the
period evaluated, resulting in more generalizable results. Additionally, market indices are
the most used assets in the literature to evaluate stock trading models.
The trading system will then be evaluated in two trading scenarios, and the most im-
portant module configurations will be evaluated in-depth. Lastly, six financial metrics will
be evaluated, analyzing aspects related to returns, risks, volatility, and losses compared
to a traditional baseline, the BH strategy.
To better address the problem described in the previous section, considering the do-
main background presented in section 1.1 and the need to explore different aspects of the
trading system proposed in this work, several research questions were proposed.
The main research question of this work was: "Does the proposed system present
better trading results than the BH strategy, considering the evaluated risk
and returns metrics and two different trading scenarios?". This question is vital
because it addresses the main concerns of all investors: maximizing profit over time while
also considering the strategy’s potential risks. Although the BH strategy is simple, it
has been shown to provide difficult-to-beat results in the longer term, and has become a
standard baseline for many works, such in the ones by Wang et al. (2017), Conegundes
and Pereira (2020), Li, Rao and Shi (2018), Liu et al. (2020), and Yang et al. (2020).
Nevertheless, very few works in the literature explore the use of DRL agents versus
the BH strategy for the Brazilian market, with the work by Conegundes and Pereira
(2020) as the best example. Unlike the work of Conegundes and Pereira (2020), in the
present dissertation, several models are compared using different inputs and two trading
scenarios. This is essential to understand better the behavior of the DRL agents on stock
market trading. The extensive reviews by Fischer (2018) and Meng and Khushi (2019)
observed very few papers on the Brazilian stock market.
Eight secondary questions were proposed to evaluate different aspects of the trading
system and its modules. Their results are helpful for both practitioners and researchers
on the use of ML, DL, and DRL models on the financial domain. These were:
• SRQ1: "Does the use of DRL with sentiment analysis improve stock
trading in terms of profits in relation to the use of the BH strategy?".
This is an essential question to evaluate the use of different features that are not
• SRQ3: "Does the use of TIs as features improve the forecasts of market
indices prices?". This is a vital question related to an ongoing debate for decades
related to the use of TIs (derived from the technical analysis literature). In this
work, the use of TI as an input for the price prediction module.
• SRQ4: "Which model (considering MLP and CNN) best predicts market
sentiment?". This is an essential question for evaluating the results of two state-
of-the-art DL models for market sentiment prediction in Portuguese.
• SRQ6: "Does the use of the price prediction module improve stock trad-
ing results?".
• SRQ8: "Does the use of TIs improve the stock trading results of DRL
The following section describes the primary motivations for this study based on a
thorough literature review.
As was explored in section 1.1, there was a significant increase in the number of
investors in the Brazilian stock market (B3, 2021a). It is also essential to observe the
increased interest in algorithmic trading worldwide (WU et al., 2019; TRELEAVEN;
GALAS; LALCHAND, 2013). Although this group of methods was already used in the
American stock market since the 1980s (TRELEAVEN; GALAS; LALCHAND, 2013), it
is increasingly adopted in the Brazilian stock market. This is an important motivation
for exploring several price prediction and trading models, especially the most recent ones,
such as DRL agents (FISCHER, 2018; MENG; KHUSHI, 2019; SOHANGIR et al., 2018;
Another critical motivation to explore new trading systems, models, and strategies is
the considerable impact of financial crisis and market anomalies, in which several investors
present irrational behaviors (NASSIRTOUSSI et al., 2014; FISCHER; KRAUSS, 2018;
MENG; KHUSHI, 2019). Systems that extract patterns from the market could guide
investors during highly volatile and uncertain scenarios. Therefore, a data-driven trading
system could assist on decision-making during highly volatile scenarios.
Another motivation that drives most works on developing trading systems and bet-
ter price prediction models is that improvements on current trading systems would in-
crease investors’ revenues, generating lots of incentives for new research on this field
CONEGUNDES; PEREIRA, 2020; LIU et al., 2020; YANG et al., 2020). In asset price
prediction, new DL models for time series analysis have been used for several markets and
assets (RYLL; SEIDENS, 2019; SEZER; GUDELEK; OZBAYOGLU, 2020). Most works
observe significant results by using the LSTM model (RYLL; SEIDENS, 2019; SEZER;
GUDELEK; OZBAYOGLU, 2020). This is a state-of-the-art DL model that is mainly
used for autocorrelated data on several domains.
The LSTM model was proposed by Hochreiter and Schmidhuber (1997), and it can
be defined as a feedforward neural network that uses its output as a recurrent input
to learn from data with past values. This allows the autocorrelation of the data to be
maintained, unlike models like the Support Vector Regression (SVR). Although the idea
of recurrence on deep neural networks had been studied before developing the LSTM,
an issue denominated vanishing problem was an essential constraint for maintaining au-
tocorrelation properties on deep neural networks. The LSTM was the first deep neural
Notwithstanding, few works consider the use of LSTM to improve price predictions on
developing markets, as was observed by Mehtab, Sen and Dasgupta (2020), and Nelson,
Pereira and Oliveira (2017). They all have observed improvements in relation to the
baselines, but most have not considered important econometrics models, such as the
autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) or seasonal autoregressive integrated
moving average (SARIMA), as baselines. One common baseline used is the SVR model,
a model that does not consider autocorrelation in the data. Also, few works consider an
in-depth analysis of hyperparameter values and cross-validation methods for predicting
stock prices, as in the works by Ferreira et al. (2019), Persio and Honchar (2016), Eapen,
Verma and Bein (2019), and Ballings et al. (2015). Comparing several relevant models
for price prediction on the Brazilian stock market is a strong motivation for this work.
Two in-depth literature reviews conducted by Nassirtoussi et al. (2014) and Sohangir
et al. (2018) have shown that sentiment analysis provides important features for improv-
ing price prediction, considering different markets, assets, and time windows. Few works
explore the use of market sentiment on price prediction on the Brazilian market. The
works by Neuenschwander et al. (2014) and Medeiros and Borges (2019) have explored
these impacts and have observed an increase in prediction performance, considering dif-
ferent metrics. Nevertheless, a more in-depth analysis of the use of sentiment analysis for
price prediction in Brazil, considering the impact of the different hyperparameters (and,
especially, sentiment dictionaries or lexicons), is highly desirable. This work explored the
impact that the sentiments may have on daily trading in two different scenarios.
According to the in-depth literature reviews on the use of sentiment analysis by Nas-
sirtoussi et al. (2014) and Medhat, Hassan and Korashy (2014), DL models, such as CNN
using word embeddings, can provide the best results in terms of sentiment prediction.
They also observed that daily frequency is the most used for predicting both prices and
sentiments on different works in the literature.
There is an increasing trend in using market sentiment for price prediction (WENG
et al., 2018; GHOSAL et al., 2017). These typically consider both price or price trend
prediction models and sentiment analysis models to make a final prediction. This can then
be used for trading. Few works in the literature explore those models on the Brazilian stock
market. This is especially true when considering the use of a hybrid approach for sentiment
analysis as done in this research, in which both ML techniques and sentiment dictionaries
or lexicons are used together (MEDHAT; HASSAN; KORASHY, 2014; NASSIRTOUSSI
et al., 2014; RUDER; GHAFFARI; BRESLIN, 2016).
According to Ferreira et al. (2019) and Mansar et al. (2017), the increasing interest
in market sentiment for price prediction and trading purposes can be illustrated by the
SemEval 2017 Task 5 challenge, an important financial sentiment analysis regression task.
This task developed a high-quality labeled dataset for sentiment analysis of news titles
in English, focusing on market sentiment. It is critical to observe that DL models were
the ones that presented the best results on that challenge, mainly the CNN (MANSAR
et al., 2017). However, no such open dataset exists in Portuguese. The present research’s
sentiment analysis module is inspired by the SemEval 2017 Task 5 challenge approach.
Important research was conducted by Johnman, Vanstone and Gepp (2018), using
sentiment analysis based on news from 2000 to 2016 with a lexicon-based model to predict
FTSE-100 returns and volatility. The lexicon-based model used presented a better return
than the BH strategy (cumulative return of 1.347 for their model versus -0.0929 for BH).
Nevertheless, the model used was considerably simple (based mainly on a predefined
lexicon) and did not learn with the data. Therefore, this could be improved by using a
DL model, such as in this research. A DL model could learn over time, besides using
different dictionaries and being a part of a model ensemble.
Liu et al. (2020) and Yang et al. (2020) implemented several DRL models for trading
stocks in the American stock market. They have observed a considerable improvement in
the annualized returns, Sharpe ratio, and maximum drawdown using their DRL trading
model related to the minimum-variance and BH strategies.
It is essential to observe that none of the models explored by Pendharkar and Cusatis
(2018) use deep neural networks to learn better the market dynamics and possible non-
linearities on the data. The use of deep neural networks as the "brain" of the agent (as
in the case of the DRL models) could improve the model’s pattern recognition on a very
uncertain domain with many different states, as is the case of the stock markets.
However, few works consider RL and DRL’s use for stock trading in the Brazilian
market. The most relevant works are the ones by Dantas and Silva (2018) and Conegun-
des and Pereira (2020). Nevertheless, those works did not explore the use of additional
sentiment features, TI’s impact, or additional price prediction features. Therefore, ex-
ploring the use of state-of-the-art DRL agents for financial trading in the Brazilian stock
market is one of this research’s main motivations.
It is also important to note that the present thesis is one of the few works to explore
in-depth: price prediction and sentiment features on state-of-the-art DRL agents for stock
market trading. Also, it is one of the first works to apply an automated trading system
considering those models and features on the Brazilian stock market.
Lastly, one of the objectives of a trading system is that it should reflect real-life
scenarios and address essential aspects, such as: considering multiple relevant financial
metrics, being easily replicable, consider the impact of TI as additional features, and
evaluating multiple trading scenarios (FISCHER, 2018; MENG; KHUSHI, 2019; LIU et
al., 2020; CONEGUNDES; PEREIRA, 2020; YANG et al., 2020; SEZER; GUDELEK;
OZBAYOGLU, 2020). Few of the proposed systems and models in the literature attend
to those critical aspects. The following section describes the scope of this thesis.
This section describes the main scope of this research. This definition is crucial for
better understanding the assumptions made and how the trading system can be applied
for real-life financial trading. The scope also guided the design and implementation of the
system and its components. This work is based on eleven main points:
1. It may be possible to obtain excess returns on the stock market. Although several
authors consider this a direct opposition to the EMH, many works have shown that
it is possible to obtain excess returns in the short term (NASSIRTOUSSI et al.,
FISCHER, 2018; MENG; KHUSHI, 2019). Additionally, the Brazilian stock market
is not as developed as the American or Western European markets. Therefore, this
may create further opportunities for profit (NASSIRTOUSSI et al., 2014);
2. The maximum order size or maximum daily order (the maximum number of stocks
a system can trade within a day) may influence the model’s results, especially on
highly volatile scenarios. Two maximum order sizes were evaluated: 10 (representing
a severe constraint) and 200 (a value in line with DRL models in the literature);
3. A trading system may present different results in different scenarios. Therefore, two
significant scenarios were considered: a longer-term scenario (2019 and 2020) and a
shorter-term scenario with high volatility (2020);
4. Only one asset was considered, the BOVA11 ETF. It is a fund that makes it easier
to trade based on the Ibovespa market index. All the design, implementations, and
analyses consider only one asset. Nevertheless, this could be expanded, with a few
modifications on the DRL agent’s Markov Decision Process (MDP) and the trading
environment, to incorporate multiple assets;
5. The proposed system contained three modules based on the most relevant features
and results observed throughout the literature. These modules were: price predic-
tion (M1), market sentiment prediction (M2), and automated trading (MT);
6. Only the three main actions were considered for the DRL agent: buy, sell, and
hold. These are also the most used actions in the trading literature, as observed in
the works by Liu et al. (2020), Yang et al. (2020), Conegundes and Pereira (2020),
Li, Rao and Shi (2018), and Lei et al. (2020). Additional actions such as shorting
and using leverage were not considered, as they build on top of those basic actions.
However, they could be added as modifications on the DRL agent’s MDP;
7. All transactions have costs, and these must be taken into consideration by the
trading system to be more realistic. This is pointed out as a significant problem
in several works in the literature and may influence significantly on the system’s
returns (FISCHER, 2018; MENG; KHUSHI, 2019; LIU et al., 2020);
8. Only daily trading was considered, as this is the most common form of trading for
most investors. Its dynamics are similar if long-term trading is considered (but
more frequent). Additionally, it is considerably easier for investors to gather daily
data, as they are freely available through several websites. Intraday data is more re-
stricted and may depend on using services that may not be available to all investors
(especially small-sized investors). Several works point out that market dynamics
are different from intraday trading, especially for trading by the minute or sec-
10. As the market dynamics are complex, unknown, and may constantly be changing,
the use of DRL agents that are model-free for the trading module is the best option,
as explored by Fischer (2018) and Meng and Khushi (2019);
The following section describes the main assumptions considered for the proposed
system (and its components) design and implementation.
To design and develop the trading system and its components and test them, seven
main assumptions were considered. It is important to note that they are directly connected
to the last section’s research scope. The main assumptions were:
1. No market agent can influence, by itself, the asset’s price. This is true for market
indices and large companies, so it is realistic in the scenarios evaluated in this work.
Nevertheless, if a practitioner wants to use the proposed system for an asset that has
a small size or that is not liquid, this assumption must be more carefully analyzed;
2. Sentiment analysis can be used to identify and predict market sentiment, which can
then be used to improve trading or price prediction (NASSIRTOUSSI et al., 2014;
al., 2014; SOUMA; VODENSKA; AOYAMA, 2019). Several data sources can be
used. In this research, financial news titles or headlines were used, as they present
a summary of the main idea of each specific news;
3. General sentiment dictionaries can be used for improving market sentiment pre-
diction. This has been observed in several works, such as Mansar et al. (2017)
and Ferreira et al. (2019). This is an important assumption because there are no
openly available financial sentiment dictionaries in Portuguese, unlike the English
language. The latter has financial sentiment dictionaries that are openly avail-
able and well-accepted, such as Loughran and Mcdonald (2011), which have been
proven to improve the quality of the sentiment prediction (FERREIRA et al., 2019;
LOUGHRAN; MCDONALD, 2011; MANSAR et al., 2017);
4. The trading system cannot borrow additional funds or use leverage. This is the case
of most works in the literature (FISCHER, 2018; MENG; KHUSHI, 2019). It is
possible to implement those functionalities in future works;
5. The trading system’s initial funds on both trading scenarios is R$ 100,000. This
value is based on Liu et al. (2020) but should have no significant impact on the final
results. This value must be large enough, so it is not the main initial restraint for
trading. Nevertheless, it is possible to change this value freely on the MT module;
6. It is essential to consider the trading cost for each trade. A trading cost of 0.01%
was considered for every trade in this work, as used by Liu et al. (2020). This makes
the model more realistic, as the trading costs are an essential part of the final results
(especially the returns). It is also possible to change this value within the trading
system, using both a flat fee per trade or a percentage cost for every trade;
7. In the ML sense, the trading scenarios were considered test scenarios. Therefore,
the models only learn before those periods. During the trading periods, the models
were not learning new policies or patterns, only applying the policies and patterns
recognized during their training subsets. This is essential to conduct a more fair
comparison and is the standard approach followed in the literature (FISCHER,
2018; MENG; KHUSHI, 2019). However, in real-life scenarios, the model could be
retrained daily to improve its pattern recognition and trend identification capacities.
The following section describes this document’s structure and an overview of each of
its chapters.
This work is divided into six chapters. Chapter 1 contains the background of this work,
its main objective and research questions, and the main assumptions of the proposed
system. Chapter 2 contains a literature review of the main areas and domains that
are relevant to this work: price prediction, sentiment analysis, stock trading, and the
econometrics, ML, DL, and DRL models that will be used.
Chapter 3 contains the description of the methodology used in this research, with a
thorough description of the main activities conducted. Chapter 4 contains the experi-
ments’ main results with the proposed system, considering both its components and the
two trading scenarios.
Chapter 5 contains several meaningful discussions related to the system’s results and
its components and architecture. It clearly describes this work’s four contributions, its
main limitations, and suggestions for three different applications. This chapter concludes
with recommendations for future work, both considering different models and markets and
different configurations for each module. Chapter 6 concludes the research, summarizing
the main objective and research questions, the proposed trading system and its modules,
and its main contributions.
This section describes in-depth the most relevant and state-of-the-art research in the
main themes related to this thesis. Figure 1 illustrates those themes and their respective
sections. This forms the basis for the research, the gap identification, and the proposing
of the automated trading system. It is essential to observe that the AI techniques and
models, especially the DRL agents, are considered state-of-the-art for stock market trading
because of their capacity to learn in complex, non-linear environments (CONEGUNDES;
PEREIRA, 2020; FISCHER, 2018; YANG et al., 2020; MENG; KHUSHI, 2019).
This chapter is organized in the following sections: 2.1 describes the stock price
prediction task, its main difficulties, and the traditional econometrics models explored
in this work (ARIMA, SARIMA, and seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average
with external factors or SARIMAX); 2.2 describes the use of ML and DL for stock price
prediction, describing the ML (SVR and AdaBoost) and DL (LSTM) models explored
in this work; 2.3 explores the role sentiment analysis on the stock markets, considering
aspects related to model categories, data sources, and main concerns; 2.4 describes the
use of hybrid models (using lexicons and ML or DL models) for analyzing and predicting
the stock market sentiment; 2.5 summarizes the main aspects related to stock trading and
algorithmic trading and the importance of using domain metrics for model evaluation; 2.6
explores the use of RL and DRL, state-of-the-art models, for automated stock trading;
and 2.7 concludes the chapter, summarizing its main points and fundamental concepts.
Nassirtoussi et al. (2014) state that one of the most critical aspects of market economies
is the financial market. The ability to better predict future prices and price trends in a
market economy has two main advantages: (i) avoiding financial losses; and (ii) making
financial gains (NASSIRTOUSSI et al., 2014). Improving asset price predictions could
improve current market trading strategies (KARA; BOYACIOGLU; BAYKAN, 2011).
Figure 1 – Main themes of the literature review chapter and their respective sections
Nevertheless, asset prices and price trends are very challenging to predict (NASSIR-
TOUSSI et al., 2014). Some of the main reasons that explain this fact are short and
long-term trends, seasonal patterns, cyclical fluctuations, and noisy data (YADAV; JHA;
SHARAN, 2020). There are also crucial aspects related to: (i) political and economic con-
texts; (ii) different market factors; (iii) investors’ behavior on different scenarios; and (iv)
development and use of new technologies, among others (JIN; YANG; LIU, 2020). Also,
the high volatility and non-stationary aspect of the stock markets increase the complexity
of prediction tasks (HU et al., 2018).
The EMH was a theory proposed in 1965 to explain the behavior of price movements
in the stock market and why it is so difficult to predict it (FAMA, 1965). According
to Nassirtoussi et al. (2014), analyzing the work by Fama (1965), the EMH states that
the price movements in a stock market follow a random walk model and, therefore, are
unpredictable. This infers that it is not possible to achieve sustainable excess returns at
the decision-making moment considering the potential impacts of risks. However, in sub-
sequent works, Malkiel and Fama (1970) concluded that this only fully applies to specific
situations: in strongly efficient markets without information asymmetry. In other words,
the better the information access in the market, the more it may resemble a random walk.
However, several works have observed that this is not the case of markets in developing
countries, as these are not considered strongly efficient markets (NASSIRTOUSSI et al.,
According to Bollen, Mao and Zeng (2011) and Nelson, Pereira and Oliveira (2017),
one crucial aspect of the EMH is that, according to its original formulation, stock price
changes are driven by: (i) new information rather than old information; and (ii) and
current prices, rather than historical prices. According to this theory, the current price
already incorporates all available information in the market. Therefore, only new informa-
tion could impact its price. According to Freitas, Souza and Almeida (2009) and Fischer
and Krauss (2018), the EMH has been under discussion and empirical testing since it
was proposed because several observed effects tend to contradict this hypothesis (such as
irregularities, calendar effects, among others). These usually are called market anomalies
According to Nelson, Pereira and Oliveira (2017), the random-walk hypothesis states
that an asset’s price changes are independent of its history. In this sense, the best strategy
would be to predict that tomorrow’s price would be today’s price plus random noise.
This is sometimes used as a baseline for comparing prediction models. According to
Ballings et al. (2015), the EMH was based on linear statistical algorithms. Therefore, using
algorithms that can capture complex non-linear dynamics on the data could, in theory, go
against the EMH and provide excessive returns due to partial assets’ predictability. This
has been attempted (and, to a certain extent, observed) by several works in the literature
(BALLINGS et al., 2015). Additionally, many works such as the one by Bollen, Mao and
Zeng (2011) try to evaluate the impact that news and posts on social media could have
on price and if this would allow for better market prediction (as there is a period between
the news or post-release and its incorporation on the asset’ price).
However, Bollen, Mao and Zeng (2011) observe that: (i) several studies observe that
prices (especially on developing markets) do not follow a random walk and that some
degree of asset price prediction is possible; and (ii) many other studies observed that the
use of news and social media messages could improve price prediction, even if it is only
in a short time window (minutes to hours after the news release). Different methods
and techniques have been used to predict and trade stock market assets, such as opti-
mization, signal processing, time series analysis, and machine learning (CONEGUNDES;
PEREIRA, 2020).
Among the researchers and practitioners that believe that stocks prices and trends can
be predicted, at least partially, there are four main sets of models, tools, and techniques
that can be used: (i) fundamental analysis; (ii) technical analysis; and (iii) ML-based
models (HU et al., 2018; NASSIRTOUSSI et al., 2014). Additionally, traditional statistical
analysis models (also called econometrics models) are used to predict stock prices in several
works in the literature. This can be considered the fourth category of models, as it presents
different aspects compared to the other three approaches.
The data used in fundamental analysis is considerably challenging to gather and eval-
uate because it usually is unstructured and may present varying time windows (NASSIR-
TOUSSI et al., 2014). For example, company reports present relevant information related
to a company but may be released only once a year. Additionally, company reports con-
tain unstructured text, and mining relevant information from those reports is complex.
According to Nassirtoussi et al. (2014), fundamental data present in unstructured text
is one of the most difficult ones to work with. Some examples of data sources for fun-
damental analysis are: company reports, sector reports, official documents, news, news
headlines (or news titles), social media posts, blogs, messages on forums, among others.
The second approach, technical analysis, is related to the idea that market movements
happen in cycles and that trends tend to repeat themselves (NASSIRTOUSSI et al., 2014).
Generally, it uses chart analysis or mathematical models to identify patterns and predict
future trends (OLIVEIRA; NOBRE; ZÁRATE, 2013; PERSIO; HONCHAR, 2016). Then,
the decision-maker applies a set of rules to decide if a specific asset should be bought or
sold. As pointed out by Hu et al. (2018), this approach’s critical limitation is that it
cannot help identify patterns that influence the market dynamics outside of the open,
high, low, and close prices, and volume (OHLCV) data. For example, it does not evaluate
the impact that market news could have on an asset’s price, evaluating only data that is
already incorporated on the price.
tools pointed out by Nelson, Pereira and Oliveira (2017), Persio and Honchar (2016),
Oliveira, Nobre and Zárate (2013), and Weng et al. (2018) are: (i) prices are defined only
by the relation between supply and demand; (ii) long and short term trends influence
asset prices; (iii) changes in the structure of supply or demand can cause the trends to
change direction (also denominated reversing the trend); (iv) it is possible to identify
those changes using indicators (the TIs); and (v) there are a set of patterns that repeat
themselves over time.
Dantas and Silva (2018) state that TIs are metrics based on OHLCV data to obtain
additional information from the raw data. They can be considered as handcrafted features
designed by experts. Nevertheless, there are divergent opinions on the literature related
to their effectiveness on trading systems. Two very important TIs are the Bollinger Bands
(BB) and the moving average convergence divergence (MACD). The Bollinger Bands are
used to delimit a region of two standard deviations (upper and lower bands) surrounding
the 20 days simple moving average of the price (middle band). As the middle band crosses
the upper or lower bands, rules are used to buy or sell the specific asset (DANTAS; SILVA,
2018). The MACD is an indicator derived from the 9, 12, and 26 days exponential moving
average of the prices. A set of rules is used to buy or sell the specific asset based on the
moving averages’ behaviors (DANTAS; SILVA, 2018). Both TIs are considered in this
work, as well as other relevant ones used by works such as Kara, Boyacioglu and Baykan
(2011), Weng et al. (2018), and Wu et al. (2019). To better understand their roles, these
are divided into four classes in this thesis: volume, volatility, trends identification, and
The third approach, the use of ML models, can use data sources and indicators from
fundamental and technical analyses (NASSIRTOUSSI et al., 2014). Its main advantage
is learning from the data, identifying new patterns as more data is added (JORDAN;
MITCHELL, 2015). ML models can also deal with non-linear datasets with a large number
of dimensions and a low signal-to-noise ratio (JORDAN; MITCHELL, 2015; NELSON;
PEREIRA; OLIVEIRA, 2017; LECUN; BENGIO; HINTON, 2015). ML models are used
to extract sentiment data from company reports, news, among other data sources in the
case of fundamental analysis. In technical analysis, which is the most common in the
literature, ML models are used to extract patterns from OHCLV data and TIs. The ML
and DL models are explored in-depth in Section 2.2. In this thesis, aspects of fundamental
analysis (market sentiment) are explored on the M2 module, and aspects of price trends
and TIs are explored on modules M1 (to predict future prices) and MT (to improve trading
Lastly, several works consider econometrics models to predict asset prices and trends.
These are also denominated conventional time series analysis models and include the
ARIMA and its components as models (AR, MA, and ARMA) (JIN; YANG; LIU, 2020),
as well as its seasonal (SARIMA and SARIMAX) and multivariate counterparts (ARI-
MAX and SARIMAX). These models were specifically designed to address prediction
tasks on stationary time series. As observed by Jin, Yang and Liu (2020), those models
tend to consider only the time series, ignoring other potential influencing factors on the
According to Rundo et al. (2019), the ARIMA model is a generalization of the ARMA
model and its variations (AR and MA models) for application on non-stationary series due
to its differencing component (which transforms a non-stationary series into a stationary
one). The stationarity property can be summarized as the time series having constant
statistical properties (mean and standard deviation) over the whole dataset. Therefore, a
stationary series cannot present trends (which are common in financial data).
In the M1 module of this thesis, three econometrics models were implemented: ARIMA,
SARIMA, and SARIMAX. These were used as baseline models for comparing with the
ML and DL prices, as they are used in real-life situations. As illustrated in Figure 2,
the main differences between them are (BOX et al., 2015): (i) ARIMA and SARIMA are
univariate models; and (ii) SARIMA and SARIMAX consider seasonal components. All
models have a differentiation component, which aims to transform the series from non-
stationary into stationary. The SARIMA and SARIMAX extract a seasonal component.
Then, all models are trained, evaluating different values for p (autoregressive component)
q (moving average component), and the seasonal components (BOX et al., 2015). The
model prediction is then compared with the real value, and the model error is calculated.
The work by Box et al. (2015) contains a further description of the ARIMA, SARIMA,
and SARIMAX models’ workings.
Junior, Salomon and Pamplona (2014) evaluated using the ARIMA model to forecast
the monthly Ibovespa index from 1995 to 2013. The main baseline models used were AR1
(autoregressive model with the autoregressive component equal to 1), single exponential
smoothing, and double exponential smoothing, and the evaluation metric was the MAPE.
The authors concluded that the ARIMA model results in the best MAPE (0.064% ver-
sus 0.052% for AR1, 0.086% for single, and 0.118% for double exponential smoothing).
However, the authors did not compare this model with ML and DL models, which could
provide better results according to the literature. Additionally, the authors did not explore
the use of ARIMA variations that consider seasonal components (SARIMA, SARIMAX)
or external factors (ARIMAX, SARIMAX).
Siami-Namini, Tavakoli and Namin (2019) compared the ARIMA, univariate LSTM,
and univariate Bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM) models for predicting closing prices of
several indices and stock markets with varied frequencies (daily, weekly, and monthly)
from 1985 to 2018. The authors observed that both the LSTM and BiLSTM provided
considerably better root mean squared error (RMSE) than the ARIMA model. However,
although the BiLSTM presented the best overall results, its convergence was considerably
slower than the LSTM. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the BiLSTM would
demand more training data and more computational resources than the LSTM.
Chong, Han and Park (2017) compared the use of DL models, ARIMA, and ensemble
models for the prediction of stock intraday returns, concluding that: (i) the DL models
perform better than the ARIMA models; and (ii) that an ensemble of ARIMA and DL
model provided better results than the individual models. According to Mehtab, Sen
and Dasgupta (2020), econometrics models such as the ARIMA model tend to perform
poorly on volatile data with randomness and noise in it, which is the context observed on
intraday prices.
The extensive literature review conducted by Ryll and Seidens (2019) contains a
thorough evaluation of ML and DL models used for stock price prediction and stock
trading and how they compare to the ARIMA model. The following section explores ML
and DL models’ use for predicting stock prices and trends and a description of the ML
and DL models implemented in this work on the M1 Module.
Jordan and Mitchell (2015) provide an important review of the field of ML, considering
theoretical foundations, trends, and possible uses. According to those authors, ML is
related to the development of computer programs that can improve automatically through
more data (or, in other words, to improve with experience through several interactions).
They also define the ML field of study as being in the intersection between computer
science, statistics, AI, and data science. It is also common to describe ML and DL
models as learning machines. It is also important to note that DL is a subset of ML that
uses artificial neural networks (ANN) with multiple hidden layers (LECUN; BENGIO;
HINTON, 2015).
According to Jordan and Mitchell (2015), a learning problem in the context of ML can
be defined as improving a quality metric when executing a specific test through training
experience and repeated interactions. One important characteristic of ML models is that
they can be used for very different tasks with a similar architecture, unlike the considerable
modifications needed to adapt rule-based systems or expert systems to other domains. The
work by Jordan and Mitchell (2015) contains a thorough exploration of the ML field of
An online questionnaire conducted by Oliveira, Nobre and Zárate (2013) with ten
trading professionals (with 50% having three years or more of experience) in Brazil to
evaluate the use of different stock price and price trend prediction models pointed out
that 80% of the respondents do not use computer techniques and models to trade in the
stock market. Although this is a small sample, it was targeted towards experts and can
help to infer that the adoption of ML models in Brazil was shallow when the questionnaire
was applied.
Rundo et al. (2019) conducted an in-depth survey of ML models used in the financial
domain, focusing mainly on stock prediction and portfolio allocation tasks. The authors
observed that traditional models such as the ARIMA (and its variations) and the expo-
nential smoothing model tend to perform poorly compared to DL models for the stock
price and volatility prediction due to several aspects of the data: complexity, high dimen-
sionality, and causal dynamicity. They also observed that DL models such as the LSTM
tend to perform better than the support vector machine (SVM) and the MLP models in
several stock trends and stock price prediction works. Among the evaluated works, the
most commonly used methods were: ARIMA, MLP, SVM, and LSTM. The least used
method was DRL. Rundo et al. (2019) conducted an in-depth exploration of several works
In this research, two traditional ML models were implemented: the SVR and the
AdaBoost (a state-of-the-art boosting model, typically used with decision trees as its
weak learners). These are explored in the following paragraphs.
According to Persio and Honchar (2016), SVMs were the optimal choice for stock
trend prediction before developing DL models. They tend to present better results than
the use of ARIMA models. The SVM can be described as a non-probabilistic binary
linear classifier for supervised learning, which can be used for non-linear problems through
the application of the kernel trick technique (NASSIRTOUSSI et al., 2014; CHANG;
LIN, 2011; DRUCKER et al., 1997; RUNDO et al., 2019). The SVM solves a quadratic
programming optimization to identify a hyperplane that separates the classes, considering
the maximum margin possible with the chosen hyperparameters (CHANG; LIN, 2011;
DRUCKER et al., 1997; RUNDO et al., 2019). The SVR is a variation of the SVM for
regression problems proposed by Boser, Guyon and Vapnik (1992) and Drucker et al.
The main objective of the SVR is to fit the observations of the dataset within the space
between the boundaries defined by a parameter named epsilon. The SVR maximizes the
margins that separate the different classes, and the kernel trick is used to separate non-
linear data (RUNDO et al., 2019; KARA; BOYACIOGLU; BAYKAN, 2011; DRUCKER
et al., 1997; CHANG; LIN, 2011). It was implemented in this thesis due to two main
reasons: (i) it demands fewer data for recognizing patterns in comparison to the LSTM;
and (ii) it is one of the most widely used ML models for stock prediction (RUNDO et al.,
2019). Figure 3 illustrates the results of the SVR model on a general case of use. The
dashed lines represent the margins (they are non-linear due to the use of the kernel trick).
The white dots are clearly separated classes, while the green dots are the support vectors,
and the red dots are data points inside the model boundaries.
It is important to note that the model hyperparameters are used to determine the
hyperplanes and the support vectors (RUNDO et al., 2019; KARA; BOYACIOGLU;
BAYKAN, 2011; DRUCKER et al., 1997; CHANG; LIN, 2011). After the model is
trained and the margins are defined, it is used to make predictions based on the input
data’s features. The works by Rundo et al. (2019), Boser, Guyon and Vapnik (1992) and
Drucker et al. (1997) contain a thorough description of the workings of the SVM and SVR
Source: elaborated by the author, based on Boser, Guyon and Vapnik (1992), Drucker et
al. (1997), Platt (1999), and Chang and Lin (2011).
Figure 4 – Main components of the AdaBoost model with decision trees for price
Source: elaborated by the author, based on Ballings et al. (2015), Drucker (1997),
Wang, Zhang and Verma (2015), and Freund and Schapire (1997).
ML model that uses weak learners (models that are not optimal for solving the specific
problem) and the boosting method (in which the errors of one weak learner are used as an
input for training the next weak learner) to generate predictions (BALLINGS et al., 2015;
DRUCKER, 1997). Figure 4 illustrates this model’s main components using decision trees
as weak learners, as this was the model implemented in this work. First, the pre-processed
data is fed to the first decision tree. Then, this model is trained, its errors are evaluated
compared to the correct labels, and are used as inputs for the next decision tree (together
with the initial price inputs). This process is repeated for the number of models that were
defined initially, through the number of estimators hyperparameter (BALLINGS et al.,
2015; DRUCKER, 1997).
After the final model is trained, the test subset is used to evaluate the AdaBoost
model. Each trained weak learner (or estimator) provides a prediction, which is then
weighted by a voting rule (also denominated as a voter or weighted voter), and the final
prediction is provided (BALLINGS et al., 2015). This is then compared with the real
values (or correct labels), and the final model error is calculated. Although this model is
not normally used for price prediction tasks, it was chosen because the models used as the
weak learners can be easily changed, providing an opportunity to use the boosting method
on different models and architectures. The works by Ballings et al. (2015) and Freund
and Schapire (1997) contain an in-depth description of the AdaBoost model’s workings.
DL is the application of ANNs with multiple hidden layers for learning different classi-
fication and regression tasks (LECUN; BENGIO; HINTON, 2015; ZHANG; WANG; LIU,
2018). In comparison to shallow neural networks (such as the perceptron or the MLP),
DL architectures such as CNN and recurrent neural networks (RNN) can extract high-
level features, improve pattern recognition, and deal with lower signal-to-ratio inputs and
non-linearities (ZHANG; WANG; LIU, 2018). Some important vairations of the RNNs
are: gated recurrent units (GRU), LSTM, and BiLSTM.
The work by LeCun, Bengio and Hinton (2015) contains an extensive review of DL’s
theoretical foundations. According to those authors, its main advantage is to allow the
model to learn feature representations with multiple abstraction levels, which can then be
used by the neural network or by other models to improve prediction and decision-making.
The DL models learn abstract representations that are more likely to be invariant to local
input data changes (SOHANGIR et al., 2018). For example, an object detection model
using a CNN could detect an object in different positions and sizes if correctly trained.
This is not observed on ML models.
Sohangir et al. (2018) point out that the resource-intensive nature of developing rele-
vant handcrafted features through a feature engineering process is one of the main reasons
to adopt DL models in relation to traditional ML models. This is even more important
when the dynamics are unknown or complex, such as in the stock markets. LeCun, Bengio
and Hinton (2015) also state that DL has improved the state-of-the-art in several tasks,
such as speech recognition, sentiment analysis, topic classification, object detection, drug
discovery, genomics, among others.
For the sake of clarity, in this thesis, the term ANN was avoided, as it is too general.
Term MLP was adopted for referring to ANNs with multiple layers and no specialized
architecture. When referring to specific ANN architectures, their model names were used.
For example, CNN refers to convolutional neural networks, which contain spatial-related
components and convolutional layers. LSTM refers to RNNs that use LSTM layers (the
neural network’s temporal component). The term DL model was used when referring to
all DL models.
All DL models contain a similar structure with three layers: (i) input layer, which
receives the input vector; (ii) hidden layers, which aims at extracting features from the
data and recognizing patterns and whose output is not visible; and (iii) the output layer,
which presents the final output (a number in the case of regression tasks or a class for
classification tasks) (ZHANG; WANG; LIU, 2018). Some DL models present a specific
architecture, such as the CNN (explored in Section 2.4), which adds convolutional layers
after the input layer.
As cited by Zhang, Wang and Liu (2018), the layers of the model closer to the input
layer are used for learning simpler features. The layers that are closer to the output
layer learn more complex features, denominated high-level features. The work by LeCun,
Bengio and Hinton (2015) contains an illustration of this principle applied to several
domains, including an in-depth example for facial recognition.
According to Freitas, Souza and Almeida (2009), the performance of the predictions of
a DL model depends on aspects related to the network (topology and training methods,
among others) and the data itself (features and noise, among others). Therefore, it is
important to explore different aspects of the DL model related to its architecture and
Ryll and Seidens (2019) conducted an extensive review of ML and DL models for the
stock price and trend forecasting, considering more than 150 papers in the literature. The
most critical points observed by the authors were: (i) ML and DL models tend to perform
better than econometrics models; (ii) RNNs (especially the LSTM) tend to perform better
than the MLP and the SVM; (iii) it is important to compare the results of DL models
with the SVM, as several works obtained good results using it; (iv) there is a lack of
studies that consider trading-related metrics, such as return metrics, which are vital to
informing decision-makers better; (v) there is a difficulty in comparing different works in
the literature due to the lack of standardized datasets and training and testing processes;
and (vi) the BH strategy is an important baseline to evaluate trading systems. All those
aspects were considered in designing the trading system and the experiments conducted
in this thesis.
Lastly, it is crucial to observe that DL models can detect features and patterns in
the data that might not be identified by traditional economics or econometrics models
(SOUMA; VODENSKA; AOYAMA, 2019), and that DL models can provide important
data for trading systems related to the market state from the noisy raw data observed
(WANG et al., 2017).
The DL model implemented in this research for stock price prediction was the LSTM
because it is considered state of the art in terms of time series prediction for several works
on the financial domain (RYLL; SEIDENS, 2019; SEZER; GUDELEK; OZBAYOGLU,
2020). It can be defined as a DL model containing a temporal component, which identifies
and evaluates temporal patterns in the data and uses them to predict future values (RYLL;
SEIDENS, 2019; SEZER; GUDELEK; OZBAYOGLU, 2020). Therefore, it is a type of
DL model that is well-suited for data with autocorrelation and a low signal-to-noise ratio,
high complexity, and high volatility. Nevertheless, it is considerably more challenging to
implement than other DL models such as the CNN or the MLP, and its high complexity
results in a demand for more training data than other ML models, as described by (RYLL;
The LSTM has two main forms concerning the input data: univariate and multivari-
ate. When there is enough data available, the LSTM tends to present better results than
the SVR, as was observed in the reviews by Ryll and Seidens (2019) and Sezer, Gudelek
and Ozbayoglu (2020). Its main advantage in relation to the SVR and AdaBoost models
for stock price prediction is its ability to capture temporal patterns, which is extremely
important for data with autocorrelation. Its main advantage in relation to the ARIMA,
SARIMA, and SARIMAX models is its capability to learn complex non-linear patterns
and better deal with noise in the input data. Lastly, its main advantage in relation to
all the cited models is that it can automatically extract features from the data. There-
Figure 5 – LSTM model and its main components for price prediction
Source: elaborated by the author, based on Chimmula and Zhang (2020), Zeroual et al.
(2020), Sezer, Gudelek and Ozbayoglu (2020), Hochreiter and Schmidhuber (1997), and
Karpathy, Johnson and Fei-Fei (2015).
fore, it does not demand data transformation (such as the differentiation for the ARIMA,
SARIMA, and SARIMAX models) or manual feature engineering (an essential task for
the SVR and AdaBoost models).
The LSTM model was proposed by Hochreiter and Schmidhuber (1997) and can be
defined as a feedforward neural network that uses the output at time t as a recurrent
input for subsequent time steps, allowing it to learn from current and past values data.
It is used in several domains with state-of-the-art results, such as finance, speech recog-
nition, correlation analysis, among others (RYLL; SEIDENS, 2019; SEZER; GUDELEK;
OZBAYOGLU, 2020). Figure 5 illustrates the main components of the LSTM. These are
the same for univariate and multivariate models, with the only difference being in the
input data (the univariate model considers only one time series, while the multivariate
can consider any number of time series).
As with all DL models, it is vital to pre-process the data and normalize it, so all
features have values between 0 and 1. This accelerates the training process significantly
and improves the model performance (JORDAN; MITCHELL, 2015; LECUN; BENGIO;
feature representation step aims to transform the data to the desired window length (also
denominated past history), which contains the past n days used for each prediction. This
is a vital hyperparameter that has to be explored on implementing the LSTM model on
stock price prediction tasks because it can heavily influence the quality of the predictions.
The data is then sent to the model’s input layer, symbolized by x in Figure 5. The
number of inputs is related to the number of features in the array, with the most com-
mon being OHLCV data. Next, the LSTM layer neurons are fed with the input data.
The number of neurons on the LSTM layer is a crucial hyperparameter, as it is directly
connected with the complexity of the model and its ability to recognize complex patterns
al., 2017). The neurons on the LSTM layer contain three main gates that allow it to
consider the impact of past data on the current prediction: (i) input, which receives the
current data and the past hidden state and updates the hidden state; (ii) forget (which
chooses if the new data received should overwrite past data); and (iii) output, which
determines the hidden state value and sends information to the next neuron (SEZER;
Additionally, besides the current input at time t, the neurons also receive as input
the knowledge from time t-1 (which is contained on the hidden layer). After n such inter-
actions considering current and past data in an epoch, the model is trained. The output
layer will then provide a prediction, which will be compared with the real value label, and
the error will be propagated on the network, adjusting its weights (SEZER; GUDELEK;
SON; FEI-FEI, 2015). As with other DL models, the backpropagation algorithm is used
BER, 1997; KARPATHY; JOHNSON; FEI-FEI, 2015). The works by Sezer, Gudelek
and Ozbayoglu (2020), Hochreiter and Schmidhuber (1997) and Karpathy, Johnson and
Fei-Fei (2015) contain an in-depth description of the LSTM model’s workings.
The work of Persio and Honchar (2016) compared the use of MLP, CNN, LSTM, a
combination of wavelets and CNN, and ensembles of those models to predict SP500 daily
returns trend movements, considering two classes: upward and downward. The authors
concluded that the best individual model was the CNN with wavelets (with an mean
squared error or MSE of 0.249 and an accuracy of 53.60%) and the best overall model was
a weighted ensemble of all the models (with an MSE of 0.226 and an accuracy of 56.90%).
However, the authors did not: (i) conduct a statistical test to evaluate the significance
of the results, which may be a problem because the LSTM and CNN presented very
similar results for the MSE; (ii) consider the use of TIs; and (iii) compare the results with
traditional econometrics models.
The main contributions of the work by Kara, Boyacioglu and Baykan (2011) were:
(i) evaluating the use of different TIs for price prediction on developing markets; (ii)
comparing a DL and a traditional ML model for stock price prediction; and (iii) conducting
a statistical analysis of the results obtained. The authors observed that the MLP provided
better accuracy than the SVM (75.74% versus 71.52% for the SVM). However, the authors
did not explore: (i) the use of OHLCV data; (ii) additional features that may improve
the prediction, such as market sentiment; (iii) a comparison with econometrics models;
and (iv) the use of additional metrics that may provide further insights on the models’
results, such as precision, recall, and F1-score.
Guresen, Kayakutlu and Daim (2011) evaluated the use of MLP, dynamic artificial
neural networks (DAN2), and a generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity
(GARCH) with MLP model to predict closing prices of the NASDAQ stock exchange
index. The authors evaluated two metrics: MSE and mean absolute deviation (MAD),
and concluded that the MLP model provided better returns than the DAN2 and GARCH-
MLP models. However, the dataset used was considerably small, with only 36 days used
as the testing subset. Also, the authors did not explore the use of additional features.
An important work on using LSTM for stock trend prediction was conducted by
Fischer and Krauss (2018). In this work, the authors evaluated using several models
(LSTM, MLP, logistic regression, and random forest) to predict price trends for the main
stocks in the SP500 index from 1992 to 2015. Most importantly, the authors evaluated a
simple rules-based trading strategy with the models’ results, concluding that the LSTM
provided the best results with a daily return of 0.26% after transaction costs (versus
0.04% for BH), a Sharpe ratio of 2.34 (versus 0.35 for BH), and a maximum drawdown of
-18.17% (versus -54.67% for BH). However, the authors used univariate models with daily
returns as their only feature. This could be improved by considering additional important
features, TIs, among others. Additionally, the authors did not conduct an extensive
hyperparameters analysis of the models. Lastly, the trading strategy was simplistic and
could be improved by using methods such as RL.
The work by Mehtab, Sen and Dasgupta (2020) explored a comparison between uni-
variate and multivariate CNN and LSTM models for predicting the opening price of an
important company stock (Bharat Forge) in the Indian stock market from 2012 to 2015,
considering intraday OHLCV data. This work is relevant for three main reasons: (i)
conducting an in-depth comparison between the CNN and LSTM models for stock price
prediction; (ii) exploring the use of DL models at a developing country’s stock market;
and (iii) conducting a five-step ahead forecasting.
Two metrics were evaluated by Mehtab, Sen and Dasgupta (2020): execution time
and the ratio of RMSE to the mean open value in the test subset. Even though the CNNs
presented slightly better values than the LSTMs, a statistical test is needed to evaluate if
this difference is significant. Additionally, the authors did not conduct a hyperparameters
analysis to fine-tune the models and did not explore additional features such as TIs or
market sentiment. Lastly, the authors did not consider traditional baseline models for the
comparison, such as the ARIMA models.
Eapen, Verma and Bein (2019) proposed a DL architecture that uses a CNN and a
bi-directional LSTM for predicting stock market indices for the next seven days. The
authors evaluated various pipelines for implementing the models, considering single and
multiple pipelines, for predicting SP500 daily closing prices. The proposed model was
compared with the SVR model. The multiple pipelines approach can be considered as an
ensemble of the models’ predictions. The authors concluded that the MSE for the LSTM
was around 4.7 times lower than for the SVR. They also concluded that using a model
with multiple pipelines resulted in an MSE around 9% lower than the single pipeline. In
this thesis, a similar multiple pipelines approach for part of the models implemented in
the M1 module was considered. However, the term "ensemble" was used because it is
more commonly used in the literature.
Notwithstanding, the work by Eapen, Verma and Bein (2019) did not consider the
use of additional features, such as TIs and market sentiment, as well as a comparison
with econometrics models or other relevant metrics. Additionally, its description of the
implementation is not extensive enough to allow for replication.
Yadav, Jha and Sharan (2020) explored using the LSTM model to predict four com-
panies’ closing prices in the Indian stock market (from 2008 to 2019), considering several
hyperparameters values and numbers of hidden layers. Some important contributions
from this work were: (i) evaluating the use of the LSTM on a developing stock market;
(ii) conducting an in-depth analysis of the LSTM hyperparameters for stock price predic-
tion; and (iii) conducting a statistical analysis of the models’ results considering several
executions. One significant contribution that influenced the present thesis was that the
LSTM using one LSTM layer provides the best results, with the lowest RMSE.
However, Yadav, Jha and Sharan (2020) did not consider in their analysis: (i) different
batch sizes, which may impact significantly on the final results; (ii) a different number of
epochs; and (iii) a traditionally used baseline for comparing the results of the different
LSTMs, such as the ARIMA or SARIMAX models. Although it is possible to conclude
which hyperparameter values are the most suitable among the evaluated ones, it is not
possible to infer that the LSTM was better than other models for predicting the stock
prices of the assets analyzed by the authors.
One of the most comprehensive works in terms of model evaluation for yearly stock
trend prediction was conducted by Ballings et al. (2015). The models evaluated were:
random forest, AdaBoost, kernel factory, MLP, logistic regression, SVM, and k-nearest
neighbor. The authors evaluated the data from 5767 European stocks and used the area
under the receiver operating curve (AUC) as the performance metric. The input data
considered mostly fundamental analysis indicators and stock prices. The best models
considering an average of the predictions for all stocks were: random forest, SVM, kernel
factory, AdaBoost, MLP, k-nearest neighbors, and logistic regression. One of the possible
explanations for the poor results of the MLP was the small training dataset used. However,
the authors could have also implemented ARIMA and SARIMAX as baseline models.
Additionally, the authors could have explored frequencies that are more typically used for
trading, such as daily, weekly, or monthly.
Another important set of models are denominated ensemble models. These can be
defined as the use of multiple models to provide a prediction (BALLINGS et al., 2015;
RIBEIRO et al., 2020; DEAN et al., 2020). In theory, if the models are diverse, they
can complement each other, improving the overall results compared to individual models
(BALLINGS et al., 2015; RIBEIRO et al., 2020; DEAN et al., 2020). Ballings et al. (2015)
emphasize the importance of considering ensembles and diverse ML models for comparing
the prediction results.
There are several methods for creating ensemble models but, as this was not the main
scope of this work, simple average ensemble models were implemented. In this case, the
ensemble model’s prediction is the simple average of each trained model’s predictions. For
example, the prediction of an ensemble of SVR and LSTM following this method would
be the prediction of the trained SVR (after model fine-tuning) plus the prediction of the
Kristjanpoller, Fadic and Minutolo (2014) proposed using an ensemble model that
combined an MLP with a GARCH model to forecast the daily volatility of market indexes
in Brazil, Chile, and Mexico, from 2000 to 2011. This is an interesting work because it
uses DL for predicting volatility, while most works in the literature predict returns, prices,
or price trends. The authors observed that their model provided a better MAPE than
the baseline model for Brazil (60% versus 70% for the GARCH model), Chile (76% versus
91% for the GARCH model), and Mexico (76% versus 96% for the GARCH model).
Oliveira, Nobre and Zárate (2013) is an important early work to explore using DL
models to predict stock prices in the Brazilian stock market. The authors predicted
monthly closing prices for the PETR4 stock, one of the most traded assets in this market,
using as inputs for an MLP: OHLCV data and several technical and fundamental analysis
indicators. They have evaluated the use of different window sizes, obtaining the best
results with a window size of 3, with a percentage of correct prediction direction of 93.62%
on the test subset (versus 87.50% for the MLP with a time window equal to 1) and a
MAPE of 5.45% (versus 6.41% for the MLP with time window equal to 1).
However, the work of Oliveira, Nobre and Zárate (2013) presents several points of
improvement: (i) no traditional baseline was used (such as an ARIMA model), with
the authors conducting a comparison between variations of only the MLP model; (ii) the
monthly frequency is not commonly used for investment decision-making; and (iii) instead
of using an MLP, the authors could have used a DL model architecture that is specific for
predicting series with autocorrelation, such as the LSTM or GRU.
Nelson, Pereira and Oliveira (2017) evaluated intraday (15min) stock trend prediction
with the LSTM model, considering both OHLCV data and TI as inputs. Five important
stocks of the Ibovespa index were evaluated from 2008 to 2015. The authors observed an
average accuracy of 55.9% for the LSTM model, and statistical tests showed that it was
significantly better than the MLP and random forest models’ accuracies. One interesting
contribution of this work was to use exponential smoothing to pre-process the data before
inserting it into the model. Nevertheless, the evaluated period was too short (the test
subset considered only the month of December 2014). A simple rule-based trading strategy
was conducted at the end of the research, showing that using the LSTM outputs would
lead to better results than the BH strategy for all the five stocks evaluated.
Pauli, Kleina and Bonat (2020) is one of the few works that compared different types
of DL models for predicting closing prices in the Brazilian stock market. The authors
evaluated the six most traded stocks during the initial stage of the Covid-19 pandemics
(from March 2019 to April 2020). The models evaluated were: multiple linear regression,
Elman networks, Jordan networks, radial basis function, and MLP. The evaluation of the
RMSE for predicting the six stocks showed that the best models were the multilinear
regression and the Elman networks. The worst models were the MLP and the use of the
radial basis function. However, the authors did not consider: (i) the use of econometrics
models; and (ii) the use of state-of-the-art DL models designed for dealing with temporal
data, such as the LSTM. They also considered only one quality metric, when using mul-
tiple options (mean absolute error or MAE, mean absolute percentage error or MAPE,
coefficient of determination or R2, among others) would allow for a better comprehension
of the impacts of using the different models.
In the next section, the concept of sentiment analysis is explored and the main ap-
proaches for conducting stock market sentiment analysis, the primary data sources and
models used, and the current challenges in this area.
According to Sohangir et al. (2018), market sentiment can be defined as the general
attitude of the majority of investors (in terms of market impact) in relation to the market
situation and the anticipation of price development for the whole market (or specific sec-
tors or assets). The sentiment has several components, such as: assets’ and sectors’ situa-
tions, national and world events, history, economic reports, demand and supply, seasonal
aspects, among others (SOHANGIR et al., 2018). A critical consideration for analyzing
market sentiment is that, in real-life scenarios, investors’ decision-making is influenced by
both the assets’ price changes and the news (SOUMA; VODENSKA; AOYAMA, 2019).
The sentiment prediction can then be used as a proxy for upward or downward trends on
specific firms, sectors, or markets (MANSAR et al., 2017), or as a feature for ML-based
It is interesting to note that during the 1980s, Bondt and Thaler (1985) have already
observed that market behavior can be influenced by news, which could be used to predict
future movements better. Those authors’ critical observation is that investors may present
irrational responses to some news, overreacting in their decision-making following that
news article. Some of the relevant biases that investors present are (NASSIRTOUSSI
et al., 2014): overconfidence, overreaction, and information bias, among many others.
These influence decision-making and are very hard to capture by traditional stock price
prediction models. One crucial fact that underlines the existence of irrationality in the
stock markets is speculative bubbles (which generally lead to financial crises that can be
sector-specific or market-wide).
According to Mansar et al. (2017), texts such as social media messages and news
can have important impacts on specific companies or the economy. This is because they
contain opinions that may influence investors’ decision-making. Souma, Vodenska and
Aoyama (2019) describe that unstructured texts that have a qualitative nature, such as
news, firms’ reports, press releases, and government reports and announcements, provide
critical information for decision-makers such as investors, firms, banks, traders, portfolio
managers, among others. Additionally, the amount of news generated every day is much
higher than the human capacity to process, evaluate, extract useful information, and use
it for decision-making, generating demand for systems that can automatically extract
market sentiment.
Neuenschwander et al. (2014) define the sentiment analysis task as labeling a set of
texts into two classes: positive and negative. Nevertheless, other authors consider an
additional neutral class. Bollen, Mao and Zeng (2011) point out that considering only
two or three classes is not enough to address the complexity of sentiments and emotions
and propose using more classes. Those authors considered the use of six classes with
satisfactory results. In the financial context, the sentiment analysis task is related to
converting unstructured text into meaningful information that stakeholders can use in
decision-making (MANSAR et al., 2017).
According to Sohangir et al. (2018), sentiment analysis has been increasingly applied
to infer users’ sentiments, feelings, emotions, and moods from social media messages.
Their work has pointed out that DL is essential in this context because it is challenging to
develop relevant features manually, and DL models can find important features themselves
during the learning process, as explored in Section 2.2.
Among the many uses of sentiment analysis in the financial domain, Dridi, Atzeni
and Recupero (2019) cite the following: market prediction, market sentiment prediction,
box office prediction, predicting consumer’s attitudes, analyzing certain venues’ (such as
blogs) towards specific companies, and improving decision-making for trading.
Nassirtoussi et al. (2014) cites that extracting sentiment from raw text related to
financial news or posts depends on three main fields of study: linguistics, ML, and be-
havioral economics. In this thesis, the first two aspects are explored in depth. The third
is explored indirectly by the DRL agent, as its structure allows it to recognize patterns
on the price movements, inferring behavior in a data-driven form.
The work by Nassirtoussi et al. (2014) is one of the most comprehensive reviews on the
use of natural language processing (NLP) and sentiment analysis for predicting market
sentiment and its impact on stock price and stock price trend prediction. Even though
some models were not yet proposed by the time it was conducted, such as DRL and the
Global Vectors for Word Representation (GloVe) word embedding, this work is essential
to understand better all the concepts related to sentiment analysis in the financial domain.
Sezer, Gudelek and Ozbayoglu (2020) conducted an extensive review of 140 papers
published between 2005 and 2019 that evaluated the use of DL models for predicting stock
prices and trends using different features as inputs. Some of the most relevant conclusions
observed by those authors were: (i) higher prediction accuracy is not the same as a
profitable model, due to the risks involved and the nature of decision-making on a trading
system; (ii) RNN variations (GRU and LSTM) are the most used DL models in the most
recent works; (iii) there is an increasing interest in using DRL for automated trading; (iv)
there is an opportunity for using sentiment analysis of relevant texts (news and social
media, among others) to provide market sentiment features to the DRL trading models;
and (v) the use of ensembles considering both market sentiment and price prediction is
an open issue in the literature.
Three main approaches are used for sentiment analysis (JOHNMAN; VANSTONE;
GEPP, 2018; SOHANGIR et al., 2018; MEDHAT; HASSAN; KORASHY, 2014; NAS-
SIRTOUSSI et al., 2014): (i) lexical-based, in which sentiment dictionaries (lists of words
with corresponding values on important dimensions, usually sentiment value or polarity)
are used to classify the input text; (ii) statistical learning or ML-based, in which ML and
DL models are used, generally with word embeddings or bag of words models, to classify
the text; and (iii) hybrid, in which both lexicons and ML models are used. It is important
to note that: (i) lexical-based systems are not able to learn; (ii) pure ML systems may
miss on important knowledge that could be aggregated by using lexicons; and (iii) that
hybrid systems with word embeddings and sentiment lexicons are the state-of-the-art on
sentiment analysis on the financial domain (FERREIRA et al., 2019; MANSAR et al.,
2017; NASSIRTOUSSI et al., 2014). Nevertheless, few works in the literature explore the
use of different dictionaries and their impact in relation to fine-tuning the main models’
hyperparameters. This is especially true for the Portuguese language. This aspect was
explored in this work on the M2 module.
Johnman, Vanstone and Gepp (2018) describes the three main steps for sentiment
analysis as: (i) feature extraction, in which the features (words, n-grams, part of speech
tags, named entities, among others) are defined and extracted; (ii) feature representation,
in which the features are converted into numbers (term frequency-inverse document fre-
quency or TF-IDF, word embeddings, bag of words, among others); and (iii) sentiment
classification, which is related to processing the features and providing the sentiment class
or number. It is important to observe that the sentiment classification can be done in
three different levels (JOHNMAN; VANSTONE; GEPP, 2018): (i) document-level; (ii)
sentence-level; and (iii) aspect-level.
The most important data source for sentiment analysis on financial markets is spe-
cific news providers that are considered relevant and trustworthy by investors (NASSIR-
TOUSSI et al., 2014; JOHNMAN; VANSTONE; GEPP, 2018). Therefore, this was the
data source chosen in this thesis for the M2 module. The use of financial news instead of
general news is recommended due to its higher signal-to-noise ratio (for example, there
are fewer irrelevant news articles in newspapers and websites that focus on the financial
domain versus general-purpose newspapers and websites). Also, news headlines or news
titles may provide even less noise due to the necessity to summarize the news article’s
most essential points in a few words. Hu et al. (2018) emphasizes that the sentiment anal-
ysis quality is directly related to the data inputs’ quality. For this reason, using specific
financial news may provide better results than general news articles.
According to Nassirtoussi et al. (2014), the time it takes from the release of a specific
news article and its impact on the stock market prices (and the duration of this impact)
may vary from seconds to months, depending on a series of complex factors. The most
common time frames evaluated are: 15min, 20min, 1h, 2h, and 3h (NASSIRTOUSSI et
al., 2014). In this thesis, the aim was to capture the daily impacts, as this is the most
common trading frequency in the literature. Additionally, this time frame is not typically
explored in the literature for sentiment analysis, contributing to a better understanding
of news impacts on daily trading.
One of the critical steps in sentiment analysis is choosing the pre-processing techniques
used to prepare the data to be fed to the ML model (NASSIRTOUSSI et al., 2014). Some
of the main pre-processing techniques are: feature-selection, word embeddings, stemming,
conversion to lowercase, stopwords removal, and numbers removal (NASSIRTOUSSI et
al., 2014; PENNINGTON; SOCHER; MANNING, 2014). All of those techniques are used
in this research.
Hu et al. (2018) describes the lack of literature that explores the use of financial news
articles for improving stock prediction, considering aspects related to quality, trustwor-
thiness, and comprehensiveness. All of those aspects are considered in this research.
Weng et al. (2018) developed an expert system to predict short-term stock prices using
two components: (i) a knowledge base built with five types of inputs: stock prices, TIs,
sentiment scores of news articles, Google search trends, and relevant Wikipedia pages for
the asset; and (ii) an ML model that will use the data and make the predictions for the
next 1 to 10 days. Four models were evaluated: MLP, SVR, boosted regression tree, and
random forest. Experiments with data from 2013 to 2016 for the Citigroup stock ($C)
showed that the next day’s prediction presented the lowest MAPE (1.50%). The best ML
model on the authors’ experiments with 19 stocks was the boosted regression tree.
However, several aspects could be analyzed to improve the model proposed by Weng
et al. (2018): (i) considering state-of-the-art DL models for price prediction, such as the
LSTM; (ii) implementing a simple trading strategy to evaluate the results in comparison
to the BH strategy; and (iii) evaluating the use of word embeddings and dictionaries to
improve the quality of the sentiment prediction. Additionally, it is not clear how the
sentiment score was obtained, as the authors used a dataset provided by a resource that
is not open and did not describe what model or technique was used to calculate the daily
sentiment score.
Jin, Yang and Liu (2020) proposed a methodology for using decomposed prices (using
empirical modal decomposition) and sentiments (extracted from posts from the Stocktwits
microblog and comments from Yahoo Finance) as inputs for an LSTM with an attention
component. The CNN was used to extract the sentiments from 96,903 posts, using a
word2vec word embedding, and calculate a daily sentiment index. The daily sentiment
index indicated both if the sentiment on that day was bullish (positive) or bearish (nega-
tive) and its magnitude (higher numbers indicated more positive or negative sentiment).
Based on the analysis of the experiments that were conducted with the Apple (AAPL)
stock, the authors observed that their model provided a considerable improvement in
terms of MAPE (1.65% versus 4.58% for the vanilla LSTM), MAE (2.396 versus 7.032
for the vanilla LSTM), RMSE (3.197 versus 8.712 for the vanilla LSTM), R2 (97.74%
versus 83.20% for the vanilla LSTM), and accuracy (70.56% versus 60.12% for the vanilla
Lastly, it is essential to note that very few works explore sentiment analysis in Por-
tuguese, especially in the financial domain. According to Neuenschwander et al. (2014),
the resources for NLP and sentiment analysis in Portuguese are very scarce compared to
the number of resources available for the English language. Additionally, Medeiros and
Borges (2019) cite that few works in the literature focus on sentiment analysis on the
Brazilian stock market. One of the reasons that may explain this behavior is the reduced
number of available sentiment lexicons, word embeddings, and resources in Portuguese
compared to the English language.
One important related work was conducted by Medeiros and Borges (2019), focusing
on the ML approach for sentiment analysis in the financial domain. The authors have
implemented the SVM and random forest models and principal component analysis and
t-stochastic neighbor embedding to predict sentiment classes based on 4516 tweets related
to the Ibovespa market index in Portuguese. They have considered a multi-label sentiment
classification task with nine classes (joy, trust, fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, anger, and
anticipation), and observed that, in general, the SVM presented a better score than the
random forest model. However, this work could have benefited from using specific lexicons
and DL models with word embeddings, adding to the model’s semantic and syntactic
The following section contains an in-depth exploration of the use of hybrid models for
analyzing and predicting the stock market sentiment, as these models are more relevant for
the scope of this thesis than the other approaches described in this section (lexicon-based
and ML-based).
Zhang, Wang and Liu (2018) has conducted an extensive survey on DL for sentiment
analysis, describing the main techniques, models, and state-of-the-art works in the litera-
ture on several domains. Among their most interesting findings, it is possible to observe
that: (i) automated sentiment analysis is a necessity because of the vast volume and va-
riety of information being generated; (ii) CNN and RNN are state-of-the-art models for
this task, even when used in the sentence-level with individual words; (iii) the use of word
embeddings is essential to improve the overall results, as they already contain semantic
and syntactic information; (iv) most of the literature use three categories for sentiment
polarity (positive, neutral, and negative); (v) lexicons can provide critical information for
improving the model’s results (using the hybrid approach); (vi) this task is currently one
of the most important research areas in NLP; and (vii) some of the main factors that
resulted in the increased interest on sentiment analysis are: new DL models and new data
sources (such as social media, forums, and blogs). Based on this analysis, it is possible to
observe the hybrid approach’s importance for sentiment analysis.
Additionally, Neuenschwander et al. (2014) cite that the hybrid approach could result
in classifiers that are less dependent on the context and better generalize their results on
different tasks. Nevertheless, this is not the most used approach for sentiment analysis in
the financial domain, with most recent papers focusing on the ML-based approach using
DL models.
First, the lexicon component of the hybrid approach will be explored, followed by
the ML-based component. Loughran and Mcdonald (2011) developed a critical financial
sentiment lexicon or dictionary based on reports from the US Security and Exchange
Commission, composed of six dimensions: positive, negative, litigious, uncertainty, model
strong, and model weak. As shown by those authors, the six dimensions increase the
quality of the market sentiment prediction in relation to general sentiment lexicons such
as the Harvard IV-4. This dictionary can improve the quality of the prediction of DL
models, as was done in the work by Ferreira et al. (2019). Those authors have observed
that using this dictionary improved significantly the models’ results in relation to using
no dictionary at all. However, the Loughran-McDonald dictionary is only available in
One critical development that led to exciting results on the use of DL models for
sentiment analysis was word embeddings. These can be used together with lexicons (as
was done in this thesis) to improve the model’s semantics knowledge. This is essential
because few works use semantics features for sentiment analysis in the financial domain
(DRIDI; ATZENI; RECUPERO, 2019). In this thesis, word embeddings were used as
feature representations to partially address this concern.
According to Sohangir et al. (2018) and Pennington, Socher and Manning (2014), word
embeddings aim to create a vector representation of each word with a lower dimension
space in comparison to the traditional bag of words model. According to Zhang, Wang
and Liu (2018), each vector’s dimension represents a feature of a specific word, and the
vectors may contain important information related to both syntax and semantics. The
original words are mapped to a new multidimensional space, mapping similar words to
similar distances (JIN; YANG; LIU, 2020).
The following paragraphs describe the DL models that were implemented in the M2
module for market sentiment analysis as the ML component of the hybrid approach used.
Two models were implemented: (i) the MLP, a traditional baseline model for sentiment
analysis tasks; and (ii) the CNN, a state-of-the-art model for sentiment analysis tasks.
The implementations followed the main concepts and techniques used by Ferreira et al.
The MLP is the most common type of DL model, being considered an extension of
the perceptron model (JORDAN; MITCHELL, 2015; NELSON; PEREIRA; OLIVEIRA,
2017; LECUN; BENGIO; HINTON, 2015). It was initially inspired by the human brain’s
functioning and how information is stored in the connections between the neurons (JOR-
HINTON, 2015). One of its main characteristics is its capability of recognizing complex
non-linear patterns (JORDAN; MITCHELL, 2015; NELSON; PEREIRA; OLIVEIRA,
2017; LECUN; BENGIO; HINTON, 2015). Nevertheless, in some problems, it may: (i)
present overfitting problems; (ii) be unable to detect specific patterns (such as autocor-
relation); or (iii) be considerably slow when training with large datasets. Those factors
have motivated the development of several modifications on the original MLP, changing its
components and introducing new building blocks, to adapt ANNs to deal with temporal
data (with RNNs), spatial data (with CNNs), among others.
It includes three types of layers: input, hidden, and output. The input layer receives
the features of each data point according to the feature representation used. It is impor-
tant to note that, as is the case of all DL models, it is essential to pre-process, normalize,
and provide the model with the correct feature representation to improve its performance
(JORDAN; MITCHELL, 2015; LECUN; BENGIO; HINTON, 2015). As was described
in the last section, there are several feature representation options, but word embeddings
were used in this research due to their promising results in the literature (MANSAR et
al., 2017; FERREIRA et al., 2019).
The main components and processes necessary to use an MLP are illustrated in Fig-
ure 6. It is important to note that the "knowledge" of this DL model is captured on the
weights that connect the different neurons on the different layers. The error backprop-
agation will change those weights based on the size of the error and the learning rate,
allowing the system to learn while the model is being trained (JORDAN; MITCHELL,
2015; LECUN; BENGIO; HINTON, 2015). Among its main hyperparameters, the follow-
ing can be highlighted: learning rate, number of neurons in each hidden layer, activation
functions, number of hidden layers, and optimization algorithm (JORDAN; MITCHELL,
2015; LECUN; BENGIO; HINTON, 2015; KOUTSOUKAS et al., 2017; ZHANG; WAL-
LACE, 2015). The works by Jordan and Mitchell (2015) and LeCun, Bengio and Hinton
(2015) contain an in-depth description of the MLP model’s workings.
Bollen, Mao and Zeng (2011) conducted one of the most cited works on sentiment
Figure 6 – Main processes for using an MLP for regression sentiment analysis
Source: elaborated by the author, based on Loukas et al. (2017) and LeCun, Bengio and
Hinton (2015).
analysis for stock market sentiment prediction. They have used a self-organizing fuzzy
neural network and data from tweets (9,853,498 tweets) and two mood tracking tools
(OpinionFinder and Google-Profile of Mood States or GPOMS) to predict stock price
trends of the Dow Jones Industrial Index (DJIA) in 2008. The proposed model achieves
an accuracy of 86.7% and a MAPE of 1.83%. One of the most important contributions
of this work was to consider several dimensions for calculating market sentiment: calm,
alert, sure, vital, kind, and happy.
Nevertheless, several improvements could be made on the work by Bollen, Mao and
Zeng (2011): (i) considering a more extensive testing period, as the original paper con-
sidered a test subset of only 18 days (described by the authors as having been chosen
due to low volatility and absence of significant socio-cultural events); (ii) implementing a
trading system or simple trading rules to verify the impacts of the proposed model versus
the BH strategy; (iii) considering newer methods that were not available at the time of
this research, such as word embeddings; (iv) considering the use of a hybrid approach,
with a sentiment lexicon to improve the accuracy of the predicted sentiments; and (v)
considering other important models for predicting stock prices, such as ARIMA, SARI-
MAX, and the LSTM. Additionally, one aspect that makes it impossible to replicate this
work is that the GPOMS tool is no longer available.
Dridi, Atzeni and Recupero (2019) have proposed a model that uses lexical, semantic,
and hybrid features to predict the market sentiment using a range between -1 (bearish)
and +1 (bullish), based on financial microblogs and news headlines from the SemEval 2017
task 5. They have evaluated several models, such as random forest, linear regression, lasso,
ridge regression, SVR, and clustering methods, using ten-fold cross-validation. They have
observed that the SVR model with lexical and semantic features obtained the best results
in terms of cosine similarity for both the news headlines (0.655 versus 0.563 for the random
forest model with only lexical features) and the microblogs posts (0.726 versus 0.680 for
the random forest model with only lexical features) datasets. Although their results were
significant, the authors did not explore word embeddings and DL models, which could
considerably improve their results.
According to Zhang, Wang and Liu (2018), Sohangir et al. (2018), Zhang and Wallace
(2015), and LeCun, Bengio and Hinton (2015), CNNs are a special type of DL model
developed for computer vision tasks, which involve images and videos. Its main difference
with the MLP is the existence of multiple convolutional layers, which contain convolu-
tions, subsampling, and pooling operations to extract local features independent of their
positions. For that reason, it is used for all kinds of tasks that present spatial correlation
(ZHANG; WALLACE, 2015; ZHANG; WANG; LIU, 2018). Its design was inspired by
mammals’ visual system (MNIH et al., 2015) and it was proposed by Lecun and Bengio
LeCun et al. (1998). It is considered a state-of-the-art architecture for several domains,
including object detection, facial recognition, among other computer vision tasks (SO-
HANGIR et al., 2018; MNIH et al., 2015; LECUN; BENGIO; HINTON, 2015; ZHANG;
WALLACE, 2015). Figure 7 illustrates its main components. CNNs have several uses
for NLP, such as: sentiment analysis, tagging, named entity recognition, entity search,
sentence modeling, summarization, topic modeling, among others (SOHANGIR et al.,
2018; ZHANG; WALLACE, 2015).
One crucial aspect to consider is that the CNN contains three operations that are
different from the MLP: (i) the use of convolutions, which aim at hierarchically detecting
features, generating feature maps; (ii) the use of pooling (typically, max-pooling), which
compresses the data and allow for spatial invariance (the ability of the CNN to detect
objects of different sizes and in different positions); and (iii) the use of flattening, which
prepares the data to enter on the model’s fully connected layer (LECUN et al., 1998;
LECUN; BENGIO; HINTON, 2015; ZHANG; WALLACE, 2015). These operations allow
for: pattern detection on different parts of an image and hierarchical-feature detection
(LECUN et al., 1998; LECUN; BENGIO; HINTON, 2015; ZHANG; WALLACE, 2015;
MNIH et al., 2015). Additionally, it is possible to implement CNNs for classification
(the most common use, in which the model predicts the probability of the detect object
Source: elaborated by the author, based on LeCun et al. (1998), LeCun, Bengio and
Hinton (2015), and Zhang and Wallace (2015).
belonging to any of the possible classes) and regression (in which the model predicts a
number based on the features of the data point) tasks. It was implemented for a sentiment
analysis regression task in this work, following the works by Mansar et al. (2017) and
Ferreira et al. (2019). The use of regression instead of classification allows for a more
fine-grained identification of the sentiment contained in a specific sentence (FERREIRA
et al., 2019).
Four critical aspects that should be observed regarding the CNN are: (i) there are
several variations of CNN implementations, according to different objectives; (ii) it is
possible to have multiple convolutions and pooling layers; (iii) the pre-processing stage
is one of the most critical steps for the CNN, especially in NLP uses such as sentiment
analysis; and (iv) the CNN can be used for n-dimensional data, by using n-dimensional
convolutions (SOHANGIR et al., 2018; LECUN; BENGIO; HINTON, 2015; ZHANG;
WALLACE, 2015). In the case of sentiment analysis, 1d convolutions were used in this
work, following the works by Zhang and Wallace (2015), Mansar et al. (2017), and Ferreira
et al. (2019). The works by Zhang and Wallace (2015) and LeCun et al. (1998) provide a
further description of the workings of the CNN model.
Mansar et al. (2017) proposed the model that won the SemEval task 5 subtask 2
challenge, which used financial news headlines to analyze the sentiments toward specific
firms, with a cosine similarity of 0.745. The authors proposed a hybrid approach. It was
based on using the DepecheMood sentiment lexicon (which contains nine dimensions),
the GloVe word embedding, the VADER sentiment analysis tool, and a CNN with one
convolutional layer to extract sentiment from the news headlines. They have also observed
better generalization and reduced problems with overfitting by using the GloVe word
embedding (in relation to using no word embedding at all).
Souma, Vodenska and Aoyama (2019) evaluated the use of several configurations of
LSTMs for news sentiment analysis on the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA30) on a
different setting: using intraday stock price returns one minute after each news article to
label the news as positive or negative. They have used the GloVe word embedding trained
with the Wikipedia 2014 and Gigaword 5 corpora, and their dataset was extracted from
the Thompson Reuters News Archive from 2003 to 2013. This is a very interesting work
because the stock market results provided the labels of the news dataset. Nevertheless,
there are several drawbacks: (i) the prediction accuracy on the test set was around 50%;
(ii) it is difficult to analyze if the movement that was observed was related to a specific
news release or not; (iii) the authors did not explore the impact of using dictionaries to
improve their predictions; (iv) an extensive hyperparameters analysis was not conducted;
and (v) the authors did not implement a trading system to evaluate the results of the use
of their model. In this thesis, all these aspects were considered.
The work by Ferreira et al. (2019), which is directly connected with the M2 module
of this thesis, evaluated the use of SVR and CNN for sentiment analysis on the financial
domain, using the SemEval 2017 task 5 subtask 2 dataset. This dataset was composed
of 1,142 labeled financial news headlines with sentiments on a continuous scale from -1
(very negative) to +1 (very positive). Different feature representations and the impact
of the main hyperparameters for both models were analyzed in depth. A stratified 5 fold
split was implemented to maintain the data balanced across the splits, and CNN was
implemented using the GloVe word embedding and three options of dictionaries (no dic-
tionary, the lexicon from the VADER tool, and the Loughran-McDonald domain-specific
dictionary). The main results of the experiments conducted were: (i) the CNN with the
GloVe word embedding and no dictionary provided the best MSE (0.094 versus 0.108 for
the SVR with TF-IDF); (ii) the use of more dimensions on the word embedding resulted
in better performance; (iii) the use of dictionaries did not bring a significant performance
improvement; and (iv) the best CNN model led to slightly better results than the best
SVR model.
However, Ferreira et al. (2019) focused on the English language and did not consider
the model’s accuracy in predicting market prices or price trends. Additionally, it is not
possible to conclude that using the best model proposed in that work will lead to better
trading results, as no statistical analysis was conducted.
As was already explored during this section and the last one, few works in the lit-
erature explore the use of sentiment analysis to predict the stock market sentiment in
Portuguese. One of the first important sentiment analysis works for the Brazilian stock
market considering data in Portuguese was the one by Neuenschwander et al. (2014). In
this work, the authors explore the use of data extracted from two labeled sources: 922
tweets and 373 news articles collected in 2013. After pre-processing the data (accent and
punctuation removal, lemmatization, stemming, lower casing, and stopwords removal),
the data was used on three classifiers on the following approaches: (i) a lexicon-based
model using the SOCAL method and the SentiLexPT dictionary; and (ii) two ML models:
naive-Bayes and naive-Bayes multinomial. The naive-Bayes multinomial model presented
the best results for sentiment analysis on the news articles dataset, with an F1 of 0.778
(versus 0.527 for the best SOCAL configuration). Therefore, they have concluded that
the ML approaches may provide better results for sentiment analysis related to financial
news in Portuguese (NEUENSCHWANDER et al., 2014).
Nevertheless, the authors did not consider the use of: (i) state-of-the-art DL models;
(ii) the use of word embeddings; (iii) the use of other dictionaries in Portuguese; and
(iv) the use of the hybrid approach, which could improve the results obtained by the
individual approaches. Additionally, as the data was collected in a short period (less than
six months), there is a considerable probability that it was related to the same market
trend, making it difficult to generalize the results.
Gildo, Júnior and Marinho (2018) explored the use of sentiment analysis of 471,430
economic news articles in Portuguese (from 2000 to 2015 from several important news-
papers) and ML models for predicting price trends for several sectors on the Brazilian
stock market. The models used for prediction were: decision trees, random forest, ex-
tra trees, adaptive boosting, and gradient boosting. They have observed that the news
impacted differently on the different sectors, concluding that some sectors are more sus-
ceptible to news than others and that the gradient boosting provided the best results,
with an accuracy higher than 70% for most scenarios. However, it is vital to note that
no state-of-the-art models (such as CNN) were used in the work by Gildo, Júnior and
It is crucial to observe that Gildo, Júnior and Marinho (2018) used a different method
than the one adopted in this research. Instead of using a word embedding in Portuguese as
in this thesis, Gildo, Júnior and Marinho (2018) translated the news to English and used
the VADER sentiment classification tool, a lexicon-based approach (HUTTO; GILBERT,
2014). The authors have also aggregated the news sentiment scores for a given period
using a simple average of all news sentiments in that period, as is done in this thesis.
The following section describes the main aspects of stock trading and algorithmic trad-
ing and the importance of considering the trading metrics to evaluate trading strategies
(instead of considering traditional ML metrics).
According to Freitas, Souza and Almeida (2009), investors’ most important concern is
related to the expected future returns and the associated risks of their trading strategies,
not to the accuracy of the predicted prices or trends. Therefore, trading metrics and
aspects must also be considered. Some of the most important metrics for trading stocks
are: annualized and cumulative returns, the Sharpe ratio, annual volatility, and maximum
drawdown. These are described in the following paragraphs.
According to Lei et al. (2020), annualized returns are the return of an investment over
one year. Cumulative return is the return of the investment over the studied period. In
both cases, higher values indicate better strategies. Nevertheless, it is also essential to
consider risks and losses related metrics to evaluate a trading strategy. Those authors
define the Sharpe ratio as a standardized indicator that considers both risks and returns of
a specific strategy. It is one of the most important metrics to evaluate trading strategies,
and it is calculated by subtracting the annualized risk-free rate from the annual returns
and then dividing the total by the annual volatility (YANG et al., 2020). Greater values
of the Sharpe ratio indicate better overall decisions in terms of risks and returns.
According to Wang et al. (2019), the annual volatility is used to measure a trading
strategy’s average risk during one year. It can be defined as the standard deviation of
the portfolio returns over one year (YANG et al., 2020). Together with the stability,
which is calculated as the R-squared of a linear fit of the cumulative log returns 1 , these
are important measures of risk. Conegundes and Pereira (2020) define the drawdown as
the total percentage loss of the trading system’s capital before it starts winning again,
considering the daily closing prices. Therefore, it can be thought of as the bottom of
the valley in terms of losses before the portfolio starts to observe a positive return. The
maximum drawdown is the most negative return experience in the period (or the bottom
of the lowest valley), and it is a proxy used to represent the risk of different trading
strategies and assets (CONEGUNDES; PEREIRA, 2020).
Martinez et al. (2009) state that choosing what strategies to use to make investment
decisions based on stock price predictions is vital to investors. Besides having good
predictions, investors also need a good decision-making model that can result in profits
(ideally, with low risk), considering important metrics such as those introduced in the last
Algorithmic trading is one option for addressing this concern. Algorithmic trading
can be defined as the use of software for trading (generally referred to as trading robots or
robotic trading agents), typically in an automated fashion (NASSIRTOUSSI et al., 2014;
2013). This usually depends on: (i) fast decision-making; (ii) daily or intraday trading;
and (iii) use of price prediction models (NASSIRTOUSSI et al., 2014; WU et al., 2019;
to Treleaven, Galas and Lalchand (2013), algorithmic trading was responsible for around
73% of the volume traded in the USA in 2011.
Some of the main benefits of using automated trading systems are (EAPEN; VERMA;
BEIN, 2019; TRELEAVEN; GALAS; LALCHAND, 2013): (i) better response times to
market changes, being able to respond faster; (ii) more accurate trading operations, being
able to obtain more returns; and (iii) reduced risk of loss due to repeated or mistaken
operations, which may happen in systems that are based on human decision-making.
Treleaven, Galas and Lalchand (2013) classify the main tasks of algorithmic trading
as: (i) pre-trade analysis, including exploratory and statistical data analysis; (ii) signal
generation, including feature extraction or generation of handcrafted features; (iii) trade
execution; (iv) post-trade analysis, including evaluation of financial metrics; (v) risk man-
agement; and (vi) asset allocation. This work focused on items i (on the exploratory data
analysis), ii (by generating features with the M1 and M2 modules), iii (by automating
trade execution using the MT module), and iv (by using several relevant financial metrics
to evaluate the trade results). As the DRL agent’s reward function on the MT module is
directly related to the returns of the actions executed, it addresses the risk management
task. Lastly, the asset allocation was not be considered in this work, as the scope was to
develop and evaluate the trading system for an individual asset.
One commonly used baseline for algorithmic trading models and strategies is the BH
strategy. It can be described as buying stocks at the beginning of the period and selling
them at its end, without intermediate transactions. According to Dantas and Silva (2018),
the BH strategy is a challenging baseline strategy to overcome, with several works in the
literature (such as the one by Dantas and Silva (2018)) not obtaining better returns in
the studied periods. Thus, the BH strategy was considered the baseline model for the
trading system proposed in this thesis.
Wang et al. (2017) characterize the approaches for algorithmic trading in two groups:
(i) knowledge-based methods, in which expert knowledge is used as features or to make
decisions; and (ii) ML-based, which are data-driven and make automated decisions. This
work focused on the second approach. Nevertheless, the analysis of additional data other
than OHLCV data was conducted, as this was observed by Li, Rao and Shi (2018) and
Dantas and Silva (2018) to be very important in terms of impacts of the models’ results.
Li, Rao and Shi (2018) proposed a trading strategy that considered both stock prices
and sentiment analysis of news using an SVM for prediction and specific trading rules.
They have observed that the use of sentiment extract from firm-specific news articles may
improve the trading strategy, that general market sentiment can impact decision-making,
and that the size of the impact on the price may vary depending on the company’s char-
acteristics and the content of the news article. They have evaluated both the directional
accuracy of the predictions and the RMSE. They have observed that some sectors present
better accuracies (more than 60%), such as: information technology, social service, and
wholesale and retail trade. However, it is important to note that: (i) state-of-the-art
models should be evaluated, as several works have proven that they perform better than
the SVM for sentiment analysis and price prediction tasks; and (ii) the trading system
proposed by Li, Rao and Shi (2018) is not able to learn with time, as is the case of the
system proposed in this thesis.
Hu et al. (2018) proposed a hybrid attention network (HAN) to predict stock price
trends considering prices and texts from news articles as inputs. Their experiments con-
sidered 425,250 news articles from 2014 to 2017 and 2,527 stocks, creating a market
sentiment time series for each stock. Then, the author introduced a rule-based system
with the following rule: (i) at the end of each trading day, obtain the probability of up-
ward and downward trends on the next trading day for each stock; (ii) calculate the final
probability as the upward trend probability minus the downward trend probability for
each stock; (iii) rank the stocks from the highest to the lowest final probabilities; and (iv)
invest evenly on the top K stocks on the market opening the next day. The K variable
was considered a hyperparameter that was evaluated with different values.
Hu et al. (2018) has observed both the best accuracy and the best profits (0.611
annualized return for K=40 stocks, while the BH strategy result was 0.04) for the HAN
model. Nevertheless, the trading strategy used was very simplistic and could be improved
by using an ML model, which could learn and improve over time. They have also observed
that the RNN architectures provided better results than the MLP and RF ones, and the
HAN was the best model.
Martinez et al. (2009) was one of the first works to propose a stock trading system
using DL models for the Brazilian stock market. The authors used an MLP to predict
daily high and low prices and a rule-based system for decision-making. This work’s critical
contribution is to consider both a traditional ML metric (MAPE) and a trading-specific
metric (annualized return).
The trading system proposed by Martinez et al. (2009) was tested with two of this
market’s most important stocks: PETR4 and VALE5. Four models were compared with
the MLP: 1-day lag and the simple moving averages for 5, 10, and 20 days. The main
inputs considered were: open, high, low, and close prices, the exponential moving average
for five days of each of those prices, the Bolling bands for each of those prices, and the
opening price of the current day. The MLP showed a MAPE that was 50% smaller than the
best baseline model (20 day simple moving average), and the trading strategy doubled
the invested capital. However, the authors did not explore the use of more elaborate
econometrics models for price prediction, such as the ARIMA, nor the use of other ML
and DL models.
According to Johnman, Vanstone and Gepp (2018), ETFs have become popular as
trading assets because they reduce the complexity of trading a market index. For example,
instead of trading each of the 100 companies on the FTSE100 index, the authors used an
ETF that highly correlates with that index. In that way, the investor only needs to trade
one asset instead of a portfolio of a 100 assets.
One of the few works that consider the sentiment dimension on trading strategies
using ETFs that represent market indices is the one by Johnman, Vanstone and Gepp
(2018). This thesis used the same strategy, trading the BOVA11 ETF as a proxy to the
Ibovespa index.
The following section describes the main steps and concepts related to implementing
those models based on the concepts described in this section. It also contains the descrip-
tion of the Deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG) and Proximal policy optimization
(PPO) models implemented in this work and the state-of-the-art literature on RL and
DRL use for automated stock trading.
Conegundes and Pereira (2020) described that the typical use of ML in stock trading
is to provide predictions (of prices or trends), which are then used on a rules-based system
for trading the stocks. The use of DRL could automate decision-making, identifying the
critical rules that define a good trading strategy in a data-driven way (CONEGUNDES;
PEREIRA, 2020). Additionally, supervised learning models do not incorporate essen-
tial market aspects such as liquidity and transaction costs (CONEGUNDES; PEREIRA,
According to Fischer (2018), some of the most important benefits of using RL and
DRL for stock trading are: (i) trade automation, by incorporating aspects of market
prediction and decision-making, while other ML models depend on rule-based systems to
execute trades; (ii) the possibility to consider important market aspects such as trans-
action costs, market liquidity, and risk-aversion of investors; (iii) the possibility of using
different functions to be optimized (the reward functions); and (iv) considering the impact
of previous actions on the current decision-making.
There are several definitions for RL which are relevant. These are explored in the fol-
lowing paragraphs. RL can be defined as the group of AI models and techniques designed
and used for sequential decision-making (FRANÇOIS-LAVET et al., 2018). Those models
are applied for decision-making in all kinds of domains, from healthcare to robotics and
stock trading. François-lavet et al. (2018) provided a straightforward definition: RL is
related to the use of agents that make decisions in an environment and seek to maximize
their cumulative rewards (the sum of immediate and expected future rewards). The RL
models can also be seen as trial-and-error methods, as the agents have to experiment with
different actions for the various states in a given problem to find the best actions for each
state. In this sense, the best strategy is related to the one that maximizes the cumulative
rewards. According to François-lavet et al. (2018), the agent does not need to know the
environment beforehand, it just needs to interact with the environment a considerable
number of times and collect information and learn from it.
Some of the main concepts related to RL models are: agent, environment, state space,
action space, reward function, timestep, value, policy, and MDP. All of these concepts are
described in the following paragraphs, except for the MDP (which is explored in-depth in
section 4.2), following the definitions by François-lavet et al. (2018), Vázquez-canteli and
Nagy (2019), Li (2018), and Fischer (2018).
The agent will interact with the environment and make actions, depending on its
states, to maximize the cumulative rewards. The environment is related to all the factors
outside of the agent in the specific problem context. It is responsible for generating
and providing information to the state’s agent, the possible actions, and the rewards.
Additionally, the environment’s dynamics also define the state transition probabilities, and
it can be static or change with time. In the stock market’s specific case, the environment’s
dynamics are unknown, and the influences and their impacts are constantly evolving.
The state space is related to all possible states that an agent can be in on a given RL
problem. Similarly, the action space is related to all the possible actions the RL agent
can take. It is vital to observe that some states may restrain the actions the RL agent
can take. For example, in the trading domain, even if some aspects of the state may be
advantageous for the agent (such as a stock being considerably undervalued at a specific
period), others may restrict its actions (such as the model having no money left to invest
at that specific period).
The reward function is one of the main components of the RL agent, and its design
must consider critical aspects related to the problem’s context and the desired objectives.
As explored throughout this chapter, the reward function on trading problems can take
many forms: the immediate reward from one period to the next, the overall reward in a
given interval, the Sharpe-ratio on a given interval, among others.
The agent’s policy is the mapping between the actions and states, and it is crucial to
maximizing the reward function. In other words, it specifies which action should be taken
in each state. It is updated as the agent learns what actions result in the best rewards
(considering both immediate and future rewards). It is treated as a probability because
the agent does not always need to choose the best action (what would characterize a
greedy policy with no exploration), especially if it explores the environment.
complex environments. According to Sajad, Schukat and Howley (2016) DRL models’
main contribution is to learn relevant feature representations on problems with high-
dimensional data inputs. This can also be expanded for problems with high-dimensional
action or state spaces and problems with complex environment dynamics, such as the
stock markets. However, Meng and Khushi (2019) and Fischer (2018) observe that the
literature on algorithmic trading using DRL lacks comparisons of different agents under
similar conditions and data sources, as is done in the current research.
According to Mnih et al. (2015), RL agents (without the use of DL) can be used in
real-life scenarios only in contexts in which: (i) relevant features can be handcrafted; (ii)
the domain can be fully observed; or (iii) in low-dimensional state and action spaces. As
the algorithmic trading domain is characterized by having unknown dynamics, continuous
state spaces, and doubts about the quality of handcrafted features (such as the discussions
related to the effectiveness of TIs), the DRL approach may result in better performance
of the trading system.
The work by Mnih et al. (2015) is one of the most important works in the RL field
because it implemented the first working version of a DRL model, the deep Q network
(DQN). This is an adaptation of the Q learning method with a continuous state space,
being more adapted for real-life scenarios. It also introduced the use of experience replay
(also called replay memory), which aims to remove correlations in the sequence of obser-
vations and train using mini-batches, improving the model’s performance. The authors
explored its use on different Atari games, considering an end-to-end implementation (the
model obtained all the information for decision-making from the games’ pixels and chose
the best actions to maximize the game score). This is also an essential work to better
understand the MDP framework in an DRL context, and Mnih et al. (2015) have ob-
served that the model achieved more than 75% of the human score on 29 of the 43 games
Wang et al. (2017) propose using DQN for trading in a model called Deep Q Trading.
The authors observed better results in relation to the BH strategy and the recurrent
reinforcement learning agent (RRL) in experiments conducted from 2001 to 2015 with
the HSI (a Hong Kong market index) and the SP500 indexes. For the HSI, the Deep Q
Trading model observed a cumulative return of 350% (versus 154% for BH and 174 for
RRL), a Sharpe ratio of 0.59 (versus 0.28 for BH and 0.89 for RRL), and a maximum
drawdown of 42% (versus 65% for BH and 55% for RRL). For the SP500, it presented a
cumulative return of 214% (versus 169% for BH and 141% for RRL), a Sharpe ratio of
0.45 (versus 0.34 for BH and 1.23 for RRL), and a maximum drawdown of 31% (versus
Nevertheless, the model proposed by Wang et al. (2017) only uses the daily closing
price as an input. The present thesis considered OHLCV data, TIs, and market sentiment
and price predictions as additional features to the DRL model.
According to Li, Rao and Shi (2018, 2018), Vázquez-canteli and Nagy (2019), and
François-lavet et al. (2018) there are two main methods to solve RL problems: value-based
and policy-based. The first focuses on using the Bellman equation to calculate the values
of expected future rewards for each state, and this is used to make decisions (LI; RAO;
SHI, 2018, 2018; VÁZQUEZ-CANTELI; NAGY, 2019; FRANÇOIS-LAVET et al., 2018).
The traditional value-based models are Q learning and Sarsa. Policy-based methods focus
on learning a policy (or decision-making strategy) to select actions without using the value
function directly for selecting the actions (LI; RAO; SHI, 2018). One important policy-
based method in the financial domain is the RRL method. An alternative that is explored
in the present research is the actor-critic method, which considers both the value function
and the policy gradient on decision-making.
According to Wang et al. (2019), one problem of using value-based DRL models for
stock trading is the stock market is too complex for those models. The solution, according
to those authors, is to consider policy-based approaches. Yang et al. (2020) cite another
critical limitation: the state and action spaces must be discrete and finite, which is not
normally observed in real-life stock trading scenarios.
One of the most important works to evaluate RL and DRL’s use on stock trading
is the extensive literature review conducted by Fischer (2018). In this work, the author
explores the history of RL’s use in the financial domain and its main models and theoret-
ical foundations. The classification used between critic-only, actor-only, and actor-critic
methods applied to stock trading is essential to understand better the advantages and
potential benefits of using each model.
Fischer (2018) has observed that the critic-only approach is the most common in the
stock trading context. In this approach, the agent learns the impacts of different actions
directly through the value function. According to Fischer (2018), its main advantages are:
(i) flexibility in terms of the MDP design; (ii) ease of implementation of different possible
reward functions; and (iii) the possibility to implement direct and interpretable consid-
erations related to immediate and future rewards, by exploring the use of the discount
factor. However, its main setbacks are the limited action and state spaces and the lack of
convergence in different situations.
According to Fischer (2018), the actor-only approach is related to the search for the
policy (the mapping from states to actions) that leads to the maximum expected rewards is
the agent’s objective. Fischer (2018) states that the main advantages of this approach are:
(i) being applicable to continuous action spaces; (ii) having faster convergence; and (iii)
being more transparent in relation to the reasons behind the decision-making. Fischer
(2018) observed that those models’ main disadvantage is the need for a differentiable
reward function, making them less flexible in design and applications.
Lastly, Fischer (2018) cites that the actor-critic approach, which combines the ad-
vantages of both approaches, is the least studied in this domain. In this case, the actor
network determines the actions and explores different policies, while the critic network
evaluates the quality of those actions and provides the actor network with quality-related
feedback. The actor network then adjusts its policy. The main advantages of using this
approach are (FISCHER, 2018): (i) adjusting the policy parameters gradually; and (ii)
the possibility of application on problems with high-dimensional or continuous action and
state spaces. However, these are more complex to implement and are explored in few
works in the literature. Due to its characteristics and the lack of works exploring this
approach, this thesis focused on implementing two actor-critic state-of-the-art models,
DDPG and PPO. Yang et al. (2020) cite that using the actor-critic approach can bring
important results for stock market trading, especially on portfolios with multiple stocks.
Li (2018) conducted a thorough review of the main concepts, models, and techniques
for DRL agents. Among the main models explored are: (i) value function-related models,
such as Q Learning, DQN, and general and distributional value function variations; and
(ii) policy-related models, such as vanilla policy gradient, actor-critic methods (including
DDPG, Trust Region Policy Optimization or TRPO, and PPO), and policy gradient with
off-policy learning. The author also explores several uses of DRL in different domains, such
as: games, robotics, NLP, computer vision, finance, business management, healthcare,
education, energy, transportation, among others.
to the necessity of exploring the state-action combinations), and sample complexity (for
example, in choosing unbalanced samples from experience)
Meng and Khushi (2019) conducted an extensive literature review on RL and DRL’s
use in financial markets, exploring relevant works, models, and concepts. The authors
cite that RL’s use for stock trading is in the early development stage and demands fur-
ther research on several topics to be considered a reliable group of models for trading.
Nevertheless, several works have observed better results (considering returns, profit, or
Sharpe ratio) than the baseline models.
Among the main problems of the works evaluated by Meng and Khushi (2019) were:
(i) not considering transaction costs, which may have significant impacts on the trading
strategy; (ii) not considering liquidity issues, which may affect specific assets that are not
traded with high volumes; and (iii) not considering bid and ask spreads, which may impact
on defining the final trading price when live trading. The current thesis considered the
transaction order costs (which is an environment hyperparameter) and the trading of the
BOVA11 ETF, which is highly liquid. Lastly, the bid and ask prices were not considered
as the work is related to daily trading and not intraday trading, although this could be
adapted on the MT module.
It is important to note that RL and DRL models are characterized in two types of
categories: (i) related to the model’s prior knowledge of the environment (model-free and
model-based); and (ii) related to the model’s policy (on and off-policy). These are briefly
described in the following paragraph.
Figure 8 illustrates the RL and DRL models’ general components, describing specific
components of the actor-critic methods (the actor and the critic networks, in red). Never-
Source: elaborated by the author, based on Li (2018), Vázquez-canteli and Nagy (2019),
and François-lavet et al. (2018).
theless, if the RL or DRL agent is not an actor-critic agent, its high-level working is very
similar (with differences related to which of the components is used for decision-making:
the value function or the policy iteration). As the DRL models’ development is more
recent and these are starting to be explored in the financial domain (FISCHER, 2018;
MENG; KHUSHI, 2019), their description will be conducted with more depth than the
past models.
According to Li (2018) and Sutton and Barto (2018), the actor-critic models learn a
policy (on the actor network) and a value function (on the critic network). The critic
network results are used to update the state on the actor network, which was observed
to reduce variance and lower the time to convergence. Vázquez-canteli and Nagy (2019)
describe these methods as having separate memory structures to store the state-action
space and the state-value space.
The basic working of a DRL agent is the following (illustrated in Figure 8):
1. At state St (in which t represents the timestep, a crucial element on DRL models),
the DRL agent receives its first observation, wt, from the environment. This is a set
of information (features from the dataset) used to calculate its state. In the case of
the financial domain, these could be OHLCV data, for example;
2. As the agent did not perform any action at the first timestep, it does not receive a
3. Both the actor and the critic networks are initiated with random values or a specified
distribution. Typically, the uniform distribution is used. If it is a transfer learning
task, with previously learned weights);
4. The critic network conducts the policy iteration process, in which it will update the
value function and send the actor network the Q value that will be used as a basis
for decision-making;
5. The actor network uses the Q value as an input and chooses the action to be con-
ducted (this usually involves a degree of randomness) to avoid being stuck in local
optima). The DRL agent then conducts action a t ;
6. The environment receives the action at and, through interactions with its dynamics,
changes to a new state, St+1 ;
7. The environment sends to the DRL agent the new observation, w t+1 , and reward
rt+1 , and this cycle continues for T interactions (also called timesteps);
8. The cycle repeats until a training mini-batch is completed. Then, the weights in
the actor and critic networks are updated based on the networks’ losses, and the
steps continue until the ending of the training stage (which is defined by a specific
It is vital to observe that the number of timesteps is one of the most important
hyperparameters for DRL agents, as it will dictate how many interactions the agent will
have with the environment, influencing its pattern recognition ability (LIU et al., 2020;
YANG et al., 2020). It is also critical to observe that several other components help
to improve the model’s results on real-life scenarios, such as: (i) experience replay, in
which the agent will store the last n tuples of reward, action, and states; (ii) mini-batch
training, in which the agent will train using multiple data points (instead of updating the
weights of the network with each data point, a time consuming and non-optimal training
process); (iii) restraints on the policy update (as in the PPO model), which allow it to
change gradually; and (iv) the use of ensembles of DRL agents (a field of study that is
considerably new and has not been explored on the financial domain) (LIU et al., 2020;
YANG et al., 2020; LI, 2018; FRANÇOIS-LAVET et al., 2018; VÁZQUEZ-CANTELI;
This research considered the first three items with two state-of-the-art models (DDPG
and PPO), but the last one was out of this work’s scope. The works by Li (2018),
François-lavet et al. (2018), Vázquez-canteli and Nagy (2019), Fischer (2018), and Sajad,
Schukat and Howley (2016) contain a thorough review of different algorithms, architectural
aspects, and modeling techniques used for RL and DRL.
Both DDPG and PPO are actor-critic based methods. However, besides their im-
plementation and structural aspects, they present two significant differences: (i) PPO
is on-policy, while DDPG is off-policy, which results in faster convergence for PPO and
better capability to learn from historical data for DDPG; and (ii) DDPG was designed
considering continuous state-action spaces, while PPO was designed considering both dis-
crete and continuous state-action spaces. Therefore, the DDPG model is better suited
for continuous action spaces, which would better capture the different possible actions on
trading strategies.
In cases with high-dimensional state or action spaces, it is essential to use DRL models
(VÁZQUEZ-CANTELI; NAGY, 2019), as these use DL for mapping the states to actions.
The alternative would be to implement a Q table (a matrix containing all states and
actions), but this would present several problems, such as the need to discretize values
and maintain a vast, sparsely populated matrix.
The DDPG agent belongs to the actor-critic group of DRL models. It is a development
proposed by Lillicrap et al. (2016) to encompass problems with high-dimensional state and
action spaces, and it has observed considerably good results on complex robotics problems
(LILLICRAP et al., 2016). It is an extension of the deterministic policy gradient or DPG
method, developed by Silver et al. (2014). Figure 9 illustrates the main components of
this model.
As in other actor-critic models, the DDPG agent contains two networks: (i) the
critic network, which aims at calculating and updating the value function and providing
the actor network with the Q value for each state; and (ii) the actor network, which
aims to learn the best action to take in each state (considering past states and actions),
and executing that action in the environment (LI, 2018; FRANÇOIS-LAVET et al., 2018;
GUO et al., 2020; LIESSNER et al., 2018; LILLICRAP et al., 2016). Unlike other models,
the actor network of the DDPG agent does not receive the reward. This is only received
by the critic network. Also, it is important to observe that both networks have their
own targets and loss functions, updating the values of their weights after each mini-batch
interaction (LI, 2018; FRANÇOIS-LAVET et al., 2018; GUO et al., 2020; LIESSNER
et al., 2018; LILLICRAP et al., 2016). The DDPG agent also uses experience replay to
retain information from past actions, states, and rewards. The actor contains the policy
that maps states to actions, while the critic contains the value function estimates. The
critic updates its values based on the experience replay and sampling memory, allowing for
faster learning (LI, 2018; FRANÇOIS-LAVET et al., 2018; GUO et al., 2020; LIESSNER
The DDPG methods use deep neural networks as the actor and critic networks and the
error backpropagation algorithm for updating all the networks’ weights (LI, 2018). The
DDPG model can be considered as a mix of the DPG (SILVER et al., 2014) and the DQN
(MNIH et al., 2015) DRL agents. The main contributions of the DDPG model are: (i)
allowing for better learning in comparison to the DQN by extending it to continuous action
and state spaces; (ii) implementing the actor and critic networks on the DQN DRL model,
allowing for better learning in complex scenarios; (iii) making the DPG model’s learning
more stable and robust, due to the use of experience replay and target networks; and (iv)
using batch normalization to avoid problems due to possible different feature value ranges
(LI, 2018; LILLICRAP et al., 2016). Additionally, the model addresses the exploration-
exploitation dilemma by adding noises to the actor network (LI, 2018; LILLICRAP et al.,
2016). Lillicrap et al. (2016) implemented the DDPG model on several simulated tasks,
obtaining better results than the DQN in most tasks and a considerably lower time to
The basic working of the DDPG agent is the following (illustrated in Figure 9):
1. At state St , the DDPG agent receives its first observation, w t , from the environment;
2. As the agent did not perform any action at the first timestep, it does not receive a
3. Both the actor and the critic networks are initiated with an uniform distribution;
4. The critic network receives the observation wt and the reward r t and conducts the
policy iteration process, updating the value function and sending the actor network
the Q value;
5. The actor network uses the Q value as an input and chooses the action to be con-
ducted in that state. The DRL agent then conducts action a t ;
6. The environment receives the action at and changes to a new state, S t+1 ;
7. The environment sends: (i) to the actor network, the observation w t+1 ; and (ii) to
the critic network, the observation w t+1 , and the reward rt . This cycle continues
for T interactions or timesteps;
8. The cycle repeats until a training mini-batch is completed. Then, the weights in the
actor and critic networks are updated based on the networks’ losses, and the steps
continue until the ending of the training stage.
The works by François-lavet et al. (2018), Li (2018), Vázquez-canteli and Nagy (2019),
and Lillicrap et al. (2016) contain an in-depth description of the DDPG model’s workings,
along with its mathematical formulation.
Besides the DDPG, the PPO model was another state-of-the-art model implemented
in this thesis. The following paragraphs describe the main aspects of this model. The
PPO model is derived from the trust-region policy optimization (TRPO) model, a vital
policy gradient method that uses restraints to change the policy within defined bound-
aries and seek improvements (FRANÇOIS-LAVET et al., 2018; VÁZQUEZ-CANTELI;
NAGY, 2019). Therefore, the policy updates’ size is restrained by different constraints,
limiting the model’s options. This leads to faster convergence, as updates outside of the
constrained boundaries are not considered (in other words, values that are predicted to
lead to bad policies are not considered by the model).
As stated above, the PPO is a variation of the TRPO, which uses a different constraint
to penalize bad policy changes, considering their predicted impacts on the reward function.
The PPO presents several advantages compared to the TRPO DRL agent: faster learning,
better generalization, and more straightforward implementation and analysis (LI, 2018;
SCHULMAN et al., 2017). Due to its good results on different physics and robotics
simulation tasks and its ease of use, it is used as a benchmark on the OpenAI Baselines
library2 . This model uses a constraint function to improve the policy parameters update
(called a surrogate objective function) by limiting its value ranges and data sampling from
the environment (LI, 2018; SCHULMAN et al., 2017; VÁZQUEZ-CANTELI; NAGY,
2019). Therefore, the model presents a fast convergence and avoids choosing parameter
values that would significantly worsen policies. According to Schulman et al. (2017), the
PPO DRL agent can be considered scalable in terms of task variety, data-efficiency, and
robustness on tasks and environments with different dynamics and complexity.
The PPO agent also belongs to the actor-critic group of DRL models. It was proposed
by Schulman et al. (2017) to encompass problems with high-dimensional state and action
spaces, but considering incremental policy updates (LI, 2018; FRANÇOIS-LAVET et al.,
2018; SCHULMAN et al., 2017; VÁZQUEZ-CANTELI; NAGY, 2019; LIM et al., 2020).
As in the DDPG agent, the PPO actor and critic networks have the main basic functions.
Nevertheless, there are several differences between this model and the DDPG DRL agent,
but the most significant ones are: (i) both actor and critic networks receive as inputs
the observations and the rewards; (ii) a policy constraint is used to update the policy,
based on the actor and the critic networks’ results; and (iii) the critic network does not
Source: elaborated by the author, based on Li (2018), François-lavet et al. (2018), Lim
et al. (2020), and Schulman et al. (2017).
directly provide the Q value to the actor network (LI, 2018; FRANÇOIS-LAVET et al.,
2018; SCHULMAN et al., 2017; VÁZQUEZ-CANTELI; NAGY, 2019; LIM et al., 2020).
Figure 10 illustrates the main components of this model.
The basic working of the PPO agent is the following (illustrated in Figure 10):
1. At state St , the PPO agent receives its first observation, w t , from the environment;
2. As the agent did not perform any action at the first timestep, it does not receive a
3. Both the actor and the critic networks with an orthogonal initialization;
4. The critic network receives the observation w t and the reward rt and conducts the
policy iteration process, updating the value function and sending the Q value to a
policy constraint function;
5. The actor network sends its predictions related to the expected rewards to the policy
constraint function;
6. The policy constraint function sends the actor network the new Q value from the
policy update;
7. The actor network selects the best action and performs action a t ;
8. The environment receives the action at and changes to a new state, S t+1 ;
9. The environment sends the observation w t+1 and the reward rt to the actor and
critic networks. This cycle continues for T interactions or timesteps;
10. The cycle repeats until a training mini-batch is completed. Then, the weights in the
actor and critic networks are updated based on the networks’ losses, and the steps
continue until the ending of the training stage.
The works by François-lavet et al. (2018), Li (2018), and Schulman et al. (2017)
contain an in-depth description of the workings of the PPO model, along with its math-
ematical formulation. The following paragraphs contain a description of state-of-the-art
literature on the use of DRL agents for stock trading.
Dantas and Silva (2018) proposed using Q learning for stock trading in the Brazilian
market, conducting an extensive experiment with several stocks and comparing with the
BH strategy and two technical analysis strategies (Bollinger bands and MACD). The
agent’s inputs were: (i) four TIs (Bollinger bands, MACD, stochastic oscillator, and daily
return). Its reward function was a modification of the daily return to consider the stock’s
current movement at time t.
Dantas and Silva (2018) evaluated their model from 2011 to 2017 (considering the
last year as the test subset) on trading 22 individual stocks in the Brazilian stock market.
Although it obtained better results than the BH strategy in 17 out of the 22 stocks
evaluated, its cumulative returns were lower than the BH strategy considering all stocks
(14.21% for the Q learning model’s best configuration versus 14.53% for the BH strategy).
Nevertheless, the work of Dantas and Silva (2018) could be improved in several ways:
(i) it did not consider transaction costs, which could impact significantly on the model’s
results; (ii) in general, it did not provide a better cumulative return that the BH strategy;
(iii) it did not evaluate different trading scenarios; and (iv) it did not explore losses or
risk-related metrics, such as maximum drawdown and Sharpe ratio, which are essential
for decision-making in this domain. Additionally, state-of-the-art models such as DDPG
could be used, with an adaptation of the proposed MDP.
Conegundes and Pereira (2020) is one of the first works to implement the DDPG DRL
agent on the Brazilian stock market. Those authors proposed a trading system using the
DDPG DRL agent to focus on the asset allocation problem and implemented it to evaluate
the cumulative percentage return and annual average maximum drawdown on ten indexes
of the Brazilian stock market. The authors explored several interesting baseline models on
test subset from 2017 to 2019: the BH strategy and the recommended stock portfolios from
significant banks, provided at the beginning of each calendar year. Three variations of
the DDPG agent were evaluated: two, three, and five days of window length. The DDPG
DRL agent with a two days window length presented the best cumulative return (331%
versus 92% for the BH strategy and 177% for the best stock portfolio recommended by the
Santander bank). However, none of the models implemented presented a lower average
maximum drawdown than the BH strategy (19% maximum drawdown for the DDPG
model with two days window length versus 14% for the BH strategy) (CONEGUNDES;
PEREIRA, 2020).
Nevertheless, the work by Conegundes and Pereira (2020) presents several drawbacks
which are addressed in the present thesis: (i) it only considered one DRL agent (without a
comparison with other baseline models, such as the PPO); (ii) it did not explore important
hyperparameters that may influence the model; (iii) it did not consider the impact of
additional features to OHLCV data, such as TIs, market sentiment, or price prediction
models; and (iv) it can only be used for day trading as all positions are closed at each
trading day, with significant changes needed to operate on different frequencies.
One of the main recommendations by Conegundes and Pereira (2020) for works on
the use of DRL for trading is to explore the use of additional features in the state space,
including technical and fundamental indicators. This aspect is explored in the current
research, considering the prediction of prices and market sentiments extracted from the
M1 and M2 modules, respectively.
Li, Rao and Shi (2018) developed an actor-critic method similar to DDPG for stock
market trading. Its main difference was using an LSTM with a siamese structure on the
actor and critic networks. In this way, they could capture temporal patterns in the data.
The authors tested their model to trade the CSI300 Chinese stock market index from 2005
to 2018, considering three scenarios: (i) with high volatility and upward and downward
trends (2005-2010); (ii) with a downward trend (2009-2014); and (iii) with upward and
downward trends but with lower volatility (2013-2018).
The model proposed by Li, Rao and Shi (2018) considered as features the open, high,
low, and close prices. The authors considered a transaction cost of 0.1% per order and
evaluated three different models: (i) the proposed model, which was called DACT (deep
actor-critic trader); (ii) deep direct reinforcement learning (DDRL); and (iii) DQN. The
baseline model was the BH strategy. The authors observed that: (i) the DACT model
provides better returns than the others and the BH strategy in all scenarios; (ii) it reduces
losses in comparison to all the other models; (iii) the DQN model only presents advantages
on continuous downward trends.
It is important to note that the work of Li, Rao and Shi (2018) did not consider: (i)
additional features other than raw daily prices; (ii) a thorough description of the model’s
MDP, making it difficult to replicate their experiments; (iii) loss-related metrics such as
maximum drawdown; and (iv) a study of which components of the model impacted the
most in the final results. In the current thesis, all of those aspects were explored.
Lei et al. (2020) proposed using a DRL agent with gated recurrent units (GRU) as
the basis of an algorithmic trading system. The main contributions of those authors were
related to: (i) considering a model that extracts patterns from historical data, providing
inputs to the DRL agent; (ii) evaluating multiple trading scenarios; (iii) weighting the
features at each timestep; and (iv) using a vanilla policy gradient method for the DRL
agent. The proposed model results were significantly better than the baselines (BH strat-
egy, the SFM DL model, RRL, the DDR DRL model, and a GRU-based DRL) in terms
of cumulative returns, annualized returns, and annualized Sharpe ratio. Nevertheless, the
authors did not evaluate: (i) the use of market sentiment as a feature; (ii) the impact of
the TI features in relation to the OHLCV data; and (iii) state-of-the-art DRL methods
such as DDPG.
Yang et al. (2020) proposed using an ensemble of three actor-critic DRL models: PPO,
advantage actor-critic (A2C), and DDPG. The model was tested with 30 liquid stocks that
are part of the Dow Jones Industrial Average from 2009 to 2020 (with 2016 to 2020 used as
the test subset). It was then compared to a BH strategy of this index and the minimum-
variance strategy. Five metrics were evaluated: annual returns, cumulative returns, annual
volatility, Sharpe ratio, and maximum drawdown. The authors observed that the ensemble
strategy obtained better returns (a cumulative return of 70.4% versus 38.6% for BH and
31.7% for the minimum-variance), lower volatility (9.7% versus 20.1% for BH and 17.8%
for minimum-variance), a considerably higher Sharpe ratio (1.30 versus 0.47 for BH and
0.45 for minimum-variance), and a significantly lower maximum drawdown (-9.7% versus
-37.1% for BH and -34.3% for minimum-variance). However, the authors did not consider
the use of market sentiment features, price predictions from other models, or the use
of statistical tests to evaluate if the differences between the models can be considered
Wu et al. (2019) proposed a DRL agent that uses policy gradient and an LSTM
to identify patterns in the data. The agent’s inputs are OHLCV data and fifteen TIs,
including: exponential moving average, triple exponentially smoothed average, relative
strength index, volatility volume ratio, commodity channel index, directional movement,
MACD, and Williams %R (WR), among others. Wu et al. (2019) evaluated the model
for six stocks in the Chinese stock market from 2015 to 2017, concluding that the average
profit for their proposed agent is significantly higher than the average profit for the baseline
line (a version of the DRL agent with an MLP instead of an LSTM).
Nevertheless, Wu et al. (2019) considered only a weak version of their proposed model
as a baseline, which is not recommended. The authors could have compared their model
with the BH strategy, which is the most used baseline in comparing trading systems and
provides good results in almost all situations, aside from periods with steep downward
trends. Another problem was that the authors only considered the final profit as the
evaluated metric, so it is impossible to evaluate the risk of the model’s policy. Lastly, one
major problem with using the model proposed by Wu et al. (2019) in real-life trading is
that the authors fixed the trading order to 10.000 Chinese yuans. Flexible order size is
essential for a good performance of the trading system, as different periods may present
different trends, which may influence the order sizes.
Wang et al. (2019) proposed the AlphaStock model, a DRL agent with LSTMs with
attention mechanisms that use the Sharpe ratio as a reward function to better balance
risks and returns of the different actions. One of the authors’ main concerns was the
interpretability of the model, and, unlike other works in the literature, they have exten-
sively explored the strategy that the model adopted. Another interesting aspect is that
the DRL agent could also short positions.
Wang et al. (2019) conducted experiments with stock data from 1970 to 2016 (with
data from 1990 to 2016 as the testing subset), and more than a 1.000 stocks were consid-
ered per year. The baseline models used were: BH strategy, cross-sectional momentum,
and time-series momentum strategies, robust median reversion, fuzzy deep direct rein-
forcement, and two variations of the AlphaStock model. Six financial metrics were eval-
uated: annual returns, annual volatility, annualized Sharpe ratio, maximum drawdown,
Calmar ratio, and downside deviation ratio. The AlphaStock model obtained better re-
sults on the US market than all the baselines for the evaluated metrics, except for annual
volatility (however, it beat the BH strategy). On the Chinese market, the model obtained
better results than all the baselines.
However, the main weaknesses of the work by Wang et al. (2019) were: (i) not con-
sidering transaction costs; (ii) not evaluating the use of TIs; (iii) the size of the portfolio
and the number of holding periods are fixed; and (iv) no statistical test was made on the
final model results to evaluate the different models’ results better. These aspects were
explored in this work.
The following section concludes the literature review chapter, summarizing the main
points observed in each section.
This chapter described the main theoretical foundations, concepts, and state-of-the-
art research related to this research’s central themes. Section 2.1 described the main con-
cepts and difficulties of stock price and trend prediction tasks, evaluating the traditional
econometrics models (ARIMA, SARIMA, and SARIMAX), including the description of
the EMH hypothesis. Section 2.2 described the main concepts related to ML and DL
models, exploring the results obtained with different models in several stock markets. It
was observed that DL models are better suited for complex time-series prediction, with
the RNNs being state-of-the-art models.
Section 2.3 explored the importance of sentiment analysis to evaluate and predict
market sentiment. It was observed that the hybrid approach provides more benefits,
especially when using word embeddings and sentiment lexicons or dictionaries. Section
2.5 described the importance of considering trading metrics (related to returns, risks, and
losses) instead of traditional ML-based metrics (precision, recall, F1, MSE, MAE, RMSE,
among others) to develop trading systems. Lastly, section 2.6 explored the main concepts
of RL and DRL models and their use in stock trading. It was observed that the DRL
models, which combine DL and RL, are state-of-the-art on complex environments with
non-linearities, such as the stock market.
After conducting an extensive literature review and identifying the main research gaps,
the methodology adopted for this work consisted of an agent-based stock market simula-
tion, using real-time series data from the BOVA11 ETF and several inputs generated by
the trading system. Two relevant scenarios were considered in this simulation.
Macal and North (2014) observed that agent-based simulation models have been gain-
ing importance in numbers of works and applications. RL and DRL agents are examples
of agent-based simulation models. Some examples of relevant works that used this method
in the financial domain are Wang et al. (2019), Wu et al. (2019), Yang et al. (2020), Lei et
al. (2020), and Li, Rao and Shi (2018). Therefore, the agent-based simulation of a stock
trading market was chosen in this dissertation for evaluating the proposed system and its
components on different implementation and trading scenarios.
To conduct this research and implement the simulations, six main steps were adopted.
To better describe these steps, they were separated into three groups: (a) Price time series,
comprising activities related to time series analysis and price trend prediction; and (b)
Sentiment analysis, comprising activities related to sentiment analysis and prediction. As
1. Data collection
(a) Price time series: the daily BOVA11 index OHLCV data were collected using
the yfinance1 library. It encompassed the period from 12/02/2008 (creation of
the BOVA11 ETF) to 08/31/2020. The BOVA11 index was chosen for two
main reasons: (i) this ETF reflects the Ibovespa index, which is used as a
representation of the status of the overall Brazilia market; and (ii) trading an
ETF is more accessible in real-life scenarios and can be done by any investor;
(b) Sentiment analysis: two datasets were used: (i) D2-A, a labeled dataset
for model tuning and training; and (ii) D2-B, an unlabeled dataset for pre-
dicting daily market sentiment. The first dataset contained 1,134 news titles
from three relevant and trustworthy financial news sources: Valor Econômico 2 ,
UOL Economia3 , and InfoMoney4 . These were then independently labeled by
three researchers following a labeling protocol into five sentiment scores: 1
(very negative), 2 (negative), 3 (neutral), 4 (positive), and 5 (very positive).
The D2-B dataset initially contained (before processing) 113,226 news titles
gathering from another very relevant and trustworthy source:
This data source was used to develop the D2-B dataset because its available
news database was more extensive than the sources used for gathering data for
2. Data processing
(a) Price time series: the data was analyzed to detect outliers and missing
data using the following packages: scikit-learn 5 , Pandas6 , Seaborn7 , and Mat-
plotlib8 . It was also separated into subsets. The first division, used to separate
the trading data from the training data, generated two subsets: (i) training
subset: 2008 to 2018; and (ii) trades subset: 2019 and 2020. Therefore, the
model was trained on the first subset and predicted values for the second subset
(which were then used by the relevant trading models as features). Neverthe-
less, as one of the main objectives of this work was to explore in-depth and
compare various price prediction models and their hyperparameters, the first
subset was further divided into two subsets: (i) training subset: 2008 to 2017;
and (ii) test subset: 2018. Two important cross-validation methods (blocking
time splits and time series splits) were used with five folds to better explore
the different models and hyperparameters on various conditions. The following
TIs were also generated with the ta library 9 and used as features by some of
the models: (i) for volume: Accumulation Distribution Indicator (ADI); (ii) for
volatility: Bollinger Bands (BB); (iii) for identifying trends: Moving Average
Convergence Divergence (MACD); and (iv) for momentum: Relative Strength
Index (RSI), stochastic RSI, and Williams %R (WR). These are used in several
works in the literature (LIU et al., 2020; YANG et al., 2020; KARA; BOYA-
CIOGLU; BAYKAN, 2011; MARTINEZ et al., 2009; DANTAS; SILVA, 2018)
and are believed by some researchers and practitioners to capture various data
patterns. The extensive reviews by Ryll and Seidens (2019), Meng and Khushi
(2019) also observed several works in the literature using TIs for automated
(b) Sentiment analysis: both datasets (D2-A and D2-B) were processed using
the following packages: scikit-learn, pandas, seaborn, matplotlib, nltk 10 , and
spacy11 , for its use on the DL models implemented. This consisted of the fol-
lowing main activities: tokenization, lemmatization, elimination of stopwords,
and identification and elimination of irrelevant news titles. On D2-A, the data
was labeled independently by three researchers, following a sentiment labeling
protocol that was created for this work. It consisted of evaluations of: (i)
importance of the news title; and (ii) evaluation and score of the news title
sentiment based on the expected impact on the market (for example, news ti-
tles such as "the worst harvesting season in the last ten years" probably would
have a very negative impact on the price of the given asset so that it would
be given five as its score). The labels were then aggregated using a simple
average and rounded up to result in each news title’s final score. The D2-A
dataset was divided into a training (80% of the total dataset or 907 news titles)
and a test subset (20% of the total dataset or 227 news titles). For the final
training, the D2-A was used to train the model, and the D2-B was used for
model prediction.
(a) Price time series: the time series was analyzed, considering: (i) trends; (ii)
seasonality; (iii) autocorrelation; and (iv) general statistics, including mean,
median, high and low prices, as well as the distribution of daily returns (also
known as the daily percentage change);
(b) Sentiment analysis: the D2-A dataset was evaluated in terms of sentiment
score distribution throughout the dataset.
(a) Price time series: four categories of models were implemented: (i) econo-
metrics models: ARIMA, SARIMA, and SARIMAX; (ii) ML models: SVR
univariate, SVR multivariate, and AdaBoost; (iii) DL models: LSTM uni-
variate and LSTM multivariate; and (iv) ensemble models. The econometrics
models were implemented using the statsmodels 12 library, and the hyperpa-
rameters evaluated (all with values from 0 to 3) were: (i) for all models: p
(autocorrelation component), d (differentiation component), and q (moving
average component); and (ii) only for SARIMA and SARIMAX: P, D, Q (sea-
sonal counterparts of p, d, and q), and S (seasonal component). The ML
models were implemented using the scikit-learn library, and the hyperparam-
eters evaluated were: (i) for the SVR: kernel (linear, rbf, sigmoid, and poly),
C (regularization parameter, with values 0.01, 0.1, 1, 5, 10, 20, and 50), and
epsilon (penalty parameter, with values 0.001, 0.01, and 0.1); and (ii) for the
AdaBoost: number of estimators (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 100), learning rate
(0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 5, 8, and 10), and loss function (linear, square, and ex-
ponential). The DL models (LSTM univariate and LSTM multivariate) were
implemented using the TensorFlow 2.0 library, and the hyperparameters eval-
uated were: batch size (2, 4, 8, 16, and 32), number of neurons on the LSTM
layer (4, 8, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1000), window length (also known as past
history, with values of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10), and number of training epochs (30,
100, 500, 1000, and 5000). The definition of hyperparameters and their values
considered the implementations and results obtained in the literature for the
different models. For all models, two additional options were evaluated: (i) the
cross-validation method used, considering blocking series split and time series
splits; and (ii) the use of TIs as additional features (only for the multivariate
models). The loss function used for the LSTM was the MSE, and the optimizer
was the Adam optimizer. The hyperparameters that showed the best result
through the analysis were chosen for the implementation of the final model;
(b) Sentiment analysis: following the work by Ferreira et al. (2019), two models
were implemented, MLP and CNN, using a Portuguese version of the GloVe 300
dimensions embedding (PENNINGTON; SOCHER; MANNING, 2014; HART-
MANN et al., 2017). They were implemented using the keras library running
on top of TensorFlow 2.013 and were trained for 30 epochs, each with a 3
splits K-Fold cross-validation, based on the work by Ferreira et al. (2019). The
CNN had one convolutional layer. In both models, the following hyperparam-
eters were analyzed: (i) dictionary, considering no dictionary, Sentilex (SILVA;
CARVALHO; SARMENTO, 2012; CARVALHO; SILVA, 2015), containing a
vocabulary of 82.348 words, OpLexicon (SOUZA; VIEIRA, 2012), contain-
ing a vocabulary of 32.192 words, and WordNetAffectBR (PASQUALOTTI;
VIEIRA, 2008), containing a vocabulary of 291 words; (ii) batch size of 32 and
64; (iii) number of neurons of the dense layers of 50, 100, and 150; (iv) dropout
rate, considering no dropout, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5; and (v) number of hidden lay-
ers of 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10. Two additional hyperparameters were evaluated for
the CNN: (i) number of filters: 128 and 256; and (ii) size of filters: 2 and 4.
The loss function used was the MSE and the optimizer used was the Adam
optimizer. Those models’ objective was to correctly identify the specific news
title’s target sentiment value and re-adjust its weights during the training. The
hyperparameters that showed the best result through the analysis were chosen
to implement the final model.
(c) Trading models (DRL): following the works by Liu et al. (2020) and the
MDP description in Chapter 2, section 2.8 (which describes how the mar-
ket simulation works and how the agent interacts with the environment), two
DRL models for trading were implemented using the FinRL library: DDPG
and PPO. They were implemented considering two trade scenarios: (i) Trade
1: 2019 and 2020; and (ii) Trade 2: 2020. For the first trading scenario, they
were trained from 2011 to 2018. For the second trading scenario, they were
trained from 2011 to 2019. Eight models were implemented, considering dif-
ferent inputs: (i) MT1A, MT1B, and MT1C considered OHLCV and the price
predictions from the M1 module; (ii) MT2 considered OHLCV and the sen-
timent predictions from the M2 module; (iii) MT3 considered only OHLCV;
(iv) MT3ta considered OHLCV and TI; (v) MT4 considered OHLCV, the price
predictions from the M1 module and the sentiment predictions from the M2
module; and (vi) MT4ta considered OHLCV, the price predictions from the
M1 module, the sentiment predictions from the M2 module, and TI. All mod-
els considered two options for maximum order size: 10 and 200. These values
were chosen to limit the value traded per day. This analysis is essential for
high volatility scenarios. The hyperparameters evaluated for the DDPG DRL
model were: (i) batch size: 8, 64, and 128; (ii) timesteps: 10,000, 100,000, and
200,000; and (iii) buffer size: 1,000, 10,000, and 100,000. The hyperparameters
evaluated for the PPO DRL model were: (i) number of steps: 8, 64, and 128;
(ii) timesteps: 10,000, 100,000, and 200,000; and (iii) learning rate: 0.00025,
0.0005, and 0.001. For the training subset, the metrics evaluated were: mean
total reward, considering 30 executions; and standard deviation of the mean
total reward. These are essential to evaluate the model’s learning capabilities.
(a) Price time series: the final models and the models ensembles were built using
the best hyperparameters identified on step 4-a. They were then trained on
the dataset from 2008 to 2018 and used to predict prices for the whole dataset
used by the trading models (2011 to 2020). The ensembles’ predictions were
simple averages of the predictions of two trained models. This simulates the
real trading scenario, in which only past prices and trends are known. The
final predictions were used as inputs for the MT1A, MT1B, MT1C, MT4, and
MT4ta trading models;
(b) Sentiment analysis: the final models were built using the best hyperparam-
eters identified in step 4-ii for the MLP and CNN models. They were trained
using the D2-A dataset (labeled news titles) and used for predicting the sen-
timent scores for the news on dataset D2-B (unlabeled news titles from 2011
to 2020). The sentiment scores were then aggregated by day (using the simple
average of all the predictions for that day). The final predictions per day were
used as inputs for the MT2, MT4, and MT4ta trading models;
6. Model comparison: the final comparison of all trading models (MT1A, MT1B,
MT1C, MT2, MT3, MT3ta, MT4, and MT4ta) was conducted considering the two
trading scenarios and the six financial metrics: annual returns, cumulative returns,
annual volatility, stability, Sharpe ratio, and maximum drawdown. The baseline
model used was the BH strategy, which is the most common baseline strategy for
trading models. The models were then evaluated based on all these metrics for each
scenario, and the best model for each was chosen.
The implementation was done using Python on a server with the following technical
specifications: Intel Corei7-8700K 3.70GHz CPU, 64GB of RAM, and 2 NVIDIA 1085Ti
graphics cards. In the next section, the main results of the exploratory data analysis and
the implementations are discussed. The main research question and the eight secondary
research questions are answered, and the final model is chosen based on the financial
This chapter contains the main results of this research and is divided into the following
sections: 4.1 explains the proposed trading system and its main components; 4.2 describes
the MDP for the DRL agent used for stock trading in this work, which is based on state-
of-the-art research; 4.3 describes and evaluates the models on the M1 (stock market price
prediction) module; 4.4 describes and evaluates the models on the M2 (stock market
sentiment prediction) module; 4.5 describes and evaluates the models on the MT (trading
models); 4.6 contains the final comparison of all trading models; 4.7 answers the main and
secondary research questions; and 4.8 concludes this chapter, including its key takeaways.
The proposed system in this work is composed of three main modules: the stock
price prediction module (M1), the stock market sentiment module (M2), and the trading
module (MT), as illustrated in Figure 11. The inputs for the M1 module are OHLCV data
for each day. The inputs for the M2 module are the relevant news titles in Portuguese
during that trading day. Lastly, several variations of the MT module were evaluated,
considering various features. These will be described in-depth during this section.
The final models comparison was conducted considering six relevant economic indica-
tors: Annual returns, Cumulative returns, Annual volatility, Sharpe ratio, Stability, and
Maximum drawdown. As stated in Chapter 2, this is extremely important for evaluating
trading models in the financial domain. This is because the models may achieve good
results for machine learning metrics (such as MSE, MAE, RMSE, R2, among others)
and still present inferior economic results (SEZER; GUDELEK; OZBAYOGLU, 2020).
This could lead to low returns, low Sharpe ratio, high volatility, among others problems.
Therefore, using relevant financial indicators to evaluate trading systems that use ma-
chine learning and artificial intelligence models is more appropriate than using traditional
machine learning regression or classification metrics.
Figure 12 contains an in-depth illustration of all the modules of the proposed sys-
tem. On the M1 module, which will be explored in section 4.3, several models were
implemented. These were divided into the following categories, due to their main charac-
teristics: (i) econometrics models: ARIMA, SARIMA, and SARIMAX; (ii) ML models:
SVR univariate, SVR multivariate, and AdaBoost; (iii) DL models: LSTM univariate and
LSTM multivariate; and (iv) ensemble models. This categorization followed important
works in the literature, such as Rundo et al. (2019), Ballings et al. (2015), Chong, Han and
Park (2017), Ryll and Seidens (2019), and Mehtab, Sen and Dasgupta (2020). It is impor-
tant to observe that the LSTM models are considered state of the art on time series pre-
diction tasks and have been widely used for predicting stock prices and trends (MEHTAB;
The main hyperparameters of each model were evaluated on the training and valida-
tion subsets. The use of relevant TIs and two cross-validation splits (time series splits
and block splits) were evaluated. The final models were then trained with the train and
validation subsets and evaluated on the test subset. The model with the best results in
terms of MSE was chosen for use in this module. This model’s outputs (denominated
stock price prediction signals in this work) were used as inputs for the following trading
models: MT1, MT4, and MT4ta.
The final models were then trained with the train and validation subsets and evaluated
on the test subset. The model with the best results in terms of MSE was chosen for use
in this module. This model was then used to predict the market sentiment based on the
set of news titles in each trading day. This model’s outputs (denominated stock market
sentiment prediction signals in this work) were used as inputs for the following trading
models: MT2, MT4, and MT4ta.
For trading modules (MT), explored in section 4.5, six different models were evaluated,
varying their inputs. All of them considered the traditionally used features for algorithmic
and DRL trading: volume, open, high, low, and close prices, as in most of the works
surveyed by Meng and Khushi (2019) and Fischer (2018). Besides those features, the
following models also considered as features: (i) MT1: predicted price from M1, with
three variations (MT1A, MT1B, and MT1C); (ii) MT2: predicted sentiment from M2;
(iii) MT3: no additional features; (iv) MT3ta: relevant TIs; (v) MT4: predicted price
from M1 and predict sentiment from M2; and (vi) MT4ta: predicted price from M1,
predict sentiment from M2, and relevant TIs.
The primary purposes of evaluating multiple models were to: (i) better estimate the
impact of the system modules on the different trading scenarios; (ii) explore the impacts
of the different DRL models used (DDPG and PPO); and (iii) explore the impacts of
the two maximum order sizes chosen (10 and 200). This allowed a better understanding
of each model’s importance on the different trading scenarios and their impacts on the
evaluated quality metrics.
Lastly, the different trading modules were evaluated at a task denominated Final
models comparison. This evaluation is described in section 4.6. In the final models’ com-
parison, the six financial indicators that were chosen as quality metrics (annual returns,
cumulative returns, annual volatility, Sharpe ratio, stability, and maximum drawdown)
were evaluated on two trading scenarios: (i) Trade 1, which consisted of data for two
years with both bull and bear trends; and (ii) Trade 2, which consisted of data for one
year with a bear trend and high volatility. This evaluation’s primary assumption is that
different trading system configurations (different models and hyperparameters used on
the trading modules) could provide better results on different scenarios. This is a funda-
mental assumption explored in only a few works, such as Li, Rao and Shi (2018) and Lei
et al. (2020).
According to Vázquez-canteli and Nagy (2019), the MDP is the formal framework used
to describe (and to implement) the main elements of an RL or DRL model. It follows the
Markov property, which is related to the assumption that the past observation contains
all the important information of the observation history (LI, 2018; FRANÇOIS-LAVET
et al., 2018; FISCHER, 2018). In other words, it assumes that the agent’s state at time t
contains all the relevant past information for decision making (DANTAS; SILVA, 2018).
The majority of works on the trading domain have used the MDP to design and describe
the RL or DRL solution, as observed in the reviews by Meng and Khushi (2019) and
Fischer (2018).
According to Vázquez-canteli and Nagy (2019), the MDP is composed of four main
elements: a set of states S (the state space), a set of actions A (the action space), a
reward function r (which should consider both the states and actions), and the transition
probabilities between the states P . A policy π is used to map the states to specific actions
in a deterministic or stochastic manner depending on the model. As Vázquez-canteli and
Nagy (2019) stressed, the value function V represents the expected returns (considering
immediate and future returns) for the agent at the state s and following the policy π.
For each action taken, the agent receives a reward R, a, s, s � (which can be positive or
negative). The objective of the agent is to find the optimal policy π ∗ , which maximizes
the expected future rewards.
Vázquez-canteli and Nagy (2019) describe that the MDP is solved by identifying the
optimal policy (the one that maximizes the expected returns). Therefore, it is directly
connected with the reward function r, the transition probability, and the system’s dy-
namics. The MDP is a 5-tuple �S, A, T, R, γ� (FRANÇOIS-LAVET et al., 2018):
• A is the action space, which contains all possible actions to be performed by the
In summary, the main objective of the MDP is to describe the main components of the
problem design, including: (i) how the environment is simulated; (ii) if the environment’s
dynamics are known; and (iii) what are the main components of the tuple S (state space),
A (action space), and R (reward function); and (iv) the RL or DRL agents implemented
(VÁZQUEZ-CANTELI; NAGY, 2019; FRANÇOIS-LAVET et al., 2018). These items are
described in the following paragraphs. The MDP used in this research for the automated
trading using the DRL agents is described in the following paragraphs. It is based on the
MDP used by Liu et al. (2020), implemented on the FinRL library, which was used to
implement the trading module (MT).
The environment in this thesis was implemented using the FinRL 1 library. In this
library, the environment design follows the OpenAI Gym 2 framework (LIU et al., 2020).
The stock market is simulated based on providing data from an imported dataset (con-
taining the environment’s features). One data point is provided at each timestep, and the
agent will make an action.
The reward is then calculated based on the observation returned from the environ-
ment (features from the dataset), and the agent adjusts the weights of the actor and critic
networks. The agent’s main objective is to maximize the rewards, and it will adjust its
policy (which can be considered a trading strategy that is automatically generated, im-
plemented, and updated) according to the results of its actions and the rewards received.
After one epoch (when the agent has visited all data points of the dataset), the environ-
ment will start sending the observations from the beginning of the dataset. This process
continues until the number of timesteps (defined as a hyperparameter) is reached. In the
test subsets, the agent will not change the weights of its parameters, only applying the
last policy (trading strategy) that was learned during the training stage.
This work focuses on using policy gradient methods for the financial trading mod-
ule (MT). These were chosen because: (i) they can provide good results on problems
with continuous state and action spaces (making it easier to escalate the module to con-
sider multiple stocks, portfolio optimization, and more actions); (ii) there is a gap in the
literature for exploring those models on financial trading, especially on developing mar-
kets; and (iii) these are considered state-of-the-art in several domains, such as robotics
(FRANÇOIS-LAVET et al., 2018; LI, 2018; FISCHER, 2018). Additionally, the works of
Yang et al. (2020) and Liu et al. (2020) have observed good results on applying policy
gradient methods for stock trading.
The implementation in this work considers that the dynamics of the environment
are unknown. This reflects the real-life of predicting and trading on the stock market:
there are many known and unknown factors that may influence the asset prices (NAS-
SIRTOUSSI et al., 2014; YADAV; JHA; SHARAN, 2020; JIN; YANG; LIU, 2020; HU et
al., 2018). Nevertheless, many factors were not considered because they were out of the
scope of this work. Factors such as fundamental analysis data could be better explored
in future works, using the same MDP and methodology used in this research, with a few
adaptations in the state and action spaces and the reward function.
The MDP used in this work is based on the one proposed by Liu et al. (2020), which
was implemented in the FinRL library. The main changes that were made are related to
the state space by incorporating additional features. The main components of the tuple
S, A, andR were:
• State space S: the state space contains the observations received by the agent
from the environment at each timestep. These observations were vectors composed
of multiple features that belong to the dataset used for simulating the trading en-
vironment. These features were:
– For all models: OHLCV, number of shares owned, and balance in the account
(amount of money in the account that can be used for buying shares);
– Only for the models that considered the price prediction feature: the price
prediction feature from the M1 module;
– Only for the models that considered the sentiment feature: the market senti-
– Only for the models that considered TIs: for volume (ADI), for volatility
(BBH), trends identification (MACD), and momentum (RSI, stochastic RSI,
and WR).
• Action space A: the action space contains all the actions that the DRL agent
can take at each timestep. Three possible actions were considered: buy (action
+1), hold (action 0), and sell (action -1) the number of shares. Directly related to
the action taken is the maximum order size, which limits the maximum number of
shares that can be negotiated in a given timestep;
• Reward function r(s, a, s� ): the reward function guides the agent towards the
learning process and the development of better policies (or trading strategies). In
this work, the reward function considered was the same as in Liu et al. (2020),
the total portfolio value change. This can be defined, for each timestep, as the
equation below. R represents the reward, N o represents the number of shares owned,
C represents the closing price, and B represents the balance (amount of money
available that was not spent buying stocks).
Several adaptations can be made to the MDP in future works. For adopting the model
for trading multiple assets, it is necessary to adapt the state space to incorporate all the
data from the shares themselves and the calculation of the account balance. Changes in
the action space are also needed so that the final action space will be 3 n (where n is the
total number of assets). For adopting the model for shorting stocks or operating with
options, it is necessary to adapt the action space, including those new actions. Lastly, for
adopting new reward functions, such as log returns, Sharpe ratio, among others, changes
in the reward function must be made. Nevertheless, it is essential to notice that the MDP
used can be easily adapted to those other use cases.
Lastly, the implemented DRL agents were the DDPG and PPO agents. The FinRL
library was implemented using the Stable Baselines 2 library 3 and TensorFlow 1.144 . The
Stable Baselines library contains several improvements (and more extensive documenta-
Figure 13 – Main steps for building and evaluating the M1 module - Stock market price
tion) of the RL and DRL models present on the OpenAI Baselines library 5 . The three
main hyperparameters for each model were evaluated and the maximum order size per
day, and the number of timesteps.
This section contains the main results of the M1 module, considering different time
series analysis models. It is divided into the following subsections: 4.3.1 contains an
exploratory analysis of the BOVA11 price dataset, exploring its main characteristics and
the division between train, validation, and test subsets; and 4.3.2 describes the main
results obtained on the hyperparameters analysis and the final models on the test subset.
Lastly, three models were chosen for testing on the two trading scenarios. This module’s
main objective is to provide an additional feature for the trading module to its trading
Figure 13 illustrates the M1 module. It contains the following steps: (i) OHLCV data
gathering from a stock market price provider; (ii) price processing, detecting and dealing
with outliers and missing data, as well as generating TIs when needed; (iii) price data
analysis, which is used for generating charts and statistics to analyze the data (described
in the following subsection); (iv) model implementation, considering all the evaluated
models, its main hyperparameters, the use or not of TI, the type of cross-validation split
(time series split or block split), and final model evaluation on the test subset, considering
the MSE as the quality metric; (v) final model training, considering the whole dataset;
and (vi) model prediction on the trading subsets. The results of step (vi) are then fed to
the trading module, as described in section 4.5.
The dataset used for training the M1 module was composed of five features: open
prices (first price on trading day t), high prices (highest price on trading day t), low prices
(lowest price on trading day t), close prices (final price on trading day t), and volume (total
volume of shares of the asset traded on trading day t). These are typically denominated
OHCLV (open, high, low, close, and volume) on the financial trading domain. The data
was collected using the yfinance library, which gathers data from the Yahoo! Finance
platform. Figure 14 illustrates the close price from 2008 to 2020. This is the most widely
used feature as a target on trading and price prediction works, such as in most of the
works reviewed by Ryll and Seidens (2019) and Sezer, Gudelek and Ozbayoglu (2020).
It is possible to observe that the prices varied a lot during the period, presenting
clear upward trends between 2008 and 2010, 2016 and 2018, and 2019. It presented steep
downward trends between 2018 and 2019 and in 2020. The latter was the most significant
decline in stock prices since the creation of the index. It was caused by the economic
effects of the Covid-19 pandemics and the widespread uncertainty related to the future.
A statistical analysis of the closing prices led to the following observations: (i) the
lowest price observed in the series was R$35.31, while the highest was R$115.21; (ii) the
average price throughout the whole series was R$63.88; and (iii) the standard deviation
throughout the whole series was R$16.74. Nevertheless, it is essential to note that, as the
series is non-stationary, both mean and standard deviation values vary widely on different
Figure 15 illustrates the frequency distribution of the daily returns for this asset. It is
important to note that most of the daily returns are concentrated around 0%. According
to the EMH theory, this is expected, which indicates that valuable assets (in terms of
daily returns in this case) would become the target of many investors. In this way, the
daily return would return, after a period of excess returns, to center around 0%.
It is also important to note the role of outliers, which are related to both extreme
market conditions (the steep growth in 2019, due to an increase in market optimism, and
the following fall in 2020, due to the impacts of Covid-19) and high market daily volatility
(mainly due to the impacts of Covid-19 and market uncertainty), among other aspects.
This helps explain the highly negative (-14.57% on 03/12/2020) and positive (+13.40%
on 03/13/2020) data points. These could impact considerably on the different models’
prediction capacity.
Several other statistical analyses were conducted, such as the analysis of the auto-
correlation (ACF) and partial autocorrelation (PACF) functions, both indicating that
the daily percentage change and the prices presented an autocorrelation with the imme-
diately previous period, as was expected. As traditional econometrics models, such as
ARIMA, SARIMA, and SARIMAX, are more suited for identifying patterns and predict-
ing stationary time series, several differentiation components’ values were analyzed. In
the AdaBoost, SVR, and LSTM models, it is common to use the price itself (as observed
in the works by Siami-Namini, Tavakoli and Namin (2019) and Eapen, Verma and Bein
(2019)), so no differentiation was conducted for those models.
First, the prices dataset was divided into two subsets: the training subset and the
testing subset. The testing subset was further divided into two trade scenarios: Trade 1,
encompassing the years of 2019 and 2020; and Trade 2, encompassing 2020.
These trades represent two critical scenarios: Trade 1 represents a scenario with
upward and downward trends, and Trade 2 represents a scenario with a steep downward
trade and high volatility. These are illustrated in Figure 16.
Legend: The final training dataset was divided into training (2008-2018) and test or
trades (2019-2020) subsets. The test or trades subset was further divided into two
trades: Trade 1 (2019-2020) and Trade 2 (2020).
Source: elaborated by the author.
Figure 17 illustrates the ten days upward and downward trends of the prices of the
BOVA11 ETF throughout the dataset used. This was elaborated using the trendet
library, a Python library that focuses on trend detection for stock market data. As a
result, it is possible to observe that: (i) there are several critical downward trends in
2011, 2012, 2013, and 2018, related to financial crises, the impacts of general elections,
the impacts of the exchange rates, among others; (ii) the most crucial downward trend
was due to the Covid-19 pandemics in the first semester of 2020; (iii) the years with
the highest upward trends were 2009, 2010, 2014, 2018, and 2019, due to exportation
Figure 17 – BOVA11 price chart from 2008 to 2020 with upward and downward trends
and commodity prices increases, favorable exchange rates, among others; and (iv) the
second semester of 2020 illustrates a potential economic recovery from the impacts of the
Covid-10 pandemics in the first semester of 2020.
Based on the analysis of Figure 17, it is possible to infer that: (i) the training subset in
this work contains both upward and downward trends, an essential aspect for data-driven
model training; (ii) the data in the subsets is imbalanced, with high volatility in the year
2020; and (iii) the year of 2020 presents a crucial negative impact on the stock market,
which is considerably difficult to predict. Therefore, it is expected that the implemented
models will provide higher errors on the test subset for both trading scenarios.
In this module, the training subset (2008-2018) will be used for the final model train-
ing, and the test subset will contain the predictions of those models for the years 2019
and 2020. In this way, it is possible to guarantee that there is no data leakage and that
the inputs for the trading module (described in section 4.5) are reasonably generated, as
in a real-world trading scenario.
However, it is essential to both choose the best model and its correct hyperparameters
values. For this reason, an in-depth hyperparameters analysis was conducted with all
implemented models. The training subset (2008 to 2018) was further divided into two
subsets to conduct the hyperparameters analysis: training (2008 to 2017) and test (2018),
as illustrated in Figure 18.
Therefore, the training subset was used for model training, the validation for hyper-
parameters tuning, and the test for identifying the best model that should be part of
the M1 module. The use of the best models’ ensembles was also evaluated, and two es-
Figure 18 – BOVA11 close prices for hyperparameters training, divided into train
(2008-2017) and test (2018) subsets
sential cross-validation methods for time series prediction: blocking time series split and
time series split, both with five folds. It is essential to evaluate different cross-validation
methods, as they may allow for distinct pattern recognition, especially for DL time series
prediction models, such as the LSTM.
The blocking time series split with five splits divides the training subset into five parts
of equal size with no shared data points between them. Each part is then divided into
an 80% training subset (the first 80% of the data points) and a 20% testing subset (the
last 20% of the data points), with no data shuffling (to preserve its autocorrelation). The
model is then trained on the training subset of the first part and tested on this part’s
testing subset. A new model is then trained on the training subset of the second part,
tested on the testing subset of the second part, and so on.
The time series split with five splits is similar because it also divides the training
subset into five parts. The division between training and testing subsets is still the same:
80% for training and 20% for testing. Nevertheless, its main difference is that each split
incorporates the data points of the previous split. This is done without data shuffling, so
the autocorrelation of the data is maintained. Therefore, split 1 contains training (80%
of split 1) and testing (20% of split 2) subsets. Split 2 contains a training (first 80% of
all data points contained in splits 1 and 2) and a testing subset (the last 20% of all data
points contained in splits 1 and 2), and so on.
The hyperparameters analysis results and the final models implementation for the M1
module are discussed in the following subsection.
As described in Chapter 3, the main models that were implemented in this module
were: (i) econometrics models: ARIMA, SARIMA, and SARIMAX; (ii) ML models:
Adaboost, SVR univariate and SVR multivariate; (iii) DL models: LSTM univariate and
LSTM multivariate; and (iv) three ensemble models. The models chosen for building the
ensembles will be described in this subsection.
It is essential to observe that the grid search using both cross-validation types was
the most resource-intensive task, as a considerable amount of models was implemented
and tested. This task took around seven days of processing time, considering all models
and hyperparameters values. The time for training each final model individually using
the chosen hyperparameters and cross-validation type was considerably different for each
model, with the SVR and the AdaBoost models taking less than one minute and the
LSTM taking less than five minutes. The prediction of any of the final models on the
whole validation subset took less than one minute. Therefore, it is possible to observe
that the M1 module training and prediction times fulfill the requirements for daily trading
in the stock market.
It is possible to observe that the blocking time series splits presented better results
than the time series splits. This is an interesting result, as few works in the trading domain
literature (especially for the Brazilian market) explore the impacts of using different cross-
validation methods for time series. Considering the final models in Table 1, the use of the
blocking time series splits presented an MAE 5.53% lower and an MSE 9.07% lower than
the use of the time series splits. It is also important to note that the best configurations of
the SVR multivariate, SVR univariate, LSTM univariate, AdaBoost, and ARIMA models
used the blocking time series cross-validation. It is important to note that the blocking
time series implies that data that is closer to the prediction timestep provides more value
than data that is further into the past. Both SARIMAX models with TI presented very
similar errors.
As for the best models for each category, it is essential to note that the SARIMAX
with both time series splits and the use of TI were the best econometrics models, with
very similar MAE (0.490 for blocking and 0.489 for time series splits) and the same MSE
(0.657). The SARIMAX was also the best overall model. The best ML models were the
SVR multivariate (both splits) without TI, with an MAE of 0.524 and an MSE of 0.735.
It is interesting to note that the different cross-validation methods had no difference from
the SVR, an observation that should be explored in future works.
Table 1 – Results of the final models on the test subset, considering the MAE and MSE
Model group Model Best hyperparameter values Split type TI MAE MSE
p:2, d:1,
Econ. ARIMA Block 12.950 270.778
p:2, d:0,
Econ. ARIMA TSplit 19.826 519.883
p:2, d:0, q:1, P:1,
Econ. SARIMA TSplit 20.007 528.728
D:0, Q:3, S:3
p:2, d:1, q:2, P:4,
Econ. SARIMA Block 22.718 670.373
D:2, Q:4, S:3
p:1, d:0, q:1, P:4,
Econ. SARIMAX Block X 0.490 0.657
D:0, Q:4, S:2
p:1, d:0, q:1, P:4,
Econ. SARIMAX TSplit X 0.489 0.657
D:0, Q:1, S:3
p:1, d:0, q:1, P:4,
Econ. SARIMAX TSplit 0.525 0.693
D:0, Q:4, S:3
p:2, d:0, q:2, P:3,
Econ. SARIMAX Block 0.876 1.438
D:1, Q:3, S:3
Lr:1, Loss:square,
ML AdaBoost Block 3.177 20.990
Lr:1, Loss:square,
ML AdaBoost TSplit 3.177 20.990
Lr:2, Loss:square,
ML AdaBoost Block X 4.053 33.037
Lr:2, Loss:square,
ML AdaBoost TSplit X 4.053 33.037
C:10, Ep:0.001,
ML SVR_Multi Block 0.524 0.735
C:10, Ep:0.001,
ML SVR_Multi TSplit 0.524 0.735
C:10, Ep:0.01,
ML SVR_Multi Block X 0.604 1.149
C:10, Ep:0.01,
ML SVR_Multi TSplit X 0.604 1.149
C:50, Ep:0.01,
ML SVR_Uni Block 1.556 5.421
C:50, Ep:0.01,
ML SVR_Uni TSplit 1.556 5.421
Ba:32, Nn:1000,
DL LSTM_Multi TSplit X 1.069 1.771
Ph:3, E:30
Ba:8, Nn:1000,
DL LSTM_Multi TSplit 1.270 2.406
Ph:1, E:30
Ba:8, Nn:1000,
DL LSTM_Multi Block 1.411 4.070
Ph:1, E:100
Ba:32, Nn:1000,
DL LSTM_Multi Block X 1.842 6.018
Ph:1, E:30
Ba:2, Nn:1000,
DL LSTM_Uni Block 2.069 7.614
Ph:1, E:30
Ba:2, Nn:1000,
DL LSTM_Uni TSplit 2.227 8.772
Ph:1, E:30
Legend: In bold: best model for each category considering the MSE. In green: best
models considering all categories. TI: technical indicators; Lr: learning rate; Ne: number
of estimators; Ep: epsilon; K: kernel; Ba: batch size; Nn: number of neurons; Ph: past
history or window length; E: number of epochs.
Source: elaborated by the author.
The best DL model was the LSTM multivariate with time series splits and TI, with
an MAE of 1.069 and an MSE of 1.771. It is interesting to note that, probably due to
the dataset’s small size, the LSTM provided considerably worse results (MAE and MSE
more than 100% higher) than the best SARIMAX and SVR multivariate models.
As for the individual models, it is essential to note that: (i) the best LSTM was the
LSTM multivariate; (ii) the best SVR was the SVR multivariate; (iii) the best AdaBoost
did not use IT; and (iv) the ARIMA and SARIMA presented the worst results for all
metrics, having a considerably higher error.
Concerning the best hyperparameters values, it is possible to observe that: (i) for
most ARIMA, SARIMA, and SARIMAX models, the best value for the p component was
1 or 2, for the d component was 0 or 1, and for the q component was 1 or 2; (ii) for
SARIMA and SARIMAX, the best value for P was 4, for D was 0, for Q was 3 or 4,
and for S was 3; (iii) for AdaBoost, the best value for the loss was the square method;
(iv) for the SVR models, the best value for the C was 10, for the epsilon was 0.01 or
0.0001, and for the kernel was linear; (v) for the LSTM models, the best value for the
number of neurons was 1,000, for the window length or past history was 1 or 3, and for
the number of epochs was 30. The values differed among the model configurations for
all the other hyperparameters, and no clear conclusions can be drawn without further
studies. Nevertheless, those results can form the basis for further exploration, both in the
Brazilian and in other stock markets worldwide.
Therefore, is it possible to infer that the best models were: SARIMAX, SVR multi-
variate, and LSTM multivariate. The worst model was the SARIMA with the blocking
time series split and without TI. Lastly, the best models that used TI were the SARIMAX
and the LSTM multivariate.
Table 2 contains the description of the models selected for developing the three en-
sembles. These are: (i) E1, composed of the best model (SARIMAX) and the best ML
model (SVR multivariate); (ii) E2, composed of the best model (SARIMAX) and the
best DL model (LSTM multivariate); and (iii) E3, composed of the best ML model (SVR
multivariate) and the best DL model (LSTM multivariate). The ensembles’ predictions
were the simple average of the component models’ predictions for each day.
Table 3 contains the best model results in each category and the ensembles on the
test subset. It is possible to observe that the E1 (ensemble of SARIMAX and SVR) is
the best model, with an MAE of 0.447 and an MSE of 0.498. Models E2 and E3 both
provided worse results in comparison to the SARIMAX and SVR models. Lastly, three
Table 3 – Results of the final models on the test subset, considering the MAE and MSE
Legend: In bold: best model considering the MSE. In green: models chosen to be
evaluated on the trading module (MT).
Source: elaborated by the author.
models were chosen for test on the trading module: E1 (best overall model), which will
provide stock price predictions for the trading model MT1A; SARIMAX (best individual
model), which will provide stock price predictions for the trading model MT1B; and LSTM
(state of the art model), which will provide stock price predictions for the trading model
MT1C. The SARIMAX model was also used to provide stock price predictions for the
trade models MT4 and MT4ta (that use predictions from both M1 and M2 modules as
additional inputs).
The following section contains the description of the M2 module and the exploratory
data analysis results, the hyperparameters analysis, and the final models implementation.
This section contains the main results of the stock market sentiment prediction module
(M2), considering different sentiment analysis models. It is divided into the following sub-
Figure 19 – Main steps for building and evaluating the M2 module - Stock market
sentiment prediction
sections: 4.4.1 contains an exploratory analysis of the news titles dataset used for model
training, exploring its main characteristics and the division between train, validation, and
test subsets; and 4.4.2 describes the main results obtained on the hyperparameters anal-
ysis and the final models on the test subset. Lastly, one model was chosen for predicting
news titles on an unlabeled dataset. Those sentiment predictions were then used as a
feature for three trading models (MT2, MT4, and MT4ta, as described in section 4.5).
This module’s main objective is to provide an additional feature for the trading mod-
ule that could improve its trading results, specifically related to market sentiment. As
observed in several works in the literature (NASSIRTOUSSI et al., 2014; SOHANGIR
et al., 2018), this could improve the model’s results on very volatile markets due to an
increase in its responsiveness to events that may severely impact the assets’ prices.
Figure 19 illustrates the M2 module. Unlike the M1 module, the predictions on the
M2 module are not directly related to a time series. That happens because each datapoint
(the title of a news article) is analyzed and predicted individually. For this reason, and
since the main objective is to improve already pretrained structures (such as the GloVe
word embeddings and the dictionaries used in the implementation), this module uses two
datasets. The first (D2-A on Figure 14) is the dataset used to improve those structures,
so it is a labeled dataset with validated sentiments for each news title.
The first step of the M2 module is gathering the news titles, eliminating non-relevant
news, and labeling the final news. This will then constitute the D2-A dataset. On the
second step, the D2-A dataset is processed for use on an NLP model, with the following
operations: tokenization, elimination of stopwords, lemmatization, and normalization
of the sentiment scores. The third step is to conduct an exploratory analysis of the
data, considering statistical analysis and the distribution of the sentiments on the dataset
The fifth step is related to final model training, considering the whole D2-A dataset.
Then, the model will be fine-tuned for use on the financial domain dataset. The sixth step
is to gather a dataset of unlabeled news titles of the relevant period for the trading model
training (in this work, all data available was used, encompassing the periods from 2011
to 2020). This dataset was called D2-B and, in the case of this work, contained 86,674
news titles. The seventh step is to apply the same news processing techniques from step
two on the D2-B dataset. The final step is to use the final trained model to predict the
sentiments of the news titles. These are then aggregated by day, using a simple average
method, and this will constitute the time series of predicted sentiments per day, which
will be used as a feature of the trading models that consider the market sentiment.
As described in section 4.4, the first labeled dataset (D2-A) was used for hyperpa-
rameters analysis and model training. It contained 1,134 news titles collected from three
relevant and trustworthy market news sources: Valor Econômico, UOL Economia, and
InfoMoney. These were already analyzed for relevance in terms of the financial domain.
Each news title was labeled independently by three researchers, following the same label-
ing procedure and guidelines.
To better describe the sentiment, five scores were used: 1 for very negative, 2 for
negative, 3 for neutral, 4 for positive, and 5 for very positive. This is because several
sentiment analysis works infer that using only three sentiment classes or scores (negative,
neutral, and positive), as used in most of the literature, may not be enough to capture all
the sentiments in a text (BOLLEN; MAO; ZENG, 2011; NASSIRTOUSSI et al., 2014).
Then, the final sentiment score was calculated by the simple average of the three
researchers’ labels’ values, rounded up. This is crucial, as news sentiment values may
vary considerably within the same day. Aggregating multiple news sentiments in a day
may lead to a better evaluation of market sentiment. For example, some days have very
negative news for some sectors (for example, negative quarterly results for a bank), while
others may have very positive news (for example, an increase in digital sales from a
Figure 20 illustrates both the number and percentage of news titles in each sentiment
score category. It is important to observe that: (i) 50% of the dataset presented a neutral
sentiment; (ii) around 25% of the dataset presented a positive sentiment; (iii) around 22%
of the dataset presented a negative sentiment; and (iv) there were almost no news titles
on the very positive or very negative extremes. This distribution seems to reflect the
reality of financial news during regular periods (without very high volatility), in which
there are very few very negative or very positive news, and most are relatively neutral in
terms of sentiments. It is crucial to notice that the same methodology can be used for
specific sub-domains (for example, commodities) by selecting and analyzing only news in
that sub-domain, as was done in Marto et al. (2019). Table 4 contains examples of news
titles in each sentiment score or class.
Legend: Left: sentiment score count by category. Right: sentiment score distribution by
Source: elaborated by the author.
As was already described, the D2-A dataset was processed and used for model fine-
tuning and training (which will be further explored in section 4.4.2). This training’s main
objective was to improve the M2 module’s capability of predicting the market sentiment
based on all the news titles collected each day. Therefore, the use of various sentiment
dictionaries was also evaluated. Initial experiments have shown that the GloVe word
embedding in Portuguese was the best available word embedding option for this task.
In English, the GloVe word embedding is considered a state-of-the-art word embedding,
being used in several works related to sentiment analysis, such as in Ferreira et al. (2019)
and Mansar et al. (2017).
Table 4 – Number of data points, percentage, and example of sentences for each
sentiment score on the D1-A dataset
After training on the D2-A dataset, the final model was then used to predict an
unlabeled dataset’s market sentiments, denominated D2-B. This simulates the real-life
scenario, in which the sentiment is not known and must be predicted in real-time to
provide an input that the trading module can use. The D2-B dataset was developed
by collecting 113,226 news titles from 2011 to 2020 from another trustworthy source of
financial news, the website These were collected with date timestamps.
However, before predicting the news titles’ sentiments in the D2-B dataset, a cleaning
process was conducted. This was conducted in two stages: (i) elimination of keywords
that are related to irrelevant news titles (such as: "summary of today’s main news"
and "interview with"); and (ii) sampling and analysis of 5% of the whole dataset for
identification of additional keywords that indicate news that are irrelevant for the Brazilian
stock market as a whole (such as the name of countries that are not relevant in terms
of trading or influence on the Brazilian stock market). All these keywords were used to
identify and eliminate news titles that were not relevant to this work. This resulted in a
final dataset of 86,674 relevant news titles.
The final model trained on the D2-A dataset was then used for predicting the senti-
ment of all news titles on the cleaned and processed D2-B dataset. Then, the timestamps
were used to aggregate the news sentiment scores per day, using a simple average method
for each day (ex: the sentiment score of one day with 30 news titles was the simple aver-
age of the predicted sentiment scores of the 30 news titles). In the case of weekends, the
news were used to predict the sentiment of the following Monday. Therefore, this module
can be applied to real-life trading scenarios, providing sentiment scores aggregated by a
defined period (daily in this work, but could be hourly or by the minute). Also, it can be
used (without sentiment aggregation) to provide real-time sentiment based on one specific
news title.
In the following subsection, the models implementations and results for this module
will be analyzed.
The main models that were implemented in this module were: MLP and CNN. Both
are deep neural networks, and the second is considered one the state of the art models
for sentiment analysis on the financial domain, as in the works by Ferreira et al. (2019)
and Mansar et al. (2017). As with the M1 module, the first step was conducting the
hyperparameters analysis to choose the best hyperparameter values for each model, con-
sidering different hyperparameter values and dictionaries. This was implemented with
K-fold cross-validation with three balanced folds (considering approximately the same
distribution of news titles on the different sentiment scores as in the whole dataset). The
training subset contained 80% of the news titles, while the testing subset contained the
remaining 20%. This distribution is commonly used in the literature (NASSIRTOUSSI
et al., 2014; SOHANGIR et al., 2018).
A grid search was used to evaluate the different model and hyperparameter values
combinations, considering the MSE as the quality metric. After choosing the best hyper-
parameter values, the final models were then trained on the whole training subset and
evaluated on the testing subset. Table 5 contains the main hyperparameter values chosen
for each model and the MSE on the test subset for the different options of dictionaries.
It is crucial to observe that, as with Module M1, the grid search was the most resource-
intensive task for this module. However, as pre-trained word embeddings were used, the
total processing time of the grid search took around two days. The training time for
each final model individually using the chosen hyperparameters on the D2-A dataset was
considerably different between the MLP and the CNN (with the MLP being around 50%
faster to train). However, both training times were short, with the CNN taking around
Table 5 – Results of the final models on the test subset, considering the MSE metric
Model Best hyperparameter values Dictionary MSE Diff. with best model
ND 0.634 62.60%
Batch size: 32 OL 0.629 61.25%
Number of neurons: 50 SL 0.630 61.38%
Dropout rate: 0 WN 0.616 57.98%
Number of hidden layers: 1 Average of
all models
Batch size: 32 ND 0.400 2.53%
Number of neurons: 50 OL 0.393 0.70%
Dropout rate: 0 SL 0.397 1.66%
Number of hidden layers: 1 WN 0.390
Filter size: 2 Average of
Number of filters: 256 all models
Legend: In bold: best configuration for each model. In green: best model. ND: no
dictionary; OL: OpLexicon; SL: SentLex; WN: WordNetAffectBR.
Source: elaborated by the author.
five minutes to train on the whole dataset. The prediction of any of the final models on the
whole D2-B dataset took less than five minutes. The prediction for any individual news
title took less than five seconds, and the aggregation of all news in a day for calculating
the average sentiment score also took less than five seconds. Therefore, it is possible to
observe that the M2 module training and prediction times fulfill the requirements for daily
trading in the stock market.
First, it is crucial to observe that the best values for all the shared hyperparameters
between both models were the same: the batch size of 32, 50 neurons, a dropout rate of 0,
and 1 hidden layer. For the additional hyperparameters for the CNN, the best values were:
a filter size of 2 and 256 filters. Also, it is crucial to observe that the best configurations
for both models included the use of the WordNetAffectBR dictionary.
The best model was the CNN with the WordNetAffectBR dictionary, with an MSE
of 0.390. Although using this dictionary improved the model by only 0.7% in relation to
the use of the OpLexicon, this was also observed for the MLP model. The worst models
for each category were the models with no dictionaries, and the MLP with no dictionary
was the worst model implemented (with an MSE of 0.634, more than 60% higher than
the best model). Therefore, it is possible to infer that using this dictionary led to better
results than the other dictionaries. Lastly, it is possible to observe that the MSE for the
MLP was considerably higher than for the CNN models (0.627 for MLP versus 0.395 for
CNN). Therefore, the CNN model is more well suited for this task, as was observed in
Hyperparameter Impact Impact
Importance Importance
on MSE on MSE
Number of hidden layers 1 179.42% 1 133.41%
Batch size 2 36.27% 4 22.21%
Dropout 3 35.51% 3 40.84%
Number of neurons 4 19.57% 2 51.75%
Number of filters 5 3.51%
Dictionary 6 2.37% 5 1.48%
Filter size 7 1.69%
Source: elaborated by the author.
Due to the increasing need for more works on sentiment analysis on the financial
domain in Portuguese, an in-depth hyperparameters analysis was conducted to understand
better: (i) what hyperparameters impact the most on the final models (considering the
ones implemented); (ii) how much they impact on the models; and (iii) if sentiment
dictionaries are, as stated in several works in the literature (LOUGHRAN; MCDONALD,
2011; FERREIRA et al., 2019), one of the most important factors to be considered when
analyzing sentiments on the financial domain. Table 6 contains the results of this analysis.
The MSE loss function of the deep neural networks was considered for model evalua-
tion, mainly for two reasons: (i) it is widespread in the literature; and (ii) it is also used
in the models implemented in section 4.3 (M1 module). It is essential to observe that
the factors that impact the most on the MSE for the implemented models (considering
the difference in MSE between using the best value for that hyperparameter versus the
worst value) are: (i) number of hidden layers (impact of 179.42% for the CNN and of
133.41% for the MLP); (ii) batch size (impact of 36.27% for the CNN and of 22.21% for
the MLP); (iii) dropout (impact of 35.51% for the CNN and of 40.84% for the MLP); and
(iv) number of neurons (impact of 19.57% for the CNN and of 51.75% for the MLP). It is
possible to observe that the dictionaries are one of the hyperparameters that impact the
least on the final results (impact of 2.37% for the CNN and of 1.48% for the MLP).
As the dataset is considerably small for a sentiment analysis task, the fact that the
number of hidden layers impacted the most in the final results is in line with the literature.
This is because this hyperparameter adds significant complexity to the models, increasing
the need for additional data for parameters training (LECUN; BENGIO; HINTON, 2015;
JORDAN; MITCHELL, 2015; KOUTSOUKAS et al., 2017). With a considerably large
labeled dataset, this hyperparameter may not impact as much on the final results. The
batch size can be influenced by both the dataset size and the word embedding used.
Therefore, increasing the dataset size could also reduce this hyperparameter’s potential
impact on the final results.
Using a dropout rate increases the difficulty for the model to train, improving its
generalization. However, it also impacts considerably on the results of small datasets,
as there are few training examples. Therefore, the difficulty of identifying the correct
patterns in the data was increased by using dropout. According to the literature (ZHANG;
WALLACE, 2015), high dropout rates tend to cause this behavior. Nevertheless, more
experiments are needed to evaluate if this behavior would persist on a larger dataset.
Lastly, the number of neurons is also impacted by the size and complexity of the dataset.
Therefore, the same observation for the other hyperparameters is also true: increasing the
dataset size could decrease this hyperparameter’s impact. Notwithstanding, more studies
are needed to define those behaviors on different dataset sizes in the financial domain.
Therefore, it is possible to conclude that: (i) the most critical factor to be considered
is which model to use (and that the CNN provides significantly better results than the
MLP); (ii) the second most important factor is the number of hidden layers (in this work,
the higher the number of hidden layers, the worst were the results of both models); (iii)
the impact of the other hyperparameters vary considerably on the different models; and
(iv) the use of dictionaries (and the choice of which dictionary to use) impact marginally
on the final results (although this becomes important in real-life scenarios).
Two possible explanations for the lack of impact of the dictionaries used are: (i) the
amount of information contained on the word embeddings versus the dictionaries (the
word embedding is contributing much more for the sentiment values due to its character-
istics and amount of words and relations considered); and (ii) the fact that the dictionaries
are not specific for the financial domain. There are no validated and well-accepted dictio-
naries for the financial domain in Portuguese. In English, one important financial domain
dictionary is the one by Loughran and Mcdonald (2011).
Considering all those factors and each model’s results on the test subset, the final
model chosen for the M2 module was the CNN with a 300 dimension GloVe word embed-
ding and the WordNetAffectBR dictionary. As described in section 4.4.1, this was used to
train on the whole D2-A dataset (labeled) and predict the sentiment values for all news
titles on the D2-B dataset (unlabeled). The resulting predictions were then aggregated
by day and used as an input for the trading module (models MT2, MT4, and MT4ta).
In the following section, the implementation and the main results of the trading
module will be explored, considering: different models, DRL agents, financial indicators,
and two trading scenarios.
This section contains the main results of the trading module, considering the different
modules evaluated. It is divided into the following subsections: 4.5.1 explores the models
that consider the stock price prediction signals from the M1 module as a feature (MT1);
4.5.2 explores the models that consider the stock market sentiment signals from the M2
module as a feature (MT2); 4.5.3 explores the models that consider only the OHLCV
features (MT3) and the same features with TIs (MT3ta); and 4.5.4 explores the models
that consider the stock market prediction and stock market sentiment signals as features
(MT4) and the same features with TIs (MT4ta).
All models were executed 30 times (both for training and testing) to better account for
the inherent variations of the DRL models’ parameters, as recommended in the literature.
The MDP considered was the one described in section 4.2, and implemented on the FinRL
library. Also, the impact of the maximum order size was explored on those models because
initial experiments pointed that, in a scenario with high volatility, order sizes of 100 or
200 (generally used in the literature, as in Liu et al. (2020) presented the worst results,
with more exposition to risk and worse results.
For the training time of each model configuration implemented on the trading module,
it is crucial to observe that: (i) the total training time for the system was composed of
the sum of the training times of the individual modules; and (ii) that after modules M1
and M2 have been trained, the time for training any individual model in the MT module
was similar (regardless of its inputs). The most resource-intensive task for this module
was the grid search, and the PPO and DDPG agents presented a similar training time.
The whole grid search task took around seven days of computation time, and the time
for training an individual model took around twenty minutes (depending on the number
of timesteps used for training and the number of executions of the model). The model
trading (without retraining) for any particular day took less than one minute. Therefore,
it is possible to observe that the proposed system fulfills the requirements for daily trading
Figure 21 – Illustration of the steps for the MT1 model and its three variations: MT1A
(ensemble SVR multivariate + SARIMAX), MT1B (SARIMAX), and MT1C (LSTM
In this subsection, three trading models will be explored, using stock prediction signals
from the M1 module as additional features. These models are:
• MT1A: using as inputs OHLCV and the prediction signal (output) from the E1
model (ensemble of the SVR multivariate and the SARIMAX models) from the M1
• MT1B: using as inputs OHLCV and the prediction signal (output) from the SARI-
MAX model from the M1 module;
• MT1C: using as inputs OHLCV and the prediction signal (output) from the LSTM
multivariate model from the M1 module.
Figure 21 illustrates the MT1 trading model and its variations. It is important to note
that two DRL agents were evaluated for implementing the trading models: DDPG and
PPO. The three main hyperparameters were evaluated for each model, as described in
Chapter 3 of this work. Also, two maximum order sizes were evaluated: 10 and 200. The
main objective was to identify, through hyperparameters analysis on the subset of prices
from 2011 to 2017: the best model and its hyperparameter values for each order size.
These were then trained on the data subset from 2011 to 2018 and used for conducting
both trading scenarios: Trade 1 (2019-2020) and Trade 2 (2020).
Table 7 contains the results of the hyperparameters analysis of the MT1A, MT1B,
and MT1C models on the validation subset (2011 - 2017) for each maximum order size.
It shows the two best models for each combination of model and maximum order size
because some combinations, although presenting the best results, had a considerably
higher standard deviation than the second-best model. Therefore, in these cases, the
second-best model was chosen. The first two models on the table can exemplify this:
although the PPO DRL agent presented the highest mean total reward for the MT1A
model with a maximum order size of 10, its standard deviation was around nine times
higher than the second-best model (DDPG), which had a total reward that was only
around 2% lower.
The same can be observed for the MT1B model with a maximum order size of 200: the
best model (with the highest total reward of the implemented models) had a total reward
of 13,264, while the second-best model (also using the DDPG DRL agent) obtained a total
reward of 11,304 (a reduction of around 15%). Nevertheless, the standard deviation of the
second-best model’s total reward was more than 1000 times lower. In terms of coefficient
of variation (CV), while the best model obtained a value of 36.22%, the second observed
0.0003%. As lowering the uncertainty is of primary importance for stock trading, the
second model is much more applicable to real-life scenarios than the first, even though its
total reward is lower.
It is possible to observe that, in general, the DDPG model presented better results
than the PPO model for both maximum order sizes. Using a maximum order size of 200,
the mean total reward was considerably higher (around 49% higher considering all model
configurations). The high rewards observed are in line with the increase in the prices of
the BOVA11 asset during the validation period (2018), explored in section 4.3.1. The
MT1B with the DDPG DRL agent and maximum order size of 200 obtained the best
results considering both the total reward and its standard deviation, with a total reward
of 11,304.02. The second-best model was the MT1A with the DDPG DRL agent and
maximum order size of 200, with a total reward of 11,303.49. Lastly, the best MT1C
model used the DDPG DRL agent with a maximum order size of 200, obtaining a total
reward of 11,276.91.
For the DDPG DRL agent, the best hyperparameter values considering all models
were: a batch size of 8 or 128 (depending on the M1 model used to provide the stock
prediction signal), 200,000 timesteps, and a buffer size of 10,000. Those hyperparameter
values allowed the agents to identify the data patterns better, leading to better actions
and a higher total reward. In terms of the number of trades, they all presented similar
Table 7 – Results of the hyperparameters analysis for the MT1A, MT1B, and MT1C
models on the validation subset, considering the mean total reward on 30 executions and
the two best models for each maximum order size
Legend: In bold: best configuration for each maximum order size and model.
Source: elaborated by the author.
Table 8 – Final hyperparameters and DRL agents chosen for both maximum order sizes
for the MT1A, MT1B, and MT1C models, based on the mean total reward on 30
Legend: In bold, the model with the best mean total reward. Ns: number of steps; T:
timesteps; Lr: learning rate; Ba: batch size; Bu: buffer size.
Source: elaborated by the author.
For the PPO DRL agent, the best hyperparameter values considering all models were:
number of steps of 8 or 64 (depending on the M1 model used to provide the stock prediction
signal), 200,000 timesteps, and a learning rate of 0.001. As was observed for the DDPG
DRL agent, these models presented similar values in terms of the number of trades.
Table 8 contains the final variations of the MT1 models that were implemented for
the two trading scenarios. It is possible to observe that the model that presented the best
total reward was the MT1B with a maximum order size of 200, closely followed by the
MT1A model with a maximum order size of 200. The models with a maximum order size
of 10 presented the worst total rewards, and the worst model was the MT1A.
In this subsection, the MT2 trading model will be explored. It uses the OHLCV data
and the market sentiment signal from the M2 module, which uses a CNN with a 300
dimension GloVe word embedding and the WordNetAffectBR dictionary to predict the
market sentiment based on news titles in Portuguese.
Figure 22 illustrates the MT2 trading model. As with the MT1 trading model, the
DDPG and PPO DRL agents were evaluated on this model, evaluating the same hyper-
parameters and hyperparameter values for the maximum order sizes (10 and 200). The
hyperparameters analysis was conducted on the data subset from 2011 to 2017 to find the
best model and its hyperparameter values for each order size. These were then trained
on the final model training stage on the subset of data from 2011 to 2018 and used for
conducting both trading scenarios.
Table 9 contains the results of the hyperparameters analysis of the MT2 model on the
validation subset (2011 - 2017) for each maximum order size. It shows the two best models
for each combination of model and maximum order size. Unlike what was observed for
the MT1 models, the best models in terms of total reward also contained low standard
deviations, so they were chosen as the final models for implementation. The best model
was the DDPG with a maximum order size of 200, resulting in a mean total reward of
11,333.73. For the maximum size of 10, the PPO DRL agent resulted in the best model,
with a mean total reward of 7,360.60.
Unlike the MT1 model, both DRL agents performed well on the MT2 model. Their
lower standard deviation is also an important point to be observed. It is possible to infer,
based on those results, that the use of a sentiment-related input could reduce the variations
on the model. Although further experimentation is needed, considering other markets,
assets, and trading frequencies, it is possible to hypothesize that this could be related to
the model’s better capability to understand the market structure or its relevant patterns.
This model could be interesting for risk-averse players or high volatility scenarios if that
is the case.
The maximum order size of 200 presented a reward that was around 54% higher than
the one for the maximum order size of 10. All rewards were positive and in line with what
was observed for model MT1 and its variations. For the DDPG DRL agent, the best
hyperparameter values considering all models were: a batch size of 8, 10,000 or 100,000
Table 9 – Results of the hyperparameters analysis for the MT2 model on the validation
subset, considering the mean total reward on 30 executions and the two best models for
each maximum order size
Legend: In bold: best configuration for each maximum order size and model.
Source: elaborated by the author.
Table 10 – Final hyperparameters and DRL agents chosen for both maximum order sizes
the MT2 model, based on the mean total reward on 30 executions
Legend: In bold, the model with the best mean total reward.
Source: elaborated by the author.
timesteps, and a buffer size of 10,000. For the PPO DRL agent, the best hyperparameter
values considering all models were: number of steps of 8, 100,000 timesteps, and a learning
rate of 0.001 or 0.00025. For both DRL agents, the number of trades on the subset was
Table 10 contains the final MT2 model implemented for the two trading scenarios for
both maximum order sizes. The model that presented the best total reward was using
the DDPG DRL agent and a maximum order size of 200.
Figure 23 – Illustration of the steps for the MT3 and MT3ta models
In this subsection, the MT3 and MT3ta trading models will be explored. The MT3
uses only the OHLCV data as its inputs. These are the most used inputs in the RL trading
literature, as observed by Meng and Khushi (2019) and Fischer (2018). The MT3ta
considers TI’s use, being also explored in the RL trading literature (MENG; KHUSHI,
2019; FISCHER, 2018). From the vast number of options of TI, the most relevant ones
were chosen in this thesis (the same ones used for evaluating the use of TI on the M1
module): (i) for volume: ADI; (ii) for volatility: BB; (iii) for identifying trends: MACD;
and (iv) for momentum: RSI, stochastic RSI, and WR.
Figure 23 illustrates the MT3 and MT3ta trading models. As with the other trading
models implemented, the DDPG and PPO DRL agents were evaluated on this model,
analyzing the same hyperparameters and hyperparameter values for both maximum order
sizes (10 and 200). The hyperparameters analysis was conducted on the data subset from
2011 to 2017 to find the best model and its hyperparameter values for each order size.
These were then trained on the final model training stage on the subset of data from 2011
to 2018 and used for conducting both trading scenarios.
Table 11 contains the results of the hyperparameters analysis of the MT3 and MT3ta
models on the validation subset (2011 - 2017) for each maximum order size. It shows
the two best models for each combination of model and maximum order size. For both
models, the best DRL agent for the maximum order size of 10 was PPO, and for the
maximum order size of 200 was the DDPG agent. The best model was the MT3ta with
the DDPG agent and a maximum order size of 200, while the worst model was the MT3
with the PPO agent and a maximum order size of 10. However, even though the MT3ta
presented a higher total reward (indicating that TI’s use may improve pattern extraction
and decision making), the standard deviation was considerably higher. The CV for MT3
Table 11 – Results of the hyperparameters analysis for the MT3 and MT3ta models on
the validation subset, considering the mean total reward on 30 executions and the two
best models for each maximum order size
Legend: Ns: number of steps; T: timesteps; Lr: learning rate; Ba: batch size; Bu: buffer
Source: elaborated by the author.
was around 0.006%, while for the MT3ta, it was around 7.62%, indicating that the use
of TI may increase trading risks. Nevertheless, more exploration is needed to understand
better and verify those observations, considering multiple assets and markets.
The maximum order size of 200 presented a reward that was around 51% higher than
the one for the maximum order size of 10 for MT3, and 56% higher for MT3ta. All rewards
were positive and in line with what was observed for the other trading models. For the
DDPG DRL agent for both the MT3 and MT3ta models, the best hyperparameter values
differed. There was no clear best choice. This may be because the MT3 and MT3ta
models’ behavior is different, even though in the RL trading literature, the impacts of
TI on the trading results are not explored in depth. The same is observed for the PPO
DRL agent, except for the number of timesteps: for these models, a higher number of
timesteps (200,000) led to the best results. As with other models, the number of trades
on the subset was similar.
Table 12 contains the final MT3 and MT3ta models implemented for the two trading
scenarios for both maximum order sizes. The model that presented the best total reward
Table 12 – Final hyperparameters and DRL agents chosen for both maximum order sizes
for the MT3 and MT3ta models, based on the mean total reward on 30 executions
Legend: In bold, the model with the best mean total reward. Ns: number of steps; T:
timesteps; Lr: learning rate; Ba: batch size; Bu: buffer size.
Source: elaborated by the author.
was the MT3ta using the DDPG DRL agent and maximum order size of 200.
In this subsection, the MT4 and MT4ta trading models will be explored. The MT4
uses as its inputs: the OHLCV data, the stock prediction signal from the M1 module, and
the market sentiment signal from the M2 module. According to the extensive literature
reviewed by Meng and Khushi (2019) and Fischer (2018), there are very few works that
explore RL trading models using those inputs, especially the sentiment signal. However,
those works do not compare the models with alternatives without part of the inputs,
making it difficult to pinpoint the most critical component: the price prediction or the
sentiment prediction. The MT4ta also considers those inputs and the use of TI. This
model is not explored in-depth in the literature. The TI used is the same as in the model
Figure 24 illustrates the MT4 and MT4ta trading models. As with the other trading
models implemented, the DDPG and PPO DRL agents were evaluated on this model,
analyzing the same hyperparameters and hyperparameter values for both maximum order
sizes (10 and 200). The hyperparameters analysis was conducted on the data subset from
2011 to 2017 to find the best model and its hyperparameter values for each order size.
These were then trained on the final model training stage on the subset of data from 2011
Figure 24 – Illustration of the steps for the MT4 and MT4ta models
Table 13 contains the results of the hyperparameters analysis of the MT4 and MT4ta
models on the validation subset (2011 - 2017) for each maximum order size. It shows the
two best models for each combination of model and maximum order size. For MT4, the
PPO DRL agent resulted in the best performance (considering both the mean total reward
and its standard deviation) for both maximum order sizes. For MT4ta, the opposite was
observed: the DDPG was the best DRL agent. The best model was the MT4ta with
the DDPG agent and a maximum order size of 200, while the worst model was the MT4
with the DDPG agent and a maximum order size of 10. This indicates that the TI may
have improved the models’ results while also decreasing its risks (illustrated by the mean
total reward’s lower standard deviation). Nevertheless, as with the observations regarding
models MT3 and MT3ta, more exploration is needed to understand better and verify those
observations, considering multiple assets and markets.
The maximum order size of 200 presented a reward around 41% higher than the one
for the maximum order size of 10 for MT4 and 51% higher for MT4ta. This was in
line with what was observed for the other trading models implemented. All rewards were
positive and in line with what was observed for the other trading models. As was observed
on the MT3 and MT3ta models, the best hyperparameter values differed for the models
and the DRL agents. There was no clear best choice besides a batch size of 8 for the
DDPG, and 100,000 timesteps or higher for all models, except for MT4ta with DDPG for
a maximum order size of 200. This may be because the behavior of the MT4 and MT4ta
models are different, as observed in those models’ results.
Table 13 – Results of the hyperparameters analysis for the MT4 and MT4ta models on
the validation subset, considering the mean total reward on 30 executions and the two
best models for each maximum order size
Legend: In bold: best configuration for each maximum order size and model. Ns:
number of steps; T: timesteps; Lr: learning rate; Ba: batch size; Bu: buffer size.
Source: elaborated by the author.
Another possible explanation is that the models had more difficulties identifying pat-
terns considering all the various features used, partly explaining the high CV for those
models. This is a very interesting topic that could be explored in more detail in future
works, considering different markets, assets, and trading scenarios. As with the other
trading models, the number of trades on the subset was similar.
Table 14 contains the final MT4 and MT4ta models implemented for the two trading
scenarios for both maximum order sizes. The model that presented the best total reward
was the MT4ta using the DDPG DRL agent and maximum order size of 200.
The following section contains the final results of all trading models on the two trading
scenarios, evaluating their impacts on the six financial indicators in relation to the BH
Table 14 – Final hyperparameters and DRL agents chosen for both maximum order sizes
for the MT4 and MT4ta models, based on the mean total reward on 30 executions
Legend: In bold, the model with the best mean total reward. Ns: number of steps; T:
timesteps; Lr: learning rate; Ba: batch size; Bu: buffer size.
Source: elaborated by the author.
This subsection contains the final models comparison. It is divided into three parts:
(i) an in-depth analysis of the different DRL agents and hyperparameters for the final
models, considering total reward and CV on the test subset (2018); and (ii) the analyses
of the implementations of the final models on the two trading scenarios.
Table 15 contains the results of the final models implemented on the test subset,
considering both mean total reward and CV. In bold, the most important models, which
contain a low risk (CV lower than 2%) and a high total reward (more than 11,000), are
highlighted. Those models, in theory, should present better results in trading scenarios.
This will be further explored through this section.
As was explored in section 4.5, the maximum order size of 200 led to the best results
for all models. The DDPG DRL agent was also more prevalent than the PPO on the final
models due to its better results on the test subset. This indicates that it could better
identify the data patterns, which led to better trades and a better total reward. Three of
the five PPO models implemented on the final models presented a CV higher than 5%.
The highest CV (18.36%) was observed on the MT4 model with the PPO DRL agent and
a maximum order size of 200.
The best model was the MT2 with the DDPG DRL agent and the maximum order
size of 200. However, the MT1A, MT1B, MT1C, MT3, and MT4ta with maximum order
Table 15 – Final models implemented on the trading module and their results in terms
of mean total reward and coefficient of variation (CV) on the test subset (2018)
Legend: In bold: models that have a coefficient of variation lower than 2% and a mean
total reward higher than 11,000. Ns: number of steps; T: timesteps; Lr: learning rate;
Ba: batch size; Bu: buffer size.
Source: elaborated by the author.
sizes of 200, presented very similar results in terms of mean total reward. The model
with the highest total reward (11,927.69), MT3ta with a maximum order size of 200, also
presented a considerably high CV (14.81%), difficulting its use in real life scenarios.
Table 16 compares the DRL agents implemented on the final models in terms of the
number and percentage of winning models in relation to the total number of final models
implemented and mean total reward and CV. It is crucial to note that the DDPG was
the best DRL agent considering all the final models, not only because it was the DRL
agent used by 11 of the 16 models, but also because its total reward was 23.12% higher
and its CV was 60% lower than the PPO DRL agent. This indicates that the DDPG
DRL agent may obtain better trading results with lower risks than the PPO DRL agent
on RL trading tasks. This is an interesting result, as few works in the literature explore
the impact of using different DRL agents, hyperparameters values, and maximum order
sizes on RL trading.
Table 16 – Comparison of the DRL agents implemented, considering all the final models
on the test subset
Table 17 – Comparison of the DRL agents implemented, considering all the final models
on the test subset, separated by maximum order size
the two maximum order sizes. This is a fundamental analysis because, on very volatile
markets, limiting the maximum order size may lead to more risk-averse strategies (as the
model can buy only a small number of stocks per day). On the other hand, this may
reduce the potential gains in a growing market, as shown in Table 17. It is also essential
to observe that the DDPG DRL agent presented a higher mean total reward on average
than the PPO DRL agent. Also, the DDPG DRL agent showed a considerably lower
CV than the PPO for a maximum order size of 200 (2.46% for DDPG versus 18.36% for
For the maximum order size of 10, the PPO DRL agent showed a slightly lower CV
(4.88% for PPO versus 4.54% for DDPG). Those results point out that the DDPG model
might be considerably better on optimistic scenarios, leading to higher gains but slightly
riskier on volatile scenarios. It is also important to observe that, in the test subset (2018),
there was a growing trend throughout the price time series, which may have influenced
those results. This is an additional reason for evaluating the models in different scenarios.
This point will be discussed in the analysis of the results of the two trading scenarios.
Table 18 – Hyperparameters analysis for the winning models for the DDPG DRL agent
Legend: In bold: best hyperparameter value considering both mean total reward and
the CV for each hyperparameter.
Source: elaborated by the author.
Table 18 contains the hyperparameters analysis’s main results for the winning models
(the ones that were chosen to be the final models) for the DDPG DRL agent. The best
hyperparameters values were: a batch size of 8, 100,000 timesteps, and a buffer size of
100,000. Based on those results, it is possible to infer that smaller batch sizes and larger
buffer sizes provide better results. It would be interesting to further explore lower values
for batch size (such as 4 and 2) and higher values for buffer sizes (such as 200,000) to
evaluate their impacts on the final model results. As for the number of timesteps, it is
important to note that, after 100,000 timesteps, the model seemed to start overfitting,
which may explain the reduced total reward. As for the CV, it is important to note that
it was considerably lower for all the best hyperparameters values (less than 3%).
Table 19 contains the hyperparameters analysis’s main results for the winning models
for the PPO DRL agent. The best hyperparameters values were: a number of steps of
8, 200,000 timesteps, and a learning rate of 0.0005. It is crucial to note that this DRL
agent presented much higher CVs for all hyperparameter values than the DDPG DRL
agent. For the best value for the learning rate, the CV was 18.36%, a considerably high
value (making it very likely unsuitable for financial trading due to the high variation in
the model’s results).
A higher number of timesteps improved the model’s rewards but also increased the
CV. Although more experiments with different datasets are needed, it is possible to infer
that this model may be identifying incorrect patterns, leading to worse results by part of
its executions (what explains the high CV on several executions). As for the number of
Table 19 – Hyperparameters analysis for the winning models for the PPO DRL agent
Legend: In bold: best hyperparameter value considering both mean total reward and
the CV for each hyperparameter.
Source: elaborated by the author.
steps, lower values tended to provide better results, although also with a high CV. The
learning rate was the hyperparameter that most impacted on both the total rewards and
the CV, making it the most critical hyperparameter to tune for this DRL agent in this
specific use case. Also, as was observed before, the models’ total rewards with the PPO
DRL agent were considerably lower, mainly because the chosen PPO models were used
on the maximum order size of 10.
In the following paragraphs, the two trading scenarios’ results will be explored, con-
sidering all final trading models, the six financial metrics chosen for analysis, and the BH
Table 20 shows the results of all the trading models and the BH strategy for Trade
1 (2019-2020). It is important to note that the six financial indicators can be divided
into four groups: (i) returns-related metrics: annual returns and cumulative returns; (ii)
volatility-related metrics: annual volatility and stability; (iii) risk-related metrics: Sharpe
ratio; and (iv) loss-related metrics: maximum drawdown. Therefore, the results will be
analyzed considering the groups and the individual metrics.
First, it is possible to observe that for the returns-related and risk-related metrics,
only the MT1C model with a maximum order size of 200 beat the BH. This indicates that,
for this specific trading scenario (in which there is a considerable difference between peaks
and valleys on prices and both upward and downward trends), this is the only suitable
model for an investor that is not risk-averse. The results were significantly better on the
Table 20 – Final results for the trading models for Trade 1 (2019-2020) and the BH
strategy, considering the average of the financial metrics on 30 executions
Legend: In bold: best model considering all metrics. In green: models that performed
better than the BH model for the specific metric. In red: worst model for the specific
metric. MOS: maximum order size; DRL: DRL agent; AR: annual returns; CR:
cumulative returns; AV: annual volatility; SR: Sharpe ratio; ST: stability; MD:
maximum drawdown.
Source: elaborated by the author.
financial trading scenario, with the MT1C presenting annual returns of 8.53% (versus
7.13% for BH) and cumulative returns of 14.77% (versus 11.83% for BH). This model also
showed the best results regarding stability: 0.219 (versus 0.010 for BH).
As for the risk-related metrics, this model also showed better results than the BH,
with a Sharpe ratio of 0.482 (versus 0.375 for BH). Several other models also presented a
Sharpe ratio higher than BH: MT2 with a maximum order size of 200 (0.385) and MT3ta
with a maximum order size of 200 (0.465).
Nevertheless, the most exciting results are related to the volatility-related metrics
and the loss-related metrics. For both categories, all models performed better than the
BH strategy, with the MT2 with an order size of 10 providing significantly better results
than the BH strategy: annual volatility of 0.187 (versus 0.356 for BH), the stability of
0.205 (versus 0.010 for BH), and a maximum drawdown of -26.10% (versus -46.92%).
However, this model also presented the worst results in related to the returns-related and
risk-related metrics. Therefore, its use is not recommended in this trading scenario, as
the order size limited its potential results.
As for the use of TIs on the MT3ta and MT4ta, it improved the return-related metrics
(especially for the models with a maximum order size of 200) and the risk-related metrics
for the MT3ta, in relation to the respective models that did not use TI (MT3 and MT4).
Notwithstanding, the results on the volatility-related and the loss-related metrics were
considerably worse by using TI. Therefore, it is possible to infer that, at least for this
trading scenario and the maximum order sizes evaluated, TI’s use as an input for the
DRL agent did not improve its results, leading to an increase in volatility and losses.
The use of the predictions of the M1 model as inputs for the DRL agent, especially
from the LSTM (MT1C model), provided better results in relation to the standard ap-
proach of using only OHLCV inputs (MT3) ou OHLCV with TI (MT3ta) considering
mainly the returns-related and risk-related metrics. It is important to observe that the
MT1A and MT1B models obtained worse results for the volatility-related and loss-related
metrics in relation to the standard approach methods. Therefore, it is possible to infer
that the M1 module with the LSTM model improves the overall trading results of the
DRL agent, but the same does not apply to the ensemble approach (MT1A) and the
SARIMAX model (MT1B).
As for the M2 module, it is important to observe that the model with a maximum
order size of 200 presented better results than the MT3 and MT3ta in terms of the returns-
related metrics. It also presented better results for the risk-related metrics in relation to
the MT3 and for the volatility-related and loss-related metrics in relation to the MT3ta.
Therefore, it is possible to observe that the market sentiment prediction helped to better
trade in a scenario with volatility in relation to TI use. It also provided better returns.
As for the use of both M1 and M2 for providing features for the DRL agents, it is
possible to observe, by analyzing the MT4 and MT4ta models, that they provide better
results on the returns-related metrics and the loss-related metrics in relation to the MT3.
In relation to the MT3ta, the MT4 and MT4ta models provide better results for the
volatility-related metrics and loss-related metrics but worse results for the returns-related
and risk-related metrics. Therefore, they may be suited for more risk-averse investors (in
relation to the MT3ta model).
It can be concluded from this analysis that: (i) the maximum order size of 10 is
not suitable for this trading scenario, as was expected from the experiments and anal-
Table 21 – Comparison and statistical analysis of the best models with the BH strategy
for Trade 1 (2019-2020), considering financial metrics on 30 executions
Legend: In bold: values with statistical difference (p <0.01% using Student’s T-test)
from the BH model. In green: models that performed better than the BH model for the
specific metric. In red: worst model for the specific metric. MOS: maximum order size;
DRL: DRL agent; AR: annual returns; CR: cumulative returns; AV: annual volatility;
SR: Sharpe ratio; ST: stability; MD: maximum drawdown.
Source: elaborated by the author.
yses conducted on section 4.5; (ii) the MT1C with maximum order size of 200 was the
best trading model evaluated; (iii) the MT1C with maximum order size of 200 presented
significantly better results than the BH in this trading scenario; (iv) all trading models
presented better results for the volatility-related and loss-related metrics, in relation to
the BH strategy; (v) although the MT2 with maximum order size of 10 presented the best
results for the volatility-related and loss-related metrics, it also presented the worst results
for the returns-related and risk-related metrics (being a model that is not suited for this
trading scenario); (vi) the use of the M1 and M2 modules, both in isolation (MT1C and
MT2) and together (MT4 and MT4ta) presented better results, with some models being
more indicated for risk-averse investors.
Table 21 contains further analysis of the models that presented the best (MT1C with
a maximum order size of 200) and worst (MT2 with a maximum order size of 10) for the
evaluated metrics, as well as the baseline used (the BH strategy). The Student’s T-test
statistical analysis was conducted to evaluate which value differences were statistically
significant in relation to the BH strategy.
It is possible to observe in Table 21 that, for the MT1C, the stability (a volatility-
related metric) and the maximum drawdown (a loss-related metric) were statistically
lower than the BH, while the other indicators were not statistically different. This means
that this model may provide similar returns with a lower probability of loss than the BH
strategy, making it an important candidate for trading strategies with the studied asset.
As for the MT2, it is possible to observe that its results were statistically worse than
the BH strategy, especially for the returns-related and risk-related metrics. That means
that this is not a good model for a trading strategy, even though its volatility-related
and loss-related metrics are statistically better than the BH strategy because the MT2’s
returns are too low.
Table 22 shows the results of all the trading models and the BH strategy for Trade
2 (2020). First, it is essential to observe that this scenario is considerably different: it
is much more volatile than Trade 1, and a considerable amount of its data points are on
a steep downward trend. Therefore, it is expected that models that can adapt faster to
market changes and deal better with daily volatility (or that make smaller investments at
each timestep) will provide better results in a trading scenario with those characteristics.
With a few exceptions for the risk-related metric (MT1A, MT1C, MT2, MT3ta, and
MT4 with maximum order sizes of 200), all models presented better results than the BH
strategy for all metrics evaluated.
Table 22 – Final results for the trading models for Trade 2 (2020) and the BH strategy,
considering the average of the financial metrics on 30 executions
Legend: In bold: best model considering all metrics. In green: models that performed
better than the BH model for the specific metric. In red: worst model for the specific
metric. MOS: maximum order size; DRL: DRL agent; AR: annual returns; CR:
cumulative returns; AV: annual volatility; SR: Sharpe ratio; ST: stability; MD:
maximum drawdown.
Source: elaborated by the author.
Although the models with a maximum order size of 200 presented the best results in
the first trading scenario (especially the MT1C), in Trade 2, they presented worse results
than their counterparts with a maximum order size of 10. This further supports the
assumption that, in high volatility and downward trend scenarios, the maximum order
size may play an essential part in the trading strategy.
The best model in this scenario was the MT1C with a maximum order size of 10. It
presented the best results in the returns-related metrics (12.34% on annual and 7.86% on
cumulative returns versus -20.85% on annual and -13.95% on cumulative returns for the
BH strategy). This model also obtained the best results for the risk-related metrics (0.773
versus -0.187 for the Sharpe ratio for the BH strategy) and a lower maximum drawdown
than the BH strategy (-12.91% for MT1C versus -46.92% for BH). Therefore, this is the
most recommended model for this trading scenario.
As with Trade 1, the MT2 with a maximum order size of 10 presented the lowest
annual volatility (0.156 versus 0.520 for BH) and maximum drawdown (-12.91% versus
-46.92% for BH). Therefore, this model presented promising results for this scenario,
considering a risk-averse investor. Nevertheless, unlike in Trade 1, the stability and the
maximum drawdown were not considerably lower than the MT1C.
As for the use of TIs, the results from the MT3, MT3ta, MT4, and MT4ta show that
there was a slight improvement in terms of return-related metrics. However, except for
the Sharpe ratio for MT4ta in relation to MT4, all the other metrics were worse on the
models using TI. Therefore, the results point out that TI’s use did not improve the results
of the models.
As was observed for Trade 1, the use of the predictions of the M1 model as inputs for
the DRL agent improved the results considerably for all models. The best model in both
scenarios was the MT1C (that uses the prediction of the LSTM as an additional feature).
This strengthens the assumption that using the LSTM on the M1 module improves the
model’s trading results.
In relation to using the M2 module, the results were slightly different from Trade 1. In
isolation (MT2), the M2 module provided inputs that made the model more risk-averse,
improving the losses-related and volatility-related metrics.
Nevertheless, this effect was not observed when used together with the M1 module
(MT4 and MT4ta). The MT4 and MT4ta had very similar results to the MT3 and MT3ta
models. Therefore, it can be inferred that using both M1 and M2 modules together,
specifically for scenarios with high volatility, does not make the model as responsive as
Table 23 – Comparison and statistical analysis of the best models with the BH strategy
for Trade 2 (2020), considering financial metrics on 30 executions
Legend: In bold: values with statistical difference (p <0.01% using Student’s T-test)
from the BH model. In green: models that performed better than the BH model for the
specific metric. In red: worst model for the specific metric. MOS: maximum order size;
DRL: DRL agent; AR: annual returns; CR: cumulative returns; AV: annual volatility;
SR: Sharpe ratio; ST: stability; MD: maximum drawdown.
Source: elaborated by the author.
the use of only the M2 module. This observation should be better explored in the future,
as this may help considerably in choosing models and features for a more risk-averse
It can be concluded from this analysis that: (i) all models provided better results
for all metrics in relation to the BH strategy, with an exception of MT1A, MT1C, MT2,
and MT4ta with a maximum order size of 200 for the Sharpe ratio; (ii) all models with
maximum order size of 10 provided significantly better results for all metrics; (iii) all
models with maximum order size of 200 presented negative returns-related metrics and
maximum drawdown lower than 20%; (iv) the MT1C with maximum order size of 10
was the best trading model evaluated; (v) the best results in terms of volatility and
maximum drawdown were obtained by the MT2 with a maximum order size of 10; (vi)
the use of TI did not improve the models’ results in this scenario; (vii) the use of the
M1 and M2 modules in isolation (MT1A, MT1B, MT1C, and MT2) presented better
results for all metrics in relation to the BH strategy; and (vii) the use of both M1 and M2
modules together (MT4 and MT4ta) did not significantly improve the models’ results in
comparison to the MT3 and MT3ta models.
Table 23 contains a comparison between the MT1C with a maximum order size of
10 (best model for Trade 2) and the MT2 with a maximum order size of 10 (the model
with the lowest risk that was evaluated on both Trades 1 and 2) models for the evalu-
ated metrics, as well as the baseline used (the BH strategy). Similar to the analysis for
Trade 1, the Student’s t-test statistics were used to evaluate which value differences were
statistically significant in relation to the BH strategy.
It is interesting to observe in Table 23 that, except for the Sharpe ratio and stability
for the MT2 model, all the other metrics were statistically better in relation to the BH
strategy. The annual returns were positive (while on the BH strategy, they were -20.85%),
the Sharpe ratios were positive, and the maximum drawdown was considerably higher (-
13.90% for MT1C and -12.91% for MT2 versus -46.92% for BH). Taking all those factors
into account, it is possible to conclude that the use of those models was better than the
BH strategy and that, unless the investor is exceptionally risk-averse, she should use the
MT1C model.
Finally, four critical aspects must be considered: (i) after the hyperparameters have
been chosen for each module, retraining the whole system (M1, M2, and MT modules)
takes less than one day with a computer with the technical specifications used in this work
(described in Chapter 3); (ii) using the proposed system for prediction purposes (without
retraining it), considering all modules, takes less than 10 minutes for each data point
(allowing for intraday predictions if necessary); (iii) the main factor that may increase
the training time considerably is evaluating multiple assets; and (iv) the results of the
M2 module may be improved by using a more extensive training dataset. The results
obtained in the models’ experiments and analyses on both trades are used to answer the
main and secondary research questions in the next section.
This subsection contains the answers to the main research question (4.7.1) and the
secondary questions (4.7.2).
The experiments’ results showed better trading results for several models for the var-
ious metrics in relation to the BH strategy, especially for the second trading scenario
(trading in 2020). For the first trading scenario (2019-2020), the price prediction module
(M1) was a central component of the MT1C model with a maximum order size of 200,
which showed the best results for the following metrics: annual and cumulative returns,
Sharpe ratio, and stability. The sentiment prediction module (M2) was a central compo-
nent of the MT2 model with a maximum order size of 10, which showed better results for
the annual volatility and maximum drawdown metrics. The statistical analysis showed
that the MT1C obtained significantly better results for the returns-related metrics in rela-
tion to the BH strategy. It also showed that the MT2 model obtained significantly better
results for the annual volatility and maximum drawdown metrics.
For the second trading scenario (2020), the MT1C with a maximum order size of 10
was the best model evaluated. As in Trade 1, the MT2 with a maximum order size of 10
showed the best results for the annual volatility and maximum drawdown metrics. The
statistical analysis showed that, except for the Sharpe ratio and the stability for MT2, all
the metrics for MT1C and MT2 were significantly better than for the BH strategy. Even
more critical, their results were not negative, and the maximum drawdown was much
more positive.
The experiment results showed that, at least for the BOVA11 ETF, the use of the
sentiment feature extracted from news headlines did not improve the model significantly
in terms of returns or TIs as inputs for the DRL agent but improved its responsiveness
in the presence of volatility. The MT2 models were more risk-averse for both scenarios,
reducing the risk of losses.
Notwithstanding, the returns for Trade 1 were very low for this model. Although more
studies are needed, this infers that, for certain types of markets and scenarios, sentiment
features may not be as impactful as improving the predictions’ quality for improving
models’ results. Also, evaluating both trading periods, it is possible to observe that one
of the most important factors, besides the careful selection of input features, the model
choice, and the hyperparameters tuning, is the maximum trading size for each period. In
more volatile periods (such as during the Covid-19 pandemics in 2020), the use of smaller
lot sizes improved considerably on the results compared to both the baseline and larger
lot sizes. In this case, the proposed system provided significantly better results for all
metrics in relation to the BH strategy. The proposed system also showed satisfactory
results when operating for more extended periods (such as in the first trading scenario).
Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the proposed system presents better trading
results than the BH strategy for both scenarios’ evaluated metrics. This research also
addresses and complements the work by Liu et al. (2020) and addresses several points on
the work of Fischer (2018) by incorporating:
1. A price prediction module that produces a price prediction input for the DRL agent:
2. A sentiment prediction module, which produces a sentiment prediction input for the
DRL agent: M2;
The following paragraphs contain the answers for each of the secondary research
SRQ1: Does the use of DRL with sentiment analysis improve stock trading
in terms of profits in relation to the use of the BH strategy?
The use of sentiment analysis did not improve the trading model results in terms
of returns-related metrics. It improved the models’ volatility-related and losses-related
metrics but provided very low returns, at least in Trade 1. Using a price prediction module
(such as M1) would provide results that are more in line with investors’ expectations.
Therefore, sentiment analysis is recommended for more risk-averse strategies, especially in
very volatile markets with a downward trend. In other situations, using price predictions
as features for the DRL agent is more recommended due to its higher returns without
excessive risks. An option to be explored is to incorporate sentiment from other sources,
such as social media, company reports, analysts’ reports, among others. Nevertheless,
this may not be effective for daily trading, as impactful news can be quickly incorporated
into an asset’s price. More studies are needed comparing the impact of sentiment features
on trading for different frequencies (especially minute and hourly trading) and assets.
SRQ2: Which model results in the best forecast of market indices prices?
Econometrics, ML, or DL models?
For the price prediction module (M1), the models that had the best results were:
the ensembles (SARIMAX and SVR, SARIMAX and LSTM, and SVR and LSTM), the
SARIMAX, and the SVR multivariate models. Using the blocking time series splits pro-
vided better results than using the traditional time series splits, and the best single model
(SARIMAX) used TIs as features, besides prices and volume. The best models were the
multivariate versions, which better identified the patterns used for price prediction, re-
sulting in lower MAE and MSE. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that using ensembles
is very important for price prediction, especially by mixing econometrics and machine
learning models. It is also possible to infer that the LSTM may have presented worse
results than the SARIMAX and SVR due to the training dataset’s small size.
SRQ3: Does the use of TIs as features improve the forecasts of market
indices prices?
For the price prediction module (M1), TIs’ use as features improved the SARIMAX
and the LSTM multivariate models. Nevertheless, it did not improve the AdaBoost,
LSTM univariate, SVR univariate, and SVR multivariate models. Therefore, it is possible
to conclude that, for some models, the use of TIs may improve the forecasts’ results. As
the SARIMAX was the model with the best results for price prediction, and as the LSTM
multivariate was part of the trading model that presented the best results for both trades
analyzed in this research, it is possible to conclude that the TIs should be considered on
price prediction modules.
SRQ4: Which model (considering MLP and CNN) best predicts market
sentiment? and SRQ5: Does the use of a dictionary (considering Sentilex,
Oplexico, and WordnetAffectBR) improve the prediction of market sentiment
for financial news headlines in Portuguese?
For the sentiment prediction module (M2), the model that best predicted market
sentiment was the CNN. For the dictionaries, it was observed that their use improved
the MLP and CNN models’ results. The WordNetAffectBR presented the best results
for both models. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that dictionaries are essential to
improve the results of the sentiment prediction module.
SRQ6: Does the use of the price prediction module improve stock trading
Based on the experiments conducted, it is possible to conclude that the use of the price
prediction module (M1) improves the trading results of the DRL agent, especially when
using the predictions of the multivariate LSTM (model MT1C). Therefore, it is crucial to
use a price prediction module for the daily trading of the BOVA11 index. Although more
analyses are needed with various assets, it can be inferred, based on the experiments, that
this can also be applied to the most significant assets in the stock market (as they directly
influence the prices of the BOVA11 index).
SRQ7: Does the use of sentiment analysis of news headlines improve stock
trading results compared to the BH strategy?
both trades, especially for returns-related and risk-related metrics. Therefore, considering
all metrics, the sentiment analysis module’s use only improved the stock trading results
considerably compared to the BH strategy on Trade 1. On Trade 2, all models presented
better results than the BH strategy, and the main advantage of using M2 in isolation
(MT2) was to improve its risk-averseness. It is essential to further research the use
of sentiments for trading in the Brazilian market by considering various news sources,
dictionaries, and trading frequencies (especially for high-frequency trading).
SRQ8: Does the use of TIs improve the stock trading results of DRL
According to the experiments conducted, using TIs as inputs for the DRL agent did
not improve trading results consistently. However, it was also observed that using TIs
on the price prediction module (M1) resulted in better price predictions for some models.
The trading models that used features derived from the M1 module presented better
results for most of the evaluated metrics: annual and cumulative returns, Sharpe ratio,
and stability. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that using TIs as features of the DRL
agent may not lead to good results but that these TIs must be evaluated as features of the
price prediction module. One of the reasons that may explain those results is that some
of the models used on the price prediction module, especially the SARIMAX and LSTM,
were designed to extract patterns from data with autocorrelation. As a result, they may
be better suited to find those patterns on small datasets (as was the case in this research)
with the addition of handcrafted features.
In this Chapter, the proposed system was explored in-depth, and experiments were
conducted to evaluate all its components separately and used together in two different
trading scenarios. The research questions were also answered based on the analyses of the
obtained results.
The proposed system is composed of three modules: (i) M1, which is used for pre-
dicting stock prices based on time series analysis; (ii) M2, which is used for predicting
market sentiment based on news titles; and (iii) MT, which is used for stock trading. Two
trading scenarios were evaluated: (i) Trade 1 (2019-2020), which contained both upward
and downward trends; and (ii) Trade 2 (2020), which mainly contained a steep downward
trend, as a result of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the economy. Eight trading
For both trades, the use of the M1 module resulted in models that were better than
the BH strategy in all metrics. The use of the M2 module resulted in more risk-averse
models, and that presented very low returns on Trade 1. The use of both modules together
did not improve the model’s overall results that used only the M1 module as inputs.
Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the proposed system should be used: (i)
with only the M1 module (MT1C with a maximum order size of 200) for long term or
daily trading during less volatile scenarios; (ii) with only the M1 module (MT1C with a
maximum order size of 200) if the investor is not risk-averse; and (iii) with only the M2
module (MT2 with a maximum order size of 10) if the investor is risk-averse and is on a
very volatile scenario, especially on a steep downward trend.
This section contains several essential discussions regarding the proposed system, its
possible use, and the main impacts of this work on different trading tasks. It is divided
into the following sections: 5.1 describes the main contributions of this work; 5.2 describes
the main limitations of this research; 5.3 contains several suggestions for application of
the proposed trading system; 5.4 contains the most relevant recommendations for future
work; and 5.5 concludes this chapter, with a summary of its main points.
This section describes the main contributions of this work, analyzing the results of
the modules of the proposed system and the system as a whole. Section 5.1.1 explores
the main contribution of this work: the use of time series and sentiment predictions
from state-of-the-art DL models as additional features for the DRL agent. This applies
not only to the financial domain but to other sub-domains as well, such as agricultural
products, iron, steel, oil, and other commodities. The following subsections explore the
work’s minor contributions, which apply mainly for stock trading: 5.1.2 explores the use
of multiple features to predict Brazilian stock indices prices; 5.1.3 explores the use of
market sentiment extracted from news titles in Portuguese; 5.1.4 explores the use of DRL
for stock trading on the Brazilian stock market; and 5.1.5 explores the use of financial
domain metrics (versus classical ML metrics) to evaluate stock trading models.
The main contribution of this work was the proposal of a system for using additional
features to DRL agents that may help capture additional information on the environment.
This is especially useful for complex scenarios with unknown dynamics and low signal-to-
noise. The additional features proposed and analyzed on the experiments on automated
stock market trading were: (i) time series prediction features; and (ii) sentiment prediction
features. It is essential to observe that the proposed system can be used on several different
sub-domains that present those characteristics (such as agricultural products, iron, steel,
oil, and other commodities) and that the models used in each component can also be
changed and evaluated for those sub-domains.
The Brazilian stock market was chosen as a case study of the proposed system due to
five main factors: (i) it presents the main aspects of complex scenarios; (ii) its dynamics
are (and tend to remain) unknown and constantly changing; (iii) it is a developing stock
market, what means that gains may be obtained by better extracting relevant information
from the data available; (iv) it has a strong baseline that is difficult to beat, the BH
strategy; and (v) there is much interest on improving the results of stock market trading,
as this can be translated to capital gains.
Several models were evaluated to generate the additional features, including econo-
metrics, traditional ML, and DL models. State-of-the-art models were evaluated for each
task, and different input configurations were considered. The results obtained in the
evaluated scenarios support the claim that the proposed system improves the results in
relation to the baseline model and the current implementation of the DRL agents evalu-
ated. This indicates that the proposed use of the additional features improved the quality
of the information extracted by the DRL agents from the environment.
Additionally, this work addresses several important concerns present on the DRL
literature (FISCHER, 2018; FRANÇOIS-LAVET et al., 2018; VÁZQUEZ-CANTELI;
NAGY, 2019; LI; RAO; SHI, 2018; WU et al., 2019; MENG; KHUSHI, 2019): (i) the need
to further explore state-of-the-art models for algorithmic trading, considering different
scenarios; (ii) the lack of studies of actor-critic models for automated stock trading; (iii)
exploring the impact and the importance of different hyperparameters for the DRL agents;
and (iv) exploring different DRL agents in a standard task. Lastly, the transaction costs
are also considered, which is a very relevant aspect that is not considered in most models
in the literature.
stock indices prices. The use of TI for price prediction was also analyzed. Finally, the
impacts of using two important cross-validation methods were evaluated for all models
and ensembles with different compositions. Those aspects complement the works of Kara,
Boyacioglu and Baykan (2011), Persio and Honchar (2016), Fischer and Krauss (2018),
Mehtab, Sen and Dasgupta (2020), Eapen, Verma and Bein (2019), Yadav, Jha and
Sharan (2020), and Pauli, Kleina and Bonat (2020), which are very relevant for stock
market price prediction.
In relation to the use of most traditional models, the DL models have four main advan-
tages: (i) the possibility of identifying complex non-linear patterns in the data (JORDAN;
TON, 2015; SEZER; GUDELEK; OZBAYOGLU, 2020); (ii) being entirely data-driven,
in the sense that there is no need to implement rules on the model’s behavior (it is based
solely on the model’s architecture, the hyperparameters chosen, and the dataset used);
(iii) the possibility of transferring learning between assets and sub-domains; and (iv) au-
tomatic feature generation, detecting trends that would demand manual labor using other
techniques. The DL models can also use various data types as inputs, such as text (to
extract market sentiment), as done in the M2 module.
Most ML and DL models in the literature tend to consider only OHLCV data, as
in many of the works explored by the extensive literature reviews conducted by Ryll
and Seidens (2019) and Sezer, Gudelek and Ozbayoglu (2020). Nevertheless, TI’s use
is important in improving the results of several models, and these must be evaluated
together with the different model hyperparameters values and cross-validation methods.
Lastly, the methodology used in this work and the model implementations can also be
applied to other time series analysis problems, not only on the stock market.
This work’s third contribution is related to: (i) considering the market sentiment
extracted from final news titles as input for trading in the Brazilian market; and (ii) eval-
uating different dictionaries, hyperparameters, and state-of-the-art models for sentiment
analysis in Portuguese on the financial domain. This is one of the few works that address
news in Portuguese for algorithmic trading purposes. Most of the literature focuses on
the English language. Also, it is essential to note that there are no open financial news
datasets in Portuguese with timestamps available for trading purposes.
Considering the sentiment input extracted from the news titles is important to increase
the models’ responsiveness, making it more suitable for risk-averse strategies (NASSIR-
TOUSSI et al., 2014; BOLLEN; MAO; ZENG, 2011). It was also observed that, for daily
trading, the impact is not that significant as the use of a price prediction signal as an
input for the trading agent. This may be because financial news may be incorporated
on the price faster than one day. Some research, such as the work by Souma, Vodenska
and Aoyama (2019), observed good results on sentiment analysis for intraday trading.
One of the reasons that may explain those results was the fact that it allowed for better
prediction in a short timeframe. However, it is possible to adapt the proposed system for
intraday trading.
As the word embedding used (GloVe in Portuguese with 300 dimensions) provided a
vast amount of information for the sentiment analysis, it was observed that the dictionaries
themselves only improved the models by around 2%. Nevertheless, even though this is a
small number, it is significant in the trading domain, as any increase can be turned into
profit by the investor. Lastly, the methodology implemented in this work can be used
to evaluate different models, additional hyperparameters, and hyperparameter values and
inputs (such as social media messages, texts from relevant press releases, and corporate
documents, among others). The following subsection explores the third contribution of
this work: using DRL for automatic stock trading of Brazilian assets.
As shown by the experiments’ results, the use of DRL for trading can improve the
results compared to trading strategies based only on TI or on price prediction models for
the Brazilian market. One important consideration is that the reward function used best
reflects the decision-makers’ objectives in relation to the use of price prediction models.
Most of the works in the literature, such as the ones by Pauli, Kleina and Bonat (2020),
Nelson, Pereira and Oliveira (2017), Oliveira, Nobre and Zárate (2013) and Eapen, Verma
and Bein (2019), use only price prediction models, which are not directly related to the
quality of each decision. In other words, even if those models provide good predictions
(predictions with small errors), these can still be used for bad strategies or lead to losses
The DRL agents can also complement the use of other models, as was done in this
research, by: (i) better identifying the patterns and relations between OHLCV data,
market sentiment, and price predictions, which may be challenging to identify using other
types of models; (ii) allowing for training in small datasets, which is very difficult for highly
complex models, such as the LSTM; (iii) allowing for transfer learning between assets and
stock markets, what is very difficult to implement with other types of models; and (iv)
allowing for the identification of trends and non-linear patterns, which may be challenging
to identify using econometrics models. The use of DRL can also provide better results
than the BH strategy on high volatile scenarios, as was explored in the second trading
scenario. These results are in line with the literature of other stock markets, as was
explored in Chapter 2.
According to Fischer (2018), Yang et al. (2020), Liu et al. (2020), and Meng and
Khushi (2019), RL models (specially DRL models) can detect highly complex patterns
and provide good trading results. However, most of the research was: (i) conducted
on mature markets and relatively stable scenarios; and (ii) did not consider additional
important features as inputs such as sentiment prediction and price prediction. According
to Fischer (2018) and Meng and Khushi (2019), most of the works rely on RL models,
which are not as well-suited for ambiguous and dynamic scenarios (reflected mainly on
the model’s state spaces) as the DRL models.
The fourth contribution of this work is that it complements the works of Dantas and
Silva (2018), Conegundes and Pereira (2020), Li, Rao and Shi (2018), Wu et al. (2019), and
some of the main future work recommendations by Fischer (2018) and Meng and Khushi
(2019) on using state-of-the-art DRL with transaction costs and multiple features for
stock trading. Different in-depth hyperparameters were explored, incorporating sentiment
and price prediction modules, and exploring different trading scenarios in a development
Also, as the FinRL library was used as the basis of this module, it is possible to
develop different trading scenarios, rules for the agents, modifications on the MDP, and
implementation of additional DRL agents (using the OpenAI Gym framework). It is
also possible to implement functionalities to use the model on real-life automatic trading,
incorporating aspects of stop-loss, stop gain, changes in transaction costs, multiple assets
trading, among various other aspects. The following subsection explores this work’s fourth
contribution: using financial domain models to evaluate the stock trading models.
The fifth and last contribution of this work was to use on the proposed system financial
domain metrics to evaluate the models instead of traditional ML metrics (such as precision
or recall for classification and MSE or MAE regression tasks). Several works in the
literature, such as the ones explored in Section 2.2, Chapter 2, use traditional ML metrics
to evaluate the trading models. Most of the ones that use financial metrics focus only on
returns metrics, such as in the works by Dantas and Silva (2018) and Wu et al. (2019).
Some works, such as the ones by Li, Rao and Shi (2018) and Lei et al. (2020) considered
multiple metrics. However, they did not consider metrics that evaluated all the aspects
that are relevant for the investors (returns, volatility, risks, and losses).
The use of the six financial metrics in this work allowed for a better comprehension
of the impact of the differences in the trading models (and their inputs) in terms of
returns, volatility, risks, and losses. Therefore, it was possible to address the concerns
related to metrics’ use on trading with DRL cited by Fischer (2018) and Meng and Khushi
(2019). The DRL agent’s reward was also a relevant metric for the financial domain: the
portfolio’s difference between timesteps. Therefore, the model’s main aim was to generate
and follow a policy that would lead to the highest gain possible.
Lastly, it is essential to note that the proposed system can be adapted for using:
(i) different metrics, which may be relevant on specific situations and sectors; and (ii) a
different reward function for the DRL agent, which could lead to policies that were signif-
icantly different from the ones observed in this work. Exploring different configurations
of the MDP, especially on the reward signal, the state spaces, and the action spaces, is
one of the main concerns of the RL and DRL researches. The following section contains
the main limitations of this research.
The main limitations of this research can be divided into three main categories: (i)
difficulties related to the stock market itself; (ii) difficulties related to the components of
the proposed system; and (iii) difficulties related to the lack of open datasets and code.
There were three main limitations on this study related to the characteristics of the
stock market itself. The first is related to the difficulty in identifying trends and cycles
on the stock market, which is also observed in several stock markets and throughout
the trading literature (NASSIRTOUSSI et al., 2014; YADAV; JHA; SHARAN, 2020;
JIN; YANG; LIU, 2020; HU et al., 2018; RYLL; SEIDENS, 2019; SEZER; GUDELEK;
The second significant limitation was related to the complexities of the stock market
itself. Currently, it is too difficult to obtain data from the agents themselves, their strate-
gies, and the actions taken by them in real-time (and how the actions of big hedge funds,
for example, may influence asset prices). To address this limitation, the news titles’ sen-
timent was used as a proxy of market sentiment, which is generally used in the literature
to infer the market’s movements as a whole, as in the many of the works evaluated by
Nassirtoussi et al. (2014), and on the works by Mansar et al. (2017), Dridi, Atzeni and
Recupero (2019), and Ferreira et al. (2019). Nevertheless, in future works, it would be
very interesting to explore the simulation of those very influential agents (for example, by
using several DRL agents on the MT module, each simulating a hedge fund).
The last limitation related to the stock market itself was that the implemented models
do not consider behavioral finance findings, which state that the stock market agents do
not always behave rationally. Therefore, their actions may be motivated by other factors
that a rational agent should not consider in decision-making (BONDT; THALER, 1985;
NASSIRTOUSSI et al., 2014; JIN; YANG; LIU, 2020). Some examples are: overselling
in some periods of the week (before the weekend) or year (to rebalance the portfolio)
and different trading behavior according to the weather (influencing risk-averseness on
decision-making) (BONDT; THALER, 1985; NASSIRTOUSSI et al., 2014). Although
those factors are not considered in the algorithmic trading literature, it would be inter-
esting to explore them in future works, especially on the MT module.
The second category is related to the components of the proposed system. Two main
limitations were observed and addressed. These impact most of the works in the area,
demanding more exploration. The first is related to the lack of sentiment dictionaries (es-
pecially related to financial terms) in Portuguese. Several options of lexicons are available
in English for the financial domain, such as the work by Loughran and Mcdonald (2011).
The second limitation is related to the difficulty of implementing RL and DRL models
for stock trading. This is a work in progress by several research groups in practitioners,
with the FinRL1 being one of the most accessible libraries to use and adapt to different
situations. It also has an active community and extensive documentation, helping both
researchers and practitioners implement DRL for stock trading. Some of the other li-
braries that were evaluated on the experiments before choosing the FinRL library as the
MT module basis were: Tensortrade2 , FinGym3 , Stock Trading with RRL4 , RLTrader5 ,
TradingGym6 , and KerasRL7 . Nevertheless, all those libraries had problems with docu-
mentation or a lack of essential functionalities for implementation. Therefore, the FinRL
was the best available option.
The last category of limitations is related to the lack of datasets and open code. There
were two main limitations to this category. The first was that, unlike works in other
domains, only a few works share their code and the datasets used in the stock trading
domain. This increases the complexity of evaluating different models and comparing works
in the literature, as subtle differences in hyperparameters configuration (as explored in-
depth in Chapter 4) can significantly change the models’ results.
The second limitation is related to the lack of open datasets of news titles in Por-
tuguese. This is because most news providers do not allow sharing individual news or
news titles. Therefore, the few works in the literature that use sentiment analysis in Por-
tuguese on the financial domain cannot share the raw data used to generate the sentiment
signals. For this reason, a web scraping tool was used to gather the data from these web-
sites. It is also crucial for this domain that the datasets contain timestamps, which is not
always necessary for other sentiment analysis domains, such as product evaluation. The
following section contains several suggestions for the application of the proposed system.
This section explores several suggestions for applications of the proposed system and
is divided into the following subsections: 5.3.1 explores its use on daily trading; 5.3.2
explores its use for high-frequency trading (hourly, by the minute or by second); and 5.3.3
explores the use of transfer learning between assets and markets.
Even though the proposed system was designed considering the options of trading
different assets on different time windows, it is crucial to notice that all evaluations and
experiments were conducted on a single asset’s daily trading. This was done because it is
the most commonly explored case in the literature, and daily trading is the most common
form of trading for most investors in real-life scenarios. Additionally, it is considerably
easier to gather data (both OHCLV data and news titles data) on a daily frequency.
Intraday prices are available only using scraping tools or paid services, which may not be
available for all investors.
Although the results on one scenario cannot be directly replicated on different sce-
narios due to the stock market’s complexity, the proposed system can be used for daily
trading the BOVA11 market ETF with the final model configuration (described in Chap-
ter 4, sections 4.4 and 4.5). Nevertheless, it is critical to evaluate if: (i) the current
scenario is closer to the first scenario (Trade 1, in which there are upward and downward
trends) or the second scenario (Trade 2, in which there is a steep downward trend); and
(ii) the risk-averseness of the agent.
It is critical to note that the best use of the proposed system in real-life scenarios in
its current form is not to use it to trade directly but to provide additional information
for the decision-makers. Few of the trading models are used without evaluating their
outputs due to the high complexity of the stock markets (and the variety of known and
unknown influences on market prices). For example, the decision-maker could simulate
different scenarios (generating different input values) and evaluate the proposed system’s
actions. Then, she could consider important information from other sources, such as:
(i) fundamental analysis indicators; (ii) movements from players that have considerable
influence on the stock market, such as big hedge funds; and (iii) external factors that may
influence the market, such as the interest rate in the USA or the commodity prices in
China. Lastly, she could take action on the market based on all the information gathered.
It is also important to observe that monthly or bi-monthly price intervals could reduce
the volatility observed on the daily prices. In this context, the proposed system (especially
the component M1) may present lower prediction errors. Also, fundamental data (such
as data extracted from companies’ reports and macroeconomic data) could be used as
For using the proposed system for high-frequency trading, it is essential to: (i) re-
evaluate all the models and hyperparameters of all models, as their behavior could be very
different in this scenario; (ii) implement functionalities for the trading module for shorting
assets, using leverage, and using stop loss and stop gain options, which are very common
in intraday trading; and (iii) further explore additional sources for the M2 module, such
as: relevant social media messages, movements of big players in the market, and real-time
market sentiment prediction. In the M1 module, it is important to gather data in real-
time and evaluate the book order prices and volumes traded by the different agents, as
these may improve the price prediction.
Unlike the daily trading scenario, the models for high-frequency trading must all run
in real-time, increasing the need for computational resources. The cost of operating such
a system is considerably higher, not being recommended for individual investors. Lastly,
it is vital to observe that, as there will be less time for evaluating the inputs of the trading
module (especially for trading on minutes and seconds), it will need to be connected to
the brokerage service and trade automatically.
One important aspect that was out of this work scope but that could be explored is
the use of transfer learning for trading with a DRL agent. The transfer learning could be
used on the MT module by training the system on a different asset or market and then
transferring the MT module to a new asset or market. This may improve the trading
system returns because there may be assets with more extended time series (for example,
the SP500) and markets similar in terms of its development (such as the stock markets
in China).
Lastly, the methodology used and the system proposed in this work can be adapted to
several other assets and products: soybean futures, iron, steel, oil, and other agricultural
products. The main requirements for its use on different sub-domains are: (i) availability
of a high-quality dataset for the sentiment analysis, containing news, news titles, or
messages from social media; and (ii) availability of a high-quality dataset for the time
series analysis and price prediction. Ideally, both datasets should encompass periods of
high and low trends.
The following section discusses the main recommendations for future work.
Throughout this work, several important aspects that could be considered in future
works were cited. This section contains the most relevant ones for improving the results
of stock market trading, divided into seven categories: (i) related to model inputs; (ii)
related to the traded asset; (iii) related to the specific stock market; (iv) related to price
prediction (M1 module); (v) related to market sentiment prediction (M2 module); (vi)
related to stock market trading using DRL; and (vii) related to new evaluation scenarios.
The first main aspect that could be explored in future works regarding model inputs is
the implementation of concepts from behavioral finance, as these are rarely considered in
algorithmic trading. These could allow identifying new patterns on the data, which could
be used as inputs of the trading module. Another very important aspect is considering the
use of unsupervised models (such as k-means, self-organizing maps, t-sne, among others)
to new feature identification and asset selection. These could lead to better portfolios,
considering multiple assets. Additionally, the impacts of using the volatility as a model
input could be explored, as an increase in the asset price’s volatility on a specific period
could be connected to more frequent trades in that period.
The second group is related to the traded asset itself. One of the most critical points to
explore in future works is related to adapting the proposed trading system for a portfolio
with multiple assets. This would allow for diversification of the portfolio and the ability
to capture the movements of different assets. This could lead to better gains and a lower
impact on highly volatile scenarios, mainly if the portfolio were composed of a diversified
group of assets. Several important works are related to portfolio optimization, and these
could be incorporated into the proposed systems.
Three other very important aspects that could be explored related to the market as-
sets are: (i) the implementation of functionalities for trading derivatives, which present
additional complexity and volatility in comparison to the traditional assets; (ii) the imple-
mentation of functionalities for trading cryptocurrencies; and (iii) the implementation of
functionalities for considering different asset classes, such as real estate investment trusts
(REIT) and bonds. In the case of items one and two, intraday trading functionalities
are essential for improving the trading system’s results. In the case of the third item,
it is essential to incorporate changes in the MDP so that the rewards also consider the
long-term reward of investing in bonds (or the model may only invest in stocks due to
their potential immediate gains).
Lastly, it is vital to observe that the BOVA11 ETF is a proxy of the Ibovespa index,
which represents the overal stock market in Brazil. Therefore, sector-specific shocks (such
as the impacts of the discovery of a competitive fuel source on the oil sector) are diluted
in this asset. One important future work is related to the exploration of the proposed
system to trade assets on specific sectors (such as the oil or utilities sectors) or with high
price volatility (such as small sized companies or small caps).
The third group is related to the stock market itself, in which the proposed system
is used. It is essential to evaluate its results (and the models and the hyperparameters
chosen for its components) on different stock markets. Its characteristics and model fine-
tuning results are related to the Brazilian stock market, but these may be different for
other markets (for example, for trading the SP500 on the American market). There-
fore, the proposed system can be implemented as described in this work on the Brazilian
market, but it needs experimentation and fine-tuning for other stock markets. A port-
folio optimization technique could be used to trade on multiple markets simultaneously,
considering the proposed systems as assets in a complex portfolio.
The fourth group is related to future works to improve the price prediction module
(M1). The central aspect that could be explored is the use of generative and adversarial
models (such as generative adversarial networks) for price prediction. Those models have
presented very interesting results in other ML domains. Another aspect that could be
explored is the use of unsupervised models and autoencoders to detect distinct patterns
on the data (compared to the typical time series analysis models). Lastly, a crucial aspect
that must be explored is using different fundamental analysis indicators to improve the
The fifth group is related to market sentiment prediction and the M2 module. Several
essential points could be explored in-depth, as this area is considerably less developed in
Portuguese than in English. To identify different patterns and try to improve the models’
prediction, models such as autoencoders and transformers could be used. Also, siamese
neural networks could be used to identify patterns in the data better.
To improve the quality of the market sentiment prediction, several options could be
further explored: (i) the use of social media messages as inputs; (ii) the use of the full texts
of the news, instead of the news titles; and (iii) the development of sentiment dictionaries
in Portuguese that are specific for the financial domain. The use of rules based on expert
knowledge (such as expert systems that use fuzzy logic) could also be explored to improve
the predictions’ quality, as this is a very complex domain. Lastly, a severe limitation of
this field could be addressed: developing open datasets containing news and news titles
in Portuguese with their timestamps. However, this is unlikely to happen soon for two
main reasons: (i) it involves proprietary material from the news agencies, which are not
willing to open them as raw data; and (ii) it would be necessary to label the data to use
it for model fine-tuning, which is a very resource-intensive task.
Finally, transfer learning could be used to improve the quality of the sentiment pre-
diction module. Two interesting options that could be explored are: (i) pre-training the
sentiment analysis model using datasets from other sentiment analysis domains (such as
product reviews and movie reviews, which have extensive datasets available); and (ii)
translating the financial news headlines to English and using the NLP resources for the
English language (such as the VADER sentiment analysis tool, domain-specific dictionar-
ies, and the BERT model). Both options have the potential to improve the quality of the
sentiment prediction module by incorporating more data for model training (in the first
option) and more precise models (in the second option).
The sixth group is related to the use of DRL for stock market trading. One essential
aspect that different researchers are already exploring is the use of different DRL agents for
stock trading, such as actor-critic models (A2C and A3C), twin delayed DDPG (TD3),
soft actor-critic (SAC), and DQN and its variations (dueling DQN and double DQN).
As these models are considerably different, the patterns they recognize on the data and
their decision-making may improve the models used in this work. Another critical aspect
is the consideration of changes on the MDP framework used, considering: (i) different
rewards functions, such as Sharpe ratio, log returns, or long-term rewards; (ii) different
actions, such as shorting and using leverage; and (iii) considering more inputs in the state
space, such as fundamental analysis indicators. It is also possible to incorporate rules for
applying stop-gain and stop-loss actions, limiting the system’s risk exposure.
One aspect that could considerably improve the trading system’s results is considering
an ensemble of different DRL agents. As the models recognize different patterns, their
outputs may be aggregated to form a final, better decision (as was implemented and ob-
served on the M1 module). Two main types of ensembles could be explored: (i) ensembles
of agents with different trading frequencies for a specific asset; and (ii) ensembles of agents
with different trading strategies for the same asset and trading frequency. Both types of
ensembles have the potential to reduce the risks of the final trading by exploring different
strategies. Lastly, using multiple trading systems to simulate different relevant agents in
the market could provide critical information for decision-making instead of considering
only one agent in action (as in this work and most of the literature on DRL for trading).
The two scenarios evaluated in this research were chosen because they represent typical
and critical scenarios. The last group of recommended future works is related to evaluating
new scenarios which were not considered in this research, such as: (i) a steep increase
in price; (ii) a more volatile period (which may happen in the case of some specific
sectors, such as retail or technology); (iii) longer scenarios (for example, a considerable
amount of years); and (iv) a scenario that considers the whole period of an economic
bubble, from burst to full recovery. All of those scenarios are more difficult to evaluate
as they demand more data for model training. However, using the proposed system, it is
possible to implement and evaluate them. Furthermore, the system could also simulate
the impact of different optimistic and pessimistic future scenarios, such as the potential
trading impacts of events that have a high asset impact and a low occurrence probability
(such as an economic bubble on a specific sector). The following section concludes this
chapter, summarizing the main points that were addressed.
This chapter contained some of the most relevant discussions related to the proposed
system, its components, and its potential applications. It also considered this work’s
main contributions, its main limitations, and recommendations for future works on differ-
ent areas. Its main contribution is proposing a system that uses time series and sentiment
analysis inputs, extracted with state-of-the-art DL models, for the DRL agent. Its four
minor contributions are: (i) considering multiple features to predict Brazilian stock in-
dices prices; (ii) considering market sentiment extracted from financial news titles in
Portuguese; (iii) Using DRL for automatic stock trading of Brazilian stock indices, con-
sidering two different DRL agents; and (iv) using six financial domain metrics to evaluate
models for stock trading.
Its main limitations were related to characteristics of the stock market, components
of the proposed system, and lack of open datasets and code. Several recommendations for
future works were proposed, considering: model inputs, traded assets, the stock market
itself, and the main aspects of each module.
This chapter contains the main conclusions of this work. Section 6.1 reviews the main
objective of this work and its research questions. Section 6.2 summarizes the proposed
trading system, which is composed of a price prediction module (M1), a market sentiment
prediction module (M2), and a trading module (MT). Section 6.3 summarizes the main
contributions of this work. Lastly, section 6.4 contains the final remarks.
Improving stock market trading results is the main objective of all trading models
and strategies. Nevertheless, few of the proposed trading models and strategies that are
currently available consider all of these three critical components: (i) a price prediction
module that considers multiple features and that can be easily extended for more features;
(ii) an automated market sentiment prediction module for data sources in Portuguese
that does not need extensive labeling or expert knowledge (which is rarely available for
individual investors); and (iii) a trading model that can adapt to current market changes,
learn, and continuously develop new policies or strategies.
Therefore, this research’s main objective was to develop a trading system that consid-
ers those three components (denominated modules in this work) and evaluate the main
state-of-the-art models that could be used on each of them. An in-depth hyperparameters
analysis was conducted for all models in the three modules, and several essential aspects
were evaluated, such as: the use of different dictionaries for sentiment prediction, the
use of technical indicators (TI) for predicting prices and for executing trades, and the
use of several different features as inputs for the trading module. The trading module
basis was a deep reinforcement learning (DRL) agent, which is starting to be explored
as a method that could provide significantly better results than the buy and hold (BH)
strategy, which is the main baseline used for evaluating trading models and strategies on
different scenarios. It is essential to observe that only a few of the different models and
strategies currently used can provide better results (especially in terms of returns) than
the BH in the long run.
Several research questions were proposed to guide and evaluate the different aspects
of this research, such as the architecture of the proposed solution and the design and
evaluation of experiments. The main research question was: "Does the proposed system
present better trading results than the BH strategy, considering the evaluated risk and
returns metrics and two different trading scenarios?". This is a fundamental question
because it considers the investors’ main objective (maximizing profit over time) in relation
to a traditional and well-accepted baseline. It also considers the impacts in terms of
returns and risks, which are essential for risk-averse stakeholders and trading on highly
volatile scenarios.
In summary, the proposed system presented better results than the BH strategy in
both scenarios. The configuration that presented the best results was: (i) using the long
short-term memory network (LSTM) multivariate model with OHLCV and TI features
for price prediction on the M1 module; (ii) not using the M2 module, unless the investor
is highly risk-averse (because this module resulted in considerably lower returns on daily
trading); and (iii) using the DDPG DRL agent for trading on the MT module, with a
maximum order size of 200 for longer-term trading, and maximum order size of 10 for
short-term trading on highly volatile scenarios.
There were also eight secondary questions related to the different aspects of the trading
system’s modules. These were:
• SRQ1: "Does the use of DRL with sentiment analysis improve stock
trading in terms of profits in relation to the use of the BH strategy?". It
was observed that the use of the market sentiment prediction as a feature for the
trading module did not improve the results in terms of returns-related metrics on
Trade 1. Nevertheless, it improved the models’ volatility-related and losses-related
metrics. Although it may be an option for highly risk-averse investors, the best
model configuration (MT1C) is still recommended, as it may provide higher returns
in the long term.
• SRQ3: "Does the use of TIs as features improve the forecasts of market
indices prices?". The results for this question considering only the price pre-
diction error were mixed, as some models observed improvement (SARIMAX and
LSTM multivariate), while others did not (AdaBoost, LSTM univariate, SVR uni-
variate, and SVR multivariate). Nevertheless, when the whole trading system is
considered, the configuration that presented the best results considered TI as fea-
tures for the LSTM multivariate for price prediction. Therefore, we conclude that
the TI improves the trading system results for this specific asset and the scenarios
• SRQ4: "Which model (considering MLP and CNN) best predicts market
sentiment?". It was observed that the model that best predicted market sentiment
was the CNN (with a mean squared error or MSE that was around 37% lower than
the MLP models, on average), which is in line with what is observed in the literature.
• SRQ6: "Does the use of the price prediction module improve stock trad-
ing results?". Based on the experiments conducted on the two trading scenarios,
it was concluded that the use of the M1 module improved the daily trading results
considerably (especially the MT1C module) for the BOVA11 index in relation to
the BH strategy. However, it is crucial to observe that this does not guarantee that
the system will always present those results due to the market’s complex dynamics.
• SRQ8: "Does the use of TIs improve the stock trading results of DRL
models?". As explored on SRQ3, the use of TI improved the results for price
prediction for some models. Nevertheless, using TI directly as a feature for the
DRL models did not improve the stock trading results for both evaluated scenarios.
Therefore, it is recommended to use them as features for the M1 module but not
for the MT module.
The following section contains a brief description of the proposed trading system and
its main modules. It also contains the models that were chosen based on the several
experiments that were conducted.
The trading system proposed in this work contains three modules: (i) M1, which is
a stock price prediction module; (ii) M2, which is a stock market sentiment prediction
module; and (iii) MT, which is a stock trading module using a DRL agent. The main
inputs for M1 are open, high, low, and close prices, and volume (OHCLV) data and TI.
The inputs for M2 are the relevant news titles in Portuguese during each trading day.
The main inputs for the MT module depend on the several models evaluated.
The last configuration of the system contained: (i) for M1: a multivariate LSTM
with OHCLV and TI inputs; (ii) for M2: a CNN with the GloVe word embedding in
Portuguese and the WordNetAffectBR dictionary, and news titles as inputs; and (iii) for
MT: the DDPG DRL agent with a maximum order size of 200 (for long-term trading) or
of 10 (for short-term trading on highly volatile scenarios, especially on steep downward
After all the components of the trading system are trained (considering the datasets
that were developed and the hyperparameter values that provided the best results on the
experiments), its working is relatively simple: (i) each day, new relevant data must be
gathered (OHCLV data for M1 and news titles in Portuguese for M2); (ii) this data must
be inserted on the models for generating the predictions; and (iii) the MT module will
output the trading signal (how much to buy or sell on that specific day). The information
from item iii can then be considered for trading on that same day or for sending a trading
order for the next day, depending on the investor’s strategy.
In summary, the Markov Decision Process (MDP) of the DRL agent implemented
considers: (i) in the state space, information about the portfolio and the input features
for the day; (ii) in the action space, the actions of buying, selling, or not acting in that
day (taking into account the maximum order size as a restraint on the buying and selling
actions); and (iii) the change of portfolio value on each trading day as the reward function.
The library used for implementation, FinRL, also allows for changes in all those aspects
(for example, creating new actions such as shorting or reward functions such as the Sharpe
ratio or log returns).
The most common form of operation envisioned is to send an order for the next trading
day. It is also important to note that it is possible to add functionalities to make the
whole trading system autonomous. In that case, the MT module’s output will be sent to
a brokerage service, implementing the order in the stock market. It is also essential to
observe that the modules’ configurations can be changed, to explore different predictions
or scenarios. Nevertheless, in this case, all modules must be trained again. Lastly, it is
vital to observe that the modules must be trained periodically, to incorporate possible
new information or changes in the market dynamics.
This research had one main contribution (which is applicable to different domains)
and four minor contributions (which are applicable to the stock trading domain).
The main contribution of this work is related to the proposal of a system that uses
time series and sentiment analysis features, extracted with state-of-the-art DL models,
for the DRL agent. This is an important contribution for applications of DRL agents on
complex scenarios with unknown and changing dynamics and low signal-to-noise, which is
characteristic of stock market trading. However, the proposed system can be used in dif-
ferent domains. Two additional inputs were proposed: (i) time series prediction features;
and (ii) sentiment prediction features. The experiments conducted on two scenarios on
the Brazilian stock market showed that the proposed system provides better results than
the baseline, considering six financial metrics. The use of the additional inputs led to
better information extracted from the data provided by the environment.
The first minor contribution was related to the M1 module by considering multiple
features to predict Brazilian stock indices prices and different models, hyperparameters,
cross-validation methods, and TI use. Econometrics, ML, and DL models were evaluated
on univariate and multivariate forms. It was observed that ensemble models provided the
best results and that the best individual model was the SARIMAX with block time split
and OHCLV and TI as inputs. This is an important contribution for exploring different
models (especially comparing econometrics, DL, and ensemble models), hyperparameters,
cross-validation methods, and TI use for trading market indices.
The second minor contribution was related to the M2 module by considering market
sentiment extracted from financial news titles in Portuguese for daily trading purposes.
The majority of the works in the literature are in English and focus on developed markets.
Therefore, it is vital to evaluate the impact of predicting and considering the sentiment
in scenarios that are similar to real-life trading. Two important models were evaluated:
MLP and CNN, along with their main hyperparameters and several important sentiment
dictionaries in Portuguese. The CNN with the WordNetAffectBR dictionary provided the
best results in terms of sentiment prediction. In terms of trading, the market sentiment
feature’s use proved to be important to improve metrics related to volatility and losses.
However, the trading system’s best configuration did not consider the market sentiment
for daily trading, as the returns obtained by using them as features were too low compared
to the other configurations of the trading system.
The third minor contribution was related to using DRL for automatic stock trading
of Brazilian stock indices. The use of DRL for stock trading is considerably new, and
there is much interest both by researchers and practitioners because those models have
been proven to provide good results in complex scenarios in other domains. Nevertheless,
this is one of the few works that evaluate in-depth two DRL agents (DDPG and PPO)
for trading in the Brazilian stock market. Most of the works in the literature focus on
one RL or DRL agent and developed markets. Also, few works in the literature consider
additional features for the OHLCV traditional data. This is one of the first works to
consider market sentiment, TI, and price prediction inputs for trading with a DRL agent.
The impact of the maximum order size was also considered. This is very relevant to highly
volatile scenarios and for trading during a steep downward market (as was the case during
the Covid-19 pandemics, as illustrated in the Trade 2 scenario).
The fourth minor contribution was related to the use of financial domain metrics to
evaluate models for stock trading. This is an important point that is stressed in sev-
eral important works in the literature, as the majority of the works focus on traditional
ML metrics for classification or regression. Also, there are very few papers that consider
metrics from several important categories. In this work, six financial metrics were con-
sidered for evaluating the different models’ results on the two trading scenarios and also
to compare them with the BH strategy. These metrics were aggregated in four categories
to reflect better their objectives: (i) returns-related metrics: annual returns and cumula-
tive returns; (ii) volatility-related metrics: annual volatility and stability; (iii) risk-related
metrics: Sharpe ratio; and (iv) loss-related metrics: maximum drawdown. It is also possi-
ble to use the proposed system with different metrics, which may be necessary for different
scenarios or sectors. The use of those metrics improved the comprehension of the different
trading models considered.
The following section contains the final remarks related to this research.
This section concludes the research. As it was described, the problem studied is
of great interest to investors and companies of all sizes. Better predictions and better
trading results could improve the investors’ results regarding returns and risk exposure,
volatility, and potential losses. The results of the proposed system on the two trading
scenarios are exciting, in the sense that the best configuration of the whole system resulted
in better results for all evaluated metrics for the highly volatile scenario (Trade 2) and
This work’s main contribution may improve the literature related to DRL agents on
different domains. Its four minor contributions may improve price prediction and algo-
rithmic trading, especially on trading with RL and DRL agents. Also, it can provide
an important contribution to the Brazilian market, which is rarely explored in the trad-
ing and price prediction literature. Also, the methodology used can be further explored
to develop new modules, implement new models in each module, implement new fea-
tures (especially on the M2 module, considering several data sources such as social media
messages, experts’ analysis, press releases, among others), and implement new reward
functions and action and state spaces for the DRL agent. One critical aspect that could
be further explored is the use and behavior of different DRL agents and if they could be
used as an ensemble to improve the overall trading results.
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