ARTIGO TectonicEvolutionDomFeliciano
ARTIGO TectonicEvolutionDomFeliciano
ARTIGO TectonicEvolutionDomFeliciano
PHILIPP, Ruy Paulo; PIMENTEL, Marcio Martins; CHEMALE JR, Farid. Tectonic evolution of the
Dom Feliciano Belt in Southern Brazil: Geological relationships and U-Pb geochronology.
Brazilian Journal of Geology, São Paulo, v. 46, p. 83-104, jun. 2016. Disponível
48892016000700083&lng=en&nrm=iso>. Acesso em: 8 dez. 2017. doi:
DOI: 10.1590/2317-4889201620150016
ABSTRACT: The Dom Feliciano Belt is an important Neoprotero- RESUMO: O Cinturão Dom Feliciano, que se estende desde o leste
zoic to Cambrian orogenic complex, extending from eastern Uruguay do Uruguai até o sul do Brasil, representa um importante orógeno Neo-
to southern Brazil. It comprises a collage of oceanic domains and proterozoico formado pela colagem de domínios oceânicos e fragmentos
continental fragments developed between 900 and 540 Ma between continentais entre os crátons Rio de La Plata, Congo e Kalahari. A in-
the Rio de La Plata, Congo and Kalahari cratons. The integration of tegração de dados de mapeamento geológico e estrutural com resultados
field and structural data with recent isotopic results has introduced isotópicos permitu estabelecer uma melhor compreensão sobre as fontes
new insights on the sources of the magmatism and sedimentary de magmatismo e os processos de sedimentação. A evolução do Cinturão
processes. This paper presents a review of the geochronological re- Dom Feliciano envolveu a superposição de três eventos orogênicos deno-
sults combined with stratigraphic, structural and geochemical data. minados Passinho (0.89 – 0.86 Ga), São Gabriel (0.77 – 0.68 Ga) e
The evolution of the Dom Feliciano Belt involved three orogenic Dom Feliciano (0.65 – 0.54 Ga). Os dois primeiros eventos envolvem
events known as the Passinho (0.89 – 0.86 Ga), São Gabriel (0.77 – o fechamento do oceano Charrua com a geração inicial de um arco
0.68 Ga) and Dom Feliciano (0.65 – 0.54 Ga). The first two events intra-oceânico (Passinho) e, posteriormente, de um arco continental
involved the closure of the Charrua Ocean generating an intra-oce- (São Gabriel). Esse oceano separava as áreas continentais representadas
anic arc (Passinho) and, subsequently, an active continental margin pelo cráton Rio de La Plata e a microplaca continental Nico Perez.
arc (São Gabriel). This ocean separated the continental areas repre- No terceiro evento ocorreu fechamento do oceano Adamastor em de-
sented by the Rio de la Plata Craton and the Nico Perez continental corrência da colisão entre os crátons Rio de La Plata e Kalahari entre
microplate. Closure of the Adamastor ocean resulted in an important 650 – 620 Ma, envolvendo condições metamórficas de alta tempera-
collisional event between the Nico Perez Microplate/Rio de La Plata tura e pressão intermediária. Neste momento de grande espessamento
Craton and Kalahari and Congo cratons between 650 and 620 Ma, crustal, a partição da deformação no cinturão controla a sua evolução
involving high T/intermediate P metamorphism. At this time of final com a passagem para uma tectônica de escape, responsável pela
crustal thickening, the partition of the deformation controled the fi- nucleação de zonas de cisalhamento transcorrentes de escala crustal.
nal evolution of the belt with important escape tectonics, responsible Essas estruturas são profundas e promoveram a geração e a ascenção de
for nucleating crustal-scale transcurrent shear zones. These structures magmas máficos, que, associados ao elevado gradiente térmico regional,
were deep and promoted the rise of mafic magmas, which, associated induziram um extenso evento de retrabalhamento crustal, responsável
with high regional thermal gradient, lead to an important event of pela formação do Batólito Pelotas. O colapso do orógeno é representado
crustal reworking, responsible for the formation of the Pelotas Batho- pelo magmatismo tardio do batólito e pela formação das sequências
lith. The orogenic collapse is represented by late magmatism of Pelo- superiores da Bacia do Camaquã.
tas Batholith and deposition of upper section of the Camaquã Basin. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Cráton Rio de La Plata; Microplaca Nico
KEYWORDS: Rio de La Plata Craton; Nico Perez Microplate; Perez; Cinturão Dom Feliciano; Geocronologia; U-Pb em Zircão;
Dom Feliciano Belt; U-Pb Geochronology; Orogeny. Orogênese.
Institute of Geosciences, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS, Porto Alegre (RS), Brazil. E-mail: [email protected]
Institute of Geosciences, Universidade de Brasília - UnB, Brasília (DF), Brazil. E-mail: [email protected]
Postgraduate programme in Geology, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS, São Leopoldo (RS), Brazil. E-mail: [email protected]
*Corresponding author.
Manuscript ID: 20150016: Received: 07/13/2015. Approved: 02/08/2016.
Brazilian Journal of Geology, 46(Suppl 1): 83-104, June 2016
Tectonic evolution of the Dom Feliciano Belt
Pre-Brazilian/Pan African
Porto Alegre
Study area
0 2.000 km
Figure 1. Southern portion of the Gondwana continent showing the main cratonic areas and of the Dom Feliciano
belt and related belts of Africa. Cratons: A = Amazon, C = Congo, K = Kalahari, LP = Rio de la Plata, PT = Paraná,
SF = São Francisco. Brasiliano-Pan-African Belts: B = Brasilia belt, DF = Dom Feliciano belt, G = Gariep belt, R =
Ribeira belt, K = Kaoko belt, SG = São Gabriel Terrane. Modified from Rapela et al. (2011).
Brazilian Journal of Geology, 46(Suppl 1): 83-104, June 2016
Ruy Paulo Philipp et al.
provenance studies of the Precambrian terrains of the DFB, Nico terrains in southern Brazil. To assess the sources of mag-
Perez Microplate and Rio de La Plata Craton in RS. The pres- mas we used Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd and some Lu-Hf and δ18O
ent compilation includes, therefore, a historical review, starting data. The interpretation of geochronological and iso-
with the pioneer Rb-Sr studies (Silva Filho 1984, Soliani Jr. topic data was then combined with a review of field
1986), and passing to the use of Pb-Pb and ID-TIMS U-Pb geological data produced by various regional geological
systematics (Machado et al. 1990, Babinski et al. 1996, 1997). mapping projects.
More recently, the widespread use of the SHRIMP (Silva et al. The magmatic crystallization ages are more abundant
1997, 2000; Leite et al. 1998, 2000; Hartmann et al. 1999, and were predominantly obtained by the Rb-Sr, U-Pb
2000) and LA-ICP-MS techniques has produced abundant SHRIMP and LA-ICPMS methods. Metamoprhic ages
new isotopic data allowing significant progress to the under- were obtained by dating of zircon and titanite by U-Pb
standing of tectonic processes in southern Brazil. method, of whole rock and mineral by Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd and
Ar-Ar isotope methods, and of monazite from metapelites
by EMPA. The U-Pb zircon data also include provenance
METHODS studies of metavolcano-sedimentary complexes, includ-
ing a total of 1,338 zircon grains analysed, of which 662
This work is based mainly on a review of U-P and remain unpublished. Data used in the present review are
Pb-Pb zircon geochronology available for the Precambrian presented in Figure 2.
Suite calc-alk.
Encruzilhada do
Sul Suíte
Piquiri Suite
Pinheiro Viamão
Machado Suite Suite
Cordilheira Suite
Quitéria Granite
Capané Complex SHEAR ZONE
Pontas do Salso Comp.
Bossoroca Complex
Cambaizinho Complex
Imbicui Complex
Porongos Complex
Passo Feio Complex
Marmeleiro Complex
Capivarita Metanortosite
Tupi Silveira Amphibolite
Seival Complex Reworkes
Encantadas / Arroio border of
dos Ratos Complex RLPC
Sta. Maria Chico G. Complex
Neto Rodrigues Gneiss
CP: Canapé (0.55-0.57)
DF: Dom Feliciano (0.57-0.65)
SG: São Gabriel (0.70-0.78)
PS: Passinho (0.85-0.90)
SV: Seival (1.7-1.8)
CC: Camboriú (2.0-2.05)
ENC: Encantadas (2.1-2.3)
SMC: Santa Maria Chico (2.3-2.4)
Passive Margin
Arc Related Volcanism
Crustak Reworking
Juvenile Arc
Figure 2. Distribution of the main lithotectonic units, events and tectonic processes in each terrane of the Dom
Feliciano Belt and Taquarembó Terrane based on geochronological data, composition of the magmas, type of
basin and orogenic events. The horizontal bars present the detrital zircon data in metasedimentary complexes.
1 – Unpublished data, 2 – Hartmann et al. (2004), 3 – Gruber et al. (2011), 4 – Pertile et al. (2015a), 5 – Pertile
et al. (2015b), 6 – Lena et al. (2014), 7 – Lopes et al. (2015) and 8 – Vedana et al. (2016). Camaquã Basin legend:
MG – Maricá Group, BJG/HIL – Bom Jardim Group/Hilário Andesite, SBG/AV – Santa Barbara Group/Acampamento
Velho Rhyolite and GG/RV – Guaritas Group/Rodeio Velho Andesite.
Brazilian Journal of Geology, 46(Suppl 1): 83-104, June 2016
Tectonic evolution of the Dom Feliciano Belt
GEOTECTONIC CONTEXT 4. Rocha and Punta del Este terranes (Fig. 3).
The southern Brazilian Shield comprises Paleo-, Meso- and The belt comprises rock units developed during three major
Neoproterozoic tectono-stratigraphic units. The geology of this orogenic events: the Passinho (890 – 860 Ma), São Gabriel
area consists of fragments of the Nico Perez Terrane (Oyhantçabal (770 – 680 Ma) and the Dom Feliciano (650 – 540 Ma) (e.g.:
et al. 2011; Rapela et al. 2011) composed of Paleoproterozoic, Chemale Jr. 2000, Hartmann et al. 2007, Saalmann et al. 2010,
Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic metamorphic and granitic Philipp et al. 2014).
rocks, surrounded by Neoproterozoic associations of the DFB (Fig. 1). The relationships between the units of Rio de La Plata
The DFB is the southern segment of the Mantiqueira Craton (RLPC), Nico Perez Microplate (NPM) and Dom
Province, and represents a crustal segment strongly deformed Feliciano Belt (DFB) are shown in Figure 2, in which a combi-
and migmatized between ca. 650 and 620 Ma (eg.: Fernandes nation of information including the time relationships between
et al. 1992, Chemale et al. 1995, Basei et al. 2011, Bitencourt lithostratigraphic and geotectonic units and time, U-Pb and
& Nardi 2000, Philipp & Machado 2005, Saalmann et al. Pb-Pb geochronology (crystallization, metamorphic ages and
2005, 2006, 2010, Philipp et al. 2013, 2016a, Hartmann detrital zircon provenance in metasediments), geochemistry,
et al. 1999, 2000, 2011, Chemale Jr. et al. 2012). Remnants and main orogenic cycles are presented. The geochronologi-
of older continental crust are represented by septa exposed cal data indicate three main Neoproterozoic orogenic events:
in Santa Catarina (Hartmann et al. 2000, Basei et al. 2008), 1. initial crustal accretion phase with juvenile magmatism,
Rio Grande do Sul (Philipp & Machado, 2005, Philipp between ca. 890 and 860,
et al. 2008, Hartmann et al. 2008, 2011), and Uruguay 2. continental arc magmatism and accretion between 770
(Hartmann et al. 2002, Oyhantçabal et al. 2011). and 680 Ma, and
The DFB is divided from west to east in: 3. collisional metamorphism between 650 and 620 Ma and
1. São Gabriel Terrane, a main magmatic phase between ca. 650 and 550 Ma,
2. Tijucas Terrane, with intense crustal anatexis promoted by the injection
3. Florianópolis-Pelotas-Aigua batholiths, of mantle magmas.
Phanerozoic Cover
Post-Collisional Basin (0.6 – 0.54 Ga)
Granitic Batholiths (FB=Florianópolis,
PB=Pelotas) (0.65 – 0.54)
São Gabriel Terrane (0.95 – 0.68 Ga)
Rocha Terrane
Punta del Este Terrane (1.1 – 0.54 Ga)
Tijucas Terrane (2.35 – 0.78 Ga)
Paleoproterozoic, Meso and
Neoproterozoic Deformed units
Paleoproterozoic Terranes
b (c = Taquarembó, d = Riviera, e = Valentines)
150 km
Archean/Paleoproterozoic Terrane
(A = Piedra Alta, B = Luis Alves)
Figure 3. Geological map of the southern Brazilian and Uruguay shields (modified after Oyhantçabal et al. 2011, Rapela
et al. 2011). Ductile Shear Zones: 1 – Itajai-Perimbó, 2 – Major Gercino, 3 – Caçapava do Sul, 4 – Dorsal de Canguçu, 5 –
Passo do Marinheiro, 6 – Ibaré, 7 – Sarandí del Yí, 8 – Sierra Ballena, 9 – Cerro Amaro, 10 – Arroio Grande.
Brazilian Journal of Geology, 46(Suppl 1): 83-104, June 2016
Ruy Paulo Philipp et al.
In some areas a younger regional metamorphic event (570 – shape of the plutonic bodies of the Neoproterozoic Seival
560 Ma) associated with transcurrent shear zones is recognized. Association.
The fragments of the Nico Perez Terrane (Oyhantçabal The different rock units of the SGT may be grouped
et al. 2011, Rapela et al. 2011) and Encantadas Microplate into three main petrotectonic associations:
(Chemale Jr. 2000) occur as “basement inliers” in all geotec- 1. the Palma Accretionary Prism,
tonic units of the DFB and are represented by Paleoproterozoic 2. Arc-related Associations and
gneisses. The Paleoproterozoic rocks comprise associations 3. the Seival volcano-sedimentary-plutonic association
formed in three main events: (Fig. 5).
1. the Santa Maria Chico (Siderian, 2.4-2.35 Ga),
2. the Encantadas (Rhyacian, 2.2–2.0 Ga), and The Palma Accretionary Prism is made of tectonic slabs
3. the Seival event (Statherian 1.8–1.7 Ga). of ophiolitic complexes, comprising magnesian schist, ser-
pentinite and amphibolite, with subordinate metaperidot-
After that, the continental crust in southern Brazil ite, metagabbro and metapyroxenite. The Arc Association is
experienced a period of tectonic quiescence which was composed of the Passinho and São Gabriel arc rocks, rep-
marked by the emplacement of basic-ultrabasic complexes resented by metavolcano-sedimentary associations formed
of Callymian age (1.57–1.55 Ga), represented by the between ca. 0.89 and 0.68 Ga (Machado et al. 1990,
Capivarita meta-anortosite (Chemale Jr. et al. 2011) and Babinski et al. 1996, Leite et al. 1998, Remus et al. 1999,
by the Tupi Silveira Amphibolite (Camozzato et al. 2013). Hartmann et al. 2011, Lena et al. 2014, Philipp et al. 2014).
The Taquarembó Terrane (TT) is located in the southwest- The Pontas do Salso Complex is a late-orogenic arc-related
ern portion of the shield and represents the largest exposed basin, younger than 0.68 Ga and part of the São Gabriel
fragment of the Nico Perez Terrane (Fig. 4). The TT comprises Terrane (Vedana et al. 2016). These associations are in
the Paleoproterozoic Santa Maria Chico Granulitic Complex tectonic contact with passive margin metasedimentary
which is intruded by Neoproterozoic granites and covered by association represented by the Passo Feio and Marmeleiro
the volcano-sedimentary sequence of the Camaquã Basin. complexes. The Seival volcano-sedimentary-plutonic asso-
ciation formed between 0.61 and 0.54 Ga, representing the
late to post-orogenic stages of the Dom Feliciano Orogeny
GEOTECTONIC UNITS OF (Chemale Jr., 2000).
Palma Accretionary Prism
São Gabriel Terrane
The São Gabriel Terrane (SGT) forms the western portion Ophiolitic Complexes
of the DFB and has an elongated shape in the N20 – 30°E The mafic-ultramafic complexes comprise amphibolite
direction, underlying an area of approximately 110 x 60 km and metaultramafic rocks including serpentinized harzburg-
(Fig. 3). This region is covered in the west and north by ite, metapyroxenite, metagabbro, serpentinite and Mg-rich
the Phanerozoic units of the Paraná Basin, and is limited schist with tholeiitic signature (Leite et al. 1998; Remus et al.
to the south by the N70W – S70oE trending Ibaré Shear 1999; Chemale Jr. 2000). Five major ophiolite complexes,
Zone (ISZ) and to the east by the Caçapava do Sul Shear Palma, Passo do Ivo, Cerro Mantiqueira, Cambaizinho and
Zone (CSSZ). Geophysical modelling of the Caçapava do Arroio Lajeadinho occur elongated bodies parallel to regional
Sul lineament shows that this structure is deep-seated and structures (Figs. 5 and 6).
may be interpreted as the suture zone between the São The metaultramafic rocks present M1 assemblage comprising
Gabriel and Tijucas terranes (Chemale Jr. 2000 and ref- antophilite+forsterite+enstatite, defining conditions of medium
erences therein). The SGT consists of remanents of ophi- to high grade with low pressure (Leite et al. 1998, Chemale Jr.
olitic complexes and three Neoproterozoic magmatic arcs; 2000). Younger metamorphic events were accompanied by the
the older is an intraoceanic arc (Passinho), and the younger formation of ductile shear zones which characterize the later
represent active continental margins (São Gabriel and Dom regional deformation and mark the M2 greenschist facies meta-
Feliciano) (Fig. 3). morphism. The authors interpreted the amphibolite metamor-
The units of the SGT are strongly controlled by N30 – phism (M1) and the late greenschist facies event (M2) as related
40oE trending shear zones, which are rotated to the N70oW to the São Gabriel and Dom Feliciano events, respectively. Relicts
direction by the Ibaré Shear Zone (ISZ) in the southern of olivine and spinels have chemical composition typical of
limit of the terrane. This tectonic linear structure is easily ophiolitic rocks. U-Pb SHRIMP zircon ages for metasomatic
recognized by magnetic anomalies, as well by the elliptical albitites formed during low-temperature serpentinization of
Brazilian Journal of Geology, 46(Suppl 1): 83-104, June 2016
Tectonic evolution of the Dom Feliciano Belt
0 5 10
Figure 4. Geological map of the Taquarembó Terrane (from Philipp et al., 2016a).
Brazilian Journal of Geology, 46(Suppl 1): 83-104, June 2016
Ruy Paulo Philipp et al.
54°00’W 53°35’W
10 km
Brazilian Journal of Geology, 46(Suppl 1): 83-104, June 2016
Tectonic evolution of the Dom Feliciano Belt
ultramafic rocks of the Cerro Mantiqueira and Ibaré ophiolites the Cerro da Mantiqueira Ophiolite (Figs. 5 and 6). The arc
are 923 ± 3 Ma and 892 ± 3 Ma, respectively, which are inter- rocks occur as an EW elongated belt and are represented by
preted by Arena and Hartmann (2015) as the emplacement age orthogneisses of the Imbicuí Complex. It includes tonalitic
of these ophiolites. Metamorphic rims dated at 787 ± 13 Ma to trondhjemitic gneisses in the central portion, involved
were determined in the Cerro Mantiqueira ophiolite. by diorite gneisses (Lusa et al. 2016) (Fig. 6). The gneisses
present tholeiitic to low-K calc-alkaline chemical compo-
Arc Associations sition and have crystallization ages between ca. 890 and
860 Ma. Dioritic gneisses exposed to the south of the Cerro
Passinho Arc Mantiqueiras complex have SHRIMP U-Pb ages of 879 ±
The rocks of the Passinho Arc are exposed in the south- 14 Ma (Leite et al. 1998), and LA-ICPMS ages of 890 ± 9 Ma
ern portion of the SGT in an area located south and north of and 885 ± 3 Ma (Philipp et al. 2014; Lusa et al. 2016). They
-30°55’ -30°55’
Scale 1:25.000
Highway Country Road Railroad Dated Points
Cities Directions = Bagé, Lavras do Sul, Dom Pedrito and São Gabriel (Black arrow).
Itararé Group Santa Síria Coxilha do Tabuleiro Remanso Fazenda do Posto granitoids
Figure 6. Geological map of the Cerro Mantiqueira region, south of Lavras do Sul (from Lusa et al. 2016).
Brazilian Journal of Geology, 46(Suppl 1): 83-104, June 2016
Ruy Paulo Philipp et al.
are intruded by diorites and tonalites related to the Cambaí (Fig. 7). The paragneisses of the Cambaizinho Complex are either
Complex with U-Pb ages between 740 and 710 Ma (Leite interlayered with or occur as xenoliths in the CC. Rocks of the
et al. 1998, Lusa et al. 2016). To the east, these units are CC are metaluminous, have mid- to high-K calc-alkaline chem-
covered by the sedimentary rocks of the Maricá Formation ical composition and are cut by undeformed intrusions of the
of the Camaquã Basin. Lagoa da Meia Lua Suite (Hartmann et al. 2011). The Cambaí
The regional metamorphism of the Imbicuí Complex is gneisses yielded U-Pb SHRIMP and LA-ICP-MS zircon ages
marked by the assemblage plagioclase + hornblende + biotite of ca. 740 and 720 Ma, interpreted by Hartmann et al. (2011)
and plagioclase + hornblende + diopside, indicative of P-T and Vedana et al. (2016) as the age of igneous crystallization.
conditions of the mid-to upper amphibolite facies, with low U-Pb SHRIMP zircon ages of slightly deformed tonalites and
pressure. A retrograde metamorphic event is marked by a diorites of the CC are between ca. 710 and 690 Ma (Babinski
greenschist to lower amphibolite paragenesis formed of albite et al. 1996, Hartmann et al. 2011), and those reported for
+ actinolite/hornblende + chlorite + epidote + white mica. tonalites and diorites in the Lavras do Sul region are in the
range between 740 and 720 Ma (Leite et al. 1998, Lusa et al.
São Gabriel Arc 2016). Rocks of the CC present positive initial εNd values and
Rocks of the São Gabriel Arc are exposed in a large area low initial 86Sr/87Sr ratios (Saalmann et al. 2005), indicating
extending from São Gabriel, Vila Nova do Sul and São Sepé, juvenile nature of the original magmas (Babinski et al. 1996).
in the west, to Lavras do Sul, in the south (Fig. 5). The São The Lagoa da Meia Lua Suite (LMLS) is made of
Gabriel Arc consists of metavolcano-sedimentary rocks of the tonalite-granodiorite to diorite forming N20 – 30oE elon-
Bossoroca Complex, orthogneiss and metagranitic rocks of gated bodies, concordant with the main ductile shear zones
the Cambaí Complex, late- to post-collisional granites and dio- of the SGT. This suite includes the youngest magmatic
rites of the Lagoa da Meia Lua Suite, and mafic to ultramafic rocks of the São Gabriel orogen and is intrusive into the
rocks of the Mata Grande Complex. These rocks are interlayered Cambaizinho and Cambaí complexes (Fig. 7). The LMLS
with the ophiolitic complexes and with metasedimentary rocks represents a late to post-orogenic intrusive event, including
of the Cambaizinho and Passo Feio complexes, and are covered the Capivara Diorite, the Sanga do Jobim Granodiorite, the
by the metasedimentary rocks of the Pontas do Salso Complex. Cerca de Pedra Granodiorite and the Buriti Tonalite (Garavaglia
et al., 2002 Hartmann et al. 2011 and references therein).
Metavolcanic Rocks The SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages indicate that the granitoid
The Bossoroca Complex consists of Neoproterozoic emplacement occurred between 700 and 680 Ma, including
metavolcano-sedimentary rocks including acid to interme- ages of 703 ± 7 Ma for the Buriti Tonalite, 704 ± 3 Ma for
diate metatuffs and metalapilli tuffs and lava flows (metad- the Santa Zélia Granite, 690 ± 2 Ma for the BR-290 tonalite,
acites, meta-andesites and metabasalts), which are associated 694 ± 5 Ma for the BR-290 trondhjemite, 682 ± 2 Ma for the
with metapelitic, carbonaceous and chemical metasediments Cerca de Pedra Granodiorite, and 680 ± 2 Ma for the Sanga
(Machado et al. 1990, Remus et al. 1999; Gubert et al. 2016). do Jobim Granodiorite (Hartmann et al. 2011).
Metavolcanoclastic rocks, pillowed metabasalts, amphibole The Mata Grande and the Pedra Pretas complexes are
schists and amphibolites exposed in the western part of the the two main mafic plutonic bodies of the Lagoa da Meia
Passo Feio Complex may be correlated with the metavolcanic Lua Suite. The Mata Grande is a layered intrusion com-
associations of the Bossoroca Complex, according to the exist- posed by gabbro-peridotite and other cumulate rock units
ing petrographic and geochemical data. The metavolcanic rocks dated by LA-ICPMS U-Pb zircon method at 668 ± 3 Ma
have low- to medium-K calc-alkaline composition. Machado (Simões et al. 2014).
et al. (1990) reported the TIMS U-Pb age of ca. 753 Ma for The metasedimentary rocks of the Pontas do Salso Complex
a metadacite, which is identical to the U-Pb SHRIMP age are exposed in the southeastern portion of the SGT. Meta-
of 756 ± 14 Ma reported by Remus et al. (1999) and U-Pb arkoses are dominant, with subordinate lenses of conglomer-
LA-ICP-MS of 767 ± 3 Ma and 765 ± 10 Ma reported by atic meta-arkoses and phyllites. The metaconglomerates and
Gubert et al. (2016). Remus et al. (1999) and Hartmann et al. meta-sandstones are immature with clasts of metavolcanic and
(2011) obtained ages of ca. 700 Ma for the metamorphic event granitic rocks with andesitic to dacitic composition and medi-
that affected this sequence. um-K calc-alkaline affinity (Vedana et al. 2016). Petrographic
and geochemical data indicate that the sources of the
Metagranitic Rocks metasedimentary rocks were metavolcanic and metagranitic
The Cambaí Complex (CC) is composed of two magmatic rocks of the Passinho and São Gabriel arcs. LA-ICP-MS detri-
associations: (i) tonalitic, trondhjemitic and dioritic gneiss, and tal zircon provenance data for a meta-arkoses and muscovite
(ii) intrusive metatonalites, metagranodiorites and metadiorites phyllite indicated that the sources of the complex have ages
Brazilian Journal of Geology, 46(Suppl 1): 83-104, June 2016
Tectonic evolution of the Dom Feliciano Belt
between 900 and 680 Ma (Vedana et al. 2016). The youngest presented the results of combined SHRIMP and LA-ICP-MS
ages suggest that the complex represents a late- to post-oro- U-Pb ages of detrital zircon grains from the metasedimentary
genic basin and the collapse of the São Gabriel Arc. rocks of the Cambaizinho Complex. Igneous ages range from
840 to 700 Ma, with a peak around 750 and 700 Ma, suggest-
Metasedimentary Complexes ing that the tectonic setting of the original sediments was part
The Cambaizinho and Passo Feio complexes together of a fore-arc or back-arc basin. The δ18O values of the detrital
with the ophiolitic rocks are the oldest units of the SGT. zircon varied from +3.2 to +9.6% and are grouped into three
Both supracrustal units occur as km-long elongated strips, distinct groups of sediment sources. They point to a progres-
as well as metric-decametric xenoliths and roof pendants, sive evolution of the São Gabriel Terrane from an intraoceanic
in the Cambaí Complex metagranitoids and in the granites arc to a continental active margin.
of the LMLS (Hartmann et al. 2011). The Passo Feio Complex (PFC) is exposed in the eastern
The Cambaizinho Complex (CbC) (Lena et al. 2014) com- part of the SGT and was defined as a sequence of metapelite,
prises metapelitic gneisses with intercalations of calc-silicate marble, calc-silicate rocks and quartzite, intercalated with
rocks, marbles and impure quartzite. Metamorphic paragen- amphibolite, metavolcanic/metavolcanoclastic rocks and
esis as biotite + garnet + staurolite and plagioclase + quartz + magnesium schist (Figs. 3 and 5). The U-Pb SHRIMP
diopside + grossular indicates metamorphism in mid- to upper zircon provenance work was carried out by Remus et al.
amphibolite facies conditions. Sm-Nd isotope data presented (2000) in one sample from the northwestern part of the
by Saalmann et al. (2005) indicate that the original sediments of PFC, and show zircon grains ranging in age from Archean
the Cambaizinho Complex derived from the erosion of juvenile to Neoproterozoic. Based on U-Pb detrital zircon data of
rocks of the Passinho and São Gabriel arcs. Lena et al. (2014) the Passo Feio Complex metasedimentary rocks, Lopes et al.
54°04’10” 53°45’
214 222 230
Phanerozoic Cover Gabbro Capivaras Diorite Metatonalites and metadiorite
Post-tectonic Granites Peridotite Cerca de Pedra Granodiorite Tonalitic to Dioritic Gneisses
Acampamento Velho Fm. Metavolcanogenic Rocks Marbles Quartzites Magnesian schists
Maricá Group Paramphibolites Paragneisses Serpentines
Figure 7. Geological map of the Vila Nova region (modified from Hartmann et al. 2011).
Brazilian Journal of Geology, 46(Suppl 1): 83-104, June 2016
Ruy Paulo Philipp et al.
(2015) recognized also zircon ages ranging from 0.803 to Candiota regions display two LA-ICP-MS U-Pb age popula-
3.637 Ga with Neo, Meso and Paleoproterozoic and Archean tions: (i) Siderian ages of ca 2.40 to 2.35 Ga and (ii) Rhyacian
distribution pattern, suggesting that the PFC was originated ages, with values of ca 2.23 Ga to 2.15 Ga (Camozzato et al.
from the erosion of complex continental sources. 2013). In the Vigia Dome region, in Hulha Negra, the EC
orthogneisses are intruded by the Seival Metagranite and by
Tijucas Terrane theTupi Silveira Amphibolite. The tonalitic gneisses of the EC
The Tijucas Terrane (TjT) is elongated in the N30 – 40oE have U-Pb crystallization ages of 2.112 ± 22 Ma and 2.153 ±
direction, extending for 170 km with width between 15 and 20 Ma, as well as a concordia age of 643 ±13 Ma for meta-
30 km (Fig. 8). It is in tectonic contact with the SGT to the west morphic zircon grains (Camozzato et al. 2013).
along the Caçapava do Sul Shear Zone. The eastern boundary,
with the Pelotas Batholith, is marked by the strike-slip Dorsal do Vigia Complex
Canguçu Shear Zone (e.g.: Fernandes et al. 1992, Philipp et al. The Vigia Complex (VC) is a Paleoproterozoic (Rhyacian)
2003). The northeastern contact of the TjT with the Pelotas unit composed of dioritic, tonalitic and trondhjemitic gneisses
Batholith is affected by the Passo do Marinheiro Shear Zone. with minor amphibolite exposed at the southern portion of the
The TjT consists of: Tijucas Terrane (Camozzato et al. 2013) (Fig. 8). This metamor-
1. a basement inlier made of Paleoproterozoic orthogneis- phic complex is intruded by the Seival Metagranite, an elongate
ses of the Encantadas and Vigia complexes, NE-SW pluton of Sthaterian age that intrudes the VC in the
2. Statherian Seival Metagranite, southeastern portion of the Vigia Dome (Fig. 9). Geochemical
3. Calymminian Tupi Silveira Amphibolite, and data indicate that the VC gneisses are metaluminous to slightly
4. Neoproterozoic metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks peraluminous, with medium to high-K calc-alkaline nature, char-
of the Porongos Complex (Saalmann et al. 2005) (Fig. 8). acterizing a high-Al TTG association (Camozzato et al. 2013).
The VC tonalitic gneisses have LA-ICP-MS crystal-
Basement orthogneisses are exposed in the core of large- lization zircon ages of 2.05 – 2.04 Ga (Camozzato et al.
scale antiforms known as the Santana da Boa Vista Dome 2013). In the Vigia Dome region, in Hulha Negra, the VC
and as the Vigia Dome in the Hulha Negra region (Fig. 9). orthogneisses are intruded by the Seival Metagranite and
by theTupi Silveira Amphibolite.
Basement Domes
The Santana da Boa Vista and Vigia Domes are surrounded Seival Metagranite
by metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks of the Porongos The Seival Metagranite (SM) is a 40 x 10 km pluton elon-
Complex. The contact between the complexes is represented gated in the N30oE direction, intrusive into the VC gneiss in
by a low-angle ductile shear zone marked by mylonites which the southeastern portion of the Vigia Dome (Fig. 9). The meta-
obliterate the original stratigraphic relationships. granite has a monzogranite to granodiorite composition and
present equigranular texture made of K-feldspar, plagioclase,
Encantadas Complex quartz and biotite (< 5%). Geochemical data indicate high-K
The Encantadas Complex (EC) is a Paleoproterozoic calc-alkaline composition, with metaluminous to slightly per-
(Siderian and Rhyacian) unit composed of dioritic, tonalitic aluminous nature, and trace element characteristics similar
and trondhjemitic gneisses with minor amphibolite and to those of evolved arc-related associations (Camozzato et al.
hornblende-rich metaultramafic rocks, where gneisses are 2013). Three samples of the SM were dated and yielded U-Pb
metaluminous to slightly peraluminous, with medium-K LA-ICP-MS ages of 1.785 ± 42 Ma, 1.768 ± 24 Ma and 1.764 ±
calc-alkaline nature, representing a typical high-Al TTG 29 Ma, revealing, therefore, a previously unknown Statherian
association (Philipp et al. 2008, 2016b) (Fig. 8). This meta- granitic magmatism in southern Brazil (Camozzato et al. 2013).
morphic complex is intruded by Rhyacian mylonitic monzo-
and syenogranitic gneisses (Philipp et al. 2008, 2016b). Tupi Silveira Amphibolite
The EC tonalitic gneisses have SHRIMP U-Pb crystal- The Tupi Silveira Amphibolite (TSA) crops out in the
lization zircon ages of 2.340 Ma, whereas intrusive monzo- southern portion of the Vigia Dome, comprising two bod-
granitic to syenogranitic mylonitic gneisses present Rhyacian ies about 1 – 2 km in length, elongated in the N10oE and
LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages of 2.211 ± 17 Ma and 2.210 ± 16 Ma N30oE directions (Fig. 9). The bodies are intrusive into the VC
(Philipp et al. 2016b). The gneiss was metamorphosed under gneisses, although direct contact relationships have not been
upper amphibolite facies conditions during the Orosirian observed. The amphibolites present a regular and continuous
(2.040 ± 10 Ma and 2.020 ± 11 Ma) (Hartmann et al. 2003). banding of milimetric thickness and polygonal granoblastic
Zircon grains from the EC orthogneiss in the Hulha Negra and texture defined by plagioclase, hornblende, garnet and rare
Brazilian Journal of Geology, 46(Suppl 1): 83-104, June 2016
Tectonic evolution of the Dom Feliciano Belt
Phanerozoic Cover
Capané Antiform
Marble lenses rocks
Encantadas Gneisses
A = Santana da Boa Vista Dome
B = Serra dos Pedrosas Antiform
C = Canapé Antiform
31°30’S D = Serra do Godinho Antiform
Mylonitic rocks
12 km
Figure 8. Geological map of the Santana da Boa Vista region (Philipp et al. 2016b).
Brazilian Journal of Geology, 46(Suppl 1): 83-104, June 2016
Ruy Paulo Philipp et al.
diopside. U-Pb age of one sample of the TSA revealed the units of the TjT (Fig. 3). The supracrustal succession com-
crystallization age of 1.567 ± 21 Ma (Camozzato et al. 2013). prises two sequences (Fig. 8). The south and southeastern
This is similar to the 1.573 ± 21 Ma age of the Capivarita sequence consists of a pile of quartzite, schists and marble
Anorthosite (Chemale Jr. et al. 2011). These units represent lenses, interlayered with metarhyolites, metadacites and
a Calymminian anorogenic magmatic event characterized by meta-andesites. The northern sequence is younger and
basic and ultrabasic layered complexes. After crystallization, consists of metapelites and quartzites intercalated with
both units were affected by collisional metamorphism under Ediacaran felsic metavolcanic rocks represented by fine-
granulite facies, between ca. 650 and 620 Ma. grained crystal metatuffs and metadacites and intruded
by alkaline granite (Saalmann et al. 2010). The metamor-
Metavolcano-sedimentary complexes phism ranges from greenschist to amphibolite facies with
intermediate pressure.
Porongos Complex SHRIMP and LA-ICP-MS provenance studies have
The Porongos Complex (PC) is a Neoproterozoic shown that metasedimentary rocks of the PC derived from
metavolcano-sedimentary sequence and one of the main two main sources. The metasedimentary rocks in the lower
Neoproterozoic an Paleozoic
Neoproterozoic post-collisional
granitoids (Gr)
Pelotas Batholith (Pb)
Porongos Complex (Pc)
(Tijucas Terrane)
Arroio Marmeleiro Complex (AMc)
(São Gabriel Terrane)
Tupi Silveira Amphobolite (TSa)
S2 foliation
Gneissic layering
Mineral lineation
Figure 9. Geological map of Hulha Negra region, south portion of Tijucas Terrane (Camozzato et al. 2013).
Brazilian Journal of Geology, 46(Suppl 1): 83-104, June 2016
Tectonic evolution of the Dom Feliciano Belt
and dominant part of the complex (Santana da Boa Vista of compressional ductile movements were followed by an
region) were derived from the erosion of Archean, Paleo- and extensional post-collisional period.
Mesoproterozoic sources with ages between 2.9 and 2.0 Ga, The emplacement of the different intrusions took place
and between 1.6 and 1.0 Ga, respectively (Hartmann et al. between 650 and 550 Ma, but only a small proportion of the
2004, Gruber et al. 2011, Pertile et al. 2015a,b). Recent granite plutons have been precisely dated. The available Sr and
studies in the Cachoeira do Sul region, northern part of the Nd isotopic data suggest reworking of Paleoproterozoic conti-
complex, indicate that the rocks in this sector derived from nental crust (Philipp et al. 2003, 2007). The oldest unit of the
Neoproterozoic sources (Gruber et al. 2011, Pertile et al. batholith is the Quitéria Granite, followed by the Cordilheira
2015a,b). LA-ICP-MS U-Pb detrital zircon ages between Suite, Pinheiro Machado Complex, and the Viamão, Erval,
850 and 700 Ma suggest that this part of the basin represents Piquiri, Encruzilhada do Sul, Dom Feliciano and the Itapuã
a back-arc or a foreland basin. New SHRIMP U-Pb analy- suites (Koester et al. 2001a,b, Frantz et al. 2003, Philipp et al.
ses of metadacites and meta-andesites of the Santana da Boa 2002, 2003, 2013). Despite the fact that diorites are com-
Vista and of metarhyolites of the Piratini region gave age monly associated with the granitoids, Sr and Nd isotope data
values of 798 ± 6 Ma, 801 ± 5 Ma, 807 ± 7 Ma and 803 ± indicate a common trend of high 87Sr/86Sr initial ratios and
4 Ma to Cerro da Árvore metadacites (unpublished data). negative εNd values. The Sm-Nd (TDM) model ages are in the
Two groups of granite intrusions in the PC are recognized: interval between 1.100 and 2.100 Ma, supporting, therefore,
1. peraluminous granites with muscovite, garnet and tour- origin of the granitic melts by anatexis of older crustal rocks
maline and (Koester et al. 2001b, Philipp et al. 2003, 2013, 2016a).
2. alkaline leucogranites with Fe-rich biotite and/or sodic
pyroxene (Capané and Candiotinha type metagranite). Granitic Suites
The Quitéria Metagranite is the oldest granite in the batho-
These granites are deformed and emplaced along the S2 lith, with a U-Pb SHRIMP zircon age of 658 ± 4 Ma (Frantz
regional foliation. The compositional and textural characteris- et al. 2003). In the Quitéria region, the peraluminous granites of
tics were highlighted by Camozzato et al. (2012) who correlated the Cordilheira Suite have U-Pb SHRIMP zircon ages between
the pearluminous granites with the intrusions of the Cordilheira ca. 634 and 625 ± 6 Ma (Cordilheira and Francisquinho gran-
Suite. U-Pb LA-ICP-MS data on zircon indicate crystallization at ites) and 605 ± 8 Ma (Figueiras granite) (Frantz et al. 2003).
589 ± 25 Ma for the Candiotinha Metagranite (Camozzato et al. New LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon ages of peraluminous leucogranite
2013) and 601 ± 7 Ma for the Capané Metagranite (unpublished in migmatitic pelitic gneiss of the Varzea do Capivarita Complex
data). The ages obtained on the overgrowths of zircon crystals indicate crystallization at 620 ± 6 Ma, whereas metamorphic
and titanite indicates metamorphism at ca. 540 Ma. zircon grains of the migmatitic gneisses have the age of 619 ±
5 Ma. This indicates that the granitic magmatism of the Quitéria
Pelotas Batholith region represents the early stages of formation of the Pelotas
The Pelotas Batholith is composed of a set of Neoproterozoic Batholith (Philipp et al. 2013, 2016a).
(Ediacaran) granitic suites, generated during and after the The collisional peak was controlled by compression and
climax of the Dom Feliciano orogeny. The granitic suites are new shear episodes along the Dorsal de Canguçu Shear Zone,
elongated in the N50 – 70oE direction, and their genera- associated with the generation of granitic to basic magmas,
tion and emplacement were controlled by high angle ductile suggesting important anatexis. This event culminated in the
transcurrent shear zones. The batholith is a multi-intrusive generation of the granites of the Pinheiro Machado Complex
400 x 120 km plutonic complex including granite, gab- and Viamão Suite. These suites present U-Pb and Pb-Pb TIMS
bro and diorite, as well as rhyolitic to basaltic dikes swarms zircon ages between 630 and 620 Ma (Babinski et al. 1997,
(Fig. 10) (Philipp & Machado 2005). The granitoids repre- Philipp et al. 2002, 2003, Silva et al. 1997). The geochro-
sent an early generation of high-K calc-alkaline suites with nological data available for the Viamão Suite granites indi-
metaluminous to peraluminous affinity, followed by alka- cate U-Pb TIMS zircon ages of 595 ± 1 Ma for the Arroio
line magmatism and, finally, less voluminous peralkaline Moinho Granite (Babinski et al. 1997), 630 ± 6 Ma for the
intrusions (Philipp & Machado 2005, Oliveira et al. 2015). Viamão Granite, and a LA-ICP-MS age of 627 ± 16 Ma for
Shear zones in the batholith are defined by mylonitic belts the Barão do Triunfo Granite (Philipp et al. 2016c).
with sub-vertical foliation, accompanied by sub-hori- Late to post-collisional reactivation of the shear zones
zontal stretching lineation, and were active during the between ca. 610 and 550 Ma resulted in the emplacement of
development of the batholith, controlling the intrusion of the alkaline and peralkaline Piquiri and Encruzilhada do Sul
the granitic suites (Fig. 10) (Fernandes et al. 1992, Koester suites, and high-K calc-alkaline to alkaline granites of the Dom
et al. 2001b, Philipp et al. 2003). Syn-collisional episodes Feliciano suite (Vasquez, 1997, Philipp et al. 2003). Zircon from
Brazilian Journal of Geology, 46(Suppl 1): 83-104, June 2016
Ruy Paulo Philipp et al.
0 10 km 50
Erval Suite
Brittle Shear Zone
Pinheiro Machado Complex Cities:
PMSZ - Passo do Marinheiro
AG - Arroio Grande, C - Canguçu,
Cordilheira Suite (0.63-0.62 Ga) Ductile Shear Zones ES - Encruzilhada do Sul, E - Erval,
1 - Arroio Francisquinho, 2 - Cordilheira, DCSZ - Dorsal de Canguçu PG - Pantano Grande, P - Pelotas,
3 - Figueiras, 4 - Três Figueiras
ESZ - Erval PA - Porto Alegra, PM - Pinheiro
Quitéria Granite (0.64 Ga) VAYSZ - Vila Ayrosa Galvão Machado, SBV - Santana da
AGSZ - Arroio Grande Boa Vista
Figure 10. Geotectonic simplified map of the Pelotas Batholith (modified from Philipp et al. 2016a).
Brazilian Journal of Geology, 46(Suppl 1): 83-104, June 2016
Tectonic evolution of the Dom Feliciano Belt
syenites of the Piquiri Suite were dated by Pb-Pb evapora- area, the Capivarita Anorthosite and other Paleoproterozoic base-
tion TIMS method, with ages of 611 ± 3 Ma for the Piquiri ment rocks record the collisional metamorphism under upper
Syenite and 612 ± 3 Ma for the Arroio Silva Syenite (Philipp amphibolite to granulite facies conditions (Fernandes et al. 1992,
et al. 2002). Granites of the Encruzilhada do Sul Suite have the Chemale Jr. et al. 2011, Philipp et al. 2016a). The magmatic ages
U-Pb TIMS zircon age of 595 ± 4 Ma (Babinski et al. 1997) of orthogneisses of the ARC are ca. 2.2 – 2.0 Ga (Leite et al.
and the Rb-Sr isochron age of 587 ± 7 Ma (Vasquez 1997). 2000, Silva et al. 2005, Gregory et al. 2015) with juvenile sig-
A new U-Pb LA-ICP-MS zircon age obtained by Philipp et al. natures and metamorphism at 631 ± 13 Ma (Silva et al. 2005).
(2016c) showed a value of 595 ± 8 Ma for the porphyritic facies Several other smaller gneiss bodies were described high-
of the Encruzilhada do Sul Granite. lighting the widespread occurrence of high grade ortho- and
The northern portion of the Pelotas Batholith is paragneiss, and also the presence of large xenoliths of schist,
dominated by the voluminous post-collisional leucogran- quartzite and marble of the Porongos Complex in the Herval
ites of the Dom Feliciano Suite, emplaced at the end of the and Pedro Osório regions (Philipp et al. 2003).
Neoproterozoic. The Ponta Grossa Granite has the U-Pb The Porto Alegre gneisses have been correlated with the
TIMS zircon age of 600 ± 9 Ma (Philipp et al. 2016c). A ARC rocks (Philipp et al. 2004). Recently, however, Koester
pegmatoid leucogranite cutting the Porto Alegre Gneiss et al. (2016) presented a Neoproterozoic U-Pb SHRIMP zircon
crystallized at 585 ± 6 Ma with inheritance at 739 ± 45 Ma. age of 789 ± 13 Ma for the Chácara das Pedras orthogneiss,
According to Oliveira et al. (2001), the Itapuã Suite includes indicating probably a new arc generation. The xenoliths of
granitoids and dike swarms of alkaline affinity that were tonalitic gneiss inside of the gneiss present a U-Pb LA-ICP-MS
previously included in the Dom Feliciano Suite. The suite zircon age of 1.993 ± 25 Ma, probably related to inheritance
comprises granite, syenogranite, q uartz-syenite and subor- of ARC gneisses (Philipp et al. 2016c).
dinate syenite, as well as a dyke swarms of comenditic rhy- Based on the pseudosection investigation and in the para-
olite to basalt with alkaline to peralkaline affinity (Oliveira genesis garnet-cordierite-sillimanite-biotite, the metamorphism
et al. 2015). A U-Pb SHRIMP zircon age of 600 ± 3 Ma of the VCC occurred at 720 – 820o C and pressure of 8 to 9
was reported for the Santana Granite (Koester et al. 2001a). kbar, characterizing it as of intermediate pressure and high
New U-Pb LA-ICP-MS zircon data obtained indicated ages temperature series (Philipp et al. 2013). Metamorphic zircon
around 550 Ma for the felsic dikes (Oliveira et al. 2015). grains of a garnet-sillimanite-biotite gneiss of the VCC and of
an associated peraluminous leucogranite were dated at 620 ±
Basement inliers and xenoliths 5 Ma (main metamorphism) and at 612 ± 6 Ma for the crys-
During ascent and emplacement, the granitic suites cap- tallization of the leucogranite (Philipp et al. 2016a).
tured xenoliths of the country rocks with dimensions of up to U-Pb dating of magmatic and metamorphic zircon grains
several kilometers across. Petrographic, geochemical and struc- of the Capivarita Anorthosite yielded the age of 1573 ± 21 Ma
tural data for these xenoliths show that they are comparable to and of 606 ± 6 Ma, respectively, whereas titanite grains have
the adjacent metamorphic units of the Nico Perez Microplate. the igneous crystallization age of 1530 ± 33 Ma and metamor-
Basement inliers are represented by low to high grade meta- phic ages of 651 ± 9 Ma and 601 ± 5 Ma (Chemale Jr. et al.
morphic rocks, which occur in large areas in the northern por- 2011). The older metamorphic age is interpreted as the age
tion of the batholith and as xenoliths of centimetric to deca- of collisional metamorphism and the younger ages are related
metric dimensions in the central and southern areas. The main to the contact metamorphism produced by the Encruzilhada
exposures are within granites of the Encruzilhada do Sul Suite, do Sul Granite. The Lu-Hf model ages of the CA showed two
and are xenoliths of paragneisses of the Várzea do Capivarita clusters: from 1.81 to 2.03 Ga (εHf from +2.2 to +6.4) and
Complex (VCC) and orthogneisses of the Arroio dos Ratos from 2.55 to 2.62 Ga (εHf from -4.59 to -5.64). This mag-
Complex (ARC) (Fernandes et al. 1992, Philipp et al. 2016a). matism may represent an important episode of continental
In the same region, in the northern part of the Pelotas Batholith, accretion in an extensional setting during fragmentation of
is the Capivarita Anorthosite (CA) (Chemale et al. 2011). a supercontinent in the Early Mesoproterozoic.
Large exposures of the VCC and ARC occur as “roof pen-
dants” in granitoids of the Encruzilhada do Sul Suite and, to a The Seival volcano-sedimentary-
lesser extent, of the Cordilheira Suite. The ARC is composed plutonic Association
of tonalite to granodiorite gneisses cut by granites, and present The plutonic-volcano-sedimentary Seival Association
tectonic contacts with the VCC paragneiss (Martil et al. 2011, represents the late to post-orogenic stages of the Dom
Gregory et al. 2015). Rocks of both complexes were metamor- Feliciano Event (Paim et al. 2000, Chemale Jr. 2000).
phosed under medium to high grade metamorphic conditions The main unit of this association is the Camaquã Basin,
(Lima et al. 1998, Gross et al. 2006, Philipp et al. 2013). In this comprising four depositional successions associated with
Brazilian Journal of Geology, 46(Suppl 1): 83-104, June 2016
Ruy Paulo Philipp et al.
NE-SW shear zones (Fig. 3). In the last three sequences, the transtensional rift basin developed when amalgamation of
shear zones and extensional faults probably reached the mantle the shield was already completed (Oliveira et al. 2015). The
and lower crust levels and generated the volcanic rocks of the high-K calc-alkaline plutons have SHRIMP and LA-ICP-MS
Hilário (Bom Jardim Group), Acampamento Velho (Santa U-Pb ages between 598 and 570 Ma, whereas the alkaline
Bárbara Group) and Rodeio formations (Guaritas Group). plutons crystallized between 570 – 550 Ma.
Large shoshonite to high-K calc-alkaline magmatism defined
by elongated volcanic bodies parallel to the main transcurrent
fault systems are suggestive of the role of these structures in EVOLUTION OF THE DOM
the depositional control and also in the origin of magmatism. FELICIANO BELT
Two main granitoid suites were generated in this period:
1. Shoshonitic to high-K calc-alkaline and The early evolution of the DFB involved the deformation
2. alkaline granites. of the sedimentary rocks at the western passive margin of the
Nico Perez Microplate and of the Paleoproterozoic units of the
The emplacement of the shoshonitic granitoids such as sialic basement (Fig. 11). The metamorphic evolution of the
the Lavras do Sul is associated with the deposition of the Dom Deliciano belt took place during two main collisional
Bom Jardim Group, whereas the sedimentary and volcanic events. The first collision occurred between the arc systems
rocks of the Santa Barbara Group are contemporaneous with (Passinho and São Gabriel) and the Nico Perez Microplate
the emplacement of the Acampamento Velho Formation at ca. 720 – 710 Ma along the western portion of the belt,
rhyolites and high-K calc-alkaline granitoids such as the associated with the closure of the Charrua Ocean. Subduction
Caçapava do Sul Granite and of alkaline granitoids such as related low- to medium-K calc-alkaline plutonic and volca-
the Jaguari, Ramada, Cerro da Cria and São Sepé granites. no-sedimentary associations are represented in the São Gabriel
Terrane by the Passinho and São Gabriel arcs (Saalmann et al.
Camaquã Basin 2005, 2010). The second and most important collisional
Sedimentary rocks of the Camaquã Basin have ages event is believed to have been an oblique collision between
between 600 Ma and 540 Ma (Paim et al. 2000, Chemale Jr. the RLPC/Nico Perez Microplate (or Encantadas Microplate,
2000, Oliveira et al. 2014). The basin is formed by different Chemale Jr. 2000) and the Kalahari Craton between 650 and
sedimentary and volcano-sedimentary units, with associated 620 Ma (Chemale Jr. et al. 2011, Camozzato et al. 2012,
plutonic rocks, and separated from each other by angular or 2013, Gregory et al. 2015, Philipp et al. 2016a). This event
erosional unconformities of regional character. The basin was also caused the strong deformation of the arc related rocks,
filled and deformed during the late stages of the Brasiliano passive margin sedimentary rocks and of units of the sialic
orogeny. The deposition is believed to have evolved from basement. The process led to the anatexis of the metamor-
marine environments (Maricá Group), through transitional phic units (Philipp et al. 2013, 2016a).
between marine and lacustrine conditions (Bom Jardim and
Santa Barbara Groups) to fluvial and lacustrine environ- The Basement
ments (Guaritas Group) (Figs. 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9). The first The margins of the Nico Perez Microplate in RS is extremely
two cycles are controlled by NE-SW shear zones associated deformed and affected by two main events (800 – 760 Ma
with transcurrent compressive tectonics under ruptile-duc- and 650 – 550 Ma) and by intense granitic magmatism with
tile conditions. The last three depositional episodes started subordinate volcanic rocks. Isotopic data suggest that frag-
with the eruption of volcanic rocks with tholeiitic, high-K ments of the Nico Perez Microplate are widespread in many
calc-alkaline to shoshonitic characteristics (Hilário Formation, areas of the DFB. These gneisses are Paleoproterozoic, and
Bom Jardim Group), changing later to bimodal tholeiitic to their parental granitic rocks formed during three orogenic
sodic alkaline nature (Acampamento Velho Formation, Santa episodes: Siderian (Santa Maria Chico Granulitic Complex,
Barbara Group) and finishing with alkaline basaltic volcanics 2.37 to 2.35 Ga), Rhyacian (Encantadas, Vigia and Arroio dos
(Rodeio Velho Formation, Guaritas Group) (Wildner et al. Ratos complexes, 2.2. to 2.1 Ga), and less abundant Statherian
2002, Sommer et al. 2005, Janikian et al. 2012). rocks (Seival Metagranite, 1.78 to 1.75 Ga) (Camozzato
The Maricá Group is interpreted to be formed as et al. 2012, 2013, Philipp et al. 2013, 2016c). These units
retro-arc foreland basin due collision of the Rio de la have been intruded by Calymmian (1.57 to 1.55 Ga) anoro-
Plata and Encantadas microcontinent (Borba et al. 2006, genic basic rocks, represented in the Tijucas Terrane by the
2008). The overlying Bom Jardim Group is resulted from Tupi Silveira Amphibolite and in the Pelotas Batholith by
transpressive tectonics and associated volcanism (Paim the Capivarita Anorthosite (Camozzato et al. 2012, 2013,
et al. 2000). The upper section of the Camaquã Basin is a Chemale Jr. et al. 2011).
Brazilian Journal of Geology, 46(Suppl 1): 83-104, June 2016
Tectonic evolution of the Dom Feliciano Belt
Closure of the Charrua Ocean During the last two decades, arc-related Neoproterozoic plu-
The construction of the Neoproterozoic DFB starts tonic complexes and volcano-sedimentary sequences have been
with the closure of the Charrua Ocean during the Passinho recognized in Goiás and Rio Grande do Sul. These important
and São Gabriel orogenies and later with the collision subduction-related juvenile crustal accretions took place during
between the arc systems and the western margin of the the Tonian (Leite et al. 1998, Saalmann et al. 2010, Philipp
Nico Perez Microplate. The final stages of evolution of the et al. 2014). These associations suggest that the duration of the
Brasiliano orogenic cycle are marked by the closure of the Brasiliano orogeny and ocean plate subduction was substan-
Adamastor Ocean during the Dom Feliciano orogeny. tially longer than what has been suggested in previous models.
This orogenesis is characterized by the emplacement of They demonstrate the existence of small ocean basins separat-
voluminous syn-collisional high-K calc-alkaline granites ing continental microplates, which were later amalgamated.
of metaluminous to peraluminous character, associated The new geochronological and isotopic data indicate
with high-grade metamorphism coeval with the colli- that subduction between 900 and 700 Ma marked the ini-
sion between the Rio de La Plata and Kalahari cratons. tial stages of the Neoproterozoic orogenic events in south-
The collapse of the Dom Feliciano Belt is defined by ern Brazil (e.g. Hartmann et al. 2011). The rock units which
important late- to post-orogenic granitic magmatism of represent this period of oceanic lithosphere consumption are
high-K calc-alkaline to alkaline affinity. This is accom- exposed only in the São Gabriel Terrane. Opening of the
panied by the deposition of the four sedimentary suc- oceanic basin between the RLPC and Nico Perez Microplate
cessions of the Camaquã Basin, the last three associated started at least 0.95 – 0.9 Ga ago (Saalmann et al. 2005, 2006,
with intense volcanic activity. Arena & Hartmann, 2015) (Fig. 11). Subduction of oceanic
mobile belts
Archean Nucleous
Rio de la Plata
Continental Plate
C 0.95-0.93 Ga
Rio de la Passo Feio
Plata Complex
Craton Nico Perez
Study area Microplate
0 2,000 km
Pre-Brazilian/Pan African
Rio de La
Plata Craton Charrua
Figure 11. (A) Southern portion of Gondwana showing the main cratonic areas and the location of the Dom
Feliciano belt and related belts of Africa. (B) Detail of the compositon of the Rio de La Plata continental plate,
highlighting the archean nucleus. (C) Opening of the Charrua Ocean between the Rio de La Plata Craton (old
nucleus) and the Nico Perez Microplate (paleoproterozoic mobile belt).
Brazilian Journal of Geology, 46(Suppl 1): 83-104, June 2016
Ruy Paulo Philipp et al.
lithosphere started at about 900 to 860 Ma leading to the Granites of the first group are coeval with collisional meta-
development of the Passinho Arc, an intraoceanic island arc morphism, and the younger are late-orogenic and associated
above an east-dipping subduction zone (e.g.:Philipp et al. with late-stage movements of the high-angle shear zones in
2014, Lusa et al. 2016). Eastward subduction beneath the the northern (Cachoeira do Sul) and southern (Candiota)
Nico Perez Microplate resulted in the establishment of the areas of the Tijucas Terrane (Camozzato et al. 2012, 2013).
São Gabriel Arc, with active continental margin magmatism The deformation prograded to the east, being recorded in
with main activity between 780 and 700 Ma (Saalmann et al. left-lateral ductile shear zones along the Dorsal de Canguçu Shear
2010, Hartmann et al. 2011 and references therein). Zone which was active between 650 and 620 Ma (e.g.: Fernandes
Dextral oblique collision of the arc systems and accretion to et al. 1992; Philipp et al. 2003, 2013, 2016a). The sialic base-
the west passive margin of the Nico Perez Microplate occurred ment of this region, represented by orthogneisses of the ARC
between ca. 710 and 700 Ma (Remus et al. 1999). The colapse and paragneisses of the VCC, have been strongly deformed and
of the orogen is defined by the formation of a late-orogenic metamorphosed under medium- to high-grade and intermediate
basin represented by the metasediments of the Pontas do Salso pressure conditions. As a result of the oblique collision, the Dorsal
Complex, with a maximum age of ca. 680 Ma (Vedana et al. 2016). de Canguçu Shear Zone formed, which caused partial melting
in the mantle or lower crustal depths. While this shear zone was
Closure of the Adamastor Ocean active, large volumes of granitic magmas formed, including, for
The Porongos Complex (PC) formed along the east- example, the 650 Ma old Quitéria Granite (Koester et al. 2001b),
ern passive margin of the Nico Perez Microplate. The geo- as well as a smaller volume of mafic magmas.
cronological data suggest Paleoproterozoic sources within The second and most important collisional event was the
the Nico Perez and Archean sources from Rio de La Plata, oblique collision between the RLPC/Nico Perez Microplate
Congo and Kalahari cratons for sediments of this part of and Kalahari Craton between 650 and 620 Ma (Chemale Jr.
the complex. Mesoproterozoic zircon grains may have been et al. 2011, Gregory et al. 2015, Philipp et al. 2016a). The dis-
derived from the Andean basement situated in the central placement of the basement terrains along the NE-SW trans-
part of Argentina or, alternatively, from southern Africa current shear zones was also responsible for generating space
(Hartmann et al. 2004, Gruber et al. 2011, Pertile et al. for the emplacement of the granitic suites. The anatexis asso-
2015a,b). The field data associated with the provenance ciated to the late stage of collisional process generated large
data suggest that the Porongos basin originated as an east volumes of high-K calc-alkaline granitic magmas and resulted
passive margin basin of the Nico Perez Microplate. On the in the formation of the Pelotas Batholith and associated mafic
other hand, the geochemical and U-Pb ages of metavolca- and felsic magmatism of the Camaquã Basin (Philipp et al.
nic rocks of the PC suggest that they formed in a continen- 2013, 2016a). This magmatism started with the development
tal magmatic arc. These data are supported by the age of of the Dorsal do Canguçu Shear Zone and emplacement of
Piratini Gneisses (Silva et al. 1997) and by the new data of the Quitéria granite. This event took place during or right after
Koester et al. (2016). The Lu-Hf data presented by Pertille the peak of collisional metamorphism generating anatexis of
et al. (2015b) indicate that the Porongos metavolcanic rocks the pelitic gneisses of the VCC and of the orthogneisses of the
derived from an old crustal source aged between 2.4 and ARC. Pseudosection studies suggest temperatures between 740
2.2 Ga, and could not be correlated with the São Gabriel and 820°C and pressures of 9 to 10 kbar (Philipp et al. 2013).
Arc metavolcanics. The metavolcanic rocks of the Bossoroca The Cordilheira Suite formed during this event at ca. 650
Complex display positive εHf (+8 to +12) and source age of and 620 Ma (Philipp et al., 2013, 2016a). The collision generated
0.9 to 1.0 Ga (unpublished data). large volumes of high-K calc-alkaline granites and resulted in the
The volcano-sedimentary rocks of the Porongos Complex formation of the Pelotas Batholith. The Cordilheira and Arroio
exposed in the Cachoeira do Sul area display features which Francisquinho granites are the main bodies of the Cordilheira
are different from those of the Santana da Boa Vista region, Suite and are emplaced along the the Dorsal de Canguçu Shear
since they show Neoproterozoic provenance and geochemical Zone. The increase in thermal gradient and ascent of the asthe-
characteristics which are indicative of magmatic arc sources nosphere at the base of the orogen may have contributed to
(Saalmann et al. 2006, Pertile et al. 2015a,b). The data might extensive anatexis and generation of peraluminous granitoids.
suggest the existence of a younger foreland basin. Following continental collision, between 600 and 570 Ma,
Two granite groups have been identified within the the development and emplacement of the Pelotas Batholith
Porongos Complex: took place in the lower crust associated with ductile trans-
1. calc-alkaline muscovite- and tourmaline-bearing peralu- current shear zones. Left-lateral shear also characterized 630
minous granites, and – 550 Ma deformation in the Pelotas Batholith further to
2. alkaline and peralkaline intrusions with aegirine and biotite. the east. Late-orogenic plutonic, volcanic and sedimentary
Brazilian Journal of Geology, 46(Suppl 1): 83-104, June 2016
Tectonic evolution of the Dom Feliciano Belt
units of the Seival Association formed under transtensional the largest area of Paleoproterozoic orthogneisses (Siderian),
to extensional environments between 590 and 500 Ma, intruded by granites and covered by Neoproterozoic sedi-
resulting in the orogenetic collapse of the DFB. mentary and volcanic rocks.
All units of the Dom Feliciano Belt were mapped on a
regional scale and the inclusion of this database with the current
CONCLUSIONS set of geochronological and isotopic data has provided significant
advances in the understanding of its units and the correlation
The recent isotope data indicate that the the evolution of the of the processes with other orogenic belts of Brazil and Africa.
DFB took place between 0.9 and 0.54 Ga. Three orogenic events
known as the Passinho (0.9 – 0.86 Ga), São Gabriel (0.77 –
0.68 Ga) and Dom Feliciano (0.65 – 0.54 Ga) are recognized. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
The evolution of the São Gabriel Terrane is preserved in
igneous zircon grains, indicating ages of 0.93 Ga to 0.9 for the We would like to aknowledge the Brazilian National
opening of the Charrua Ocean and 0.9 to 0.7 Ga for the closure Council for Scientific and Technological Development
and generation of the intraoceanic Passinho Arc (0.9 – 0.86 (CNPq) for the research grants, the Geoscience Institute of
Ga) and the São Gabriel Arc (0.77 – 0.68 Ga). The collision Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) for
of the arc systems against the Nico Perez Microplate occurred field work support and laboratories, and the Geochronology
around 0.71 – 0.7 Ga, and the collapse of the SGT is marked Research Center of Universidade de São Paulo (USP), for
by the deposition of the Pontas do Salso Complex at 680 Ma. the access to LA-ICP-MS laboratories. We are grateful to
The Tijucas Terrane is composed of the Paleoproterozoic Eduardo Camozzato, Jorge Laux, Enrique Iglesias, Romulo
orthogneiss domes of Santana da Boa and Vigia (Siderian Machado, Miguel A.S. Basei and reviewers for the helpful
and Rhyacian) and of Neoproterozoic metavolcano-sedimen- comments and suggestions, and to Marly Babinski for com-
tary rocks (Cryogenian). The Taquarembó Terrane present ments and editorial handling of the manuscript.
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Brazilian Journal of Geology, 46(Suppl 1): 83-104, June 2016